Showing posts with label Attitude. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Attitude. Show all posts

Monday, September 18, 2017

Crucible Attitude: (Unedited): 15 Sept 2017:

Becoming and being more than all of the demands placed upon you. Defines the man you are to be or the man you are now. Maintain the good driving attitude even during the worst of the crucible. 
We all have demands placed upon us all. Some of those demands are fair and unfair. Some of those demands are part of the job or a part of someone else job. Some of those demands are asked for and others are just dropped upon you for no more reason than it is you.
The attitude one has internally. Is the key of enduring and even conquering these crucibles placed before you. Some are meant as evil traps to cause you to fall or fail. While others are just placed in your way for no real reason then there they are.
The attitude of your heart must always follow the attitude of your mind. In that order. What any crucible presented before you sums up your core beliefs and foundational faith.
In the Holy Bible. Who did Joseph work for? Who did Joseph live for? Be Joseph in your world. It is said that Joseph only had concerns for food. Nothing else in the world really mattered to him. So who did Joseph truly work for? God. Who did Joseph truly live for? God.
Joseph did wonderful things and benefited his family in-spite of what they had done to him. Joseph did wonderful things as well for the Egyptians whom he served. In-spite of what they had done to him.
So no matter where ever you are in life. Who do you truly serve self, man or God? The world or The Heavens? Do you only live for this limited life of short duration or for everlasting life in heaven?
When you face your crucible or this thirty third one. Know that it had a beginning and it will have a conclusion. Also, know that you will be the one which lasts longer than this current crucible.
Personal Note:
I'm no longer a self trained athlete.
My entire life has or seems to be one crucible after another. It does not matter to me what is before me. I shall over come. It does not matter what was. because it is done and over and I continue onward. It does not matter what shall come after or how many shall come after. I shall over come. Even if one of the crucibles shall end this physical existence. I shall continue as I do know for certainty that there is continuation after this body stops working.
Note: The original intent is for male athletes who must endure the demands of their coach. Sometimes when you are at your limit or the limit you think your past. The coach just keeps pushing you forward past your limits. Two things happen. One, you have achieved more in-spite of your own unwilling attitudes. Two, once you sort out all of your own emotional negativity. You discover that you are now more than what your were before.
This is also for the female athletes.
This is also for anyone who is in their own kind of crucible or torment.
Read Genesis 37. That is where Joseph starts.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.

To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy or entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Thursday, August 24, 2017

Forcing Proactive: (Unedited): 23 Aug 2017:

You must be proactive against the negative aspects of impossible thinking. While at the same time forcing yourself into the positive aspects that all things are probable forms of thinking. 
I just had a discussion with my young son working on his second degree. Sometimes when faced with impossibility and absolute unfavorable certainty. You still gotta show in your self and to others what you absolutely expect from them even if it includes how they think. You cannot have your/our finest moment without first expecting and maintaining that attitude among everyone who is with you.
Really?!?!? you want a square peg in a round hole and if you don't do it in a short amount of time with poorly thinking people. They are all gonna die. So how long do you want to argue or debate the issue?
Before you as a leader can overcome an unfortunate, ill-conceived, unplanned, impossible and improbable undesired certainty. You as a manager must first be able to assemble a team and grow that team with a singular unity and goal as defined by you. All without becoming some prideful god, arrogant dictator, supreme intellectual, or some entitled crown prince. The words below will be helpful.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.

To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy or entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Spirit Of Cain: (Unedited): 02 June 2016:

Through mental conditioning and anti-spiritual training of worldly ways is the attitude and actions of the spirit of Cain perpetuated within each individual human being.
Through pride, ego, arrogance and disobedience to the word of God is the spirit of Cain known within each human being.
The ways of the world is one of pride, ego, arrogance and disobedience so as long as one is not accused or suspected.
The spirit of Cain perpetuated within you will always lead to pain, suffering and death.
The anti Cain spirit is one which can be discovered within the Holy Bible. 
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Accusing Devil: (Unedited): 20 July 2016:

Be warned of those within your organization who always accuse others. For their attitude only pretends to be a caring employee when in fact they are just a devil spirit who finds power and thrills in others torments. 
It is interesting how only one can make it into an organization. Gain the trust of the leadership and/or managing team. Then become the eyes and ears of them. The vast majority of these are very beneficial. It is the few whom I'm talking about. It is those who only accuse others of wrong while offering zero benefit to the company by any other means. These devil spirits spend so much time spying and accusing others that their productivity is very low. But, everyone in management/leadership likes him/her. The management and leadership teams have all been blinded by this one person. This one person is or can be the sole cause of a demoralized workforce.
It would be better off to fire this person outright and even pay for their unemployment benefits. In doing so. Your entire corporate structure will breathe and feel the pleasant atmosphere you once had. All aspects of your business will improve. Virtually over night. there will be a positive shock that your employees will feel and this may cause sluggishness in your recovery. But, once your workforce gets your train steaming and heading with a decisively forward momentum. They will smile and wont be stopped. Until you the leadership and management team screws up again.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Friday, February 7, 2014

Missing Rainbows: (Unedited): 07 Feb 2014:

Allowing the anger and negativity to overcome your attitude, while being forced to work outside in the chilling rain. Will cause you to miss out on the beauty of a glorious sunrise to the east and a fantastic arching rainbow to the west. 

How many times have you had to do something which was very uncomfortable. Maybe, the job at hand was even beneath you but, it had to be done right then. The wise elder knows this and just works diligently to get the job done right the first time. The young one needs to focus on the intent of the wise elder. To see and experience what is necessary through the wise elders purposeful actions . Because only in that single moment of time can the beauty of your current experience be viewed only my you, only once. Open up all of your senses and allow all of the divine beauty to enter within. Know and feel the joy of all.
only if you can
if you will
to keep within you in any time of trial or difficulty
the Love
the peace and 
the harmony 
of how all just happens.
Then you will
see and know a beauty
which was meant only for you in that time.
Life has been sad.
Life has been bad.
Life has been difficult.
Life has been lonely.
It is easy to emanate hate.
It is easy to remain angered.
It is easy to always find the problems.
It is easy to know only ugliness.
It is easy to abuse and to torture.
It is easy to be bad.
It is easy to be sad.

For all of those things had been done unto me
       and it was all I had known. 
I refuse to remain in the darkness of my former life.
In the light of a life of love.
Beauty is everywhere 
and is happening.
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Perfected Art: (Unedited): 04 June 2013:

On the surface, The person who continually pursues the art of perfection, may seem like a negative person. C.J.MacKechnie
Improving your own skill in a thing may seem negative to others. Especially, when you outwardly are always asking questions on how you erred and how you should improve. A person who has a "That's good enough" attitude may not understand what it is that you want to do or accomplish and may not even see any importance or purpose in your journey into perfection. That is OK.
For you your journey into perfecting the thing you see as important is your righteous journey. Even though other peoples minds may be clouded in knowing or accepting what it is you are doing. While on your righteous journey seek out others who are also as well perfecting their self defined thing of importance. Then journey together and assist one another in perfected evolution. With love, peace, harmony and mutual acceptance. Gently push, pull and lift everyone up above you on the shared ladder of perfection. Trust and mutual respect comes when those above you reach down to do the same for you, without prodding or begging.
When a person in your group has reached their self defined state of refinement or perfection and are satisfied. Rejoice and celebrate with them. Even though their self defined state of refinement or perfection is not as much as yours. It is OK. Celebrate with Joy and exuberance.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

OK Job: (Unedited): 12 June 2010:

There will always be those who will only want to know the job at hand and nothing more. That is OK.
 Some people only want to do that which is minimally required of them. That attitude is perfectly OK. Some people want to be a slave and live as slaves do. That to is OK. Even though the slaver attitude may be an irritant to the free man or to the person who has a deep hearted desire to do with the highest of quality controls. It is still OK.
This is something that I've had to come to terms with. It is OK for a person to do exactly as directed for them and nothing more. Even if that person sees another problem or that they know what they have been directed to do won't fix a problem. They remain quiet and allow the authority to take all responsibility and blame. You know something That is OK for them to do what they do. That is not me and I'm unable to do just a minimal task. Yes, it drives me nuts. But, It is still OK.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Circumstances Best: (Unedited): 25 Feb 2012

The remarkable person despite being rejected by this world and being born by undesirable circumstance. Still, makes the best of it. While becoming the best of it. C.J.MacKechnie 
The inner strength we all have. Just waiting to be discovered by each of us. In our own way and in our own time. 
No matter your title, classification, social status or even being declared half this and half that. Becoming a remarkable person is a simple decision away. Followed by never ending continuous actions towards your goals.
 Never give up. Never give in. Never quit. Never surrender. Never create or accept any excuses. Embody the attitude. Then watch people move aside as you simply walk by.  Be like that red neck saying getter done and do it. Above and beyond any ones expectations. Assume there is no other option and there won't be any other option.
Even if your a former foster kid, giving up on and abandoned by all. You and I know that education was not important. That learning a marketable skill wasn't even considered. That college was never even thought of. Spent most of your child hood medicated into a possible life of perpetual drug addictions and crime. Especially if you are one of those who would become homeless at 18. This life for you is tough, rough and hard.
 I hope you are one of the ones who have found this. Your life probably has been worse than mine. Know this that we are brother and sister to each other. I wish for you to do more than exist and live. I wish for you to thrive and have a life with great meaning and purpose. You have a great story of achievement to tell. But only after you have conquered yourself, the world and achieve even more than you or I expect. Go forth and become your own hero by saving your own self first. Then and only then can you become a hero to others. Through you, this world, our world can become a better place. Where even a foster kid can have success which is beyond that which is expected by the FBI statistics.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Great Destroyer: (Unedited): 29 Dec 2011:

The great destroyer of any peoples is personal and professional apathy. C.J.MacKechnie
I've driven all over this great land we call The United States of America. Everywhere I see apathy. people who no longer care about their jobs. Like any terrible air borne disease, Apathy spreads to everyone. Like any new disease which enters your being. It gestates, grows, multiplies and evolves. All within you. So, If a fellow employee doesn't care about doing a good job. What do you do? Work twice as hard or say and do as this apathetic person is doing? A good person will work their own job and jump in to complete the apathetic persons job. Because, most apathetic people just do not last long. Except for now, with the reward of unemployment compensation. Free money for sitting at home.
What happens if your in an entry level position and filled with pride for the company and job. Only to have an apathetic person as your boss. What do you do? Because any genuine complaint or communication of a problem, you may have will be twisted into by the apathetic boss in a negative fashion against you. While if the apathetic boss sees merit to your complaint. They will twist it for their own benefit and reward. When they take it to the supreme all knowing bosses. Then when there is a fix and you approach the apathetic boss about the idea. The apathetic person will ridicule you as they and he/she knows way more than you and this was in there awareness for some time. In other words you wasted your time. Which you didn't, But, you will never know the truth. because the apathetic boss person will erect a shield to anyone above their position. Not because they are all controlling but rather they are protecting themselves.
The same goes when you have that great wonderful idea. The apathetic boss will see your idea as an opportunity for themselves.
The word peoples can be replaced with Companies, corporations, nations, planet.

I guess a good person will walk away. While the bosses can and will fill your position. Who and what kind of person will they get. They will get people who match the psychology of the apathetic boss. Which in the end means what for the company? A never ending stream of stupid problems which no one will resolve. Why? not because of training or the lack of training. Because, of the attitude "If no one cares why should I". So, if you are a caring supreme all knowing big time boss man and your experiencing a never ending stream of stupid time and money losing problems. Look down your chain of command. Have a personal conversation with your entry level people with reassurances. Those who by record are always early and are always getting the job done above your own defined standard. Find and locate the apathetic disease within and cut it away. Cast it or them into the symbolic fire and remember them no more.
 All Notes from Facebook will be deleted. Apparently Facebook has lowered the number of notes you can have from 1500 down to 500. I just hope I can find the missing 1000. If not they are gone forever. I was using Facebook to protect my writings.
... Facebook note #1500. I'm at the end of the Facebook world. The inspiration for this is Flying J truck stop. On I-81x77, exit #77. A yellow truck was dripping diesel fuel. Not a stream but a steady drip. Hours of dripping and not a single driver who entered or exited cared enough to voice a concern. No flying J manager has even went around the property as they arrived to work. Now there is a 50-100 gallon fuel spill. The J guys were successful in preventing the fuel from actually getting into a drain pipe. No one cares anymore. People only care if you bring it to their attention. This is very real evidence of a people self destructing. C.J.MacKechnie
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books