Showing posts with label Micro-economy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Micro-economy. Show all posts

Friday, July 28, 2023

MicroEconomy Countdown: (Unedited): 25-28 July 2023:

 Warning: As I write this, you need to understanding that I have no idea what I'm talking about in regards to anything related to economic knowledge or understanding. I've always been one paycheck from homelessness. I've missed meals because of not having enough money. No Quotes.
There are allot of threats coming against your way of life. They are almost to many to count. You can no longer trust the best and greatest hope to the world which was and is the United States of America. So for the common person there is no longer the better or freer place. But, because the people of the world are not aware of these changes. They still come rushing to the last great free nation. What do you do? What can you do? Your first thing and to take action on is to think within. Think about your family, your church, your friends, your community. 
In order to economically hardened yourself, your family, your friends, your church, your neighbors and your community. You must only do business with only those businesses that are within your defined borders. Stop doing business with all big box stores. Do not do business with any company or business which is outside of your own localized borders. In doing so begins the hardening of your own local economics. Thus, creating your own micro-economy. As more and more citizens participate in your local economy. The stronger it becomes. Then when those elites continue to threaten global starvation, global resets. Your way of living will suffer but you should not be destroyed as you continue on with the exchange of things instead of the exchange of cash or digital cash. Remember, In European nations they are teaching the school children how much fun it is to eat bugs and other insects. All without the warning of how you can get a variety of parasites. Research those people who have escaped North Korea.
You each must begin to remain closer and closer to your home town. Each small town, church, community, neighborhood and family must become as self sufficient as possible as quickly as possible.
As an individual, Each person in the due season must remove all ornamental plants and replant with only edible or medicinal trees, bushes and trees. You should only plant heirloom, antique, wild seeds, plants, bushes and trees. Please remember it can take many years to go to first fruits, then another couple of years to go to full fruits. But, there are grafting techniques which can offer you fruit during the very next harvest. Do honor your specific growing region and sun requirements for each plant, tree or bush.
Then consider to choose which animals you can take proper care of. Plan your vegetable gardens. 
Small Towns and small communities. People will start wanting to come back. Encourage those with what is considered by you as essential skill sets. Begin to allow multi uses in your empty spaces down town. Which means families can live above their stores and work shops. By managing those people with necessary skill sets. Will go a long way to harden your own local economy. 
Small towns should be able to seize abandoned and unused local properties and buildings. Then demolish and clean off all lands and conduct a do over in the rebuilding of what you imagine a modern small town should be. 
Building requirements should include a full and tall basement, business/warehouse floor, residence on top floor. Drives and roads must be engineered for truck drivers to drive around counter clock wise. 
Basements should all be interconnected. With proper security and privacy. 
New Home builds should also include highly recommended solid one piece concrete monolithic dome homes which can be fully buried or partially buried. This will bring a massive improvement to safety and security.  
The success of any American micro-economy is dependent on the continued reliability upon each person and family. This idea is not just about doing more than surviving any economic downturn. This is also for the aftermath of just about any emergency event.
The links below is for basic educational purposes. 
Please help if you can. Thank You.
Cash App $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.

Thursday, November 3, 2022

Survival Micro Economies: (Unedited): 03 Nov 2022:

Just a Note anything related to economy anything is typically beyond the scope of my understanding. What I write is only about the concepts and should be discussed and researched by your own community. 
As the common people begin to get more and more fed up with how those who are in power and authority creates financial emergencies every few years. The idea of a great reset now seems to have been planned all along. While the common person sees all of their hard earned efforts fade away. They will be initially angry and upset. Then they will seek solutions absent of any official authority from any governmental entity. 
Each person will know that there is no get rich scheme. They all will know that it is necessary to simply provide for their own families. This will be the foundational intention of each participating person and participating survival community. 
Once the common person begins to accept that the actual source of their problems is in each of their own governmental entities. Then they will decide for themselves what their actions shall be. Especially, when in the history of humanity it is always the common person who suffers and dies for their leaders who risk nothing. While they lose everything regardless of victory or defeat. So, you common peoples begin to refuse to allow your own children to participate in any governmental activities which includes learning the trade of combat and warfare. Refuse to allow your own children to wear any kind of uniform of warfare.
The micro economies of each community must be set up, in efficient use and aligned with other micro economies prior to any real emergency or disaster. This is not just for any emergency or disaster. This is for daily living and daily life.
The people who participate within their own individual micro economy must be able to create a product and service which can cause a trading action with other people within the established micro economy and by permission and agreement outside and with other exclusive micro economies. 
To legally set up your micro economy. You could use the same laws which protect other businesses like Sam's Clubs, Costco, Eagle's clubs, retired military clubs and the more elite clubs. This also implies that legal guidance must be used prior to any establishment of any micro economy. 
Is there also international legal protections for establishing micro economies? These should be looked into as well. 
How does the Amish and Mennonites do what they do legally? How does the indigenous do what they do in their own nations? While still encompassed by other national territories like the USA. 
Each person must develop their own functional skill sets which are worthy of trade within established micro economies. There should also be artistic value and associated with a high degree of high quality. I do think there will be value associated with human made goods especially with the advent of AI and robotic made goods of every kind. These skill sets must be established before hand. Getting like minded people to become associated with the common culture of a like minded micro economy community will be difficult at first. But, once the new emerging elders begins to tell the young ones about how their retirement funding efforts have taken large percentage hits every few years since around 2001. This wisdom from the common peoples and their families will begin to develop into something uniquely individual by their own reasoning. This will be interesting to see how any of this develops. 
The established skill sets will develop based on needs at first and then spread into other improvements in efficiencies and proficiencies. The merging of both the ancient or preindustrial skill sets with the modern era skill sets. You probably cannot have one without the other. Especially, if you plan for any micro-economy which is to last longer than the current world governmental systems and economies. You must have both and they both must become one in some sort of interesting amalgam. 
How any micro-economy survives is not in the organization or organizers. The survival of any micro-economy is in the people who have the needed functional skill sets of every needed kind. The beginning of these micro economies will most likely begin in the agrarian setting and then expand from that base line and into food preparation and then into good family entertainment. Some of these will be seen as superficial in appearance but they are just the beginning of the richness of the micro-economy. Because from singing and the playing of musical instruments or the telling of stories does lead to the teaching of those essential skill sets to the next generation of gifted young minds. The idea of teaching everything is necessary for the continuation and growth of your community and of the micro economy.
Your church must establish its own community in which the people decide to exclusively take care of each other and to do business with one another as much as reasonably possible. Making connections with other churches and their own developing micro economies will only strengthen one another. The use of crypto currencies as a value of trade and transference of wealth should also be researched and developed. But, as of today those who have and hold all of the worlds wealth continue to gather more and more from the common people. Even to the degree that they each claim to get richer while the common person gets poorer and poorer with every market rise and market collapse. They have now only begun to invest in crypto which means they are also manipulating crypto as well. So an agreed upon medium of wealth must be established for transference options.
The idea of any modern day micro economy can only last as long as there is still modern day technology available. So it will be necessary to create or to have on hand as well as the necessary ancient skill sets of creating ledgers. The merging of the old and the new shall always be thought of together.
Flea Markets may even begin to see a rise in interests and transformation. Churches may need to invest in large tracks of land which may exceed 100 acres and create a retail environment coupled with housing as which was done in the old days. In the old days people worked out of their homes as the people of the community came to them for needed products and services. So the creation of housing along with the idea of a flea markets coupled together. Something which is also expandable. 
I have also seen in a vision where a large church is seen in the back ground of a property while up front a retail like environment as well as other services were at the forefront of the property. The merging of a variety of concepts as well as open communication between each developing community based micro economies should be welcomed. 
The purpose of this is to establish the idea of localized micro economies in concept. Then it will be for each community to take this concept and personalize it for their own effective use. Your micro economy must also branch out into agreements with other like minded micro economies. Your micro economy will be as you define it and build it by agreement of all participants. 
You must also know that in prophecy all of the churches were admonished by God except for those who are or will be most like the ancient churches of Smyrna and Philadelphia. So, will your church be admonished or praised by God? This is prophecy and it is your choice and the choice of those who choose your church as their own. For God will be present in the holy places of those churches who will not be admonished by him. You most likely need to decide right now or very soon and in accordance to the prophecy time lime assuming if the human created time lines are somewhat accurate in the reality of the intentions of and plans of God. No human will actually know until that which is prophetic has already happened.
Cash App: $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Friday, May 27, 2022

Co-Ops, Micro Economies Survives Severe Global Or National Down Trends: (Unedited): 22 May 2022:

New dated content dated below. 
With everything depending on everything else. Sometimes it is necessary to remove yourself as just one of the cogs in the great global machine. I see it like factory work when one part of the machine goes down or some college educated buyer fails to buy enough of that one thing needed. Everything stops. So to is how this great global market place functions. So, what happens when China stops producing and shipping goods. Like they have already by almost two months now? It takes about 90ish days for the depletion to occur within your own personal market space. 
So what do you do? and what can you do? 
You begin to shop and continually shop exclusively at your own local and regional farmers co-ops. Where 100% of your locally made monies stays within the community.
You begin to grow your own foods at home. Even if you have to remove all of your beautiful ornamental trees and bushes. You begin to research and seek out natural "wild" trees and plants which will grow and produce for your own specific growing region. You begin to work on the idea of harvesting fruits and nuts as close to every month of the year as possible. Then from all of your excesses you can or give away. Then when those people who have been given your naturally wild fruits. Then can plant those seeds and wait 5-7 years for their own first fruits. The point is this. When you begin to grow your own foods. Any global event which causes food shortages or even starvation is minimized. When you have already been participating in your own local micro economy and co-ops. Any global or national economic down turn becomes less of a burden. 
But here is the problem with local Co-ops and micro economies. You must have already been regularly participating within those groups for more than two seasons. A farmer cannot just suddenly plan for an unknown economic down turn or a coming food shortage if the farmer does not know. The farmer can only reasonably plan for you and your purchases. That takes time and planning. That takes hard work during the entire growing season. That requires the adding of more animals to care for. That requires the same commitment from you that the farmer gives to you. This requires a greater relationship from you the consumer to your farmers than you ever had with any big box store employee. Because, if you do not do your part. Then the farmer's who depend on you directly and immediately suffers. For instance, You cannot say you are going to buy half a pig/hog, 30 chickens and a quarter of a cow in one year and then conveniently forget or just say I just bought a motorcycle or jet ski - so no thank you. That farmer was just harmed by you. That farmer just worked dawn to dusk for you. That farmer just worked every weekend for you. That farmer just fed and cleaned those animals for you. That farmer honorably sacrificed for you. The deals you make with a farmer is not just a everyday business deal that you can just quit and forget on. 
So as you decide to plant your own edible plants, bushes and trees. Use only heirloom, antique and naturally wild seeds, trees, plants and bushes. Because, to use anything else will mean the seeds will not be viable. No! you "may not" be able to use organic seeds, from organic produce, from that so called big box health food stores?.?.? If the labeled organic produce is irradiated from interstate transport or come from another country. Then those recovered organic seeds may sprout, but the plant will look beautiful and the fruit severely deformed. My experience.
The Christian Prophecies do suggest great pain, harm and suffering is coming to the entire world and for all peoples. Do the math and also understand more people suffer and die after any emergency event than during. Which group of people is the math for those during the events or afterwards or both?  This also include the USA, Canada, Western Europe, South America and the whole world. 
So how do you lessen the severity of that which is coming? Well, you look into the story of Jonah and then you look into the story of Joseph of Egypt. You genuinely repent and change your life forever. Then you do for your family, your friends, your church, your community, your city and your nation. As what Joseph had done in their time of plenty. Then you be like Jesus Christ and you love one another. Because those who you both love and hate, call friend or enemy are all your brethren, your family, your relation, your aunt, your uncle, your brother, your sister, your honored elders. You give mercy and compassion to everyone. You spiritually, emotionally and physically care for everyone. You feed the hungry. You cloth the naked. You cause no harm. You cause no suffering. You cause no pain. Mathew 25: 31-46.
But, how can you do anything in the name of the Lord when you are also lacking? How can you do unto every Jesus who comes before you in their own suffering need when you have not anything to offer. So be like Joseph in the time of plenty, plan and implement those plans. 
You, who are in Central and South America. Your family is coming home by the hundreds of millions. So if you plan now and work those plans now. Their arrival will become a most blessed blessing. If you do not and do nothing and believe not is Christ. Then their arrival will become an apparent great curse. Do not allow sin to be in any holy place. A holy place is everywhere you are assuming your pursuing righteousness, holiness, fleeing from and rejecting all sin.
In regards to any aspect of exclusive micro-economies. I have no idea what I'm talking about. I can only write what I see. I see church organizations like (A) Sam's Cub or Costco as well as using the already existing laws for other exclusive clubs like those drinking clubs such as Eagles and others. All without the sin, alcohol, tobacco and drugs.
So I do see established store front on those large church campuses for members only. I do see inter-trade between one established church based micro-economy with other church based micro-economies.  I do see security becoming more visible. How is that related. Not sure. I do see more coordinated attacks on the church and on the people leaving church as bad people follow them to lunch or home and then conduct their attacks on the unsuspecting Christian families. 
Added on 11 June 2022: The coming US governmental failed con against their own citizenry.
The rural people of the USA will learn their lessons this fall and winter. When foods and fuels become prohibitively expensive. The rural peoples will learn when the government people open their mouths and lie directly to their face. The rural people will learn their lessons when the news media all support what lies the government is obviously spouting out. 
The very large corporate restaurants will become prohibitive to visit for more than half of the American population. This means that McDonald's, Burger King, Wendy's, Taco Bell, Subway and many others will have empty parking lots.  They will price themselves out of existence. The stocks will reflect the change prior to closings.
The rural people will begin to plan and fend for themselves. They will become something in between a farmer, a prepper and an off-grid person.
The patterns of the people will change from the big box stores and big shopping malls to local farmers co-ops. I see people planting more and more. I see more and more people raising their own foods of all kinds.
This will become so prevalent. That local governments will have to change what can and cannot be done on private property and on rental properties. Local law enforcement agencies will also not comply with laws which prohibit food patches.
People will begin to shoot other people for stealing from their plants and animals. Even pets will become a source of food. 
Think about my words. The government will lie, the news sources will lie. Restaurants will close doors. 
Farmers must begin to plan ahead for next year. Farmers must begin to increase their productivity for their own local resellers. Farmers will increase involvements with local butchers. Farmers will negotiate deals for raising and managing animals for other people. 
The people in the colder climates must be already accumulating much more firewood then you have gotten in previous years. Old style heavy blankets will become one of those necessary articles to be purchased. So how will you warm your house and or cook if fuel oil and other gas products cannot be obtained because of prices or just being unavailable? Many power plants operate by using gas, oil and coal. What happens when those prices become so high that you are unable to pay your electric bill? What happens to your job if you cannot buy enough gas or diesel to get to work? 
The new crimes against the government will begin. The selling of gasoline, diesel, propane, natural gas, oils of all kinds will be sold without taxes. The government will investigate and more than many agents will be killed. This era will begin the new prohibition of energy products. 
NOTE: You must prepare now. In order to lessen the lessons to be learned through being cold and hungry. It may be too late in some places to plant certain foods. But, you need to start buying heirloom, antique and wild fruit and nut trees which grow well in your specific growing region. You need to remember it can take 5-7 years for any plant, tree, bush to go into first fruits and then 1-2 years more for full fruits. There are ways around those numbers of years. 
Added on 12 June 2022: Christian Churches. 
The churches which most identify with the churches of Philadelphia and Smyrna will see what is coming and will begin to teach more of Joseph and proper preparations in what is coming in these highly suspected "end of days"(Yes, I think so)   . Which means the people of those churches will begin to build their own infrastructure required to do more than survive. The idea of Americans going from the lives they have now to the lives that people lived at the turn of the last century is going to be a very drastic change(1899-1900's). This change will be too tough for many to emotionally, and spiritually be able to handle. Because, those who knew and did nothing to prepare will most likely die of thirst, die of disease, die for the lack of medicines and starve to death. These churches which were not admonished in the book of Revelation will do all that they must. Not because they have too in which they have too. But, rather their focus and intention is from a foundation of loving one another. For God knows their minds, hearts and spirits. 
Many Christians will be forced financially from their homes in the near future. This is a direct sign to actually change their lives from a modernistic path to that of a more ancient way of living. The idea of going from the suburbs or city dwellings to that of actually building a farm and living the farm life is coming. For you have already been thinking about this and those thoughts are and were urging's of the Holy Spirit for you, your family and your church. Plan ahead. Make arrangements. Think about a farming infrastructure. Think about specific growing region. 
Churches will begin to buy vacant land or farm land. They will build the necessary infrastructure for the community and those plants, trees and bushes which brings forth fruits and nuts will be planted. organizational plans will be created as the plants will need required care and pruning in their own seasons. The idea of having as many plants, trees and bushes which will enable perpetual harvests year round. So do not plant one thing and only harvest in May. Plant as much as you can so that you have many harvests of foods as close to all year long as possible.
Proper safe canning must be taught and those supplies must be on hand. Safe handling and dating. FIFO. Sanitary. Places for long term storage created with an eye on the coldest temperatures possible without exploding products. 
These things properly done is how you mitigate starvation for your family, your church and your community. Actually, this is just one way to mitigate starvation. By coupling many different ways of food production/generation do you end fears of starvation. Fear leads to desperation, which leads to potential unreasonable and perpetual violent actions by a variety groups of people.
Added on 17 June 2022: 
The signs continue as they lead to coming food shortages and starvation to those who do not heed the signs. Just like when you driver down a dark road and you see the sign which says "Dead End", The sensible and logical person safely slows down and turns around. The foolish and unwise continue on in their distracted unbelief. Which are you? You the reader must spread the word and plan ahead. Please read my other related writings.
Added on 21 June 2022: 
Hope for our times.
Added on 29 June 2022: 
The projected fears and fearful data points persists and becoming greater. We all know as Christians that there will be wars and rumors of wars. These will become greater and greater. So how do you survive these things which will come? What I've written here and in other places. How do you survive the falling and failing Christian religion? A pastor was caught pleasuring himself at a coffee shop, really. These things will begin to be nationally reported instead of just locally reported. They will get worse in perception. Just as all manner of gun shootings will get more and more national press. Man shoots brother in law many times over chicken. A Subway restaurant worker made a sandwich wrong and was shot and killed.
So where shall your focus be in these times and worsening times as it is apparently appearing and Biblically prophesied? You be like Peter walking on the water with Christ and focused on our Lord and Savior. What happened to Peter when he looked away? He got wet. So this is your key and as leaders of your own family and communities. You need to continually teach this one little humorous thing. You also must choose to read the Holy Bible daily. You must also freely choose to pray always and continually. You must also develop, keep and maintain with Jesus. It will become very difficult, as Christians will become hated and rejected. Listen to the Holy Spirit. If your in an evil nation, then move if you feel the Holy Spirit is telling. It will become more and more easy to know evil and good. The good love children and evil will abuse and kill children even in the womb. This is one of those very easy signs to see and know. It is like a stop sign. Everyone knows what a stop sign is. So to how easy it is to see the fundamental difference between evil and good.
You must become logical, sane and reasoned doomsday preppers. Even to the point of building European styled under ground bunkers with underground tunnels with at least two 90 degree turns. "The Knight Tunnels". Not sure why that little phrase popped into my head as it is a chess term. Remember just because a thing or business appears to be Christian with three Christian symbols. Does not mean they are a Christian business like one bunker building business.
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books
========== May 2022: ========================