Showing posts with label Republicans. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Republicans. Show all posts

Thursday, March 6, 2025

Radiological Event Vision: (Unedited): 06 March 2025:

More writing may happen. Hopefully not political. But I think the motives are all political. The gaining of power and the losing of power. Also, no quotes as of yet.
Visions. With variances. Variances not written down. Almost like they who ever they are is thinking up plans that they will go forward with. The variances were not blurry or overlaid. They all  were of their own. 
Ground Burst.
Truck inside of garage.
Truck in between buildings.
Tall buildings gone. Hole. Destruction. Smoke. 
Farm not really farming.
Unused sliver of land. Point of interest.
The enemies or political allies know and move out of soon to be affected area.
Is there or are there missing nuclear weapons? or have nuclear weapons made their way inside of CONUS? There are people still in positions  of military who are beholding to the democrat party over their sworn oaths of office and to the American flag. 
Recently, I've been thinking about President Trump and how he is revealing all of the corruption in government. No one likes anyone to mess with their money. This includes the criminally minded who have attained all that they have from criminal and corrupt activities.
As of today, I think about or more than 70% of the total American population are now against the democrat party. The collapse or the reorganization of the democrat party is imminent. The democrat party has been on the wrong side of history for hundreds of years. This must coincide with the incarceration of all proven to be corrupt elected leaders assuming they are still alive along with all involved family members and associates. All monies, stocks, mutual funds and related properties must be returned to the American people no matter which nation those assets are hiding in.
In desperation in order for the democrat party to remain there must be an extreme emergency event in which all or most Republican leaders must die. The republican party has a history of dissenting and being overruled by the democrat party. Those surviving Republican members will fall in line in order to give their votes which will only give the appearance of a functioning democracy. In that way the democrats can suddenly rise up to become the heroes they delusionally think they are. So the democrats must orchestrate and plan this emergency event of some kind or will they all just go silently into the night with their accumulated wealth.
What will happen? How far will President Trump and his team go? 
You the reader need to know. I'm not political and am not a follower of Trump or any other human. 
Added on 07 March 2025: Got nothing new. Seems very political. 
Why did I assume nuclear anything?
Well, The Epstein files will be redacted for national security reasons. This is a crime against all Americans and that list should not be redacted. Those persons on that list should all be investigated and if found guilty in a court of law, Incarcerated. 
Also, Bear in mind that I have also noticed that no one is being arrested except for those in the lower cast of local politics for corruption. 
You must consider the President Trump may not be an ally of and for good or should will all continue to play the patient game?
Added on 09 March 2025: Nothing new. No quotes. Probably just a dream. But, dreams are never just dreams.  Look up my dream writings. Yea, I have no idea where or when they are on here.
Added on 10 March 2025:
Still got nothing more. 
Please help if you can. Thank You.
Cash App $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.

Thursday, March 23, 2017

Clinton Obama Political Tsunami Coming: (Unedited): 23 March 2017:

The USA is about to receive a threat from two different directions and intentions. A double tsunami is growing on the horizon. Although when you look out into the distance all of the waters are calm. This is not the time to re-assume rest or that all is OK. Because, President Donald Trump is now in office. The Christians were the ones who changed the Clinton prophecy of election. Yet, the Christians were completely unaware that they only voted for one of the greater of two evils. 
 The threat of the Clinton Tsunami is from the devout Clinton followers. Those who are already planning the continuation of the Clinton way of progressive political thinking. These are the ones who will go forth in the thousands and run for political office at every level of government. They will also declare themselves as Republicans, Democrats and every other political party. The Clinton infiltration will be complete. So that in 12 -20 years. Chelsea Clinton will do what no other has done before. Chelsea Clinton will inherit all of her parents supporters as well as those of the new generation's. But, what comes will be a complete political system conversion or a complete form of Government change over.
The biggest prevention of all of this will be from the American Christians. If the American Christians can be convinced that they have won and that all is well now. The American Christians will go back into their do nothing for anyone or to love anyone lifestyle. Except for the cutting of their checks to some foreign emergency in which they are known for. So that others can do for them.
If this victory of the American Christian is seen as a starting off point and they begin to see President Donald Trump as an enemy to the Republic of the United States of America. Especially, when all of his efforts are seen as a conversion from a weak Obama special interest oligarchy into a stronger corporate oligarchy. In which this can now be easily seen inside of the Trump presidency. Even after just a little over one month in office. Every able bodied American Christian will begin to run for every single elected seat in America at every level and when this happens and the Christians do go out and vote only for those Church accepted Christians candidates. Then there will All aspect of the evil which is inside every aspect of the progressive culture based in the lies of social relativism and social justice. Will cease and die. This evil will end. All of the accumulated powers of the LGBTQ and of the abortion issue will end. As well as every other interconnected issues supporters. This will also take the next 12-20 years. If the Christians do go forth and do their duty with love, honor and respect for the laws of God. Then certain human extinction may be averted. If the coming Clinton Obama double tsunami is allowed to happen and it is a human permitted action of non-action. Then there will be a most definite human extinction event. No pressure. It is already prophesied by a variety of cultures as well as in the Holy Bible. Either way the USA ends and so does any aspect to any human rights. Especially if you are deemed as a non approved or a non accepted person such as those who proclaim their faith in any aspect of Christianity.
What is the Obama Tsunami? uncertain and unsure. Maybe the money he tried to allegedly launder through the Palestinian Authority was going to fund his version of the tsunami. President Trump stopped it. That only stopped one flow of secret incoming cash flow to the Obama's. The threat is still out there. I do not know anything else at this time of writing. Maybe, there isn't anything but retirement for President Obama.
Added on 20 April 2017:
The first wave can be seen and it is only the first of many thousands which will as any wave does transform the coast into it's will. The first wave can be seen in Georgia. The good people and the Christians are no where to be found. Although the first wave can only have a minimal impact. The real threat comes from the thousands which come after it. Is Jon Ossoff this first wave?
The Christians and morale people must run for election in every office. Or the end result shall be your criminality, exclusion in society and legalized murder. Which is prophesied in the Holy Bible.
Please help if you can. Thank You.
Cash App $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.