Showing posts with label Exclusive. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Exclusive. Show all posts

Sunday, April 5, 2015

United Nations Safe Zones: (Unedited): 05 April 2015:

For me time just sucks. It is very difficult for me to plan time. Let alone to try and figure out when a thing may or may not happen. I would suppose that when a thing happens it happens in it's assigned time. So, up until today. The puzzle pieces have been vague and sparse.
So here it goes. If you research my previous writings. You can see what I was trying to see. which seems to be much clearer now.
From orbit I see much darkness on the dark side of this planet. Except for a handful of lights from the planets surface. These well lit areas are the yet to be assigned United Nations Safe Zones across the former soon to be USA. Yes, I still see the USA fall. The USA falls to such a degree that the United Nations takes supreme authority over all land, water, and all assets. Which means if you had not made any sort of legal arrangements with the legal body of the United Nations. You will become non people and thus deserving of virtually zero human rights. Since I have zero wealth. I will most likely be one of those who disappears.
So here it is. What I saw. How far out this was from the end of the USA I do not know.

In Florida I see lights in Tampa, Miami, Orlando, Titusville. Then a couple in the middle. Then in California I see lights for San Francisco and Los Angeles. In Nevada, Vegas. There were other places just not as well lit.

Then I zoomed in a saw new towers and knew they were not there. I saw well lit brand new airports small and less than crowded. I saw well lit marinas. With huge slips for large yachts.
Then it was day time and I was in a shopping mall. A security guard was at the door and you had to qualify your wealth to gain entry. The mall was empty and store attendants were waiting quietly at the front of their stores for the customers to choose them. They were all sharply and modestly dressed. Digital name tags easily visible.

A newer vision of the ultra wealthy securely using themes parks exclusively. Day or night. The crowds are gone. The crowds are also gone from the beaches.
These are just the puzzle pieces which have begun to come together. This post focuses only on the ultra wealthy and how the USA shall be transformed into a market just for them.

This is what happened to spark this posting.
In Sundays Paper. The Tampa tribune.
Upon reading this story I knew this was it or at least the beginning of it. This is an AP story published on 01 April 2015:

This is just a beginning. The ultra rich will have their own security issues and as such will want to have direct access to exclusive airports and marinas. They will want to bring their vehicles in which they will drive all over the planets surface. Marinas will need to offer all services as well as dedicated security and police forces. Private and secure roadways to theme parks, malls.
So once these exclusive sites are developed. They will come and Florida will have more than their share.
The Native Americans will be or can be seen as an international asset. Assuming those tribes do make those necessary treaties and agreements with the United Nations. This must be done before the USA ends. Key word is BEFORE. Which of course is prophecy from people of different cultures and continents.
For those who invest. You must be able to survive the worst of any economic collapse which comes. No matter what the emergency which ends the USA government. You must be able to survive it. Hence pay your legal bribes to those who sit in the United nations. Make sure your properties are recognized by the United Nations. So that your real estate wealth will be decided in your favor. How ever that happens. I write this having no idea if this is even possible. Most likely for you. The key words are debt free in those areas as well as BEFORE the USA ends.
If you have young family members who are in the military service with the USA and they commit their oaths to the United nations. Then This will be three things which shall work in your favor.
This is prophecy.
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Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Exclusive Persecution: (Unedited): 21 Aug 2014:

Christians and other Christian related businesses will become privately exclusive. 
This is prophetic. Just as the United States local, county and state police forces becomes more and more militarized as well as the attitudes of those officers becoming more and more aggressively authoritarian in their actions. The American citizenry will begin to isolate themselves from the rest of a very threatening society.
The overtly evildoers and outright sinners who seeks their right to offend everyone else. They are at this moment and have been for some time. Searching for those very public Christian related businesses and attempting to do business with them.  All in their efforts to obtain any form of denial in order to publicly humiliate the Christian business and to sue them into societal conformity. This is currently an on going process.
Can a Christian do business with an overt evildoer and sinner? This is a very important question. Isn't a Christian supposed to offer the path to salvation and then expect a response. If the response to the road of salvation is denied. Then the Christian is supposed to go about their own life and business while excluding those active sinners. Even if those evil doers are their own children and other family members.
The effects of this. Assuming there are actually enough devout Christians. If the numbers of the Righteous Remnant are large enough. Which seems incorrect especially when the word remnant is used.
A form of  "Angie's list" shall be created exclusively for the Christian related businesses and families. They all will begin to come together and form their own communities and restricted business agreements. No person outside of their group will be permitted to do business with them.
They will also form exclusive retail and business clubs in which they only sell to established members. No one who is on the outside will be permitted entry.
This is and will be crucial for the Mormons, Baptists and other Christian sects as they witness the fall of Catholicism and other Christian based religious groups.
Survival is paramount to the Christian. The only way to survive in this age of absolute hatred for the Jew and Christian is for each of them to form up into their own private and exclusive societies. While refusing to participate within any public sector.
It is the Christian monies which is driving the evildoers. The essence of Christian survival is to stop doing business with anyone who offends their religious practices.  The Christians must stop supporting anyone in political offices who are not affiliated with their like minded religious group. When the Christian numbers become greater. Laws must be changed in accordance to Biblical standards.
Added on 28 Dec 2024: Some minor editing. 
Note: I have written some about micro economies. I think this is related.
Please help if you can. Thank You.
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Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.

Friday, January 25, 2013

Wear Costumes: (Unedited): 29 May 2010:

The costumes that a man wears is not exclusive to the state of that mans Holiness and righteousness. A man does not need to wear a costume and stand on a raised pedestal to exercise his supreme position of Holiness. Every man and everyone woman no matter their station in life or status of birth family. Has a GOD given right to attain a state of righteousness and holiness as defined by them and ordained by the Heavenly Father. C.J.MacKechnie
Humanity likes to wear their costumes of importance. The military man, The doctor, The police, The politician. The wealthy person. The fire fighter. The security guard. The club member. The school student. The religious person of course and etc.
John the Baptist wore what kind of clothing and Jesus the Christ was homeless. So how is it that you a person of religious authority can wear your costumes while stepping up onto a pedestal. While Jesus lowered himself for even you.  You really should think about this.
If you are one of the common folk. Look upon your religious leader with renewed eyes and find the church which is actually doing the works. You may need to bring your power tools and crafts skills. The sweat of your brow will become a sweet reward of your Lords works.
I use the word "costume" as interchangeable with the word "uniform".
Title change. From Clerics and bishops to "Wear Costumes".
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