Showing posts with label Found. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Found. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Journey to Your Innocence: Naturally Reacquainted: Innocent Odd Ball: (Unedited): 14 Oct 2015:
The return to your innocence isn't lost in your forever. You are who you were and can become so again. We each can be all of who we were and once were all at the same time. No matter the difficulties we had ever faced. No matter the abuses and tortures of our youth. Innocence is merely lost and not gone. Waiting to be seeked for and found within the deep recesses of your own mind. It is close to where your child like joy was once prevalent. Finding one will reveal the other.
Many adults have lost their innocence. Even lost the capacity of their own humanity. It doesn't matter how or why these things were lost. They just were. Typically, It is not just the two things it is also true deep and meaningful joy. If you can imagine that joy can be meaningful. Which it is and joy can be yours all over again or be a brand new concept which has become a part of you.
The return to your innocence will require you to take that purposeful journey into the deep dangers of your own mind. Where you will be required to fight for your own sanity and for the right of your authority over your own thoughts and feelings. No  matter how displaced it all seems to be. Can you muster the courage and become brave enough to go into your own dangerous mind and tame all that is within? because, once you have conquered all that is within yourself. Can you then begin to know the joy of loving other struggling souls. The happiness of peacefully living with other dangerous spirits. The intimate harmony of being directly connected with all of the wonders of life. This is where the deep and most profound of joys resides.
Naturally Reacquainted: (Unedited): 14 Oct 2015: 
Shedding off all of those self created defensive shells also releases the torrential tsunamis of uncontrolled tears of every and all angst. This is healthy and necessary as you reveal your own helplessness and delicate nature to the whole of the natural world. You become reacquainted with the natural world through your return to innocence. 
Quotes in here. Not sure where? 
The return to your own innocence also means losing the worldly self whom you have grown to know in the artificial life you were brought up to look forward to living within. The artificial adult is what we all have become. Unable to know or experience the wonders of the true reality of all that is natural in this delicate and innocent world in which we inhabit. We can each mindlessly inhabit a self created artificial world and not ever actually have a life within the real world which surrounds all of it.
Innocent Odd Ball: (Unedited): 14 Oct 2015: 
The returning to your innocence will make you an odd ball in the artificial world.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Freedom Wanted: (Edited): 13 Sept 2015:

The first flights of freedom are both exhilarating and fearful.
This originates from the deepest need to survive from within and expresses itself with a physical outburst of utmost uncertainty. 
Deep and lost within the emptiness of darkness was I found and not discovered. 
No light emanated from me. The light was all around, through me and within me. I felt fearfully discovered and not harmed in any way. This is the gentlest of loving embraces anyone could ever experience.
Pulled out, pulled in, reached for and seeked out. I was wanted, loved and cared for. 
Edited by: R.L. Dell
No matter how your enslavement is defined or to what degree of enslavement you dwell. Your freedom comes from within your decision. Your decision to flee. Your decision to remain motionless. Your decision to refuse. In those brief moments. You are free.  Even if the outcome is your death. You shall become more free then you could ever be from within the confines of your own mind. Assuming you have freely chosen to be righteous and holy as seen by only God.

 At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something. Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Great Fall: (Unedited): 25 July 2013:

The greatness of your people is evidenced by your educations, inventions, achievements, Architectures, Arts, and innovations. 
The great people who have fallen will lack the evidence of greatness.
The great people who have become extinct may be found in historical archaeology.
A great people may never realize they have fallen. Even when the realization of their societal extinction is upon them. They will just ask why? why? why? But, then it is too late.
This fall of society begins when absolute freedom becomes unrestrained in a people who are no longer responsible for their actions. The fall of society begins when every culture within no longer accepts any other violently. The fall of a great society begins when justice for all becomes absent of truth.
The importance of invention and innovation becomes an undesired and unworthy ????????
The arts are no longer awe inspiring instead have become political, offensive and immoral to any sane people.
The greatness of your architecture becomes antiquated.
The great cities of affluence become unkempt and poverty stricken.
The few of the former great people still have their great pride and demand answers from their stupid political electors to restore their former greatness. But, the majority demand more rights, more social justice and unrepentant freedoms.
The cries of the few go unheard.
The cries of the few goes unheard when greatness is officially cancelled.
The cries of the wise are accursed when they proclaim the wrong s in immoral art and social immorality.
The cries of the rejected wise and righteous become the publicly claimed evil in society.

Where is the greatest of invention and innovation within your world? Is it on another shore of a different land?
Where is the greatest advancement of achievements and architecture? Is t to on another new shore of new lands?
Where can the best education and arts be found? Is it within your own people or are those things of no importance? Look at the physical evidence.
When the great people who have done great things, become old and die off with no one to replace them. What happens to your great people? What happens to a great people when the news becomes social entertainment?
What happens to a great people when achievement and personal evolution becomes less than desirable? When achievement is for you to only witness through an entertaining environment.
When education only becomes important by mouth but in action no one really cares about it.  The youth will decide if entertainment is more important than education. The leadership and expectancy of both opposite gender parents have a valid say in their lives. If any of this is negated. Then the lack of education will breed a society which will become enslaved. An enslaved society is a dying Country.

Your great people have fallen and if you have no will to get back up. No one will help you.
If you just lay down and die. Do not feel bad at the irreverence from the other societies which will take all that they can from your dead and rotting corpse. Because, you won't need them anymore. They will take everything from you. Even your homes, cities and Country. You will become no more. Your people will become less than a paragraph in historical texts.
This is prophecy. Not only for societies of today but for societies yet to come.
Prophecy is only probable, when a simple revelation can alter everything. Which must be followed with good and righteous works of prevention.
This is not like those Theological Doomsday Preachers who preach in order to cause fear among their congregation in order to bring in more people and more money. These events which will be coming do not care about churches or money. The only thing which will prevent any and all of the bad and sad prophecies is the change within your own heart and mind. It doesn't matter what religion you practice. It only matters the over all condition of your Being/soul.
 May be included in future volumes of “Musings of an American Truck Driver”:

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Mocking Noises: (Unedited): 22 June 2013:

The empathic mocking bird who sings a new song without knowing or understanding the meaning and essence. Makes only empty noises. 
The newly awakened empath embraces their inner mocking bird. This is one of those lessons. It is not enough to just learn to mimic a new song or learn to mimic a new thing. The empathic Journey to find their own self defined meaning and purpose is found on their path they follow. The empath must freely decide for themselves to dig deeper into the new song or thing they have learned. By doing so, the empath finds substance and depth. Thus resulting in a profound song which becomes individually interpreted. Wisdom and Understanding is more important than just simple knowledge. Do not be satisfied with just simple mimicking knowledge. Any mocking bird can learn a new tune. The mocking bird who has their own particular journey. Will soar higher and faster than any other. Which is beyond the simple knowledge that to do so is possible. To actually to it and know how and why. Is understanding at work. To makes those oops are those hard lessons which quickly grows wisdom. To observe others go oops. Are also learning wisdom from other peoples errors in their own life.  

27 June 2013: added content.
Added content: 24 April 2015:
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Emotional Penny: (Unedited): 11 April 2013:

A penny is just a penny. It does not control how it lays, heads or tails, shiny or dirty. But. You who discovers a discarded penny is the one who assigns either a positive, negative or apathetic emotion to it. C.J.MacKechnie
Even the conclusion that a penny is good luck or bad luck. It is you who emotionally decides if something is good or bad. Your acceptance of false belief systems, taught to you as a child from other people defines even today how you live. A penny is neither good luck or bad luck. But, A penny found means you now have more than what you had before and that simple fact may be just enough good luck, you need to jump start your positive life changes for the better. Heads is good luck and tails is bad luck is the false belief which takes away your freedom to choose if any such thing is good luck or bad luck to you. 
Choose to assign a positive emotion and conclusion to as many things as you can. Even when confronted with terrible terrible deeds. Find something positive to inspire others with. 
When you find any penny anywhere. Even if it is dirty and showing tails. Pick it up. clean it up. Pray, bless and mediate goodness into the penny. Then leave the shiny penny up on heads for another to discover. 

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Life Storms: (Unedited): 11 June 2010:

Even during the rain storms of life. Something good and positive can be found if searched. 
If you are reading this and your life has been hell. Then know right this very moment. Your a survivor. Your a conqueror. Your victorious. Yes, You do not feel like one. Neither did I. But, never the less you are. Yes, the abuses and tortures you have endured were evil, bad and terrible. Yet, here you are reading this goofy quote.  Of all of the hell you have had to endure. Your strength and will defeated those who tried to end you. Your strength and will to live is proof that you won. I do understand, what I am trying to prove to you. I did not feel strong let alone a winner. I felt very much the opposite.
No matter what you have already endured in this life. Even if you think and believe that all this life has ever been is Hell on Earth. There always is something positive to learn. Even if it is a simple positive thing that people can smile at in a weird way. Such as for me. "It is not good to try and kill your adopted son (me)". I know that was probably a failed attempt at humor. That is a basic lesson to learn. It is not good to kill your children, to abuse your children, to torture your children and etc.
There are about 500,00 kids in foster care every single year in the USA and the majority of those kids have parents who did not know that one simple truth and still don't. 

Search for those positive good things which are within you. You are of great value and importance. 

You are worthy of the life you know you should have. You can give to your own children the life you always ever wanted. make the effort and make it happen.

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Death Apathy: (Unedited): 06 Oct 2012:

The death of you always begins with a small disease like a single cancer cell. Apathy is such a disease. Which kills your humanity via the contamination of your mind. 
Apathy always begins with the small things. 
Such as taking a small interesting or useful thing which has been lost. Maybe, at work you have a collection of lost and found. You search the lost and found box often for items to take. After all, the excuses you create, justify the theft and you even re-define it as something which is not theft. That makes it all OK. No it doesn't?
Such as lying and cheating, speaking falsehoods which benefits you or creating rumors which is meant to harm another. Cheating in a simple and fun game or even on a minor test in school. You can say it is all OK until you have been caught. Then you begin to rationalize that the only wrong you have done was getting caught. So begins your evolution of becoming a better liar, a better thief and a better cheater. After all it is only wrong if you get caught. 
Apathy is a sweet candy, which tastes wonderful and can be very exciting. Apathy is all about you, your own selfish wants and selfish desires. The feelings of others, the laws of civilization, the laws of morality matters not to you. What you feel is right for you is what you falsely think and falsely believe is absolutely right for you. The disease of Apathy causes you to believe that a lie or falsehood is true and right. The disease of apathy begins to transform you into that wrong thing in which you believe you are. Over time, Over the years and Over the decades, that sweet apathy candy begins to spoil inside your body and mind. 
The disease of apathy takes hold of you. All that you have once loved and taken for granted is long gone. The freedoms you once had is as well long gone as you peer through bars of steel. The health you once had is gone as the physical diseases with immoral behavior is killing your body and isolating you from good people. Through all of the apathy, you have discovered that you are now alone and abandoned. All of the apathetic people whom you have chosen over the good and caring people are gone as well. Your chosen apathetic friends have chosen to reject you. For some delusional reason you think why? why? why? Probably because they were all as apathetic as you. When you can no longer be a source of their entertainment, excitement. They will no longer include you. Just as you have done to others.
Hate and anger wells up. Other negative emotions surface and begin to die as the apathy within you kills off those emotions as well. Numbness and nothingness. There is no more feeling. There is nothing you care about anymore. Not even yourself. Your will to live has become a will to merely exist. Soon that to will be gone. Soon, very soon. It will no longer matter if you are alive or dead. 
All you have now is time. The silence of nothingness cause time to tick away loudly. The logic part of your mind remains intact. So, you begin to reflect upon your life. The life without meaning, purpose and understanding. The logical conclusion of how you have become a waste of life begins to over take you. Even in this self-destructive moment you may not even be aware of the apathy which controls your entire being. You only know your alone and no one cares. Your last choice and your final option leads to your last action. A logical action solely based on the original lie and deception. In which you believed as truth. Something which was so small and so insignificant you no longer can grasp it. So you think the bridge or rail tracks looks good. The trucks zooming under bridges become an option. Even your choice of suicide causes harm to others. As the innocent train or truck driver will never forget how you choose them to kill yourself. The officers and emergency workers who only want to save and help others must retrieve your lifeless body. They know from the discovery of your corpse, That they could not help or save you. You do harm many others with your suicide. Even in your total apathetic nature. You do not care. You do not love.
Th cold quiet end has come. Your family and former good friends have many questions. Forever hurt and harmed they have become. They loved and cared about you and you left them after you walked away.  Into that lifestyle, into that world of crime, into the dark shadows of immorality. You choose it and you choose to leave your own family and friends. You choose the addictions over your own family.  Its funny how the truth always comes out after a suicide, after a death from disease or execution. 
Your suicide does not end with your death. Those young ones now see your actions as a possible opportunity for their own life if they make a wrong decision. Even in your death, suicide will live on within the family and friends you have abandoned. Your suicide may even lead to the total disintegration, death and extinction of your whole family. 
Your dead and gone, But not really. Your just dead and now you get to see the conclusion of your life's actions. Through the healthy hearts of your loved ones. You get to feel all of their pains and sufferings. The apathetic disease does not follow you into that which continues after this death of yours. There is continuation. With the apathetic disease dying inside your old dead body. You get to feel everything. Can this be the hell which awaits you? Feeling all of the pain and suffering you have caused in your former life walk?  What shall you do now? Await hells fire and damnation as defined by Christian preachers and pastors. Create you own hell as you begin to dwell on the life's hell you have caused those you still lives and endures on? maybe both? 
Reject all sin and flee from it, right now. Apathy is the active war zone in which the innocents flee from. Even when the innocents flee from the war zone. There pain and suffering may forever be evident upon them. Though they still live.
Reject from yourself all lying and cheating. Reject from yourself all immorality and crime. Reject from yourself all dishonor and unholiness. Seek the truth of the TEN COMMANDMENTS and know it is all about a life worth living and not just an exercise in control and authority.
For those of you who read. Thank you for enduring through my improperly strung together words. Please know the message is important and not the how it was written or even the messenger.  I've not had the benefit of a proper education.
Adding and deleting of content will happen from time to time.
A whole boat load of editing will also happen.
There is no Ink and no copies.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Cautious Search: (Unedited): 23 Oct 2005

Be cautious and wary of those who continually search for the truth and yet refuse to see it when found.
There are those who continually search for a truth in order to disagree and debate with all things discovered. Some even continue to search for the truth even after that a certain truth discovered cannot be the truth. They just cannot believe it is so simple to be the truth.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.

To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

This Day (unedited). 11 Jan 2011

The meaning and purpose of this day, can always be found when you seek it and apply your own positive intentions to this day. 
A positive meaning and purpose of this day is decided by you and manifested by your own positive intentions of real action. 