Showing posts with label Today. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Today. Show all posts

Monday, July 25, 2016

Wrong RT Questions: (Unedited): 25 July 2016: today has posted yet another poorly phrased question. Well, in my opinion they are.
Not that I'm a good writer. I'm not.  Every offered answer is incorrect. Stop using the words terrorist and terrorism. Islamic leaders will cause their soldiers/faithful to do deeds which had already been planned out. Islamic soldiers/faithful will submit to their Islamic authority and be obedient to those instructions. There is no freedom of thought or of action in Islam.
RT asks

The number of terrorist attacks in Europe will go down:

  • 20%

    - If Islamic State is bombed into oblivion

  • 45%

    - If the West leaves the Middle East alone

  • 8%

    - If the EU gets proper transnational police and intelligence

  • 11%

    - If every European gets a handgun and is trained to use it

  • 17%

    - Never – terror attacks can’t be stopped

Why is this in error?
All of the media in the world needs to stop using the terms terrorists and terrorism. It is like calling Nazi Germany a bunch of terrorists. WW1 and WW2 was just an ongoing terrorism activities.
I myself have researched Islam from their sources and have concluded that all of these so called terrorist activities around the world are not isolated lone wolf terrorists who insanely conduct their own self defined acts of terrorism.
This is what will happen. Islam will continue their military actions against civilian soft targets all around the world including Russia and China. As everyone associated with Islam is a soldier of the faith without an official uniform. I believe what Islamic leaders say. For instance, The leader of Turkey.
“The mosques are our barracks, the domes our helmets, the minarets our bayonets and the faithful our soldiers.”
Recep Tayyip Erdogan
In the future. This coup in Turkey may have been an actual double coup. Meaning a group of military elements tried to take over the country and then Mr. Erdogan took over the entire nation and moved it completely away from western social influences. Christian prophecy unfolding before our very eyes.
 Opens doors for internalized attacks.
Look to history.
China is opening their borders to Islamic influence and incursion. Short term will be financially good. In the long term. China will have blood in their streets and in their places.

At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Monday, December 28, 2015

Ready Now: (Unedited): 28 Dec 2015:

Be not ready for the new year to come or the next month or even the next week.
Do not even be ready for tomorrow for tomorrow will never come.
Do be ready for today, for right now. Make those changes in your life which will have a direct affect upon all of your tomorrows, next weeks, next months and for every new year to come. 
Right now, not tomorrow or at the new year, decide to become a good person with all of that which it entails.
Right now, not tomorrow or at the new year, decide to quit smoking, drinking and drugs.
Do not wait for any new year and do not have that last celebration of wayward living, alcoholism, smoking and drug addictions.
No matter how many curses you think which afflicts you. No matter how many mistakes you have made in your life. No matter how may you could have done's or should have done's or would have done's are deeply buried into those easy negative self reminders of your failures in life.
It is all right now within your capacity to fundamentally change your life for the better right now. Just change your mind. It doesn't matter your circumstance or if you will never see the free light of day from your never ending prison cell. Even life in prison may limit your physical freedom. But, no one can enslave your mind or even your spirit without you first giving them the permission and power to do so.
For even a man/woman in prison can be more free than their own prison guard or any other good natured person who walks freely in the light of absolute freedom. You to can achieve freedom even though you will never be free of the prison given to you.
It is easy to begin. Just begin to pray, meditate and contemplate on those things in life. Then repeat. Take action on those new found guilts which the bad person you were buried deep within your own mind. The guilt of every bad deed will come back to you as it has done with me. To the best of your ability make amends where you can. Some people whom you have harmed may not even bare your presence or even rekindled memory. For them, pray for them always.
If you do decide to become a better person this day and right now. Follow the little purple words below and know that if anyone desires for you to disobey those purple words. They are of evil or evil is speaking through them to you personally.  Evil can speak through any man even Peter from the time of Jesus.
To love one another.

To live in peace.

To exist in harmony.

 To cherish/respect life. 

To obey/honor the Laws of God.

 To become the holy and righteous people as The Heavenly Father intended us all to be.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Output Potential: (Unedited): 24 Sept 2014:

To achieve your greatest potential today. You must put forth your maximum output.
To achieve your greatest potential tomorrow. You must intelligently train and tax all aspects of your being today. 
 Doing the best you can do today is absolutely the best you can do today. Is what you have done today you actual best or was it just the specific amount of energy you only wanted to express in your way? There can be a difference between the two. Friendly and fun competition may not entirely bring out the most you can do. They are just that friendly and fun. The actual tests are those that you take seriously and have properly prepared for. The challenge of competition which when taken seriously reveals who you truly are in that specific moment of time.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Futures Result: (Unedited): 08 May 2013:

The actions or non-actions you make today. Creates your future which will be a logical result of those actions or non-actions taken. C.J.MacKechnie
There is a logical math formula in this. Which I cannot see the whole of. Relates to volumes and quantities. Degrees of importance and unimportance. Predictable prophetic outcomes.
Learning logic and math principles is crucial to determining the probable prophetic outcomes or achieved goals within your life. Beforehand. If a young person can dream about what their own future is desired. Then through the skill of logical thinking can that young person accurately predict a logical path to achieve those goals. The logical journey in which they embark on, will have a specif heading. Just like a tall sailing ship which incorporates a directional heading. Just like a wise Captain who uses maps and a determines the best and swiftest course to take. Combining the logical information of the map with the compass. The wise captain will discover the safe conclusion to the journeys ends.
 If the wise captain deviates from the logical path. Then all can be run aground or destroyed upon the rocks. The powerful gales and hurricanes will not be avoided. Then all will be drowned in the deep dark loneliness.
Prophecy is for all and is of all. Each and every one of us can be our own prophets.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

True Responsibility: (Unedited): 24 march 2008:

Once you realize and accept that the quality of your childhood is not your fault. The quality of your life today and tomorrow is your fault.
C.J. MacKechnie
I got caught up in all of that. Blaming everyone and everything for the misery of my life. Then it occurred to me. What now? and whats next? And who is exactly responsible for my failures in life today and tomorrow? The hard answer was ME?
So, You had been abused and tortured in your childhood and here you are now. You are now safe and free of the abuse and torture from your very own flesh and blood family. What now? Continue to be angry? Continue to hate? Continue to not care for anyone or anything? To do these things means your awful and terrible parents was right about you and they win. Don't let them be right and don't let them win. But, Then again it isn't about winning is it? Its about you right now. Its about your future that you can have. A good future worth living. A good life worth having. You survived the worst and may have almost been killed by them numerous times. This is the evidence that you are stronger than they ever were. So, Stop being stupid. Be your own hero and save yourself. Suck it up and stand firm. Go forth and achieve your dreams. Yes, it is OK to have your own dreams now. Build with your own hands the foundation of the education needed to build your dreams. To do allow the thinking of being years or decades behind your age group to hinder you, to stop you or to prevent you from achieving.
I guarantee when you begin to move forward slowly people will notice that your moving and take minimal notice. But, when you get up to speed like a massive freight train. People will move out of your way and maybe even hop aboard for your wonderful ride to come.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

This Day (unedited). 11 Jan 2011

The meaning and purpose of this day, can always be found when you seek it and apply your own positive intentions to this day. 
A positive meaning and purpose of this day is decided by you and manifested by your own positive intentions of real action. 