For me time just sucks. It is very difficult for me to plan time. Let alone to try and figure out when a thing may or may not happen. I would suppose that when a thing happens it happens in it's assigned time. So, up until today. The puzzle pieces have been vague and sparse.
So here it goes. If you research my previous writings. You can see what I was trying to see. which seems to be much clearer now.
From orbit I see much darkness on the dark side of this planet. Except for a handful of lights from the planets surface. These well lit areas are the yet to be assigned United Nations Safe Zones across the former soon to be USA. Yes, I still see the USA fall. The USA falls to such a degree that the United Nations takes supreme authority over all land, water, and all assets. Which means if you had not made any sort of legal arrangements with the legal body of the United Nations. You will become non people and thus deserving of virtually zero human rights. Since I have zero wealth. I will most likely be one of those who disappears.
So here it is. What I saw. How far out this was from the end of the USA I do not know.
In Florida I see lights in Tampa, Miami, Orlando, Titusville. Then a couple in the middle. Then in California I see lights for San Francisco and Los Angeles. In Nevada, Vegas. There were other places just not as well lit.
Then I zoomed in a saw new towers and knew they were not there. I saw well lit brand new airports small and less than crowded. I saw well lit marinas. With huge slips for large yachts.
Then it was day time and I was in a shopping mall. A security guard was at the door and you had to qualify your wealth to gain entry. The mall was empty and store attendants were waiting quietly at the front of their stores for the customers to choose them. They were all sharply and modestly dressed. Digital name tags easily visible.
A newer vision of the ultra wealthy securely using themes parks exclusively. Day or night. The crowds are gone. The crowds are also gone from the beaches.
These are just the puzzle pieces which have begun to come together. This post focuses only on the ultra wealthy and how the USA shall be transformed into a market just for them.
This is what happened to spark this posting.
In Sundays Paper. The Tampa tribune.
Upon reading this story I knew this was it or at least the beginning of it. This is an AP story published on 01 April 2015:
This is just a beginning. The ultra rich will have their own security issues and as such will want to have direct access to exclusive airports and marinas. They will want to bring their vehicles in which they will drive all over the planets surface. Marinas will need to offer all services as well as dedicated security and police forces. Private and secure roadways to theme parks, malls.
So once these exclusive sites are developed. They will come and Florida will have more than their share.
The Native Americans will be or can be seen as an international asset. Assuming those tribes do make those necessary treaties and agreements with the United Nations. This must be done before the USA ends. Key word is BEFORE. Which of course is prophecy from people of different cultures and continents.
For those who invest. You must be able to survive the worst of any economic collapse which comes. No matter what the emergency which ends the USA government. You must be able to survive it. Hence pay your legal bribes to those who sit in the United nations. Make sure your properties are recognized by the United Nations. So that your real estate wealth will be decided in your favor. How ever that happens. I write this having no idea if this is even possible. Most likely for you. The key words are debt free in those areas as well as BEFORE the USA ends.
If you have young family members who are in the military service with the USA and they commit their oaths to the United nations. Then This will be three things which shall work in your favor.
This is prophecy.
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Musings of an American Truck Driver
These are the things that are contained within my own mind. That I'm unable to verbally express. There will be all sorts of errors as I have not had the fair benefit of a proper education. If you leave a comment. Please be nice and clean. You are welcomed.
Showing posts with label United Nations. Show all posts
Showing posts with label United Nations. Show all posts
Sunday, April 5, 2015
United Nations Safe Zones: (Unedited): 05 April 2015:
Air Ports,
Native Americans,
Puzzle Pieces,
Safe Zones,
Tampa Tribune,
Theme Parks,
Ultra Wealthy,
United Nations,
Port Richey, FL, USA
Thursday, November 15, 2012
Scapa Flow Plan: (Unedited): 15 Nov 2012:
To prevent the United Nations or which ever replaces it. The acquisition of the Former United States Military might. Including all of the Military manufacturing capabilities. The personnel who has direct contact with any military asset must scuttle the equipment before it is taken over by the One World Governmental Body. All Military Assets must be rendered to the point that there is no usable or recoverable parts. All the way down to every bullet and gun bore cleaner. All civilian personnel who are associated with any military parts manufacturer. Must destroy all machinery, parts, plans, buildings and materials.
This is similar to the actions by WW2 Germany Officers in and around Scapa Flow Scotland. Except those former Americans must do a better and through job. While giving their own lives. That is what is going to need to happen and will probably happen regardless of their actions. Especially, if your civilian.
To save the world from destruction and extinction as has been prophesied in the Holy Texts and by the prophets. It matters not if you accept them or not. The words from them are similar.
However the United Nations or some other world political body evolves into the One World Government led by a singular charismatic leader, who is loved by all. His military acquisition must be delayed and or prevented. This can only be done by the self sacrifice of those persons associated with the former USA military apparatus. To give your life to save the world. Even if it is to be a Chinese one. Really.
I've thought and written about China. The future of China is difficult. They can either be the evil dominant empire which is the trigger finger who destroys and causes the extinction of all of humanity or they can become the savior of the world. If China becomes connected to the first Future leader of the world. We are all doomed. If China becomes the enemy to the One World Government and the One World leader. Then we are all doomed. If China goes to war with the Current and existing USA. Humanities end result is still the same. Human Extinction. I think this is why China is difficult to see, is because it is so easy for China to be either or. China can be that leader which leads all of humanity towards the stars. If China does nothing. Then we all die. If China embraces more of Communistic thought and doctrine. Then we all die. If China acts out with anger because of some unknown action in the future. Then we all die. If China reaches out to the world with compassion and mercy. Then maybe, we can survive. I think that is the key. China needs to step forward in a world leadership role with compassion and mercy. The absence of any world leader may just bring about a New World Order. From Chaos comes the bringer of organization. It will be no surprise that the bringer of Organization was also a participant to the creation of chaos which will come. It can only come with an absence of the United States of America. A plan which has been implemented since before I was born.
The best option for China is to protect the USA From insanity. It matters not if the insanity is from within the white house or from some other country. Meaning a simple EMP bomb or several aboard balloons rising into the atmosphere and detonated in various locations. Meaning a million Islamic men going in a million different directions to wage warfare similar to the Tet Offensive. In the Countries of the USA, Canada, Great Britain and the rest of the European Union. The Asian Countries will not be immune. A Tet Offensive for around the world. Conducted by men who are willing to die and will continue their attacks until they each are killed.
Another option to the Scapa Flow plan is for the former American Military assets to be sailed or flown into China ports. The secret bases within the USA should be surrendered to China. This maybe the only option for the DOOMSDAY WEAPON not to be used. What China does and how they evolve is crucial. On one hand trust the One World Government or trust China? Prophecy dictates not the One World Government or even China.
For the common person to survive. We each must become a holy people in the eyes of God. Then to not become involved in any war fighting. This little part is key. No person who practices any religion can be involved in any warfare at any level. If this begins to happen amongst the common people of the world. Then humanity may survive. Humanity survives because there will be no real fighting force. No Christian can be a part of any military organization. This also includes Islam, Hindus, Buddhists. Love, peace and harmony must be outwardly expressed by all religious persons. Which will equate in Life for all.
China may be Humanities only hope. Go figure. Probably not.
Sometimes people can surprise you, even after you can easily predict their likely outcome from knowing their past history. Most of the time you will be correct in your prediction. But, Sometimes. We all must look forward to the sometimes. Even with China. China as a whole can be everyone's end result including their own. The leadership of China must turn away from a mindset of conquest and towards a protectionist and exploratory mindset.
The protectionist mindset is that mindset which protects everyone and everything. China will become the sole super power of the world. That is until the New World Order led by the beloved and Charismatic World leader. Then we all die or become extinct. Except those selected remnant saved by God. The word remnant may be just DNA samples.
If China begins to be the protector of the world. Their intentions will be seen by the American Officers. Thus, If and when the time arises. Where the USA ends. The officers may have an opportunity to have a choice. The One World Government or China. Who to choose? Right now, It would be best to find a deep trench and sink it all. This may be the preferred delaying method and may extend the life of all of humanity. Except, for the Doomsday device which creates a square lake in most of the South West USA. Which then destroys humanity. So as Long as the USA has that Insane Doomsday Device. Don't go underground to deep. Because, every plan China develops, Even if they had not developed them yet. Kills us all. I've already suggested a possible solution here in this blog. It's the only one, so far.
I think the USA was the worlds last hope. But, Maybe China can or will take up that mantle. By giving their people more rights and freedoms. By going forth into the world and rendering aid and comfort. By becoming an active world leader and not like what the USA has become in the last 30 or so years. World leader does not mean global military actions or global intimidation. Leading means leading and others just willingly follow out of your outwardly seen honor and respect.
17 Sept 2013.
There is always an origin to things. Even those which were successful in implementation. How can a Vietnam event work for a coordinated attack around the world? Easy. Technology of today can guarantee instant communications around the whole world. Thus, a world wide coordinated attack can be implemented very easily. Just look at how Flash mobs are planned. Once an Islamic leader proclaims that all Muslims should go forth an attack that which they can easily do. Then those who are the most devout to anti-peace and anti-Allah. Will go to kill and destroy all they can. Then move forward for the second, third and more attacks. There will be those who will only attack once and remain to kill law enforcement and to be killed by them.
To be anti-peace is to be anti-Allah.
I did have news that began with this new content. But, It did not pan out. So, I shall not include it. I do feel like there will be a beginning coordinated attack within the west or USA. A handful of Jihadist men in different areas will coordinate a attack just like the 9/11 event. They will be the beginning and evolution into the American Tet.
Prophecy is only probable, when a simple revelation can alter everything. Which must be followed with good and righteous works of prevention.
This is not like those Theological Doomsday Preachers who preach in order to cause fear amongst their congregation in order to bring in more people and more money. These events which will be coming do not care about churches or money. The only thing which will prevent any and all of the bad and sad prophecies is the change within your own heart and mind. It doesn't matter what religion you practice. It only matters the over all condition of your Being/soul.
All prophecies as written and spoken, are only events of probability. Bad and sad Prophecies are meant as warnings. In which we are all supposed to work in preventing there occurrence. The good prophecies are supposed to be worked on individually and collectively. To make them happen at all levels of organization.
Added on 27 May 2014:
The American Tet Offensive may be beyond the planning stage and into the implementing stage. Where financial resources are planned for use. Weapons of every sort will be assigned and people paid for their participation. The American Government knows and is going to allow it to happen. Those person who are in the know. Know that the one world government must replace the USA and the USA must end forever with zero hope for a re-start. This is prophetically correct in accordance to some ancient prophets like the Hopi. The USA is absent from Biblical Prophecy in the end times.
It seems the vision of this day includes the involvement of many nations. Including Russia, China and central American Countries. Islamic peoples will also join in the attack on innocent American lives.
Wanna guess how it was all paid for? All from the sins of the American people. Here are just a few sins. Illegal drug use. Purchased porn of every sort. Conducting business transactions with those persons who are directly related to the enemies of the USA. Your sins and rejection of God is what has moved you out from under the protections of the Holy Spirit. So much so, that when the Tet attacks come. There will be nothing and no one to come to your aid.
Added on 21 June 2014: Jonathan Kleck video
Added on 04 Aug 2014:
If Abu_Bakr_al-Baghdadi is able to take land and cause much problems for Israel. Then his victories will solidify him as a genuine Caliph.
Do not become confused with my term of god's. There is only one supreme being. But, there are many other beings who pretend to be our god's and in actuality are so superior to us lowly greatly inferior humans that they can enforce their will upon any human. They each can be that powerful. These gods, fallen angels or even aliens have always been with us and were defeated in a great war within this solar system. The remnants of that great war is everywhere. Mars, Earth's moon and in other places yet to be discovered. I just know this and yet somehow these fallen angels have buried/secreted themselves within the Earth. This is just a little out there even for me as I type this.
A spirit of Horus is at work within ISIS of today. Is Horus the Father of terror?
Added on 26 Aug 2014:
There have been news on how American civilians are fighting with ISIS and ISIL.
This may in fact be one of the origins for the Tet offensive in the USA and Europe.
Then there was the Palestinian American teenager who was beaten by Israeli soldiers. There is a pattern forming.
Added on 01 Sept 2014:
It seems that Islamic civilians all across the western world are in active war. They have traveled from their adopted homes and into harms way. In order to murder all of those who have not agreed with them. This is the futuristic Tet Offensive which may occur with in the USA, Canada and all over Europe. If the resolve of these Islamic peoples causes them to go into active warfare. With no regard for their own lives and to anyone else. This is a huge threat to anyone who disagrees with them within their own adopted country. If they can go to another country to make war. Then they can make war within their adopted countries. Had to use the entire article as it appears the story is getting scrubbed from the internet.
Western Governments Step Up Efforts to Block ISIS Recruits
The proposed changes come three days after the British government increased their national terror threat level from "substantial" to "severe" for the first time in three years. The “severe” threat level is the second highest in the U.K.’s threat level system, topped only by “critical” which is used to indicate that an attack is “expected imminently.”
U.S. security forces took a different approach when they realized there was a 19-year-old woman in Denver who was planning on traveling to Turkey to join a jihadist group after connecting with a 32-year-old Tunisian man.
Added on 05 Sept 2014:
Apparently ISIS is in El Paso, Texas. Where else are they. Can you begin to see the Coming Tet Offensive forming. Working with the drug cartels. Is the source of ISIS wealth the USA drug trade?
Added on 20 Sept 2014: As we all get closer to these style of events in which the possibility becomes very probable if not certain. More and more peoples will have more and more visions and dreams.
Added on 05 Dec 2014: Very Interesting.
Evangelist Anita Fuentes
Added on 08 Jan 2015: France Terrorist attack. Muslims attacking Hindus. Muslim Boy in Maine allegedly burned down 4 apartments. To be set free. This is a ramp up. People do not understand that the Muslims are at war with everyone. Is this the Tet Offensive against western societies? NO. When it begins, you will know and will not question. Here in the USA and in Europe. There is a common flaw. The law Enforcement agencies seem to all show up in the place of the attack. France Law Enforcement also mobilized their forces in various areas of the Country. Of course when the Tet Offensive begins. The attacks will just happen in those places where there is no or minimal forces in protection. A witness saw a highly trained male. Walk up to an injured police person and shot him in the head. Then calmly left.
The only true protective option is for the civilian population to arm themselves at places of employment.
Added on 09 Jan 2015: Evolution Seen:
A two man Islamic team attacks Charlie Hebdo in France. The two men indicate an evolution in attacks. They did not wait around for their own deaths. They were mission orientated. They were focused on the mission and completed their mission. Then the two men escaped. The two men were masked. It seems obvious that the two men had been trained in western style of military thought and military action. Their execution of the attack looked very western. It seems that this new wave of Islamic fighters have benefited from American led military training and all of that training is being used or will be against the civilian populations.
France also showed an evolution of defensive posturing. Most likely because of the actions of the two masked men. France deployed security forces throughout France. Whether or not these security forces would have been effective is in question. This is because of the two New York policemen assassinated while sitting in their patrol car all unaware of the approaching threat.
Right now the only way to prevent the effectiveness of any future Islamic attack is for the citizenry to be armed and trained in defensive tactics. Which within the USA. That won't be possible as the politicians want the American people to be dependent upon the police forces and local swat teams. There will be confusion. If ISIS fighters are wearing all black and the swat teams are wearing all black. How do you really know who is who? Westerners are traveling to ISIS controlled areas to receive military training and war fighting experience. Then are they going to go back to their so called home country to kill civilians in everyday life???
I'm very hesitant to even mention any potential targets which continue today mostly unarmed and untrained. Because, by the time a Swat Team arrives. Dozens will have already been killed. Then if the enemy combatants practice shoot and scoot in their own local areas. All of the Swat members are at the first place of attack. Thus, the rest of the local area shall be undefended by trained personnel. Only the civilians can deter attacks. Especially, if the civilians are those unknown quantities to any attacking force. Which at one time was used as a cold war thought against the USSR from the USA.
In the time of the cold war of the USA and the USSR. The USSR had plans of occupying the USA. In Alaska, Florida and throughout the western states. Florida and the Gulf coast had a threat of a million man multinational force led by Cuba. At that time the civilians were self reliant and self dependent. Any attacking force will be met with a fire fight from every direction. It would have been worse than Afghanistan. I still think the threat is still similar today as it was back then. But, the civilian mindset has changed. To that of dependency and "ME". Which makes isolation and killing of civilian persons by any invading force possible.
Added on 10 Jan 2015: Janes comments.
Added on 15 Jan 2015:
It is most likely that at this very moment. Your schools are being or shall be surveiled. By those who are new members or low ranking members of a terrorist organization. They will be just sitting along your schools outside perimeter and taking video with their cell phones. After all, It's not against the law to just sit in public and to take pictures. The Beslan School attack may be the last of it's kind as the evolution of Islamic attacks is very notable in the recent France killings. Most notably amongst a very helpless and defenseless population of France. If more attacks are being planned as we speak. They may begin or end within a school or a close by day care center. There may even be a sniper involved. I'm using the word sniper very loosely. In other words. A certain amount of time will only be spent in each location of attack. Then the terrorists will move on. Much like those bank robbery shows on the movies. The bad guys have their clocks. So that they may escape. The success of the France shooting will become a training manual for all future attacks. Until, the next evolution takes place.
I have been reading the news about this and how some people want students to throw soup cans or throw desks at the terrorists with guns. These plans will not work and will only create dead heroes. I do believe what will work is this coupled with what the professionals will modify.
I do believe that every teacher who is capable and not receiving any mental type of treatment or medications. Should have at least a revolver of any caliber. Where they have proven accuracy and reliability. Even if it is the lowly .22 caliber. Additional communications should be planned out with passwords for those who have cell phones. So that there is no friendly fire.
For teachers only. Additional defensive training should be made with only the teachers on what can happen and how to quickly and quietly create defensive positions within the classroom environment. The teacher and administrators are not to reveal who has weapons and who has been trained. You will want any terrorist or any psychotic shooter to believe the Police officer stationed at the school has the most visible weapon. While an undetermined number of teachers will have had training. Creating a very unsurvivable circumstance. With embarrassment to the terrorist attackers.
It should be noted that as with the Chechen school attack. Those who are of any kind of leadership position or of any physical threat. Most likely will be the terrorist first targets for killing. Remember the helpless cop in France. Wounded, unarmed and executed.
My writings are not to create any kind of panic. It is meant for those to plan their defenses in order to save many lives.
Added on 21 March 2015: Is this the origin of the coming American Tet offensive. Of course the event may be called another name. If it happens. Hopefully the USA can prevent it. Here is today's news.
Added on 14 April 2015: News: ISIS sets up camp 8 miles from the USA in Mexico. Only one real news source. This may still be very early in reporting.
Added on 13 Nov 2015: France attacked: Is this one of the first coordinated attacks to be a precursor for a future American, Canadian, Australian and European Tet offensive attack at a singular date and time?
Added on 14 Nov 2015: 10,000 Syrian refugees enter USA. From unverified eyewitness. These Syrian refugees are all men. No women or children. I say again unverified.
Yes, I'm posting these unverified sources. I have much (HUGE) doubts. So you should to until they are reasonably verified.
This are the standard source which used to be true, honest and dependable. But, Not any more. You be the Judge. Notice how every story begins with how the US is not doing enough. Do you feel guilty after the France attack? Did you feel guilty in Oct and early Nov 2015? After reading those stories.
This has evolved and yet is still related. One of the other. The later causing the former. Time.
The Tet offensive seems to be in the quiet invasion stage. 10,000 hardened war fighters enter into the USA with governmental permission. These 10,000 lead and form up into millions of attackers. All doing their own will and making their own individual war plans. Thus, on the day given by the one most respected and honored ?Grand? ?Imam?. The unstoppable American Tet offensive begins and through this national emergency. A president remains in office forever.
The 10,000 will receive a flood of wealth from their stated enemies as well as from all Muslims.
The ease to which transportation is made throughout the USA and the delivery of illegal drugs. So, to shall weapons, bombs, armor piercing and anti-aircraft weapons of every sort shall be delivered without any suspicion.
The Tet offensive may begin in remote places and with freedom loving people. You know the religious gun hugging folks and those American militia types and those doomsday preppers people.
The Bible belt is disappearing and those Bible thumper's now live in more remote places. This is a war on the devout Christian. They shall be hunted and killed. All without any news reports to specify the Christians. Will this American Tet offensive begin in the Spring of 2016?
This Islamic styled Tet Offensive will also spread into Canada, Europe, Australia and other places.
AND There is nothing anyone can do but "Kill them all". All Islamic men, women and children. This is a very harsh truth. Because, I believe they are raised by God to exact Judgement upon His Disobedient people. Remember the purple words above? The true nature of war is absolute destruction, absolute death. When their is absolute destruction and death. There shall be absolute peace. This is also very harsh. Yet, these Islamic enemies are do exactly this and destroying any contradictory history. That my friends has been in the news. For these Islamic enemies are right now killing every single Christian they can find. It matters not if they are women or children. They are as of right now destroying every Christian place of worship. This to is also in the news. The Islamic led destruction of the USA and of every person is their goal. This wholesale extermination of every American will transcend all race, social, religious and cultural boundaries.
NOTE: I used the term Race. If you have read any of my writings. You know that I believe the usage of race is an absolute lie and deception. Read my proofs that I have put forward. They are absolute and cannot be effectively argued against. Yes, that we there is only one race of people on this planet and they are all human beings.
Added on 28 Dec 2015: The term "Tet Offensive" used for the first time I have ever heard. I think this radio show is to be considered "Paranoid Radio" I'm listening to the whole show right now. 3 hours. The researcher seems real. I have never heard of him. But, I find it interesting how he has made the same connections to the Vietnam Tet Offensive.
Dave Hodges.
This is not all inclusive of my writings.
Added on 30 Dec 2015: Ted Nugent and pigs. Not sure of the facts behind his claims.
Added on 31 Dec 2015: Islamic Intentions as reported:
Added on 17 Jan 2016: Apparently people are starting to figure out how the American and European Tet Offensive may pan out. Just a few pieces of this puzzle.
Added on 30 April 2016:
Yes, These are important: John Guandolo. YouTube search term with less than 1 year. To find more info. It is important to match his Quran verses with what he is saying. Get the facts and actually verify them.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something. Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.
Musings of an American Truck Driver
This is similar to the actions by WW2 Germany Officers in and around Scapa Flow Scotland. Except those former Americans must do a better and through job. While giving their own lives. That is what is going to need to happen and will probably happen regardless of their actions. Especially, if your civilian.
To save the world from destruction and extinction as has been prophesied in the Holy Texts and by the prophets. It matters not if you accept them or not. The words from them are similar.
However the United Nations or some other world political body evolves into the One World Government led by a singular charismatic leader, who is loved by all. His military acquisition must be delayed and or prevented. This can only be done by the self sacrifice of those persons associated with the former USA military apparatus. To give your life to save the world. Even if it is to be a Chinese one. Really.
I've thought and written about China. The future of China is difficult. They can either be the evil dominant empire which is the trigger finger who destroys and causes the extinction of all of humanity or they can become the savior of the world. If China becomes connected to the first Future leader of the world. We are all doomed. If China becomes the enemy to the One World Government and the One World leader. Then we are all doomed. If China goes to war with the Current and existing USA. Humanities end result is still the same. Human Extinction. I think this is why China is difficult to see, is because it is so easy for China to be either or. China can be that leader which leads all of humanity towards the stars. If China does nothing. Then we all die. If China embraces more of Communistic thought and doctrine. Then we all die. If China acts out with anger because of some unknown action in the future. Then we all die. If China reaches out to the world with compassion and mercy. Then maybe, we can survive. I think that is the key. China needs to step forward in a world leadership role with compassion and mercy. The absence of any world leader may just bring about a New World Order. From Chaos comes the bringer of organization. It will be no surprise that the bringer of Organization was also a participant to the creation of chaos which will come. It can only come with an absence of the United States of America. A plan which has been implemented since before I was born.
The best option for China is to protect the USA From insanity. It matters not if the insanity is from within the white house or from some other country. Meaning a simple EMP bomb or several aboard balloons rising into the atmosphere and detonated in various locations. Meaning a million Islamic men going in a million different directions to wage warfare similar to the Tet Offensive. In the Countries of the USA, Canada, Great Britain and the rest of the European Union. The Asian Countries will not be immune. A Tet Offensive for around the world. Conducted by men who are willing to die and will continue their attacks until they each are killed.
Another option to the Scapa Flow plan is for the former American Military assets to be sailed or flown into China ports. The secret bases within the USA should be surrendered to China. This maybe the only option for the DOOMSDAY WEAPON not to be used. What China does and how they evolve is crucial. On one hand trust the One World Government or trust China? Prophecy dictates not the One World Government or even China.
For the common person to survive. We each must become a holy people in the eyes of God. Then to not become involved in any war fighting. This little part is key. No person who practices any religion can be involved in any warfare at any level. If this begins to happen amongst the common people of the world. Then humanity may survive. Humanity survives because there will be no real fighting force. No Christian can be a part of any military organization. This also includes Islam, Hindus, Buddhists. Love, peace and harmony must be outwardly expressed by all religious persons. Which will equate in Life for all.
China may be Humanities only hope. Go figure. Probably not.
Sometimes people can surprise you, even after you can easily predict their likely outcome from knowing their past history. Most of the time you will be correct in your prediction. But, Sometimes. We all must look forward to the sometimes. Even with China. China as a whole can be everyone's end result including their own. The leadership of China must turn away from a mindset of conquest and towards a protectionist and exploratory mindset.
The protectionist mindset is that mindset which protects everyone and everything. China will become the sole super power of the world. That is until the New World Order led by the beloved and Charismatic World leader. Then we all die or become extinct. Except those selected remnant saved by God. The word remnant may be just DNA samples.
If China begins to be the protector of the world. Their intentions will be seen by the American Officers. Thus, If and when the time arises. Where the USA ends. The officers may have an opportunity to have a choice. The One World Government or China. Who to choose? Right now, It would be best to find a deep trench and sink it all. This may be the preferred delaying method and may extend the life of all of humanity. Except, for the Doomsday device which creates a square lake in most of the South West USA. Which then destroys humanity. So as Long as the USA has that Insane Doomsday Device. Don't go underground to deep. Because, every plan China develops, Even if they had not developed them yet. Kills us all. I've already suggested a possible solution here in this blog. It's the only one, so far.
I think the USA was the worlds last hope. But, Maybe China can or will take up that mantle. By giving their people more rights and freedoms. By going forth into the world and rendering aid and comfort. By becoming an active world leader and not like what the USA has become in the last 30 or so years. World leader does not mean global military actions or global intimidation. Leading means leading and others just willingly follow out of your outwardly seen honor and respect.
:The Israel Option:
During the time when the USA ends and it's military assets are given to the the United Nations or whoever the world body will be. The military and space assets must not be given to that One World Order form of Government. This will bring about all of the prophecies of the end of time prophets. The military and space assets may not even be given to China. Especially if a fundamental change has not occurred. Because, China becomes a part of the prophetic problem to humanities extinction.
The Israeli Option is to surrender all military and space assets to Israel.
1). Those persons who have access codes for all space based assets are to give all access and authority codes to Israel. Then physically destroy your own computers and those others who can gain access. Because of your knowledge and experience, ask to become a citizen of Israel.
2). Those persons who have control of US Naval warships and Boats (Submarines). In accordance to the laws of the waterways. Surrender and abandon your ships and boats to the Israeli defense Forces. Then ask to become an Israeli citizen.
3). All other air and land assets needs to get to Israel by the best means possible and do as suggested as above.
There will be personal drawbacks and sacrifices for each person. But, you may just save humanity by doing so. Yes, this is that serious. Israel cannot protect and save your family. USA homeland worst case is over 100 million dead in the first year. Massive Latino exodus back south across the borders. No law. No civilization and No Country.
If you the American military officer follow your orders or take your equipment to an unrepentant China. Humanity becomes extinct. Yep, That serious as prophesied by pretty much everyone who is or was a prophet. If you take your equipment to the One World government. They will guarantee the safety of your family and guarantee your future. The cost is the extinction of humanity. Either way you die and your family dies. What is the most honorable thing for you to do? I want the prophecies to be a warning that never happens.
Are you a Bible man/woman. Read the story of Joseph and Pharaoh. Pharaoh dream was absolutely true. The meaning of which was, (Paraphrase) "they all were going to die". Then Joseph was placed in a position to mange it all. The technology at that time could not stop the natural event, But, they could mitigate the effects and save human lives. I believe that the extinction of humanity is the fault of all of (Humanity)us. All bad and sad prophecies is not meant to be a thing to be expected and looked forward to. They are not to be celebrated and prayed for to come. They are to be prevented and if not, then mitigated.
You Military officers are way smarter than me. Logically put the puzzle pieces together to see the best picture for all of us (Humanity). Create the best plan and implement it. You may not have time. You may not have the speed or the distance. Then your only option is to sink your great ships, planes and other equipment. Where no one can use them, ever. You may have less than two years or another forty years. The signs you will see. Strategy and tactics you are not blind to. Remember, political miracles never happen. Miracles are only from GOD.
Do your personal part. Repent and flee from all sin. Become the Holy warrior of great honor. Even if the saving of humanity means your at the helm as your machine of war goes to the bottom.
17 Sept 2013.
There is always an origin to things. Even those which were successful in implementation. How can a Vietnam event work for a coordinated attack around the world? Easy. Technology of today can guarantee instant communications around the whole world. Thus, a world wide coordinated attack can be implemented very easily. Just look at how Flash mobs are planned. Once an Islamic leader proclaims that all Muslims should go forth an attack that which they can easily do. Then those who are the most devout to anti-peace and anti-Allah. Will go to kill and destroy all they can. Then move forward for the second, third and more attacks. There will be those who will only attack once and remain to kill law enforcement and to be killed by them.
To be anti-peace is to be anti-Allah.
I did have news that began with this new content. But, It did not pan out. So, I shall not include it. I do feel like there will be a beginning coordinated attack within the west or USA. A handful of Jihadist men in different areas will coordinate a attack just like the 9/11 event. They will be the beginning and evolution into the American Tet.
Prophecy is only probable, when a simple revelation can alter everything. Which must be followed with good and righteous works of prevention.
This is not like those Theological Doomsday Preachers who preach in order to cause fear amongst their congregation in order to bring in more people and more money. These events which will be coming do not care about churches or money. The only thing which will prevent any and all of the bad and sad prophecies is the change within your own heart and mind. It doesn't matter what religion you practice. It only matters the over all condition of your Being/soul.
Love One Another
Live In Peace
Exist In Harmony
So that we all may have a life worth living.
All life is worth it.
And pray that the GOD of our understanding averts all of the trials and tribulations.
And pray that the GOD of our understanding averts all of the trials and tribulations.
Life = Love + Peace + Harmony
======================== All prophecies as written and spoken, are only events of probability. Bad and sad Prophecies are meant as warnings. In which we are all supposed to work in preventing there occurrence. The good prophecies are supposed to be worked on individually and collectively. To make them happen at all levels of organization.
Added on 27 May 2014:
The American Tet Offensive may be beyond the planning stage and into the implementing stage. Where financial resources are planned for use. Weapons of every sort will be assigned and people paid for their participation. The American Government knows and is going to allow it to happen. Those person who are in the know. Know that the one world government must replace the USA and the USA must end forever with zero hope for a re-start. This is prophetically correct in accordance to some ancient prophets like the Hopi. The USA is absent from Biblical Prophecy in the end times.
It seems the vision of this day includes the involvement of many nations. Including Russia, China and central American Countries. Islamic peoples will also join in the attack on innocent American lives.
Wanna guess how it was all paid for? All from the sins of the American people. Here are just a few sins. Illegal drug use. Purchased porn of every sort. Conducting business transactions with those persons who are directly related to the enemies of the USA. Your sins and rejection of God is what has moved you out from under the protections of the Holy Spirit. So much so, that when the Tet attacks come. There will be nothing and no one to come to your aid.
Added on 21 June 2014: Jonathan Kleck video
Added on 04 Aug 2014:
If Abu_Bakr_al-Baghdadi is able to take land and cause much problems for Israel. Then his victories will solidify him as a genuine Caliph.
Do not become confused with my term of god's. There is only one supreme being. But, there are many other beings who pretend to be our god's and in actuality are so superior to us lowly greatly inferior humans that they can enforce their will upon any human. They each can be that powerful. These gods, fallen angels or even aliens have always been with us and were defeated in a great war within this solar system. The remnants of that great war is everywhere. Mars, Earth's moon and in other places yet to be discovered. I just know this and yet somehow these fallen angels have buried/secreted themselves within the Earth. This is just a little out there even for me as I type this.
A spirit of Horus is at work within ISIS of today. Is Horus the Father of terror?
Added on 26 Aug 2014:
There have been news on how American civilians are fighting with ISIS and ISIL.
This may in fact be one of the origins for the Tet offensive in the USA and Europe.
Then there was the Palestinian American teenager who was beaten by Israeli soldiers. There is a pattern forming.
Added on 01 Sept 2014:
It seems that Islamic civilians all across the western world are in active war. They have traveled from their adopted homes and into harms way. In order to murder all of those who have not agreed with them. This is the futuristic Tet Offensive which may occur with in the USA, Canada and all over Europe. If the resolve of these Islamic peoples causes them to go into active warfare. With no regard for their own lives and to anyone else. This is a huge threat to anyone who disagrees with them within their own adopted country. If they can go to another country to make war. Then they can make war within their adopted countries. Had to use the entire article as it appears the story is getting scrubbed from the internet.
Western Governments Step Up Efforts to Block ISIS Recruits

7 hours agoAlarmed by the attempt by a 16-year-old French girl to travel to Turkey
this weekend allegedly to join the Islamic militant army of ISIS,
the French government is urging parents to call a toll-free hotline if
they know of anyone they believe may be considering joining the terror
It was the latest attempt by Western governments to prevent their
citizens from joining the jihadist group where they could be trained in
terror tactics and bring those lethal strategies back home.
The French teenager was arrested Saturday in the Nice airport in the
south of France as she tried to board a plane to Turkey with the alleged
intention of joining ISIS in Syria. Authorities announced that several
hours later, they caught a 20-year-old man who had allegedly recruited
her and paid for her plane ticket. The girl's parents reportedly had no
idea about their daughter's plans and the statement said that airport
police were responsible for her arrest.
In a statement released Sunday, Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve
called on the parents of young people to use the hotline if their
children exhibit "a disturbing trend of violent radicalization."
The hotline was established just over four months ago -- well before the
threat posed by ISIS was fully understood by the American public -- and
the Interior Ministry reports they have received almost 300 calls. A
quarter of those calls were about children who were suspected of getting
involved with the terrorist group and 45 percent were about suspicious
women and girls. It is unclear how many of those calls led to arrests.
France is the Western country with the most citizens who have joined
ISIS and militant fighters in Syria and Iraq. An estimated 700 French
citizens have joined the cause, followed by 500 citizens of the United
Kingdom who have come under similar suspicion.
Prime Minister David Cameron spoke at Parliament today calling for
greater anti-terror legislation, including giving police the ability to
seize passports at airports. He said that the measures will help address
"specific gaps in our armory."
The proposed changes come three days after the British government increased their national terror threat level from "substantial" to "severe" for the first time in three years. The “severe” threat level is the second highest in the U.K.’s threat level system, topped only by “critical” which is used to indicate that an attack is “expected imminently.”
U.S. security forces took a different approach when they realized there was a 19-year-old woman in Denver who was planning on traveling to Turkey to join a jihadist group after connecting with a 32-year-old Tunisian man.
The woman, Shannon Maureen Conley, had eight interviews with police and
FBI agents over the course of the six months leading up to her arrest at
Denver’s international airport on April 8 – and the charging document
reveals that she repeatedly spoke about her support of jihad and how she
wanted to associate with terrorists in the hope of helping them. The
Justice Department confirmed on Aug. 11 that a plea deal had been
reached in the case but they did not release any information about what
the deal entailed.
The British push to have police take passports away from suspected
jihadist fighters comes nearly two months after the Australian
government began doing so.
“I’ve canceled a number of passports on the advice of intelligence
agencies,” Australian Foreign Minister Julie Bishop said June 16.
An estimated 150 Australians are believed to have joined the fighting in Syria.
“We are concerned that Australians are working with them [ISIS],
becoming radicalized, learning the terrorist trade, and if they come
back to Australia, of course it poses a security threat,” Bishop said.
American authorities have not announced specific steps they have taken
to prevent citizens from joining ISIS or other Islamic groups, though
they have reported an estimated 100 or so cases of U.S. citizens leaving
the country to train and fight with ISIS. Special attention is being
paid to Minneapolis and St. Paul in Minnesota as nearly a dozen of the suspects have ties to the city.
The White House confirmed the death in Syria of Minnesotan Douglas
McAuthur McCain, who records show was born in Chicago but was schooled
in Minneapolis. An opposition group in Syria, the Free Syrian Army,
claimed McCain was fighting with ISIS. The FSA also claimed another
American ISIS member had been killed in recent fighting.
FBI officers have been aware of disaffected Muslim youths traveling
abroad to join radical groups for years, as many Minnesotans went to
fight in Somalia starting in 2007.
“In Somalia, it started as a nationalistic call… [but] we’ve now seen
where some individuals perhaps are not interested or not inclined to
travel to Somalia, [they] start to branch out to other hot spots around
the globe, obviously Syria being among them,” Kyle Loven, the FBI’s
Chief Division Counsel in Minneapolis, told ABC News.
========================Added on 05 Sept 2014:
Apparently ISIS is in El Paso, Texas. Where else are they. Can you begin to see the Coming Tet Offensive forming. Working with the drug cartels. Is the source of ISIS wealth the USA drug trade?
Added on 20 Sept 2014: As we all get closer to these style of events in which the possibility becomes very probable if not certain. More and more peoples will have more and more visions and dreams.
Added on 05 Dec 2014: Very Interesting.
Evangelist Anita Fuentes
Added on 08 Jan 2015: France Terrorist attack. Muslims attacking Hindus. Muslim Boy in Maine allegedly burned down 4 apartments. To be set free. This is a ramp up. People do not understand that the Muslims are at war with everyone. Is this the Tet Offensive against western societies? NO. When it begins, you will know and will not question. Here in the USA and in Europe. There is a common flaw. The law Enforcement agencies seem to all show up in the place of the attack. France Law Enforcement also mobilized their forces in various areas of the Country. Of course when the Tet Offensive begins. The attacks will just happen in those places where there is no or minimal forces in protection. A witness saw a highly trained male. Walk up to an injured police person and shot him in the head. Then calmly left.
The only true protective option is for the civilian population to arm themselves at places of employment.
Added on 09 Jan 2015: Evolution Seen:
A two man Islamic team attacks Charlie Hebdo in France. The two men indicate an evolution in attacks. They did not wait around for their own deaths. They were mission orientated. They were focused on the mission and completed their mission. Then the two men escaped. The two men were masked. It seems obvious that the two men had been trained in western style of military thought and military action. Their execution of the attack looked very western. It seems that this new wave of Islamic fighters have benefited from American led military training and all of that training is being used or will be against the civilian populations.
France also showed an evolution of defensive posturing. Most likely because of the actions of the two masked men. France deployed security forces throughout France. Whether or not these security forces would have been effective is in question. This is because of the two New York policemen assassinated while sitting in their patrol car all unaware of the approaching threat.
Right now the only way to prevent the effectiveness of any future Islamic attack is for the citizenry to be armed and trained in defensive tactics. Which within the USA. That won't be possible as the politicians want the American people to be dependent upon the police forces and local swat teams. There will be confusion. If ISIS fighters are wearing all black and the swat teams are wearing all black. How do you really know who is who? Westerners are traveling to ISIS controlled areas to receive military training and war fighting experience. Then are they going to go back to their so called home country to kill civilians in everyday life???
I'm very hesitant to even mention any potential targets which continue today mostly unarmed and untrained. Because, by the time a Swat Team arrives. Dozens will have already been killed. Then if the enemy combatants practice shoot and scoot in their own local areas. All of the Swat members are at the first place of attack. Thus, the rest of the local area shall be undefended by trained personnel. Only the civilians can deter attacks. Especially, if the civilians are those unknown quantities to any attacking force. Which at one time was used as a cold war thought against the USSR from the USA.
In the time of the cold war of the USA and the USSR. The USSR had plans of occupying the USA. In Alaska, Florida and throughout the western states. Florida and the Gulf coast had a threat of a million man multinational force led by Cuba. At that time the civilians were self reliant and self dependent. Any attacking force will be met with a fire fight from every direction. It would have been worse than Afghanistan. I still think the threat is still similar today as it was back then. But, the civilian mindset has changed. To that of dependency and "ME". Which makes isolation and killing of civilian persons by any invading force possible.
Added on 10 Jan 2015: Janes comments.
Added on 15 Jan 2015:
It is most likely that at this very moment. Your schools are being or shall be surveiled. By those who are new members or low ranking members of a terrorist organization. They will be just sitting along your schools outside perimeter and taking video with their cell phones. After all, It's not against the law to just sit in public and to take pictures. The Beslan School attack may be the last of it's kind as the evolution of Islamic attacks is very notable in the recent France killings. Most notably amongst a very helpless and defenseless population of France. If more attacks are being planned as we speak. They may begin or end within a school or a close by day care center. There may even be a sniper involved. I'm using the word sniper very loosely. In other words. A certain amount of time will only be spent in each location of attack. Then the terrorists will move on. Much like those bank robbery shows on the movies. The bad guys have their clocks. So that they may escape. The success of the France shooting will become a training manual for all future attacks. Until, the next evolution takes place.
I have been reading the news about this and how some people want students to throw soup cans or throw desks at the terrorists with guns. These plans will not work and will only create dead heroes. I do believe what will work is this coupled with what the professionals will modify.
I do believe that every teacher who is capable and not receiving any mental type of treatment or medications. Should have at least a revolver of any caliber. Where they have proven accuracy and reliability. Even if it is the lowly .22 caliber. Additional communications should be planned out with passwords for those who have cell phones. So that there is no friendly fire.
For teachers only. Additional defensive training should be made with only the teachers on what can happen and how to quickly and quietly create defensive positions within the classroom environment. The teacher and administrators are not to reveal who has weapons and who has been trained. You will want any terrorist or any psychotic shooter to believe the Police officer stationed at the school has the most visible weapon. While an undetermined number of teachers will have had training. Creating a very unsurvivable circumstance. With embarrassment to the terrorist attackers.
It should be noted that as with the Chechen school attack. Those who are of any kind of leadership position or of any physical threat. Most likely will be the terrorist first targets for killing. Remember the helpless cop in France. Wounded, unarmed and executed.
My writings are not to create any kind of panic. It is meant for those to plan their defenses in order to save many lives.
Added on 21 March 2015: Is this the origin of the coming American Tet offensive. Of course the event may be called another name. If it happens. Hopefully the USA can prevent it. Here is today's news.
Added on 14 April 2015: News: ISIS sets up camp 8 miles from the USA in Mexico. Only one real news source. This may still be very early in reporting.
Added on 13 Nov 2015: France attacked: Is this one of the first coordinated attacks to be a precursor for a future American, Canadian, Australian and European Tet offensive attack at a singular date and time?
Added on 14 Nov 2015: 10,000 Syrian refugees enter USA. From unverified eyewitness. These Syrian refugees are all men. No women or children. I say again unverified.
Yes, I'm posting these unverified sources. I have much (HUGE) doubts. So you should to until they are reasonably verified.
This are the standard source which used to be true, honest and dependable. But, Not any more. You be the Judge. Notice how every story begins with how the US is not doing enough. Do you feel guilty after the France attack? Did you feel guilty in Oct and early Nov 2015? After reading those stories.
This has evolved and yet is still related. One of the other. The later causing the former. Time.
The Tet offensive seems to be in the quiet invasion stage. 10,000 hardened war fighters enter into the USA with governmental permission. These 10,000 lead and form up into millions of attackers. All doing their own will and making their own individual war plans. Thus, on the day given by the one most respected and honored ?Grand? ?Imam?. The unstoppable American Tet offensive begins and through this national emergency. A president remains in office forever.
The 10,000 will receive a flood of wealth from their stated enemies as well as from all Muslims.
The ease to which transportation is made throughout the USA and the delivery of illegal drugs. So, to shall weapons, bombs, armor piercing and anti-aircraft weapons of every sort shall be delivered without any suspicion.
The Tet offensive may begin in remote places and with freedom loving people. You know the religious gun hugging folks and those American militia types and those doomsday preppers people.
The Bible belt is disappearing and those Bible thumper's now live in more remote places. This is a war on the devout Christian. They shall be hunted and killed. All without any news reports to specify the Christians. Will this American Tet offensive begin in the Spring of 2016?
This Islamic styled Tet Offensive will also spread into Canada, Europe, Australia and other places.
AND There is nothing anyone can do but "Kill them all". All Islamic men, women and children. This is a very harsh truth. Because, I believe they are raised by God to exact Judgement upon His Disobedient people. Remember the purple words above? The true nature of war is absolute destruction, absolute death. When their is absolute destruction and death. There shall be absolute peace. This is also very harsh. Yet, these Islamic enemies are do exactly this and destroying any contradictory history. That my friends has been in the news. For these Islamic enemies are right now killing every single Christian they can find. It matters not if they are women or children. They are as of right now destroying every Christian place of worship. This to is also in the news. The Islamic led destruction of the USA and of every person is their goal. This wholesale extermination of every American will transcend all race, social, religious and cultural boundaries.
NOTE: I used the term Race. If you have read any of my writings. You know that I believe the usage of race is an absolute lie and deception. Read my proofs that I have put forward. They are absolute and cannot be effectively argued against. Yes, that we there is only one race of people on this planet and they are all human beings.
Added on 28 Dec 2015: The term "Tet Offensive" used for the first time I have ever heard. I think this radio show is to be considered "Paranoid Radio" I'm listening to the whole show right now. 3 hours. The researcher seems real. I have never heard of him. But, I find it interesting how he has made the same connections to the Vietnam Tet Offensive.
Dave Hodges.
This is not all inclusive of my writings.
Added on 30 Dec 2015: Ted Nugent and pigs. Not sure of the facts behind his claims.
Added on 31 Dec 2015: Islamic Intentions as reported:
Added on 17 Jan 2016: Apparently people are starting to figure out how the American and European Tet Offensive may pan out. Just a few pieces of this puzzle.
Added on 30 April 2016:
Yes, These are important: John Guandolo. YouTube search term with less than 1 year. To find more info. It is important to match his Quran verses with what he is saying. Get the facts and actually verify them.
To love one another.
To live in peace.
To exist in harmony.
To cherish/respect life.
To obey/honor the Laws of God.
To become the holy and righteous people as The Heavenly Father intended us all to be.
==============At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something. Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.
Musings of an American Truck Driver
Dooms Day,
Holy Texts,
Israel Option,
One World Government,
Scapa Flow,
Tet Offensive,
United Nations,
New Port Richey, FL 34655, USA
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
Mormon Plight Prophecy: (Unedited): 30 Oct 2012:
This is not political in any way: This is purely prophetic of possibility: Meaning it is up to all of humanity to alter and change upcoming events to the USA and everyone else. I do believe in the older prophecies that Obama will be president for a second term. The newer prophecies put out this 2012. Is false and is only propaganda to sway any voter. When prophecies make out the 2012 presidential victor as godlike or divinely blessed and protected. Almost declaring that Obama is the second coming. Like I said this is not political. I think Obama will win and he will become one of the wealthiest men on the planet at the demise of the USA. With a wealth approaching a trillion dollars and all of it as foreign wealth. Mitt Romney will also become incredibly wealthy. But, not as much as Obama would have. This is because Romney will spread the wealth amongst his friends and supporters of the sale of the USA. That is one of Romney's gifts is being an administrator and manager. Neither Romney or Obama are leaders.
I know this is one of the prophecies I've published and one of them is obviously wrong because only one man can be president of the USA. So, How can this be? It is because we, all of humanity collectively decide our collective fate. Since, The presidential election has not been decided. The outcome is still uncertain. A better explanation is the story of Pharaoh and Joseph as told in The Holy Bible. When Joseph told the Pharaoh, the meaning of Pharaoh's dream, it was absolutely true. In summery, They all are going to starve to death. To note the state of technology was limited. So altering the natural event was not possible or even contemplated. But, mitigating and managing the foreseen natural event will save most of their lives. Do you see how prophecy can be altered. This is very important for everyone to understand.
I think the world leaders keep up with prophecies and actively mitigate and manage any prophecy which is deemed valid and probable. Which means any active alteration of any prophecy which is deemed bad and sad by the ruling authorities. The prophecy becomes invalid and improbable. Thus any other similarly related prophecies will also become invalid. Which on the surface of it, this seems really good for everyone. Until, You realize all of the alterations is directly related to the sale of the USA or the massive bribes to the politicians and their families. Where all of the profits remain off shore and unseen by the American masses. This is not a new political action. Look at the historical dealings of Scotland and England. Bribery at its best.
This is not just about the Mormons in the Salt Lake City area. This is about the salt and other minerals associated with the area. This is also about Military assets and a declaration of United nations safe zones to come. Because of the nature of the topography and its position to easily protect and defend the entire region out to several hundred miles. This is a strategic and tactical area. Especially, if it is decided by the United Nations to give California, Washington State and Oregon to China as a form of debt appeasement. The United Nations will need a military force to defend any kind of military action taken by China to gain more lands that they deem are deserving of. Even with the United Nations in control of the former USA military assets, Military Industrial complexes and secrets. The United nations will not be able to hold Back China if China flexes its now number 1 military of the whole world.
When the United nations takes over salt lake city, Utah and declare it a United Nations Safe Zone. Many things will happen and not in an order of my listing. For a time until the United nations consolidates and is able to express it's power and authority over all. The Mormon's of the area will be tolerated. Until, The advent of the Charismatic leader arises to power over the United nations. This process can be many decades after the demise of the USA. Somewhere between 2040 and 2060. Give or take a few. Time and dates matter not. When it is all of humanity who decides it's own fate. Life or extinction?
There will be other cities in the former USA, that these events will happen. They will happen to other groups of united people. Which includes all survivalist preppers. There identities are already known via internet activity and radio activities (Television Shows, Ham, CB, Outbanding and etc.). Doomsday Preppers on the National Geographic Channel.
How to mitigate and manage the possible prophetic events? How to alter or prevent the possible prophetic events? I have no idea other than the basics. LOVE, PEACE, HARMONY equals LIFE. That is how we all must live. We all must willingly and freely by choice live sinless, righteously and in accordance to the ten commandments. All without threats, fears and intimidation's.
We must elect political leaders who are godly men and women first. Then husbands and fathers. Then business people of good repute. Then they can be servants to the country. Men and women who are religious and godly. Must run for any and every political office at all levels. This must be done right now and as soon as possible. It might be too late.
Tied to: Survivalist Preppers. International Safe Zones prophecy. Doomsday Weapon. USA Destruction 2015-2016.
Added on 02 May 2015: The Mormon church has fallen into abomination of desolation. By allowing sin to come into their holy places.
I forgot to add this a while ago
This is prophecy.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something. Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.
Musings of an American Truck Driver
I know this is one of the prophecies I've published and one of them is obviously wrong because only one man can be president of the USA. So, How can this be? It is because we, all of humanity collectively decide our collective fate. Since, The presidential election has not been decided. The outcome is still uncertain. A better explanation is the story of Pharaoh and Joseph as told in The Holy Bible. When Joseph told the Pharaoh, the meaning of Pharaoh's dream, it was absolutely true. In summery, They all are going to starve to death. To note the state of technology was limited. So altering the natural event was not possible or even contemplated. But, mitigating and managing the foreseen natural event will save most of their lives. Do you see how prophecy can be altered. This is very important for everyone to understand.
I think the world leaders keep up with prophecies and actively mitigate and manage any prophecy which is deemed valid and probable. Which means any active alteration of any prophecy which is deemed bad and sad by the ruling authorities. The prophecy becomes invalid and improbable. Thus any other similarly related prophecies will also become invalid. Which on the surface of it, this seems really good for everyone. Until, You realize all of the alterations is directly related to the sale of the USA or the massive bribes to the politicians and their families. Where all of the profits remain off shore and unseen by the American masses. This is not a new political action. Look at the historical dealings of Scotland and England. Bribery at its best.
This is not just about the Mormons in the Salt Lake City area. This is about the salt and other minerals associated with the area. This is also about Military assets and a declaration of United nations safe zones to come. Because of the nature of the topography and its position to easily protect and defend the entire region out to several hundred miles. This is a strategic and tactical area. Especially, if it is decided by the United Nations to give California, Washington State and Oregon to China as a form of debt appeasement. The United Nations will need a military force to defend any kind of military action taken by China to gain more lands that they deem are deserving of. Even with the United Nations in control of the former USA military assets, Military Industrial complexes and secrets. The United nations will not be able to hold Back China if China flexes its now number 1 military of the whole world.
When the United nations takes over salt lake city, Utah and declare it a United Nations Safe Zone. Many things will happen and not in an order of my listing. For a time until the United nations consolidates and is able to express it's power and authority over all. The Mormon's of the area will be tolerated. Until, The advent of the Charismatic leader arises to power over the United nations. This process can be many decades after the demise of the USA. Somewhere between 2040 and 2060. Give or take a few. Time and dates matter not. When it is all of humanity who decides it's own fate. Life or extinction?
The dedicated fight and die. Americans will disappear and die with glory.
The disabled, old and sickly will disappear and die.
Those with a criminal history will disappear and die.
The mentally ill and the undesirables of society will disappear and die.
Those who have needed skills will be invited to join. Those who do not. They and their families will disappear and die.
The Mormons will be seen as a threat as they have a history of self sufficiency. Self sufficiency will not be tolerated in a socialist/communist society. The Mormons will be seen as non-conformists, Terrorists and a non-traditional religious cult. The Mormons will be seen as a single group of people who block what the United Nations is trying to do. "Which is save lives". The media will be used against the Mormons. Active and aggressive warfare will be used against the Mormons. Death and destruction will fall upon them all (Mormons). All land ownership rights lost. All freedoms gone. They are non-peoples and not guaranteed legal human rights as defined by the United nations. There will be other cities in the former USA, that these events will happen. They will happen to other groups of united people. Which includes all survivalist preppers. There identities are already known via internet activity and radio activities (Television Shows, Ham, CB, Outbanding and etc.). Doomsday Preppers on the National Geographic Channel.
How to mitigate and manage the possible prophetic events? How to alter or prevent the possible prophetic events? I have no idea other than the basics. LOVE, PEACE, HARMONY equals LIFE. That is how we all must live. We all must willingly and freely by choice live sinless, righteously and in accordance to the ten commandments. All without threats, fears and intimidation's.
We must elect political leaders who are godly men and women first. Then husbands and fathers. Then business people of good repute. Then they can be servants to the country. Men and women who are religious and godly. Must run for any and every political office at all levels. This must be done right now and as soon as possible. It might be too late.
Other Options.
1). International legal protections sought and gained before the collapse of the USA. By establishing Debt free churches in all of the United Nations Countries and becoming supporters of the Countries Leaders. By seeking out and developing agreements in the United nations which guarantees Mormons Human Rights as citizens of the United Nations if possible. However it is legally coined. I'm not an educated person or an International Lawyer. This is similar to the advice given to the Native American tribes.
2). The development of an internal Military force or militia. (Not just for the Mormon Church, but for all churches). The training of all of your members in the Martial Arts, Strategy, Tactics, It is not advised to join the United States Military for training. The creation of your own military style bases for reasons of training for mental and physical conditioning. All aspects of Security training should also be covered. This needs to begin now. On the surface, I think this is a terrible idea in so many ways. As the teachings of Jesus wants us all to love one another and to turn the other cheek. A church group does need to protect themselves and their members from attacks and protests. These godless people will have no respect or honor for what is holy or right. This attitude is dangerous. The below information is just an example of evidence discovered. There is much more and all Christian Churches have a responsibility and duty to protect themselves from any action. Even to the extreme of military style actions against it.
3). Must return to the preaching and teaching of the whole word of GOD. Which includes sin, righteousness and becoming a holy people as defined, only by GOD. The members must begin to freely choose to live in accordance to the laws by their own free choice. Not through threats, negative promises, fears or any other method of intimidation.
Military Men and Women warning.
An order will come down to go on a leave or break. At which time your ships, boats, planes, vehicles will be taken/seized and given to the United Nations for USA Debt relief. This includes every base and post inside the USA control. Upon your return to duty. You will be invited to be a United Nations Military person. Your family will be moved into the soon to be formed United Nations Safe Zones inside the former USA. Even though they may not say the USA is No more. Your new orders/postings will be outside the USA. This is to guarantee your promise to serve the United Nations. You will not go home, ever. Your orders/posting will be of great importance to the United nations and arrangements will/may be made to bring your spouse and children to you. Then sent back or they may remain if facilities and threat levels permit. =====================
Tied to: Survivalist Preppers. International Safe Zones prophecy. Doomsday Weapon. USA Destruction 2015-2016.
Added on 02 May 2015: The Mormon church has fallen into abomination of desolation. By allowing sin to come into their holy places.
I forgot to add this a while ago
This is prophecy.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something. Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.
Musings of an American Truck Driver
Safe Zone,
Salt Lake City,
United Nations,
New Port Richey, FL 34655, USA
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
Huricane Isaac meaning and prophecy: 28 Aug 2012:
This will be an ongoing write. Updated after prayers and meditations. How will these puzzle pieces fit together? If it is actually a picture or message from GOD.
The sevens are important. 2019 next New Orleans, Louisiana event. Which will be the third. The third is terrible.
Hurricane Issac will be the second warning for the New Orleans, Louisiana area.
Hurricane Issac will be a message and a warning to the USA and maybe the presidential elections coming up. Prelude to the 2015 next USA terrible third event.
Those who are more Bible savvy than I will see the direction of this.
Isaac is the father land. Trials and tribulations. Government. Politics.
The fatherland is the government. The USA government has become corrupt and godless.
Isaac wife Rebecca. The mother land. Taking instead of waiting. Wives.
Issac son 1 Esau. is President Obama or Romney.
Issac son 2 Jacob. is President Obama or Romney.
Ive written before about Romney. Romney may be the only of the two candidates. Which may heed the urgings of GOD to repent and flee from sin. If Romney repents and flees from the politics and evil corporate/business practices. Then maybe he will become the leader who leads Americans back to their former godly ways. It will not be easy or smooth. American ?never? become a world power again. If Romney can see that you cannot separate politics, personal life and business from your faith. Then maybe, he can be a leader instead of an administrator.
If not Romney will be the administrator which finalizes the sale and end of the USA. After all that is what he does best. Romney the great sell out. Romney will profit greatly from the sale. Maybe, even a minimized and unimportant USA. The reason why Romney does not profit as well as Obama would. He spreads and shares the wealth with those who work with him. Those who work with him and are friends with him. Will not be the common people of the former USA. It will all be a secret. The delusion of Romney is by sharing the wealth with those whom he believes he is trying to save from the collapse to come. He will believe he is doing a great good. In the eyes of GOD. It will not be. It will only be a weak justification of the evil Romney perpetuates. The media will lie and deceive as directed by the Romney administration.
An administrator is not a leader or a manager. An administrator must be directed by a leader or a group of leaders like the UN.
All of the bad and sad that has been prophetically written and spoken. Still happens to varying degrees of accuracy. The accuracy is solely dependent on human decision which has not been made yet. Just because Ive written bad and sad in regards to Obama. Does not mean they do not happen with President Romney. They all still do with variances.
President Obama. If Obama wins the second term. He has the pay to play mentality in politics and in all things in life. He is poised to become one of the wealthiest men in the world. In just 7 years. It will all be a secret. Just as the worlds politicians, leaders and dictators amass great wealth in secret. So to does the American politicians. The media will not reveal any truth which goes against the Obama administration. The USA comes to an absolute and hard ending. There is no repentance, no change of heart and no altering of his intellectual plan with Obama. ( But, people can surprise you), (Not likely with Obama, but possible). Absolute enslavement of the American people. All of the prophecies of doom and gloom manifest. In one day President Obama sells off all of the American military assets for his own profit. An order is given to port all naval warships at selected sites around the world. Some military personnel will defect with their ships, planes and weapons. They will be hunted and killed. By the worlds military's. The former American military will be deadly early on. But with zero ability to re-supply. There will be no mercy and no chance when they are finally destroyed or killed.
For those of you who are foreign nationals. Do not become Americans or even do the paperwork. Buy Real estate within the USA. Research legal protections with the UN laws. Be mindful of the future maps of the USA. Some or all maybe partially or completely accurate. Which will be dependent on future human decision. (Such as China)
Russian Government needs to convince China to diplomatically cause the surrender of secret bases of the USA. Especially, the one with the doomsday weapon. There cannot even be any kind of severe weapons usage within a few hundred miles of the secret base. A *vibration sensor* is defective. If not then lake south west begins and then we all of humanity becomes extinct ( Over a period of a few generations). Even you guys with your own underground bases. You wont be safe in your underground coffins. The only safe place is off planet and that is not safe by known technological standards. Doomsday weapon blog created 04 Sept 2012.
The Republican party as a whole is supposed to represent the belief systems of the religious conservatives. This I believe is just a lie and deception perpetuated by the entire republican party to simply garner support. Ive spent 2 days at the Republican national convention (RNC). It appears that the accepted prostitutes have passes to gain entry to the daily events. As of last night it was reported to me that there have only been a total of 8 arrests. What the arrests were for, I have no idea. Were the women who I believe to be prostitutes actually prostitutes? I did not ask them. It does seem there were two different kind of dressed women walking out of the events. Those who were professionally and nicely dressed. Then those women who were scantily clad or not modestly dressed. These scantily clad women also had male escorts or security (not as nicely or professionally dressed as the accepted males/men of the RNC) who did not have or wore their passes if they had any. When those persons who plan and are invited by the RNC and the republican party invite and protect prostitutes. This is not represented in any way a support for any religion, moral living and family unit. This is an aspect for the demise of the USA.
In September 2012 the Democratic national Convention will take place. The successful practices of the Tampa, Fl. RNC will used.
It is my opinion that neither the Republican or Democratic parties represent any person or family of faith. This includes all faiths which has an established importance for morality, Traditional defined family status and honorable living. In order for the USA to survive and not be punished any more. The people must change the entire political system of the USA. By voting in actual persons who have a history of being faithful to GOD. The people of the USA must Repent, Repent, Repent. It is not to late now. It will be to late when it is to late as determined by GOD. The wholeness of repenting must involve fleeing from sin by all aspects of your whole being. Your whole being is physically, mentally (Logic and emotion), your heart and your spirit. All of the aspects of you must repent. Fleeing from sin must be done in private as is easily seen in the public eye. You must flee from sin in your professional life and political life. Each and every single human being in the USA and the world must repent. If not extinction of the whole human race. Save for the elect or the remnant. Ask yourself this, How much is in a remnant? Noah and his family was a remnant of the human race. That's 8 people out of how many? As was in the time of Noah so it will be in the time of our ending. Genetic manipulation is happening now. Which was a part of Noah's time. All that is left is the angels or space aliens or however you wish to call them. When the angels renew contact with all of humanity. The time is close maybe less than 48 years, maybe just over 2 years or somewhere in between. Maybe tomorrow or when you die from this physical life you have now.
If all of the Americans repent. All of the bad and prophecies ever spoken or written about the demise of the USA will become false. The HOLY TEXTS as inspired by GOD. I believe are living documents. Which means as we change events, as we evolve and alter our own future for the better. Where we all begin to live with love, peace, harmony and life. The LIVING HOLY TEXTS also changes. These texts changes so perfectly that we will never be aware of their changing. All of the contents of the HOLY TEXTS must always remain true. Which includes all prophecies contained within.
NEW: The *vibration sensor* can determine the difference between an earthquake, a vibration from a nuclear detonation as felt through the planet and other natural shaking. It is designed to initiate a self destruct upon a direct hit via a nuclear bomb strike. This aspect is a math or programming error as well as an actual sensor error. Which sends out a direct strike data for any nuclear strike within a few hundred miles (Not intended purpose or design. Within a ?mile?). May not be actually a few hundred miles. Maybe less.
It is like an old fuel gauge. Sometimes they always shows full or empty when the truth is half. In other words the accuracy is off at the initial, then becomes accurate after a certain amount of fuel use. This is the best i can explain.
The mechanical error in the vibration sensor is small and then coupled with the math error in the programming. The error is magnified. The errors is in product production and software writing.
This is directly related to other prophetic blogs written.
Brief History of Isaac on YouTube Videos:
On the Bible Code or the Torah Code. I have zero experience in them. It is up to you to ascertain the accurate messages as deciphered by man.
Bible Code
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something. Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.
Musings of an American Truck Driver
The sevens are important. 2019 next New Orleans, Louisiana event. Which will be the third. The third is terrible.
Hurricane Issac will be the second warning for the New Orleans, Louisiana area.
Hurricane Issac will be a message and a warning to the USA and maybe the presidential elections coming up. Prelude to the 2015 next USA terrible third event.
Those who are more Bible savvy than I will see the direction of this.
Isaac is the father land. Trials and tribulations. Government. Politics.
The fatherland is the government. The USA government has become corrupt and godless.
Isaac wife Rebecca. The mother land. Taking instead of waiting. Wives.
Issac son 1 Esau. is President Obama or Romney.
Issac son 2 Jacob. is President Obama or Romney.
Ive written before about Romney. Romney may be the only of the two candidates. Which may heed the urgings of GOD to repent and flee from sin. If Romney repents and flees from the politics and evil corporate/business practices. Then maybe he will become the leader who leads Americans back to their former godly ways. It will not be easy or smooth. American ?never? become a world power again. If Romney can see that you cannot separate politics, personal life and business from your faith. Then maybe, he can be a leader instead of an administrator.
If not Romney will be the administrator which finalizes the sale and end of the USA. After all that is what he does best. Romney the great sell out. Romney will profit greatly from the sale. Maybe, even a minimized and unimportant USA. The reason why Romney does not profit as well as Obama would. He spreads and shares the wealth with those who work with him. Those who work with him and are friends with him. Will not be the common people of the former USA. It will all be a secret. The delusion of Romney is by sharing the wealth with those whom he believes he is trying to save from the collapse to come. He will believe he is doing a great good. In the eyes of GOD. It will not be. It will only be a weak justification of the evil Romney perpetuates. The media will lie and deceive as directed by the Romney administration.
An administrator is not a leader or a manager. An administrator must be directed by a leader or a group of leaders like the UN.
All of the bad and sad that has been prophetically written and spoken. Still happens to varying degrees of accuracy. The accuracy is solely dependent on human decision which has not been made yet. Just because Ive written bad and sad in regards to Obama. Does not mean they do not happen with President Romney. They all still do with variances.
President Obama. If Obama wins the second term. He has the pay to play mentality in politics and in all things in life. He is poised to become one of the wealthiest men in the world. In just 7 years. It will all be a secret. Just as the worlds politicians, leaders and dictators amass great wealth in secret. So to does the American politicians. The media will not reveal any truth which goes against the Obama administration. The USA comes to an absolute and hard ending. There is no repentance, no change of heart and no altering of his intellectual plan with Obama. ( But, people can surprise you), (Not likely with Obama, but possible). Absolute enslavement of the American people. All of the prophecies of doom and gloom manifest. In one day President Obama sells off all of the American military assets for his own profit. An order is given to port all naval warships at selected sites around the world. Some military personnel will defect with their ships, planes and weapons. They will be hunted and killed. By the worlds military's. The former American military will be deadly early on. But with zero ability to re-supply. There will be no mercy and no chance when they are finally destroyed or killed.
For those of you who are foreign nationals. Do not become Americans or even do the paperwork. Buy Real estate within the USA. Research legal protections with the UN laws. Be mindful of the future maps of the USA. Some or all maybe partially or completely accurate. Which will be dependent on future human decision. (Such as China)
Russian Government needs to convince China to diplomatically cause the surrender of secret bases of the USA. Especially, the one with the doomsday weapon. There cannot even be any kind of severe weapons usage within a few hundred miles of the secret base. A *vibration sensor* is defective. If not then lake south west begins and then we all of humanity becomes extinct ( Over a period of a few generations). Even you guys with your own underground bases. You wont be safe in your underground coffins. The only safe place is off planet and that is not safe by known technological standards. Doomsday weapon blog created 04 Sept 2012.
The Republican party as a whole is supposed to represent the belief systems of the religious conservatives. This I believe is just a lie and deception perpetuated by the entire republican party to simply garner support. Ive spent 2 days at the Republican national convention (RNC). It appears that the accepted prostitutes have passes to gain entry to the daily events. As of last night it was reported to me that there have only been a total of 8 arrests. What the arrests were for, I have no idea. Were the women who I believe to be prostitutes actually prostitutes? I did not ask them. It does seem there were two different kind of dressed women walking out of the events. Those who were professionally and nicely dressed. Then those women who were scantily clad or not modestly dressed. These scantily clad women also had male escorts or security (not as nicely or professionally dressed as the accepted males/men of the RNC) who did not have or wore their passes if they had any. When those persons who plan and are invited by the RNC and the republican party invite and protect prostitutes. This is not represented in any way a support for any religion, moral living and family unit. This is an aspect for the demise of the USA.
In September 2012 the Democratic national Convention will take place. The successful practices of the Tampa, Fl. RNC will used.
It is my opinion that neither the Republican or Democratic parties represent any person or family of faith. This includes all faiths which has an established importance for morality, Traditional defined family status and honorable living. In order for the USA to survive and not be punished any more. The people must change the entire political system of the USA. By voting in actual persons who have a history of being faithful to GOD. The people of the USA must Repent, Repent, Repent. It is not to late now. It will be to late when it is to late as determined by GOD. The wholeness of repenting must involve fleeing from sin by all aspects of your whole being. Your whole being is physically, mentally (Logic and emotion), your heart and your spirit. All of the aspects of you must repent. Fleeing from sin must be done in private as is easily seen in the public eye. You must flee from sin in your professional life and political life. Each and every single human being in the USA and the world must repent. If not extinction of the whole human race. Save for the elect or the remnant. Ask yourself this, How much is in a remnant? Noah and his family was a remnant of the human race. That's 8 people out of how many? As was in the time of Noah so it will be in the time of our ending. Genetic manipulation is happening now. Which was a part of Noah's time. All that is left is the angels or space aliens or however you wish to call them. When the angels renew contact with all of humanity. The time is close maybe less than 48 years, maybe just over 2 years or somewhere in between. Maybe tomorrow or when you die from this physical life you have now.
If all of the Americans repent. All of the bad and prophecies ever spoken or written about the demise of the USA will become false. The HOLY TEXTS as inspired by GOD. I believe are living documents. Which means as we change events, as we evolve and alter our own future for the better. Where we all begin to live with love, peace, harmony and life. The LIVING HOLY TEXTS also changes. These texts changes so perfectly that we will never be aware of their changing. All of the contents of the HOLY TEXTS must always remain true. Which includes all prophecies contained within.
NEW: The *vibration sensor* can determine the difference between an earthquake, a vibration from a nuclear detonation as felt through the planet and other natural shaking. It is designed to initiate a self destruct upon a direct hit via a nuclear bomb strike. This aspect is a math or programming error as well as an actual sensor error. Which sends out a direct strike data for any nuclear strike within a few hundred miles (Not intended purpose or design. Within a ?mile?). May not be actually a few hundred miles. Maybe less.
It is like an old fuel gauge. Sometimes they always shows full or empty when the truth is half. In other words the accuracy is off at the initial, then becomes accurate after a certain amount of fuel use. This is the best i can explain.
The mechanical error in the vibration sensor is small and then coupled with the math error in the programming. The error is magnified. The errors is in product production and software writing.
This is directly related to other prophetic blogs written.
Brief History of Isaac on YouTube Videos:
On the Bible Code or the Torah Code. I have zero experience in them. It is up to you to ascertain the accurate messages as deciphered by man.
Bible Code
To love one another.
To live in peace.
To exist in harmony.
To cherish/respect life.
To obey/honor the Laws of God.
To become the holy and righteous people as The Heavenly Father intended us all to be.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something. Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.
Musings of an American Truck Driver
New Orleans,
United Nations,
New Port Richey, FL 34655, USA
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
USA Destruction 2015-2016: (Unedited): 21 Aug 2012:
The new stuff is at the bottom. This whole thing is a lesson in itself about fluidity of prophecy.
Added on 20 Sept 2014:
The name of this blog is most likely inaccurate. It may be just the beginning. Which will be obvious. It is like the prophecies for extinction. Extinction can happen over decades and not be instant. But, the events which begin the extinction process is still important to know. Because, after the extinction process begins. Well, it is rather to late. So to is the probable destruction of the USA and other parts of the world. It is better to prevent the primary events then it is to react to them. The keys are in the big red words below.
Added on 20 Sept 2014:
The name of this blog is most likely inaccurate. It may be just the beginning. Which will be obvious. It is like the prophecies for extinction. Extinction can happen over decades and not be instant. But, the events which begin the extinction process is still important to know. Because, after the extinction process begins. Well, it is rather to late. So to is the probable destruction of the USA and other parts of the world. It is better to prevent the primary events then it is to react to them. The keys are in the big red words below.
Oh New JerUSAlem
Oh New Israel
Flee from all sin
Reject all sin
Go and sin no more
This is yours/our final warning.
Reject all sin
Go and sin no more
This is yours/our final warning.
Americans are deep in their prideful sin. Americans have the freedom to sin without guilt or remorse. The USA is New Jer'USA'lem or New Israel. The same way that GOD has disciplined Israel in the past written Holy texts is the same way that GOD will do it again. The first possible warning was on 09/11/2001. The second call was in 2008. The financial collapse. The possible third and possible final call will be in 2015. Actually around the fall or winter of 2015. 7 Years of separation for each.
Prophecy: If Billy Graham goes to the Father before or during 2015. The USA is doomed.
(Final warning message on 07 Nov 2013). (27 Dec 2016: Still alive.)
(Final warning message on 07 Nov 2013). (27 Dec 2016: Still alive.)
If President Obama re-elected to the presidency.
The USA is doomed. (06 Nov 2012).
If the American People do not repent and flee from sin in mass.
The USA is doomed. (Ongoing). (27 Dec 2016. Not Likely, actually all of Christianity
seems to be in the throes of apostasy, denial of righteous teachings and the right to sin
as you may).
If the church leadership as a whole do not become elected officials at all levels of
government. The USA is doomed. (Ongoing). (27 Dec 2016. Not happening).
If the common religious people do not vote out all of the corrupted political leaders
and their entire families and vote in godly people. The USA is doomed. (Ongoing).
(27 Dec 2016. Has not happened. There were four choices. 2 who were the greater evil
and two who were the lesser evil. The two greater evil choices were in favor of Special
interest Oligarchy or corporate Oligarchy. The American People choose Corporate
Oligarchy with President Elect Donald Trump.
If the common people of USA do not repent and become the holy people that
GOD has intended. The USA is doomed. (not religious). (Ongoing) (27 Dec 2016. Not
If the USA does not restore the sanctity of life. (End of Abortion). The USA is doomed.
(Doesn't seem probable). (27 Dec 2016. Not happening). (24 June 2022 apparent over
seems to be in the throes of apostasy, denial of righteous teachings and the right to sin
as you may).
If the church leadership as a whole do not become elected officials at all levels of
government. The USA is doomed. (Ongoing). (27 Dec 2016. Not happening).
If the common religious people do not vote out all of the corrupted political leaders
and their entire families and vote in godly people. The USA is doomed. (Ongoing).
(27 Dec 2016. Has not happened. There were four choices. 2 who were the greater evil
and two who were the lesser evil. The two greater evil choices were in favor of Special
interest Oligarchy or corporate Oligarchy. The American People choose Corporate
Oligarchy with President Elect Donald Trump.
If the common people of USA do not repent and become the holy people that
GOD has intended. The USA is doomed. (not religious). (Ongoing) (27 Dec 2016. Not
If the USA does not restore the sanctity of life. (End of Abortion). The USA is doomed.
(Doesn't seem probable). (27 Dec 2016. Not happening). (24 June 2022 apparent over
turning by the supreme court).
If the USA does not restore the legal foundations of the TEN COMMANDMENTS.
The USA is doomed. (Doesn't Seem probable). (27 Dec 2016, Not Happening).
If the USA does not restore religious traditions back into the public school
system. Such as Bible Studies and prayer. The USA is doomed.
(Doesn't Seem probable) (27 Dec 2016, Not Happening).
If the USA does not restore the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence to
their fullness. The USA is Doomed. (Added on 25 April 2013).
(Doesn't seem probable) (27 Dec 2016, Not Happening).
If the USA loses the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA). Lost on 26 June 2013. (This
Content was added on 28 June 2013).
(Wrong direction and a continuation of the wrong way). (27 Dec 2016, Not even a
discussion, Not happening).
If the USA does not restore the legal foundations of the TEN COMMANDMENTS.
The USA is doomed. (Doesn't Seem probable). (27 Dec 2016, Not Happening).
If the USA does not restore religious traditions back into the public school
system. Such as Bible Studies and prayer. The USA is doomed.
(Doesn't Seem probable) (27 Dec 2016, Not Happening).
If the USA does not restore the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence to
their fullness. The USA is Doomed. (Added on 25 April 2013).
(Doesn't seem probable) (27 Dec 2016, Not Happening).
If the USA loses the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA). Lost on 26 June 2013. (This
Content was added on 28 June 2013).
(Wrong direction and a continuation of the wrong way). (27 Dec 2016, Not even a
discussion, Not happening).
If the USA continues with Gay marriage rights. (Wrong direction and wrong way).
(27 Dec 2016, Not happening)
(Content added on 08 Nov 2013).
(27 Dec 2016, Not happening)
(Content added on 08 Nov 2013).
What Happens after the third event?
The third event did not happen as stated below. Maybe 2022 or 2029. All bad and sad prophecies can be averted. Through repentance and an active pursuit of righteousness.
About 100 million people die in the first year. No fuel, No power, No water, No food, No medical. No law. No rights. No freedom. Added on 08 Sept 2021: According to the US DHS if a EMP event occurs. Then about 90% of the entire American population will perish within the first year after the event.
Read the other prophecies as posted in blog-spot or blogger from me.
About 100 million people die in the first year. No fuel, No power, No water, No food, No medical. No law. No rights. No freedom. Added on 08 Sept 2021: According to the US DHS if a EMP event occurs. Then about 90% of the entire American population will perish within the first year after the event.
Read the other prophecies as posted in blog-spot or blogger from me.
Mass Latino exodus out of USA. Horrendous abuse, torture and death toll all along the former USA Mexico border.
The United Nations will heed the demands of debt repayment from the member nations and thus assume control over the former USA and all of its territories. Dividing all real estate assets and all other assets to the ownership of those nations. The United Nations may assume collective control over the former USA military assets and military manufacturing capabilities. The United Nations will have a military power to its enforcement.
Still it will not be enough. The former American citizens will become a non people and thus not assigned basic human rights status or protections under the United Nations.
The United Nations will order that all of the former Americans must repay all debts. Those who are wealthy and have approved metal assets held in other countries can use their real wealth to purchase their freedom and citizenship into a new Country of their choosing. Where accepted.
All assets of the former American people will be confiscated to ease debt load. No "non-people" will be allowed to own any property what so ever.
The former American Citizen will be forced into indentured servitude. For debt repayment.
All North American Farmland will be farmed by hand. The lucky will have horse or oxen if no one kills them for food. The worlds food supply will have cheap labor or slave labor. The same with all resource and mineral procurement. food prices will dramatically rise and so to the profits at all levels of exchange. Energy development will be wired to other nations. There will be no need for electrical energy for the non peoples. The North American Cities under new other National Government controls will have electrical power, water and sewer. These will be the New United Nations safe zones and may be coined a different more pleasing name.
All non persons will be counted and assigned a debt repayment schedule. Which will be re-tallied as each person dies. Thus causing each living persons share of the debt to go up. Daily wages will be less than third world countries. A persons personal debt plus their share of national debt. The slavery will never end. Slavery will be generational and forever. Until such a time that all of what America was is absolutely forgotten. This is a key. The biggest threat to world enslavement is the concept of what the USA stands for.
The Latinos will have their freedoms and protections as they are still citizens of their natural countries. The UN will recognize the Latino immigrant or former illegal immigrant as actual people and deserving of human rights protections. The long suffering and continuation of slavery like conditions from the former Americans will garner much sympathy from the United nations. The Latino who has become American Citizens will be deemed as Non people. All foreign nationals who own assets, corporations, real estate and lands within the former USA will receive a priority status from the United Nations. In the form or security, welfare, medical, food and water. The foreign nationals businesses will be given priority of further expansion, growth, responsibility, security and development. These foreign nationals will have these priorities so as long as they have not made application to become American Citizens. All of the fully intact Former USA records will be used against or for the entire populations.Which will include disarming of citizens. Which will be easy as there is no unity or communication between neighbors. Individual Homes will be targeted and invaded by foreign military swat type teams. All will be killed if necessary if they do not submit. If there is shooting. They all will be killed as they will not want anyone to spread a counter story or counter accusations. The ATF 4473 forms will be used against all gun owners.
All former American criminal records will be used to hunt down freed ex-convicts. They will be killed, when deemed they are a threat to the United Nations international security forces. Most of those in jails and prisons will be killed. All centralized medical records will be used to find those who are mentally ill to any degree. Those mentally defective will be killed. Including those who take any mind altering medications on a regular basis.
Former American Major Cities which survive become the worlds safest places for the worlds wealthy, elites and political leaders to live. No one will have access or be able to gain entry unless approved. These major cities will be rebuilt to the elites standards.
All former American criminal records will be used to hunt down freed ex-convicts. They will be killed, when deemed they are a threat to the United Nations international security forces. Most of those in jails and prisons will be killed. All centralized medical records will be used to find those who are mentally ill to any degree. Those mentally defective will be killed. Including those who take any mind altering medications on a regular basis.
Former American Major Cities which survive become the worlds safest places for the worlds wealthy, elites and political leaders to live. No one will have access or be able to gain entry unless approved. These major cities will be rebuilt to the elites standards.
Those persons who defected from Communist Russia, China, Cuba and others will have a hard existence. That is until they are killed.
Russia Takes Alaska. Not sure if it is UN approved or not. Probably not. When Russia takes Alaska. All mineral rights and energy resources will become the absolute property of Russia. including all military assets and technologies. The Russian military takeover is absolute and complete. With near zero self destruction by the American controllers. The former American citizens in Russia may have the opportunity to become instant Russians if not killed. Especially, If Russia deems their legal rights for the Alaskan Territory as an illegal and wrongful transaction. Where Russia was the victim to the evil negotiations of the former USA.
China Takes or is given the West coast North America. Probably as a form of financial repayment (UN Order?). California, Oregon and Washington. Unknowingly sets off the DOOMSDAY WEAPON (Time scale is delayed. Which may mean up to 48 Years). China knows of the possible Doomsday device. China has devised of 12 attack strategies. All will fail. Then all of humanity perishes. Including those corrupt government officials of every nation who have made safe places underground for their families. While not even considering the safety and well being of the common people of their own countries. Those will be their deserving coffins. Doomsday Weapon Blog created 04 Sept 2012..
Canada accepts military equipment and personnel from the former USA. Keeps the equipment and may send the military person back south. Canada conducts military rescue actions into the former USA to save their own Canadian people. All the way down to Arizona and Florida.
Typical Communist actions taken. Any former American person who has leadership or management potential dies. Any person with a military back ground dies. Any person with any fighting experience dies. Any person with any mechanical aptitude dies. All writers, artists or musically inclined will die. Any person with any logical education dies ( Professors, teachers, educators). This will account for 20-60 million more deaths. Deaths that no one will ever know about. Closer to 60 Million I think. We are a free thinking people and as such that communist 10 percent killing rule is way low. It will be rumored that the intellectual elites migrated to every sort of Country. When the truth is they were simply killed and then cremated. Ashes spread into the winds or on the farm lands. For the worlds food to grow. To be harvested by those former Americans who are now indentured to servitude. Although it will be called something else.
Lets do the math. 313+million Americans living today. 100 Million die in the first year. 20-60 Million more die by communist actions.
Those who cannot do the manual work for farming. Will be killed. Both human and animal Incinerators will operate 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. No one will keep track of the quantity of human cremations done.
Terrible deeds of abuse and torture done to people will be common place. There will be no law for the non people and the individual United Nations person knows this . If the Non people are killed, abused or tortured by United nations, Chinese, Russian, Mexican, Canadian Occupying forces. No one will care. The worlds media outlets will not speak or print a single nice word about the former USA or it's former citizens. They will speak in all accusing tones. They will speak they deserved all that they get. The condition of the world is all the USA fault. Let the USA suffer they will say. All former Americans will be hated. Possibly even the expatriates who live abroad, may even be killed.
Possible Prostitutes invited and provided passes for entry into the secured areas of the Republican National Convention (RNC) in Tampa, Fl. This practice will most likely be done with the Democratic national Convention (DNC) in September 2012. Every capable pastor, theologian and preacher must run for an elected office at every level of government ASAP. If Religious men and women are not elected to every level of government as soon as possible. Then the USA will end. The religious Christian people must exert their collective will for the possible preservation of this country USA. The people of the USA must also Repent, Repent, Repent. If not. Then the USA will end as has Israel in the BIBLE. Read about it for yourself in the old testament.
Hurricane Isaac and the remnant of it, is a direct warning for the common people of Louisiana and the rest of the Americans. The RNC and the DNC has been more of an indirect warning. If Hurricane Issac and the remnant of it was a warning at all. Hurricane and super storm Sandy was also a political warning or more.
President Obama has won re-election to the Presidency of the United States of America. 06 Nov 2012. What does this mean? It means the USA begins to crumble as indicated by the news. Is this the beginning of the civil wars within the USA. I've heard reports of the USA to monetize it's debt. Unable to find the current news. But, This is about wealth and not about the USA. Ask the question who owns the most real gold? There is your key. I ask the question before I research it's answer.
Unable to locate any information on the people who own the most actual gold.
It needs to be understood. That this is a secret which has been withheld from today's Common Americans. That the Americans is the modern day Jewish people. As such knowing this as fact you can see why Islam calls America "The great Satan" and why the USA was the second part of Hitlers plan. To connect the dots and then looking at the big picture as to why.
Language Warning. Calculus. Research His claims.
12 Dec 2012 News: Wyoming: From Feb - March 2012: old just found it.
Possible Prostitutes invited and provided passes for entry into the secured areas of the Republican National Convention (RNC) in Tampa, Fl. This practice will most likely be done with the Democratic national Convention (DNC) in September 2012. Every capable pastor, theologian and preacher must run for an elected office at every level of government ASAP. If Religious men and women are not elected to every level of government as soon as possible. Then the USA will end. The religious Christian people must exert their collective will for the possible preservation of this country USA. The people of the USA must also Repent, Repent, Repent. If not. Then the USA will end as has Israel in the BIBLE. Read about it for yourself in the old testament.
Hurricane Isaac and the remnant of it, is a direct warning for the common people of Louisiana and the rest of the Americans. The RNC and the DNC has been more of an indirect warning. If Hurricane Issac and the remnant of it was a warning at all. Hurricane and super storm Sandy was also a political warning or more.
President Obama has won re-election to the Presidency of the United States of America. 06 Nov 2012. What does this mean? It means the USA begins to crumble as indicated by the news. Is this the beginning of the civil wars within the USA. I've heard reports of the USA to monetize it's debt. Unable to find the current news. But, This is about wealth and not about the USA. Ask the question who owns the most real gold? There is your key. I ask the question before I research it's answer.
Unable to locate any information on the people who own the most actual gold.
It needs to be understood. That this is a secret which has been withheld from today's Common Americans. That the Americans is the modern day Jewish people. As such knowing this as fact you can see why Islam calls America "The great Satan" and why the USA was the second part of Hitlers plan. To connect the dots and then looking at the big picture as to why.
Language Warning. Calculus. Research His claims.
12 Dec 2012 News: Wyoming: From Feb - March 2012: old just found it.
:22 March 2013: .....Part 5. Full Version
:25 April 2013:
It must be known that before the final attack upon the Middle Eastern Country of Israel as prophesied in the Holy Bible. The USA or New Israel must be neutralized from all world affairs. Including USA's ability to project it's power.
There is currently a number of enemy combatants within the USA. More than a million Islamic men. Who continually train and wait patiently for their permission to proceed in pairs. In their own ways and means. There is also Enemy combatants from North Korea, China, Russia and from Latino Countries which will all conduct attacks when the military actions begin.
The North Korean, Russian, Chinese and Latino may focus their attacks upon the military industry, Chemical and fuel plants, military bases and posts. Attacks on command, control and coordination which is typical and easily seen targets.
You must know. These Islamic Men who are enemy combatants. Are continually training in your presence. They are training in your gyms, martial arts and in weapons. They are befriending you. They are marrying American wives. Just to prove how dumb, gullible and weak we are. The Islamic enemy combatants are also positioning themselves in places where they can inflict the most harm. Food Processing, Medical, Transportation, education and etc. The focus of their intention is the end of you. Period. It is not enough to end you. They must end your history and your celebrated dates. They must convert your symbols of victory into their symbols of your celebrated destruction. Do you understand their will and resolve? Do you understand their singular focus do continually train everyday. Just to end you completely and totally.
Research all of the shootings done to American Soldiers by those who were deemed trusted and accepted. There is history and intention here. For Instance.
What does this mean?
To figure out what will be the next attacks against civilian targets. Look to all of the important dates in American History and in those places.
Look to alternate and multiple bombing sites, Which in fact may be the actual primary bombing sites. In which the attackers hope to inflict more death and destruction to rescuers. Also, look to future bombing sites in close proximity to media persons, In which will illicit emotional responses by them but far enough away from them so as to not harm any media unless by accident.
The Beings, Groups or Persons who teach, convince and plan that all who follow them will rule over the whole of the Earth with wealth, power and authority. Know not their ultimate plan is the total extinction of ALL HUMANITY.
Added on 24 May 2013:
I Just found out that a few days ago, A British soldier was brutally killed in the streets of London with a pair of knives. No one tried to save the British soldier who was just out enjoying himself. I heard reports that it took the local police almost 20 minutes to arrive on the scene to take control of the situation. In which no civilian came to the aid or defense of the soldier, except for a woman. This is the Tet Offensive which will spread all over the USA and probably the whole world. In the USA, Canada and Europe, each will have their million plus man pairs and or teams of enemy combatants.
Imagine in a single day, a million plus men grouped in pairs or in teams who all go forth in their own self chosen direction to murder in their own time and places. Imagine, that they do not wait for the police to arrive to make an arrest. Is this British soldier the first in a possible ramping up or the origin of the Islamic Tet offensive?
:Added content on 28 June 2013:
ADDED ON 26 MAY 2013:
The home grown terrorists will have their roots from the rulers of revolution. The home grown terrorists will have their residence and lives deep within the forgotten darkness of accepted society. When the rejects have developed their own lost and forgotten society. The mindless recruiters who devoutly believe all of the lies and deceptions taught to them by the charismatic revolutionaries. The rejected and forgotten who may have been teetering on near insanity will become the ones to take that glorious for change. They will become re-conditioned to think and believe that the evil is the society which has rejected and forgotten them. The evil is the society which will not allow them to succeed. The evil is the society which denies them their free right to do whatever they want and however they want. It is the evil society which denies them the right to live in a beach condo or drive cool cars. It is the evil society which had them imprisoned.
These are those who are being recruited for acts of future terrorism. Look for them in the strip clubs, low income neighborhoods, prisons and jails, Mental institutions, Trailer parks. Former foster kids. This list is only a targeting list. In the hopes that the recruiters are discovered and prevented. But, Then again, talking is not against the law.
It is sad to know that those forgotten and rejected souls can become a tool for evil. Orchestrated by those revolutionary conductors. Who care nothing for the person. They only care for the outcome. The more blood the better and it matters not whose blood. Anyone's blood except for theirs and those who will rule with them. It is all about the money.
Added on 26 May 2013:(:Possible Hit Maybe an innocent: 30 June 2013:)
The Russian Special Forces are in play. They hide and play where no one will see. (ATL/Strip Clubs). They have their escape bicycles in pairs. Their practice game or is it real? Their intention is set. With those who are professional. The difference between real and play is difficult to see. Largo, Fl., Pinellas Park, Fl. St. Petersburg, Fl.
Their weapons are here and set. Yes, for explosives and explosive making materials. High grade. Possibly hidden in an innocent persons 20+ year old trailer who knows nothing. You may be able to predict where they are. By having before you all of the physical places they are related to. The places where they do not travel to, should be the first to be searched. Be careful. Because, It is better for them to lose it all then to give you even a sample.
These boys are mission minded and way to much for a simple local cop to handle. I see fighting and dying and them winning. When encountering these guys. Do not attempt arrest. They will die before being taken. So shoot them to save yourselves. They are trained in More on One hand to hand combat. Do not get close. Do not get distracted. Do not allow them within the threshold of personal combat space.
:Added on 30 June 2013: News reports: Which appear to be being deleted from the internet. Last night when I did this search there was much information. Today as I write this. Many legitimate websites sites do not even show up anymore. Now only the more paranoid websites are showing in any Google search. Very Odd. I have not experienced this before. Either this was a false story or this is a cover up. Do the research of this for yourself. I think the story is false. Which is why it was hot and now its not. There is evidence that the Emergency management agencies from the USA and Russia are cooperating with one another. I think this is smart. Because any sudden emergency greater in magnitude than Hurricane Katrina. Is needed to keep one another stabilized for mutual prosperity.
In the USA. There are thousands and thousands of local FEMA and DHS offices. It would make sense to send personnel from Russia in civilian attire to learn how we do things and we would send personnel to each of their locales to do likewise. That is mutual cooperation and trust building.
:Added on 28 June 2013: I'm not one to follow the news to much. Nor do I follow all of the sins of the world. It is now free for anyone to marry any one else.
June 26 in history.
2013. DOMA Unconstitutional
2003. Texas Sodomy laws unconstitutional.
2000. 1St Survey of the Human Genome project completed.
1997. Communications Decency act Unconstitutional.
1870. The Christian holiday of Christmas is declared a Federal Holiday.
There are more days to look at. Go and have a look for yourself.
Added on 12 July 2013:
Clarification on the title. This begins the financial fall of the USA. Which leads to it's final demise. From about 2015-2016. California should be the first state to crumble under it's financial burdens. Followed by 11 other states. There is a possibility of one state surviving. By only the Grace of God. That state will have a lot of work to do in the next 3.5-7 years from now. In regards to God, The Law, Religion, Morality, Honor, Integrity and etc. I think it is Texas. I think Texas is the inverse of Judas. Which means the State and it's people will have to be the inverse of Judas as well. The financial fall of the USA should be completed sometime around 2019-2025. New York city has a total real estate collapse beginning around 2019. The most wealthiest people in the world will protect their money by moving it to a safe location. Which is China. Research American and International Investors in China. They will not allow the USA to fall until they can protect their money. But, surprises can happen. Like Russia or North Korea or some terrorist in the Middle East. I doubt it. After a significant amount of monies are moved out of the USA. Then can the USA be allowed to fall.
As other prophets have foretold a great calamity to the new city. This great calamity should occur after the collapse of New York City. By nuclear device or devices. Maybe a large hydrogen device. By that time the wealthiest people should be out of the USA. Only a shell of their wealth will only remain. Along with their worst employees. Research those great corporations which has huge assets and growth out of the USA currently. They know something. The world is becoming a single market place and you have to spread throughout the whole of the world if you want to last more than 50 years.
Added on 12 July 2013: Research Yujiapu in China. Read all of the news articles back to 2008. Research who has been the foreign investors. This is the symbol for China's Financial revolution. Yes, ask the question to that previous statement.
Yujiapu to become Wall Street's replacement?
Added on 05 Aug 2013:
I predicted this sometime ago and am now unable to find it's location. Bombs or a weapon of some sort surgically implanted within the human body. Here is some news about that. I'm not sure about the predictive date. But these news articles may be before my actual prediction in 2010. Not sure. The yahoo news report is very recent.
:22 March 2013: .....Part 5. Full Version
:25 April 2013:
It must be known that before the final attack upon the Middle Eastern Country of Israel as prophesied in the Holy Bible. The USA or New Israel must be neutralized from all world affairs. Including USA's ability to project it's power.
There is currently a number of enemy combatants within the USA. More than a million Islamic men. Who continually train and wait patiently for their permission to proceed in pairs. In their own ways and means. There is also Enemy combatants from North Korea, China, Russia and from Latino Countries which will all conduct attacks when the military actions begin.
The North Korean, Russian, Chinese and Latino may focus their attacks upon the military industry, Chemical and fuel plants, military bases and posts. Attacks on command, control and coordination which is typical and easily seen targets.
You must know. These Islamic Men who are enemy combatants. Are continually training in your presence. They are training in your gyms, martial arts and in weapons. They are befriending you. They are marrying American wives. Just to prove how dumb, gullible and weak we are. The Islamic enemy combatants are also positioning themselves in places where they can inflict the most harm. Food Processing, Medical, Transportation, education and etc. The focus of their intention is the end of you. Period. It is not enough to end you. They must end your history and your celebrated dates. They must convert your symbols of victory into their symbols of your celebrated destruction. Do you understand their will and resolve? Do you understand their singular focus do continually train everyday. Just to end you completely and totally.
Research all of the shootings done to American Soldiers by those who were deemed trusted and accepted. There is history and intention here. For Instance.
What does this mean?
To figure out what will be the next attacks against civilian targets. Look to all of the important dates in American History and in those places.
Look to alternate and multiple bombing sites, Which in fact may be the actual primary bombing sites. In which the attackers hope to inflict more death and destruction to rescuers. Also, look to future bombing sites in close proximity to media persons, In which will illicit emotional responses by them but far enough away from them so as to not harm any media unless by accident.
Saving the USA
Saves the World
Saving the USA may even prevent the extinction of all humanity
=======================The Beings, Groups or Persons who teach, convince and plan that all who follow them will rule over the whole of the Earth with wealth, power and authority. Know not their ultimate plan is the total extinction of ALL HUMANITY.
Added on 24 May 2013:
The Islamic Tet Offensive:
I Just found out that a few days ago, A British soldier was brutally killed in the streets of London with a pair of knives. No one tried to save the British soldier who was just out enjoying himself. I heard reports that it took the local police almost 20 minutes to arrive on the scene to take control of the situation. In which no civilian came to the aid or defense of the soldier, except for a woman. This is the Tet Offensive which will spread all over the USA and probably the whole world. In the USA, Canada and Europe, each will have their million plus man pairs and or teams of enemy combatants.
Imagine in a single day, a million plus men grouped in pairs or in teams who all go forth in their own self chosen direction to murder in their own time and places. Imagine, that they do not wait for the police to arrive to make an arrest. Is this British soldier the first in a possible ramping up or the origin of the Islamic Tet offensive?
:Added content on 28 June 2013:
ADDED ON 26 MAY 2013:
The home grown terrorists will have their roots from the rulers of revolution. The home grown terrorists will have their residence and lives deep within the forgotten darkness of accepted society. When the rejects have developed their own lost and forgotten society. The mindless recruiters who devoutly believe all of the lies and deceptions taught to them by the charismatic revolutionaries. The rejected and forgotten who may have been teetering on near insanity will become the ones to take that glorious for change. They will become re-conditioned to think and believe that the evil is the society which has rejected and forgotten them. The evil is the society which will not allow them to succeed. The evil is the society which denies them their free right to do whatever they want and however they want. It is the evil society which denies them the right to live in a beach condo or drive cool cars. It is the evil society which had them imprisoned.
These are those who are being recruited for acts of future terrorism. Look for them in the strip clubs, low income neighborhoods, prisons and jails, Mental institutions, Trailer parks. Former foster kids. This list is only a targeting list. In the hopes that the recruiters are discovered and prevented. But, Then again, talking is not against the law.
It is sad to know that those forgotten and rejected souls can become a tool for evil. Orchestrated by those revolutionary conductors. Who care nothing for the person. They only care for the outcome. The more blood the better and it matters not whose blood. Anyone's blood except for theirs and those who will rule with them. It is all about the money.
Added on 26 May 2013:(:Possible Hit Maybe an innocent: 30 June 2013:)
The Russian Special Forces are in play. They hide and play where no one will see. (ATL/Strip Clubs). They have their escape bicycles in pairs. Their practice game or is it real? Their intention is set. With those who are professional. The difference between real and play is difficult to see. Largo, Fl., Pinellas Park, Fl. St. Petersburg, Fl.
Their weapons are here and set. Yes, for explosives and explosive making materials. High grade. Possibly hidden in an innocent persons 20+ year old trailer who knows nothing. You may be able to predict where they are. By having before you all of the physical places they are related to. The places where they do not travel to, should be the first to be searched. Be careful. Because, It is better for them to lose it all then to give you even a sample.
These boys are mission minded and way to much for a simple local cop to handle. I see fighting and dying and them winning. When encountering these guys. Do not attempt arrest. They will die before being taken. So shoot them to save yourselves. They are trained in More on One hand to hand combat. Do not get close. Do not get distracted. Do not allow them within the threshold of personal combat space.
:Added on 30 June 2013: News reports: Which appear to be being deleted from the internet. Last night when I did this search there was much information. Today as I write this. Many legitimate websites sites do not even show up anymore. Now only the more paranoid websites are showing in any Google search. Very Odd. I have not experienced this before. Either this was a false story or this is a cover up. Do the research of this for yourself. I think the story is false. Which is why it was hot and now its not. There is evidence that the Emergency management agencies from the USA and Russia are cooperating with one another. I think this is smart. Because any sudden emergency greater in magnitude than Hurricane Katrina. Is needed to keep one another stabilized for mutual prosperity.
In the USA. There are thousands and thousands of local FEMA and DHS offices. It would make sense to send personnel from Russia in civilian attire to learn how we do things and we would send personnel to each of their locales to do likewise. That is mutual cooperation and trust building.
:Added on 28 June 2013: I'm not one to follow the news to much. Nor do I follow all of the sins of the world. It is now free for anyone to marry any one else.
June 26 in history.
2013. DOMA Unconstitutional
2003. Texas Sodomy laws unconstitutional.
2000. 1St Survey of the Human Genome project completed.
1997. Communications Decency act Unconstitutional.
1870. The Christian holiday of Christmas is declared a Federal Holiday.
There are more days to look at. Go and have a look for yourself.
Added on 12 July 2013:
Clarification on the title. This begins the financial fall of the USA. Which leads to it's final demise. From about 2015-2016. California should be the first state to crumble under it's financial burdens. Followed by 11 other states. There is a possibility of one state surviving. By only the Grace of God. That state will have a lot of work to do in the next 3.5-7 years from now. In regards to God, The Law, Religion, Morality, Honor, Integrity and etc. I think it is Texas. I think Texas is the inverse of Judas. Which means the State and it's people will have to be the inverse of Judas as well. The financial fall of the USA should be completed sometime around 2019-2025. New York city has a total real estate collapse beginning around 2019. The most wealthiest people in the world will protect their money by moving it to a safe location. Which is China. Research American and International Investors in China. They will not allow the USA to fall until they can protect their money. But, surprises can happen. Like Russia or North Korea or some terrorist in the Middle East. I doubt it. After a significant amount of monies are moved out of the USA. Then can the USA be allowed to fall.
As other prophets have foretold a great calamity to the new city. This great calamity should occur after the collapse of New York City. By nuclear device or devices. Maybe a large hydrogen device. By that time the wealthiest people should be out of the USA. Only a shell of their wealth will only remain. Along with their worst employees. Research those great corporations which has huge assets and growth out of the USA currently. They know something. The world is becoming a single market place and you have to spread throughout the whole of the world if you want to last more than 50 years.
Added on 12 July 2013: Research Yujiapu in China. Read all of the news articles back to 2008. Research who has been the foreign investors. This is the symbol for China's Financial revolution. Yes, ask the question to that previous statement.
Yujiapu to become Wall Street's replacement?
Added on 05 Aug 2013:
I predicted this sometime ago and am now unable to find it's location. Bombs or a weapon of some sort surgically implanted within the human body. Here is some news about that. I'm not sure about the predictive date. But these news articles may be before my actual prediction in 2010. Not sure. The yahoo news report is very recent.
Will NOT be included in future
volumes of “Musings of an American Truck Driver”:
Prophecy is only probable, when a simple revelation can alter everything. Which must be followed with good and righteous works of prevention.
Added on 09 Aug 2013:
Because of the 2010 FACTA Law. There will be two actions that will be easily seen.
1). Those American born citizens who cannot remain logically or emotionally attached to their country of birth. Will conclude to cut their ties with the USA for selfish greed and tax shelters. The essential fault is probably the failure of the education system to teach the history of the nation. The secondary fault is how the foreign owned media belittles and insults the USA. Thirdly, even The President of the USA disrespects the country he holds an office.
2). The strong arm bullying tactics of the IRS will cause much stress around the world in regards to American citizens. So as a response those financial institutions will shy away and possible outright deny any financial assistance or customer service to any American citizen and/or commercial entity. These foreign financial institutions may even advise the visiting Americans to renounce their citizenship in order to save a great deal of money.
This will be another one of those things which will cause any American to be unwelcome any where in the world. Remember that prophecy about how the USA goes back into isolation. Maybe this is an external isolation. An isolation forced upon the USA by the rest of the world. The incredible corruption within the American Government at all levels. The military bullying and spying practices. No one in the world can trust the USA anymore. The stress of taxation upon all Americans abroad. If you read the stories below. You can see it is already beginning or about to.
Added on 08 Sept 2013:
I'm uncertain when this dream/vision occurred. It is either here somewhere or on paper somewhere.
Lost a dream of American warships which are sunk from an unseen weapons platform from deep below. Pre-positioned weapons systems which may be anchored and hidden. Then when the desired Battle group strategically positions itself in close proximity over the device. It just releases itself and floats to a select depth and explodes or something else happens. Destroying the the heart of the Battle group plus other ships. This may happen many times over the course of a single evening.
I think a key is a position which the ships station themselves is commonly known within the military intelligence communities. This is why the greatest Naval force in the world is nearly wiped out in a single efficient and silent attack.
Is Syria the beginning of WW3? Which probably won't actually manifest for a few more years. But, then again. It is easy to end the USA quickly. Which I've written about. It is my hopes that all of the bad and sad prophecies of the world are prevented and or mitigated. It matters not who the authors are.
Added on: 08 Nov 2013:
Tonight was Rev. Billy Graham's 95 Birthday celebration. This is also his last work in GOD's Service.
This is very meaningful as this may very well be the last message of warning for America (USA). If the message is rejected. Then some very bad times shall come to the USA or New JerUSAlem. As in the times of old. The peoples country was lost. So it may very well be this time also.
Here is the website:
Oh New JerUSAlem
Oh New Israel
Flee from all sin
Reject all sin
Go and sin no more
This is yours/our final warning.
Flee from all sin
Reject all sin
Go and sin no more
This is yours/our final warning.
Be sure that you understand that the sufferings and torments to come is all of our collective faults. Just as if all of the bad and sad prophecies are averted it is also because of all of us. To blame GOD for our own undoing is wrong and false.
Added on 06 Dec 2013:
Comet ISON destroyed and then is reborn on 28 Nov 2013: NASA Deception and publicly caught.
Nelson Mandela Death on 05 Dec 2013.
Added on 08 Dec 2013:
This is what I was thinking of. Just couldn't formulate the words. (Malala Yousafzai)
Added on 20 Dec 2013:
China news:
Can the top cities which are selling real estate to foreigners, become UN safe zones?
Added on 06 Dec 2013:
Comet ISON destroyed and then is reborn on 28 Nov 2013: NASA Deception and publicly caught.
Nelson Mandela Death on 05 Dec 2013.
Added on 08 Dec 2013:
This is what I was thinking of. Just couldn't formulate the words. (Malala Yousafzai)
Added on 20 Dec 2013:
China news:
Can the top cities which are selling real estate to foreigners, become UN safe zones?
Added on 18 July 2014:
A super Volcano is acting up in the USA. Assuming this is not a hiccup and all things will go back to normal. Then this event will be something for the scientists to learn from and nothing more.
The degree at which the pressure is released will dictate the energy release of Earth quake fault lines in the entire region. There is no argument that a super volcano explosion will have global effects for up to many decades. This is also dependent on the duration of the explosion and the amount of material released. Global starvation and a new Ice age will begin. Mass migrations will occur planet wide.
I see this as a singular event comprising of Earthquakes over a period of time. Which by human perceptions will seem like many events. But, the cause and reactions is all from the super volcano. The New Madrid fault line will release in the extreme. Possibly even the Mississippi River expanding in with by many miles. The various fault lines in California will release in the extreme. Both of these events has been foreseen by various prophets and seers. I've seen the Mississippi River expanding and the resultant endeavors of the USA to bridge the New Mississippi river. So as to bring supplies and people from one place to another.
When the heart of a country becomes blackened and the heart of a man becomes darkened. God will discipline the land and the man. Repent and flee from all sin.
If you look at the probability maps for this Yellowstone super volcano eruption. Depending on season and wind direction. You can see that the Heartland of the USA is impacted. The majority of farmlands is destroyed for a time. When the soil is replenished and renewed again. Right now I am making the connections between this Yellowstone super volcano and the Heartland of America. What do these connections mean. Not sure yet and I do not feel good about it/them. maybe, I'm only to be aware of the connections while others are to glean more specific information after much fasting, prayer and meditation. But, It is what the American people have chosen and there will be consequences for both unrighteousness and inaction of any kind.
If you are a devoutly righteous person as defined by God and you feel that inkling to "GO", without any particular direction of travel. Then put your worldly logic and reason aside and go. I do think there is still time to sell your assets and resettle elsewhere. But, time is shortening. Leave or not leave. Mark your door or not mark your door. Your choice and it has always been your choice.
Added on 20 Sept 2014:
Added on 08 Nov 2015:
As the USA comes to a close in 2015: The sins which have been legalized have been passed. Yet, the good citizens do nothing. Most Americans have come to know the Planned parenthood sins and lawlessness. Then getting caught. Yet, the good citizens do nothing. Anything Christian has been rejected in the USA. While schools begin to teach other religions and a city erect a satan monument. While New York Lights up an evil goddess kali on the empire state building.
You had better make arrangements to leave New York as well as liquidate all business assets.
Added on 21 Nov 2015:
Added on 30 April 2016:
Yes, These are important: John Guandolo. You Tube search term with less than 1 year. To find more info. It is important to match his Quran versus with what he is saying. Get the facts and actually verify them.
Updated on 26 Dec 2016:
It seems for me it is on a regular basis that I think and pray for the great Reverend of our day Billy Graham. I do also think of his daughter as well although as of this name her name eludes me. I do think she is also one of the keys. I think Billy Graham may be a Methuselah of our time. One of two righteous men who were the sign and the physical savior of humanity. The other being Noah. I think maybe Reverend Billy Graham is a sign. So who is to be the savior of humanity? The daughter? Or shall it be the coming true savior Jesus Christ?
The next event or events shall be 2022 and it may lead to ongoing events. As all of the Nations of the world which is capable to prepare and build their war machines are doing so. Which may come to fruition in 2029. This is the seven year deal as spoken by Jonathan Cahn. Buy and read his books to know more than me. Pray, meditate and fast and hope the rapture is true and real. If the rapture is not true and real. Then I hope for you that your entire faith has not been tied to the saving of your physical self/being. Because, it is your spirit which is your true being which is important and not your physical body. How does Dr. Tony Evens put it. Your body is just your car in which you drive. That is close enough to his exact quote.
When we as a collective group of people of one Nation under God consciously decide to disobey God directly and to his face. Do not expect blessings or protections from God. Read and learn what has happened to Israel every single time they turned away. Go and read the old Testament in the Holy Bible. Really. Israel was and still is the master of making continual mistakes. Even today. The USA is now what in the eyes of God? The people think they are blessed and protected. Soon they will be the same ones who shall curse God for their destruction. Denying their fault, participation and absence in any of it.
I do know what is occurring in regards to prophecy is a confluence of prophecies. The current prophetic signs seem to be coming from the tribal nations within the USA. The Sioux and Hopi tribes. The ongoing Sioux prophecy in Standing Rock North Dakota. is something you should really keep your eye on as a Christian.
Another sign is the criminalizing of homeless people. To the tune of destroying and taking away their things they need to survive. The criminalizing of anyone or any group who actively assist the homeless without the consent of the local, state or federal governments. Because, Think about this. When the mark of the beast is manifest in some unknown way. Everyone who refuses these mark will be rejected to participate in society. So what does that mean. You will become homeless and an instant criminal. Then look at what has already been done to the water protectors at Standing Rock. How many of those police men and women actually attend church or are professed Christians? if any. But, that to is yet another sign as apostasy grows in all aspects of Christian life. Even in Christian media where devout evil doers can become successful in a Christian world. Even though they are actively against Christians and yet their praise and worship songs are played on the air.
What you do to Israel comes back at you. This is the promise of blessing and curse from God. This is what President Obama is leaving for president Donald Trump and for all Americans. And a tweet from President Elect Donald Trump states It should be Vetoed. You do the research and decide for yourself which is the right answer.
The Joy FM a Christian Radio Station in the Southeast USA has played on a regular basis the praise and worship Christmas songs from Pentatonix. In which two of the members are professed and actively gay. They are also active participants in the LGBT community. Which means they are anti-Christian. Yet, they enjoy the profits of the Christian community. What is it called when a person who praises God and yet has no intention of actually worshiping God? What do you call a person who pretends to be religious and yet are actively against the religion? Has the men and women of The Joy FM become infested by the disease of apostasy and not know it? I no longer listen to "The Joy FM" I just can't anymore. They seem to have departed away from the God of the Holy Bible. I'm sad by their actions. There is more.
Isn't that another prophecy where people to flee from the church. Maybe, it is because of the Christian church has departed away from God and righteous teachings. Think about this. When was the last time your pastor or Christian radio station taught sin, holiness, righteousness, The covering of the blood and the cleansing of the blood. They don't do this because of their own fear. Who brings fear? while those who are with God say Fear Not.
I tell you the truth. When Noah laid his axe across the first tree. All humans, animals and other beings who were alive became the living judged. This includes all humanly perceived innocent human babies, precious puppies, cute kitties and baby bunnies. Only eight human adults survived along with adult pairs of every animal.
There must be something more than just simple belief in Jesus Christ. Because, do not even the fallen angels and demons believe? and yet they all remained condemned. Why?
So there must be something more than just belief and faith. Those things are righteousness and holiness only seen and agreed upon by God only. All without pride, ego, supremacy and arrogance. Those are the next steps after simple belief. Remember, After Jesus healed people he said "Go and sin no more". If there is a rapture and I hope there is. I think holiness and righteousness are the keys.
Added on 11 Feb 2017: Black Snake Revealed and it's blood almost ready to flow.
The Lakota prophecy of the black snake. Has been revealed and yet the black snake cannot be stopped. The revelation of the black snake also revealed the thousands of other black snakes all over the land as well as new ones to be created. The confluence of prophecies from many different traditions is in play. They each stand alone and yet they each seemingly support other prophecies from other traditions. The bowls poured out are all from us. the great sufferings to come is all our fault. We are responsible for is yet to come. The death of all that we know is because we each have forgotten the old ways and have refused to become a united people who are holy and righteous in the accepting eyes of God. All without pride, ego, arrogance and supremacy.
The DAPL pipeline in North Dakota on Siouz tribe land and under the Missouri river is a go. So how many years will it take to begin sickening 18 million people? 10-12 years? Which is around 2029?. maybe sooner 2022? The USA is becoming full of black snakes. This prophecy is as close to complete as can be and only very few people are actually thinking about it. I have been following this Standing Rock event for the last 9+ months and the evil associated with it. Is very observable. It is obvious that corporate and governmental entities are under demonic influence and control.
So what is next? The gourds? The financial or final destruction of the USA? The land mass of North America becomes inhabitable? Time and all things will be revealed just before it's time. Think about this. The sickness in the tribal communities are unknown Americans in general and will become common in every American family. The Sioux tribes face legal extinction in North Dakota. Then once you realize that there is virtually no cleansing of the contaminated soil and only a covering up. When the oil leaks out. Biblical terms there in which the vast majority of Christians do not even understand.
Prophecies are supposed to be those encouragements for everyone to change from their evil ways or to take direct actions in order to prevent any prophecy to occur. Once a prophecy does occur and it is directly related to the choices of the people. The next prophecy which comes directly after the fulfilled prophecy. Shall be more difficult to prevent. Then the one which comes after the previous shall always be more difficult to prevent than the one before. Until such as a time when extinction is complete. Then final peace shall be realized.
Added on 21 March 2017:
There can always be two kinds of directions for peace. One that through wise and dedicated choices by everyone can peace be realized. The other way peace can result is when all enemies and all of those who hate and are angry all die. Then through the end of the extinction process. Shall the finality of peace be realized. It matters not what part of your world you read and realize this simple truth. Everyone must realize the purple words and adopt them into their mind, heart and spirit.
Added on 20 Sept 2014:
Added on 08 Nov 2015:
As the USA comes to a close in 2015: The sins which have been legalized have been passed. Yet, the good citizens do nothing. Most Americans have come to know the Planned parenthood sins and lawlessness. Then getting caught. Yet, the good citizens do nothing. Anything Christian has been rejected in the USA. While schools begin to teach other religions and a city erect a satan monument. While New York Lights up an evil goddess kali on the empire state building.
You had better make arrangements to leave New York as well as liquidate all business assets.
Added on 21 Nov 2015:
Added on 30 April 2016:
Yes, These are important: John Guandolo. You Tube search term with less than 1 year. To find more info. It is important to match his Quran versus with what he is saying. Get the facts and actually verify them.
Updated on 26 Dec 2016:
It seems for me it is on a regular basis that I think and pray for the great Reverend of our day Billy Graham. I do also think of his daughter as well although as of this name her name eludes me. I do think she is also one of the keys. I think Billy Graham may be a Methuselah of our time. One of two righteous men who were the sign and the physical savior of humanity. The other being Noah. I think maybe Reverend Billy Graham is a sign. So who is to be the savior of humanity? The daughter? Or shall it be the coming true savior Jesus Christ?
The next event or events shall be 2022 and it may lead to ongoing events. As all of the Nations of the world which is capable to prepare and build their war machines are doing so. Which may come to fruition in 2029. This is the seven year deal as spoken by Jonathan Cahn. Buy and read his books to know more than me. Pray, meditate and fast and hope the rapture is true and real. If the rapture is not true and real. Then I hope for you that your entire faith has not been tied to the saving of your physical self/being. Because, it is your spirit which is your true being which is important and not your physical body. How does Dr. Tony Evens put it. Your body is just your car in which you drive. That is close enough to his exact quote.
When we as a collective group of people of one Nation under God consciously decide to disobey God directly and to his face. Do not expect blessings or protections from God. Read and learn what has happened to Israel every single time they turned away. Go and read the old Testament in the Holy Bible. Really. Israel was and still is the master of making continual mistakes. Even today. The USA is now what in the eyes of God? The people think they are blessed and protected. Soon they will be the same ones who shall curse God for their destruction. Denying their fault, participation and absence in any of it.
I do know what is occurring in regards to prophecy is a confluence of prophecies. The current prophetic signs seem to be coming from the tribal nations within the USA. The Sioux and Hopi tribes. The ongoing Sioux prophecy in Standing Rock North Dakota. is something you should really keep your eye on as a Christian.
Another sign is the criminalizing of homeless people. To the tune of destroying and taking away their things they need to survive. The criminalizing of anyone or any group who actively assist the homeless without the consent of the local, state or federal governments. Because, Think about this. When the mark of the beast is manifest in some unknown way. Everyone who refuses these mark will be rejected to participate in society. So what does that mean. You will become homeless and an instant criminal. Then look at what has already been done to the water protectors at Standing Rock. How many of those police men and women actually attend church or are professed Christians? if any. But, that to is yet another sign as apostasy grows in all aspects of Christian life. Even in Christian media where devout evil doers can become successful in a Christian world. Even though they are actively against Christians and yet their praise and worship songs are played on the air.
What you do to Israel comes back at you. This is the promise of blessing and curse from God. This is what President Obama is leaving for president Donald Trump and for all Americans. And a tweet from President Elect Donald Trump states It should be Vetoed. You do the research and decide for yourself which is the right answer.
The Joy FM a Christian Radio Station in the Southeast USA has played on a regular basis the praise and worship Christmas songs from Pentatonix. In which two of the members are professed and actively gay. They are also active participants in the LGBT community. Which means they are anti-Christian. Yet, they enjoy the profits of the Christian community. What is it called when a person who praises God and yet has no intention of actually worshiping God? What do you call a person who pretends to be religious and yet are actively against the religion? Has the men and women of The Joy FM become infested by the disease of apostasy and not know it? I no longer listen to "The Joy FM" I just can't anymore. They seem to have departed away from the God of the Holy Bible. I'm sad by their actions. There is more.
Isn't that another prophecy where people to flee from the church. Maybe, it is because of the Christian church has departed away from God and righteous teachings. Think about this. When was the last time your pastor or Christian radio station taught sin, holiness, righteousness, The covering of the blood and the cleansing of the blood. They don't do this because of their own fear. Who brings fear? while those who are with God say Fear Not.
I tell you the truth. When Noah laid his axe across the first tree. All humans, animals and other beings who were alive became the living judged. This includes all humanly perceived innocent human babies, precious puppies, cute kitties and baby bunnies. Only eight human adults survived along with adult pairs of every animal.
There must be something more than just simple belief in Jesus Christ. Because, do not even the fallen angels and demons believe? and yet they all remained condemned. Why?
So there must be something more than just belief and faith. Those things are righteousness and holiness only seen and agreed upon by God only. All without pride, ego, supremacy and arrogance. Those are the next steps after simple belief. Remember, After Jesus healed people he said "Go and sin no more". If there is a rapture and I hope there is. I think holiness and righteousness are the keys.
Added on 11 Feb 2017: Black Snake Revealed and it's blood almost ready to flow.
The Lakota prophecy of the black snake. Has been revealed and yet the black snake cannot be stopped. The revelation of the black snake also revealed the thousands of other black snakes all over the land as well as new ones to be created. The confluence of prophecies from many different traditions is in play. They each stand alone and yet they each seemingly support other prophecies from other traditions. The bowls poured out are all from us. the great sufferings to come is all our fault. We are responsible for is yet to come. The death of all that we know is because we each have forgotten the old ways and have refused to become a united people who are holy and righteous in the accepting eyes of God. All without pride, ego, arrogance and supremacy.
The DAPL pipeline in North Dakota on Siouz tribe land and under the Missouri river is a go. So how many years will it take to begin sickening 18 million people? 10-12 years? Which is around 2029?. maybe sooner 2022? The USA is becoming full of black snakes. This prophecy is as close to complete as can be and only very few people are actually thinking about it. I have been following this Standing Rock event for the last 9+ months and the evil associated with it. Is very observable. It is obvious that corporate and governmental entities are under demonic influence and control.
So what is next? The gourds? The financial or final destruction of the USA? The land mass of North America becomes inhabitable? Time and all things will be revealed just before it's time. Think about this. The sickness in the tribal communities are unknown Americans in general and will become common in every American family. The Sioux tribes face legal extinction in North Dakota. Then once you realize that there is virtually no cleansing of the contaminated soil and only a covering up. When the oil leaks out. Biblical terms there in which the vast majority of Christians do not even understand.
Prophecies are supposed to be those encouragements for everyone to change from their evil ways or to take direct actions in order to prevent any prophecy to occur. Once a prophecy does occur and it is directly related to the choices of the people. The next prophecy which comes directly after the fulfilled prophecy. Shall be more difficult to prevent. Then the one which comes after the previous shall always be more difficult to prevent than the one before. Until such as a time when extinction is complete. Then final peace shall be realized.
Added on 21 March 2017:
There can always be two kinds of directions for peace. One that through wise and dedicated choices by everyone can peace be realized. The other way peace can result is when all enemies and all of those who hate and are angry all die. Then through the end of the extinction process. Shall the finality of peace be realized. It matters not what part of your world you read and realize this simple truth. Everyone must realize the purple words and adopt them into their mind, heart and spirit.
Added on 07 Oct 2022:
I just went through a lot of this writing. Cleaned up a little bit. Minor editing. Added dated content.
The 2016 elections was critical for the USA and the election of Donald Trump as president was an overall good thing for America and the world. Though uncomfortable. The 2020 elections I believe was stolen. There was much widespread shenanigan's in most every state. But, all of it was declared as no evidence. We are about one month away from the mid term elections. So, what does this all mean with a train wreck with President Biden? It means that the end of the USA is at hand. But, will the end of the USA begin in Nov 2022 mid term elections. Can Biden cheat and garner a win for all available senate and house seats? Will this set of a super majority to change the entire USA? Or will those guarantees come in 2024? And a new face for the presidency?
The Christians must act and take action or they will lose everything to an elected Nero type. Who will punish and criminalize any Christian who acts out in any way against the government's will. Such things is already happening. But so far Christians are not doing anything to participate in any aspect of running their government. For this, Christians will be criminalized to such a degree as which has never been seen in the land of the free and the home of the brave. For now the land of the free shall become the land of the subservient and the coward. Yes, there are still brave good souls in the USA but, they are becoming fewer and fewer. President Biden has spoken about uprisings and I believe he will use the American military against targeted American civilian Christians and former military personnel and declare them all as traitors to his will. But, it may not be this president but the one which comes after.
The coming great theft will be much better than the 2016 theft. There will not be any news and the sloppiness very much minimized. The evil doers hold the office of the President and they will do a much better job the next time and the next time.
I'm reminded of their plan which has since been scrubbed from the internet. It was called the Rainbow Tsunami. When a tsunami comes, it is small out in the distance but as the wave begins to come ashore it rises out of its own hiding place. But, still when you see it, the tsunami is still nothing to fear. You may even begin to run after the receding waters with fun and curiosity in your heart. Only to realize the monster of what was coming is already upon you as you look towards a great and fearful noise. So as this Rainbow tsunami befalls us all. Those who are riding on those waves will glorify in their power and supremacy. While those who are lower than them will be crushed, destroyed, killed and lost forever. This is what will happen when the rainbow tsunami comes crashing. Their plan is more than just change. They must also eliminate all that will bring to them any accusation of wrong doing, guilt, shame and dishonor. For they may dishonor what is and yet not dishonor what they are. In the end The modern day Christians/Jews will become completely exterminated. By their own will.
Why do you think the media has begun to call each side of politics the red wave and blue wave. Red and blue are colors of the rainbow. Think about it.
Also, think about this. You American civilians may be buying a million guns every month. But, how are you going to contend with a military which can launch missiles at your own home as you are sleeping with your wife and children? This is what is coming. Then the news will declare that you are a terrorist and mixing explosives as you blew your family up.
NOTE: Actually The term "Rainbow Tsunami" has been recreated into fun child like images and cartoons. I guess this is created fill, to hide what is real about this very real plan. For one time it was erased and now cartoons.
The American military has been changing. The American military which will police the American civilians with a brutal hand. They will be foreign nationals clothed as American soldiers. They will not care about you or your constitution or your bill of rights or your Holy Bible. They will abuse, torture, kill you and then disappear your bodies of ash(Nice words used on purpose).
You need to know that the evil doers will win against you. The antichrist will even have the power to kill the two witnesses. This is Biblical prophecy.
Those actual Christian souls who shall survive the longest will be the ones who are actually living a righteous and holy life. These will be the ones who continually flee from and reject all sins. Which include the sins of the mind and heart. Those which have separated themselves from the world will live the longest until they are discovered. Then miracles may or will happen to guarantee their survival. Their American numbers will be low as in maybe one in one thousand of confessing Christians. Just because you confess that Jesus is Lord has to be more than what even the demons confess. You actually have to live your life according to the will of God. You cannot just be a Christian for 1 hour on Sunday and then live a wicked and evil life out in the world. Then think all is good with your spirit. For each of you confessing Christians are in severe risk of Hearing God your Judge that ...He never knew you...
Added on 03 March 2023: Almost 11 years old. I keep wanting to say last chance. But, it is obvious that God is giving every available chances for the American people. There is no more real news in the USA. The corruption in government is very obvious. The lies the government tells is obvious. Yet, the people continue to laugh in the face of global embarrassment. The world hates the Americans more and more everyday. The elections can be manipulated to give victories to, against the will of the people. The odds seem very poor that the so called professing Christian will retake their nation by running for every elected political office. I think this is the important prophecy before the USA is no more and the American people become a non people group.
When you no longer recognize your government as it once was. Your government is no longer what it was.
When you are entertained by your government obvious lies and deceptions. You are no longer the citizen you once were if you ever have been.
When you continue to do nothing as your own government begins and continues to criminalizes your desire for religion, free speech, right to bear arms, liberties and freedom's. Do not be surprised when your government attacks each one of you individually even unto your own death.
It is the Christians who are supposed to be the leaders of this nation under God. But, the Christians have become a people group who does nothing and take responsibility for nothing. So the loss of everything shall come to them all just as had come to the the chosen people of Israel many time before.
Your government used to be for the people and by the people. Your government is now of themselves and for themselves.
Added on 06 Dec 2023: I'm disgusted with these writings. I do believe that President Donald Trump was only a trumpet and most likely the last trump/trumpet. The face of the President era quarters has changed to show turning his back on "In God We Trust" or standing in front of God or we are before God. Just as Israel Gods beloved people worshiped many gods. What will it mean for the blessed nation/people of God when the definition of who or what God is has been changed or altered or replaced? The evidence of your life and the contents of your heart and mind is the proof of which God/god you follow and believe in.
Is the, I think #3 man in the USA? Is he a prophet of God? Could he be in the midst of evil lions and vile vipers? Well he be killed or run out or not reelected? Think about the human history in regards to prophets. God does not always physically protect His Prophets. I guess this nation of do nothing Christians and Americans will get what their efforts have equated. Which is nothing. When they had everything.
Think about how President Donald Trump supported music and now they are awful to him. Think about how Trump was involved in gambling or card playing. What is a trump card? I'm not familiar with these things but you may be more knowledgeable than I.
To love one another.
To live in peace.
To exist in harmony with all things.
To cherish life.
To obey/honor the Laws of God.
To become the holy and righteous people as The Heavenly Father intended us all to be.
===================== Musings of an American Truck Driver
Debt Repayment,
End of USA,
Indentured Servitude,
Non People,
United Nations
Florida, USA
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