Showing posts with label Bomb. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bomb. Show all posts

Thursday, March 6, 2025

Radiological Event Vision: (Unedited): 06 March 2025:

More writing may happen. Hopefully not political. But I think the motives are all political. The gaining of power and the losing of power. Also, no quotes as of yet.
Visions. With variances. Variances not written down. Almost like they who ever they are is thinking up plans that they will go forward with. The variances were not blurry or overlaid. They all  were of their own. 
Ground Burst.
Truck inside of garage.
Truck in between buildings.
Tall buildings gone. Hole. Destruction. Smoke. 
Farm not really farming.
Unused sliver of land. Point of interest.
The enemies or political allies know and move out of soon to be affected area.
Is there or are there missing nuclear weapons? or have nuclear weapons made their way inside of CONUS? There are people still in positions  of military who are beholding to the democrat party over their sworn oaths of office and to the American flag. 
Recently, I've been thinking about President Trump and how he is revealing all of the corruption in government. No one likes anyone to mess with their money. This includes the criminally minded who have attained all that they have from criminal and corrupt activities.
As of today, I think about or more than 70% of the total American population are now against the democrat party. The collapse or the reorganization of the democrat party is imminent. The democrat party has been on the wrong side of history for hundreds of years. This must coincide with the incarceration of all proven to be corrupt elected leaders assuming they are still alive along with all involved family members and associates. All monies, stocks, mutual funds and related properties must be returned to the American people no matter which nation those assets are hiding in.
In desperation in order for the democrat party to remain there must be an extreme emergency event in which all or most Republican leaders must die. The republican party has a history of dissenting and being overruled by the democrat party. Those surviving Republican members will fall in line in order to give their votes which will only give the appearance of a functioning democracy. In that way the democrats can suddenly rise up to become the heroes they delusionally think they are. So the democrats must orchestrate and plan this emergency event of some kind or will they all just go silently into the night with their accumulated wealth.
What will happen? How far will President Trump and his team go? 
You the reader need to know. I'm not political and am not a follower of Trump or any other human. 
Added on 07 March 2025: Got nothing new. Seems very political. 
Why did I assume nuclear anything?
Well, The Epstein files will be redacted for national security reasons. This is a crime against all Americans and that list should not be redacted. Those persons on that list should all be investigated and if found guilty in a court of law, Incarcerated. 
Also, Bear in mind that I have also noticed that no one is being arrested except for those in the lower cast of local politics for corruption. 
You must consider the President Trump may not be an ally of and for good or should will all continue to play the patient game?
Added on 09 March 2025: Nothing new. No quotes. Probably just a dream. But, dreams are never just dreams.  Look up my dream writings. Yea, I have no idea where or when they are on here.
Added on 10 March 2025:
Still got nothing more. 
Please help if you can. Thank You.
Cash App $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.

Sunday, July 30, 2023

The Coming Savagery Of Peaceful Resolute Civilians +5: (Unedited): 30 July 2023:

 Resolute peaceful citizens deeply desire to hold on to the good ways of living. But, when force is applied to their self chosen ways of righteous living. All manner of godly hell will follow. For it is the one and only righteous God who created hell in the first place.
When peaceful and free citizens begins to take up arms against their own newly grown tyrannical government. It will be those who blindly support the risen up evil doing regime who shall realize that their honor and integrity has been given away in favor of quenching their murderous blood lusts. 
Those evildoing governmental supporters who deeply want the tyrannical government to become all powerful. You shall find yourselves in a no win crossroads. For if you go forward or backwards you shall die. If you go left or right you shall die. For your just a foolish pawn which must be sacrificed and you will.
While it is true the American civilians are buying guns and ammunition in record numbers. But, this is for tradition ammunition like .22 and 9mm types. The problem for the evildoing and wicked tyrannical government is when those very same civilians begins to buy very large caliber guns. 
As the civilians begin to realize that it will be their own governmental forces who will come against them. The civilians will begin to buy large caliber guns in order to defeat the body armor of those governmental forces which come forth. They will engage at distance first. I have written about this I think more than once.  
Yea, the .22 short, .22 Long Rifle, .22 Magnum .223, 5.56mm are all .22 caliber bullets. Think about it.
The American civilian at heart is the kindest, most generous people on the planet. But, when the government begins to take away their freedoms and liberties. They will become the most savage of forces ever seen. Any evil doer who comes before them with intent to harm or capture. Will be met with absolute savagery. 
You will see this change when the wicked evil doers discover that they shall be utterly helpless and defenseless when the good people take up arms against them. No manner of pleading shall save you as your brutally killed. 
As the right living peaceful citizen begins to realize that civility, law and order as well as justice is gone from the land. The citizens will transform into the kind of savages which have been foretold in histories past. 
The blind, deaf and stupid evil doing soldiers know not the savagery in which they will face. They will learn what happens when good-natured people transform themselves into individual war machines. The psychological effects in which they will never recover from. Self induced final sleep shall be their only escape.
The delicate nature of the evil doing governmental forces shall be evident as their ineffectiveness becomes the sounds of crying and panic. The citizens who have become war machines incarnate shall kill them all and strip them bare. 
The civilian shall repurpose all equipment taken. This will lead to a practice of the government bombing their own equipment and dead personnel. In my visions the government shall not even make an attempt to recover or support their own lost or losing soldiers. 
The useful idiots who stupidly follow the rise of the new wicked government will not even consider that they are all sacrificial pawns specifically chosen to die and buried in mass graves with no respect or concern. To be forgotten forever.
This is assuming the very same wicked government will even come for their corpses. In which they will not. It shall be the good natured people who exert the resources to respectfully bury their forgotten corpses. They shall even pray over your bodies. Even as the government will kill them who pray for your dead bodies. Luke 23:34.
There will be an evolution of government forces after the war against the civilians have begun. The government will begin to use foreign special forces who wear the uniform. In the soldiers rank will be those who speak no English. 
Those who shall wear the uniform shall speak no English and not desire to speak English. It will be these who thirst to kill everyone and destroy all that comes before them. Their vile hatred shall torture all of those who happen to live. They will kill everyone. Those who are involved in the fight, those who do not fight and even those who are known as treasonous traitors for their benefit. Those who give up on their own people are the most distasteful to them. Those who stand up to them shall be respected with a good death. Those who do not fight which is not the same as physically incapable. Will be seen as cowards as their stench is removed from the Earth. 
The government forces shall use all aspects of technological intelligence gathering methods against their own citizens and shall bomb sleeping families from fifty plus miles away and then declare that it was a bomb/bullet making factory and they blew themselves up. 
I've written about this before. This time I see in this vision hundreds or thousands of darkened homes being bombed with individual missiles.
Tactics will begin to be applied to those who who march for evil. They will be encircled and their faces revealed as they are pounded upon. 
I have seen this in a vision. I saw a group of evil doers protesting and then a group of good ole boys staging a confront patter in order to cause the protestors to remain in place. Then from behind the confronted evil doers another group of good ole boys complete the encircling. Thus, outnumber the evil doers are then able to capture, Take ID, reveal to the world and bust up their faces and bones.
The good people will become fed up and will begin to pound the faces of those who interfere with their livelihoods. 
Good people are still trying to be nice when trying to move protestors are of their way. While the protestors have no concern if their actions cause harm or suffering. When the good people realize this. The good people will become brutally violent.
These visions and dreams from last night and this morning seem very clear. There were some blurry things. But, one clear dream was this. The respectful burial of government soldiers was met by one prayerful woman who openly prayed over or on top of the properly respected dead in an organized and marked mass grave. An incoming rather large missile or bomb destroyed the mass grave and instantly killed the praying woman. I found it suspect that she was the only one and I assume that this has been done before. So the living people left her behind to pray for the soldiers souls. I think they knew and yet she stood alone and stilled prayed for them. The crater was huge and deep. Th seems like an evolution of previous actions. How big does a guided bomb have to be in order to create a hundred foot crater? Something had to guide the bomb? Spies or hidden soldiers? Is this how tactics evolved to use many thousand pound guided bombs against individuals? The US Military does have a history of doing that. 
There are many things which can be assumed. Such as the elections are lost during the next cycles as the right and left which are really one continues to play their public games. In which it was an indigenous who first wrote that the right wing and the left wing are of the same bird. When I first heard that it was a truth which impacted my mind and jarred me out of that wishful delusion. Now it seems more truthful than in the past and the good civilian population is realizing it as they are now being calmed down by the right wing of the Republican party. This is just a delaying tactic to cause those to not prepare or to take any further action.
So does this mean that the coming elections no longer matter? How will the people respond? When the vast majority of the people know who won and yet he loses. What happens in the next 6.5 years when all branches of the Federal government becomes under the control of evil doers? With a super majority all aspects of freedom, liberty and human rights can end. You need to realize that a common belief right now is that the meaning of "We The People ..." is meant only for the ruling class. Which means you the common citizen has no rights, no power and you continue to succumb to population controls as administered by them through the corporations.
The quotes are stand alone. The other words are just me trying to grasp what I'm writing. Any other writing by me is to be deemed as insufficient, unimportant and less than. It is the quotes alone which are important. Sometimes, when I do write and do not highlight as I typically do. There may be hidden quotes in which I'm unaware of. These to are important even though I'm oblivious to them. Apparently, I do have a writing style in which I'm also unaware of.
You the reader need to know the purpose of any prophecy. All bad and sad prophecies are meant so that the people can prevent or mitigate that which is foretold. So in your own locality. It has been prophesied that there will be people who have dreams and visions. In which they should all be discussed openly without negative baggage associated with them. Then each person needs to figure out how to prevent or mitigate the bad and sad dream or vision. This is prophecy of the Holy Bible. Go and look it up. 
Further Note: The Holy Bible does not say that the pastors, preachers, church leaders and theologians will have dreams and visions specifically. Go and look it up. So, you church leaders how are you gonna respect God in this? Because, if you go against God in this in any way, you may find yourself judged just like Lots wife. Fore she was saved and then she wasn't. What would that specifically mean for each of you? If that would mean anything? 
Added on 03 Aug 2023: These words are not threats. This is just revelation of what has happened in humanities past. This is history repeating itself. This is for those who are actively against God and who shall go against the actual children of God. Look up millstone in the Holy Bible. Mathew 18:6. For when you as a Cop arrests any young person who is simply reading the Bible. While prideful sin by permission is actively engaged. You Citizens Of Peace will suffer as you arrest the young people or any of His children. This is the fate of all of those who goes against God in any degree and your fate just doesn't end with your death. There is continuation.
If those who control you as a good cop or any other kind of good law enforcement person at any level. Gives you orders to go against God or godly people or good people. It would be better for you and your family to resign. For no man can your honor away. It is you alone who willingly gives your honor away. It takes a lifetime to build honor and one evil deed to throw all of your honor away. 
As you evil wicked leaders begin to use your own militarized police against your own good citizens. Do not be surprised when you and your family are brutally killed.
 You law enforcement officials at every level who have no reason, no conscious, no honor or a good heart begin to enforce unrighteous and unholy laws. You and you family will suffer greatly and shall be brutally killed. 
Everything must be done to prevent violence and the spread of violence.
Please help if you can. Thank You.
Cash App $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.

Friday, October 25, 2013

Hoover Dam Prophecy: (Unedited): 25 Oct 2013:

This is a work in progress. 

This is late and I'm not the only one. I create this knowing that I have my Hoover Dam dream wrote down someplace and unable to locate it. To offer up an exact date.
My dream by memory. Current date unknown until I can find it on paper.
I have been trying to write this for the last few weeks.

My dream begins at night in Las Vegas, NV. I saw a number of men staying in the Luxor Casino. They were enjoying themselves.
Next I see the same men driving a box truck down the road leading away from Las Vegas towards the Hoover Dam.
They were able to gain access to the top road of the dam. They back up to the center arch of the dam and dump off there drums of explosives. The center part of the dam is destroyed.
That is the short version.
Added on 27 Feb 2014:
Security and other personnel at Hoover dam are killed. It would not matter what weapons they have/had. The skill and training of the men are superior. You can only watch their resolve when their mission begins. They will succeed.
 Resources and research materials. Some of which is weird. One person who claims to be a christian may in fact be  something else. So be on your guard.
Added on 19 Jan 2014:
The destruction of the Hoover dam is going to cause many problems for Las Vegas and the surrounding areas. Especially those who are dependent on Lake Mead for the primary water source.  With that water gone south as a free flow. Much damage and many lives will be lost.
The long term result. The commercial, farming and residential properties of Las Vegas area will go into default. Thus the prices of those properties will plummet dramatically. Until, the federal government can put together a plan to bring in a new source of water and rebuild the dam.
The dam must be rebuilt. Even though there has been studies of the water dropping in Lake Mead and that there may not be enough water to go around by the 2020's.
So another solution is possible. To those who can plan and implement it.
This is long term. Many facts I do not know. 
For those investors to plan ahead and then if the unfortunate thing does happen. They can take advantage by bringing in the needed water.
This is over a period of time and it seems i saw the finished product.
As of right now. Parts of California is under a water emergency. It seems they are often in this situation.
This is what I saw. I saw the connectivity of all of the local water departments leading towards Las Vegas from southern California. Which means everyone can share the water and the water can be seamlessly pushed from one place to another.
I saw banks of water desalination plants side by side. Very large plants. Very clean looking and very white and shiny. This is in California. Then I saw another in the North parts of California. just pop up. I saw massive pipes going up I-15 and then across I-80. I saw other pipes later on going into reservoirs around California.
In Mexico. Water desalination plants pop up in the Gulf of California. Same format as the California plants. Their water leads into Mexico and into Arizona which is then brought into Las Vegas and other areas around the South West USA.
The energy use of these very large plants is very demanding. I saw out in the deserts of Nevada Controlled lands being opened up for solar projects. These solar projects would be supplements for the expanding water desalination plants.
I saw very large pipes which had two different water quality standards. One for drinking and one for farming. Is that possible? not sure.
This plan even spreads to Eastern Texas which sends water all the way through Oklahoma, New Mexico and Arizona.
The face of the west becomes altered. Water coming from many directions and going into many places. Once all of the connections are made. Texas water can make it all the way to Norther California and vice versa.
Of course this will take more than a couple of decades to do.
added on 19 Jan 2014.
Can you imagine 4 of the Kadima, Israel water desalination plants in southern California, Northern California, on the gulf of California. That is 12 desalination plants.
Added on 26 Jan 2014:  And you won't even know. If a threat is real and valid in your area. The government will now legally allow you to be harmed or killed without prior warning.
The information is from Russia Times. Possible and or probable anti-American propaganda.
Added on 27 Feb 2014:
In some prophecies of the destruction of the Hoover dam. There is images of a vast amount of water over flowing the top of the dam. So how could this happen? I have been thinking about this.  Record seasonal snowfall over the states of Oregon, Wyoming, Nevada, Utah, Colorado, Arizona and New Mexico. Which may also list other States which would contribute a massive amount of water via tributaries. The record breaking snowfall would be considered Biblical or not ever seen. This would also have to be followed by a very warm spring thaw. As in very warm for the entire region. The very warm spring thaw may even include some very heavy rains. Not associated with evaporating ice melt. The amount of flowing water must exceed the design capacity of Hoover and flood controls. You the reader will need to do that research on the exact data. At this time. I'm not willing. The weather channel will be freezing their reporters shorts off while reporting this winter weather anomaly. I would expect a weather channel named storm to have a meaning of the beginning to frozen shorts from hell. Sometimes God does that for His divine humor. Oh yea, I can already see God making me pay in some way for this content if it turns out true. The west USA wants water and not the life rules of GOD otherwise known as the Big 10. Guess they may get it. This will be worldwide news as it happens. Better mount some cameras up on that bridge as well as high above on the down stream. That is what it is all about Weather Channel. The excessive drama of the weather. Why am I including the Weather Channel in this? Will something happen to the weather channel or reporters?
If a new Polar Vortex re-positions itself in another year to where the majority of cold and snow encompasses the majority of the western USA. There may be a possibility that the moisture content could be funneled from the pacific ocean in some way. 2014 may be just a new beginning to a new form of cold to come.
Added on 10 march 2017: 
It is interesting watching the dam problems in California. I wonder if this what I saw? This week is coming ice melt and heavy rains. I think I need to spend more time praying about specific topics and asking more specific questions. Maybe, there is a cascade effect on dams and that the Hoover dam is so large and can contain so much water. That what is on the news is the so called smaller dams in California at peek levels. I just checked the water levels of lake Mead. The water levels are already dropping as is typical. 
Added on 11 June 2014:comment. Hoover Dam Bomb scare news.
The revelation of any prophecy, dream or vision can have a change to it. This is what I hope to occur in it's entirety even if the original of the prophecy, dream or vision has not been given to me first. I believe it is the function of anyone's dreams and visions in which they are undesirable. To be able to change, alter and or mitigate them all into something more desirable.  Isn't that better than to just believe that a bad and sad dream or vision will just happen and no one has any power to change, alter or mitigate it? Really?
I personally would want everyone who has had an undesirable dream or vision to be able to see how they all can effect a positive change and prevention of the bad and sad dream vision from ever occurring.  This does require everyone associated to be positively proactive in the prevention.
Added on 20 Oct 2014: Before you read. Please pray for discerning eyes.
Added on 18 June 2015: Spiritual information in note form. There is a connection to Hoover Dam:
The Holy Spirit does not announce it's entry nor it's exit from any space.
Without any announcement or warning. The Holy Spirit shall bless and protect those who are both righteous and obedient.
The Holy Spirit shall exact Godly vengeance upon the disobedient and unrighteous equally.
When a country, a people, a family or even a person is under the protection of the Holy Spirit. No harm shall come to them. But when a country and a people collectively become disobedient to the will and laws of God. Then the Holy Spirit shall silently take away her protective cloak. The demonic forces of the fallen angels must always probe for evidence that the blessed people have successfully cursed themselves just enough to cause the Holy Spirit to vacate her protection over them. What better way than to influence an unbelieving pastor to teach lies in regards to justifiable murder of an unborn innocent living human baby. What better way than to influence a troubled young person to commit murder. When the demonic fallen angels and all of those who follow them realize that GOD and The Holy Spirit no longer is protecting the once blessed nation and people. That is when the flood gates of evil shall pour into formerly protected country. Just like a burst hoover dam. Everyone and everything which is down stream shall suffer greatly. The evil spirits which shall flow into the once protected nation. Will drown and destroy everything in their path. Except for the remnant. If you are reading this. Then now is your time to repent, reverence God and all that is Holy, Become righteous and Holy as defined and accepted by God. Think about this. How much is a remnant of anything?
For instance in recent news. The Methodist connection. The lies which brings death. One through abortion and the other through racism. From the use of lies believed as truths do people do the works for evil's benefit.
Demonic activity: In Mexico? South of the border. Before you attack your enemy. You mass your troops along the borders with your enemy. Just on the border of Arizona and Nevada is the great Hoover dam. Will it be the first demonic attack upon the formerly blessed and protected nation?
What does this mean? Not really sure. I was just thinking about the Holy Spirit and then the Hoover dam popped in out of no where. Lake Mead is still in a water crisis even though snow melt and heavy may rain fall is helping concerns. I still am unable to find the original dream. But, do vaguely remember that the water level was high. In which it is not today. A probable error in my memory.
to avert apocalyptic disasters. Do the purple.

To love one another.
To live in peace.
To exist in harmony.
 To cherish life.
 To become the holy and righteous people as The Heavenly Father intended us to be.
Added on 12 July 2015: News for Hoover Dam and Lake Meade.
Added on 04 March 2017:
I have found it interesting my focus on the Hoover Dam. Yet, in California. They are having water problems and dam problems. I wonder if those are the precursors to an emergency event at the Hoover Dam?
I just checked the water levels for lake Mead. As of today. The water level is higher than it was this time 2014, 2015. It appears to be rising. Although still lower than the water levels of 2012 by about 50 feet. It appears that for any typical year. The water levels do begin to fall this time in March. 
Added on: 20 March 2023: Will the massive snow storms on the west coast fill lake Mead and to what degree? 
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Musings of an American Truck Driver 