Showing posts with label manifest. Show all posts
Showing posts with label manifest. Show all posts

Monday, November 23, 2015

Thankful Hope: Memories Hope: Dark Absence: (Unedited): 20 Nov 2015:

All of the hope you will ever need in life, Is deep within the core of your being.
The hope you do have is more than sufficient for any dream you may have.
A good way to see, to discover the hope that is within you. Is to be thankful for what you do have. 
For many people and many young people. They seem to know that they have no hope, never had any hope and never will have hope. If there is to be any hope then it will come from soon to be seen leader. Then when that leader is gone. Hopelessness returns. This is a false belief system. No one can take away your hope or even give you hope. All of the hope you have ever experienced no matter how small. Was all based in your own decision to have hope for that little moment in time.
All of the hope you will ever have is solely conditional upon your own mental decision and emotional desire to have hope. Your hope doesn't have to be focused but it is ok if it is for a time. upon one teacher, one leader, one famous person or even on one family member. It is OK to be excited and hopeful with other people as the hope being around other people seems to become magnified.
2015 Thanksgiving approaches and as it does occur every year here in the USA. Thanksgiving does not have to be an only American holiday. Thanksgiving should be a holiday for the whole world and celebrated everyday. Being Thankful is a very good reminder of those things which began with hope.
Memories Hope: (Unedited): 23 Nov 2015: 
The hopes of old become manifest in our memories of gratitude.
 Search your memories for anything good. For some people this can be very tough. Like for me and my childhood. But, there can be some good ones. No matter how fleeting they may be. Playing baseball was good for me. Sleeping in the cradle of my Camphor tree in Clearwater, Fl. The hope of playing a game and of the hope of sleeping peacefully in a tree. Looking forward to a thing is basic hope. No matter how difficult life can be in your life right now. You can allow yourself to have hope. You can plan for yourself to create new and good memories. These are all in your hope. Then when you do create a good memory amongst so many bad memories. They shall always stand out in your own mind as good. The good thoughts/memories which shall begin to overpower the bad thoughts/memories in time.
I am thankful to my "former best friends family" (See Note) for allowing me to sleep over often and feeding me often. i am thankful for my Black Webco Motocross bike which game me freedom to escape.
I am thankful for the short time I played baseball. I am thankful for the few times I slept in the Camphor tree as a child. I am thankful for the few times I slept under the big pier 60 on Clearwater Beach. I am thankful for sleeping inside of Hwy 19 train track bridge. I am thankful for the pizza I ate out of the trash can for Shakey's pizza (Hwy60). I am thankful for the thrown out burgers from burger king in the green pickle bucket. I am thankful for the popcorn at the Clearwater 4 movie theaters.
Even in these awful memories which caused me to go to other places. I was thankful.
Something happened when I was alone in the dark with myself and being completely distraught and crying into the Gulf of Mexico. All I want is a family. To be not alone any more. To be wanted. To be loved. Is that to much for any one person to have. No matter how worthless they are. No matter how dumb, stupid and retarded they are. No matter how less than they are to everyone else.  These were not words just deep emotions of personal truths of knowing. Even if they were my own lies and deceptions. Pushed into me by the world and of my adoptive family.
From there at this point in be young adult life. That from this point on this darkened lonely beach in Clearwater. I found hope. Even though I had no idea what hope was or was even able to recognize hope as something good. Hope was there. In that time of my life when I was darker than a secluded beach with no moon or stars. The glimmer of hopes light was ever present.
Note: "Former Best friend" A person such as myself became so bad. That he and his family had to end the relationship with me. It was all my fault. I had become that bad. I had become dangerous. In any of my writings where I include some personal history. Do not assume that it was someones else fault. I was and had become that bad. When there is an absence of goodness in your life. I guess you become a part of that darkness. I had done that.
Dark Absence: 23 Nov 2015:
Where there is an absence of goodness. You can become a part of that darkness.
The longer a person remains in the darkness the more they lose themselves to the darkness. Until, the life they had of their own is lost forever. Becoming filled with  worthless apathy of lonely meaningless absence. Becoming a darkened shell of nothing important within, with no control, no power, no hope. but, wait. Did you read above?
That is the one thing that I remember most in reflecting. How I started to become so bad that anyone who was good began to absolutely reject me. Shouldn't that be the opposite in life. When a child is in such a dark place that the light of goodness becomes like that life saving beacon of a light house?
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Friday, October 9, 2015

Silent Prophets: Judgement Occurred: Unbearable Silence: (Edited): 09 Oct 2015:

The prophets of God who become silent in the midst of turmoil are an indication that prophecies are no longer needed. As the hearts of all men have become hardened and the minds of all men have become bull-headed, the fate of humanity has chosen for itself shall manifest. Death, Destruction, Disaster, Disease.
Judgement Occurred: (Unedited): 09 Oct 2015:
The silence of God and of His angels shall be assumed by His chosen prophets that Judgement has already occurred.
Unbearable Silence: (Unedited): 09 Oct 2015: 
The silence of God and of His angels shall be unbearable to his chosen prophets. 
Because, after judgement has already been decided, what more can be said by the Holy Judge? Especially, to those who have already hardened their own hearts and have become bullheaded in their own minds.
Added on 16 Oct 2015: This section unedited.
I was just watching informed Christians on YouTube. I have only recently subscribed. Have you ever had that aha moment? I do all of the time. Even though I write poorly. There are many times I write and have no clue what any of it means. Such as the above content. Wait a minute I gotta go read it again. Scroll up time. I'm back. Christians basically teach. You will be judged upon your death. That is loosely taught. But, that is not necessarily true. maybe, this is a steep learning curve for me as I have never really considered the when of Judgement and have always assumed that upon my death. I shall be judged.
But, in real life and in real Israeli and world history according to the Holy Bible. Judgement always preceded Death of anyone, any city, any nation and any people. The cause has always been disobedience to the Laws of God. PERIOD. The judgement of God can happen at any time before your physical death. Just look at all of the old testament kings who were judged for their disobedience. Nebuchadnezzar DNA was apparently altered in a living judgement by God. Especially, after he declared (My Paraphrase)"I did This" with great pride and arrogance. Research and go read for yourself. (Hint. It has only been recently that we can apply some kind of rudimentary scientific understanding to this. Did God cause the arrogant king to become an insane mutant bird man for a time? can you imagine that? and then God caused the poor king to revert back to normal. This living Judgement of God was for a great and prideful king. What kind of living judgement would God apply to the common person? What about the perpetual disobedient person. Would God disallow freedom of change to a good and obedient person? I think so but I'm not God nor am I His agent to tell Him what he can and cannot do. I see people who are incapable of change all of the time and yet they cannot fathom why their life is so awful. I see it like that human god pharaoh during the time of Moses. God told Moses that he was going to prevent the living human god Pharaoh to relent. Go check it out. No hints this time and don't believe me. Go look. How many times?

 In the time of Noah. Only 8 adults survived out of all of the human beings. Including all of those human babies, cute kitties and adorable puppies. All of which you would have declared was worth saving of all of those innocent lives. There may have been up to 1 billion people on the planet. Yes, I know that number can be argued. The point is the God defined remnant which was saved was 8 out of how ever many humans were on the planet at that time. Today, There are more than 7 billion human beings on this planet. In which the prophecies in the Holy Bible states that a remnant will be saved. Assuming correct interpretation. As it was during the time of Jesus. Those who knew the prophecies of the coming Messiah were confounded. I believe yet again. The modern day theologian will also be confounded at the prophetic event to yet come.

Are we in the time of Noah? Well there is still argument on that. I'm in the boat for that argument. The one last thing which will prove that we are truly in the times of Noah is the return of the fallen angels into the consciousness of every common person on this planet. The Bible says as it was in the time of Noah. So to ...  The one thing we all forget is the fallen angels were openly amongst all of humanity. They were having their encounters with human women. The rest I will leave for you to read in Genesis as well as Enoch.
So what do we know about all of the seals in the Christian prophecies. A whole lot of people are gonna die in a very short period of time. Can you say for certain just how God is gonna define remnant yet again? If you do the math in the Bible. You will come up with immediate effect on life lost. The Bible does not include what life is lost after each event. In which more life can be lost after each event then during each event. We do know that God must intervene in order to prevent extinction.  
Note: I do not believe that the book of Enoch should be included in the Holy Bible. It should stand alone and thoroughly questioned. As it is now. By those who are way smarter than me.
This where I was flooded with Judgement. (Get it). Thank you for your inspirations and understanding of the quotes I've written.
3 Hours of Enoch

To love one another.

To live in peace.

To exist in harmony.

 To cherish life. To obey/honor the Laws of God.

 To become the holy and righteous people as The Heavenly Father intended us all to be.
Edited By: R.L.Dell
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Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Your Final Moment: (Unedited): 28 Feb 2015:

In those final moments when you realize all is lost. Know that you are not lost. In those last moments all of the heroics that you can manifest shall. 
How do you define those final moments? Can you be in that last great battle in which all shall be lost and your efforts not remembered. In that unpredicted massive accident in which you save a life or many and yet lose yours. Maybe that accident is not so massive and yet your physical life is still lost.
Your in your own death bed waiting for the absolute end of your physical bodies life. What is it that you can do in those last moments. Cry out for more drugs? Remain angry? selfishly reliving your life's negativity and mistakes? proclaim all of your hatreds for those who have done you wrong? Quickly alter your will in some last defiant act of revenge?
or do you take your last stand with honor and in those respected positive lessons to be learned by those who remain physically alive after your body has merely stopped working.
These last and final moments of your life can become something incredibly profound and meaningful. All you have to do is take those last actions by running into the fire to save the last one. All you have to do is apologize with intended admission. All you have to do is forgive those who have done you wrong. All you have to do is give those positive instructions/directions in life to each one who is to physically survive you.
In those final moments even a child can have a very profound impact upon their parents. A child can be remembered and their birthday celebrated. But, when a child asks not to be mourned forever and wants more siblings. That is a profound statement of the importance of life.
You can also choose to end this life of yours in silence and allowing your life's history to stand as a measuring stick. Is that enough though? All of these are your choices in those final moments. Assuming you actually have that option to remain silent.
But, what if you do not have that option and your physical end to come is one of surprise. What if you are a soldier, a law enforcement person or a fire fighter. The time is now in communicating all of your intentions, instructions, love, apologies and forgiveness's.
These are your actions of your living funeral. To say those all important things. To celebrate all you have done. To be with and to be present with family and friends. 
In all that you have done or not done in your life. Is and can be very profound lessons for those who shall survive you, maybe for many generations. Admit your own faults and failures. Let those be those all important family wisdom's of don't do. Celebrate and tell of your successes and how you had to bring forth continuous effort all the way to the conclusion in order for them to be. Yes, even admit your addictions as pointed warnings in life. Yes, even admit your wrongful sins and they have harmed many. Direct your survivors not to follow your errors, sins, evil deeds and crimes of your life.
All of your life is important. All of it. The good, the bad and the ugly. Insure that your life all of your life is fully known to all. Let each story be those positive stories of wisdom for everyone who is willing to hear and discern their true value.
After all. Don't you want those who is to survive you to become better human beings. Don't you want them to not make your mistakes and yet to succeed in their own defined interests greater than even you can expect of them.
Can you have a noble death with honor even though your own life has been greatly lacking in any nobility, honor, respect or kindness. A life can be changed even from your own death bed. How you act and the words you speak with truth will remain with the living.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Victim Self: (Unedited): 07 Aug 2014:

You will become your own self created victim. When you wrongly believe you are capable of doing so many great things and choose to do nothing. 
It doesn't really matter what you believe you think you can do. It only matters what you actively manifest into this realty of real matter. If you actually do nothing, then you create nothing. It doesn't matter how much ego, pride and self enjoyment you mentally create on how great your deeds could have been.
Having Nothing: 07 Aug 2014: (Unedited): 
Doing nothing means having done nothing. 
For most people who have minimal financial wealth or no real financial wealth. They each must endeavor through the whole process of wealth creation. Which includes creating and building their solid foundation. Any personal wealth foundation must begin with a complete and through educational building. Which includes the basics of critical thinking. Critical thinking is best made with the learning of mathematical principles. Achieving a high level of communications with your primary language, the language of business and the learning the language of your primary business partners.
The educational process is the chemical component which combines all other aspects of your success. The educational process is now never ending. 
Stopping your education life because you have achieved your self defined minimum standard. Means you will minimally achieve at a minimal rate. The statement "Minimal or Minimum Standard Achieved" should be an offensive phrase to you.
So Do.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Developed Butterfly: (Unedited): 15 July 2013:

The young Children who seem to develop more slowly may just be an indication of more time required for their more complex natures to manifest into the unique butterflies they are to become. 
Do not automatically assume that if your child is developing slowly. That there is something wrong. Because the truth may be that there is something right and it just needs more time to evolve, develop and grow.
Yes, do see the doctor. Only accept proven facts from tests taken. Not the assumptions from the logic of a doctor. ADHD does not exist and is a lie and a deception. So deny the medications. The medications do more long term harm than any good what so ever. 
Work in progress. Not framed correctly. Not sure. 
May be included in future volumes of “Musings of an American Truck Driver”:

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Present Destiny: (Unedited): 06 July 2013

Fear not the unknown destiny you pursue with vigor. Because, your destiny will always manifest within every present moment you are aware. 
Your destiny has never been unknown or uncertain. Only your awareness of your destiny is the source of all of your uncertainty.  You are where you should be.You are there in that spot you sit. Your destiny always manifests in your present. Regardless if you are aware or not. All of your past decisions and actions, brought you here to this very moment.
If your current present isn't as you desired it to be. Then change something or change everything. Become self correcting and self governing towards the destiny you envision for yourself. You are the sole empowered being of your own self defined reality. Of course unless God says different.
 May be included in future volumes of “Musings of an American Truck Driver”:

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Adventures Conquered: (Unedited): 30 May 2013:

The trials and tribulations of any adventure, which is conquered. Becomes more memorable than the journey. C.J.MacKechnie
The adventure is usually absent of the safety net. Real genuine harm can manifest. Proper preparation is necessary before taking any journey. One can say the actual battles fought in any war was an adventure. Just as those who go out and assist those in genuine need is an adventure. Harm can come to you either way. On the surface One is more obvious than the other. Even if you are a lawyer or just a stay at home house wife. Did I just compare a lawyer to a house wife? Bad John Bad. The point is their is adventure where ever you find it, even if your not aware. If your not aware, you can become the helpless victim. Thus the adventure can end or abruptly change into a new undesirable adventure. The adventure you experience can be mitigated and managed. Though at times prevented or expected. Will you face it with honor and dignity?

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Destiny Walkers: (Unedited): 07 April 2013:

A destiny manifests in your life without your permission or certain expectancy. May cause those unbelieving loved ones to walk away from you. C.J.MacKechnie

You have spent your life  or have only just begun your life in search for that specific purpose and meaning to life. Only to find out that the narrow mindedness of your own being cannot even fathom the true and real nature of your destiny to come or even the choices which will be thrust upon you.
You could spend a dozen or more years of life living the mundane, meaningless and purposeless existence. Only to be placed in some position where an extreme phenomenon must happen to evolve attitudes, minds, spirits and lives. This extreme new mission will cause those whom you love to become jealous over the sudden importance of your new found purpose. These unbelievers whom you may love with all of your heart may cause you strife in your life. So much so that you may have to choose your unbelieving loved ones or your mission. This is a truth. These missions which suddenly manifest may be from God. It matters not if you believe in God or not. The importance of this sudden mission may even change the bleak probable outlook for your city, state, nation or even world.
Could you or would you give-up the love of your life or your family, If it meant that you could cause possible effective change for the whole world in the future? Could you do so without self serving pride or ego?
Could you or would you be satisfied if the mission was only temporary? Would you be saddened if you had to do a certain thing. Which would harm a feeling, while at the same time ensuring authority?
Could you become a destiny walker? One who walks into someone else life to boost, assure, aid, assist and maybe even protect if necessary. Then be able to walk away when their footing is strong and certain. When their bravery and courage is just more then budding. Can you just quietly walk away just like a father who teaches a child to ride a bike to let go and follow beside no more? Now it is up to them.
If the father always holds on and runs beside their child. The child never becomes certain or brave. The same is with a butterfly. If you free the butterfly. The butterfly will never fly.

Become a wise destiny walker. Know when to leave. Constant and continuous prayer and meditation often reveals a certain timing. A wise destiny walker is a positive prophet of good change in action. 

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

God father: (Unedited): 29 June 2010:

All that you have done and all that you do. Will either lead you to God your judge or to your Loving Heavenly Father. C.J.MacKechnie
 Choices always seem to manifest. It seems we all have unlimited options and as we each the finality of a specific choice. There is always still 3 more choices, which are yes, no and no choice. Each specific choice then leads to another stream of unlimited options. In which we will be presented with 3 choices , yet again.

But in this choice at the end of life. We are presented with only two choices and those choices are not for us to make. That is because during our entire life. We have continually made our free choices. Now, in death. The one true God. Will become our Heavenly father or our Judge and it will all be his choice. Not ours or yours and it matters not what you freely choose to believe in this here and now of yours.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Humanitys Witness:(Unedited): 09 June 2010:

When you witness ridicule and belittlement over difference from within your own chosen culture. Even if you do nothing else. Know that you were taking part in denying a persons humanity. C.J.MacKechnie
 Difference means. Country/rap music. Celtic/Asian dance. Classical/modern art. Etc. Race/Nationality.
If we each celebrate the differences within our own humanity. Then our race/species of human beings can become reunited once again with one another. A unified human species/race means that all that we collectively decide to do will become possible/manifest into our reality.  
We are all one humanity, one species and one family. When all of the common peoples unite together to love one another, to live in peace with each other and to exist in harmony. Then we all can find a very rich life we all can live with great meaning.

If you cannot separate yourself from the lies and deceptions of the separation and division of the races. Then you, your family and your entire church will/may not be one of the elect, protected, saved or raptured. You must begin to know and believe that we are a single race of beings called humans. We are all brother and sister to one another.  
The DNA fingerprinting was established in 1984. Read it well. Believe the truth and reject the lies you have only known as truth.
The history of humanity told by many different traditions.
From about 8 minutes and 50 seconds to the introduction of the European leader. Listen good. This was in 26 June 2000.
Research for yourself the Human skin. learn how it is the largest organ of the human body. Learn about all of the primary functions of the human skin. Then learn about the minor function of the coloring of the skin. Learn how if you lose a primary function of the skin. You can die. Where as if you lose your skin coloring. You will just be uncomfortable, but still living with possible social ridicule. Now, after you have learned all about your human skin. Ask yourself this. Why do we not compare other organs of the body with other people such as the liver, kidneys, gall bladder and etc. How come there isn't racial stereo types for those who can drink much alcohol and those who cannot drink? Why? Race or the coloring of the skin is illogical and without actual fact.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Forfeit Future: (Unedited): 19 Dec 2011:

When you cut and run before your future can manifest. You forfeit your planned future. C.J.MacKechnie
 What is the importance of your future and destiny? No matter what you do or don't do. You will meet them in the end. Your future and destiny can be mitigated and managed. Your future and destiny can be prevented and created. Your future and destiny can be changed and altered. That is until, GOD, ALLAH, Grandfather says otherwise. Then your future and destiny will be dictated by the divine and it will matter not what you think. I did mean that last sentence in a good way.
To quit, to give up, to cut and run. What will be the end result? It is simple, All of the goals and dreams of your life will not become a manifested in the reality of you. You must carry on unto the conclusion of that which you begin. You must always work hard and to work smart. You must endure and to carry on. You must look at the history of your things and the related things to you. You must see the evolution or devolution of those things and make wise decisions in accordance to your judgement and from the advice of those elders who know more than you, Yes, even from those elders who have less intelligence and less education. Their voice is still important, as a matter of fact possibly more important than the elder who wears nicer garments. Because, they have become wise while having nothing and yet the elder remains. This is of importance and they are of importance to GOD, ALLAH, Grandfather or however they may call the ONE DIVINE BEING.

Will be included in future volumes of “Musings of an American Truck Driver”:
Please support my Endeavors:
7143 Sr.54, Box 276
New Port Richey Fl. 34653 USA

To the above address as well as online contact information. Dreams can have a great depth of meaning and reveal an incredible amount of information about your real and true nature. All information will be kept confidential. Dream interpretations can take me several days. On going communications with questions is mandatory. There will be no verbal communication as it is not necessary and would get in the way of prayer and meditation.
Thank you, John

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Evolution Manifested: (Unedited): 26 Aug 2012:

In this or the next generation. The next step in evolution becomes manifested. When both parents capacities are maximized.  C.J.MacKechnie
Evolution may occur when there is a will, need or requirement to exceed physical limitations, Mental limitations and spiritual Limitations.
When both parents continuously flirt with their own maximum potential in mutual areas of interest. Their children may experience an incremental evolutionary advancement in that particular area of interest.
Incremental evolutionary advancement can easily be seen in athletics, average height and the intellect. While spiritual evolution seems to have been prevent, blocked, stunted or regressed.

Incremental De-evolution is also the same way.  Improper living and lifestyles, drugs, alcohol use. The lack of education. The lack of physical fitness. The lack of spiritual development. All contribute equally against the incremental evolution process.

Monday, June 18, 2012

Limited Inability (unedited). 16 June 2012

The limited options in your life. Is directly related to your inability to see and to manifest opportunities in your life. C.J.MacKechnie
 Options and Opportunities are of your creation, development and manifestation.Working for more options and for more opportunities is important for the continuation of continued options and opportunities. 
Long term goals and plans. May seem irrelevant in the here and now. Especially, when you see other people around you who only play and have much fun. There is a great cost to their excessive short term and short sighted pursuits.  There will be a cost to their bodies, heart, mind and spirit. 
Do not be deterred in your hard and smart endeavors.
Think about a sporting match of any kind. While only a few play the game, The many sit and watch. While the few get paid to play the game, The many must pay to watch the game. 
Do you want to be the few or the many.
A few work hard, work smart and are dedicated to their individual endeavor. While the many do not see the sense to put forth the effort to do a thing.
What it is worth to you. No matter what and or how you decide be content with your decisions. It's OK to be a spectator, just as it is OK to be the one who plays the game. Its OK.
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Your Fate (unedited). 20 Jan 2011

No one can save you when your fate is already upon you. C.J.MacKechnie
This is neutral. If you take this in a negative light. Then it is evidence of your own thought processes. Everyday of your own life you continually experience your own self created fate. The fate of a young person who quits their education will be 180 degrees opposite of that same person who completes their educational process. The opportunities and options always manifest for you when you make a decision and then work until those opportunities and options manifest. What is the fate of the person who lives an addicted lifestyle? What is the fate of the same person who doesn't flirt with addictions? The handsome and successful husband on a business trip, who flirts and kisses the ladies. What will his fate be? The very same man who stays focused on the duty of business. His fate will be 180 degrees different than if he kisses the girls.
After the deed is done. No matter if there is honor or dishonor. Your fate will always find you or you will meet your fates creation. C.J.MacKechnie 