Showing posts with label Empty. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Empty. Show all posts

Thursday, December 22, 2016

Good Heart Quality: Empty Heart Mind Reason: (Unedited): 21 Dec 2016:

Spoken words does not prove the quality of any persons heart, nor the quantity of goodness within any persons heart. No matter how eloquent the words they speak. 
Empty Heart Mind Reason: (Unedited): 21 Dec 2016:
Even though the heart may be empty and the spirit closed off. The mind can still reason to the right heart felt spiritual answer.
Many people pretend to be spiritually keyed into the unknown and prove their hearts are full of love, compassion and mercy by their own powerful words. Yet, when they are alone. They do not do those necessary things. Or if they had begun forcing their heart to do good things. They often times become exhausted and burn out.
It is easy to see if you really want to see. All you have to do is just open your eyes and see them. 
Even though a child may never be able to articulate the whys and hows the importance of actions over spoken words. Never the less the actions or non actions of those important adults in a child's life is more important than any verbal expression of love.
Yet the verbal expressions of apology and love seem to be capable to change the world for a young child who was offended. That child will just forgive and forget and go play. While the adult may never forget nor will they ever forgive. An adult will just hold onto those old hurts until they become anger and hatred. So become like the child.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Falling Away: Righteous Criminal: (Unedited): 27 June 2016:

During the falling away. The children of God will walk away from their sinful denominations/churches/religions and modern songs of empty worship. In favor of the old time hymns in the secret privacy of their homes. This shall be evidence of those who reacquaint themselves with a life  of righteousness and holiness.
Righteous Criminals: (Unedited): 27 June 2016:
The righteous criminals sing with a subdued voice. From their private hymnals and softly speak one to another lessons from their secret Bibles.
 The falling away of the church in Christian prophecy. Are the interpretations correct? Who is going to fall away or is the falling away meant for all persons and religious organizations? Isn't allowing sin into your holy places a kind of falling away? Then publicly stating your now in agreement and accepting on going sinful actions as a rightful lawful freedom. Who is falling away? The church. Will individual people fall away? Those who were only religious and yet can seethe sin entering into their holy places. BUT, Those people who want or need righteousness and holiness in their lives. Will also flee from all manor of deception even if those deceptions originate from their religions and churches.
The righteous and holy people will begin to know. That just as those holy men had to prepare themselves before entering the holiest of places with sacrifices. We to must prepare ourselves with sacrifices before we can truly worship God. To be in sin and with every intention to continue on in sin. While you are worshiping God is a mockery of/to God and all that He is. It is like using Holy implements for your personal parties. Yea, go look that one up in the old testament. Is that where the hand was writing on the wall?
Christian Church denominations are falling away all over the planet. In the middle East a great Christian genocide is taking place and there will be no rapture for them. Only suffering as the Christian church begins to celebrate their acceptance of sin within their churches and denominations.
The falling away by the devout righteous and holy as only accepted by God. Just as the sacrifice of Able was accepted so to shall the righteous. While Cain's sacrifice through his willful disobedience was rejected. Then through Cain's rejection came murder. So to will the suffering shall be for the righteous and it shall be the righteous who will speak forgiveness and love before their last thoughts end with Jehovah/Yahweh/Yahshua. This will be a sign.
In the US. The presidential elections may take place. Assuming a bad thing does not happen and President Obama retains his office indefinitely through martial law. The election of either Hillery Clinton or Donald Trump as president will be a bad sign for Christians. Actually, one will be bad from an Apollo believing corporate worldly person and worse with a pay to play special interest liar and possible traitor. Her election will see more of Christianity become a worldly evil thing which must be controlled and criminalized. It will most likely get worse for the devout Christian who is unwilling to accept any form of sin as a legal free right. Loss of employment, loss of housing Loss of any government aid and medical care. Which will lead to homelessness and starvation. Pan handling for money is a crime in many places. So what are you going to do? Is your Christian faith that important. That you will allow your children to starve along with you? Fear not, the government wont allow that to happen. They will take your children. It is coming and will you endure unto the end? However that may happen.
A European nation takes the children of a family. Claiming the teaching of Christian values is abusive. A child who takes bible versus to school in California has the police called on him by the school.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Expanding Shell: (Unedited): 07 April 2015:

The empty shell which expands. Collapses upon itself and protects nothing which is contained within.
Russia, Russia, Russia. The big brother on the other side of the pole. I see you and am concerned for you. Your leaders thirst for that which shall only take away from what substance you already have. The substance of each of you which makes you Russian.
This kind of thirst only makes you more thirsty and as you drink more. The more thirsty you become. The more you desire and the more parched you feel you have become. The death of you shall come from this thirst that cannot ever be quenched.
Russia, Russia, Russia. Look up into the sky and beyond the stars. Then go there as any big brother should lead the way for their siblings to follow. Make a place in the heavens and welcome all of your brethren. Then go forth arm in arm and hand in hand. Into that next step for all of humanity. Rise up and go forth with love and peace for all of your human brothers and sisters. Mr. President Putin change your direction and drink only from the fountains of love and peace. For these fountains shall only be which refreshes your spirit and quench your body. Mr. President Vladimir Putin Become that leader which leads all of humanity into that next positive step.
Prophecies are all just warnings of those things which are probable. Just as any mentor speaks those words of those positive things which are also very probable. I speak those words of mentoring to you, Russia. The great bear of wisdom.
The great Bear can be something which is wonderful for all of humanity. The bear does not have to always be a hungry ferocious hunter. This is just the base animalistic tendency of a bear which was once a sleep and is now awake.  Mr. President Putin Become the Bear of humanities direction. Begin the human Journey of a new human quest and protect all of those who freely choose to follow. By doing so Mr. President Putin. You shall find your own satisfying rest and ease from knowing you actually began something truly great. Not just for all of Russia but for all of humanity. In doing this. Shall you be seen a great visionary greater than other other before you. No matter which country or whose history. No one shall compare to you and you shall always be one of the truly great ones who began humanities ascension into the stars.
We all can alter our false journey and change our wrong path in life. Better sooner than later. But, for those who have given up. They shall suffer their defined ending which they already knows is coming for them. Today and right now. The ending of all humanity is coming and it does not have to be. Those fallen Angels who once enslaved us all may still be influencing us all. For their desired outcome of an extinct human race. An extinction caused by our own free choice. All of this has been foretold by many different religions, cultures and prophets. I tell you right now. All of it can still be averted. Humanity does not have to be the cause of their own extinction. Humanity can rise up and go forward by their own free will. No matter how powerful those who wrongly influence us are. Through humanities embracing of brotherhood, of love, of genuine peace. Shall all of humanity ascend into the realm of where those fallen angels once roamed. No longer imprisoned by our own disobedience and sin. By embracing righteous honor is what you have already learned from those basic lessons of karate. Just as in karate a person can become the bully or become the bear which protects those whom he calls his own.


Added on 08 April 2015: 
This is a parallel prophecy for that I have written for China.  There must be that one leader who just states. We are not going to prepare for war. We are not going to wage war. Then invite your former comrades and cold war enemies to embrace true brotherhood and true trust by being the first one to go forth into those place where your upward turned face gazes upon. Go first Mr. President Putin. Point your finger upward and dedicate your resources towards the edge of this solar system. China shall embrace your arm first and then everyone else.
I'm not an economist. I just know that debt is a great burden. I do not know any of the theory behind any of what I'm about to write. I just know it happens and some how it works.
By converting all of your currency into digital monies. You will no longer have to be concerned with obtaining debt or having to much cash out in the world. By having this digital currency. The government can begin projects with little concern over spending to much. This digital currency will have problems trading with other world markets. But, If you can transition your economy into a more diversified sources. Instead of only energy. Then you will become immune to any outside influences. By becoming the primary manufacturer to the people of Russia. You do not have to tie your economy to any other. Except during exports. Then resort to precious metals and other minerals.
The economy will have a sharp uptick. Then just by causing the Russian people to believe in the space dream. They will embrace you and your dream. Go forth and reach into the heavens.
Either Russia or China or even both must reach into the heavens. Re-direct your resources away from your militarization and into space. If you do this. Then all of humanity shall survive. If you both continue to militarize your countries. Then all of humanity shall become extinct.
This year in 2015. The USA should enter into another discipline phase from God. 2001, 2008 and now 2015. Then if the USA does not repent in mass. 2022 shall be rough. all of this is a ramping up of disciplines. So all of your war preparations is all for naught. The USA will not be a force. The USA in some part will become a part of the United nations in some fashion. Russia will take Alaska. Parts will be given to China. I have written all of this before. To a greater detail.
China, Fear not Japan and make amends to your lost brothers. Forgive them of their past deeds. Japan shall tremble and become lost. Isn't it with honor to pay your respects and to save lives? Isn't it honorable to do right instead of blowing your war horns and beating on the war drums? Especially, since they have all passed on and placed into the soil.
Added on 9 April 2015: 
The US Government has become a purely reactionary form of corporate government. If Russia and China begin to redirect any perceived threats away from any US observations. Then the Corporate bought and payed for politicians. Will do nothing in response.
In other words the statuesque for  American politicians is to build their nest eggs for the next election cycle. Passing laws written by their corporate masters will be the only things they do.
This is why re-directing your energies and redirecting your resources towards space. Will have no response by the government of the USA or from the people. The American people have already decided not to fund any major NASA projects. The Corporate controlled US government has already made a history of continually defunding NASA. So when Russia and China is no longer seen as a threat. The US will not build any more new war machines and continually fund their soon to be out of control socialist state.
Russia and China by pursuing new weapons of warfare. Their will be an American led response. This American led response has already manifested. You must see this.
Russia and China Just by re-directing the bulk of your military assets into new and or revitalized space programs. The American people will not see any threat with goofy astronauts playing with bubbles and doing other boring things up in space. The American people do not see the long term investment. Nor are they aware or even care how NASA has advance their lives.
You must see my words as truths. This is a path to human longevity. For you Russia and China to continue in your war projects will end in our human extinction.
The arrogant American politician has created their COG and they believe they and their families shall survive any kind of war. Even if they start it. But, if you are no longer a perceived threat. They will not start any war. This is key.
In time, The USA will fall and their assets will be negotiated over and dealt out like trading cards for all of the indebted members of the United Nations.
Added on 10 April 2015 early A.M.:And @ 1625HRS.
It looks like I have been banned from Russia. I have been banned from (RT) and (RT) YouTube.  I don't think I have ever commented on any RT news story on YouTube. I can view their content just no comment from me is allowed. I can also view other peoples content. Interesting.
It also looks like I have been banned from China.
My messages has always promoted:
To Love one another
To live in peace with all.
To exist in harmony with all things.
To revere life.
To be obedient to the laws of God.
 This is Prophecy.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Empty Vessels Of Nothingness: (Unedited): 19 March 2015:

Once you refuse to ever be the victim. You will begin to see deeply into the souls of your abusers and know them to be empty vessels of nothingness. 
Think about it. How can you ever have a meaningful relationship with those family members who had done your wrong? If you want to stay with your bad family. Then you will have to become just like them or worse become their forever abuse toy.  If you cannot find your courage and remain with your awful family. Then you will lose yourself and any hopes you may have ever had. Your dreams for a better life will become like the mid afternoon fog. What once was, has become no more.
It is really tough to leave all that you know and to go on your own with no support system. Think about this. You never had a support system. People who support you do not belittle you, abuse you or even torture you.
So you must be courageous and just leave them all. Do not ever return. No Christmas cards either. No return addresses. No shared email and no phone calls.
In this life. Start with the building of your foundation. This is logical and wise. Your foundation must begin with your education. Your education is crucial for life's advancements. Then continue your education. These are your solid stepping stones in which you can build the life you decide for yourself.
Think about all of those things in which your bad family has taught to you. You can think negatively about them all or you can think how they have taught you "How to not live your life" and "How to not raise children".  This is positive and helpful. Than the contrary.
Good people seem to most of the time do good things. Which will seem very alien to you. Even the good persons humor may just not be funny to you. But, Good people tend to support one another and not rip apart each other. Good people are not entertained by you getting harmed in any way. You can find the good people in those good places. Again, those good places may be places you have never been to. All of that goodness may be just odd, weird and very weird. But, do not let that scare you off. Learn how to become a good person. If you really no longer desire to be like your awful family. 
Please help if you can. Thank You.
Cash App $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.

Friday, October 10, 2014

Pretenders Devotion: (Unedited): 10 Oct 2014:

Any person who only loves one another with only their words. Is an empty giver or a devout pretender. 
 There are those persons, religions, churches and other entities. Who seem to always goes forth and proclaim just how much they love everyone or just you. Yet, even though you are in need, they seem to always turn a blind eye and a deaf ear.
Or worse what you actually need is a hand up and not a hand out. A hand out only prolongs your suffering. While the hand up does seem to end your suffering in a predictable amount of time.
A bag of food or a bag of clothes may indeed meet an immediate need. But without a definite direction or even a hand up. The hand out only makes the giver feel good well after the receiver as used up the goods. The one who has received has used up the given goods and was most likely very thankful and prayed many prayers of gratitude. But, without a meaningful hand up. The suffering endured only repeats itself like a broken record.
For me this is a personal one. As I know to well how people profess their love, their compassion and they're mercy. Only to be ignored.  Even my adoptive mother who beat me on a regular basis, told me hateful things, locked me in small closets and tried to kill me. Used to always say how much she loved me. Yet, she still poured boiling tomato soup on my arm.
A shelter home in which they nearly starved every child and yet they could proclaim three hot meals to the counselor and not lie about it.
A foster home of a Scientology member who wanted me to become one of them. Would beat both me and his natural son with a ping pong paddle while laughing.
An abuser always seems to express love verbally in some believable way. Even to those whom they need to prove it too with their perfectly clean homes.
Another name for pretenders is liars and deceivers.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Mocking Noises: (Unedited): 22 June 2013:

The empathic mocking bird who sings a new song without knowing or understanding the meaning and essence. Makes only empty noises. 
The newly awakened empath embraces their inner mocking bird. This is one of those lessons. It is not enough to just learn to mimic a new song or learn to mimic a new thing. The empathic Journey to find their own self defined meaning and purpose is found on their path they follow. The empath must freely decide for themselves to dig deeper into the new song or thing they have learned. By doing so, the empath finds substance and depth. Thus resulting in a profound song which becomes individually interpreted. Wisdom and Understanding is more important than just simple knowledge. Do not be satisfied with just simple mimicking knowledge. Any mocking bird can learn a new tune. The mocking bird who has their own particular journey. Will soar higher and faster than any other. Which is beyond the simple knowledge that to do so is possible. To actually to it and know how and why. Is understanding at work. To makes those oops are those hard lessons which quickly grows wisdom. To observe others go oops. Are also learning wisdom from other peoples errors in their own life.  

27 June 2013: added content.
Added content: 24 April 2015:
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Friday, May 3, 2013

Truth Journey: Selfish Path: (Unedited): 03 May 2013:

When confronted by a truth. That singular conceptualized truth may be the single motivation which inspires the journey towards meaningful purpose in this life.
A meaningless life without any real purpose, is one who has been on the selfish path to personal accumulation.
Sometimes the choices have been made for you through other peoples expectations. You young college kids pursue worldly wealth at all costs. Do whatever you must to gain more, including lie, cheat and steal. After all, it is only wrong or illegal, when you get caught or convicted. Then you continue to lie and deny. Hire a lawyer for legal protection. Preferably a lawyer who has no interest in justice, right, wrong, truth, honor or integrity. Because, life is only about the accumulation of wealth, power and authority and then you die. This is just one of the many lies and deceptions on this world system. You wonder why many middle aged people of great wealth are empty and alone. Alienated by their own Family/children and left to die alone in some nursing facility.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Deserving Satisfaction +2: (Unedited): 03 June 2010:

The heart that is deserving will always be a heart that is some what empty. A heart that is worthy will always know all that is, has been earned. The worthy heart will know satisfaction in life. 
The heart that is deserving will always be a heart that is somewhat empty. A heart that is worthy will always know all that it has been earned. The worthy heart will know satisfaction in life.
A deserving heart is a lacking heart.
A Worthy heart is a heart which has earned that which will be received or has already been gotten.
If a person has to question or proclaim that they are deserving is a person who hasn't done anything which justifies the reception of the thing. 
A heart which is worthy knows that the things which are important in this world is not really important and those things which are not important in this world are very important.
The things in this life are of little importance where as the family you have is of great value. Living a life which promotes a quality of continued life. Means willingly living that life in accordance to the 10 Commandments by your own willful choice. A life choice without fear or threats.
Added on 11 Jan 2025: 
It is the world which qualifies each person based on their individual past accomplishments. While the Lord God qualifies each selected person while knowing all of their faults, failures, frailties and forgiven sins.
Please help if you can. Thank You.
Cash App $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Busy Person: (Unedited): 15 May 2010:

A person who is only spiritual, mystical or merely religious without becoming righteous and holy, is just a busy body. C.J.MacKechnie  
 The end result of being on the spiritual, mystical or religious path in life without ever choosing to live your life righteously or in a holy manor. Will be an empty one. May even be considered a waste of time and that only the wind heard all of your prayers with nary a response.
From time to time I've heard an elder person say that they have prayed their entire life and have not ever experienced GOD/GRANDFATHER, Not experienced a miracle. Sad and left out are they. It is and will only be a sadness which will end  at their last breath and last beat of their heart. When they are reborn into the Heavens.
Prayer is you talking to GOD. Meditation is you listening to GOD. Reciting prepared prayers in which you must speak. Is only that and only have meaning for those religious authorities. When you choose to live your life in accordance to the laws of GOD/Grandfather. You can go directly before your Heavenly Father as any son or daughter would freely. This is OK and natural. Think about this. You do not force your own child to obtain a go between to speak to you on their behalf. Do you? 
Same thing. 
directed Meditation to GOD/Grandfather is respectful and considerate. This is you listening. In any complete human conversation do you not say your part and then pay attention and listen to the other. When having a conversation with your heavenly Father. Which is more important? You talking or you listening?
 Added content to the original and some editing. So, no real copies and no ink of the new.
Please help if you can. Thank You.
Cash App $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Fresh Empty: (Unedited): 15 May 2010:

Letting out all of your dirty ugliness will leave a empty clean you behind. Ready to be filled with a new fresh beautiful you. 
This is a hope and a promise. Often times a person who flees from a wrong life or from an addiction. Often returns back to it. There is of course a myriad of reasons for this. There can be great acceptance from those who live wrongful lives and lives of addiction. It is a permanent welcoming committee just for you. Cheers.
Where as those who are living good and correct lives are less accepting of just anyone. This seems counter intuitive but is in fact a protection mechanism for the whole. It takes time to unlearn behavior which is unclean and impure.  Unlike learning wrong and sinful lifestyles which takes a short period of time to learn. Then when your own guilt's wane is when you know that this life style is become a DE-evolutionary aspect in your life. Which means if you change or decide to change back to what you once were. You will have to work at it, just to get back to where you originated. It is like getting lost in your vehicle. You have to back track or retrace your incorrect actions to get to that point where you deviated wrongly.
When you leave the life of ugliness and dirtiness. You can feel empty and alone. This is when you can become clean and renewed. From this clean and renewed emptiness you can refill it with righteous and holy living. This takes time and effort. Where returning to that bar and lifestyle is easy and the people always welcoming. Returning to that bar or lifestyle  may even allow you to become a better sinner or a better addict. But, That path is one you have been down before. That is a road in which the final destination is certain.
A beautiful life and a beautiful you will not be found on any commonly used highway.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Proven Actions: (Unedited): 03 April 2008:

If you want your child to grow up to be a good person with good characteristics. You must show her/his through your life long positive actions taken. This will be the only proof that will make a said difference in her/his life. Words are empty.
C.J. MacKechnie
Your actions are the real teaching tool for your own children. The revelation of your misdeeds along with the wisdom and understanding you have learned can be spoken truthfully to your children. These will be long lasting for your children. Assuming you have had made those corrective behaviors. If you are still acting poorly and still under the thumb of sin or addictions. Your words will quench your children's thirst like cool sand in a cool glass offered to them. Yea, did you get that confusing look on your face reading that cool glass full of cool sand.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Dark Space (Unedited) 14 July 2012

Dark Matter is to become as space is empty today.

Just a decade or two ago. Space was a place of great emptiness and coldness. Today, Space is filled with many stuffs.
No space is really empty space.
Space outside of the Galaxy is more empty than inside of the galaxy.
Space Outside of the solar system is more empty than space inside of a solar system.
Space close to a body may have varying degrees of space. which may be greater than the space within a solar system.
Dark matter isn't really dark at all. It appears that way to us very limited human beings. As limited human beings we can easily see the limitations of our five known senses. Dogs can smell and hear better than us. Birds can fly and we cant. We are physically weaker than apes and ants. We do not have vibration sensors as alligators do. We do not have sonar or radar as Dolphins and bats do. We cannot run as fast as horses or large cats.
This is just a sampling list of our human limitations. Because, of our limitations, Men and women who are more intelligent than I have coined the term "Dark Matter". Which is both inaccurate as well as the best word choice for what we know and don't know today. The phrase dark matter will be changed to more accurate word choices just as some time soon the word space may be entirely changed altogether to more accurate descriptions.
Added on 23 Sept 2019:
It isn't that humanity cannot perceive or know certain things. It is that humanity is not allowed to perceive or know certain things. This may seem like a forced limitation, which it is. It is more like a form of protection by those whom humanity is incapable of understanding at this time. Because, humanity is not on top of the food chain. Humanity is not on top of the genetic ladder. Humanity is most probably less than maggots and worms in the universal sense of things. Which has been expressed by a few prophets in the Holy Bible. So be warned that to being aware in a limited fashion like some people or prophets. Will cause those people probable in-capabilities of never being able to integrate back into human society again. So when a person claims to know things and they seem odd on a stage or in a church. But, in their private and personal lives. They are perfectly normal. That which they show to the world may be a lie and most likely is. Because, those who have truly encountered that which is not allowed for the rest of humanity become very very odd to the so called normal people. To the point that all that a touched person ever may want to do is worship God and not eat, bathe or take time to go to the bathroom. To the point that insanity is described to them, no matter how good of a fighter pilot or soldier they once were. To the point that living a normal life is impossible as some may even choose suicide while others perpetually drink themselves in a life of a continuous drunken stupor. That is another form of dark space.
If humanity is truly less than maggots and worms in comparison to those beings in the heavens. How is it that they all, some, few or one of them would ever care for humanity? When was the last time you cared for any life form which was less than a maggot or worm as a human being. Do not the smart children of the human world dissect worms and maggots in science class in school? Without much caring emotion for the worm or maggot?
All or most of those beings in the heavens which many of humanity consider to be aliens or angels or gods. May in fact be very much more superior to all of humanity much like a human is greater than a maggot or worm in comparison.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.
To live in peace with everyone.  
To exist in harmony with all.  
To Cherish all life.  
To be obedient to the Laws of God.  
To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.  
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books