Showing posts with label Persecution. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Persecution. Show all posts

Friday, June 29, 2018

Christian Persecution Begins: : (Unedited): 27-29 June 2018:

This is for you who are far more than me. There is no need to mention me or acknowledge me in any way. Before you read below. Pray and fast. Grab your Holy Bible and become led by the Holy Spirit to receive the information just for you. Please remember the quotes stand alone the comments below are from my own flawed understanding. Also, know this those who put forth only pure prophecy may be agents of fear. Just as a person who speaks in tongues, someone must be available to interpret. If not then what does the Holy Bible say in that regard. So to is prophecy. With prophecy there is also a plan for prevention as with Jonah and/or a plan for mitigation as with Joseph. There must be one or another. Then there is the third plan. Which is speak only prophecy and then do nothing but celebrate. The third plan is not really a plan at all. How does the Holy Bible deal with people who do nothing in regards to prophecy? They die, they suffer and then die, they are blown into the winds to be forgotten and suffer and then to die. Unless the ones who are enabled to endure and flee are those meant to become a remnant because they have been righteous and holy in the accepting eyes of God only. Then they still have to endure and suffer but not die. Blunt?
Yes, this is related to Maxine Waters. Her historical comments should be examined and taught in the churches.  Maxine Waters may not be the Christian Threat for right now. But, her tone can evolve into a greater hatred. Especially if the wicked evildoers are elected to control local, state and federal governments. 

Christian persecution begins when the wicked evildoers are no longer governed by justice, reason, logic or truth. 
When the wicked evildoers are given permission by a governmental authority to act out in anger against anyone who happens to disagree. Know this even if Christianity was not the original intended targets they will be. 
The wicked evildoer who has been told to do nothing against their self perceived enemies. They only wait for their permission to go forth to cause as much harm and destruction as possible. In which they all will greatly enjoy and celebrate.
Respectful consideration, reasonable civility and truth seeking will be absent from the wicked evildoers when they are blinded by their own anger and rage. For they will thirst and hunger for any manner of harm and destruction caused.
The wicked evildoer shall no longer care for any innocent soul and will eagerly cause harm to anyone who simply disagrees.
Joy and satisfaction comes to the wicked evildoer when they see and feel the burning flames of their hateful efforts. Power and pleasure comes to the wicked evildoers when they know and hear the cries of all of their newly targeted victims.
29 June 2018:
The fire will be the weapon of choice and will not be their only weapon. For the fire shall be the hell they openly receive and they return their coming torment back unto the righteous and holy. Once the first Christian martyr is officially known and seen. With only words to discipline. The floodgates will open and Christian Martyrdom will occur in every place and in every way. For "We The People".
The wicked evildoers shall bring the hell which is waiting for them all to the holy and righteous of "We the People". 
Did you make it this far. I think this is mostly a repeat from previous writings.
1). The time is coming to a close. The American Christians must show up in mass to the midterm elections. The American Christian must only vote for those who are not against righteousness or holiness. The American Christian must know who each person is whom they vote for. This is not a time for that name looks good. This is because the ballots may be full of wicked evildoers who only want for the Christian destruction and who remain silent even though they support everything evil. This is very serious. You cannot just vote for a Republican. Because even the Republican party is being infiltrated by those who are only Republican in name.
If the Christians do not vote correctly and intelligently, with much prayer and fasting. If the Christians do not obtain every elected office at every level of government. Then this entire nation will become an enemy to every Christian. The people whom you vote for should be people who have a history within the church. Not one of the fallen churches or denominations which have embraced and accepted sin into their holy places.
2).  Something more personally serious. When a person who has governmental authority tells their followers and encourages their followers to be uncivil and to not allow acceptance into society in a violent manner. This is permission to break laws and permission to cause harm to another person for just disagreeing with you. Even though this is directly against employees of the President of the USA. There is always a birth and an evolution to evil.
3).  Every church must also begin to hold classes in martial Arts and any other personal safety classes in which you think is pertinent. Every church must also develop layered security strategies for the safety of everyone. These ideas may have to be independent of any law enforcement in the future. For when the time of Christian persecutions come. The Police or Sheriff departments may not be there for you. You must seek greater involvement of all of the people who attend your church on a regular basis. Can you imagine praying in a restaurant and then the staf becomes offended by you and poisons your food. Can you imagine Christian children getting beat up daily in public school and the school won't do anything and no one is caught.
4). Your church must prepare for the end of money. Which can come about through non acceptance in society. Think about this. A cop risks being poisoned or harmed getting food at a restaurant. So if a wicked evildoer will harm a cop. What do you think an wicked evildoer is going to do with a helpless Christian. Can you imagine having daily fear going to Walmart, getting gas or your children going to school. So the churches in every area must form exclusive and private clubs and micro economies and then be able to trade with other like minded churches who are doing the same. The churches should become the legal hubs for exchanging wealth with the outside world and churches.
5). Doing business with the cradle to grave mentality within your cooperative and exclusive microeconomics. Research this. While at the same time learning how to efficiently grow all of your churches businesses. I'm not suggesting church ownership. The best place to start is with water, *food and housing. Because, when Christians are denied access into society. This will mean to employment as well. This will mean discrimination against Christian renters. So how is the church going to handle this as you watch the tithes fade to near zero. This is your time to prepare while times are good. For if you do not prepare now. When the times go bad. Think about those lost souls during those days of Pharaoh and Joseph. If you did not have wealth to buy. Then you died. Same with your church.
Right now is not the time because you can still get your $8. coffee with joy and happiness. You still have your sports leagues. You still have cruise ships and Disney world. You still have your cable TV and internet. You still have your smartphones and other technologies. You still have medical care and education.You still have your freedoms in excess. You can still do anything in most places without any real unnecessary fears. So the time is not yet. Maybe two to four elections cycles away or tomorrow. I do not know. I'm not a prophet who has received an email from God.
*Food. Hydroponic vertical farming in containers. It is insane that they cost $85,000. There is no way in the hot place they should cost this much. If churches come together and spread the wealth and intelligence. Then an open sourced with non proprietary parts complete vertical farm container should not cost more than $20,000ish. This is to include a complete solar panel system and combined wind turbines attached. Then with this system. Patent, copyright and sell exclusively to other non sinful churches and allow them to mark up to the outside world. Why is this important? Because, within your own micro economy you will have restaurants. They will need foods. Everything from cradle to grave. Getting it. You really need to get it. Especially, if your way more important than me.
Once the time of famine begins. It will be to late to start. The people will come to you for food, water, all products, medical care and housing. Just like the missionaries experience when they leave the USA. When the missionaries of the world lose their funding and support. They will have two choices. Trust in the Lord or return home to the USA. These returning missionaries who actually aided in actual suffering. Will become the American churches most valuable asset. For they will know how to do with nothing.
This is juvenile.
What will the evolution of this action look like in the future?
26 Feb 2018: New Boston Post:
06 Nov 2017: Christian Today:
16 May 2017: Tennessean:
29 June 2016: Time:
Personal Note: Being poor really "is not fun". I just lost another invention idea I had about 10 plus years ago. It wasn't stolen. Just someone thought about it and built it. I have no resources. So when I write an idea for the whole church which can be marketed to the rest of the world in order to feed the hungry of the world with actual healthy foods. It is probably a good idea to follow through and you won't even have to credit me in any way.
You wealthy churches must come together. At least I really hope so. But, I see many of you like the rich young man who told Jesus "I have done everything since my youth" Jesus replied ...
I reply to the rich churches. Repent, repent, repent. Churches are not supposed to be your private social club. Church is supposed to be that place where the people come to learn how to be righteous and holy after making their declaration of faith and belief in Jesus Christ. Plus so much more.  Churches are supposed to be a holy sanctuary and a daily gathering place. Your not supposed to have your security system on 90% of the time. This is what your church will become. Prepare now or not. Either way the people will come. When the people discover you have been a blight. Then you will suffer. But, you won't be there, will you? as you abandon the church and the people in fear for your own safety. What does the Holy Bible say about those who save themselves over others?
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Sins Monster: Sin Thief: (Unedited): 23-24 May 2016:

In adversity, persecution and in slavery. Unity can be found.
While the progressive nature of sin grows disunity 
into an out of control apathetic monster.
Just like everything we know of about life. There are living babies, then toddlers, kidlings, Pre-teens, teenagers, Young adults, adults, parents and then old people. These are the stages of life and then you die. Sin sort of works the same way. Sin always begins small and easily controllable and manageable. Then they grow into those things which must be kept secret at all costs.
As sin grows and grows. Sin becomes more important than your own flesh and blood family. Sin becomes more important than friends or career. Until, a point is reached where the sin over takes the mind of that person becomes fully in control of life itself. of course no one tells you any of this when you first begin to sin. It's like your first adult or alcoholic drink. But, your funner and cooler to be around. Unless your an anger management drunk. That usually comes later. Once your out of control and the demons begin to influence you or just take you over. Why do you think they call alcohol spirits? Really... No one say your gonna become an alcoholic. You just do. You just learn how to manage your alcoholism. Until you lose your job, your family and the good friends you once had. Now all you have is your bar friends. Who are not really your friends or are only your friends when drinking is involved. The rest of your time is working and being alone until it is time to go to the bar.
Very similar to smoking cigarettes. No one says these will become more important than the health of your children. It just does. Smoking makes you more calm and more at peace. Yes, it does. But it is in the how smoking does that. Smoking tobacco makes you care less. Smoking causes your brain to become apathetic to everything around you. To a degree and that degree of apathy grows with the duration of decades of smoking. Even when a needed thing is needed for the family and yet you buy a pack of cigarettes. Nothing is more important than you cigarettes. That is what they become. Even when your lungs are full of cancer. You still smoke. Until you die. The love from your own family cannot persuade you from smoking. So you die with a cigarette in hand.
Yes, drinking and smoking is a sin against your own physical body and mind.
There are also all kinds of sins and once a person has one sin. Other sins will be desired and developed. A multitude of sins will further push you away from the good people and good things in life. The true meaning of life will become absent from your mind. The true purpose of life will become that undesired side road not taken. You life becomes like a NASCAR track. Left turn, left turn, go fast, cheer, left turn, left turn, go fast, cheer. There is no purpose or meaning to a NASCAR life other than to go faster and faster.
But, what about the adversity, persecution and slavery. Like minded people will find their unity. Until sin is introduced and divisions are made. Such as people who have experienced the same persecution can find common understandings. These things will grow until a sin is discovered in which one or the other cannot accept. Then disunity gains a foot hold and the two who shared similar horrific experiences become divided because of sin. While the two who share the similar persecutions and the same sins. Will go off and become fast friends. Not because of the shared experiences but because of the same sin. It is always about the sin and the sin becomes the cornerstone.
While those without the sin and who focus on their shared and similar persecution. They find meaning. They find understanding. They gain wisdom. They move forward. There is comfort in wisdom and understanding that any bad and sad during a childhood. Was not ever about the child. It would not have mattered if the child was someone else. The abuses and tortures still would have happened to that other one.
This is vastly different than those who embrace sin. The sin becomes the corrupted blood which covers their growing  negativity. This corrupted blood must be poured into and onto the body daily. In order to try and forget or to make it all go away from their mind.

 A man and a woman will marry and find their unity in their children. Those new legalized relationships made from sin cannot ever find true natural unity. As their rewards are purely selfish and cannot be perpetuated naturally.
Sin Thief: (Unedited): 24 May 2016:
Sin is the thief which steals righteousness, wisdom and understanding from you.
It is not my intention to Insult NASCAR or NASCAR fans. Even though I did. I know you NASCAR types are very serious about your racing. Just painting the picture here. Especially, you fans who think that one driver is hotter than your spouse and you would have an intimate relation with them if it were presented to you. Lust is a sin and you don't even have to touch. Or that you hate that one driver for being better than your favorite driver. Hate is a sin and is as is murder. This also includes other wrongful emotions and thinking. Maybe, that e-vile driver will crash in which we will become excited over every crash. How many back in the day cheered Jr.'s crash head on into a wall and then he died. You see now you former Jr. haters keep it secret.
How much beer do you drink while watching NASCAR? Enough to cause you to walk funny or to slur your own speech? Are your children watching you and learning how to become alcoholics by your own example? But, this isn't just about NASCAR. Football, baseball or any other sporting event.
I remember my adoptive mother walking out onto the playing field of my little league baseball game and then passing out on the field. Yea, that was before I went back into Foster care for the second time of my life.
Please help if you can. Thank You.
Cash App $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Exclusive Persecution: (Unedited): 21 Aug 2014:

Christians and other Christian related businesses will become privately exclusive. 
This is prophetic. Just as the United States local, county and state police forces becomes more and more militarized as well as the attitudes of those officers becoming more and more aggressively authoritarian in their actions. The American citizenry will begin to isolate themselves from the rest of a very threatening society.
The overtly evildoers and outright sinners who seeks their right to offend everyone else. They are at this moment and have been for some time. Searching for those very public Christian related businesses and attempting to do business with them.  All in their efforts to obtain any form of denial in order to publicly humiliate the Christian business and to sue them into societal conformity. This is currently an on going process.
Can a Christian do business with an overt evildoer and sinner? This is a very important question. Isn't a Christian supposed to offer the path to salvation and then expect a response. If the response to the road of salvation is denied. Then the Christian is supposed to go about their own life and business while excluding those active sinners. Even if those evil doers are their own children and other family members.
The effects of this. Assuming there are actually enough devout Christians. If the numbers of the Righteous Remnant are large enough. Which seems incorrect especially when the word remnant is used.
A form of  "Angie's list" shall be created exclusively for the Christian related businesses and families. They all will begin to come together and form their own communities and restricted business agreements. No person outside of their group will be permitted to do business with them.
They will also form exclusive retail and business clubs in which they only sell to established members. No one who is on the outside will be permitted entry.
This is and will be crucial for the Mormons, Baptists and other Christian sects as they witness the fall of Catholicism and other Christian based religious groups.
Survival is paramount to the Christian. The only way to survive in this age of absolute hatred for the Jew and Christian is for each of them to form up into their own private and exclusive societies. While refusing to participate within any public sector.
It is the Christian monies which is driving the evildoers. The essence of Christian survival is to stop doing business with anyone who offends their religious practices.  The Christians must stop supporting anyone in political offices who are not affiliated with their like minded religious group. When the Christian numbers become greater. Laws must be changed in accordance to Biblical standards.
Added on 28 Dec 2024: Some minor editing. 
Note: I have written some about micro economies. I think this is related.
Please help if you can. Thank You.
Cash App $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.