Showing posts with label Ego. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ego. Show all posts

Monday, February 19, 2018

Time Sticky: (Unedited): 16-19 Feb 2018:

Going through time without a gravitational sticky/anchor. Will cause you to lose your place in a very probable dangerous way.
There is most likely several ways that you could ground yourself to a planet or larger celestial body  when you have the ability to travel in time. These are by frequency, gravity and magnetically. Since each varies over time. You may want to connect to each one in order to guarantee that you remain in place. The best place to maintain a connection is most likely at the poles. You will also need to know the historical variances of each.
You may be able to create a an energetic sphere where the principle of time has been removed. Depending on the degree of time removal. This energy field may also kill all life which goes within in. Because if time stops so does life. So a creation of a device which counteracts the timeless energy field may/will be necessary.
The scientists are right about involvement and communications with any person. Don't do it. Although I want to. I guess that is my pride and ego talking. To make effective changes to two sets of families. But, the story in the Holy Bible comes into play. It will be worse for you than it was for Sodom. For those people have been given everything and yet they are still disobedient and sinful. So if the people have been given everything then me going back in time to fix a thing would in fact be a waste of time.
The smallest degree of error in space travel can cause you to miss entire galaxies the further you travel. So to it is in time. Making big changes weeks or months ago will have a minimal effect and impact on today. While making the smallest of changes a hundred or even a thousand years ago. Will have a drastic impact on the world today. Such as meeting a person whether it be on purpose, by accident or by chance. Can cause that person not to meet the love of their life a thousand years ago. Then the lives of millions of people would change in your perception of today. Yet, It will be only your perception. A step into your own personal insanity. Especially when you would not be able to connect with reality.
 To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Saturday, March 18, 2017

Spirit Does Wills: Righteous Path:(Unedited): xx-18 March 2017:

The Holy Spirit does and wills as the Holy Spirit intelligently and righteously desires, even if you're not aware or don't believe.
This was written some time between 07 March and 12 March 2017: 
I copy/paste from my Facebook post. 
I have been following a person. Who has been led by the spirit. I think unknowingly, until recently. For whatever reason he bought a toy and used it for revealing of the truth. Because, he has done these things he has earned for himself some fame. Many spiritual truths were even revealed to him. I wonder if he went from knowing no spiritual truths to what he has lived spiritually now? To go from nothing to something can fundamentally alter a person forever. A thing you can never go back to. The blissful ignorance of yea yea yea. Instead of the perpetual noise of an ever drumming mind. To silent, wait and look over their and look in the corners of your own mind for answers which should not be there but are. Where did this one answer come from and I didn't even ask the question yet. But, somehow I needed to know it. How? why me? Who are you? silence? No fear. No sense of threat. Only Love and a sense of all is OK. 
He has even come to this revelation. In spite of his own self evident truths. Which hopefully is humbling to his mind, heart and spirit. I am encouraged as now I shall mostly watch him from a silence and honor him with prayer. 
It is always a wonder to me how the Holy Spirit does what the Holy Spirit chooses to do and with whom. The Holy Spirit seems to choose those with the least in order to do the most. The Holy Spirit chooses the self defeating to do the impossible. The Holy Spirit chooses those who can't lead themselves to lead a hopeless people. The Holy Spirit chooses the convicted to bring freedom. 
It is evident to me that the Holy Spirit may even be against this newly elected government to some unknown degree. Even though many Christians seem to have a love affair with the new President and it is he who the Holy Spirit was against in this action I watched for many months. Or for this sitting President who has only been in office for one single month and he won. (Comment deleted).
Righteous Path: (Unedited): 18 March 2017:
The righteous path is impossible to walk upon. That is until you become righteousness yourself. Then everywhere you walk is upon the righteous path.
True Righteousness: (Unedited): 18 March 2017:
True righteousness is always absent of pride, ego, arrogance and supremacy.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.

To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Secret Forgiveness: (Unedited): 10 Feb 2017:

Asking for forgiveness without revealing your sins is your ego and pride protecting yourself.
Asking for forgiveness without revealing your sins is only your feel good response absent of any genuine remorse or guilt.
Asking for forgiveness while keeping your sins secret shall only be validated or judged by God.
Asking for forgiveness while keeping your wrong doing secret only helps your pride and ego feel better.  
Recently,  had a friend ask for my forgiveness and that was all. It was probably nothing. He should have admitted it. For what ever it was. Maybe, it was that $25.00 Chuck roast he forgot about in his car. Dude it's OK. I forgave. So that he would feel better. He never admitted what it was. Now, it is between him and God. It will be his secret sin and secret wrong doing. What is more interesting is I got to write this.
A part of becoming righteous and holy is the revealing of your sins and wrong doings. While revealing of those sins and wrong doings may not go over so well with those whom you admit them to. Never the less it is necessary to a degree. If your very existence and presence can cause powerful negative emotions (Like me). Then in order to not cause any harm. You reveal each and every sin to God in prayer. Then continually pray for those whom you have harmed.
The relationships you have now. When you make mistakes. Ask for forgiveness. Do not allow your sins to remain secret. Tell someone.
Well if your in a church where everyone has secret sins and everyone pretends to be perfect socially acceptable Christians. Then you probably should go elsewhere. 
Personal Note:
I'm not able to ask for forgiveness from many people whom I have caused to suffer and have harmed. I have caused many people much pain. So to remind them of what I had done is not a good idea. I attempted to do that with whom was my best friend in childhood. It didn't go well. I should have been in his life to protect him and see after him. He still hurts after all of these decades. I was a bad person and still was in his eyes. He still feared me. All I could do is tell him none of it was his fault. It was all my fault and I was the bad person. I left it at that. Never to see my former and only best friend again. Even in adulthood. My presence caused him suffering. When you are or were such a bad person. Sometimes all you can do is go to God for forgiveness and to pray for those whom you have made to suffer. Your own memory will be that which convicts you often. Own it and endure it as a reminder of who you were and what you have become now. Maybe, your prayers will help them find peace and for their fears to disappear.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.

To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Spirit Of Cain: (Unedited): 02 June 2016:

Through mental conditioning and anti-spiritual training of worldly ways is the attitude and actions of the spirit of Cain perpetuated within each individual human being.
Through pride, ego, arrogance and disobedience to the word of God is the spirit of Cain known within each human being.
The ways of the world is one of pride, ego, arrogance and disobedience so as long as one is not accused or suspected.
The spirit of Cain perpetuated within you will always lead to pain, suffering and death.
The anti Cain spirit is one which can be discovered within the Holy Bible. 
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

You Know: (Unedited): 15 March 2016:

Trials, tribulations, temptations and tests are those things which must be endured in order for you to know your faith, your will, your righteousness and your honor.
Failure of life's real tests are those opportunities to grow from the sadness, guilt and embarrassment. In order to become a better human being. Their not fun. Some of those mistakes, failures and sins revealed are meant to hack away at your pride, ego and arrogance. Thus, bringing you more in line with those very important spiritual lessons of wisdom and understanding.
One of the greatest forms of arrogance, pride and ego is to never admit your failures, sins, mistakes, faults and weaknesses. Even when you commit crime, get accused or even caught. You continue to deny it all. It matters not what the evidence proves conclusively or how many believable witnesses there are. All the while, You are doing more harm to yourself than you have done to your victim. Because, maybe your victims will survive and go on leaving all that you are behind them as an eventual forgotten memory. You to will go on. You may even forget their names. But you shall never ever get away from their curses upon your own living soul. The more harm you do. The more harm you do to yourself and it shall all be magnified to an unbearable level. Beyond that tolerance which destroys all of your own sanity and reason.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 


Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Working Work: (Unedited): 02 Feb 2016:

Working to only do a good job is so much less stressful. Than working to work for pay raises, management positions and promotions.
This is a simple one. I was caught up in all of that. Working for the pay raises and promotions as well as being selected for positions. Becoming good enough. I just forgot about the part of just doing a good job. Because, some how it wasn't good enough for a guy like me.
Once I decided that all of those bigger, better, higher and more important things were not in truth beneficial to me as a person. I could see through the illusion and how all of those things just fed my pride, ego and arrogance.
Please help if you can. Thank You.
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Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.

Monday, January 18, 2016

Spiritual Love @ 6: (Unedited): 15 Jan 2016:

It is not impossible to love God whom we naturally perceive as absent and yet who is ever present.
C.J. MacKechnie
We are tied into our physical and mental worlds. All that we naturally think we are is wrapped in the incoming information of our external senses from our eyes, ears, skin and nose. Then through the creativity of our own minds. We can create whole new worlds, universes, existences and even new identities.
To further our separation from knowing our true selves (Spirit) and from God. We delve into external fantasies through media. Such as books, music, shows, internet, Television and etc. This continued separation is far worse than the minutes our hours spent engaged in the media of our choosing. Because, our minds are very susceptible to reprogramming or brain washing. Most of humanity isn't even aware of just how easy it is to alter their own way of thinking. So when you listen to that awful music which is deemed ultra cool by the culture you live in. You automatically assume there is no harm to you. But, there is and it is very subtle. The key to the severity of the harm is in the repetition and it your active participation in the content.
Other subtle ways to transform a mind away from your internal spirit and from reconnecting with God. Is to really like music, shows, characters and to only find out that they are very offensive people in their real truthful lives. Then deciding it is OK because you like the character or show they are acting in.
Even to the degree. Where your pastor of a religious church comes out as gay. Yet you remain present in that church and or religion. Yet you continue to attend your religion even though they have decided to accept all into their clergy even those actively engaged in sinful lifestyles.
You cannot ever approach God when there is sin in your life accepted and addicted sins of any kind.
It doesn't matter if the government has legalized sin. in which if your religion and government has legalized and accepted any kind of sin. Then it is they who has separated themselves from God. If you continue to participate within their accepted sin. Then you shall also be separated from God. No matter how much you want the connection. Through your continued participation. You shall share in the consequences of allowing the abomination of desolation into your holy place(s).  You shall become like one of the fallen angels, religions, churches and countries and human beings.
Through quietening of our own external world and our own internal mind. Can we then reacquaint our physical self with our true spiritual being. Then from there reach out to touch God. 
To disconnect yourself from both the outside world and the running's of your own out of control internal thinking processes. Has to be a choice of yours. Do you really want to disconnect from all of those entertaining outside influences? Do you really want to have control over the absolute free flow of thoughts? Do you want to acquaint yourself with your true self? Do you want to reacquaint yourself with God? These two things are your first choices to make? The simple or not so simple method of meditating helps and assists you to gain control over your own mind. Turning off the media devices and spending some very quiet alone time is the other.
For many humans beings they have already been self conditioned to automatically turn on the cell phone, computer device, television, radio. To be ever surrounded with noise. All of these sounds only distract you away from the truth. The truth of who you are supposed to be. A child of God with full awareness of your own true state of being. As defined by God and not by the rulers of the world. The rulers cannot control you or have any real authority over you if you are governed directly by God. You become a free being who loves everyone, who lives in peace with all, who exists in harmony with all that surrounds them and who cherishes all life.
But before you can reconnect with God. You must first begin to live your life in righteousness and holiness as directly seen and known by God.
When you are finally are able to truly reach out to God. Do not be surprised to discover. That you have always been in His loving hand.
After much time praying, meditating and contemplating those things of God and of quietness. After, you have eliminated all of the sins from your life. After, you have begun to live your outward life with love, Peace and harmony. This is not by duty or because you have to in order to prove it. This is an out expression of who you are and what you have become. This is the evidence of your life's journey so far. Which can only be seen and judged by God. Then is when wonderful things shall happen in it's time.
From your love for God can you begin to discover the true nature of God and just how overwhelmingly wonderful God truly is.
For you to discover. I find that these things are defined by the individual person. Which cannot be proven by any physical means or even expressed by any human means. To express the wonders of God is impossible for the human mind and physical body to fathom. let alone express. This is something in which you have to seek out for yourself. This is your journey which is only for you as we all are individual living beings who cannot share directly with any other. We are just not made that way. We can communicate to the best we can. But, that will always be lacking to some degree. 
The true outward expression of love is absent of pride, ego and arrogance.
The person who has made contact with their true self and have made contact into the spirit. Maybe, even contact with God. These people will be humbled of actions, drives and thoughts. Both inward and outwardly. Pride, ego and arrogance is evidence of the worlds control over their mind and body. 
Compassion and mercy coupled with pride and ego is evidence of heartlessness. No matter the degree of do-gooding. 
 How many corporate officers or corporate employees do you know of who have much pride and ego. I have met many who walk as if you approach them they automatically know you are not worthy of their presence or time. Even in those organizations where doing good is the business of daily life. Yes, in deed they do good daily and help other they do daily.
Even a heartless person or even a team of heartless people can do the business of doing good for the community. But, in the end for these heartless souls. it only matter what they can get out of it. While at the same time keeping those below them from gaining in any way.
In the corporate business of doing good. Your payroll is set at a certain percentage of cash flow. The only way to gain more for yourself is to control all aspects of total expenses. This also includes payroll. So by keeping your employees so poor that they must depend on government welfare in order to survive. All in the name of more money for you. Well, that is just heartless and inhumane.
To love one another.
To live in peace.
To exist in harmony.
To cherish/respect life. 
To obey/honor the Laws of God.
To become the holy and righteous people as The Heavenly Father intended us all to be.
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Human Achievements: (Unedited): 10 June 2015:

Righteousness and holiness should become the personal achievements of every human being. All without arrogance, pride and ego.
We all should learn to reject all of those things in which we have learned from those fallen angels which came to this planet and solar system and enslaved us all.  From our beginning knowledge of astronomy to the use of makeup as well as their evolution into our modern world. While astronomy is important to us looking out into the world. The names of planets and constellations should be altered/changed. No longer should we use those names or identifications which force us to remember those who have fallen from the grace and acceptance of God. Just by continuing to use identification of those things learned from the fallen ones. It continues to separate our minds from our spirits and our spirits from God. By rejecting those things contaminated by those fallen ones. We can then become reacquainted with God. Is my recommendation the essential step for all of humanity to know the God of our creation again? No, but it is a very good step in the process. Those steps which are of supreme importance are in purple.
The stand alone importance of the fragments of the book of Enoch should be considered nearly second in importance to The Holy Bible .
This is all we each should all want to do in this life. To achieve a life worth living for us all. Us all means all Human Beings. No matter where they may reside.

To love one another.
To live in peace.
To exist in harmony.
 To cherish life.
 To become the holy and righteous people as The Heavenly Father intended us to be.
 At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Saturday, April 11, 2015

Growth Blocks: (Unedited): 11 April 2015:

Your pride and ego will become continuous stumbling blocks to your spiritual growth. While sin, lawlessness, disobedience shall prevent you from achieving the next level.
To remain humble and less than all others seems to be key to spiritual growth.  You can't fake it or be self deceiving. Only the truth which is in your mind, heart and spirit will coalesce into a singular force of truth. From this essential truth does your spiritual growth come. From righteous living by your own free and logical choice does the understanding of the wisdom you have learned is gleaned. The understanding is from the spirit where as the wisdom is of The Word. So as long as The Word obeys the laws of Love, Peace, Harmony, Life and the law. From there you will know if the word is holy. from there you will know if the writer is in compliance and not deceived. Each and every word should be judged by this holy law in blue.
*NOTE* Even all of my writing should be and shall be judged. i am not exempt. I do - do the best i can. I am not formally educated nor am I a trained writer by any measure. You can laugh here. it is the message which is important. Not me who is just pecking away. In which I have to in order to free my mind.
It is my hope that you the common person freely choose to live your life as a righteous free person. To attain a level of humble holiness like John the baptist and not haughty high regard like within the Catholic Church, Islam, Mega church pastors and anyone else who professes to be greater than you while holding their own chin up. 
From this will humanity survive the coming prophetic times of man made self extinction.
From this will we all begin to have a life worth living. With great meaning and purpose.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Gifts Absence: (Unedited): 11April 2015:

With the absence of your ego and pride, will you be able to fully witness the complete manifestations of your gifts. 
 In the beginning of the development of your gifts it seems that mental and physical gifts are not so hindered by ego and pride. But, once the individual person reaches their realized pinnacle of accomplishment. Their pride and ego takes hold of them and then they suffer a very hard fall from grace. So by taming your inner ego and pride early on. They shall not become blood thirsty monsters later on. Do the research on a lot of those who became athletically great in their own sport. Who in boxing? Who in the UFC? Who in golf? Who in Baseball? Who in sprinting? Who in Swimming? Who in religion? There seems to be many more in religion than anywhere else.
Who do you see right now in any field of your choosing is so filled with pride and ego? That they will soon fall very hard.
There you go point proven.
It is also the same in business or which ever your profession is. When you begin to think and believe that you can do whatever you want to do in your personal, professional and spiritual life. This is when severe disciplines will manifest. It will affect your profession and your personal life very directly. Everyone who is associated with you will also be affected. With a ruined reputation you shall not attain levels once achieved.
In your spiritual life. It does seems that direct spiritual growth is tied directly to your ego and pride. So the more humble you become, the less important you are, the more you spiritually grow. It is just contrary to the world way of doing things. It seems like everyone boosts your ego and pride. Just to watch you crash. (Bruce Lee) in mind. Does water know when it is about to fall or crash? But those who are in seemingly control of the water can make it fall and crash at their self defined will. Who suffers the most? The water and those who are impacted most from it. While those who caused or created the timing for the water to fall and crash. They get to stand back and enjoy. At which time after the fact those who were in control can come back into the picture and become the saviors who saved a former great soul. Or at least an opportunity to do so.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Saturday, March 7, 2015

First Spirit: (Unedited): 07 March 2015:

Yesterday, I felt the passing of my adopted Aunt DBW. She is about 347+ miles away.

My Aunt DBW suffered a long time with a muscular type of disease. She wrote books and  was always a gentle spirit of a genuine southern lady. Always wanting to do for others as she was able.
During the time of passing of my adopted father. There were many things in which I was highly sensitive to. Such as the Angels who were purposely trying to hide much of themselves from me in her home. They were there for her.  My Aunt DBW was also the first person whom I was able to actually see her spirit fully revealed. I also knew that it was her spirit which was keeping her alive and as active as possible. Her spirit emitted an internalized green color.

As of yesterday afternoon. She was freed of her sick body and is now alive more than ever. No rest in peace for this spirit and I am very certain her spirit is no longer a green color.
I would have very much liked to have spent more time with my adopted aunt and uncle. The wisdom I missed out on because of my own ego and arrogance. But, It seemed it was not to be. In my younger days I was raised to be bad and I was. I was very disrespectful and very selfish. I could have learned much about life from the both of them as they were the only ones who were welcoming.
The faults and failures that we all have made in our lives can be forgiven and lives within the family circle can begin again. You the reader do not have to be outside of the family. You can become re-acquainted and accepted with your family once again. Just go and apologize. Just change your life and free yourself from doing wrong ever again. Especially if the legal sins of the world is what has taken you away from your genetic family. How can you be happy when you are separated from the family whom loved you. Were all human and we all have our own faults and failures. We all have our own sins and sin history. No one was given a book on how to raise "you". The "you" means to raise only "you". Because raising you is not the same as raising any other child. You had your own oddities and natural gifts and those hidden gifts which needed to be discovered and trained up. Yes, I know to many "Ands". I sort of did that on purpose for my Aunt DBW.
Everyone missed out on something in their own lives and in their own childhoods. It is easy to play the blame game and accuse your own parents of being awful in the raising of you. Most parents do the best they could. That is what you should see in your own parents. This is the positive side of thinking and feeling as opposed to the negative side of thinking and feeling. One feels good and the other feels bad. How do you want to feel in your life about your life? You do have the freedom to feel happy or sad.
You who are physically alive and still spiritually asleep. Seek out what I call the living funeral. Go forth to your still living relatives and friends. Seek out forgiveness and offer forgiveness where appropriate.
By easing the minds and spirits of your loved ones or even former loved ones. You ease their woes in their last times of life. You at the same time ease your own guilt's for the remainder of your own days in this life. You also take away from your mind. Those typical statements at any wake where the loved one has already passed. You know, "I should have done more", "I should have been there", I should have said those important words", "I could have" or "I would have if I had known". If you go forth with a living funeral then you would have been in the loop when their passing had begun and you would have had that opportunity.
The living funeral also may hasten the passing of your loved one. Thus, easing their suffering when they know all of the words were said. All of the actions in life had been taken. Going to sleep for that last time is satisfactory. This makes for a beautiful passing when all of the loved ones are present expressing love instead of apathy or hatred or expectant gifts from the will.
Everyday before you depart from your loved ones on any journey. No more the distance or the time away. You should always have a living funeral. So are you thinking how awful that would be? The living funeral evolves into expressions of love, gratitude and expectancy for life to continue, to move forward. Can you see how this works. Then if something happens. There wont be any regrets. The absence of regrets will be peace of mind, peace of heart and peace of spirit.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Friday, October 24, 2014

Humanities Weakness: (Unedited): 24 Oct 2014:

The weakness of humanity can be seen in all of their created technology which dominate and control their lives. 
Who or what is in control of your life?
Being a consumer and a user does not necessarily mean that you have any control over your own life, your will, your thoughts and your psychology. Which all results in a predictable decision making process. Your actions and intentions all predicted. You are all slaves and know it not. Even the leaders of our world are all slave puppets. Yet, within their own inflamed pride and ego. They think and believe they have all of the power and authority.
Slaves can be happy slaves. So as long as they do as they are stressed and pressured into doing. Like mice in a maze. Who only wants the scrap of cheese. It is the builders of the maze and the ones who offer up the scraps as an ultimate reward for efforts.
The world leaders are just administrators controlled in which is not conceptualized by the whole of humanity.  We are all controlled through our base human animalistic functions. The Earth is a hard place in which to live. We were not placed here by our own free choice. It was our ancestors sins which brought us here. We all instinctively want to return back to  that which our ancestors came from. But, we cannot. So we endeavor to create ease and comfort for ourselves.
We are still yet easily controlled by those fallen ones. Who cause us to think and feel like animals. In which we really are. Keeping us stuck in that primal mindset keeps all of us individually and collectively from evolving. AND that my friends is the intentions of the fallen ones. To keep us from evolving. The more we evolve the more we can become greater than those who are the fallen. This is just a glimpse of the fallen ones plan. Keep us from evolving while planning our own demise by our own hands. Through demonically inspired technologies.
Anything we make by our own hands and it matters not by whose will it is done by. If it or they create death, destruction, then it is from the demonic fallen angels, space aliens or how ever you name them.
The demonic logical formula is Death, War/Conflict, Chaos and Hate. Hate is the most powerful of the demonic formula. From hate begets the defined enemy in which must be destroyed for survival or profit.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
  “Musings of an American Truck Driver”:


Thursday, October 16, 2014

Righteous Love: (Unedited): 16 Oct 2014:

Gods love is easily experienced by the righteous soul. 
So why doesn't all human beings know God? It is very simple. Humanity is consumed with lies and deceptions. Humanity is full of sin.Then there is pride, ego, negativity. Lets not forget the lack of faith and belief.

There you have it. This is why many people do not know God.
Here is for instance. A lie which is known as a human truth can keep you from knowing God.
This is one such lie. The races of humanity is a lie. Although racism is a truth based on that lie.
This is just one lie in which the common human being believes as a truth. So as long as each of us has false beliefs, false faiths and false truths. It will be very difficult for any of us to know the Love of God. 
The righteous soul who has chosen to follow all of Gods laws and rule. Not because of any fears, threats or intimidation's. But because it is logically the right thing to do.  The righteous person easily expresses love for any of their human brothers or sister. They live in peace with everyone. They exist in harmony with all of creation. The respect and honor all life. This is good and because of their goodness. These righteous souls have a knowing of God and the love of God.
These righteous souls live without sin or the question of being in sin.
The righteous soul does not hate. The righteous soul does not relish chaos or is entertained by it. The righteous soul shall not engage in conflict or war. The righteous soul does not agree with any human rightful freedom of killing or abortion.

The Lies and Deceptions of RACE:

We are all one humanity, one species and one family. When all of the common peoples unite together to love one another, to live in peace with each other and to exist in harmony. Then we all can find a very rich life we all can live with great meaning.
If you cannot separate yourself from the lies and deceptions of the separation and division of the races. Then you, your family and your entire church will/may not be one of the elect, protected, saved or raptured. You must begin to know and believe that we are a single race of beings called humans. We are all brother and sister to one another.

The DNA fingerprinting was established in 1984. Read it well. Believe the truth and reject the lies you have only known as truth.
The history of humanity told by many different traditions.
From about 8 minutes and 50 seconds to the introduction of the European leader. Listen good. This was in 26 June 2000. President Bill Clinton Library.
Research for yourself the Human skin. learn how it is the largest organ of the human body. Learn about all of the primary functions of the human skin. Then learn about the minor function of the coloring of the skin. Learn how if you lose a primary function of the skin. You can die. Where as if you lose your skin coloring. You will just be uncomfortable, but still living with possible social ridicule. Now, after you have learned all about your human skin. Ask yourself this. Why do we not compare other organs of the body with other people such as the liver, kidneys, gall bladder and etc. How come there isn't racial stereo types for those who can drink much alcohol and those who cannot drink? Why? Race or the coloring of the skin is illogical and without any actual fact. 
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Good Teacher: (Unedited): 21 Sept 2014:

The good teacher cannot teach those who consider themselves greater than the good teacher and is only the ways to their self defined means. 
 The good teacher seems to always want to teach anyone who is present in the hopes that their heart and mind are open. The desires of the student can be very muddled with many distractions and false beliefs. The pride and ego of the student can become blockades to the good teacher. Especially if the student knows they are smarter and wealthier or more important than the good teacher will ever be. Then this student cannot be effectively taught.
Selfishness can also blind the student to learning those little details which are necessary in life. Such as wisdom and understanding. Everyone knows that wisdom and understanding will not profit you in the world system as led by those false god's. Wisdom and understanding causes you to question the human leaders of those false god's. So this is why wisdom and understanding is not included in the world's formal educational systems.
The student is everyone and the teacher can also be anyone. When the teacher has too much superior pride in the positions they hold. then they can no longer be taught, nor can they unlearn those truths which have turned out to be lies.
Even the wealthier than you family member or friend can have so much ego and pride that they automatically discount your less than them counsel. Woe to those who discount and negate wisdom and understanding.
The older person who is obviously far less intelligent then you, maybe even by more than 100 points. These people have gained much from their unique observations from their perspective understandings in this life. Which is alien of yours. By humbling yourself to listen to their counsel in matters which may be blind to you. Their overly simplistic approach may just enlighten your clouded awareness and save you and those whom you represent from a potential calamity of unknown definition.
A humble leader is a quiet teacher and a listening student. How can a teacher be quiet? It is through their actions that they teach those who choose to watch and follow them.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Victim Self: (Unedited): 07 Aug 2014:

You will become your own self created victim. When you wrongly believe you are capable of doing so many great things and choose to do nothing. 
It doesn't really matter what you believe you think you can do. It only matters what you actively manifest into this realty of real matter. If you actually do nothing, then you create nothing. It doesn't matter how much ego, pride and self enjoyment you mentally create on how great your deeds could have been.
Having Nothing: 07 Aug 2014: (Unedited): 
Doing nothing means having done nothing. 
For most people who have minimal financial wealth or no real financial wealth. They each must endeavor through the whole process of wealth creation. Which includes creating and building their solid foundation. Any personal wealth foundation must begin with a complete and through educational building. Which includes the basics of critical thinking. Critical thinking is best made with the learning of mathematical principles. Achieving a high level of communications with your primary language, the language of business and the learning the language of your primary business partners.
The educational process is the chemical component which combines all other aspects of your success. The educational process is now never ending. 
Stopping your education life because you have achieved your self defined minimum standard. Means you will minimally achieve at a minimal rate. The statement "Minimal or Minimum Standard Achieved" should be an offensive phrase to you.
So Do.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Monday, September 23, 2013

Pruning Time: (Unedited): 13 Feb 2005:

The time of pruning will come soon. There will be a great cutting away, to be followed by a purifying flame. 
How does GOD define soon in the mind of a writer. The urgings of my soul still whisper soon. Then the time of the end of Man shall come. Even for those who hide deep within the Earth. There pride and egos declare them to be safe. They are not. The time shall come when all of man shall perish. The good along with the bad. The outcomes of both shall be very different. The good shall continue on and the bad shall end. Physical life isn't as important as spiritual life. Those who have embraced and show tangible evidence that Love, Peace, Harmony exists within them and without. Shall not fear when physical death comes to them. Those unbelievers who have continually refused and have lived a life with Hate, War, Chaos and death. Shall find the end of their entire being. So, physical death for them shall be a death of the entire being. Include the immortal spiritual parts they have denied-repeatedly.

Today and right now. Change your life.
 Learn the true nature of living a life worth living. 
Love One another. 
Live in Peace.  
                           Exist in Harmony.
Can you unlearn hate for whomever you have been taught is or was your enemy?
Can you unlearn violence and warfare? Can you unlearn murder, harm and abuse?
Can you exist without chaos? Your whole life has always been one fight after another, one battle after another, one war after another? Can you lay down your sword, gun and bomb? Will you?

If you can live by truly loving your brother and sister, living in peace with everyone, Exist in harmony with all. Then for you life shall be an option.
The pruning away of the good fruit from all of that which is bad. Is the saving of the remnant. So, the rest of what is left shall be purified in the fires heat.
Musings of an American Truck Driver

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Prides idiocy: (Unedited): 13 June 2013:

The pride of a superior minded person cannot see his own reflection being played out in the idiocy of the playful mocking bird.  
 Other works in progress.
The superior mind may not be aware of that the idiocy he sees in the mocking bird is a reflection of him.

A superior minded person may not know that the reflection he sees in the eyes of the mocking bird is the idiot he is outwardly witnessing.  C.J.MacKechnie

The pride of a superior minded person cannot see his own reflection being played out in the idiocy of the playful mocking bird.

Works in progress.
I have been very fortunate to meet some very intelligent people in my life. Such as my adopted father who could literally do any math formula faster than you could lay it down on paper or inputted into a calculator and computer.  The pride and ego of those superior minded people is rude and belittling. I've learned from my father who preferred to be around more common people. Probably because their honesty is pure. There wasn't any competition of who is smarter. Even though he was a pacifist. I saw him as that tired samurai who could not be defeated. So he hid among the commoners.
His hiding was more than that. He was lied to and deceived by those who needed his intelligence.
For you other guys:
I met a former important person many weeks ago. He was bragging how he knew this concept and that topic. So, I Figured he may have known or was just testing to see what I knew. He even had ties to other people that I know of but had not met.  Yes, I'm being vague. The point is. I did not want him to think it is OK for us to begin any kind of friendship and I did not want to know anything he might have known. So, I became a mocking bird. He even loudly thought I was the idiot.
What happens to limestone when radio-logically heated? 
Would the process of radio-logically super heating limestone cause those old standing structures crumble into dust? or cause the entire state of Florida to become like muddy quicksand which turns into a hardened concrete.
Would the out gassing or the release of CO2 by the superheated limestone cause the population of the surface suffocate and die? Would the CO2 cloud move in the general direction of the winds and suffocate and kill everyone until it is dissipated?

What would happen when many high powered radio signals are aimed into one spot?

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Stealth Healers: (Unedited): 12 June 2013:

This is a mess. But, The message is important. Thank You for muddling through it.
What is the harm and effect of purposefully healing people in secret? Without bringing any attention to yourself.
Is there any harm to a person's mind or spirit? I do not believe so. The person just begins to feel better in the time you do have together in person, assuming they are not actively blocking via their own negative thinking and negative emotions.
Does the action of secretly and purposefully healing people in your presence alter their belief systems in any way? In that moment if the person you are secretly healing feels something different, then you can take non-deceptive actions like stopping or continuing on the healing without bringing any attention to yourself, thus not boosting your pride or ego and not causing the person whom your are healing to falsely believe you're a special person, gifted person, another god or another messiah. (Note the use of lowercase letters).

A person who heals in stealth does not need to be concerned with attention, respect, reverence or righteous honors or wealth. Healing in stealth should cause no questionable feelings, thoughts or attitudes. The source of the healing power is absolutely intelligent and does not need for you to wave your hands waiting for you to discern where the malady is located before going to work. The source of the healing force is divinely intelligent and works by it's own choice, direction and intensity. You do not need to ask. Just be willing to do and allow the healing to begin or not. Either way energy is never wasted.
 With an Intelligence of this advanced and exacting knowing, the mathematical formula which governs it must  also incorporate a perfected emotional state like compassion, mercy, love, joy, satisfaction, passion and others in order for this healing to work the way it does.
Running thoughts to be re-compiled or entirely deleted
There is no need to seek or find any living person for your healing to be done. All of the healing which can be done is all within you and easily accessible as it already is to other animals. Which seems to know what to eat and not eat.
Added on 15 Nov 2015: 
I just met Mr. Ed last night. Stage 4 Cancer. Zero hope for survival. Months to live and to wait for death to come. I walked with him for a short time as he told me his harrowing story of current cancer survival. Severe and ugly medical scars all over his body.  Some of the scars looked professional while others appeared to be hack jobs. Really. His thoughts were of his young teenager. He was just tired of all of the tests and very aggressive sessions of Chemo. Laser surgeries and the absolute nothingness of being put out. Tumors all over his body and in his brain. Can you imagine that sort of hell of knowing (Right NOW!) that your own ind is lost. That in the next few months you will become completely lost mentally. Incapable of being able to fight this terrible enemy. He has solace. Through his cremation he will have the last victory over this deadly enemy. I call that heroic.
But, throughout our walk at one point he questioned whether or not to get ice cream. I had to say "YEA!" He did feel guilty. To even enjoy ice cream. After all that he had been through. At this point it doesn't even really matter if he gets sick from it. Just to enjoy the ice cream in this moment. In this moment.
With stealth healing and with no communication as to what I was doing. The silent healing prayers were ongoing as they are all after he left to go his way and into this morning. The prayers continue. Sometimes mercy, compassion and love should just be silently expressed. No thanks or gratitude should ever be expected. There is no need. Let them express their gratitude to God. That is where the ultimate gratitude should always go to. After all, I or we are just willing and obedient servants of God. 
There are never coincidences when you are in tune to God. When you are willfully and by your own free choice obedient to God. So when any stranger to you and not to God comes into your presence. What do you do. Socially push them away because they are a stranger to you? Listen to the stranger tell of his life of medical horror as Ed was at first reluctant but I welcomed his words. He needed to be heard with a compassionate ear. Thus, begins the opportunity and time to pray for healing. 
There is no need for any expectancy as God is the only one who can do as he wills it. Will there be a healing? Not for me to know. Will I/you be credited and glorified with the healing? Just writing that question brings a shiver to me. Your/My answer should and better be "NO!!!!"
Even if I may never see Mr. Ed ever again. The journey is his and not mine. My only purpose in that moment was only to be a compassionate friend. Who conducted secret and stealthy healing. In the Name of my Heavenly Father. His Holy Son and the Holy Ghost. Give unto Mr. Ed mercy, compassion and healing. 
It is not for me or you to know if someone or anyone is worthy of healing. This is where trust and faith in God comes in. It is not you letting God or even allowing God to do anything. Like you really have that kind of power. We are just servants and as servants. We do and just be in the present presence. God is gonna do what God is gonna do. With or without your permission, acceptance, approval or even denial. Then there is that time thing. Your and my concept of time or when something should happen. Is also not even a consideration to God. Are you getting this. Because, It is really hard for me. I'm really good at. OK God anytime now. Yo God, how about now or next week at 1530 Hours eastern daylight time. LOL. But, I'm serious. I do that even knowing what I write above. Sometimes, I think I was born to bring more humor into the observance of God. Really. 
Sometimes, I think God will get His Angel buddies together, sit in their Godly recliners, make some popcorn. Then just watch and laugh at me. I'm just my own comedy central. No cruelty or meanness in this is expressed by me. Maybe, I will learn something. Are you the reader getting this? 
Becoming a stealth Healer means no attention to you and all gratitude to where it is supposed to go.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Revealed Gifts: (Unedited): 24 May 2013:

The distant perception of another persons dormant or newly emerging gifts. Does not give you permission to reveal them. C.J.MacKechnie
Sometimes, Revealing another persons gifts can harm that person. Especially, if they do not believe in such heresy. Life long Christians are taught from an early age about the occult and how everything which is extra ordinary is of the devil. For some reason the Christian never makes the connections that Jesus exercised in the extra ordinary and actually gave permission for all of those who believe to exercise in those gifts as well. (John 14). A good sign of non-belief within the individual churches is where there is zero miracles being worked. Who believes and who does not is not the point of this particular posting. It is causing harm which is of importance and how not to harm anyone.
Another reason why you should not reveal gifts. Is because of the attention you should receive from others. The revealing can cause your pride and ego to bloat.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Culture Destruction: (Unedited): 20 Dec 2011:

A culture of people. Who each individually look for opportunities for revenge-able actions. Has already self destructed. C.J.MacKechnie 
This is not just about any particular culture. This is about you individually, Your individual family, About your tribe or clan, About your town or city, About your people or nation and about your religion and culture. 
When you embrace and believe in your fundamental right for revenge. You must know all that will result is only more pain and suffering, more death and more destruction, more sickness and more stagnation, more more devolution and extinction. Nothing good will ever come from revenge, Even thinking about revenge hardens a persons heart. Thus begins to grow apathy, a disease which is contagious to your children first. From your own hate so to will your children and your children's death you will see and feel. 
I understand where the culture of revenge is mandatory for continued existence and life. But, That is all it is existence and not any life worth living. If someone does a bad thing to you whether it be on purpose or by accident. You must seek revenge and retribution for any action done to you. You must do so to a greater severity. Or else someone will perceive you to be weak and a potential future target by them. Whoever "THEM" may be. This action of revenge is a psychological self protection mechanism. Revenge and retribution involves ego, pride, anger and hate. How does anything good come from this? We all know only good comes from GOD, Allah, Grandfather. So, if there is no good in a thing or a action or even a thought. Then there is No GOD, ALLAH, Grandfather in the process.  
Seek no more revenge or retribution. Love one another and live in peace. So that all may have a life worth living in harmony.
Name changed to "Culture Destroyed". Because it already is. A society, religion, nation and/or culture. Must have lots of babies and bring in new people. Just so extinction doesn't become a reality.
I do not remember what the original title was (25 Oct 2012). 
Please help if you can. Thank You.
Cash App $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.