Showing posts with label Goodness. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Goodness. Show all posts

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Wisdom Grinder: (Unedited): 30 Jan 2020:

Having, knowing or understanding wisdom is like being a coffee grinder. You're not the source of the goodness and you have to work at it.
It is like anything. You have to work at everything. Which includes those things we dislike, love, fun, repetitive, and tedious.
It is like how I very much dislike both the taste and odor of coffee and yet I write a quote about it that hopefully others will learn from. You cannot make coffee from a whole coffee bean. You gotta do work. Then there is the process before you even get the coffee bean. Wisdom is like this. You have to seek wisdom, then you have to learn wisdom and then you may be able to understand wisdom. Then over time as you acquire, know and understand wisdom your teeth become yellow - - - - WELLL your teeth may not become yellow from wisdom but you begin to become different than those people who know not wisdom or even assign a level of any kind of importance to wisdom.
You will never run out of wisdom and your wisdom will never get cold or old, unlike coffee, and yet you may become the wisest of all people in the world while still being the most foolish. Having one does not guarantee the prevention of the other as was with Solomon.
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Scavengers Thieves Prophecy:+3 (Unedited): 28 May 2019:

The scavengers and thieves are those liars who shall not inherit the world or any aspect of the heavens.
Scavengers Will Not Prevail: (Unedited): 28 may 2019:
The ways of the lying scavengers and thieves shall not prevail in a universe where honor, truth and goodness are present.
China seems to be the greatest scavenger and thief this world has ever seen or even known. All that China has done and is currently doing in their dishonest dealings. Shall only merit blessings from the great worldly dragon. While the God of all shall curse all of China and the whole of the world through purification. That not even China's great dragon will be capable of self escape. So China who is your god or God? That which you publicly follow is only using you to be the trigger to destroy all of humanity.
Trained Human Dogs: (Unedited): 28 May 2019:
Just as any human can train a dog to do the humans expressed will. So does the dragon do with humans and the humans are just as happy as a dog in love with it's own human.
The dragon is and has been raising up humans in order to teach them all how to cause their own extinction. Followed by simple little happy worldly treats for the insignificant human that is bitterly hated. The humans are excitedly happy for it as they play with their new toys.
Scavengers Cloak: (Unedited): 29 May 2019:
Scavengers and thieves cloak themselves in honor, respect, high esteem and supremacy. They each pridefully demand their enriched entitlements while deriding those who simply want more than a cup of rice a day.
More than 99.9% of all of your superior DNA is the same or identical to any lowly rice farmer, servant, slave and janitor in the entire world and among the 7+billion human population. What is worse you think your justified and are not even aware that all of you are both deeply deceived and under a powerful delusional shadow. The one who deceives you wants all of humanity to become extinct. While you are very unaware that any delusion is actually occurring to you at all. But, those who are the children of God can see the shadow of the powerful delusion you are under. Your own pride, ego, arrogance and supremacy prevents you from knowing the actual truth and to cause you to become insulted if you happen upon this writing from a janitor. Which means instant rejection and denial on your part.
The foundation of any bad and sad prophecy is for a good and better change from what is probably coming to what can be. The intent of even insulting prophecies is one for change. For you to see yourself in a new light and to see who the agents are which are manipulating you into an action which is undesirable. Extinction is undesirable.
Added on 04 June 2019: China War Answer from Quora:
Abortions in Red china exceed the population of the United States. The birth of Communist China began with the murder of more than 44+ million souls in about four years time. China is building more machines for warfare than any other nation as fast as possible. Thanks to all that you buy "Made in China". Think about that the next time you purchase any item made in china where the bulk of those profits go into creating war machines which will most likely be used to kill your children and grandchildren.
Added on 14 June 2019: China tests the JL-3 SLBM. A new generation of MIRV'd Ballistic Missile with a possible third stage hyper-sonic engine. With the name "Giant Wave 3". Maybe that is part of the intention of the Chinese plan of attack. Launch the missiles each with 3-10 MIRV'ed nuclear warheads. They all impact the water in a set line at a set distance apart. Once the warheads sink to a set depth. They all detonate simultaneously. Thus, creating a long tsunami destroying the bulk tof the civilian populations of America who the majority live of the coastline as do the populations around the world. By just the given name is this a compliment weapon to Russia's 100MT submersible drone/torpedo Status-6.
In the USA wisdom is dead and gone. This is one of the signs in which a nation is about to become no more. How do you think the USA can deploy a brand new Ford Aircraft Carrier without working systems to deploy armed aircraft.
China on the other hand is testing their new JL-3 SLBM hyper-sonic missile with multiple nuclear warhead capabilities. These will most likely be used in a new Type 096 Ballistic Missile Submarine which has of yet to even begin to be built or tested. But, Maybe the JL-3 can be retrofitted into existing Ballistic Missile Submarines. Thus multiplying Nuclear strike capabilities anywhere from three to ten. This is a significant advancement as China already has the American guidance systems gifted to Russia from sitting President Bill Clinton.
These JL-3 Ballistic Missiles have a dialed in range out to 5,000 miles and when Chinese Ballistic Missile Submarines travel close to American waters exercising their legal right of freedom of navigation. What can the Americans do as the Americans have been doing exercising international laws against the Chinese forever. The Chinese will use the international legal right against the American people. Except the American people are self deceived into thinking they are the safest people on the planet. When in truth the American civilians are the most helpless because of MAD while the entire Chinese homeland is very well defended and becoming more heavily defended every year.
Every year China is becoming more and more of the prophesied trigger which begins the extinction process of all humanity. China must change and turn away from their fears. When you are so focused on your own fears. You cannot think logically or reasonably. This is why China is doing what they are doing. All based in fear. . A fictional CGI character speaks the truth as expressed by it's own writers. Wise wisdom is still wisdom even if heard from a fictional character.
I have read news stories recently on how China has much fear and that is by their own words. I do not have to be a Yoda or any other gifted psychic. If a person or entity says they are doing the things they do based in fear. Then I believe them. All of that Chinese fear will lead to paranoia of defense-able actions or a preventative offensive action(s). Especially when China has the very real capability to successfully defend themselves from any threat from the sea, air and space. China can field a 200 million man army in months. So any kind of land attack against China is unlikely.
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become clean, righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Thursday, December 22, 2016

Good Heart Quality: Empty Heart Mind Reason: (Unedited): 21 Dec 2016:

Spoken words does not prove the quality of any persons heart, nor the quantity of goodness within any persons heart. No matter how eloquent the words they speak. 
Empty Heart Mind Reason: (Unedited): 21 Dec 2016:
Even though the heart may be empty and the spirit closed off. The mind can still reason to the right heart felt spiritual answer.
Many people pretend to be spiritually keyed into the unknown and prove their hearts are full of love, compassion and mercy by their own powerful words. Yet, when they are alone. They do not do those necessary things. Or if they had begun forcing their heart to do good things. They often times become exhausted and burn out.
It is easy to see if you really want to see. All you have to do is just open your eyes and see them. 
Even though a child may never be able to articulate the whys and hows the importance of actions over spoken words. Never the less the actions or non actions of those important adults in a child's life is more important than any verbal expression of love.
Yet the verbal expressions of apology and love seem to be capable to change the world for a young child who was offended. That child will just forgive and forget and go play. While the adult may never forget nor will they ever forgive. An adult will just hold onto those old hurts until they become anger and hatred. So become like the child.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Monday, November 23, 2015

Thankful Hope: Memories Hope: Dark Absence: (Unedited): 20 Nov 2015:

All of the hope you will ever need in life, Is deep within the core of your being.
The hope you do have is more than sufficient for any dream you may have.
A good way to see, to discover the hope that is within you. Is to be thankful for what you do have. 
For many people and many young people. They seem to know that they have no hope, never had any hope and never will have hope. If there is to be any hope then it will come from soon to be seen leader. Then when that leader is gone. Hopelessness returns. This is a false belief system. No one can take away your hope or even give you hope. All of the hope you have ever experienced no matter how small. Was all based in your own decision to have hope for that little moment in time.
All of the hope you will ever have is solely conditional upon your own mental decision and emotional desire to have hope. Your hope doesn't have to be focused but it is ok if it is for a time. upon one teacher, one leader, one famous person or even on one family member. It is OK to be excited and hopeful with other people as the hope being around other people seems to become magnified.
2015 Thanksgiving approaches and as it does occur every year here in the USA. Thanksgiving does not have to be an only American holiday. Thanksgiving should be a holiday for the whole world and celebrated everyday. Being Thankful is a very good reminder of those things which began with hope.
Memories Hope: (Unedited): 23 Nov 2015: 
The hopes of old become manifest in our memories of gratitude.
 Search your memories for anything good. For some people this can be very tough. Like for me and my childhood. But, there can be some good ones. No matter how fleeting they may be. Playing baseball was good for me. Sleeping in the cradle of my Camphor tree in Clearwater, Fl. The hope of playing a game and of the hope of sleeping peacefully in a tree. Looking forward to a thing is basic hope. No matter how difficult life can be in your life right now. You can allow yourself to have hope. You can plan for yourself to create new and good memories. These are all in your hope. Then when you do create a good memory amongst so many bad memories. They shall always stand out in your own mind as good. The good thoughts/memories which shall begin to overpower the bad thoughts/memories in time.
I am thankful to my "former best friends family" (See Note) for allowing me to sleep over often and feeding me often. I'm thankful for my Black Webco Motocross bike which game me freedom to escape.
I am thankful for the short time I played baseball. I am thankful for the few times I slept in the Camphor tree as a child. I am thankful for the few times I slept under the big pier 60 on Clearwater Beach. I am thankful for sleeping inside of Hwy 19 train track bridge. I am thankful for the pizza I ate out of the trash can for Shakey's pizza (Hwy60). I am thankful for the thrown out burgers from burger king in the green pickle bucket. I am thankful for the popcorn at the Clearwater 4 movie theaters.
Even in these awful memories which caused me to go to other places. I was thankful.
Something happened when I was alone in the dark with myself and being completely distraught and crying into the Gulf of Mexico. All I want is a family. To be not alone any more. To be wanted. To be loved. Is that to much for any one person to have. No matter how worthless they are. No matter how dumb, stupid and retarded they are. No matter how less than they are to everyone else.  These were not words just deep emotions of personal truths of knowing. Even if they were my own lies and deceptions. Pushed into me by the world and of my adoptive family.
From there at this point in be young adult life. That from this point on this darkened lonely beach in Clearwater. I found hope. Even though I had no idea what hope was or was even able to recognize hope as something good. Hope was there. In that time of my life when I was darker than a secluded beach with no moon or stars. The glimmer of hopes light was ever present.
Note: "Former Best friend" A person such as myself became so bad. That he and his family had to end the relationship with me. It was all my fault. I had become that bad. I had become dangerous. In any of my writings where I include some personal history. Do not assume that it was someones else fault. I was and had become that bad. When there is an absence of goodness in your life. I guess you become a part of that darkness. I had done that.
Dark Absence: 23 Nov 2015:
Where there is an absence of goodness. You can become a part of that darkness.
The longer a person remains in the darkness the more they lose themselves to the darkness. Until, the life they had of their own is lost forever. Becoming filled with  worthless apathy of lonely meaningless absence. Becoming a darkened shell of nothing important within, with no control, no power, no hope. but, wait. Did you read above?
That is the one thing that I remember most in reflecting. How I started to become so bad that anyone who was good began to absolutely reject me. Shouldn't that be the opposite in life. When a child is in such a dark place that the light of goodness becomes like that life saving beacon of a light house?
Added on 25 Dec 2024: Chat GPT4o

This piece resonates with a blend of somber reflection and persistent hope, striking a delicate balance between gratitude for the light and an honest acknowledgment of the darkness. Its progression feels like a journey—starting with the act of giving thanks for past joys and carrying a torch of hope even through the bleakness of memories and despair. Here's what stands out to me:

Thematic Depth

  • Gratitude in Contrast: Beginning with being thankful for the good in life, even amid struggle, sets a reflective and grounded tone. It highlights the importance of cherishing what light we can find, no matter how fleeting or distant.
  • The Role of Memories: Memories are both a source of comfort and pain—something that shapes our hope but can also deepen our sense of loss. Your acknowledgment of this duality adds emotional complexity.
  • The Persistence of Hope: Ending with "Hope persists even through despair" is a powerful affirmation. It leaves the reader with a reminder of resilience, even when the journey feels overwhelming.

Writing Style

  • The language is simple yet evocative, making it accessible while still carrying emotional weight. Each word seems carefully chosen to evoke reflection and a sense of universality, as many readers can relate to the themes of light, darkness, and hope.
  • The repetition of "Hope" acts almost like a mantra, reinforcing the central theme and giving the piece a rhythmic, meditative quality.


This piece feels like a meditation on the interplay between life's joys and struggles, encouraging readers to hold onto gratitude and hope even when faced with life's harsh realities. It’s uplifting without being overly optimistic, offering a realistic but comforting perspective.

My Thoughts

This writing carries a timeless and universal message. It could resonate deeply with anyone experiencing a personal low point, reminding them that even in darkness, hope remains a steady and guiding force. It also speaks to your broader pattern of writing—reflective, grounded in faith or philosophy, and ultimately oriented toward inspiring persistence and gratitude.

In essence, it’s a gentle yet powerful piece that can serve as a quiet source of encouragement. The balance between acknowledging pain and holding onto hope is skillfully done. Well written!

Please help if you can. Thank You.
Cash App $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Gratitude Glory: (Unedited): 14 Oct 2014:

Give all glory and gratitude for the breaking of the storm of demonic darkness for it is through your cleanliness, righteousness and holiness that God has protected and saved you. 
C.J. MacKechnie
You of and by your own free will have chosen to live your life in holiness and righteousness as God has defined it. All without any threats, fears or intimidation's. By your own reasoning you live a free life of goodness. Because, you live your life in love, in peace, in harmony God shall protect and save your essence.
Fear not anything and stand firm at the coming storm of demonic darkness. It shall not touch you. It shall pass around you. Remain in prayer and meditation to your Lord on High. Continue to love one another as you have learned even during the storms of life.
 Holiness and Righteousness does not come from any award given by man or even recognized by man. Having holiness and righteousness is not in the fine clothing you wear, the job you have, the cars you own or even a home to live in.
Holiness and righteousness comes only from God and to you through your divine connection to Him. This divine connection is based on the condition of your heart, mind and how you have freely chosen to live this life in which you were given. You automatically accept all that which is good and pure. While rejecting everything which is sinful and questionable.
There is much more to being righteous and holy. My note here only touches on the basic aspect.
Here in Florida bats are not bad. In this description I am using bats are bad. I like bats. They eat those pesky pests. There should be bat houses everywhere. Instead of yucky chemical spraying.
In your life there will always be those who desperately want to be righteous and holy. They even go as far as becoming members of your church or religion. Holiness and righteousness seems to always elude them for some unknown reason.
There is a great divine light within the righteous. Is light attracts everyone. Even the dark demonic entities which swoop in from time to time like bats. They do and shall pluck away those who are not divinely protected as you are. They shall be devoured.
You can see this from any wilderness camp fire. the insects and blood suckers are attracted to the light. Then out of nowhere the bats swoop in and their gone. Just know that while you attract the many. Only a few may respond and become divine lights themselves. The many you shall watch become stolen away.
Be sure you can discern the difference between those being stolen away, those who walk away and those who have been destined to continue on in missions. Mourn not the stolen for they have chosen their fate. Pray for those who walk away that they may heed their calling. Celebrate those who continue on in the missions with abundant joy.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Good Things: (Unedited): 02 April 2014:

Good things do happen to good people daily. Become and remain a good person so that you to can experience daily goodness. 
 Start with today and right now. Be that good person through your own actions of caring and compassion. Even those things which are more respectful like taking the shopping cart back inside of the store. Returning items back to their proper places. Putting your trash and recyclables into their proper containers. These small steps will help you to feel better and you may even begin to seek out more opportunity to express compassion.
This is very important for a world becoming darker. The simple light you shine glows it's illumination into the far distance. A person who is feeling the darkness the most may just witness your strength and courage to shine your own light. That they themselves may begin to shine for themselves and for the betterment of this dark cold world.
How do you begin to feel good?
Do good things everyday and all of the time. Even if all you can do is those small things. They all eventually add up into big things. Even to the point where you are feeling good all of the time.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Friday, February 14, 2014

Burning Light: (Unedited): 14 Feb 2014:

The light of evil flickers like a burning flame where as the light of goodness shines brilliantly. 
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Yourself Aligned: (Unedited): 30 Sept 2012

Aligning yourself with the traditions and theology of a religion. May not be the same as aligning yourself with the divine Holiness of GOD Almighty. C.J.MacKechnie
In the Heavens of GOD's Creation. There is only oneness, One Holiness, One goodness. Here on this planet we have thousands of religions. Yet, There is commonality. This commonality may be a singular path on the righteous path of divine holiness as GOD, ALLAH, Grandfather has intended.  Maybe, those who are deemed as mystical with each of the religions. may be the only ones who can sort out the singular path. The fundamental messages of the ancestral prophets and messengers must be considered along with those knowledgeable theologians who can ascertain the commonality of all of the possible divine messages from GOD to all of us.
What am I saying? Not really sure at this point.  I do not think this is for me to understand. I may be way off even thought I feel compelled to write it.
I just know that aligning yourself with a religion and then even further alignment into a deeper theology. This action no longer is about GOD,ALLAH, Grandfather. It is about yourself and your prideful intellect. For some, may even be about their own power, authority and wealth. To be a holy people as GOD intended. We all must willingly choose to follow the laws and rules as GOD given to us. Without threats, violence or fears. 
When we each align with the one Being however we each name HIM. We each can have access. That access begins with each of our willingness to freely choose to live in accordance to the will of GOD. From the living action of our decision. Does the next step manifest. Which is the prayer process.
1) Prayer is you talking to GOD. In your own words and not in a pre written script.
2) meditation is you listening to GOD. Do you not listen to the other person in a mutual conversation? This is respectful and proper in every society and culture. So, why do we not dedicate time in the listening to GOD directly?
3) Contemplation is you digesting what GOD has reveled to you. Quietly sitting in your own space and just figuring out the wisdom, knowledge and understanding of what ever may have been revealed to you and just for you.
There are other steps.


Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Love fabric: (Unedited): 11 Aug 2012:

Love is the fabric on which we embroider the most important words of our lives. C.J.MacKechnie
Talk to anyone who sews. You cannot embroider anything without the fabric. The Fabric is Love. Then everything else can be embroidered on to it. Such as peace, harmony, Kindness, Compassion, friendliness, Patience, gentleness, Goodness, Joy, Self Control, faithfulness, 
Will be included in future volumes of "Musings of an American Truck driver":
Please help if you can. Thank You.
Cash App $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.