Showing posts with label Disaster. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Disaster. Show all posts

Thursday, November 3, 2022

Survival Micro Economies: (Unedited): 03 Nov 2022:

Just a Note anything related to economy anything is typically beyond the scope of my understanding. What I write is only about the concepts and should be discussed and researched by your own community. 
As the common people begin to get more and more fed up with how those who are in power and authority creates financial emergencies every few years. The idea of a great reset now seems to have been planned all along. While the common person sees all of their hard earned efforts fade away. They will be initially angry and upset. Then they will seek solutions absent of any official authority from any governmental entity. 
Each person will know that there is no get rich scheme. They all will know that it is necessary to simply provide for their own families. This will be the foundational intention of each participating person and participating survival community. 
Once the common person begins to accept that the actual source of their problems is in each of their own governmental entities. Then they will decide for themselves what their actions shall be. Especially, when in the history of humanity it is always the common person who suffers and dies for their leaders who risk nothing. While they lose everything regardless of victory or defeat. So, you common peoples begin to refuse to allow your own children to participate in any governmental activities which includes learning the trade of combat and warfare. Refuse to allow your own children to wear any kind of uniform of warfare.
The micro economies of each community must be set up, in efficient use and aligned with other micro economies prior to any real emergency or disaster. This is not just for any emergency or disaster. This is for daily living and daily life.
The people who participate within their own individual micro economy must be able to create a product and service which can cause a trading action with other people within the established micro economy and by permission and agreement outside and with other exclusive micro economies. 
To legally set up your micro economy. You could use the same laws which protect other businesses like Sam's Clubs, Costco, Eagle's clubs, retired military clubs and the more elite clubs. This also implies that legal guidance must be used prior to any establishment of any micro economy. 
Is there also international legal protections for establishing micro economies? These should be looked into as well. 
How does the Amish and Mennonites do what they do legally? How does the indigenous do what they do in their own nations? While still encompassed by other national territories like the USA. 
Each person must develop their own functional skill sets which are worthy of trade within established micro economies. There should also be artistic value and associated with a high degree of high quality. I do think there will be value associated with human made goods especially with the advent of AI and robotic made goods of every kind. These skill sets must be established before hand. Getting like minded people to become associated with the common culture of a like minded micro economy community will be difficult at first. But, once the new emerging elders begins to tell the young ones about how their retirement funding efforts have taken large percentage hits every few years since around 2001. This wisdom from the common peoples and their families will begin to develop into something uniquely individual by their own reasoning. This will be interesting to see how any of this develops. 
The established skill sets will develop based on needs at first and then spread into other improvements in efficiencies and proficiencies. The merging of both the ancient or preindustrial skill sets with the modern era skill sets. You probably cannot have one without the other. Especially, if you plan for any micro-economy which is to last longer than the current world governmental systems and economies. You must have both and they both must become one in some sort of interesting amalgam. 
How any micro-economy survives is not in the organization or organizers. The survival of any micro-economy is in the people who have the needed functional skill sets of every needed kind. The beginning of these micro economies will most likely begin in the agrarian setting and then expand from that base line and into food preparation and then into good family entertainment. Some of these will be seen as superficial in appearance but they are just the beginning of the richness of the micro-economy. Because from singing and the playing of musical instruments or the telling of stories does lead to the teaching of those essential skill sets to the next generation of gifted young minds. The idea of teaching everything is necessary for the continuation and growth of your community and of the micro economy.
Your church must establish its own community in which the people decide to exclusively take care of each other and to do business with one another as much as reasonably possible. Making connections with other churches and their own developing micro economies will only strengthen one another. The use of crypto currencies as a value of trade and transference of wealth should also be researched and developed. But, as of today those who have and hold all of the worlds wealth continue to gather more and more from the common people. Even to the degree that they each claim to get richer while the common person gets poorer and poorer with every market rise and market collapse. They have now only begun to invest in crypto which means they are also manipulating crypto as well. So an agreed upon medium of wealth must be established for transference options.
The idea of any modern day micro economy can only last as long as there is still modern day technology available. So it will be necessary to create or to have on hand as well as the necessary ancient skill sets of creating ledgers. The merging of the old and the new shall always be thought of together.
Flea Markets may even begin to see a rise in interests and transformation. Churches may need to invest in large tracks of land which may exceed 100 acres and create a retail environment coupled with housing as which was done in the old days. In the old days people worked out of their homes as the people of the community came to them for needed products and services. So the creation of housing along with the idea of a flea markets coupled together. Something which is also expandable. 
I have also seen in a vision where a large church is seen in the back ground of a property while up front a retail like environment as well as other services were at the forefront of the property. The merging of a variety of concepts as well as open communication between each developing community based micro economies should be welcomed. 
The purpose of this is to establish the idea of localized micro economies in concept. Then it will be for each community to take this concept and personalize it for their own effective use. Your micro economy must also branch out into agreements with other like minded micro economies. Your micro economy will be as you define it and build it by agreement of all participants. 
You must also know that in prophecy all of the churches were admonished by God except for those who are or will be most like the ancient churches of Smyrna and Philadelphia. So, will your church be admonished or praised by God? This is prophecy and it is your choice and the choice of those who choose your church as their own. For God will be present in the holy places of those churches who will not be admonished by him. You most likely need to decide right now or very soon and in accordance to the prophecy time lime assuming if the human created time lines are somewhat accurate in the reality of the intentions of and plans of God. No human will actually know until that which is prophetic has already happened.
Cash App: $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Thursday, February 1, 2018

Many Quotes: (Unedited): 26 Jan- 01 Feb 2018:

May add more as the days go by.
Ezekiel prophecies comes for us all. Repent one and all.
26 Jan 2018:
We as human beings have the right and freedom to believe in anything and nothing at all. But upon the physical death of our bodies. We all will suddenly be faced with clarity of truth, purity of righteousness and absolute judgement. We will have no belief choices and we will not be able to argue the matter. We will all be in the knowing of how things really are.
30 Jan 2018:
It is the evil ones who flee from hell. While the absolute righteous ones brings righteous judgement and hell to those who have freely cursed themselves.
31 Jan 2018:
The distractions and disruptions you have chosen over repentance and righteousness. Shall all be taken away from you. You will be forced to reconnect to the earth and to the Holy Spirit. Your only alternative will be to perish and to be further judged.
My: 01 Feb 2018:
The stench of sin from the humans which have become abominations in My sight engulfs My nostrils. My ears know the cries of the innocent and righteous. My attention is upon them all and soon they all will truly know Me again. I will take away from them all, their idea of wealth and health. I will take away from them all, their definition of comfort and ease. I will take away from them all, the idea of peace and love. So says the Lord.
01 Feb 2018:
Nothing good comes from sin and if all that you want and desire is sin. Then nothing good you shall reap. All that you will know shall be unclean and impure. Like the pigs you shall become wallowing in your own feces laden mud. Your fathers shall eat your sons and your sons shall eat their fathers. Until danger, disaster and disease take your own wasted lives.
02 Feb 2018:
Any pride, ego, arrogance, entitlement or supremacy will keep you from the stairway to heaven. It shall only be repentance with the intention of sinning no more.
Pride will always lead you to the quick slide to hell. While a righteous humble person will be able to recognize the stairway to Heaven.

04 Feb 2018:
Day two thinking about China.
05 Feb 2018:
Day three thinking about China.
06 Feb 2018:
I received nothing about China.
I did get this: Why are you so concerned about every other nation. You should be concerned for your own.
Then comes the quotes which I shall write in a few minutes. It's not fun.
I think this many quotes has just ended.
Personal Note:
I'm not a prophet. I'm just a bad writer and a deeply flawed human being. But, I write well enough for those who happen upon these things. To clearly know the intention. Then if inspired after much prayer and fasting. To relay what is written here in a much better way. To those in your own communities to effect a better humanity only in the sight of God. Read the purple below as well.
 To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Friday, October 9, 2015

Silent Prophets: Judgement Occurred: Unbearable Silence: (Edited): 09 Oct 2015:

The prophets of God who become silent in the midst of turmoil are an indication that prophecies are no longer needed. As the hearts of all men have become hardened and the minds of all men have become bull-headed, the fate of humanity has chosen for itself shall manifest. Death, Destruction, Disaster, Disease.
Judgement Occurred: (Unedited): 09 Oct 2015:
The silence of God and of His angels shall be assumed by His chosen prophets that Judgement has already occurred.
Unbearable Silence: (Unedited): 09 Oct 2015: 
The silence of God and of His angels shall be unbearable to his chosen prophets. 
Because, after judgement has already been decided, what more can be said by the Holy Judge? Especially, to those who have already hardened their own hearts and have become bullheaded in their own minds.
Added on 16 Oct 2015: This section unedited.
I was just watching informed Christians on YouTube. I have only recently subscribed. Have you ever had that aha moment? I do all of the time. Even though I write poorly. There are many times I write and have no clue what any of it means. Such as the above content. Wait a minute I gotta go read it again. Scroll up time. I'm back. Christians basically teach. You will be judged upon your death. That is loosely taught. But, that is not necessarily true. maybe, this is a steep learning curve for me as I have never really considered the when of Judgement and have always assumed that upon my death. I shall be judged.
But, in real life and in real Israeli and world history according to the Holy Bible. Judgement always preceded Death of anyone, any city, any nation and any people. The cause has always been disobedience to the Laws of God. PERIOD. The judgement of God can happen at any time before your physical death. Just look at all of the old testament kings who were judged for their disobedience. Nebuchadnezzar DNA was apparently altered in a living judgement by God. Especially, after he declared (My Paraphrase)"I did This" with great pride and arrogance. Research and go read for yourself. (Hint. It has only been recently that we can apply some kind of rudimentary scientific understanding to this. Did God cause the arrogant king to become an insane mutant bird man for a time? can you imagine that? and then God caused the poor king to revert back to normal. This living Judgement of God was for a great and prideful king. What kind of living judgement would God apply to the common person? What about the perpetual disobedient person. Would God disallow freedom of change to a good and obedient person? I think so but I'm not God nor am I His agent to tell Him what he can and cannot do. I see people who are incapable of change all of the time and yet they cannot fathom why their life is so awful. I see it like that human god pharaoh during the time of Moses. God told Moses that he was going to prevent the living human god Pharaoh to relent. Go check it out. No hints this time and don't believe me. Go look. How many times?

 In the time of Noah. Only 8 adults survived out of all of the human beings. Including all of those human babies, cute kitties and adorable puppies. All of which you would have declared was worth saving of all of those innocent lives. There may have been up to 1 billion people on the planet. Yes, I know that number can be argued. The point is the God defined remnant which was saved was 8 out of how ever many humans were on the planet at that time. Today, There are more than 7 billion human beings on this planet. In which the prophecies in the Holy Bible states that a remnant will be saved. Assuming correct interpretation. As it was during the time of Jesus. Those who knew the prophecies of the coming Messiah were confounded. I believe yet again. The modern day theologian will also be confounded at the prophetic event to yet come.

Are we in the time of Noah? Well there is still argument on that. I'm in the boat for that argument. The one last thing which will prove that we are truly in the times of Noah is the return of the fallen angels into the consciousness of every common person on this planet. The Bible says as it was in the time of Noah. So to ...  The one thing we all forget is the fallen angels were openly amongst all of humanity. They were having their encounters with human women. The rest I will leave for you to read in Genesis as well as Enoch.
So what do we know about all of the seals in the Christian prophecies. A whole lot of people are gonna die in a very short period of time. Can you say for certain just how God is gonna define remnant yet again? If you do the math in the Bible. You will come up with immediate effect on life lost. The Bible does not include what life is lost after each event. In which more life can be lost after each event then during each event. We do know that God must intervene in order to prevent extinction.  
Note: I do not believe that the book of Enoch should be included in the Holy Bible. It should stand alone and thoroughly questioned. As it is now. By those who are way smarter than me.
This where I was flooded with Judgement. (Get it). Thank you for your inspirations and understanding of the quotes I've written.
3 Hours of Enoch

To love one another.

To live in peace.

To exist in harmony.

 To cherish life. To obey/honor the Laws of God.

 To become the holy and righteous people as The Heavenly Father intended us all to be.
Edited By: R.L.Dell
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Is it live or is it Memorex? +3: (Unedited): 23 June 2015:

From a moment of peace, to a moment of total created chaos. Out of orchestrated chaos comes the peace and the way of life the worldly masters create for you. Every siren blares. every cell phone rings. The danger is imminent.
As it is in every cataclysmic Hollywood movie ever created. The ultimate disaster is averted in the nick of time or the worldly chosen stars survive.
It would be easy for the government to prank it's own citizens into a predicted response and for very real political change. What if this happened to the whole of the world? Everyone would believe and respond accordingly. The media would do their parts. Like dogs being led with tasty treats.
The evil governments can finally rid themselves of those undesirables as they each define them to be. These undesirables can be any person who is not aligned politically, a believing person of wrong faith, criminals and convicts, the mentally ill or the perpetually sick or even a different skin tone or from the wrong nations or wrong cultures. All of these things defined by the new masters of the world.
The funny apathy of some kids. The concerned and caring mother is pranked by her own children. The children tease their mother for caring.
Added on 06 Feb 2025:
The time is coming when the sirens will seem like they are never ending and then in a moment in time every vehicle with a siren is blaring and rushing to the scene of an emergency.
In every direction you shall hear the sirens of your heroes rushing to many different emergencies all at once. 
Then when all of the people notice the sirens blaring all of the time. There shall come an instant silence. This is when you will know you lost and no one is coming to save you. 
The coming of the silence is when the people begin to perish. Most will die except for those who have prepared, hidden themselves and are protected by God. 
Please help if you can. Thank You.
Cash App $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.

Sunday, September 1, 2013

World Bully: (Unedited): 01 Sept 2013:

The bully of the world will see their end when the whole of the world becomes fed up with it's antics.  
This is prophecy.
The bully does not nor ever has had unlimited reign over his/her victims. Such is the state of the world. When the bully no longer is a threat to the collective individual nations. The bully will become more harmed than all of the harm it is forced onto individual nations. What this will mean is even though the civilian population under the bully government has been deceived for more than 40 years. They will directly suffer the effects of their elected governments bullying of the world. While that very same bully government has created their COG (Continuation of Government) plans in order to protect themselves from most eventual disaster whether it be man made, outside influence, natural or a combination of events. They will not care about the civilian population when in some estimates that 200+ million will perish in certain disasters. The bully government survives and will then want to perpetuate their same old evil amongst the surviving civilian population.
The USA is at the end of their line. As witnessed by the news in regards to Syria. If the USA continues on with their bully tactics against the whole of the world. The entire country will end. Hopefully the foreign countries like Russia and China will focus on the government personnel and not the civilian population. Which is unlikely. China will be brutal against the civilian population of the former USA. I've written about this before. Cuba will see their own re-emergence in a few years or sooner. Russian warships visit Cuba on a friendly visit. Did they drop off any packages? of course Russia did. It is respectful when visiting to bring a gift.

These Russian warships also visited Venezuela.

The Russian warships  also visited Nicaragua.

During the cold war Cuba led the front of Latin American alliances against the USA. Research this for yourself. This will enlighten you as to what is the intent of Russia and these Countries these warships visited. Especially that missile cruiser. Which can launch at one time 20 Nuclear tipped cruise missiles. Not counting re-launch abilities. Just one ship. I am not speaking from fear or paranoia. I am speaking in awe of this powerful ship and there are 3 more in modernization. 
The old Latin American ties of the former USSR  is being renewed as I type this. Except now. With the advent of new portable and reusable EMP technology devices. This makes the individual military style special forces teams of the world into city destroyers without all of the destruction. Although the result of the use of these portable EMP weapons would be chaos and then death. Especially in the USA where technology is crucial to life in the mega city's like Miami, Tampa, Jacksonville, Houston, New Orleans, Pensacola and etc. With the majority of civilian populations living near coastal waters. This act can be very disastrous if an American TET Offensive is implemented. Every major coastal city gets attacked at nearly the same time with an EMP bomb. Then those Special operations units leave and go to another city to repeat the process.
The USA government must stop bullying other nations. Their survival is at stake. In the end the USA government loses and maybe the entire world.  My related blogs below.
What is weird. What if Dictator Putin is the good guy? What if China is on the good side. While the American government people and American government are on the wrong/bad side? Can the world exist without the USA? Of course. Will the world be better off for it? In the short term probably not. I still believe that as of this writing the extinction of the human race is the finger of China. I still believe that as of this writing the glory of humanity will also be by the finger of China.
Prophecy is only that which is probable.

If you do not like that which has been prophesied by any prophet or prophetess in all of human history. It matters not if you approve of them or not.
1) Then change you ways. You know that love, peace, harmony and life stuff. Embrace the truth.
2) The create plans and technology to manage and mitigate undesirable events. For everyone and not just for your own selfish survival (COG).

Altering and changing the certain outcome to any prophecy is really that easy. Refuse to hate. Refuse to war. Refuse to act chaotically. Refuse all aspects of death. Refuse all lies and deceptions. Refuse Racism.
It is my hope to prevent all of the bad and sad prophecies as foretold by anyone, from anywhere and at any time. 
:The Lies and Deceptions of RACE:
We are all one humanity, one species and one family. When all of the common peoples unite together to love one another, to live in peace with each other and to exist in harmony. Then we all can find a very rich life we all can live with great meaning.
If you cannot separate yourself from the lies and deceptions of the separation and division of the races. Then you, your family and your entire church will/may not be one of the elect, protected, saved or raptured. You must begin to know and believe that we are a single race of beings called humans. We are all brother and sister to one another.

The DNA fingerprinting was established in 1984. Read it well. Believe the truth and reject the lies you have only known as truth.
The history of humanity told by many different traditions.
From about 8 minutes and 50 seconds to the introduction of the European leader. Listen good. This was in 26 June 2000. President Bill Clinton Library.
Research for yourself the Human skin. Learn how it is the largest organ of the human body. Learn about all of the primary functions of the human skin. Then learn about the minor function of the coloring of the skin. Learn how if you lose a primary function of the skin. You can die. Where as if you lose your skin coloring. You will just be uncomfortable, but still living with possible social ridicule. Now, after you have learned all about your human skin. Ask yourself this. Why do we not compare other organs of the body with other people such as the liver, kidneys, gall bladder and etc. How come there isn't racial stereo types for those who can drink much alcohol and those who cannot drink? Why? Race or the coloring of the skin is illogical and without any actual fact. 
Added on 12 Oct 2015:
 Russia, China and Iran are in Syria. They have some kind of agreement with Iraq and maybe Saudi Arabia. The USA has suppressed news of unofficially supporting both the Syrian Rebels as well as ISIS, ISIL, IS. There is suppressed news of who is supplying these groups brand new Toyota's. There is suppressed news that a claimed ISIS person stated they get their support from the USA. There is suppressed news that the USA has attacked the Kurds as genuine American citizens risk their lives for these embattled people. Do the research for yourself. I have no intention of relaying some of these links as I do not think they can be trusted. The Media news in the USA is more corrupt than ever. In which CNN and Fox leads the way. With their own specific viewership.
@2130 hours on CNN news Tonight the USA has dropped 50 tons of weapons and ammunition to the rebels of Syria. Including hand grenades. I had a vision of hand grenades being thrown in a movie theater some time ago. (Maybe Star Wars).
The only American Aircraft Carrier in the Middle east has departed. USS Theodore Roosevelt. Per Stars and Stripes News. 
I think the entire American civilian population has been duped and continues to be duped.
Here is a new prophecy or the how in an old prophecy of mine.
The enemies of the USA and Israel. Wants every aspect of the USA and Israel to be totally wiped out of existence. This includes the history that either one ever existed. Think about this. To be able to start from day one ruling over the entire world without any history at all to conflict in any way with your rule. You can become gods. Like the Pharaohs over all of the slaves of Egypt. The whole planet becomes your slaves. Right now, The world is only a few to 10 generations (less than 15 years or 2030) away from autonomous robots that can patrol air, sea above/below, land and already in space. All by a simple command. Any ruler will be able to exercise total control over the entire population without any trust issues. In less than one living generation. The entire population will be dumbed down. No one will be taught any advanced logical thinking, weapons training or hand to hand combat skills. That is the dream of those who thirst for total world governance. That won't happen as they want it to. What will happen is the total extinction of all humanity. There is no safe place on Earth.
Who started it. Most likely the Oligarchical USA.
What will it look like. The actual terrorist will inhabit homes in which they cannot afford. In other words. These terrorists will live in strategic places. Like direct ocean or Gulf of Mexico access. They will work for day labor minimum wage outlets by day. This gives each terrorist invisibility as well as some monies for living. It also provides the ability to easily disappear. The direct salt water access gives them each the ability to receive and/or send undisclosed goods. Their docks will most likely be dark. Which is usually a contradiction to any security mode of thinking. Their neighbors won't see or hear them if at all. They will keep to themselves. Maybe, see them fishing for food. These will be just a portion of the coming American Tet. Law enforcement, FBI, CIA, DHS and others wont be able to do anything. They will all be clean. They won't have anything and cry victim to their consulates. These terrorists will include Latinos, Somalis and all other Islamic peoples. The Russians and Chinese will already have their own personnel in place.
What will these terrorist receive? Most likely all American made weapons and explosives. Why is that? Because, in every way they want to use everything we have and are against us. This is direct Sun Tzu line of thinking. If you have not read or studied Sun Tzu. Then you may not easily understand. The Sun Tzu Book "The Art of War" is a very evil book. Who taught humanity warfare? The fallen angels. Then we evolved it and we will continue to evolve warfare until one of two things happen. We destroy ourselves which is most probable or we become a very real conquering threat to the fractured fallen angels.
Now that Russia, China, Iran and North Korea are officially aligned militarily with each other. The direct threat to the USA may seem obscure. Iran now has their missile to hit anywhere in Israel with a 500 meter accuracy range. I can see a line forming against Israel. from Cyprus to Syria. Iraq will fall into the line eventually. Iran will start building missile silos in large quantities. Which shall be surrounded by S-300's. As well as a variety of other cheap air defense systems to overwhelm American used war planes. Iran is purchasing a very large number of refueling planes. This number is most likely excessive. But, when airborne can easily refuel Russian and Chinese fighters, bombers and transport aircraft. Iran seems to be in that perfect place to be responsible for that. All that follows is an agreement with Jordan and Saudi Arabia. The next King of Saudi Arabia may be more pleasant with Russia and China. Maybe, even share their military with them. Some how I do see Russia and China getting advanced Military hardware. It is from Saudi Arabia. The how is in question. Saudi Arabia may only exist by permission of an agreement with Russia, China and Iran. If Saudi Arabia does not agree. Then it will be totally destroyed and all Royal blood lines will be hunted and killed.
This all must precede before taking military action against Israels oil and gas reserves. Egypt has new oil and gas finds as well. Greater than Israels. Egypt just purchased both helicopter carriers from France as well as the entire flights of helicopters from Russia. There has been also suppressed news about France dealing militarily with Russia in Syria. I wonder who is going to end up with those helicopter carriers? Mr. Putin... So Israel is surrounded with Air craft carriers. Loosely defined.
So what must be done before an all out attack upon Israel? To which Russia and China will play their parts but will be minimized by the media.
The USA must be neutralized first. Read my other writings.
First look into the global markets. All countries who sees what is going on with the USA Will quietly shift their businesses and monies to Europe, China and Russia. Once the American losses can be survived. Will they begin to implement. That has already begun and it can easily be seen. Another alleged explosion in China tonight. China is patient. They will hold their course. Unless the American politicians do something very stupid. China is both the trigger which begins humanities extinction or they will lead humanity to greatness. It is only one or the other. So far it is probable that humanity will become extinct.
They will be successful. The entire American civilian population will suffer from walking away from God. As what was done to Israel so to it shall be done to New jerUSAlem. They are all helpless. They will have no protection from the God they have abandoned, rejected, denied and outlawed. They have made the declared sins of God a lawful right of freedom. Judgement is made and the discipline comes when the prophets become troubled from the silence. It was their collectively agreed upon vote. Which in agreement and of inaction. Judgement comes to them all. The whole of the world will be amazed at just how easily America fell.
By your command: This is very important to understand. Once an order is given to a machine. It will see it all the way through. Without question, guilt or remorse.
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Doom Prophet +11: (Unedited): 29 June 2013:

Be warned of those who proclaim to be prophets of doom and gloom. Their words are that which they desire to be most right. 
Being a prophet of doom and gloom is not about being right or mostly right. It is about creating a realization and appropriate actions which will avert a upcoming disaster. If the disaster cannot be averted. Then plans for mitigation and management must be enacted.
Was the Prophet Jonah correct in his prophecy to Nineveh? No. The people saved themselves. They mitigated and managed how GOD was going to respond. It is the same with any other prophecy written or foretold.
Genesis 41 shows profoundly how all of the life of Egypt were going to die. The Pharaoh had this dream in which the wrongly imprisoned slave who was sold by his own brothers. Basically said "We all are going to die" But I (Joseph) can mitigate and manage it. Well, go and read the full version and not my shortened inaccurate interpretation. This is the essential school of prophecy understanding and the action which must be taken to prevent, mitigate and manage the event or events. This is something which apparently NO CHRISTIAN, Islamic or any other religious person understands. All of the bad and sad prophecies are only probable and not absolute. All prophecies which have ever been spoken or written are NOT ABSOLUTE. C.J.MacKechnie
A prophecy only becomes absolute when you and others work towards its eventual expected coming. 
Added on 31 Dec 2015: Islamic Intentions as reported: 
Added on 07 Dec 2024:
Being saved by God may not be a forever saving grace. You may have only been given a reprieve.
A reprieve given without any repentance is a delayed death sentence. 
A calamity which should have come, but never was can be a reprieve given when the evidence of repentance by all is known by God. 
The prophets of doom shall disappear when God knows that repentance shall not come. 
The destructive power of Judgement shall be witnessed by every unrepentant soul. 
Those professing Christians who have seen no need for any forgiveness, righteousness, holiness or to know the power of the Holy Spirit shall also witness much suffering, death and destruction.
The lifelong professing Christians who have succumbed to the powerful delusion sent to the world by God shall be a witness to the coming horrific judgements sent to the world. 
Those Christian leaders who merely put on a show/act while refusing all of the power and gifts of the Holy Spirit shall not only witness the horrific judgements which have been prophetically foretold. They will also hear those words from God "...I never knew you...".
Those Christian leaders who teaches other Christians that they do not have to do anything more but pay tithes. Leads those following souls to judgement and they too will witness horrific prophecies which unfold. 
The self professing prophet which does not offer the way to prevent or mitigate coming prophecies may be more concerned with their own profits. 
By becoming Holy and Righteous in the accepting eyes of God may be sufficient for God to withheld his own hand of judgement.
When the people genuinely repent of their sins and begin to pursue holiness and righteousness. The calamities which were predicted by the prophets become reprieves that your children and grandchildren must come to terms with in their days of self governance.
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Life or Death Road:(Unedited): 19 March 2013:

Before you reach your chosen destination on the road of death. You will encounter many stops along the way such as death, despair, depression, disillusionment, darkness, disaster, destitution, and demonic. C.J.MacKechnie
Before you reach your chosen destination on the road of life. You will encounter many stops along the way such as Life, Love, Limitless, Liberation, Light, Leadership, Legitimacy and Lucidity. C.J.Mackechnie

What road are you on in this life? Life or death? or both from time to time? It is really simple. Your beliefs and actions dictate what road you are on.
Are you on drugs? It matters not the legality or cultural acceptance. Depending on the type of drugs. You may either be on the path of life or death.
Are you a drug dealer or any other kind of criminal? Your on the path of death.
Have you surrounded yourself with images of death and horror? Your on the path of death.
Are you an out of control thrill seeker? You may have never felt more alive when risking the probability of death.
Are you always angry and full of hate? Your on the path of death.
Do you find entertainment in other peoples suffering and misery? Your on the path of death.
Do you agree with abortion? This is not political and those who have caused you to believe this is a political and social right are wrong. Your mind is on the path of death.

You own actions can be confusing. Your mind can think one think, your spirit another and your physical actions different then all three. Oh yea, you may not believe in a spirit or soul. Your own internal conflict means your on the path of death.
The path of life. Love, Peace, Harmony and of course Life. Surround yourself with these four things and you shall have it. Believe with your own spirit, your own mind, your own body. Then follow through with action. Love one another, Live in peace, exist in harmony and cherish all life. To love one another is the key. Without Love, Continued Life is not possible.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Positive Outlook: Raptures explained: (unedited): 03 June 2010:

The positive outlook that you have from time to time in your life. Has always been solely under your control and by your own decision. C.J.MacKechnie 
Histories Outlook:(Unedited) 03 June 2010:
Your positive outlook in life should not be tied to what is going. What has happened in your life or what will happen in your life. C.J.MacKechnie
 The positive outlook or even the negative outlook you have is all based on your own selected decision. It doesn't matter if the facts presented to you is true. This is the same premise of the glass is either half full or half empty. It is your decision in what you will believe and don't believe. Do you want to live your life with positive hope or negative despair. It is really that simple. How you think, feel and believe in your own tiny little world does have an effect/affect on the rest of those who bump into your world from time to time. Isn't it better to positively inspire others to be hopeful in life or just bash them into hopeless despair?
The world will change when you change the way you think, feel and believe. How do you want this world of planet earth to become? It is all up to you.
By you changing your belief system into something more positive. By changing the way you think into something more positive. Both of those together will have a positive effect on how you feel. Your feelings will become more positive. Then your whole life will become more positive.
If you spend all of your time thinking and believing that the prophecies you have studied will absolutely come true. Then your outlook on life may not be to positive. Especially when you have done the math in the Holy Bible end time prophecies. That approximately 5 billion people are going to die in a short period of time. You may be able to find some comfort in the pre tribulation rapture. But, still approximately 5 billion people are going to die.
Prophecy should not be thought of as something which will happen. Unless, you do not have the technology to avert a coming disaster.  Yes, this also includes those prophecies which are in the Holy Bible. Those prophecies which are in the Holy Bible are going to occur because of our collective wrong decisions. Those collective wrong decisions is what brings about the near extinction of all life on this planet Earth. Including Human Life. 
It is up to you to ascertain the truth of the information I have listed from other sources. You have to pray, meditate and contemplate on this.
For me personally, I do not believe in the Rapture. The history of the life of Early Christians is just further proof of no rapture. I'm not so rigid because I have no plans or intentions to argue or debate with GOD my Heavenly Father on HIS will. Just because, I do not believe in the rapture at which ever time it may happen. Doesn't mean I am going to reject the rapture when it happens and it may even happen all through the entire tribulation event. So, I am already prepared to be teased at my upcoming loving ridicule. I have no problem in declaring "Yep, I'm wrong, Now lets go".
:Pre Tribulation Rapture Proofs:
 :Mid Tribulation Rapture Proofs:
:Post Tribulation Rapture proofs:
:No Tribulation Rapture:

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Data Trust: (Unedited): 08 Dec 2012:

Absolute trust in the proven data known, doesn't take into account the possible disaster created from the absence of information not known. C.J.MacKechnie
So as long as the keepers of the secrets. Withhold mathematical  theories and insights from the world. Which may be wise since it seems the whole of the world wants and desires extinction.
So as long as the mathematicians still use two dimensional math on flat surfaces. (Flat Math).
Those surprises from the absence of information will raise it's ugly head from time to time and cause much mischief of unknown certainties.
Flat math is how we teach all children to learn math. We exist and live in a multidimensional universe. So how is it we use flat math? I don't get it.
Lonely formulas is when we only use one specific formula to see a solution. The mathematical universe is all inter connected and mutually related to one another in perfect agreement. So how is it we use a singular formula for the grand answers. When theories like the whole of (for instance) Ohm's law tells a more complete electronics story for a moment of time. By using all of the formulas for a specific space in time and for a particular function. You can see the better picture with a decreased probability of unknown certainties occurring.
I know a person whom I call " Mr. Murder". Mr. means respect and honor given. Murder means his line of work. He educated me the other night about the absence of information in regards to his line of work. This write is about trust or how you should not trust. Which implies the objective as well as the subjective. I think there is more Quotes coming about the "Absence of Information".  

To love one another.

To live in peace.

To exist in harmony.

 To cherish life. 
To obey/honor the Laws of God.

 To become the holy and righteous people as The Heavenly Father intended us all to be.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 