Showing posts with label Deed. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Deed. Show all posts

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Witness Evidence: (Unedited): 24 Sept 2014:

Being concerned that there are to many witnesses and to much evidence to be collected. is not a valid reason as to why you should not do an evil deed. 
You who think in this manor are in error in your whole life. To only consider not doing an evil thing simply because of the greater probability of getting caught is truly not a reason for not doing an evil deed. Not doing an evil deed is not an indication you are a good or righteous person. That which you entertain on a regular basis is your daily evidence of what kind of person you truly are. You do not need to do the evil deed.
All that which is and has ever been thought of within your own mind is all the evidence the God of all needs to convict you. I am not saying you should believe in a God or that you should fear a God.
You should ask yourself these things. If there is a God is it important to be a good and righteous person as defined by the ancient written texts? If there is no God then there is no laws which should govern you and you should act in whatever manor in which pleases you. That is what many learned persons proclaim. If it feels good then do it. If it makes you happy then do it. That is all fine and wonderful until the person who sees you have more than them. Thinks to them self. That they would be happy if they took your stuff. They would be happy if they raped you. They would be happy just to drive your car for a little while. They would be happy if they can abuse you. No really, Think about it the insanity of this. Worldly criminals are in jail and do not think they did anything wrong except get caught. Criminals are seen on video doing an evil deed and proclaim it is not them even in the court room. Refusing and denying the facts is delusional to the person proclaiming it is not them.
What is the truth? Where is the truth within your own mind and heart? Do you even care?
Is being good and righteous really a good thing or is it a sign of weakness?
Is being good and righteous really valid in the world today? or is only being good as defined as what ever you can do without getting caught.
Here is a trucker quote. Not one of mine.

" If you can't be good then be good at it"

That really sums up the world we live in. To be a good criminal means not to be caught and convicted in a court of law.

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Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Reprobation Church: (Unedited): (11 May 2014):

The church/religion of reprobation will glory in their perceived worldly wealth. While becoming accepting of every immoral and sinful deed.
The reprobate are easily seen to those who are of the God of all. The god pretender or the ruler of this Earth rewards those who causes many to stray away from the righteous and holy Journey. 
Those who preach the homeless teacher/healer and surrounds themselves with great abundance. Does not understand his message of life giving water. For their god is of this world even today. Their greedy thirst will not be quenched in the here after and all of the worldly wealth shall not be transferred in any way. What they shall gain in the after life is the curses of causing souls to become lost instead of gained.
To simply allow ongoing immoral and sinful person into the church/religion. Corrupts the whole. The leadership of any church/religion silently gives permission for everyone to sin. Thus, the whole falls away into reprobation. Save for the select as chosen by GOD.
Righteousness and holiness is the journey to everlasting life. Love, peace, harmony and the sanctity of life are the attributes.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Your Fate (unedited). 20 Jan 2011

No one can save you when your fate is already upon you. C.J.MacKechnie
This is neutral. If you take this in a negative light. Then it is evidence of your own thought processes. Everyday of your own life you continually experience your own self created fate. The fate of a young person who quits their education will be 180 degrees opposite of that same person who completes their educational process. The opportunities and options always manifest for you when you make a decision and then work until those opportunities and options manifest. What is the fate of the person who lives an addicted lifestyle? What is the fate of the same person who doesn't flirt with addictions? The handsome and successful husband on a business trip, who flirts and kisses the ladies. What will his fate be? The very same man who stays focused on the duty of business. His fate will be 180 degrees different than if he kisses the girls.
After the deed is done. No matter if there is honor or dishonor. Your fate will always find you or you will meet your fates creation. C.J.MacKechnie 