Showing posts with label Prove. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Prove. Show all posts

Thursday, December 22, 2016

Good Heart Quality: Empty Heart Mind Reason: (Unedited): 21 Dec 2016:

Spoken words does not prove the quality of any persons heart, nor the quantity of goodness within any persons heart. No matter how eloquent the words they speak. 
Empty Heart Mind Reason: (Unedited): 21 Dec 2016:
Even though the heart may be empty and the spirit closed off. The mind can still reason to the right heart felt spiritual answer.
Many people pretend to be spiritually keyed into the unknown and prove their hearts are full of love, compassion and mercy by their own powerful words. Yet, when they are alone. They do not do those necessary things. Or if they had begun forcing their heart to do good things. They often times become exhausted and burn out.
It is easy to see if you really want to see. All you have to do is just open your eyes and see them. 
Even though a child may never be able to articulate the whys and hows the importance of actions over spoken words. Never the less the actions or non actions of those important adults in a child's life is more important than any verbal expression of love.
Yet the verbal expressions of apology and love seem to be capable to change the world for a young child who was offended. That child will just forgive and forget and go play. While the adult may never forget nor will they ever forgive. An adult will just hold onto those old hurts until they become anger and hatred. So become like the child.
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Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Illuminate Truth: (Unedited): 15 June 2010:

Lies and deceptions whispered in the shadows, will fade once truths light illuminates. C.J.MacKechnie 
To the common person. This is a truth. The common person seems to have a need to believe anyone in authority. The common person even wants to believe anyone who has a high level of education. So the lies spoken as truths is difficult to prove. When those in authority or with High levels of education have themselves been deceived. 
The creation of lies and deceptions are often created in a capitalistic society, when money and resources can be gained. In a socialist society lies and deceptions are created when money and resources are lost to the common person. In a communistic society lies and deceptions are created which will only benefit the communistic elites, for any reason as defined by them.
For the common person, who cannot depend on any modern form of government today, to put forth the truth. What and where can they go for the truth? Self empowerment and self direction is key. The truth is in the non-physical. Through prayer, meditation and contemplation. The truth of the question will manifest within the person. The person will begin to know things without being taught.
A person who becomes wise, knowledgeable and understands a great many things from prayer, meditation and contemplation. Can become prideful and selfish. He or she may begin to have a desire to have followers for their elevation into a holy status or godlike status. It is not for the individual person who has achieved wisdom, knowledge and understanding to acquire for themselves. It is for them to raise up everyone who is willing to achieve a similar level or greater.
Added on 11 Oct 2013:
The importance of Education.