Showing posts with label Advancements. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Advancements. Show all posts

Friday, August 19, 2016

Beyond Gattaca: (Unedited): 19 Aug 2016:

Fairness and a level playing field is something that all parties want and expect. But, the secret desires of glory in some hearts almost forces them to choose performance enhancements substances today. The next generation of performance enhancement begins as genetic editing becomes an essential tool of every doctors utility belt. Beyond Gattaca begins when genetic editing occurs before a child is born and continues throughout life. The beginning may even occur with conception or before conception.
The Rio Olympics is almost over. Rio has embarrassed themselves and it appears that the Brazilian people didn't even want the Olympics. American Olympic stars embarrass their country with false accusations. While real robberies have occurred against Olympic athletes. Russian Performance drug accusations. Childish antics in many other places.
What is next in order to maintain and guarantee a level playing field? This will be genetic testing and comparisons. As the advancement of genetic editing progresses from before birth, to childhood and into adulthood. Why wouldn't those who already have their IQ's in the 160+ range desire to genetically become smarter by altering themselves into the 200+ IQ range. The child who has the love in his/her heart for a certain sport but has the minimal genetic athletic qualities to perform as one of the best. That child can be genetically altered to athletically perform at a higher level.
What about nations such as every one of them. Who wants to have all of the gold and silver metals. Who wants their country to be seen as the best. Why not raise up genetically altered children to perform better than anyone else at everything. Why not?
When a certain 1% of the population of the world desires to have a slave force. One which can be genetically engineered to never disobey or ever to have the intelligence to plan or to think ahead. What will happen then? As resources become more and more limited. Do the 1% begin to decide to genetically engineer their slave force to live for only 35 years?
But, this is all about selfish greed.
The cure for cancer and no treatments. The autistic child cured and their abilities raised to be just above average. Life expectancy dramatically increased without any physical demise or mental dementia. The child with bone and muscle problems is genetically engineered after birth to perform well in the Olympics.
What is next for athletic competitions and the testing of athletes? The ongoing genetic comparison testing from childhood all the way through their adult life. While they are still in competition. To many variances from birth to adulthood should indicate genetic editing in order to seek out unfair athletic advantage.
Some strangeness may result. Like for swimmers. Those with very large feet and hands. Those with longer arms and legs.
Not really a good movie. Some adult scenes. But is representative of various kinds of social class racism. In which every aspect of human racism is a human social construct. How to make people better? Are better people more deserving of life and love than not so better people as thought of by society as a whole? If a person is genetically made to be better why can't he or she decide to better himself or herself, yet again and again and again? Can a human being genetically engineer themselves beyond the limited constraints of humanity as is known of today? What will that even look like? Can we or they then become like gods or GOD's? (Please forgive me, NO Blasphemy intended). Just posing the questions..
What about genetically engineered military forces? What about genetically engineered fighter pilots who can stay awake and thinking logically beyond 15 or 20 G's and with no special suits? What about genetically engineered people who can live on Mars? What about genetically engineered boneless people living in the depths of space? 
$6 Million Dollar Man intro theme. Arrogance at it's best. Then you go out and fix the world as you want it to become.
The term "Utility Belt" is from the fictional character known as Batman.
 To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Monday, December 28, 2015

Obsolete Wealth: (Unedited): 28 Dec 2015:

The current idea of physical wealth will become completely obsolete when humanities technological and scientific advancements gets to the point where molecular arrangement and subatomic/atomic programming/re-programming becomes a very real current reality. 
How will humanity respond when every job which is related to the creation of anything becomes NO MORE? How will humanity respond when every aspect of wealth becomes NO MORE? 
When a simple machine can recombine molecules into anything the human mind wants to re-create.
The idea of gold, Platinum, silver and copper which holds value of wealth becomes as common as sands on any beach.
The idea of precious stones like diamonds, rubies and emeralds which holds value of wealth becomes as common as glass where in any home.
What will become of any economy when there is no real exchange of anything and no possibility for the growth of wealth?
Does this sound like StarTrek. From your simple voice command you can get Tea, Earl Grey, Hot.
Into a predetermined cup size. I guess that would sound like consumerism.
Someone would have to buy the machine and at what cost. Then take it home and line your walls and rooms with gold bars. Create baseball sized diamonds more perfect then what could be naturally created.
All is not lost and once this capability becomes common for any and every person. Those things which were once important becomes re-discovered and learned. Like wisdom, spirituality and evolutionary goals.
Maybe humanity will begin to relearn that life is important and that the how to maintain life is more than just the correct amount of sun, water, earth, procreation and food varieties. That living is more than just the physical and that having a life with purpose and meaning is and can be for all living things when they reach that level of awareness. Where that maybe some life form somewhere will be able to see how the logical formula for life really is about the variables and how they could be arranged in a reasonable fashion. There are more variables which I believe is more positive words which support these primary words. This is the best I can do and maybe it is for someone else to further this concept.
Life = Love + Peace + Harmony + Law
and that the pursuit of anything which is contrary to these purple words in my incomplete and poorly arranged logical formula can lead you to contamination and corruption of the pure logical formula for life. Which then becomes translated into the logical formula for death. Just like the purple words above. There are more negative supporting words associated with these primary red words.
Death = Hate + War + Chaos + Lawlessness
I guess the big question is. Where and how do we evolve from here? Will we be able to evolve out of the selfish need for political and religious hatreds and the selfish thirsts for ever more power and wealth? Can humanity begin to love one another as Jesus taught? Can humanity live in peace as Mohamed taught? Can humanity learn to obey the laws as the Jews taught? Can humanity learn to live harmoniously as is taught by the Eastern religions? Who taught humanity the importance of life? Is it the Native or Tribal peoples of the world? Do they still have this wisdom which seems to be lost and forgotten in this modern day of humanity? 
A lot of questions. Which needs to be answered by the whole of humanity before we choose to extinct ourselves and all life on this planet.
The choices are really simple. Even though everyone thinks they are not. If you do anything in the red. Your wrong. You need to correct yourself. If you do everything in the purple. Well, You will most likely be killed by someone who lives by the red words. You Know Jesus, Gandhi, MalcomX, Dr. Martin Luther King and many many more. Throughout human history.
There is still hope for all of humanity and in you. That is until the final extinction events begin and in our current state of global activities. Humanity will cause their own extinction. There may even be some help from outside sources. When it is concluded that humanity is hopeless. Either way. It is not their  fault. All of the blames rests upon every single human being.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Sunday, December 28, 2014

Horizontal China: (Unedited): 28 Dec 2014:

China. The beautiful middle lands. Your leadership is going in the wrong direction. Going horizontally in your military advancement is not further advancement for all of your people or for all of humanity. Especially, when you are only copying the existing. When you only copy the current. You shall all always be behind the eight ball. Thinking and planning multidimensionally causes you to arc out in brilliant discovery. Just like watching a plasma ball. The random displays of plasma lightning is always typical. Then when you integrate yourself into the energy stream of discovery. Something brilliant happens and it is you. You are what made the change. Be the change. Be the positive change for the whole world. Do not allow yourselves to become the trigger of humanities extinction. Which is in prophecy from many.

Ever watch a child play with a plasma ball? It's fun and entertaining. It is also an opportunity to learn unknown secrets. For instance get a pair of LED shoes for your child. Then watch them play with the plasma globe and watch the shoes. From a distance where you can observe it all.You will see a secret truth. Just like listening to a radio which has no apparent power source connected to it.

When you always follow the flow of current and especially those who have led the way for 60+ years. It is easy to become safely complacent behind those who have led for so long. But, to continue to follow the lead of those who have been failing in actions and judgements. Is absolutely unwise and reckless. Not only for your people but for the whole of the world. Blindly walking the same path of the man who was once an inspired leader and now has become the fool of fools. Is a level of insanity which those who follow shall pay a very bloody price.
Look up and go up. Read. these as well. These are just a few in regards to China. There are more. Related and not so related.
Added on 22 May 2016: Made some minor edits and added some content.  To above content.
China is making bad news again.
 The purest form of leadership is one where the one person does his own thing to a degree that everyone out of their own free choice begins to follow and to freely choose to become involved with the one who started it all. There are no guns, no blades, no large groups of men who look constipated with threats of coming violence.  This is the purest and best form of leadership. To the point where the one who began it all. Questions where did all of these different kinds of people come from?
China you can be in that place of pure leadership for the greater good for the benefit of all of humanity. The Islands build ups mean nothing in regards to the rewards which is way up there. The resources which can be gotten from gotten from all of those islands which offend those who are and were your friends is as valuable as a grain of sand in your hand. This is in comparison to the dimensional wealth in which all you have to do is reach out and go and get.
You must stop playing the games of the world.
Added on 07 June 2016:
LOL. To the news below. Really pigs?  Meant with respect. With respect to the Chinese leadership. Have you begun to look up and go there? Have you begun to re-divert war making funds into space assets? I know I'm right and I say that knowing I will not profit in any way from being right.  This is not arrogance or ego or pride. It is merely a deep need to avert all of the bad and sad prophecies ever written. Which ends in the extinction of humanity. That means you to. Even if you the Chinese do go up into the heavens. You have to learn how to do more than survive, more than exist. You have to learn how to thrive. If and when some insane nation with crazy leaders like my country the USA decides to let loose humanities extinction path. The only safe place is in the heavens. Not underground in hardened bunkers.
Added on 07 June 2016: Interesting news on the Islands.
This is Prophecy.
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  “Musings of an American Truck Driver”: