Showing posts with label Obama. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Obama. Show all posts

Thursday, March 23, 2017

Clinton Obama Political Tsunami Coming: (Unedited): 23 March 2017:

The USA is about to receive a threat from two different directions and intentions. A double tsunami is growing on the horizon. Although when you look out into the distance all of the waters are calm. This is not the time to re-assume rest or that all is OK. Because, President Donald Trump is now in office. The Christians were the ones who changed the Clinton prophecy of election. Yet, the Christians were completely unaware that they only voted for one of the greater of two evils. 
 The threat of the Clinton Tsunami is from the devout Clinton followers. Those who are already planning the continuation of the Clinton way of progressive political thinking. These are the ones who will go forth in the thousands and run for political office at every level of government. They will also declare themselves as Republicans, Democrats and every other political party. The Clinton infiltration will be complete. So that in 12 -20 years. Chelsea Clinton will do what no other has done before. Chelsea Clinton will inherit all of her parents supporters as well as those of the new generation's. But, what comes will be a complete political system conversion or a complete form of Government change over.
The biggest prevention of all of this will be from the American Christians. If the American Christians can be convinced that they have won and that all is well now. The American Christians will go back into their do nothing for anyone or to love anyone lifestyle. Except for the cutting of their checks to some foreign emergency in which they are known for. So that others can do for them.
If this victory of the American Christian is seen as a starting off point and they begin to see President Donald Trump as an enemy to the Republic of the United States of America. Especially, when all of his efforts are seen as a conversion from a weak Obama special interest oligarchy into a stronger corporate oligarchy. In which this can now be easily seen inside of the Trump presidency. Even after just a little over one month in office. Every able bodied American Christian will begin to run for every single elected seat in America at every level and when this happens and the Christians do go out and vote only for those Church accepted Christians candidates. Then there will All aspect of the evil which is inside every aspect of the progressive culture based in the lies of social relativism and social justice. Will cease and die. This evil will end. All of the accumulated powers of the LGBTQ and of the abortion issue will end. As well as every other interconnected issues supporters. This will also take the next 12-20 years. If the Christians do go forth and do their duty with love, honor and respect for the laws of God. Then certain human extinction may be averted. If the coming Clinton Obama double tsunami is allowed to happen and it is a human permitted action of non-action. Then there will be a most definite human extinction event. No pressure. It is already prophesied by a variety of cultures as well as in the Holy Bible. Either way the USA ends and so does any aspect to any human rights. Especially if you are deemed as a non approved or a non accepted person such as those who proclaim their faith in any aspect of Christianity.
What is the Obama Tsunami? uncertain and unsure. Maybe the money he tried to allegedly launder through the Palestinian Authority was going to fund his version of the tsunami. President Trump stopped it. That only stopped one flow of secret incoming cash flow to the Obama's. The threat is still out there. I do not know anything else at this time of writing. Maybe, there isn't anything but retirement for President Obama.
Added on 20 April 2017:
The first wave can be seen and it is only the first of many thousands which will as any wave does transform the coast into it's will. The first wave can be seen in Georgia. The good people and the Christians are no where to be found. Although the first wave can only have a minimal impact. The real threat comes from the thousands which come after it. Is Jon Ossoff this first wave?
The Christians and morale people must run for election in every office. Or the end result shall be your criminality, exclusion in society and legalized murder. Which is prophesied in the Holy Bible.
Please help if you can. Thank You.
Cash App $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Hurricane Matthew 10 and 14 Prophecy: (Unedited): 04 Oct 2016:

There is definitely a message here with Hurricane Matthew most likely related to Chapters 10 and/or 14. I think the message behind this Hurricane Matthew is aimed at the church of Christianity as a whole and also to those churches in the Carolina's. (North and South). God is deeply dimensional in all that He does.
The ones that pop into my mind is the Graham family. Maybe, this is a direct warning to them? Maybe not? This is up to you guys to ascertain for yourself. Either way, I do think the children of the great reverend Billy Graham. Should ponder this, pray, meditate and fast. You wouldn't want to go down a similar path as Jim Bakker had. 
Note: Just because I used the name Jim Bakker. Does not further convict Mr. Bakker or is accusing the Graham family of anything.
Gotta wait to see what Hurricane Matthew will do or not do.
Those who have become righteous and holy in the eyes of God only. May have this revealed to them. If it is something at all.
This may not even be a Matthew 14. The 14 is based on the fourteenth named storm of 2016 season.
I should have enough information for those who are righteously gifted in discernment to get it this puzzle picture. Matthew 10 is also selected for the month of October 2016. I wonder if the days will be verses of importance?
Also, I'm noticing some discrepancy's in the reporting of this storm. It may be just all my error as I may not have kept track with the actual time reporting of stories. The Weather channel on line seems messed up. Poor reporting or minimal reporting so you have to pay to get the most information.
Any content that I post. It is your duty and responsibility to match it and test it with the Holy Bible. You are also required to pray, meditate and fast for concise and clear discernment.
Maybe there is something in this coming Hurricane Matthew maybe there is not. God does use natural event as signs, deep meanings and real purpose to cause his people to think about their lives and the actions they have or have not taken. We all should find out within a week or so.
Matthew 14 and when Jesus walks upon the water. How many of His disciples actually walked on the water? Only one. The rest did nothing but be fearful. How does that measure for today? How many Christians take actions while the majority do nothing. How do you think President Obama, The Bushes and Clinton were elected? The Christians did not measure the character of these men when they voted or didn't vote. The Christian community is the largest voting block and yet they do not vote as a result their country has been taken away. Soon the Head of Christianity will also be removed. Or has it already? Have you been so caught of in the deception that it is actually good to vote for the lesser of two evils? When you vote for the lesser of two evils. You are still voting for evil. If you vote for the third candidate you will allow the greater evil to win the election. That is another deception. If all of the Christians begin to only vote for people who are of good reputation. Then the entire Country of the United States of America shall be changed.
Think about this. We The USA are starting a war with Russia and China. Russia and China are only responding to the actions of American politicians. While the entire population of Americans know nothing and only care about Pokemon Go.
Think about this. When you have to deal and negotiate with people who are liars, cheaters, dishonorable and only care for themselves. How do you have faith in any promise they make to you? You don't. Take a good look at the non news of the North Dakota Pipe line water protectors. Over 60 Native tribes are present and no weapons and no news. Every treaty made was broken and still is being broken.So if the politicians have a history of this. How do you think Russia and China will react? Just as what they are doing right now and that is prepare for war. I believe that Mr. Putin and Mr. Xi Jinping are men of honor. At least their public persona's.
Know This: The USA is both the most powerful country in the world and also the most helpless. A country like North Korea can turn off all of the electricity in the USA, right now. So we can turn North Korea into a land of glass. 100 million Americans will still die in the first year. So what is the point? Then China and Russia will have to retaliate in order to honor the spoiled man child of North Korea.
John The Baptist Beheaded
Five Thousand Fed
Jesus walks on Water

1823 Joseph Smith find the Golden Plates after an angel of God named Morini directed him.
1862 Slavery in the United States. ENDS...
1991 The Dead Sea Scrolls are made public
2013 Angela Merkel and the Christian Democrats win in Germany's Federal Elections.
============ You Judge===
Hurricane Matthew Weirdness. I have been looking at the Haiti impact and it kind of looks like a fetus baby to me.
Added on 06 Oct 2016: 
Matthew 10: Is selected for the month of October in this year of 2016.
There should be a quote her:
The disciples of Jesus were given the ability to work all manor of miracles. To receive and to give equally. Which means the disciples retain nothing for themselves. The disciples of Jesus were commanded not to acquire wealth.
The false teaching of prosperity and the fleecing of the Lords sheep leads to an unpleasant outcome. 
Becoming an Unworthy House: (Unedited): 06 Oct 2016:
Can a house once worthy of the Christian become unworthy to the Christian? If that house was once worthy and is now unworthy? shall that house become worse than the land of Sodom and Gomorrah?
A question quote? Never wrote one of those before.
Righteous Christian Soul: (Unedited): 06 Oct 2016: 
The Christian who cannot leave the unworthy house or planet. Shall become the hated criminals of the world. Persecuted and scourged even to the point of death. Those righteous souls shall be saved when they endure to the end.
Added on 07 Oct 2016: I'm convinced of a message here directly for the Christian.
Added on 14 Oct 2016:
Do not get my inclusion of this information wrong. I just do not know enough to ascertain the accuracy of this information. When you as big as these men and women are. The wealth is gonna flow. The information at each website below should be researched by you to ascertain the accuracy of the content.
South Carolina Pastors and churches. The news seems filled with churches being shot, vandalized, broken into and burned.
Christian Persecution Begins: (Unedited): 14 Oct 2016:
As in preparing for any hurricane is necessary for life on the coast, so to is it necessary to prepare for the beginning persecutions of Christianity. That time for preparation is over. When you see the lines of clouds rise from the distance.
If Hillary Clinton has survived brain injury. How does her office of presidency defined in prophecy?
As of right now. The American People has 4 choices to vote for. The two greater evils and the two lesser evils. No Christian cannot vote for any of these four people. Because, even voting for the lesser of two evils means you will have to vote for either gay rights or abortions.
It looks like Hillary Clinton will win and from her shall come forth Christian persecutions and the loss of rights even to the degree of participation within society.
Donald Trump will lose the election and will become known as the destroyer of the Republican party. Those who remain republicans shall become assimilated into the democrat party as controlled voting puppets.
Added on 21 April 2018:
A reader just read this. So I'm revisiting this. It is closed to me. I do however find it interesting how my personal opinions were wrong. The election of Donald trump to the White House is still very surprising to me. It was the Christian vote which elected him. Many Christian spokespersons still celebrate his victory. I'm just not in that boat. Because, I think it is a ruse to cause the Christians to go back to sleep while both the republicans and democrats are filled with true evil doers. Who when they come together at every level of government. This will be when Christian persecutions will begin. We are still a few election cycles away. But, the true and devout Christians must all come together and get to know one another from a variety of churches and denominations. To elect faithful persons to every government office everywhere. This threat is still very real. If the true and devout Christians do not take back their country through the election process. Then the true and devout Christian will lose the ability to participate in the American society.
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Sunday, July 31, 2016

Three Trillion Dollars Prophecy: (Unedited): 06 July 2016:

NOTE FORM: Published on 31 July 2016:
Red word responses below are from 11 Nov 2016.
If you have the means to leave the USA with all of your liquidated assets. You should do so now. If you love your family.
Those poor supporters of the leftest liberal progressives. Shall be left behind forgotten to suffer and endure. For even the heroes of those whom they follow had already defined them as "useful idiots". When the Useful idiot is no longer of use. Then they are just forgotten like any trash thrown away because they are not worth keeping or celebrating. This is where social racism comes into play.
The USA is about to end?
Yes, it still is.
The non family of three point two shall become the first with a trillion each.
The hopes are with the daughter now.
Not about him:
Those who support the three point two and have become to expensive. No matter the promises. Shall die. Even a former president.
If the soon to be former president does not act upon a wild plan. All shall be lost for him. To act upon the wild plan shall kill millions upon millions in time.
This can still happen. Clinton and Obama may put forth their wild plans in which Obama shall retain office. It is not 20 January 2017 yet.
War of 1812. Second child birth. Clinton election.
The silent connection of England.
How? Sometimes I even confuse myself.
What will happen if Hillary Clinton is elected?
She lost. But what about daughter? Already owns property in New York and will mostly likely run for a senate seat by a retiring senator.
In order for President Obama to save himself, his career and to profit much. He will have to hold onto American power in which he will be the first one with a trillion dollars. Multi-trillion dollars. President Obama will learn how the Clinton's do it.
It's not yet 20 January 2017
No matter what happens. The American people will suffer and die. More than a hundred million is President Obama goes with the wild plan. President Obama will hold onto his office beyond his time and with Martial Law. A vote for Mrs. Clinton will cause a severe economic collapse. Even to the point that entire sections of the USA are sold off and the people are forced into indentured servitude.
This election was that important. With Mr. Trump as President Elect. What will this mean? We will soon find out. Remember we had four primary people running for President. 2 Greater evils and 2 minor evils. Trump and Clinton were the two greater evils and Trump was elected. When everyone forgets about Clinton and all of the investigations stop. When all of the corruption accusations and investigations stop. We all will know that Trump is one of them and he suckered all of the Christians to go out and vote. Trump is a man of priorities and he may want to try and fix the USA first and then go after corruption next. But, I do not think so. 
We all will find out when all of those corrupted men and women are investigated, prosecuted and jailed. That will be the big sign on how we all know if President elect Trump is who we want him to be. But, still a dictator who may think of himself as a walking god. May only do those things in order to clean house and clear out all threats. I'm not sold on President Elect Donald Trump. 
Lessons of Hugo Chavez: And the result for the Venezuela people.
The political lessons of Chavez teaches every politician around the world how to profit when in office. Even to the point that the entire country is destroyed. 
Added on 31 July 2016: 
The American election is no longer an election. The votes of the common people no longer matter. The polls are just a lie. The polls are used to offer a benefit of a doubt to the elected numbers between those persons. So if one wins. The polls were close and thus no one argues.
What or who is 3.2? Yes, yes, I wrote it. How is the Clinton's 3.2?
What is the wild plan? Some kind of nationalized emergency. Which affects everyone. A Russian preemptive strike on North America (USA)?
So if the American Presidential election are already predetermined as is evidenced with all of the former Clinton haters now supporting Hillary Clinton and how so many few people know the Trump family has always been close to the Clinton's. So would this mean that the old and scrubbed prophecy that president Obama is the last fairly elected President of the USA?
With a President Hillary Clinton, The people of the USA will see hyper inflation due to her pay to play. No one will eventually be able to do business in the USA until they pay President Hillary Clinton. Also, expect new laws which causes all politicians, their families and select friends to be above all laws. BUT, Family and select friends will only be above or outside of the law if the actual politician says so.
Apparently when the Christians actually go out and vote. Change happens. After all everyone knew and prophesied that Clinton would win the presidency. To alter and change all bad and sad prophecies. The Christian must not go back to sleep thinking all is OK now. The Christians were deceived by Trump. The devout praying and fasting who are righteous in the accepting eyes of God only now must begin to obtain all political offices and appoint only those who are of the Christian faith. This may be the last chance to save the USA. This must be done at all levels of Government. After all, All of those who are against Christianity has been doing this for a long time now. If the Christians do not do this they all will be criminalized and go to jail. Oh wait, that is already happening. The Christians will be treated just as the native tribes are being treated at Standing Rock for the last 7+ months. (11 Nov 2016).    
Added on 31 July 2016 @ 0924.
There are Russian prophecies which shed some light that the leader and the people become a saving force of humanity as well as bringing the Americans back into the good graces of God. But, at this point in time. That all seems to be just hopeful pipe dreams. I do not think President Putin ever wanted any hostilities with anyone. I think he is a reasoned person who is dealing with insane leaders without reason or morality. Sort of like the old insane communist mindset of expecting to kill about 10%+/- of a population when taking them over.
If President Obama provokes President Putin into a preemptive strike. That will prevent a Hillary Clinton Presidency. In which a Hillary Clinton Presidency will just cost to much to do business within the USA. By that time the Clinton family will have their trillions of dollars/assets. The Americans and soon to be former Americans will have paid it all. All wealth will leave and or be diverted towards other developments. A severe economic hardship will happen to those nations which depend on the USA for their own economies.
It is not 20 January 2017 yet. A lot can still happen. Emergencies can still happen which can guarantee a long duration Obama Presidency.
Added on 04 Aug 2016:
This may be very important to the  Revelation Head wound prophecies.
Having seizures is a damaged brain. Seizures can kill a person in a singular event or in a series of events over time. What is the actual word for the "male" related words. The barking and other just plain odd response are just odd. To odd to discount. But, then again Donald Trump's odd response are just arrogant.
There is a level of growing insanity and a loss of person when any person has been taken over. yes, I'm referring to demonic possession. I'm not saying she is or hasn't been.
Added on 05 Aug 2016:
It is really more than $3 trillion. About two weeks ago I was thinking $5 trillion and now Most likely closer to $6 Trillion for the Clinton Family.
This may have been a long duration prophecy. Where the daughter shall lead the elder Clinton's. She must not attain any elected office. A person who having lived elsewhere for decades and then running for office after only applying for residency. That just sounds insane.
Do not be deceived. Politics is like a performance in a drama show. You pretend to hate each other when the cameras are on. Then when the parities are in full swing your all friends again. While the common peoples think you all hate each other. Your children are close friends and only pretend to distance from each other because it is the deception they all must show. If you hate an evil person so much why would you allow your children to be friends with their evil children? YOU WOULD NOT. This is the deception that we were all made to believe. That the republicans and democrats are mortal enemies and in truth they are close friends.
Would the death of former President Bill Clinton guarantee a Hillary Clinton presidency? Toooo Late now.
Would the death of soon to be former President Barack Obama guarantee that Hillary Clinton remains in office indefinitely? To late now.
Added on 11 Nov 2016:
The USA now has a President Elect Mr. Donald Trump. The left liberal progressive who followed Hillary Clinton are all very upset and seems to have taken to the streets in protest and trying to figure out how to move to Canada. While shouting obscene curses and profanities.
I do think that the election was rigged in favor of Hillary Clinton. I do think the entire news media was in favor of Clinton except for the Fox network. I do think the Democratic Party used dead people to vote and bused people from polling station to polling station. I do think they altered voting machines just enough so as not to be suspicious. Yet, all of these activities was not enough to overcome the Christian vote for Donald Trump. Does that mean that Donald Trump didn't do all of those things as the Democrats are known for doing. Of course not.
Please help if you can. Thank You.
Cash App $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.

Friday, June 10, 2016

Evil god like elected ruler: (Unedited): 07 June 2016:

Divine judgement comes to the people when their apathy turns sinful activities into mocking the God whom they have rejected.
The evil godlike elected ruler shall be absolutely apathetic over the plight of his/her people who must endure the divine curses brought upon them. 
The evil godlike elected ruler shall seek an outside source to go forth and kill those who seek to replace him.
On the appointed day. Fingers shall be pointed abroad and the evil godlike ruler shall hold onto his authority. Those who rebel and are disobedient to his rule shall become as ash and smoke.
 Ever read about the people in the Bible? Especially those rulers and kings? Some of them were some messed up people. These chosen men had everything and then for some reason they brought sin into their kingdom and then all began to suffer from it. Pretty much in every case. Even the great Solomon fell to sin and rejected the God who chose him and gifted him very many great things.
It seems these quotes are about a single person. Who desires to keep his position in spite of term limits. Usually, when I try to decipher what these things mean. I'm usually wrong. but, that never seems like it ever stops me from trying to understand what I write. It is just not for me to know.
I automatically want to think this is about President Barack Obama. But, it could be for the next president of the USA. Hillary Rodham Clinton or Donald Trump. Mrs. Clinton is the apparent traitor and liar while Mr. Trump appears to be an Apollo-ish type of godlike person. Either way a vote for either can further separate the American people from Jehovah God of Abraham, Enoch, Elijah and Moses. In which the American people will suffer just as the Jewish people had suffered in the Bible. The suffering shall be multiplied as the American people has rejected both repentance and righteousness. These are the sufferings of the three's.
Three's of sufferings.
1) Rejection of repentance and righteousness.
2) By their free choice do they elect godless and godlike people.
3) The godless and godlike people shall cause their subjects to suffer greatly.
If the USA is not in Bible prophecy. Then the USA will fall from it's leadership role in the world. Maybe even in overall importance in the grand scheme of things. If the USA is the migrated Babylon of old. Then it may in fact be better for the people of Sodom and Gomorrah during the fire rain judgement. That alone may mean a near complete depopulation of the United States of America.
If these quotes are about President Barack Obama. Then I might expect the president to come up with plans to hold onto office and to do what is necessary to squelch those who he considers as enemies. Which will be everyone in the Republican party as well as the Democratic party. So close to the election and maybe during a party, gathering or a debate. Clinton and Trump may be killed as well as many supporters. A national emergency needs to be initiated in which President Barack Obama becomes the hero to the American people. As what has been done in the Middle East by the Americans so to shall be done to the American people. To the tune of possible civil war, religious war, racial war and cultural war. The American people will kill each other simply because they feel a need to do so.
The American people have already rejected repentance, cleanliness, holiness and righteousness. Even many of those who go to church do not repent or have no desire to be righteous as they are worshiping God. What does the bible say about that. Isn't that the essence of mocking God? What of those old ways in which are not taught in churches today. What must be done before you can come into the presence of God?
Ye who looks for revival. Shall not see one even though you desperately want the Holy Spirit to move through. Revivals happen because the sinner see how the Christian lives their lives with righteousness and honor, With compassion and mercy. In the modern christian world today, the sinner sees not any of this and thus sees no desire to become which is the same as in the world systems.
Added on 05 Dec 2018:
Has President Donald Trump made a pivot against freedoms? Censorship and the right to Bear arms? The right to bear arms is troubling as in every other so called free nation you are guilty until your proven innocent. Only in America are you innocent until your proven guilty in a court of law.
Former president Barack Obama seems to be still in the news and has not quietly gone away. Can Barack Obama run for the presidency again in 2020? Is that even legal?
Added on 26 Dec 2018:
While the Christians all seem to love President Trump. I have not altered this blog or deleted it.
Could all of America see the real Donald Trump after the 2020 elections? I'm not in the we love Trump boat. I still think this is all about how many times can the prince/god of this world deceive Christians before the laws are passed to kill them all. Really.
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Monday, February 8, 2016

Political Religious Prostitution: (Unedited): 07 Feb 2016:

Pay to play is political prostitution/whore/harlot as prophetically foretold in the Holy Bible. 
These are all just interpretations. Just as the established religion of the day were looking for a great military ruler as their own selfish interpretations of ancient prophecy. They(Jews) got Jesus Christ, a Holy and pure sacrificial lamb. In which they(Jews) manipulated Roman authority and caused the torture and murder of an innocent man. Any information which comes from any fallen church, fallen people or fallen person. Should automatically be scrutinized. A fallen church, people or person are those who have accepted sin to stand in their own holy place or places. This is abomination of desolation. A further abomination is when a person who knows the words to prove or to wrongly convince those of his faith and yet shows no actual signs/evidence of the faith. For instance needing a new multi-million dollar jet. Multi-million dollar properties in many countries or two countries. Setting up their families financially for life. Anyone who teaches the prosperity promise in any Christian related church. May be one of those that God will say that He never knew them. That will be for only God to judge and not any single human being. As evidenced by the life of Jesus Christ.
Jesus Christ remained homeless and continually gave all that was given to him away.
Is the soon to be 70 year old Hillary Rodham Clinton the prophesied Whore of Babylon? She was raised in the Methodist traditions in which the Methodist church has recently fallen to sin and apostasy. Which is also the abomination of desolation in the lesser degrees. In regards to church and person of those holy places in which sin is brought in.
It seem some interpretations identifying the USA or formerly known as New Jerusalem as the current state of Babylon is accurate. Because who has a military power more powerful than the USA? No One! and yet the country of the USA is so very easy to destroy by any foreign country with the technology to wield.
I can still remember when Margaret Thatcher was supposed to be the Whore of Babylon and was not. 
I was just thinking of the old Kenyan prophecy. Which has been scrubbed from the internet. Maybe, It wasn't real or verified. Is this my own false trust or is it my faulting ability to immediately trust a newly discovered content? Without any sort of verification.
If President Barrack Obama is the last president of the USA. Then does that mean something is going to happen before he leaves office? In order to fully re-organize the USA and a nationally instituted Martial Law. Or does it mean that the new president of the United States of America wins office through an illegal means? Then goes forward with the systematic destruction of the USA. It has been said that President Bush lost and yet won. It has been said that President Obama is a Muslim and isn't even an American. That lies and deceptions took a foot hold as truths and law. Yet, President Obama remains in office as leader of this land. So, in regards to lies and deceptions. Who was the last sitting real and legal president? Regan, Clinton, Bush Sr.? Maybe Reagan.
Clinton lied and continues to lie. Bush Lied and Obama has done what Bush did except just more and faster.
Added on 08 May 2016:
There are now only two candidates left in the Presidential races of the United States. Hillary Rodham Clinton and Donald Trump. The insulting word wars has already begun between the both of them. So, Now how will Donald Trump lose if Hillary Rodham Clinton is the prophesied Harlot?
All of this is assuming that a severe drastic thing will not happen to the USA in the next many months prior to the Presidential election. Something so big must happen in which the sitting president of the USA will be justified in the delay of the election and instituting national martial law.
This will become his opportunity to perpetuate his rule and it will become his rule. He will be lifted up to heroic status. Everyone who is on the list shall die. Anyone who is in question shall die. This means entire families of his enemies. No one will know.
Or will The next President Hillary Rodham Clinton be the one who becomes goddess like as she causes the death of 100+ million people and perpetuates a coming or created emergency. For she shall only save those who are her worshipers.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

War Dream: 11 June 2013:

The blind and deaf rulers of the world think that prophecy is only a tool of propaganda.
Because of that false belief. Humanity becomes extinct when the use of classified conceptualized advanced technologies are used against each others nations. You will not survive even deep within your own bunkers. You may even risk the total collapse of the entire planetary energy system. Becoming mars or Venus or worse. A new asteroid belt.

The rulers of the world seem to be on the road to war. President Putin, Xi Jinping and President Obama seem to be on a war footing. I'm not sure how or why I say that. I do not follow the news or political talk radio anymore. I'm just tired of all of the lies and the anger. Lies, anger and hate just perpetuates war at any level.

This is a fundamental fact. Those who make war are the political, religious and financially wealthy people of the world. Think about it? The owner of Jimmies barbecue house in Texas isn't going to make the next world war with johnnies Barbecue house in Kansas City. Well maybe! But we are not all going to die or become enslaved by it. We may enjoy it greatly though.

The prophecies of the world basically state "We are all going to die", which means extinction. All of you COG (Continuation of Government) types. Those underground bunkers will be your coffins. Yours and humanities only survival is not to pursue any war which escalates beyond any single theater of operation. Can you guarantee that? Nope you can't. Especially when the USA is so easy to neutralize. Then when the USA is neutralized. The mad rush for it's resources will begin. You will have to rush in, every military force will rush in.
Thus, the final outcome. The end of the USA means the end of humanity. Once the light of freedom is not just extinguished but destroyed and forgotten all the way to the level of concept. Humanity will die and so will all of you who have orchestrated the events to come. It may take less than 100 years. But, all of humanity will die. So, what does it matter in the here and now? So as long as I can rule my share of the world. Can anyone be so selfish as to want what they can get at the expense of humanities extinction.
There won't be any evolution within any category. Only a dwindling of the population. Which will be celebrated as some kind of victory.
Can and will those who are the most brave and courageous amongst humanity become aware enough to know that the removal of the physical human button in preference to the systematic automated button is a death sentence for all of humanity. When one person can launch all of it's arsenal with a single computer response. Insanity has been embraced. Cheer, celebrate and rejoice in your deep bunkers. They shall become your coffins. You will not be able to leave.
Where will you get your water when it is atomically altered. The planet has only a single water system. There is not division of each. It only appears that the salt water is different than the fresh water. To alter one aspect alters the whole. 
:The Lies and Deceptions of RACE:
We are all one humanity, one species and one family. When all of the common peoples unite together to love one another, to live in peace with each other and to exist in harmony. Then we all can find a very rich life we all can live with great meaning.
If you cannot separate yourself from the lies and deceptions of the separation and division of the races. Then you, your family and your entire church will/may not be one of the elect, protected, saved or raptured. You must begin to know and believe that we are a single race of beings called humans. We are all brother and sister to one another.

The DNA fingerprinting was established in 1984. Read it well. Believe the truth and reject the lies you have only known as truth.
The history of humanity told by many different traditions.
From about 8 minutes and 50 seconds to the introduction of the European leader. Listen good. This was in 26 June 2000. President Bill Clinton Library.

Research for yourself the Human skin. learn how it is the largest organ of the human body. Learn about all of the primary functions of the human skin. Then learn about the minor function of the coloring of the skin. Learn how if you lose a primary function of the skin. You can die. Where as if you lose your skin coloring. You will just be uncomfortable, but still living with possible social ridicule. Now, after you have learned all about your human skin. Ask yourself this. Why do we not compare other organs of the body with other people such as the liver, kidneys, gall bladder and etc. How come there isn't racial stereo types for those who can drink much alcohol and those who cannot drink? Why? Race or the coloring of the skin is illogical and without any actual fact. 
 We are all one family of humanity. We are all brother and sister to one another. Humanity reunited as a single race can achieve great things together.
Life = Love + Peace + Harmony
 This is the only formula which can send humanity out into the stars. China may be the only Country which can begin this achievement of humanities next great step. China may also be the force which becomes the trigger for humanities extinction. Please research the word trigger. A trigger is squeezed by another source. Who or what causes China to begin the human extinction process? Sun Tzu philosophies successfully used against China.
 If China just alters their course and can begin to see the stars as the place to journey to. The problems of the Earth becomes minimized. The extinction of humanity may become delayed or even prevented.  China change your focus away from Earths resources, war machine creation and look to the Heavenly bodies. You will discover new and plentiful resources and maybe even some                 . Recruit the old American NASA people. Bring excitement of space exploration back to the whole planet. That may reunite all of humanity under China's leadership. Thus delaying or preventing another world war. Bring freedom to your people with the limits of personal responsibility. Look up to the stars and go.
If the USA is allowed to falter on it's own. Then by peacefully using International treaties and laws to prop up the USA only in name. Maybe, humanity will survive. If any military forces begin to invade the USA. All is lost. Doomsday weapon is triggered and it will work.  Despite the more than a dozen Chinese plans to prevent it. Through military actions. Those boys who created that doomsday weapon are/were some smart cookies. That weapon system will affect the whole planet-everywhere.
Through financial ownership by the whole international community. Can the world still profit from the resources within the North American Continent.  Without military aggression. So as long as the American people can keep their lifestyle and belief systems. All will not be lost.
Small Countries who figure out how to neutralize the USA will they themselves trigger all of the bad and sad prophecies. Spoken of and written about for the end times.
All prophecies as written and spoken, are only events of probability. Bad and sad Prophecies are meant as warnings. In which we are all supposed to work in preventing there occurrence. The good prophecies are supposed to be worked on individually and collectively. To make them happen at all levels of organization.
A conversation with a president. Is one where an insignificant person begs for peace.
Without peace there is no life. 
Without love there is no peace or life.
Without harmony there is no peace or life.
Please help if you can. Thank You.
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Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Huricane Isaac meaning and prophecy: 28 Aug 2012:

This will be an ongoing write. Updated after prayers and meditations. How will these puzzle pieces fit together? If it is actually a picture or message from GOD.
The sevens are important. 2019 next New Orleans, Louisiana event. Which will be the third. The third is terrible.
Hurricane Issac will be the second warning for the New Orleans, Louisiana area.
Hurricane Issac will be a message and a warning to the USA and maybe the presidential elections coming up.  Prelude to the 2015 next USA terrible third event.
Those who are more Bible savvy than I will see the direction of this. 
Isaac is the father land. Trials and tribulations. Government. Politics.
The fatherland is the government. The USA government has become corrupt and godless.
Isaac wife Rebecca.  The mother land. Taking instead of waiting. Wives.
Issac son 1 Esau. is President Obama or Romney.
Issac son 2 Jacob. is President Obama or Romney.
Ive written before about Romney. Romney may be the only of the two candidates. Which may heed the urgings of GOD to repent and flee from sin. If Romney repents and flees from the politics and evil corporate/business practices. Then maybe he will become the leader who leads Americans back to their former godly ways. It will not be easy or smooth. American ?never? become a world power again. If Romney can see that you cannot separate politics, personal life and  business from your faith. Then maybe, he can be a leader instead of an administrator.
If not Romney will be the administrator which finalizes the sale and end of the USA. After all that is what he does best. Romney the great sell out.  Romney will profit greatly from the sale. Maybe, even a minimized and unimportant USA. The reason why Romney does not profit as well as Obama would. He spreads and shares the wealth with those who work with him. Those who work with him and are friends with him. Will not be the common people of the former USA. It will all be a secret. The delusion of Romney is by sharing the wealth with those whom he believes he is trying to save from the collapse to come. He will believe he is doing a great good. In the eyes of GOD. It will not be. It will only be a weak justification of the evil Romney perpetuates. The media will lie and deceive as directed by the Romney administration.
An administrator is not a leader or a manager. An administrator must be directed by a leader or a group of leaders like the UN.
All of the bad and sad that has been prophetically written and spoken. Still happens to varying degrees of accuracy. The accuracy is solely dependent on human decision which has not been made yet.  Just because Ive written bad and sad in regards to Obama. Does not mean they do not happen with President Romney. They all still do with variances.
President Obama. If Obama wins the second term. He has the pay to play mentality in politics and in all things in life.  He is poised to become one of the wealthiest men in the world. In just 7 years. It will all be a secret. Just as the worlds politicians, leaders and dictators amass great wealth in secret. So to does the American politicians. The media will not reveal any truth which goes against the Obama administration.  The USA comes to an absolute and hard ending. There is no repentance, no change of heart and no altering of his intellectual plan with Obama. ( But, people can surprise you), (Not likely with Obama, but possible).  Absolute enslavement of the American people. All of the prophecies of doom and gloom manifest. In one day President Obama sells off all of the American military assets for his own profit. An order is given to port all naval warships  at selected sites around the world. Some military personnel will defect with their ships, planes and weapons. They will be hunted and killed. By the worlds military's. The former American military will be deadly early on. But with zero ability to re-supply. There will be no mercy and no chance when they are finally destroyed or killed.
For those of you who are foreign nationals. Do not become Americans or even do the paperwork. Buy Real estate within the USA. Research legal protections with the UN laws. Be mindful of the future maps of the USA. Some or all maybe partially or completely accurate. Which will be dependent on future human decision. (Such as China)
Russian Government needs to convince China to diplomatically cause the surrender of secret bases of the USA. Especially, the one with the doomsday weapon. There cannot even be any kind of severe weapons usage within a few hundred miles of the secret base. A *vibration sensor* is defective.  If not then lake south west begins and then we all of humanity becomes extinct ( Over a period of a few generations). Even you guys with your own underground bases. You wont be safe in your underground coffins. The only safe place is off planet and that is not safe by known technological standards. Doomsday weapon blog created 04 Sept 2012.
The Republican party as a whole is supposed to represent the belief systems of the religious conservatives. This I  believe is just a lie and deception perpetuated by the entire republican party to simply garner support. Ive spent 2 days at the Republican national convention (RNC). It appears that the accepted prostitutes have  passes to gain entry to the daily events. As of last night it was reported to me that there have only been a total of 8 arrests. What the arrests were for, I have no idea. Were the women who I believe to be prostitutes actually prostitutes? I did not ask them. It does seem there were two different kind of dressed women walking out of the events. Those who were professionally and nicely dressed. Then those women who were scantily clad or not modestly dressed. These scantily clad women also had male escorts or security (not as nicely or professionally dressed as the accepted males/men of the RNC) who did not have or wore their passes if they had any. When those persons who plan and are invited by the RNC and the republican party invite and protect prostitutes. This is not represented in any way a support for any religion, moral living and family unit. This is an aspect for the demise of the USA.
In September 2012 the Democratic national Convention will take place. The successful practices of the Tampa, Fl.  RNC will used.
It is my opinion that neither the Republican or Democratic parties represent any person or family of faith. This includes all faiths which has an established importance for morality, Traditional defined family status and honorable living. In order for the USA to survive and not be punished any more. The people must change the entire political system of the USA. By voting in actual persons who have a history of being faithful to GOD. The people of the USA must Repent, Repent, Repent.  It is not to late now. It will be to late when it is to late as determined by GOD. The wholeness of repenting must involve fleeing from sin by all aspects of your whole being. Your whole being is physically, mentally (Logic and emotion), your heart and your spirit. All of the aspects of you must repent. Fleeing from sin must be done in private as is easily seen in the public eye. You must flee from sin in your professional life and political life. Each and every single human being in the USA and the world must repent. If not extinction of the whole human race. Save for the elect or the remnant. Ask yourself this, How much is in a remnant? Noah and his family was a remnant of the human race.  That's 8 people out of how many? As was in the time of Noah so it will be in the time of our ending. Genetic manipulation is happening now. Which was a part of Noah's time. All that is left is the angels or space aliens or however you wish to call them. When the angels renew contact with all of humanity. The time is close maybe less than 48 years, maybe just over 2 years or somewhere in between. Maybe tomorrow or when you die from this physical life you have now.
If all of the Americans repent. All of the bad and prophecies ever spoken or written about the demise of the USA will become false. The HOLY TEXTS as inspired by GOD. I believe are living documents. Which means as we change events, as we evolve and alter our own future for the better. Where we all begin to live with love, peace, harmony and life. The LIVING HOLY TEXTS also changes. These texts changes so perfectly that we will never be aware of their changing. All of the contents of the HOLY TEXTS must always remain true. Which includes all prophecies contained within.
NEW: The *vibration sensor* can determine the difference between an earthquake, a vibration from a nuclear detonation as felt through the planet and other natural shaking. It is designed to initiate a self destruct upon a direct hit via a nuclear bomb strike. This aspect is a math or programming error as well as an actual sensor error. Which sends out a direct strike data for any nuclear strike within a few hundred miles (Not intended purpose or design. Within a ?mile?).  May not be actually a few hundred miles. Maybe less.
 It is like an old fuel gauge. Sometimes they always shows full or empty when the truth is half. In other words the accuracy is off at the initial, then becomes accurate after a certain amount of fuel use. This is the best i can explain.
The mechanical error in the vibration sensor is small and then coupled with the math error in the programming. The error is magnified. The errors is in product production and software writing.
This is directly related to other prophetic blogs written. 
Brief History of Isaac on YouTube Videos:
On the Bible Code or the Torah Code. I have zero experience in them. It is up to you to ascertain the accurate messages as deciphered by man. 
Bible Code
To love one another.

To live in peace.

To exist in harmony.

 To cherish/respect life. 

To obey/honor the Laws of God.

 To become the holy and righteous people as The Heavenly Father intended us all to be.
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Musings of an American Truck Driver 