Showing posts with label Level. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Level. Show all posts

Friday, August 19, 2016

Beyond Gattaca: (Unedited): 19 Aug 2016:

Fairness and a level playing field is something that all parties want and expect. But, the secret desires of glory in some hearts almost forces them to choose performance enhancements substances today. The next generation of performance enhancement begins as genetic editing becomes an essential tool of every doctors utility belt. Beyond Gattaca begins when genetic editing occurs before a child is born and continues throughout life. The beginning may even occur with conception or before conception.
The Rio Olympics is almost over. Rio has embarrassed themselves and it appears that the Brazilian people didn't even want the Olympics. American Olympic stars embarrass their country with false accusations. While real robberies have occurred against Olympic athletes. Russian Performance drug accusations. Childish antics in many other places.
What is next in order to maintain and guarantee a level playing field? This will be genetic testing and comparisons. As the advancement of genetic editing progresses from before birth, to childhood and into adulthood. Why wouldn't those who already have their IQ's in the 160+ range desire to genetically become smarter by altering themselves into the 200+ IQ range. The child who has the love in his/her heart for a certain sport but has the minimal genetic athletic qualities to perform as one of the best. That child can be genetically altered to athletically perform at a higher level.
What about nations such as every one of them. Who wants to have all of the gold and silver metals. Who wants their country to be seen as the best. Why not raise up genetically altered children to perform better than anyone else at everything. Why not?
When a certain 1% of the population of the world desires to have a slave force. One which can be genetically engineered to never disobey or ever to have the intelligence to plan or to think ahead. What will happen then? As resources become more and more limited. Do the 1% begin to decide to genetically engineer their slave force to live for only 35 years?
But, this is all about selfish greed.
The cure for cancer and no treatments. The autistic child cured and their abilities raised to be just above average. Life expectancy dramatically increased without any physical demise or mental dementia. The child with bone and muscle problems is genetically engineered after birth to perform well in the Olympics.
What is next for athletic competitions and the testing of athletes? The ongoing genetic comparison testing from childhood all the way through their adult life. While they are still in competition. To many variances from birth to adulthood should indicate genetic editing in order to seek out unfair athletic advantage.
Some strangeness may result. Like for swimmers. Those with very large feet and hands. Those with longer arms and legs.
Not really a good movie. Some adult scenes. But is representative of various kinds of social class racism. In which every aspect of human racism is a human social construct. How to make people better? Are better people more deserving of life and love than not so better people as thought of by society as a whole? If a person is genetically made to be better why can't he or she decide to better himself or herself, yet again and again and again? Can a human being genetically engineer themselves beyond the limited constraints of humanity as is known of today? What will that even look like? Can we or they then become like gods or GOD's? (Please forgive me, NO Blasphemy intended). Just posing the questions..
What about genetically engineered military forces? What about genetically engineered fighter pilots who can stay awake and thinking logically beyond 15 or 20 G's and with no special suits? What about genetically engineered people who can live on Mars? What about genetically engineered boneless people living in the depths of space? 
$6 Million Dollar Man intro theme. Arrogance at it's best. Then you go out and fix the world as you want it to become.
The term "Utility Belt" is from the fictional character known as Batman.
 To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Saturday, April 11, 2015

Growth Blocks: (Unedited): 11 April 2015:

Your pride and ego will become continuous stumbling blocks to your spiritual growth. While sin, lawlessness, disobedience shall prevent you from achieving the next level.
To remain humble and less than all others seems to be key to spiritual growth.  You can't fake it or be self deceiving. Only the truth which is in your mind, heart and spirit will coalesce into a singular force of truth. From this essential truth does your spiritual growth come. From righteous living by your own free and logical choice does the understanding of the wisdom you have learned is gleaned. The understanding is from the spirit where as the wisdom is of The Word. So as long as The Word obeys the laws of Love, Peace, Harmony, Life and the law. From there you will know if the word is holy. from there you will know if the writer is in compliance and not deceived. Each and every word should be judged by this holy law in blue.
*NOTE* Even all of my writing should be and shall be judged. i am not exempt. I do - do the best i can. I am not formally educated nor am I a trained writer by any measure. You can laugh here. it is the message which is important. Not me who is just pecking away. In which I have to in order to free my mind.
It is my hope that you the common person freely choose to live your life as a righteous free person. To attain a level of humble holiness like John the baptist and not haughty high regard like within the Catholic Church, Islam, Mega church pastors and anyone else who professes to be greater than you while holding their own chin up. 
From this will humanity survive the coming prophetic times of man made self extinction.
From this will we all begin to have a life worth living. With great meaning and purpose.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Monday, April 7, 2014

What is Meditation? Simplified.: (Unedited): 07 April 2014:

What is meditation? Here is the sort of free definition in which complication occurs.
What is meditation? The pay for yourself by finding an author/writer who has many very in-depth answers. They should be worth your money and efforts of understanding.
Here is my dimes worth on what is meditation. Possibly even over simplified. Which I believe is necessary. Because, many whom I have spoken to seem to think that meditation is elusive, impossible and only for those select souls who have reached some kind of ill defined level of assumed holiness. For those of you who have read my writings. You already know. What it is I am about to say or type. I will also include prayer and contemplation.

The defined free level of meditation is partly related to the Christian section of Wikipedia. I believe it is inaccurate as the whole of the Christian Church has kept all of the power and authority for itself. Which is not and was not intended by The homeless man named Jesus. Hence the importance of John 14:12. There is another. Just can not remember it right now. 
(Paraphrase. Jesus spoke to his disciples saying all of these things you have witnessed, You to can do as well and more...) If you know of the verse please leave in comments. Thank you.

Meditation is that in which, everyone does everyday of your life. You listen- You read- You observe- You take within you information. This is the simplest form of meditation. Right now in a sort of way, You are meditating upon these writings. The effective level of your meditation is defined by your intent, interest and self definition of importance.

So, when you are listening to that family member who you love dearly. Your level of meditation would be much higher than if you were forced to listen to that boring monotone teacher teaching that useless class you must pass in order to receive that sheepskin (diploma). This is still a lower level of meditation that everyone has easily achieved.

Even when you vegetate, almost mindlessly on the couch, almost oblivious to the Television. You are in meditation, which is under the control of those who put out the content you willingly choose to view. One of my prophecies is when 4K becomes commonplace. Coupled with government controlled internet and controlled media content. The invisible subliminal content will automatically stream into your eyes and ears. Maybe, this is how the whole of the world will love the coming antichrist. Oops transgress.

So, that is meditation in it's simplest form. It matters not if your are actively listening or mindlessly listening.  Once you get that moment that this information is correct and true. You can now follow your path of meditation. In which I hope you find that quiet place, become still and listen to God. Your Heavenly Father who has always waited for your return back to Him. Just sit and listen or lay down and listen. If you fall asleep. Do not stress. It's OK. God may want you to just asleep. Either way it is all OK.
A very important verse in all of Christianity, which has virtually been ignored throughout the entire Christian age.
To be like the Christ Jesus is to be just like him, when he was in human form.
To become righteous and holy as defined by God and not through title or achieved through traditions.  ========================
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Evolution Level: (Unedited) 16 Jan 2013:

To grow and evolve in your desired field of interest. You must first have a level of comfort, control and coordination at the level you are currently.
 God controls your gifts. God turns on and off any or all of your gifts. The how, why and when is solely up to God. The level of control, command and coordination in relation to your gifts is defined by God. So if God prefers you to be at a certain level of stress then that is when God may turn on a new gift. Thus, increasing a newer stress and increasing more stress within you. Thus, All of the gifts given to you is and never has been for you. It is for the benefit of those whom are lost or unmoving, the sick and diseased, the lonely and abandoned, The tired and oppressed, the ones in perpetual darkness and misery. That is who your gifts are for. It has never been about you and neither are your gifts yours.
To continually grow and evolve in your specific area of interest. You must continue to always move forward. You must continue to learn new things and acquire new skills. You must always keep up with new advancements in technologies. You must always diversify with directly related and mutually beneficial  knowledge, skills, training and education.
For Instance: Apply this relationship with your specific area of interest.

The area of growing robotics technologies is directly related to what? Well robotics. But, what else do you need to know? What skills do you need to grow? If you think any particular skill is beneath you or above you. Then those are your chosen set limits. The limits of pride and the lack of self confidence.
In robotics, you need to have a basic understanding of computer science, electronics and mechanics. With only a basic understanding of these three items will gain you an entry level position in robotics.
If you obtain a 4 year degree in computer science, electrical engineering and mechanical engineering. Then those three together would make you a more desirable robotics person then someone who only has a simple robotics degree.
To obtain future promotions of wealth and responsibility. You will have had to prove your basic skills in welding, pneumatic's, hydraulics, soldering. Plus, the gaining of masters levels degrees in Computer science, electrical and mechanical engineering.
To gain a specific range of desired employment one may need to obtain and grow degrees in aerospace engineering, civil engineering, industrial engineering, nautical engineering and etc.
My example may be excessive to you. Hopefully you get the point. Often times I see to far in the future. The evolution has begun in 2008 or in actually in the early 1980's.  It is my desire to express what I see, what the possible future has in store for humanity in regards to being and remaining employable. Since 2008, I've seen and witnessed good people lose their positions simply because they did not have a college degree. Now, their positions require a college degree and now they are unemployed. I have seen people with a number of years of continuous employment and thus pushed out. In order to minimize the expense of benefits, profit share and retirement. These corporate activities will become or is now common place. No corporation will want any employee to remain with the COMPANY long enough to gain any real use of any benefit package offered. The exception is with the corporate officers. Who will seem to negotiate a benefits package which can be post dated back to a specific year and for the current hiring date. Doesn't seem fair. But, life sucks and then when you realize that, you can endeavor to make it not suck for you or throw your hands up in surrender. Be a Dido.
It is up to you, only to make the necessary guarantees for your own future, your own growth and your own development. You from the year 2000 are no longer apart of humanity who only needed a 4 year college degree to guarantee your employment. Just like those in the medical fields who must have continual education so to must everyone else. No matter their status or placement in society. From now on the importance of a 4 year college degree is the new high school requirement of the 1940- 1960's. Thus the educational evolution begins.
Please help if you can. Thank You.
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Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.