Showing posts with label private. Show all posts
Showing posts with label private. Show all posts

Friday, February 24, 2023

Christians Must Run For Every Elected Office Prophecy +19: (Unedited): 24 Feb 2023:

Continuous never ending godly action in your daily life must be a definitive result of any genuine revival. 
So yea, how did Jesus suffer and die? and how is it that you deserve a better or easier life? How did the apostles suffer and die? and how is it that you deserve a better or easier life? and how did the early Christians suffer and die? and how is it that you deserve a better or easier life? How are Christians around the world today are suffering and dying? How is it that you are still obliviously unaware of their plight as Chinese Christians sing praises of their worthiness to suffer and die in the name of Christ. Enjoy your sports events, movies, games, social media and websites. As your own church, pastors and leadership staffs remain overwhelmed on a daily basis. All because you demand to be served by them and serve not them or the church. 
Church service is not a show for you and you should not be entertained by the church. Church service is not meant to be a feel good entertaining event especially if your a deeply flawed sinful human being in which we all are.
You are supposed to feel bad and feel guilty about your sins. Your supposed to feel a profound need to change from your evil ways and deeds. Even in your professional life. But, if your in a church where you never feel bad about any of your sins and evil actions. Then your probably in a church which will die as many church buildings are empty and abandoned throughout the USA. Yes, that is a prophetic sign. 
Your actions in your everyday life regardless if it is professional, personal, private, secret, family or any other type of life in which you may have.
The genuineness of a revival in your life must manifest holiness, righteousness and Holy Spirit led actions.
Your actions that you will be compelled to make will also include participating in all levels of government activities. This does mean that you will run for every elected office and only vote for Christians in every elected office. This also means that you shall not vote in favor of any political ideology. Regardless if it is red or blue, right or left, Republican or Democrat. You must do these things right now. You must take definitive action and make those very certain commitments. If you want change within your so called representative government. Then you must become that face of change.
Christians of every denomination must stop voting against the face of the greater evil or voting for the face of the lesser evil. 
From within your churches you must coordinate your plans for every election. Regardless of what any law states. Those laws which prevent you the Christian from talking about politics within the church were all plans to take away and to steal away your God given nation. If you Christians continue to do nothing then everything shall be taken from you. Including your rights, liberty, your freedom, your livelihoods and your lives. By the way your rights and livelihoods are already being taken away. You have already lost the freedom of speech to speak in any public format as your Christians words are now deemed as hate speech.
If you Christians fail in taking the necessary actions to reclaim your nation. You will lose your nation as well as become criminalized. 
If you Christians do not rise up and take a collective stand for the restoration of your God given nation. Then you all will realize the truth of how your nation is not included in Bible Prophecy. 
Right now your debate on whether or not the USA is included in Biblical prophecy. If you do not take action in the saving of the nation that God has given to you. Then you will lose everything in it's entirety. Everything in which you hold dear will be taken and it is already happening. If you continue to do nothing. Then you will have nothing left. Even the idea of a lie worth living will be taken from you.
The American Christian clock in regardless to holiness, righteousness, godliness has been running backwards and soon enough the springs of time will lose their alignments, bend and pop as the time of the Christian will suddenly stop. 
Christians are like a broken watch which cannot tell time no matter how much you wind it or shake it. Jesus is the body of the watch. The Holy Spirit is the spring and mechanisms. The Holy Bible is the face which identifies the purpose and meaning of the Christian watch. 
Christians have not been properly winding or maintaining their watches. While at the same time knowing the prophecy of not winding or maintaining their own watches. The foolishness of shaking and banging on your watches which no longer tells times is the evidence of the life you see right now. The confusion of not knowing is evident in your lives as you each hide in lonely seclusion absent of any church participation. 
The Christian life and the Christian people is the only thing which remains that keeps this once great nation good, honorable and honest. 
The nations and peoples of the world have already begun to hate Americans and America. This is because it is the Americans and the Christians who have abandoned their own belief systems and their God.
It is the Christians who have done nothing to prevent the evil cancerous disease from taking over their once beloved heroic nation.
The time of the American people is coming to an end because of the refusal of Christians to take part in and to lead their nation with righteousness, holiness and goodness. 
The home of the free and brave have become the home of the do nothing entertained and cowardly Christian. Just as the end of Israel has happened many times before so to will the end of the USA. 
The minimalist Christians by word of mouth are only Christian for one hour per week as they go forth and do nothing else in their lives. Yet, in the eyes of God your belief in your Christian state of being is only your own self created delusion. 
Self declared Christians won't even do anything for their own churches or denominations. They can't even spare one hour a week doing anything which benefits the church in any way. So what are they going to do to save their own God given nation? Nothing!!!
Revival, Bible studies and regular church services becomes a waste of your time when you return home to a life which is fundamentally unchanged. 
This does not mean you stop doing those things. This just means that your probably just more pig headed and stubborn than everyone else. You do have a choice of either you causing your heart to be softened or God will soften your heart for you. It would be best for you to take those actions and cause your own heart to become softened. 
The delusional lie within you is when you begin to believe that your time spent in the church or in Bible study is a waste of your time. 
Added on 23 Feb 2025: 
All of the current problems that America has had in the last 60 years is because of the Christian refusal to run for all elected offices, vote only for established Christians and to actually go out and vote. 
If the demise, destruction and death of the United States does happen. It will be the fault of the Christians and how they freely choose to do nothing for their God given nation. 
It is each Christian who is supposed to be responsible for their God given nation. The Christians have refused to participate in the election process of their nation and this will be the reason why the Christians will not have a home in what was once their land.
Please help if you can. Thank You.
Cash App $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Monday, March 14, 2016

Fundamental Truths: Happiness Contentment: Freely True: (Unedited): 13-14 March 2016:

Those who refuse to accept the fundamental truths in life. Will suffer and die by those lies.
Happiness Contentment: (Unedited): 14 March 2016:
There is no true happiness or true contentment of life when lies and deceptions rule over you.
Freely True: (Unedited): 14 March 2016:
The true you cannot live freely within the lies and deceptions you create for yourself. 
In your personal and private world. All throughout the whole of the world and any where else. There is only a false reality in the real world you merely reside in for this short period of time. When you have decided to cloak your true being in the shackles of lies and deceptions.
Happiness and contentment shall always be fleeting for you in this very short life we all have. Especially when the lies and deceptions you have created for yourself are discovered. Especially when the lies and deceptions which have been created for you were all designed to control you and to cause you to risk everything for those who will profit from your ultimate sacrifice.
No matter how much you learn or how much you have invested into your own education. Freedom will never be fully known by you or anyone else so as long as lies and deceptions rule over any aspect of your life.
Three fundamental truths are the separation and division of the human species based on (1)race is a lie. We are not (2)alone in the universe. The universe is not a (3)nice or friendly place.

At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Friday, May 22, 2015

Re-aquainted Crab Shack: (Unedited): 22 May 2015:

Re-acquainted lovers become lost within their own private river world at the Crab Shack. 
There you two are. Two who have been separated by the life of the world. Like Romeo and Juliet in the modern sense. That which separates you two are those evil families called professional responsibility and commitment. Tonight is your night to become a whole soul. Two opposite halves becoming one. Let not any distraction to keep the either of you apart no longer. For when Sunday comes. You shall be separate from one another yet again. But, even this is just a season for you both. Soon very soon you shall always be one.
So as long as you can keep the influence of the world systems out of your singular life to come.
This quote was written @
The Crab Shack
5430 Baylea ave.
Port Richey, Fl. 34668
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Monday, March 16, 2015

Masculine Tune: (Unedited): 13 March 2015:

A man who is in tune with his masculinity will not be embarrassed to dance with his lady on the empty dance floor.
There is something very romantic to having the entire dance floor to yourselves. The masculine male is also telling every other male present that they are less than you. Without even saying a word. The masculine male is also claiming his lady as his. It doesn't really matter how good or bad you are at dancing. The point is, you are willing. Just hold her tight. Sway and move to your own beat. The private couples dance can be with any song. Not just the slow ones.
The true essence of dancing with a significant other seems to be more about the merging of two different worlds into one on the dance floor. Where even on a dance floor there is only you and the other. It doesn't matter how many. You both are just alone within your worlds, coalescing into oneness. 
This is all about the delicateness of maleness. Not establishing property rights over females or ownership of any kind. These negative things are not my intended purpose. Because, You as a female who goes out with your man. Do you not want to dance if your inclined to do so? To be out on the dance floor even if it is only the two of you? besides, Once the dominant male takes the floor first. Everyone else will follow. Just watch for yourselves. If you have a floor full of dominant females and no males. Males may not be on the floor. It is the dominant male who leads everyone else and it doesn't matter if anyone knows your maleness personally or not.Besides to your woman you are her dominant male. So go forth and dance. Own the floor with your woman.
Yes, it is OK to laugh at this.
If you could only see what i see.
You would see this as a truth of dance floors.
This quote was written @
The Crab Shack
5430 Baylea ave.
Port Richey, Fl. 34668
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Exclusive Persecution: (Unedited): 21 Aug 2014:

Christians and other Christian related businesses will become privately exclusive. 
This is prophetic. Just as the United States local, county and state police forces becomes more and more militarized as well as the attitudes of those officers becoming more and more aggressively authoritarian in their actions. The American citizenry will begin to isolate themselves from the rest of a very threatening society.
The overtly evildoers and outright sinners who seeks their right to offend everyone else. They are at this moment and have been for some time. Searching for those very public Christian related businesses and attempting to do business with them.  All in their efforts to obtain any form of denial in order to publicly humiliate the Christian business and to sue them into societal conformity. This is currently an on going process.
Can a Christian do business with an overt evildoer and sinner? This is a very important question. Isn't a Christian supposed to offer the path to salvation and then expect a response. If the response to the road of salvation is denied. Then the Christian is supposed to go about their own life and business while excluding those active sinners. Even if those evil doers are their own children and other family members.
The effects of this. Assuming there are actually enough devout Christians. If the numbers of the Righteous Remnant are large enough. Which seems incorrect especially when the word remnant is used.
A form of  "Angie's list" shall be created exclusively for the Christian related businesses and families. They all will begin to come together and form their own communities and restricted business agreements. No person outside of their group will be permitted to do business with them.
They will also form exclusive retail and business clubs in which they only sell to established members. No one who is on the outside will be permitted entry.
This is and will be crucial for the Mormons, Baptists and other Christian sects as they witness the fall of Catholicism and other Christian based religious groups.
Survival is paramount to the Christian. The only way to survive in this age of absolute hatred for the Jew and Christian is for each of them to form up into their own private and exclusive societies. While refusing to participate within any public sector.
It is the Christian monies which is driving the evildoers. The essence of Christian survival is to stop doing business with anyone who offends their religious practices.  The Christians must stop supporting anyone in political offices who are not affiliated with their like minded religious group. When the Christian numbers become greater. Laws must be changed in accordance to Biblical standards.
Added on 28 Dec 2024: Some minor editing. 
Note: I have written some about micro economies. I think this is related.
Please help if you can. Thank You.
Cash App $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Separate Professional: (Unedited): 08 May 2013:

Any person who can separate their professional or public life with their religious private life. Should not be trusted in any thing or in any agreement. C.J.MacKechnie
 Yes, it does matter. How you live your whole life. To approach infinity or becoming that which as observed by others being all things are possible. Face two mirrors and witness visible infinity in two dimensions. Face three mirrors together and witness infinity in multiple dimensions. Each mirror represents a different aspect of the lives you have. One mirror is your private life, another mirror is your public life and the third mirror is you professional life. When all things are in complete agreement with one another. All things can and will be possible for you. Because infinity is in total agreement. All of the images are perfectly identical.
For more dimensionality. Within each mirror contains a myriad of smaller mirrors. All facing each other. Thus, creating a deeper and more profound infinite image of perfect infinity.
Within the perfect and identical images of the infinite you. Any defect of your whole being can be easily seen amongst the infinite. It would be like filling a sports arena full of 100,000 you's in black suits and then placing only one of you in a red suit. All of the black suited you becomes invisible or blurred. While the red suited you becomes the most easily seen and pronounced.
Yes, it does matter. How you live your whole life. Your professional, public and private life must be a perfect mirrored reflection to one another. If you do not or cannot see the truth in these words I write. Then you are a deceiver and a liar. Negative actions applied to ones own whole life. Logically concludes with a outcome which is less than what you desire for your own life. It will not matter how hard or smart you work. You will lose all of the good aspects within your life one small piece at a time. Until, such a time, your whole blood line becomes extinct.

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Prayer basics: (Unedited): 02 March 2013:

Absolute basics of prayer. I'm using the word prayer as an all encompassing word. Because, it is an all encompassing process to however you define the God/Divine.
1): Prayer is essentially you speaking. Just like when you verbally speak to any other human person. The understanding of prayer is that simple. The respect and honor when speaking to any authority is very similar.
2): Meditation is essentially you listening. Just like you do when you are intentionally paying attention to any other person who you are supposed to be listening to. The respect and honor when listening to any authority is very similar.
3): Contemplation is that quiet time spent trying to understand what the authority has spoken to you. Again when any person or being in authority has given you words. Your focused intention and attention to those words is respectful and honorable.
4): Taking Action is that very real action you take in your whole life in respectful honor of God/Divine. This is done in your private and professional life. This is done from within your physical actions, mental thoughts and spiritual existence. 

So, basically we all already know how to pray and meditate. You just have to begin to apply the time in a quality environment. The quality environment is often times defined by God/Divine. You must remember we are not the authority persons. We are the children of God/divine and currently have not earned the right to speak with authority unless back up by God/Divine in some action pushed upon you by God/Divine.

Yes, there are levels in prayer and meditation. This post is only about the absolute fundamentals/basics. C.J.MacKechnie

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Professional Discipline: (Unedited): 04 Dec 2012:

Professional discipline will never alter or change a persons character. Only GOD can do that or a willingness of the person to respond positively to their own guilt if they have any. C.J.MacKechnie
Professional discipline includes suspension, fines and mandated apologies, They only work and only benefit the organization.  If the individual who has publicly offended people has no guilt or remorse. Then the action will be repeated. You cannot discipline a person into good character. A person must see the difference between right and wrong. Then that person must have an urging to do the right thing because it is good. Any outside influence which involves fear, threats, intimidation only has an affect on the individual in an opposite manor. The person may only do the right thing as defined and mandated by the organization. But, in private they think badly and act wrongly. The fundamental change is only an illusion made for the cameras and viewers.
The disciplined person who has been given a short suspension will consider it a mini vacation. This works for the benefit of both the organization and the person. Especially if the person is an asset which makes the organization a great deal of revenue. Then the governing entity and the organization can publicly claim, that justice has been served. This is all instantly defeated when the person who has been disciplined, publicly claims that he learned nothing of value and enjoyed his needed 2 day rest in Mexico. The lie and deception is revealed by the player. The lie and deception is only a marketing tool used by the governing body and organization to deceive the paying viewer, that something is being done. Which the truth of the matter is nothing has actually been done. Even if the player changes his name to World Peace or love One Another, It doesn't change the essence of the man. Even a name change is a deception for the paying viewer.
It is all about the money. There is no actual discipline or a change of heart.  That's all...
No copies or ink exists.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Lies Children: (Unedited): 28 Oct 2012:

The children will only do what they do for the sole benefit of themselves (Absolute Selfishness). Just as the father of lies and deceptions will only protect and bless his children. So as long as they are of use. When his children are no longer of use. The other siblings will destroy and devour them. The other siblings will embarrass and humiliate the children which are no longer of use both publicly and privately. 
The children of the father of lies and deceptions. May not even be aware of his claim over them. Fore knowledge by his chosen children doesn't really matter as is those who become children of the one GOD, Grandfather or however you name the ONE DIVINE.
Tied to : Hidden Eloquence, Father's Lies
Think of a persons selfish desires. A selfish person isn't going to love one another unless it profits them more. A selfish person will only befriend those who are in positions of power, wealth and authority, again in the hopes that it will profit them. A selfish person will choose only for themselves.
With this knowledge the father of lies and deceptions will protect and bless the selfish person. With these blessings the father of lies and deceptions, knows that the selfish person will do more harm to the world than any other person. The selfish person is the secret agent to Satan. Satan knows that his identity is offensive to many, even to his own chosen children. Regardless of his children's acceptance of him. So, Satan will keep his true identity, claim and purpose for them a secret. Satan will do and reveal what is in the best interest of him solely. After all, Satan's goal is the extinction of the human race. This plan of extinction has much dimension. More than just coming in on space ships or dropping great rocks out of the heavens. To cause the human race to choose to self destruct is more meaningful for Satan than a simple death or our very easy to kill bodies. Think of the logical challenge of warfare as written by Sun Tzu.
Are you getting any of this?
The act for revenge by beings (Fallen Angels) who are incredibly more powerful than us lowly humans are. Should be really easy. But, for some reason. The information about this on going act of revenge has been forgotten or withheld by us. Except for brief descriptions in the Holy Bible. Angels are very powerful beings. They can alter our natural senses and our minds. These angels can physically turn us off like a simple light switch. They are a threat, these fallen angels and we are absolutely helpless alone against them. A movie about extreme revenge is the comic book movie called "Punisher". It is about a family man whose entire family is simply murdered. The Punisher sets out to murder the man who ordered the murder of his family. It would be simple to just go up and shoot them all. But, What happens is the Punisher causes the evil man to kill his best friend and wife. The family becomes extinct as well as the evil organization. Make this over simplified comparison between those who are the fallen angels, who hate us and the actions of the Punisher.
For only reasons which is only known to these demonic fallen angels. Their plans for humanities demise/extinction is prolonged and maybe even designed to prove a point, to GOD.  Who they are still at odds with. Like I said it would be easy to send some grand super space ship and destroy all of humanity in a single ship attack from orbit or hang out in the OoRT Cloud or along the Asteroid belt. Then just throw rocks at our planet until we all are dead.
All that has been done. All that is being done and all that will be done is to cause us to cause our own extinction. All of the lies and deceptions which is believed to be absolute truth is just those collective individual things which is intelligently designed to cause us or to push us into suicide, insanity and finally into extinction.
The next time you hear any speech, communication. Assume for a moment, you are the polar opposite of your current belief system. If you can agree with the speech/communication either way. Know that the speaker is of the Devil. Know that you are being lied and deceived just as those people who are of the opposite belief system as you.
Once you figure this out, that you are just a part of those being lied to and deceived. What do you do now? Think about the extent of the lies and deceptions. Islam and Christians are at war with one another and they believe in different god's. While the Christians are led to believe they each believe in the same God.  How is this possible? Someone is being lied to and deceived. It is not someone, it is both religions and any other group of people who are polarized in their beliefs and who are being collectively lied to and deceived. Is this a new aspect of evil for you to grasp? Now incorporate a level of hate and anger with the rudimentary thoughts of Sun Tzu, plus the additional knowledge of warfare which Sun Tzu did not know, The fictional character of the Punisher and the extents of revenge in order to prove a point to someone else like the One Divine GOD. Add in incredible intelligence. Add in Great Wisdom. Add in all time is yours. Combine it all together.
Added on 01 Jan 2025: Correction's. 
Please help if you can. Thank You.
Cash App $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Your Affect: (Unedited): 03 Dec 2011:

We are not isolated and separate beings from everyone else. Everything you do in your life has an immediate affect on your family. Then your friends and then the rest of humanity. 
 It matters not if what you do is public or private, well known or secret, personal or professional. You will have either a positive or negative affect/effect upon all of humanity. What we do as a singular race of human people on this one planet called Earth. Must begin with the individual and not the political. Once we as a single people realize this. We wont need leaders or politicians. We will Only need project managers for the worlds collective grand projects. But, first each individual must decide to daily be a positive influence for the benefit of their human brother and sister. C.J.MacKechnie
From about 8 minutes and 50 seconds all the way to the introduction of the European leader. Then follows political babble.
Research for yourself the Human genome project.
Research Adam and eve stories from around the world.
Race is a lie and a deception on this planet. Racism is the result of the common people who have believed those in any authority. Who proclaimed that those people are different from us and they are savages and barbarians. So, we all must go and kill and destroy. All of this was done to convince good people to go to war for the leaders selfish wants to gain more lands and wealth. THAT'S ALL. After, The common people have made these rulers their new money and have gained them their new lands. The common people only get to pay with the blood of their husbands, sons and fathers.
 The Lies and Deceptions of RACE:
We are all one humanity, one species and one family. When all of the common peoples unite together to love one another, to live in peace with each other and to exist in harmony. Then we all can find a very rich life we all can live with great meaning.
If you cannot separate yourself from the lies and deceptions of the separation and division of the races. Then you, your family and your entire church will/may not be one of the elect, protected, saved or raptured. You must begin to know and believe that we are a single race of beings called humans. We are all brother and sister to one another.

The DNA fingerprinting was established in 1984. Read it well. Believe the truth and reject the lies you have only known as truth.
The history of humanity told by many different traditions.
From about 8 minutes and 50 seconds to the introduction of the European leader. Listen good. This was in 26 June 2000. President Bill Clinton Library.
Research for yourself the Human skin. learn how it is the largest organ of the human body. Learn about all of the primary functions of the human skin. Then learn about the minor function of the coloring of the skin. Learn how if you lose a primary function of the skin. You can die. Where as if you lose your skin coloring. You will just be uncomfortable, but still living with possible social ridicule. Now, after you have learned all about your human skin. Ask yourself this. Why do we not compare other organs of the body with other people such as the liver, kidneys, gall bladder and etc. How come there isn't racial stereo types for those who can drink much alcohol and those who cannot drink? Why? Race or the coloring of the skin is illogical and without any actual fact. 