Showing posts with label Joseph. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Joseph. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Abomination Of Desolation Signs: Human Avatars: 15: (Unedited): 09-11 April 2023:

 The abomination of desolation is not just one event, one place by one man/being. The abomination of desolation can happen in any or many holy places. When you see persons of sin stand in the holy places. Know that you are a witness. When you applaud persons of sin for being brave and prideful of their sin. Know that you are apart of and in agreement with the abomination of desolation.
Once the abomination of desolation begins to be seen in the holy places. You must have already made preparations for yourself and you family in the mountains. Then you must go there to hide. 
The term mountains I think is symbolic as those places devoid of humanity, cities.
The abominations in your life, your family, your city and your nation will always precede absolute destruction/desolation. 
Just look at any family where sin/abominations have taken place. The family becomes destroyed. The family name ends and is no longer recognized.
As the demons reside in more and more humans. The only way you can tell if a person is demonically owned is in their actions, their words, their pronouns and the alteration of their human physical representation. They each can be legion in one human form. They each can be masculine like in a female or feminine like in a male form. They each can become that which controls the physicality.
The physical representation of any human can be the avatar of the demonic spiritual being which resides within the human physical form. 
Just as you can alter and dress your own games avatars physical appearance, so to does the demonic spiritual beings do to those physical human avatars whom they choose to reside in. Just as you can have many gaming avatars so to can one demon have many human avatar forms. To be used one at a time. 
A single legion of demons under one voice can spiritually occupy one human form. That very same legion can also individually divide itself to occupy a legion of fully open humans.
In your age God will send those who reveal those sins which is occurring in your land. They may not be righteous or holy as determined by God alone. They may be profound sinners. Repentance and revivals shall be offered for a time. Then as which has happened to other lands and peoples shall to happen to you as you will have always known the writing was always on the wall. Death and destruction comes for you all. So flee into the mountains and return not home when you have become surrounded by the enemy. 
(USA, Trump, Asbury University, Israel)
The denominations and churches which have defiled themselves with sin, debauchery and decadence. They will die horrible deaths and the physical destruction of their now spiritually dirty, contaminated and corrupted churches shall be utterly destroyed. 
For those who still do pursue holiness and righteousness. For those who still reject and flee from all sins. You must make a safe place for you to hide in those far away mountains/places. For the time will come when you see the impossible surrounding your land and you will know that imminent destruction shall follow. Do not return home and just go there. 
Be like Joseph in heart and in spirit. Be like Joseph in deed and in action. You can see that which is coming so plan ahead and take action before death and destruction comes for those who are evil and those good souls who will be just in the way of the impossible invading enemies. So plan your hiding place.
Joseph in The Holy Bible saved everyone. Which included everyone who caused him great harm and an unfortunate life. Go and read about him. Jesus came, lived, served humanity through his healing's and teachings and then died for us. So that we each may live. He was abused, ridiculed, tortured and then died in full public viewing. Be like Christ. Love one another. 
Good people and the good guys die in horrific manner in a variety of happenings. The good guys do not always win. Just as the good people do not always survive to tell and sing their stories. When you begin to see your nation become surrounded by the enemy. Know that it is already to late to prepare a safe place.
Your only safe place is in the Lord your God. So continue to pray and to read your Holy Book. 
As you see and witness the abominations in this denomination or in that church. Know that time is short. Repentance and revivals are still possible. The demise, death and destruction of your people and your land is still very probable. Though not certain. But, when the opportunities for revivals and repentance become entertaining shows with no real life changes. Your safe place in the hills and in the mountains must have already been prepared. For as it was prior to each time when Israel was destroyed so will it be for you and your nation. 
These are actual signs for you to witness. But, if you choose to remain blind and deaf to the goings on around you. Then you may become like Lots wife who was chosen to be saved and then was not. Wasn't there members of Lots family who were chosen to be saved and then decided to remain? So you can be saved and deny it. You can still be saved and then your preferred sin in the slightest of moments of time will override your rescued saving. How many families Jewish families in the days of Moses refused to be obedient to their instructions for the bypassing/Passover of plagues? And they suffered and died. So to shall it be for you and your own family. Do or do not. Be obedient or disobedient. Embrace your sins or reject your sins. The choices are all for you to make in those last chance times. But, it would be better to make those good and right choices now than in those last chance times. Because, in those last chance times you will not be aware that it is the last chance times. There will be no "Dead End" signs. So turn back now. 
Go and read my answers on Quora.
You must prepare just as Joseph prepared for all of the people of his day. Which means you do not only prepare for yourself. You prepare for your whole family and your friends. You also spread the word so that others will be inspired to prepare as well. Because, as the news continues to threaten global food shortages. What are you gonna do to feed yourself, your family, your friends, your church and your community? So encourage everyone to prepare for themselves as well. Which means planting all manner of fruit and nut trees, vegetable gardens. This also means to also raise all of your own animals. This also means building your own all natural and mostly not powered green houses. You also need to realize that it can take up to or more than five years before a fruit tree to go to first fruits. An avocado tree can take more than ten years to go to first fruits. It takes time to gain your own foods. This is not something which can be done last minute. 
In order for your family, your friends, your church and your community to survive. You and everyone else must do their part to assure the opportunity of survival. Being chosen to survive and actually surviving can fall to your own choices. Such as Lots wife. 
This is not financial advice. But, what has been happening to your retirement accounts? The threats against your bank accounts? Do what you think is financially best for your own family. If that means that you have to go back to work especially after retiring. Then do so. Begin to consider to buy that safe location, build your safe house with a basement. Consider to begin supplying your safe house with all manner of supplies. These things require much research, planning, engineering, surveying, water testing prior to buying or building anything. Consider building a buried monolithic dome home. 
Your retirement may be over. Especially if you are an older person. Your elder status sees with wisdom how the younger ones are fairing in this world. You being one of the last ones who knows what a pension and retirements are. You may have to step up to financially plan for the survival of your own family as insanity and war embraces the world. Especially, when you see that no one is talking peace, wanting peace or expecting peace and only planning for war. Because, you know history and you know that the civilians never win and are never safe. Civilians are accused by both sides, abused and killed. So what do you do? It is all up to you. Assuming you even care and I have seen many of you elders and how you abandoned your own children.
Prophetically the meek shall inherit the Earth. Which one? This Earth after it has been purified or another earth? or many other Earth's? Only God will know.
Added on 18 April 2023:
Being delusional or insane are not indicators of bravery or heroism. They are signs that reason and logic no longer apply within your own life. 
Please help if you can. Thank You.
Cash App $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Friday, May 27, 2022

Co-Ops, Micro Economies Survives Severe Global Or National Down Trends: (Unedited): 22 May 2022:

New dated content dated below. 
With everything depending on everything else. Sometimes it is necessary to remove yourself as just one of the cogs in the great global machine. I see it like factory work when one part of the machine goes down or some college educated buyer fails to buy enough of that one thing needed. Everything stops. So to is how this great global market place functions. So, what happens when China stops producing and shipping goods. Like they have already by almost two months now? It takes about 90ish days for the depletion to occur within your own personal market space. 
So what do you do? and what can you do? 
You begin to shop and continually shop exclusively at your own local and regional farmers co-ops. Where 100% of your locally made monies stays within the community.
You begin to grow your own foods at home. Even if you have to remove all of your beautiful ornamental trees and bushes. You begin to research and seek out natural "wild" trees and plants which will grow and produce for your own specific growing region. You begin to work on the idea of harvesting fruits and nuts as close to every month of the year as possible. Then from all of your excesses you can or give away. Then when those people who have been given your naturally wild fruits. Then can plant those seeds and wait 5-7 years for their own first fruits. The point is this. When you begin to grow your own foods. Any global event which causes food shortages or even starvation is minimized. When you have already been participating in your own local micro economy and co-ops. Any global or national economic down turn becomes less of a burden. 
But here is the problem with local Co-ops and micro economies. You must have already been regularly participating within those groups for more than two seasons. A farmer cannot just suddenly plan for an unknown economic down turn or a coming food shortage if the farmer does not know. The farmer can only reasonably plan for you and your purchases. That takes time and planning. That takes hard work during the entire growing season. That requires the adding of more animals to care for. That requires the same commitment from you that the farmer gives to you. This requires a greater relationship from you the consumer to your farmers than you ever had with any big box store employee. Because, if you do not do your part. Then the farmer's who depend on you directly and immediately suffers. For instance, You cannot say you are going to buy half a pig/hog, 30 chickens and a quarter of a cow in one year and then conveniently forget or just say I just bought a motorcycle or jet ski - so no thank you. That farmer was just harmed by you. That farmer just worked dawn to dusk for you. That farmer just worked every weekend for you. That farmer just fed and cleaned those animals for you. That farmer honorably sacrificed for you. The deals you make with a farmer is not just a everyday business deal that you can just quit and forget on. 
So as you decide to plant your own edible plants, bushes and trees. Use only heirloom, antique and naturally wild seeds, trees, plants and bushes. Because, to use anything else will mean the seeds will not be viable. No! you "may not" be able to use organic seeds, from organic produce, from that so called big box health food stores?.?.? If the labeled organic produce is irradiated from interstate transport or come from another country. Then those recovered organic seeds may sprout, but the plant will look beautiful and the fruit severely deformed. My experience.
The Christian Prophecies do suggest great pain, harm and suffering is coming to the entire world and for all peoples. Do the math and also understand more people suffer and die after any emergency event than during. Which group of people is the math for those during the events or afterwards or both?  This also include the USA, Canada, Western Europe, South America and the whole world. 
So how do you lessen the severity of that which is coming? Well, you look into the story of Jonah and then you look into the story of Joseph of Egypt. You genuinely repent and change your life forever. Then you do for your family, your friends, your church, your community, your city and your nation. As what Joseph had done in their time of plenty. Then you be like Jesus Christ and you love one another. Because those who you both love and hate, call friend or enemy are all your brethren, your family, your relation, your aunt, your uncle, your brother, your sister, your honored elders. You give mercy and compassion to everyone. You spiritually, emotionally and physically care for everyone. You feed the hungry. You cloth the naked. You cause no harm. You cause no suffering. You cause no pain. Mathew 25: 31-46.
But, how can you do anything in the name of the Lord when you are also lacking? How can you do unto every Jesus who comes before you in their own suffering need when you have not anything to offer. So be like Joseph in the time of plenty, plan and implement those plans. 
You, who are in Central and South America. Your family is coming home by the hundreds of millions. So if you plan now and work those plans now. Their arrival will become a most blessed blessing. If you do not and do nothing and believe not is Christ. Then their arrival will become an apparent great curse. Do not allow sin to be in any holy place. A holy place is everywhere you are assuming your pursuing righteousness, holiness, fleeing from and rejecting all sin.
In regards to any aspect of exclusive micro-economies. I have no idea what I'm talking about. I can only write what I see. I see church organizations like (A) Sam's Cub or Costco as well as using the already existing laws for other exclusive clubs like those drinking clubs such as Eagles and others. All without the sin, alcohol, tobacco and drugs.
So I do see established store front on those large church campuses for members only. I do see inter-trade between one established church based micro-economy with other church based micro-economies.  I do see security becoming more visible. How is that related. Not sure. I do see more coordinated attacks on the church and on the people leaving church as bad people follow them to lunch or home and then conduct their attacks on the unsuspecting Christian families. 
Added on 11 June 2022: The coming US governmental failed con against their own citizenry.
The rural people of the USA will learn their lessons this fall and winter. When foods and fuels become prohibitively expensive. The rural peoples will learn when the government people open their mouths and lie directly to their face. The rural people will learn their lessons when the news media all support what lies the government is obviously spouting out. 
The very large corporate restaurants will become prohibitive to visit for more than half of the American population. This means that McDonald's, Burger King, Wendy's, Taco Bell, Subway and many others will have empty parking lots.  They will price themselves out of existence. The stocks will reflect the change prior to closings.
The rural people will begin to plan and fend for themselves. They will become something in between a farmer, a prepper and an off-grid person.
The patterns of the people will change from the big box stores and big shopping malls to local farmers co-ops. I see people planting more and more. I see more and more people raising their own foods of all kinds.
This will become so prevalent. That local governments will have to change what can and cannot be done on private property and on rental properties. Local law enforcement agencies will also not comply with laws which prohibit food patches.
People will begin to shoot other people for stealing from their plants and animals. Even pets will become a source of food. 
Think about my words. The government will lie, the news sources will lie. Restaurants will close doors. 
Farmers must begin to plan ahead for next year. Farmers must begin to increase their productivity for their own local resellers. Farmers will increase involvements with local butchers. Farmers will negotiate deals for raising and managing animals for other people. 
The people in the colder climates must be already accumulating much more firewood then you have gotten in previous years. Old style heavy blankets will become one of those necessary articles to be purchased. So how will you warm your house and or cook if fuel oil and other gas products cannot be obtained because of prices or just being unavailable? Many power plants operate by using gas, oil and coal. What happens when those prices become so high that you are unable to pay your electric bill? What happens to your job if you cannot buy enough gas or diesel to get to work? 
The new crimes against the government will begin. The selling of gasoline, diesel, propane, natural gas, oils of all kinds will be sold without taxes. The government will investigate and more than many agents will be killed. This era will begin the new prohibition of energy products. 
NOTE: You must prepare now. In order to lessen the lessons to be learned through being cold and hungry. It may be too late in some places to plant certain foods. But, you need to start buying heirloom, antique and wild fruit and nut trees which grow well in your specific growing region. You need to remember it can take 5-7 years for any plant, tree, bush to go into first fruits and then 1-2 years more for full fruits. There are ways around those numbers of years. 
Added on 12 June 2022: Christian Churches. 
The churches which most identify with the churches of Philadelphia and Smyrna will see what is coming and will begin to teach more of Joseph and proper preparations in what is coming in these highly suspected "end of days"(Yes, I think so)   . Which means the people of those churches will begin to build their own infrastructure required to do more than survive. The idea of Americans going from the lives they have now to the lives that people lived at the turn of the last century is going to be a very drastic change(1899-1900's). This change will be too tough for many to emotionally, and spiritually be able to handle. Because, those who knew and did nothing to prepare will most likely die of thirst, die of disease, die for the lack of medicines and starve to death. These churches which were not admonished in the book of Revelation will do all that they must. Not because they have too in which they have too. But, rather their focus and intention is from a foundation of loving one another. For God knows their minds, hearts and spirits. 
Many Christians will be forced financially from their homes in the near future. This is a direct sign to actually change their lives from a modernistic path to that of a more ancient way of living. The idea of going from the suburbs or city dwellings to that of actually building a farm and living the farm life is coming. For you have already been thinking about this and those thoughts are and were urging's of the Holy Spirit for you, your family and your church. Plan ahead. Make arrangements. Think about a farming infrastructure. Think about specific growing region. 
Churches will begin to buy vacant land or farm land. They will build the necessary infrastructure for the community and those plants, trees and bushes which brings forth fruits and nuts will be planted. organizational plans will be created as the plants will need required care and pruning in their own seasons. The idea of having as many plants, trees and bushes which will enable perpetual harvests year round. So do not plant one thing and only harvest in May. Plant as much as you can so that you have many harvests of foods as close to all year long as possible.
Proper safe canning must be taught and those supplies must be on hand. Safe handling and dating. FIFO. Sanitary. Places for long term storage created with an eye on the coldest temperatures possible without exploding products. 
These things properly done is how you mitigate starvation for your family, your church and your community. Actually, this is just one way to mitigate starvation. By coupling many different ways of food production/generation do you end fears of starvation. Fear leads to desperation, which leads to potential unreasonable and perpetual violent actions by a variety groups of people.
Added on 17 June 2022: 
The signs continue as they lead to coming food shortages and starvation to those who do not heed the signs. Just like when you driver down a dark road and you see the sign which says "Dead End", The sensible and logical person safely slows down and turns around. The foolish and unwise continue on in their distracted unbelief. Which are you? You the reader must spread the word and plan ahead. Please read my other related writings.
Added on 21 June 2022: 
Hope for our times.
Added on 29 June 2022: 
The projected fears and fearful data points persists and becoming greater. We all know as Christians that there will be wars and rumors of wars. These will become greater and greater. So how do you survive these things which will come? What I've written here and in other places. How do you survive the falling and failing Christian religion? A pastor was caught pleasuring himself at a coffee shop, really. These things will begin to be nationally reported instead of just locally reported. They will get worse in perception. Just as all manner of gun shootings will get more and more national press. Man shoots brother in law many times over chicken. A Subway restaurant worker made a sandwich wrong and was shot and killed.
So where shall your focus be in these times and worsening times as it is apparently appearing and Biblically prophesied? You be like Peter walking on the water with Christ and focused on our Lord and Savior. What happened to Peter when he looked away? He got wet. So this is your key and as leaders of your own family and communities. You need to continually teach this one little humorous thing. You also must choose to read the Holy Bible daily. You must also freely choose to pray always and continually. You must also develop, keep and maintain with Jesus. It will become very difficult, as Christians will become hated and rejected. Listen to the Holy Spirit. If your in an evil nation, then move if you feel the Holy Spirit is telling. It will become more and more easy to know evil and good. The good love children and evil will abuse and kill children even in the womb. This is one of those very easy signs to see and know. It is like a stop sign. Everyone knows what a stop sign is. So to how easy it is to see the fundamental difference between evil and good.
You must become logical, sane and reasoned doomsday preppers. Even to the point of building European styled under ground bunkers with underground tunnels with at least two 90 degree turns. "The Knight Tunnels". Not sure why that little phrase popped into my head as it is a chess term. Remember just because a thing or business appears to be Christian with three Christian symbols. Does not mean they are a Christian business like one bunker building business.
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books
========== May 2022: ========================

Sunday, April 25, 2021

The New Foreigners Prophecy: (Unedited) 25 April 2021:

I met an ole Cuban, Well he is only 5 years older than me. But, he was kind and he made it to America is a very trying way. But, he made it and he is free. I said to him that I was glad that he is in the USA now. The property of his house looks rough from a distance. But, when you look closer. You see natural medicines, Mangos, Papayas, Avocados. Just what can be easily seen across his fence line. Recently I met a Puerto Rican and his back yard has become a farm. He was nice as well. There is a point to this and how God leads me to witness things. You the individual devout Christian  may go forth and make contact with those churches which only cater to specific people groups. Go and teach your skill sets and learn from them their skill sets. All in the name of Christ. You should do this along with your church. But, if your church will not support you. Then seek out a different church which has many different kinds of people groups. Remember, only the church of Smyrna and the church of Philadelphia were not scolded by God.  These churches suffered and yet they pleased God even in their suffering. While all of the other churches fell away from God. So look for the church which most resembles Smyrna and Philadelphia. Yes, even if you have life long friends and generational friends. Yes, even if you and your family have went to only one church for generation's. Don't just get up and quit. Do much praying, fasting. Try to work within your fallen denomination and church to effect holy and righteous change. God will prepare a way for you. 
 Every Christian Denomination and every nondenominational church must go forth and embrace each other. Every Christian must be able to go forth to love and support one another. Every Christian must go forth and teach their own skill sets. This is where things get very important. The people from their old worlds who have come to the USA for liberty and freedom. 
If the churches and denominations or if your church and denomination refuse to mingle with other churches and denominations in the name of Jesus. Then you have the answer to your question which you may not even have posed yet. Any church and denomination who seems to desperately want to keep you inside of the church where you do not have to do anything else but cut a check for your tithe is in the wrong. 
The prophets are beginning to speak their prophecies. They may not even know why or understand. But, they all know that severe hardships are coming. People are going to starve to death. People are going to die because their medications and medical care will be unavailable. People are going to die because of exposure to the element's. People are going to die of thirst and old diseases which are not typically seen in the modern world. 
So all of you need to tell everyone else that they must begin to start planting food crops as which I have written before. Did you know it can take 5-7 years for a natural organic and wild tree to bear fruit or nuts. This alone could be a time frame of things to come. Unless the election of Trump to the presidency was a time marker as well. For the next Shemitah is in 2022 and the next American elections is on 08 Nov 2022. Which means if the Democrats who are not gain a super majority of the house and then senate. While holding the Presidents chair. They can effectively change the whole of the USA into a new nation as defined by them and not you. If what Trumps does say was true and all of the reporting and all of the things seen on the election of Biden/Harris are true. Then any election thereafter will not matter. They will just put on a show for their audience. Like watching a WWE professional match where all of the drama is scripted. 
Just as the foot does not compete against the eye and the hand does not compete against the spleen. So to must everyone work together for the benefit of the whole body of Christ. 
You must be able to understand the purpose of prophecies. A prophecy can have many parts. The natural events which cannot be altered and the events which are based on human decision which can be prevented. The natural events can be mitigated as which was told in the Biblical story of Joseph and the Pharaoh of Egypt. Seven years of plenty and then seven years of a great famine. They prepared as so you must and you must tell everyone and motivate everyone to prepare. Time is short.
Just as God will send a prophet to one specific people group. So to will God send the many prophets to all of His children everywhere. They will speak the same basic words and may even add others. But, they will say there is coming a food shortage or something similar and they will not conflict. 
But, beware of those who watch the prophets and say the horrible things to come and God will protect you by sending "ME" money. Do not be swayed for they are the children of satan.
A genuine prophet of God is going to say/write their words of horrifying things to come and then bring forth what you need to do to overcome these coming hardships. If there is no second half of actions as which was done by Joseph. Then they are not of God. Fore God wants His children to survive and to thrive. God does not want you to die of thirst, starvation. So go forth and prepare. Read my previous posts and see what you should do. You do not even have to send me any money or even acknowledge me in any way. Go forth and save all of the lives that you can. Cause the people to become empowered enough to plant all manner of wild/organic fruit and nut bearing trees, shrubs, vines and other plants. Do so right now. Go forth and begin to plant new plants from seedlings and them give them all away. I'm already do that with a lot of papaya seeds, peppers and beef tomatoes. But, teach people how to do it. There is an urgency here. 
Here is a concept in which you may not even be aware of. Teach people to plant a variety of plants which which will give food in a specific month of the year and then plant your permanent wild plants so that you have food every month of the year. In that way you will have foods grown fresh every month. Teach people how to recover those seeds in your region and to begin planting for their own use. 
For you wealthy people who own much land. Begin planting all manner of edible plants on all of your properties. Even on your rentals. Then do not worry about the animals or the people who take what they can. If you own a pond or a lake. Then enhance those eco-systems to the fullest in your region. So that they will be self sustaining. 
The denominations need to mandate all forms of preparations for their churches. The question on how to effectively use the land in order to sustain their peoples. Then those answers must be quickly put into action. The lessons of Joseph must begun to be taught. Think about this. Joseph was beaten up by his brothers, thrown into a hole, sold into slavery, abused and wrongly accused as a slave, put into prison and maintained his faith in God. Then once freed he did not hold grudges or seek retaliation as it became obvious he still loved his family and saved his family. No matter how badly they treated him. Joseph even saved the kingdom that he was an imprisoned slave to. Joseph acted out of love even though by our modern day understanding he owed them nothing and his family owed him everything. Yet, Joseph save them all. Out of your love for everyone which includes those who deserve it and don't deserve it. Plant your plants and remake your community into a human created pseudo Garden Of Eden. Cause your entire community to be a place of plenty for everyone. 
The time is coming. When life will become harsh and starvation becomes a reality. Where people will starve to death. If you have read and not prayed and then you do nothing. I'm sorry that you could not believe the words of a poorly educated janitor who is trying to save your life, your church and your community. Like I said, You do not even have to acknowledge me what so ever. I do not want you to acknowledge me at all. I do want you to give all glory and gratitude to only God alone. 
Think about it. Who do I write for? Why do I waste my time writing if I do not want any credit, recognition or acknowledgement? 
Something else to think about. How long does it take for fruit bearing vines like raspberries, elderberries, black berries to fully take over a sun drenched fence line? How long does it take for a fruit bearing vine of any kind to become plentiful enough to feed your family, friends and neighbors? Yes, you take on the responsibility to feed everyone because you love everyone. Which is a commandment from Christ Jesus. Jesus did not say to love yourself and to the hot place to everyone else. Jesus came to love and serve everyone. Jesus knew what his fate would be. Jesus knew that humanity would falsely accuse Him, wrongly judge Him, torture Him, hang Him on a cross, mock Him and pierce His heart. Jesus did all of what He did because He loved first. Jesus did all that He did with full knowledge of what was gonna happen. Jesus Loved one another first. This is what we all must do no matter what fate awaits. 
A community of people is more likely to transition from surviving to thriving. A person who goes it alone will most likely transition from surviving to simple existence. A person who goes it alone will most likely die alone. Of all of the Joseph like plans to be made. Plan on loving one another. Do not allow yourself to be forced to make a decision to allow other people to die because for what ever reason which seems valid.  
Go and sin no more.

To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.

To Love one another.
To live in peace with everyone.
To exist in harmony with all.
To Cherish all life.
To be obedient to the Laws of God.
To become clean, righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.

All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Sunday, March 28, 2021

The In Between Prophecy: (Unedited): 28 March 2021:

Look for updates as they should be dated. This is not just for the USA. It is for the whole of the world. 01 April 2021: 

The boy who was sold as a slave by his own brothers. Is the same young man who became falsely accused and then wrongly imprisoned. A life of near severe difficulty. Yet, he maintained his faith. Yet, he prayed and fasted. Yet, he maintained all that he believed. His name before he was given an Egyptian name was Joseph and that is how we remember him to this name as spoken of in the Holy Bible. 
He not only saved his own family and people he saved all of Egypt. In spite of what has happened to him. For even though he was unfairly treated and mistreated. He still loved and he still loved his own brothers and forgave his own brothers. I believe he was a man full of love. 
In between the times which is coming and you devout Christian already know what is coming. You should continually rejoice, worship, pray, fast. To go forth and to love one another. You should continually reject and flee from all sin. You should continually pursue righteousness and holiness as which is only accepted and recognized by your Heavenly Father. All without any pride, ego, arrogance, entitlements, difference in appearance, or supremacy. But, this is really one step further in not have to have to but rather want to because it is the right things to do in every situation.
Can you rejoice and worship as what we have learned from Habakkuk, Steven, Timothy and others. The others even includes those who have recently spoken those words as they died horrifically. Can you genuinely speak the last words of Jesus as gas is poured upon you and your set afire? Can you worship Jesus as you endure weeks, months, years and decades of torture? The author writes this having much doubts about himself/myself. 
That which is coming is going to be in the extreme of everyday life. So heed the soft spoken words of the Holy Spirit and move to the place that you should as led by the holy spirit. Now is the time and this now time will soon end. Because, the next Shemitah(fall2022) is coming and the with it a devaluation. Whom it will impact will most likely be hard on the USA as the evil doers have taken the election and because of their deeds and ongoing deeds. The people will begin to suffer and suffer greatly they will. So to you the actual children of God. You must listen to your Heavenly Father and go to the place he will make safe for you and your brethren. This will be a place where sin shall not be tolerated, celebrated or pridefully accepted. When you liquidate and move. Do not bring your sins with you. Which may mean that leaving a loved one behind may become an impossible choice to make. Know that God sent his only begotten son in order to be used, mocked, accused, rejected, tortured and killed. All for you and everyone who is willing to accept His son. To have faith in and to believe in and to follow Him will mean a separation of you with those things(sports, games and stuff) and people you love. 
Employment: Seek out new high tech employment skills and opportunities in which you can stay at home. While at the same time acquiring new ancient skills and learning how to manage animals. This will also include horses and beasts of burden.  This will become very possible as Elon Musk and Starlink will do his part in the end times. Elon Musk should not be celebrated in a positive light. Elon Musk is just doing his part in the future end time events and if all all of humanity begins to become righteous and holy as which is only recognized and accepted by God alone. Then maybe, God will allow Elon Musk and others to journey out into the solar system. 
In this quiet time of Biblical Prophecy. Be like Joseph when his name changed. Build your infrastructure. Plant all manner of wild fruit and nut bearing trees/bushes everywhere. Even on lands not owned by you. Do these things in accordance to your planting region. Plant in accordance to the idea of having near monthly or year round harvests. Gain your harvests and store away what is needed and then provide for those who cannot. Do these things out of your genuine love for one another. Even if your spiritual discernment knows that your heaping coals. Still love them. For even they do need your love even if they know it not and reject it outright. While they take and take and take. Just like the man to the right of Christ and upon his own cross for his own actual crimes. Yet in that last moment Christ knew him and gave unto him the promise of grace and forgiveness. Remember in the beginning of being on his own justified cross he mocked Christ. 
If you're a large property owner who owns and leases very large areas of land for use. Then go forth and plant those self sustaining wild fruit and nut bearing bushes, plants and trees of all kinds. By the many thousands. For your one continuous action will save many from starvation.
Think about how each fruit and nut plant, bush, tree will go into their own harvest in that time of year. Then think about how to gain a harvest every month of the year. This is how you should plan your plantings. These plantings must begin as soon as possible. As it can take many years for a plant to mature. 
You also need to remember that even though the plants, bushes and trees you plant are supposed to be all wild, natural and organic. Depending on the plant you will still need to tend to these plants, bushes and trees about four times a year. 
Then allow your people to take the harvests and give them to the churches who have been historically known to take care of the people. "While telling them the fruits of today can become the seeds and fruits of tomorrow". Meaning the seeds will reproduce or perpetuate living and harvestable crops into many tomorrow's. 
Can you imagine how your community and region becomes so full of abundance that you actually become known to be a new Eden among many. Bless all things which is touched by your feet and hands. For you will bring forth anew spiritual wind which will be seen as a new revival in which new never before seen miracles may occur. 
While those denominations and churches which hold onto their own sins will see much hell as they partake in much worldly wealth. For the rewards of this world is the only comfort they shall see and know. Be warned and do not participate in those denominations and churches of sin. Though they may feel good when you leave. They shall become the most empty of places so full of people. Be warned and do not participate in those celebrated places in which prideful sin stands in the most holy of places.
Planning for your survival also means planning for everyone's else survival.  In the survival, doomsday prepper and the militant survivalist communities. The go it alone also means you die alone. You can only truly survive when your relation with God is sound. You can only survive the physical and mental when you becomes a community of we. You know that all for one and one for all. Christ was the one for all.
The owning of antique and still function tube type broad banded, long band, shortwave, weather radio receivers will be necessary. This idea should also include transceivers of the old ham radio vintage. All safely secured and sealed within multi layered Faraday Cages and static discharge protections. The idea of one layer Faraday cages must end. The new technological weapons systems may defeat all currently known Faraday cages. Especially, when multiband systems mix within your proximity. To become a whole different signal not seen or conceptualized as of yet. 
When these new weapons are used. They will be used many times. Prior to, during and after any attack. Then at certain times preceding the prior and after the after attack. Which means you have to keep all power generation devices, gear and antennas completely sealed away against a variety of RF energies.  They weapons systems seem to have a straight line range of 1500 miles with accentuated power gains as you get closer to planetary poles.  
Added on 29 March 2021: 
You must remember and consider Lots wife. For she was saved and could not control the lusts, desires and the love for the world that she knew which was about to be destroyed. She paid and she knew as she actually witnessed the actual angels in her own presence. But, what of the other family members who did not decide to go with Lot and their fate became forgotten. So to shall many in your own family who will love the world and love the sins of the world and love their own sins. No matter what angels they witness or miracles they see. Even Judas who was in the presence of Jesus for those years. Still hung himself for his own crimes. Even Thomas doubted after having spent his time with Jesus. For they will reject your urgings to leave the world. And this will be a sign to you as you were given the invitation to depart and they were not. So you must decide to go or do not and then have a degree of self discipline and self control to not sin in that moment when it all is about to happen. This is when those remembered hymn's of old will bring you so much joy and comfort. But, in this modern world hymn's are not sung anymore and their comforts sung will not be known and may actually lead to the fate of Lots wife.  
You must also remember that there will be more than many with your own church that you have been raised in. For they know much of the Bible, they know how they are supposed to live within their own minds, heart and spirit. Yet for the last 70 plus years God their judge will say to them when they go to sleep for the last time. That He never knew them. Even as we lowly humans had a nice funeral and told wonderful stories of their life and taught to those who attended the funeral that this person is assuredly with the Lord this day. 
Added on 29 March 2021 @ late night. 
The formation of micro economies all of which are detached from your own nations economy. So no matter what your national or world economy does or don't do. Your local micro economy will continue onward. The interconnectedness of close by local independent microeconomies will make life tolerable when and if the global economic down turn occurs. Conspiracy theorist's call it a global economic reset. In which all of the people who have the most will gain more and the vast majority of human beings who have the least will have even less. The onset of this global reset may entail the so called new green deal. This has nothing to do with ecology and everything to do with those who are in authority making even more green while causing the civilian population to suffer for no apparent reason other than acquiring more for themselves. 
For you the civilian of the world. Have no debt of any kind. Live off grid with zero dependency on the outside world for anything. Obtain a multitude of functional skill sets. Which entail ancient skills as well as modern day or high tech skill sets. Acquire all manner of mechanical skill sets as well as large animal management and training skill sets. Basically knowing the required survival skill sets of the late nineteenth century as well as knowing the necessary skillsets of this twenty first century. All manner of sin as which is indicated in the Holy Bible must not be present in anyway within your micro economy. If a close by local micro economy is fully vested in sin then you must strive not to do business with them for any reason. If any leader pridefully boasts of their sins. Then that person or those persons cannot even be allowed within your city or local microeconomy. God will not tolerate any deviancy of any kind. 
Added on 30 march 2021:
The weather changes which are coming. Will have multiple causes. As more and more artificial energies are injected into the magnetic field of the Earth. Weather patterns will be altered. The explanation of what the experts and politicians state will be a lie and already has been a lie. For it is they who are and have injected high energy levels into the atmosphere and continue to add more and more. So proper preparation of your home infrastructure will be necessary. Your home will have to be able to survive all extreme weather events from winds, to flooding, to extreme temperature changes, to tornadoes, to hurricane's, to fires, to earthquakes and to strange earthquakes, to volcanos and more. So plan your moves correctly and plan the build of your homes well. By adding in early twentieth century home engineering techniques will enable you not to freeze to death and burn up in your home when their is no modern day conveniences. 
These energy injectors are CERN technologies which have been weaponized and are used for multiple purposes and yet will still have other seen and unforeseen effects. To the civilian, they will only know of the new weather anomalies that they see and not know why. While even the weather people will ignore certain weather events and mask certain weather visualizations. 
Added on 02 April 2021:
Now is and has been the final days to get out of all debt. This is also the final days to no longer get into any kind of debt. The next Shemitah is in 2022(The Fall). Your debt load must be reduced and/or eliminated. Which means you can no longer shop as you have been. You can no longer buy your expensive coffee products and other wasted money snacks everyday. These things must stop and you must begin using those monies to get yourself and your family out of all debts. You also must encourage all church members to stop buying useless products and going into debt. Also, stop buying any products made in China(PRC). Encourage everyone to stop buying any product made in China(PRC). These things must  be done right now. This must be done with business owners as well. 
I guess the original of this writing is from TobyMac and is what I'm listening to right now on repeat. I'm just trying to keep the focus.
There is also Crowder:
The fight, the battle and war is already won and yet us lowly humans still must endure unto the end towards that victory. However that pans out individually. 
Go and sin no more.

To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.

To Love one another.
To live in peace with everyone.
To exist in harmony with all.
To Cherish all life.
To be obedient to the Laws of God.
To become clean, righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.

All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Monday, September 18, 2017

Crucible Attitude: (Unedited): 15 Sept 2017:

Becoming and being more than all of the demands placed upon you. Defines the man you are to be or the man you are now. Maintain the good driving attitude even during the worst of the crucible. 
We all have demands placed upon us all. Some of those demands are fair and unfair. Some of those demands are part of the job or a part of someone else job. Some of those demands are asked for and others are just dropped upon you for no more reason than it is you.
The attitude one has internally. Is the key of enduring and even conquering these crucibles placed before you. Some are meant as evil traps to cause you to fall or fail. While others are just placed in your way for no real reason then there they are.
The attitude of your heart must always follow the attitude of your mind. In that order. What any crucible presented before you sums up your core beliefs and foundational faith.
In the Holy Bible. Who did Joseph work for? Who did Joseph live for? Be Joseph in your world. It is said that Joseph only had concerns for food. Nothing else in the world really mattered to him. So who did Joseph truly work for? God. Who did Joseph truly live for? God.
Joseph did wonderful things and benefited his family in-spite of what they had done to him. Joseph did wonderful things as well for the Egyptians whom he served. In-spite of what they had done to him.
So no matter where ever you are in life. Who do you truly serve self, man or God? The world or The Heavens? Do you only live for this limited life of short duration or for everlasting life in heaven?
When you face your crucible or this thirty third one. Know that it had a beginning and it will have a conclusion. Also, know that you will be the one which lasts longer than this current crucible.
Personal Note:
I'm no longer a self trained athlete.
My entire life has or seems to be one crucible after another. It does not matter to me what is before me. I shall over come. It does not matter what was. because it is done and over and I continue onward. It does not matter what shall come after or how many shall come after. I shall over come. Even if one of the crucibles shall end this physical existence. I shall continue as I do know for certainty that there is continuation after this body stops working.
Note: The original intent is for male athletes who must endure the demands of their coach. Sometimes when you are at your limit or the limit you think your past. The coach just keeps pushing you forward past your limits. Two things happen. One, you have achieved more in-spite of your own unwilling attitudes. Two, once you sort out all of your own emotional negativity. You discover that you are now more than what your were before.
This is also for the female athletes.
This is also for anyone who is in their own kind of crucible or torment.
Read Genesis 37. That is where Joseph starts.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.

To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy or entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Prophecy T.V. Guide: (Unedited): 11 July 2016:

In the modern day of apathetic hearts and unreasonable minds. Prophecy will become like a spiritual T.V. Guide.
Think about this. Think about prophecy. What is the purpose of prophecy?
The purpose of any bad and sad prophecy is to cause the people to take responsible action in the prevention of the prophecy. To the best of their collective abilities and is a responsibility of all humanity. If the people cannot prevent the foretold bad and sad event(s). Then all of the people do their best to mitigate the event(s).
Such as with the story of Joseph and the Pharaoh. The living human god Pharaoh had a dream. Joseph who was in prison interpreted the dream. To shorten and paraphrase Joseph's response. Were all gonna die after the seasons of plenty.
So Joseph was made #2 of all and with his gift of organization. Joseph saved them all, even a human god ruler.
In that story alone is all of the lessons you need to basically know about prophecy and how to either prevent or mitigate it or them.
Today, in this modern era. Prophecy has become a source of entertaining knowledge. Much like a T.V. Guide. What is going to happen and when? Who will be the star of the next prophetic event? The excitement of the news and how it matches prophecy. Then we all go about our normal daily routines. No sack cloth and no ash. No repentance and no guilt. No turning away or fleeing from sin. In our daily lives. We do not even do things which are righteous and holy in the accepting eyes of God. Even our free vote for those who are to rule over us. Is one for the lesser of two evils.
Why do you think we are all made to vote. Especially, when there is no option to reject them all or an option to reject the vote occurrence if the population is not of a certain percentage.
Consider this. What if the ancient prophecies contained within the Holy Bible were all about today and how the people of this country. Freely choose to bring sin into their holy places. Freely Accept all teachings as truths especially if they free you from all discomfort without your purposeful action to become righteous and holy in the accepting eyes of God. Freely accept that all of the comforts and wealth of the world is what God wants for us all. Without ever mentioning that Jesus was homeless and poor. Without ever mentioning that the god of this world system of everything is satan. And satan wants you dead.
You cannot be a Christian if you do not reject and flee from all sin. No matter it's legal and lawful status. If you have no intention of leaving your legal and sinful lifestyle. Your not a Christian and your prayers are to someone who is not affiliated with Jesus. Your worship is a mocking act to Jesus.
You cannot be a Christian if you do not feel great guilt and remorse for all of the people you have harmed in your life. Being a Christian does not give you permission to divorce and abandon your old family. Just to begin a new family. 
You cannot be a Christian if you do not follow in the footsteps of Jesus. Which means you willingly choose to pursue and walk the path of righteousness and holiness as only accepted by God.
If you attend a church or even a religion which is accepting of any aspect of the LGBTQ community and their legal rights as lawful citizens. You will also be subject to every right punishment which has been spoken f in the Bible. All of those coming punishments will be much worse than it was for in the day Sodom was destroyed.

All of the answers you need are contained within. The good news of the gospel teachings is closed up. Soon the true and real prophets shall also be shut-up. Before Noah sharpened his blade to cut down the first tree. The whole of the world was already righteously Judged. Do not be one of the many standing before God. When He says I NEVER knew you.  Become one of the remnant before the next judgement's comes.
A must watch.
To love one another.

To live in peace.

To exist in harmony.

 To cherish and respect all life. 

To obey/honor the Laws of God.

 To become the holy and righteous people as The Heavenly Father intended us all to be.

At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Doom Prophet +11: (Unedited): 29 June 2013:

Be warned of those who proclaim to be prophets of doom and gloom. Their words are that which they desire to be most right. 
Being a prophet of doom and gloom is not about being right or mostly right. It is about creating a realization and appropriate actions which will avert a upcoming disaster. If the disaster cannot be averted. Then plans for mitigation and management must be enacted.
Was the Prophet Jonah correct in his prophecy to Nineveh? No. The people saved themselves. They mitigated and managed how GOD was going to respond. It is the same with any other prophecy written or foretold.
Genesis 41 shows profoundly how all of the life of Egypt were going to die. The Pharaoh had this dream in which the wrongly imprisoned slave who was sold by his own brothers. Basically said "We all are going to die" But I (Joseph) can mitigate and manage it. Well, go and read the full version and not my shortened inaccurate interpretation. This is the essential school of prophecy understanding and the action which must be taken to prevent, mitigate and manage the event or events. This is something which apparently NO CHRISTIAN, Islamic or any other religious person understands. All of the bad and sad prophecies are only probable and not absolute. All prophecies which have ever been spoken or written are NOT ABSOLUTE. C.J.MacKechnie
A prophecy only becomes absolute when you and others work towards its eventual expected coming. 
Added on 31 Dec 2015: Islamic Intentions as reported: 
Added on 07 Dec 2024:
Being saved by God may not be a forever saving grace. You may have only been given a reprieve.
A reprieve given without any repentance is a delayed death sentence. 
A calamity which should have come, but never was can be a reprieve given when the evidence of repentance by all is known by God. 
The prophets of doom shall disappear when God knows that repentance shall not come. 
The destructive power of Judgement shall be witnessed by every unrepentant soul. 
Those professing Christians who have seen no need for any forgiveness, righteousness, holiness or to know the power of the Holy Spirit shall also witness much suffering, death and destruction.
The lifelong professing Christians who have succumbed to the powerful delusion sent to the world by God shall be a witness to the coming horrific judgements sent to the world. 
Those Christian leaders who merely put on a show/act while refusing all of the power and gifts of the Holy Spirit shall not only witness the horrific judgements which have been prophetically foretold. They will also hear those words from God "...I never knew you...".
Those Christian leaders who teaches other Christians that they do not have to do anything more but pay tithes. Leads those following souls to judgement and they too will witness horrific prophecies which unfold. 
The self professing prophet which does not offer the way to prevent or mitigate coming prophecies may be more concerned with their own profits. 
By becoming Holy and Righteous in the accepting eyes of God may be sufficient for God to withheld his own hand of judgement.
When the people genuinely repent of their sins and begin to pursue holiness and righteousness. The calamities which were predicted by the prophets become reprieves that your children and grandchildren must come to terms with in their days of self governance.
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Event Certainty: (Unedited): 25 Nov 2012:

Future events which are absolutely certain. Should be the easiest events to predict.
So, Why aren't they? or is it just the how to, which is illusive?     C.J.MacKechnie
Any futuristic prediction no matter who the author is, is a prophet. For which ever reason the prophet who it got it correct those few times, was right for some unknown reason. Maybe, the predicted event which was foreseen was of natural origin. Which means that event was a matter of certainty. Where as human involved events are not so easy to see or predict. I always go back to the story in the Holy Bible where Joseph tells the meaning of the Pharaohs dream. Which basically means we are all gonna die. The Pharaohs dreams was absolutely true. Until , he dream was understood. Then the dream began to become less correct. Except for the natural event to come. The event to come was an absolute certainty.
So, why cant more exact prophetic predictions in regards to weather be made and on a regular basis?
Or is it directly related to the sinful nature of the person? or is it the number of distractions we have in our lives? or is it the disconnected place we tend to be in with the Divine GOD? Maybe all of the above plus that which has not been said.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.

To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 