Showing posts with label Evil Doer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Evil Doer. Show all posts

Friday, December 15, 2023

Evolution Of Violent Language+16: (Unedited): 15-16 Dec 2023:

The evolution of violent language will see the erasure of inspirational historical quotes from the early formation of the United States of America. 
In the near future great American quotes such as "Give me liberty or give me death" will be seen as violent language and become erased from history.
Any quote or any ancient writing which inspires or teaches the concepts of freedom, liberty and any aspect of human rights shall be erased from existence. 
Stagnancy of the human population shall be mandated. To the degree that all any human will know is exactly what has been planned for them to know from the supreme authority. There shall be nothing new to be known or taught. 
The physical size of basic humans shall be diminished through mandated diets. Life expectancy and intelligence levels shall also be diminished. While the preferred special humans shall become on average much taller, physically athletic, more intelligent(on average 150+IQ) and their functional life expectancy shall be greatly increased.
Basic education shall be mandated for all civilian populations of this planet. Basic math and basic word knowledge shall not be exceeded. To exceed what you are taught can mean death to you, your family, your friends and those who know of your existence. 
Basic humans only need to know enough to be obedient to both machines and preferred special humans. Basic humans will not need to know the written language or mathematics beyond addition and subtraction. Basic human may not even be able to memorize a string of alpha numeric like the alphabet or numerals. Since the alphabet is 26 characters, A basic human may not be able to memorize this sequential string. 
The concepts of words like freedom, liberty, human rights and hope shall be erased. Those who try to invent or have knowledge of these and other concepts in any likeness shall be eliminated.
The erasure of the idea of the United States of America shall be mandated. This will coincide with actual end of the USA in all aspects. 
Basic humans shall forget the USA ever was just as the conceptual ideas of freedom, liberty and human rights shall not be taught. Those three words and the many other words associated with them shall be erased. Any basic human who feel a need to invent those basic concepts shall be killed as well as those associated with them. 
The supreme authorities will use their concepts for basic human knowledge with an eye towards balance. As humanity begins to forgets concepts of any violence, tactics, strategy, war, fighting, argument, debate. A more controlled human population will result. 
For decades the do nothing Americans and do nothing Christians have resulted in the loss of their blessed nation to wicked evil doers. Who will sell everything and then begin a population replacement.
The great and terrible day of the Lord is coming. His children will praise His return while those who are not shall know much suffering and gnashing of teeth.
The great and terrible day of the Lord shall inflict much fear and trembling in those souls who have rejected Him. While His own children shall praise and worship Him as they have always done. 
The whole of the world will see the Lord coming. A few will cheer, praise and worship His coming glory. While the majority of the rest of humanity have only planned for war against the Lord. In which they will all lose completely and quickly. 
Worldly humans will war against the Lord as the special humans will be safely locked away in their secret places inside of the Earth. The Earth itself will spit them out like an offensive taste. They all will die, be judged and only know wailing and gnashing of teeth. 
The word of God. The Holy word of the Lord. The righteous Holy Son of God has become violent language unto the blessed nation. In the presence of their new gods and idols. They all shall witness the true reality of God. Their delusions taken away be the Holy Truth of the Word of God. 
Just as all of the fallen angels and demons know the truth of God so to shall all of humanity. 
Great harm shall befall humanity as the very reality of God and all that pertains to Him becomes evident in their being. The children of Cain and of the devil shall suffer greatly. There shall be great wailing and gnashing of teeth. While the true children of God shall be protected/covered from His divine and holy anger.
Only the children of God shall have hope in the Lord. For this is all humanity has as not even the fallen ones or the demonic have hope in any aspect of the altering of their righteous judgement and final fate. 
Yet there are still many humans who still have some time to repent and to become His children. Do not miss this offer for even this offer has a time limit. 
Please help if you can. Thank You.
Cash App $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Evil Doer Apathy: Tsunami of Guilt: Spiritual Tsunami: (Unedited): 26 April 2016:

The wicked evil doer is apathetic in all that they do or even think. 
 The sudden softening of the wicked evil doers heart. Opens the flood gates to a tsunami of guilt for all of the bad things ever done, could have done or thought. 
Guilt is the suffering you have caused others, becoming open wounds in your own heart. The spiritual blood bath pours out of you like a great tsunami. Destroying what you once were as your birthed into something new.
 This is the beginning of your healing process. To feel all of the pain and suffering you have caused. To the degree that you do not want to harm anymore. I have read of genuine warriors who enter into a time of lone quietness. Only to become destroyed by what they have done to other human beings. Only a few have emerged to become Men and women of peace. Just as any new baby is born. Is not a guarantee that you will survive. For me it is beyond human reasoning as to why I have survived all that I have endured and caused.
It is pretty simple. The wicked evil doer cares nothing for you. Even if your a brother, mother, sister or father. Even if your an aunt, uncle or long time friend. The blackened heart of the wicked evil doer is cold with a dark blackness of apathy. They are animalistic in nature. With only a care for what they get when they can get it by what ever means they devise. Your feelings, thoughts, human rights, legal rights or even social rights are not even a thought of consideration within their hardened heart. Just like the animal must always fight for and kill for their next meal or protection of their self claimed terrortory. (Yes, I know the word is territory).
The wicked evil doer does not have to be a single person. It can be a gang and it can be a people, a nation and a religion. It can be a combination of many things.
Prophecy China
What of China? Their Naval forces are being accused of professionalism in the South china Sea. I suppose that is a good thing. As Russia has begun playing their old childish games. China is on the cusp of actually realizing that they have very real power. Will China do unto the world as it has done in the past with their own people? The word past can mean yesterday. In doing so China will cause the whole of the world to mistrust all of China and Asia. To the degree that all of the wealth in which they have built up. Will depart from them. To the degree of loss. That none of the educated intellectuals will foresee the coming total collapse of all that they have built up in this modern time. Even to the degree that the whole of China will become yet again a fractured people of a dozen plus short lived warring nation states and then hundreds of tribal communities. As it was in the old days before their great warlord of the Middle Lands. So it shall be again. It's gonna happen if the Chinese leadership doesn't find their heart and their spiritual compass.
All of the Chinese leadership is on the cusp of becoming the worlds new wicked evil doer. Thus, leading all of the Asian peoples into extinction before the rest of humanity follows suit. China shall become the trigger to the extinction of all of humanity. The only ones who shall care are the mothers who remained silent as they all begin to drop to their knees at the total loss of the babies in which they all birthed. For a great nation and people is born through the woman. From the delicate woman who is in child birth can you see determination, strength and courage. To be followed by intense love, compassion and mercy.
To the Chinese Leaders. Turn you gaze upward and go their. Go up into the cold darkness of emptiness. Let this be your focus. Do not create more secrets or maintain the old ones as the USA and Europe has done. Soon they will be purified and then it will be your turn. Because, the loss of Europe and the USA will mean the loss of your wealth. Then in time the great darkness will envelope you in entirety. Most likely by 2060. If humanity even lasts that long. What shall you do? Do as Europe and the USA has done placate the evil within. This is like ignoring cancer within you. The false belief that it will go away shall consume you.
Stop building your war machines and turn your gaze to the machines of space and of traveling to the other planets, moons and other minor bodies. You shall become surprised that everyone shall follow you. Creating new friendships which will not require treaties that no one adheres to.  Do not become the trigger of humanities destruction that someone else shall squeeze.
For instance a religion which teaches love your neighbor is not something to be outlawed. While a religion which is by their own laws are told to subdue by any means necessary, everyone who is not of them. Just as you should not outlaw those who teach harmony and wisdom. For those things are deep in your history. To outlaw everyone who teaches good things is an evil doer. While at the same time allowing 1.8% of your population to coexist within is flirting with disaster. That 1.8% Muslim Population will be a open doorway to your destruction. Because, once Europe and North America are destroyed. Their focus shall be upon you and Russia. The European destroyers shall walk into your lands and do to you as is being done to Europe. The evidence is what has been happening in the Middle East since the 1970's. How many Christian states were their? How many Christians are there now? How many son called non sharia compliant Muslims are there? A portion of the North American destroyers shall go south. Like I said. Where has your wealth gone?  The USA is not your enemy. Your enemy is already within and all they will want to do until their zero hour is to negotiate and be nice. They are the foothold.
Personal note: I still think you should turn those islands into vacation spots. The propaganda would be huge. The comedy which would come from it equally huge. Everyone who is not Chinese would lose. But, in the mean time. I would place some more of those old WW1 era artillery pieces around. It won't matter if they function or not. Have a good laugh on me. Assuming China has not banned me again. I have not seen any Chinese readers in some time.
Added on 14 May 2018:
China has fully militarized those islands. Even with secret energy weapons.
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Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Exclusive Persecution: (Unedited): 21 Aug 2014:

Christians and other Christian related businesses will become privately exclusive. 
This is prophetic. Just as the United States local, county and state police forces becomes more and more militarized as well as the attitudes of those officers becoming more and more aggressively authoritarian in their actions. The American citizenry will begin to isolate themselves from the rest of a very threatening society.
The overtly evildoers and outright sinners who seeks their right to offend everyone else. They are at this moment and have been for some time. Searching for those very public Christian related businesses and attempting to do business with them.  All in their efforts to obtain any form of denial in order to publicly humiliate the Christian business and to sue them into societal conformity. This is currently an on going process.
Can a Christian do business with an overt evildoer and sinner? This is a very important question. Isn't a Christian supposed to offer the path to salvation and then expect a response. If the response to the road of salvation is denied. Then the Christian is supposed to go about their own life and business while excluding those active sinners. Even if those evil doers are their own children and other family members.
The effects of this. Assuming there are actually enough devout Christians. If the numbers of the Righteous Remnant are large enough. Which seems incorrect especially when the word remnant is used.
A form of  "Angie's list" shall be created exclusively for the Christian related businesses and families. They all will begin to come together and form their own communities and restricted business agreements. No person outside of their group will be permitted to do business with them.
They will also form exclusive retail and business clubs in which they only sell to established members. No one who is on the outside will be permitted entry.
This is and will be crucial for the Mormons, Baptists and other Christian sects as they witness the fall of Catholicism and other Christian based religious groups.
Survival is paramount to the Christian. The only way to survive in this age of absolute hatred for the Jew and Christian is for each of them to form up into their own private and exclusive societies. While refusing to participate within any public sector.
It is the Christian monies which is driving the evildoers. The essence of Christian survival is to stop doing business with anyone who offends their religious practices.  The Christians must stop supporting anyone in political offices who are not affiliated with their like minded religious group. When the Christian numbers become greater. Laws must be changed in accordance to Biblical standards.
Added on 28 Dec 2024: Some minor editing. 
Note: I have written some about micro economies. I think this is related.
Please help if you can. Thank You.
Cash App $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.