Showing posts with label Corporate Oligarchy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Corporate Oligarchy. Show all posts

Thursday, March 23, 2017

Clinton Obama Political Tsunami Coming: (Unedited): 23 March 2017:

The USA is about to receive a threat from two different directions and intentions. A double tsunami is growing on the horizon. Although when you look out into the distance all of the waters are calm. This is not the time to re-assume rest or that all is OK. Because, President Donald Trump is now in office. The Christians were the ones who changed the Clinton prophecy of election. Yet, the Christians were completely unaware that they only voted for one of the greater of two evils. 
 The threat of the Clinton Tsunami is from the devout Clinton followers. Those who are already planning the continuation of the Clinton way of progressive political thinking. These are the ones who will go forth in the thousands and run for political office at every level of government. They will also declare themselves as Republicans, Democrats and every other political party. The Clinton infiltration will be complete. So that in 12 -20 years. Chelsea Clinton will do what no other has done before. Chelsea Clinton will inherit all of her parents supporters as well as those of the new generation's. But, what comes will be a complete political system conversion or a complete form of Government change over.
The biggest prevention of all of this will be from the American Christians. If the American Christians can be convinced that they have won and that all is well now. The American Christians will go back into their do nothing for anyone or to love anyone lifestyle. Except for the cutting of their checks to some foreign emergency in which they are known for. So that others can do for them.
If this victory of the American Christian is seen as a starting off point and they begin to see President Donald Trump as an enemy to the Republic of the United States of America. Especially, when all of his efforts are seen as a conversion from a weak Obama special interest oligarchy into a stronger corporate oligarchy. In which this can now be easily seen inside of the Trump presidency. Even after just a little over one month in office. Every able bodied American Christian will begin to run for every single elected seat in America at every level and when this happens and the Christians do go out and vote only for those Church accepted Christians candidates. Then there will All aspect of the evil which is inside every aspect of the progressive culture based in the lies of social relativism and social justice. Will cease and die. This evil will end. All of the accumulated powers of the LGBTQ and of the abortion issue will end. As well as every other interconnected issues supporters. This will also take the next 12-20 years. If the Christians do go forth and do their duty with love, honor and respect for the laws of God. Then certain human extinction may be averted. If the coming Clinton Obama double tsunami is allowed to happen and it is a human permitted action of non-action. Then there will be a most definite human extinction event. No pressure. It is already prophesied by a variety of cultures as well as in the Holy Bible. Either way the USA ends and so does any aspect to any human rights. Especially if you are deemed as a non approved or a non accepted person such as those who proclaim their faith in any aspect of Christianity.
What is the Obama Tsunami? uncertain and unsure. Maybe the money he tried to allegedly launder through the Palestinian Authority was going to fund his version of the tsunami. President Trump stopped it. That only stopped one flow of secret incoming cash flow to the Obama's. The threat is still out there. I do not know anything else at this time of writing. Maybe, there isn't anything but retirement for President Obama.
Added on 20 April 2017:
The first wave can be seen and it is only the first of many thousands which will as any wave does transform the coast into it's will. The first wave can be seen in Georgia. The good people and the Christians are no where to be found. Although the first wave can only have a minimal impact. The real threat comes from the thousands which come after it. Is Jon Ossoff this first wave?
The Christians and morale people must run for election in every office. Or the end result shall be your criminality, exclusion in society and legalized murder. Which is prophesied in the Holy Bible.
Please help if you can. Thank You.
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Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.

Sunday, March 5, 2017

Political Corporate Ownership: (Unedited): 05 March 2017:

When the pendulum swings far into the opposite direction. There will always be a process of consolidation of political power.  When that power is a corporate oligarchy. There will also be a consolidation of political power as well as corporate ownership into as few hands as possible.
Any leader needs and must have people in critical positions whom they can and will trust. Generals and admirals get replaced or retired. All the way down the line. So what happens when a corporate oligarchy is established? That is a very important question. What will happen is the rights and freedoms which are inherent for all people is transferred to the corporations. The corporations become more important than simple human rights. A human right is selfishness of the individual and relativistic thought may become the argument against human rights and for corporate rights. While corporate rights benefits everyone. Which is a half or partial truth. 
In a corporate oligarchy. There will be more than three classes of people. Most likely more than a dozen classes of people. All with their own specific level of a rewards system. As a person becomes more important to the corporate political structure. They will be given rewards. These rewards are absent of any ownership. The concept of ownership shall fade away into a dead concept and be replaced with a corporate rewards system. The corporations shall own everything, including your person hood.
Health care shall also be rewards based on your class level within a specific corporate structure. For instance a janitor may have very low health care. In which a simple breaking of a bone may end their life. Because, there shall be no long term cost which can cause financial damage to the corporate entity. Janitors are easily replaceable assets. Where as a low level corporate manager will be granted the necessary medical care to repair the bone break. If a low level manager gets cancer. Then his or her worth to the corporation shall be evaluated. If a replacement person is easily available and training is minimized. Then that manager will be allowed to die in a painless manor. Everything is about cost and profit.
There will also be corporate classification/secrets in which this will guarantee that no one talks to any lower level person and no lower level person will want to speak with or be in the presence of a higher level person. For fears of losses in their rewards.
The conceptual idea of retirement will also fade away. Except for the top tier of  corporate leaders. A corporate leader or something to be defined similar to demigods can perpetuate freedoms to their own children and grand children. In which they will receive the highest rewards level of everything available. So as long as those children are obedient to all of the corporate rules and corporate social etiquette. Severe punishment comes to the accepted corporate family when one of them becomes disobedient and social outcasts.
Even the highest levels of corporate people will have their own disciplines. Anyone or any corporate entity goes out of line as defined by them all. Then the corporate all can and will refuse to do all levels of business with the corporate disobedient.
Also, a person of lower classification can be easily blackballed into starvation and death. In which their death won't even be considered murdered. There is or shall be no crime against the harming or killing of a non person.
Personal opinion note:
 I have found it interesting how the peoples retirement investments into a variety of mutual funds. Go and finance ownership into everything else. The people who actually own it all do not seem to use their own money. Maybe, they think it is all of their own money and all of the people belong to them as well. Maybe, they think of themselves as gods. It is all very strange to me.
This is prophecy.
The USA has transformed itself from a fledgling republic to a mature system of world leadership after WW2. Then the USA became a democratic form of government. Then the USA again transformed briefly into a security conscious nation and then into a special interest oligarchy.  With the presidency of Donald Trump. The USA may become lost into the full measure of absolute corporate oligarchy. In which the rights of perceived insignificant groups of people are already being militaristically squashed. (Prayerful Native Indigenous tribes of North Dakota). What happened to the prayerful people in North Dakota will eventually happen to all devout Christians and other devout peoples in other religions. This squashing will grow into more and more people groups until the first massacre is committed. Then full absolute power must be exercised. In which no one will even know a massacre had even occurred. Massacre is absolute silence. The burning of the bodies in mobile incinerators is elimination of evidence. Anyone who stands up against the established corporate oligarchy will be silenced.
Individual business owners who do not participate within any corporate structure. Will be pushed out of business. As wholesale costs will become prohibitive and retail costs driven down by the big retail corporations who are obedient to the unstated corporate rules. The big retail corporations who are diversified in many different things. From transportation to real estate. From ownership percentages in all of the product lines they sell to the energy companies they use. The corporate entity will all become a part of the bigger corporate climate. While the single owner/sole proprietor will be offered a higher rewards level to become assimilated into the controls of the corporate world.
How can you/we/me prevent this. When the rewards will be so good. No more real ownership concerns. Just like how the on base housing is done in the military.
It is simple and yet disastrous.
Invest only in your family, friends and community.
Invest only in family real estate.
Invest in your families education. Which may and most likely will mean homeschooling.
Divest from all corporations, banks, mutual funds and retirement accounts. Hard choices.
Only do business with those who have honor and actual working respect of the purple words below.
Begin to develop these financial transitions now. Will that mean no shopping at Walmart or Target? Probably.
Added on 07 March 2017: I have added some content and made very minor edits.
If a Corporate Oligarchy is allowed to become established. Then over time what is written will a corporate oligarchy will evolve into. 
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.

To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Thursday, February 2, 2017

Entire Monster +7: (unedited): 29 Jan 2017:

The monster you think your harming is nothing more than it's little toe. That you think is the entire monster.
Monster Feed: (Unedited): 30 Jan 2017:
The monster you feed does not become the pet you control or have authority over. 
 The war in which your engaged in. Shows not the clear picture as no matter what you do. You unknowingly feed the monster as you attack it's little toe. You celebrate every success and yet the monster isn't even aware of your efforts.
Even a single ant makes any monster react. While all of your collective efforts is nothing to the same monster which was once concerned over one ant.
Your only hope is to keep the monster smiling by feeding it more and more. In which you unknowingly do as you are not even aware of the full size of the monster.
The more you feed the monster the more the monster wants. As you become fed up. You forget to realize that everything in your life is directly related to feeding the monster.
Added on 02 Feb 2017: 
Everything you and I do in the worlds financial system feeds the monster. All of your retirement, wealth building strategies, entertainment, Internet and energy usage. All of the stores, banks and insurance companies. Each is just a part of the monster that we all feed. Even now the political system is apparently part of that monster as it evolves into a corporate oligarchy. From an attempted special interest oligarchy.  Which the corporate oligarchy can easily be seen in North Dakota. So to only go after banking is like attacking the little toe.  Can you see the monster that you feed now? All you have to look to is the First President of a corporate oligarchy of America. President Donald Trump. Or is that to extreme to say? It probably is.
One of the coming signs that the USA is a Corporate Oligarchy is missing people. Through massacre or disappearance. Can and will any oligarchy murder any peoples that it deems as undesirable, to expensive, to troublesome? YES.
Research oligarchs, oligarchy's, murders, atrocities.
So what can happen when one oligarchy loses to another form of oligarchy? The beginning of an out of control war or wars or civil wars as individually defined by each combatant group?
Is this the future of the USA? The special interest oligarchs have lost and they wage protests everywhere. Will they ramp it up to violence? maybe? Will groups within the group splinter off into their own specific war efforts? Maybe?
No matter how it happens. The event which may begin it all may very well be at Standing Rock, North Dakota. How do you avert a coming planned and instigated massacre by government and corporate forces? Only the purple words below will help you over come.
To ween yourself from the support of the monster. You must begin to separate yourself from every aspect of that monster. Micro economies and self sufficiency is a good start. With a eye on causing no harm. Learning how to trade for goods of genuine value. Creating communities which are self sustaining with people who become mutually dependent upon one another. One based in truths. While inwardly and outwardly rejecting the lies of the world. Such as the division of the human races.
How do you own property and reside upon it? When the monster owns everything. Even the indigenous tribes of the Americas have no rights to anything anymore. They have no civil rights, no human rights and no justice. If the tribes stand up. They will be purposefully poisoned by the EPA (The Colorado Gold mine contaminated water release). The ongoing event at Standing Rock North Dakota. In which virtually no news from any mainstream news source. The stories just go on and none of those atrocities are covered. 
(Did you get that? Ween yourself...? Makes you wonder who is feeding who and who or what is in control over you? Teaching you and adjusting/altering your belief systems away from that which is genuinely true and real. To how and what the monster wants you to think and believe. We all were indigenous at one time, drinking clean water, and eating only organic foods or original.)
Added on 03 Feb 2017:
 Who owns who and what? Lets play this game. Warning the realization will cause you to see the real monster and how pervasive it is in all aspects of modern day life.
First start with topics. Like News media outlets. Who owns them? Then for each of the owners go and find who owns them? and so on and so forth. Keep a running list or graph it out.
Then do this with Banks. Energy. Entertainment and anything else you can imagine. Then go look at your investments and retirement accounts. Who owns those and who are you investing in?
You will begin to see common names of ....................................... as the common denominators.  Then read all of the above content again.
Added on 13 June 2024: Any monster or false gods will need their own human servants to care for their every need. So who are these human servants? Do you have or have read the 1560 Geneva Bible. Because of this one version The King James was written and altered. Simply because it identifies who rules over all and how Christians are supposed to live their lives among all of this. Go forth and research it for yourself as is why I'm being vague. I do not want to tell you I want you to go forth and seek the truth in Biblical differences in each version of The Holy Bible. 
Gen X is the end of Social Security Benefits in the USA. I think they run out of money within 6 months of my 65 birthday and I think my retirement options have changed to 67. Not sure. The politicians are even in discussions to change it to even later years. Are the lying and deceiving politicians the pseudo face of the monster? 
When did the USA start taking from the social security accounts? Who was the President? What did the political parties do to start taking all of that social security money and continue to take it? To the point that all of Gen X will suffer first.
In the old days. Families owned their own lands and they built homes right next to each other for their own children and spouses. In the new days, Families can be thousands of miles apart with mortgages to last beyond a life time. You can get equity loans to further burden a person with debt. A family can get into the upgrade mode of buying houses in which with each purchase they become less and less of a home without important shared memories of family development or of generational memories. With every move into a bigger and better house. The idea of generational friendships ends and become an alien concept. 
This is not just for those who have been successful in world affairs. This is also the same for the poor folks who have only paid rent. Every time a renter moves every few years. Friendships become broken. Long term and long lasting friendships can fail to develop with every move. I'm a guy and I can attest that men need long term male friendships. A man who has no family support and no friend support goes out into the world very alone. Such as me. But, this is not about me this is about the large number of men who even go to one church for decades and yet has no real long term Christian friendships outside of the church. 
Are the denominations and churches shirking their inherent responsibilities?
The churches and denominations are also to blame because as soon as the body realizes that a family has to deal with a person who is at end of life, disability, poor. The churches and denominations often times ignore, uninvite or reject them. Especially the poor families which cannot afford to go to any restaurant after church services. So because poor families cannot afford to participate in any activities outside of the church. For them friendships never develop. I have known of many families who were shunned because they took in foster kids. I have known families where they were ignored because they had a disability in their lives. I have known families where they were taking care of a loved one and actually forgotten by the church.
Added on 17 June 2024: As it becomes more and more known that the corporations of the USA do not pay their fair share and that if all of the corporation's did pay their fair share then all of the financial needs of the USA would be met. This is a sign of a corporate oligarchy exists.
When and if the American economy collapses. It will be the political puppets and their corporate owners who are to blame.
The free loving people of the world will never know that their tax burden is greater than the slaves of Biblical Egypt.
The corporations of who have bribed most politicians could have financially saved the USA if they had only been of right mind. But, they have become evil doers and coerced the free people into mindless slavery.
The evidence in a corporate oligarchy which rules over you will be in their absence of money while your money becomes the absolute bulk of the tax base.
While the corporate officers become kings and queens without kingdoms. They will enjoy everything life has to offer. While the lowly commoner civilian bares the full weight of burden as they each suffer and die in their youth.
The kings and queens who have not kingdoms shall not keep their intentions secret as they pridefully tell the populations majority on the planet how they will live, suffer and die as the new and emerging royal class becomes the majority of the human population. 
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Christian Acts +5: (Unedited): 29 Nov 2016:

The state of the nation and of the world is directly a reflection of the Non-Acts within the entire Christian bodies failure to know in a heartfelt manner The Acts within The Holy Bible.
I saw a video about a year or so ago. Some American major city somewhere had a large LGBT pride parade and only two Christians showed up. They got beat up and the police allowed it to a degree. Yep, only two Christians in a major city who rejected sin. There is actually more than one major city. I think they are Seattle and St. Petersburg. There could be many more.
A Christian and all Christians do have a duty to protect their home, their cities and their nation from sin. To endure hardship and death for peacefully standing up for your faith is proof that you have become worthy as is mentioned in the book of Acts. Every time the Apostles were threatened, beaten, imprisoned and killed. Look to the death of Steven. They did not waver. Today's modern era of non-righteous Americanized Christians seem fearful of everything and everyone. All the while the Middle Eastern righteous Christians are torture and killed. With their last words being that of Steven and Christ.
Woe to you Christians. Ye have lost your nation and your place in the world. All because you failed and have become fearful to act. The Government is learning how to commit horrendous crimes against their own people. Today, it is the native tribes at Standing Rock North Dakota in which the corrupt federal Government you Christians have failed to either vote or allow men and women of dishonor into office and who allegedly in collusion with North Dakota state government funding by the Oil and banking corporations may cause what shall be known as "The Standing Rock Massacre of 2016".
If it happens. Right now all agency's of Government is against thousands of people who are helpless and unarmed. Who only pray, sing and dance. Once all of the corporate controlled government agencies in this newly formed Corporate Oligarchy. Have become controlled and aligned, under one authority. The Christian population who will not conform to a politically conformed definition of freedom for all sinners and freedom from all religions. Will begin to lose their own freedoms and acceptance in society anywhere. Just remember this and how you accepted the laws against homelessness as you lose jobs and housing because of your faith. How will you eat and cloth yourself? Where will you get water to drink as you realize you did not support anyone at Standing Rock. Woe to you Christians who Act not. Woe to you Christians who have not the Heart of Christ within them. Woes and sufferings is coming for the Christian. The Christian being like the Jews having no nation and no freedoms.
Act Not Christians: (Unedited): 29 Nov 2016: 
Christians who act not shall have not.
Be warned. Do not allow fear to cause you into inaction or a sinful action. Watch and learn a better way of dealing with Christians as the Government learns how to control all aspect of life, liberty and freedom at Standing Rock. Which may very well involve massacre. Just like an abusive person always blames their deeds and actions upon their victims. So to will the Corporate controlled Mainstream Media news sources which includes your beloved Fox News of perpetual sexual abuse.
Research the TYT News for more accurate info of Standing Rock. Research the black snake prophecy of the Lakota. research the Hopi prophecy and figure out if you can match them to the Christian prophecies time lines. I think so. Beware of those who immediately discount this without any research. Because, God will speak to whomever He wishes, when ever He wishes. You and I are not God  and cannot tell God what He can and cannot do. That is idolatry of human arrogance. 
Christian Body Diseased: (Unedited): 29 Nov 2016: 
The Holy Spirit shall not come and the miracles shall not be widely evident. When the whole Christian body is diseased with sin and has a continued life of sin as a freedom. 
It is simple, even though the theologians and other greatly educated and learned people write their thesis and books upon. There is only a singular reason why miracles are not common everyday occurrences. That is the being of sin. The sin in your life is what repels the Holy Spirit. Not in a sense of you having power over the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is a gift to all of humanity. When sin is overtly or secretly present. Then the Holy Spirit decides not to manifest anything in regards to it being. This is also reason why some have only experienced the Holy Spirit maybe once or even a few times. This is because those persons are not continually focused upon the Word of God. They do not pray, meditate, contemplate, fast, Stay in the Word, Flee and reject all sin. The exercise of their faith as evidence of their willing works.
Note: There is a big difference between willing works and works to prove faith. While one is based in the spirit and of the heart. The other is only from a persons mental decision to do that which is perceived as good. Which may be the proof of why a person becomes burned out. When the Holy Spirit flows throughout. There is no exhaustion or weariness.
Acts Judgement: (Unedited): 30 Nov 2016: 
The Christian body return to the acts. Will either be a responsible decision of the Christian body or a disciplinary judgement from God.
It is not enough to tithe or to simply write a check when the pastor cries about a terrible terrible thing. When sin is in you. You must fight it and struggle against it.
When sin is in your family. You must fight it and struggle against it.
When sin is in your city. You must fight it and struggle against it.
When sin is in your country. You must fight it and struggle against it.
Not in the sense of taking up arms for actual violent conflict or warfare.
To stand quietly firm and allow to happen whatever may. Even if you are tortured and murdered for bearing your own cross as it was in the days of old. For it is then when you find yourself worthy.
If the Christian does return back to the Acts of Christian life. They all will be met with the laws of the land taken from them against them all.  Just as what is facing the indigenous tribes of North America, right now at Standing Rock. So to will the government begin to criminalize all of Christianity. As has already begin.
The events of Standing Rock may end in a massacre in which this one event will cascade in violent ways not yet known or has ever been seen within the USA. Cops and police officers will be seen as the enemy to be feared. Out of that fear more and more violence against the honored and respected profession of Law Enforcement shall be magnified. All because of the dishonor and greed of political officials. Who will remain protected and safe by the laws they write. While men and women of deep rooted honor shed their blood upon the land.
Know this that when those politicians make their speeches of respected honor it is with a great emptiness of love and a mind full of apathy. For they all know what they have done in action and profited from it. They do not care for they have their cop schools and a new body will be present who is willing to sacrifice their honor for the cause of unworthy and dishonorable elected leaders. Who only pretend heart, honor and respect in the public spotlight.
Men and women who are deep in heart and honor. Do not freely give away that which is of great value to elected prostitutes. For they drink blood like a fine wine and relish in created violence as their personal source of entertainment. The joy that these elected prostitutes receive only causes them to thirst for more wealth, more power and more authority. In their arrogance will you witness the truth.
Evil is seen when the pure goodness of the medical rescue and fire fighter crews used as weapons to cause harm among the helpless who only pray, sing and dance. 
When any good thing is used to purposely harm and maim helpless people. It is evil and those men and women who you perceive as men and women to follow. Is not nor have they ever been worthy of you. So do not freely give away your heart and honor. For when these and other evil events are over. Those evil men and women will sleep well at night as your own cold restless sleep is forever experienced by you who has not their covering of honor to keep them peacefully warm. This you will always remember and never have the benefit of personal forgiveness. That is a simple truth for mean and women who are deep in heart and honor. Your participation in evil is something you will  never forget or forgive yourselves for. You are warriors and this does not mean you will always thirst and need wars. Your deep motivations has always been to protect those who need protecting and your willingness to give yourselves entirely over to them whom you must protect. Because, you must protect. To protect is not a choice nor has it ever been an option. 
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 