Showing posts with label Extinct. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Extinct. Show all posts

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Crab Shack Final Sunday Calm: (Unedited): 12 April 2015:

From the Port Richey Crab Shack. The locals feel their final Sunday calm before Monday's working storms. 
The locals seem to drift in and out with the tide on this or any other Sunday. The boaters safely parking in an empty slip or become saddened when there are none available.  They don't come to watch a T.V. as most of them are CRT's and don't work anymore. If you gotta have TV go across the Hwy to Catchers and Hooters. These things is what creates the atmosphere at this Crab Shack. Your almost disconnected from the world and almost in another time. Just open up your imagination and witness for yourself those now extinct Florida Native tribes in their Cedar/cypress canoes. Can you see them in the quiet morning mists of your mind as I can?
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Individually Themselves: (Unedited): 08 March 2015:

The righteous shall each individually purify themselves. Just as the worldly shall each individually separate themselves from anything which is holy and righteous.
 The righteous will automatically begin to purify themselves of all that is wrong, evil and sinful as defined by the laws of God.
The worldly as well as the worldly religious will also begin to individually separate themselves from anything which is holy and righteous. They will also separate themselves from anything that is wise or contains understanding. They will sense all that is important is knowledge and nothing more. The why, who or how will just not matter to the worldly or the worldly religion.
I see this as some kind of need to do. Like a butterfly that creates their own chrysalis. Something that they each know they must do in accordance to their own spiritual and mental decisions. 
These individual actions I believe is directly related to the Hopi Prophecies. Where humanity diverges. There may be the possibility of me not completely understanding this prophecy or it's interpretations may be inaccurate to a degree. The interpretations is humanity chooses one or the other. Not as two divergent groups of humanity. It is easy to see. If all of humanity choose the path of the wise. Then we all have abundant life. If all of humanity choose the selfish and worldly path. Then we all become extinct. I believe my explanation of this part of the Hopi prophecy is accurate?
This is Prophecy.

At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Rising Problems: (Unedited): 05 Oct 2014:

Rising above the problems of your humanity is something we each should consider.
We each have our own set of personal problems. 
We each have our own set of family problems. 
We each have our own set of local problems. 
We each have our own set of regional problems. 
We each have our own set of national problems. 
We each have our own set of worldly problems.
Then there are the many innumerable problems which have there own specific associations.

This list of human problems seem to be never ending and everlasting in the grand scope of that which is humanity. Humanity has become the sole creator of their own problems with those fallen angels fanning our created flames of self destruction. So just how can we each rise above it all? How do we as a human species express our right to live and thrive as a self determined people? or shall we all just relent to the prophecies of the Holy Bible and wait for humanities restart again. Maybe, more than 8 human adults will be the remnant? Think about that one. No children were saved during the flood. So there will be no guarantees for your own children. It will not matter how much you love them or want to protect them from the coming end of times. You as adults and parents will get to watch your children die or die yourselves leaving your children alone. Just has been done during the flood.
So, what can you do? What will you do? Humanity was made less than the angels and yet the angels fell victim to their own prides and sinful lusts. So how can we as lowly humans do better than they who are greater than all of us? or shall we just roll over and die? shall we just go forward and end all of humanity with a collective suicide?
Humanities collective suicide begins when the majority of nations, religions, groups and peoples begin to adopt within their own lives these 4 core principles.


Within these four core principles is where the extinction of humanity resides. Thus, ending all of our collective human problems and the problems the fallen angels has with the existence of a humanity.  Yes, the fallen angels blame us for their problems. It's kind of like the abuser blaming the ones whom they abuse for them being abused. Really, It was all my fault that my adoptive mother abused and tortured me. It is always the child's fault for the cause of the parents alcoholism or drug problems. WRONG, WRONG, WRONG.
The end of one set of problems will begin another set. No matter how much you have evolved or think you have evolved. Consider how the angels who are greater than humans have had their own set of problems. Some angels have fallen because of their own set of problems. They have died, they have been disciplined and they continue to suffer. Yet, do not show any compassion for the fallen angels on going plight. They are still unrepentant and unrelenting of their hatred for humanity. The fallen angels still are working in their higher ways to undermine and cause the extermination of all of humanity. It looks like these fallen angels will be mostly successful. As Biblical prophecy states that humanity will nearly become extinct save for remnant who are to be saved. Did I mention that only 8 adults were saved during the last near extinction level event otherwise known as the flood. The next extinction level event may have many more than 8 as the remnant to be saved or only the surviving genetic material is to be saved. Think about that one. Either way as defined by those who will be doing the saving, humanity will be saved. In other words who or what is to be saved will not be decided by any living human being. It will not matter what you think or believe. It will only matter with how you live your life and why you have freely chosen to live your life as you have. A free choice absent of fear, intimidation, threat or reward. 
How do we each rise above all of our unique problems? It is really simple and not complicated at all as others may suggest. Those who suggest that the solutions are incredibly complicated are those very same persons who selfishly and pridefully are working very hard to extend their way of life. Because, if all of humanity begins to live by these four core principles. They everything those world leaders have created will just - END.
People will begin to live with an expression of human family, respect, compassion, mercy, honor, righteousness and holiness. Which will be contrary to what the leaders of the world want. This limited list of expressions are based on the four core principles. Which are


By making all of our collective decisions based on these four core principles. All of humanity will begin to live lives worth living without fear, intimidation or threats. The end of most of the bad and sad prophecies will be realized.
By rising above all of our collective problems associated with today's humanity. We all will naturally want to look up into the stars and will need to go to them. As we do so. We as humanity will begin to realize the problems associated with the angels and will have to learn how to solve those problems. Hopefully humanity will not become so advanced beyond their evolution that they forget about these very basic four core principles.
The end of all bad and sad prophecies will come in one of three ways.
1). To do nothing and to change nothing maintains all of the bad and sad prophecies ever written or spoken. Thus the end result is the end of all prophecies.
2). To embrace the worldly way of life as defined the basic core principles in anger red maintains and hastens all of the bad and sad prophecies ever written or spoken. Thus the end result is the end of all prophecies.
3). To adopt and express of your own free will which is absent of any fear, threat or intimidation the four core principles written in the purity of purple. Thus, the end result is the end of most of the bad and sad prophecies. Begins the importance of the written and spoken words of the wise mentors. Continuation.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Humanities Remains: (Unedited) 28 Aug 2014:

Only the echoes of an extinct humanity will be all that remains within the universe. 
Out in space and traveling at a great speed. All of the RF and Television signals that humanity has ever created is going out into the universe. For any being to hear and or see. If they have the technical capability to do so. But, eventually, even those signals from earth will fade out to the point that no amount of technological wizardry will be able to see or listen to them.
Soon very soon God will begin his process of purification. Once God begins this process. There will be no human heroes to save our lives. No cutesy tricks, no super weapons, no computer virus and no Will Smith. Humanity will become extinct. This planet will no longer remember any of humanity, the fallen angels or even any space aliens. Our end game is approaching and what is really interesting. I still think we can avert it all. Is it probable? Not Likely. But Possible. Humanity as a whole must begin to live holy and righteous lives, right now. I've already written about them before. Read my older works.
How to save yourself and possibly all of humanity?
Love one another
Live in peace
Exist in harmony
Respect and honor life
 Do these things because you want to and not because you have to. Do these thing because you know it is the righteous thing to do and not because you have to. Do these things without threats or fears. There is a difference.
In doing so. Humanity may in fact remain. Get it yet?
Please help if you can. Thank You.
Cash App $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Declaring Noah: (Unedited): 02 March 2014:

I'm declaring:
We are in the time of Noah.
This is short and simple. This is directly to the point.

The world/religious leaders, elites and those selected entertainment persons are in full knowledge.
The leaders of the world is anyone who is in any position of leadership. Even in the entertainment industry.

The common people of this world seems to be unaware of the truth. When the truth is finally realized. Then it will be to late for any common person on this planet to ever achieve any kind of freedom, justice or fairness.

The new leaders of this world who are already becoming or have become something more or less than human as we think we know it today/now. Because of this. When their numbers achieve a point in which they can cause the extinction of the lesser humans. So shall it be. Then will the world be fully theirs to re-create what they will it to be.
Something similar happened to the leaders of the world as which caused humans to become who they are now. The fruits from the tree of life have been re-introduced into humanity. Creating a new species. The exact how and why is lost to me. Just as any new species is introduced into any environment. The weaker or lesser species which competes for the same resources become extinct. Just the natural way things occur.
In the time of Noah. The angels walked amongst humanity. You can call the angels space aliens if you like. In which many of them pretended to be gods. So, when these space aliens or fallen angels are in the full awareness of all of humanity. That is when we are in the times of Noah. That time is coming very soon. When it does. Those who live of the world will suffer greatly and die. To a tune of more than 5 billion souls in a short period of time. This is Biblical prophecy. Do the math of the events. Which I might also add does not take into the account of those who will die after the events.

Weird news from Yahoo news. Really? This conspiracy, all off the wall assumptions and questions without any real facts.

Did Aliens Force Pope Benedict To Resign?

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Line crossing: (Unedited): 31 July 2013:

The journey we are all on. Becomes forgotten when the finish line is clearly seen. Just crossing over the line can be victory enough. Can you cross the finish line knowing that to do so is also the end of your physical life?
 Just being able to see the finish line can be very exciting. As with many experienced runners can tell you. You begin to want to run faster than you ever had before. The final sprint is predicated on ones own knowledge about their current physical condition. To sprint to soon will cause the runner to fade out prior to crossing the finish line. To sprint to late will cause the runner to lose precious time. 
 Crossing the finish line may not even be a choice for everyone or even anyone. 
The elite runners will cross in their particular packs of runners. Then after the elite runners have completed their races. What followers is is the mass of life crossings. Which is just a continuous flow of people crossing the finish line. 
The elite runners are the prophets and teachers of old. Known and unknown. Accepted and unaccepted. 
Prophets tend to run on the true path in which they are both accepted and unaccepted. Prophets are both known and unknown. 
This is a prophecy. The fate of man is most probably certain. I'm saddened by this new realization to me. Up until the 29th of July 2013. I was always certain of the probability that man can avert all of the doom and gloom prophecies ever written or foretold by every religion, culture, tribe and prophet. This human journey of almost 6 thousand years may just come to an end in a few decades. It seems that man has made its collective decision and we have been weighed and judged. Now the extinction process will begin in the time decided by God. 
It has always been so simple. Complicated by men who claim supreme intelligence and charisma.
For humanity to have continuous life.  All we humans had to do was to Love one another, Live in Peace and exist in harmony. Because of our collective failures our humanity will become extinct. Except for the selected and chosen remnant.
Prophecy is only probable, when a simple revelation can alter everything. Which must be followed with good and righteous works of prevention.
This is not like those Theological Doomsday Preachers who preach in order to cause fear amongst their congregation in order to bring in more people and more money. These events which will be coming do not care about churches or money. The only thing which will prevent any and all of the bad and sad prophecies is the change within your own heart and mind. It doesn't matter what religion you practice. It only matters the over all condition of your Being/soul.

Please help if you can. Thank You.
Cash App $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Great Fall: (Unedited): 25 July 2013:

The greatness of your people is evidenced by your educations, inventions, achievements, Architectures, Arts, and innovations. 
The great people who have fallen will lack the evidence of greatness.
The great people who have become extinct may be found in historical archaeology.
A great people may never realize they have fallen. Even when the realization of their societal extinction is upon them. They will just ask why? why? why? But, then it is too late.
This fall of society begins when absolute freedom becomes unrestrained in a people who are no longer responsible for their actions. The fall of society begins when every culture within no longer accepts any other violently. The fall of a great society begins when justice for all becomes absent of truth.
The importance of invention and innovation becomes an undesired and unworthy ????????
The arts are no longer awe inspiring instead have become political, offensive and immoral to any sane people.
The greatness of your architecture becomes antiquated.
The great cities of affluence become unkempt and poverty stricken.
The few of the former great people still have their great pride and demand answers from their stupid political electors to restore their former greatness. But, the majority demand more rights, more social justice and unrepentant freedoms.
The cries of the few go unheard.
The cries of the few goes unheard when greatness is officially cancelled.
The cries of the wise are accursed when they proclaim the wrong s in immoral art and social immorality.
The cries of the rejected wise and righteous become the publicly claimed evil in society.

Where is the greatest of invention and innovation within your world? Is it on another shore of a different land?
Where is the greatest advancement of achievements and architecture? Is t to on another new shore of new lands?
Where can the best education and arts be found? Is it within your own people or are those things of no importance? Look at the physical evidence.
When the great people who have done great things, become old and die off with no one to replace them. What happens to your great people? What happens to a great people when the news becomes social entertainment?
What happens to a great people when achievement and personal evolution becomes less than desirable? When achievement is for you to only witness through an entertaining environment.
When education only becomes important by mouth but in action no one really cares about it.  The youth will decide if entertainment is more important than education. The leadership and expectancy of both opposite gender parents have a valid say in their lives. If any of this is negated. Then the lack of education will breed a society which will become enslaved. An enslaved society is a dying Country.

Your great people have fallen and if you have no will to get back up. No one will help you.
If you just lay down and die. Do not feel bad at the irreverence from the other societies which will take all that they can from your dead and rotting corpse. Because, you won't need them anymore. They will take everything from you. Even your homes, cities and Country. You will become no more. Your people will become less than a paragraph in historical texts.
This is prophecy. Not only for societies of today but for societies yet to come.
Prophecy is only probable, when a simple revelation can alter everything. Which must be followed with good and righteous works of prevention.
This is not like those Theological Doomsday Preachers who preach in order to cause fear among their congregation in order to bring in more people and more money. These events which will be coming do not care about churches or money. The only thing which will prevent any and all of the bad and sad prophecies is the change within your own heart and mind. It doesn't matter what religion you practice. It only matters the over all condition of your Being/soul.
 May be included in future volumes of “Musings of an American Truck Driver”:

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Separate Professional: (Unedited): 08 May 2013:

Any person who can separate their professional or public life with their religious private life. Should not be trusted in any thing or in any agreement. C.J.MacKechnie
 Yes, it does matter. How you live your whole life. To approach infinity or becoming that which as observed by others being all things are possible. Face two mirrors and witness visible infinity in two dimensions. Face three mirrors together and witness infinity in multiple dimensions. Each mirror represents a different aspect of the lives you have. One mirror is your private life, another mirror is your public life and the third mirror is you professional life. When all things are in complete agreement with one another. All things can and will be possible for you. Because infinity is in total agreement. All of the images are perfectly identical.
For more dimensionality. Within each mirror contains a myriad of smaller mirrors. All facing each other. Thus, creating a deeper and more profound infinite image of perfect infinity.
Within the perfect and identical images of the infinite you. Any defect of your whole being can be easily seen amongst the infinite. It would be like filling a sports arena full of 100,000 you's in black suits and then placing only one of you in a red suit. All of the black suited you becomes invisible or blurred. While the red suited you becomes the most easily seen and pronounced.
Yes, it does matter. How you live your whole life. Your professional, public and private life must be a perfect mirrored reflection to one another. If you do not or cannot see the truth in these words I write. Then you are a deceiver and a liar. Negative actions applied to ones own whole life. Logically concludes with a outcome which is less than what you desire for your own life. It will not matter how hard or smart you work. You will lose all of the good aspects within your life one small piece at a time. Until, such a time, your whole blood line becomes extinct.

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Extinct Family: (Unedited): 29 Sept 2012:

Prideful unforgiveness and the absolute refusal to repent. Always leads to the extinction of the family unit.
The extinction of your namesake and of your family can take several generations to occur. Your name could end in a single generation. An older wise person who has seen much and now sits alone in the depth of their wisdom. They can be the source of revival and rejuvenation of your family unity. But, The words of an old elder will be as empty as a gentle breeze. If you do not heed the elders wise words and take the necessary corrective actions in your own life. Then your name, your family genes and yourself will surely become extinct. Go and sin No more.
This is not just for yourself or for your own family. It is also important for your clan, tribe, city, region, nation and planet. Extinction or life choice. How you live your life in daily activity is that important.
Added on 26 July 2017:
I now know of many families which are on the verge of extinction of either their family name or their family genetic branch.
I was just recently included in a conversation with some sibling elders of a particular family. All of them are in their 70's and one 80 plus. They have come to the collective acknowledgement. That their family name will end in their city. Their family history goes back some 200 years. I could feel the deep *sadness in each of them. Except for the Monk character type of person. Who was 80+. He was interested in eating at the exact specific time. He is just awesome. So is his new wife. He DA MAN!.LOL.
All of the elders children are older than forty and the sons who were supposed to carry on the family name have refused. Apparently literally. I do not know their adult children approaching fifty. But, this is what has happened. The decisions made are from decades ago.
What could I say? What can I do? I remained silent and acknowledged the truth of their lives. It has been a week and I'm still heart broken for them. I couldn't even come up with a profound quote in the moment of genuine need. Go figure. I was meant to be only a witness to maybe one of their last get together's before another sibling passes on.
Being adopted and having the life I've had. I know my place in the adopted family. I guess not being in a good family unit. I can easily see the importance of things like honor of the family name and owning the responsibility of continuing the family name. Which I have done and it was not intentional in the beginning. I have come very close to changing my name to something like *MacNoOne.
*Note: When I enter into emotional connections with people. I always carry them with me for a long period of time. The deep profound sadness at this time is unshakable within me. Like I have to do more. But, I cannot. I do feel that this kind of sadness can shorten the life of an elder. I hope this is not the case. I suspect they do read my writings from time to time. It may be time to conduct your own living funerals. Read this here. Highlight, Copy and paste.

I would have no idea what name I would have selected. Although my wife's last name was a consideration. I even considered John Doe for a period of time. Now don't go thinking to hard about the name C.J.MacKechnie
The name "MacNoOne" would have meant "Son of No One". It should be considered as humor but in a serious tone. That was in a time in my life when I was feeling incredibly alone. I knew no one cared about me and includes me as well. It just did not mattered if I lived or died. I was a very bad person and had done very bad things. Going to Hell would not have been a problem. because, I had lived there for about 18 years.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.

To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy or entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  

Musings of an American Truck Driver 


Monday, July 16, 2012

Species Decide (unedited) 14 March 2012

When a species develops to the point. Where their insane suicide also murders the living planet in which they reside. An outside species can lay claim and take action. When the decision has been made for self destruction as defined by the whole outside community (Galactic). The whole of the planet will no longer be theirs. Their whole existence will become extinct. C.J.MacKechnie
NOTE: This may be Prophetic.
Will be included in future volumes of “Musings of an American Truck Driver”: