Showing posts with label Comfort. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Comfort. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Selfish Curse: (Unedited): 13 Feb 2018:

The curse of selfish pride is what leads each individual to plan for their own enjoyment, leisure and comfort. While never devoting any mental energy on the concepts of pursuing that which is purposeful and meaningful in life. Thus, when the grays of age grow upon them. They each will wonder where their youth went to. They each will also begin to realize their entire life so far has been without any real meaning or purpose. Some may even realize that the entire world and all of humanity has become more worse because of their apathetic inaction's and careless actions throughout their entire life.
This is to all of you who enjoy power, authority, wealth, fame and entitlements. All over the world.
Do not get me wrong. Enjoying entertainment, having leisure time and living a comfortable life does not have to be a bad thing. But, when your entire focus in life is all about your retirement, vacations and the next new thing which will add to all of your stuff. You will soon discover that all of that stuff has done nothing for the emptiness which is still within you. Especially, when your home has been professionally decorated with those pretty things which have no real meaning to you. After all you paid someone to bring in things that the interior decorator thinks would look good for you.
What have you done in your life? How many people have you taken advantage of? How many have you manipulated to your will? How many people have you legally or illegally stole from?
You person of  power, authority and wealth. How much of the world have you contaminated? How many people have you corrupted? You must ask yourself. Is the world and all of humanity better off or worse because of your actions? Do not even think that if you had not, then someone else would have. This is about you and your selfish greed. You had opportunities to improve the world and the lives of people. Yet, you chose to take, take and take. You chose to cause harm. You chose to cause suffering. You chose your evil actions. All by your own free will.
Now because of your actions and the actions of those before you. The entire world will continue it's steady down fall. Until, maybe human extinction. Or maybe just a very hard economic collapse. One in which no one recovers from for hundreds of years. By that time, all of your technology will be dust and rust. Then when everyone has forgotten about what once was. Someone will re-invent a wheel. Life's struggles will continue and if humanity continues to live for themselves instead for the benefit of the planet and the whole population. Then humanity will repeat their self destructive behaviors. Until, such a time when humanity causes sterility within themselves or of the planet. Then it won't matter how deep and safe your bunker is underground. It will become your coffin. This is prophecy.
You may be the one who defines who the enemies are to your own people. That all people no matter where they are or how they even appear are all your people. But, know this one truth. Every human being everywhere is either your brother or sister. Your position in this world means that you have the responsibility to care for them all in Love, Peace, Harmony and Life. All in accordance with the laws of God. That all people should freely choose to abide in. Without any fear, Threat, abuse, torture or intimidation. Besides God doesn't need your help to be mean or rude. God does want us all to take care of this planet and to love one another.
We all know just how small this planet is. We all know just how small we all are in comparison to the whole of the seen universe and what we have seen may just be a fraction. If we as a collective human species of people can show brotherly love to one another and to care for this one tiny blue dot. Then maybe, we all will become responsible for the welfare of this galaxy and then the whole of everything. Becoming true caretakers of the entire universe. Is waiting for us all. Assuming we can all refuse those Cain traits within each of us.
The entire leadership of China is failing humanity as their emerging leadership of all of humanity begins to develop. China only has two choices. To make lateral choices which will only benefit their selfish opportunistic tendencies or to look up and begin to go into space for the benefit of all of humanity. But, the entire leadership of China thirsts for conquest and wars as they prepare for their leapfrog. Which has already come. China will get what it desires and all of humanity will expire for it. Except for the elect. Whomever they will be.
For what is the point of victory if we all perish. Including all Chinese.
 To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Monday, March 2, 2015

Dig Value: (Unedited): ?? Feb 2015:

Any society which values their greatness and comfort more than righteousness, understanding and humility. Will become the next archaeological dig for the next ones, who come after. 
This is really very simple. When an entire species begins to become so prideful that their wants and desires supersede all other life and things. They will slowly over time become extinct. Because, comforts and desires is about the here and now. This selfishness will become like a drug addiction.
 Kind of like how social media is today. No one really interacts person to person anymore or they are becoming self isolated by choice. As the new generation of young people go into adulthood. They will prefer to be plugged into the internet than to go outside and to have a person to person relationship with another human being.
Modern friendships will have no personal responsibility to any other person. So much so, that when someone just disappears from a social network. Some may inquire as to why or what happened to that person. But, then will just go on with their digital lives and fill the space with another digital friend.
Eventually, Dead persons will be discovered when houses or rents need to be paid or when their is a great stink.
 The digital lifestyle will become a contributing factor to all of our extinction.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Becoming Archeology: (Unedited): 26 Jan 2015:

Any society which values their greatness and comfort more than righteousness, wisdom and humility. Will become the next archeological dig for those who follow after. 
This is prophecy:
Think about today's age of modern man.  It seems that mankind has forgotten the importance of love, peace, harmony and life. Where creature comforts are more valued than another persons well being. Where the freedom to sin with the blessing of human laws is of paramount importance. From these human laws which ease any sort of guilt from breaking any of the spiritual laws for the governance and maintaining of life.
The world wide abuses of women and children. The continued enslavement of selected peoples. The seemingly never ending wars and atrocities affiliated with battles. The extermination of certain groups of people considered undesirable or just rejected.
Just by this and many other measures. The human species may become judged as a race of beings not deserving to be allowed for advancement. We will be allowed to exterminate ourselves. By the will of God. Every nation shall become the enemy of one another. Not because they have any real choice but from the will of God to take away even their awareness of free choice. Man shall rise up against man. Again, this will involve no awareness of any free choice as these things shall come after humanity has been judged.
For instance. Mr. President Putin is preparing for war. There will be no peace from the west with President Putin. Mr. President Putin has no choice and no free will. He will go to war. He will strike first. Mr. President Putin is already very intimate with how to send the USA back to the 1800's.
Mr. general secretary Xi Jinping is also another leader who has no awareness that he has no free will in regards to world war. Mr. general secretary Xi Jinping and the rest of China is actively preparing for war with the west. Mr. general secretary Xi Jinping only sees the future of China in a constant state of war. Mr. general secretary Xi Jinping isn't even aware that his beloved country of China will only be a trigger. As with any trigger there will be a cause. This cause will be in absolute control over the whole of China leading to it's destruction. The art of war used against China.
Even with all of the western leaders of the so called free world. They to are all or will become without the awareness of free will lost. They to will each go to war with one another. This also, includes the President of the USA. Who will most likely be the sacrificial sheep for the worlds journey into extinction. The total loss of the USA must precede the military growth of whatever is birthed from manufactured chaos. This new world order of things. Which brings everyone hope and everyone will love the new leader who brings the population of the world together as one. The oneness this first leader of the world brings to all of humanity is one total death.
Added on 02 Feb 2015: Japan:
Mr. Prime Minister will also fall victim to the unaware loss in free will. All will be lost for Japan. So to the entire population. To avert total extinction. You must truthfully humble yourself as well as the whole of the Japanese people. They must seek out forgiveness and publicly admit all of their evil deeds. With this humble truth. A new era shall begin for the Japanese people. I still think there is much hope for the Japanese people, but only after humble truth. Make amends with all of your brothers and sisters. Start building those domed cities I've seen. I've seen one in China (NE, Mongolia and Russia), Texas (Gulf of Mexico) and Minnesota (W90 or between lakes). Not sure if each were certainties or singular possible outcomes.  Seek not to expand your war machine. Allow China to know that your not a threat. Brothers should not be threats to one another. Look to space as well as multiple places on Earth to offset possible Japanese extinction.
Those domed cities are about 25 miles wide.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Evolution Level: (Unedited) 16 Jan 2013:

To grow and evolve in your desired field of interest. You must first have a level of comfort, control and coordination at the level you are currently.
 God controls your gifts. God turns on and off any or all of your gifts. The how, why and when is solely up to God. The level of control, command and coordination in relation to your gifts is defined by God. So if God prefers you to be at a certain level of stress then that is when God may turn on a new gift. Thus, increasing a newer stress and increasing more stress within you. Thus, All of the gifts given to you is and never has been for you. It is for the benefit of those whom are lost or unmoving, the sick and diseased, the lonely and abandoned, The tired and oppressed, the ones in perpetual darkness and misery. That is who your gifts are for. It has never been about you and neither are your gifts yours.
To continually grow and evolve in your specific area of interest. You must continue to always move forward. You must continue to learn new things and acquire new skills. You must always keep up with new advancements in technologies. You must always diversify with directly related and mutually beneficial  knowledge, skills, training and education.
For Instance: Apply this relationship with your specific area of interest.

The area of growing robotics technologies is directly related to what? Well robotics. But, what else do you need to know? What skills do you need to grow? If you think any particular skill is beneath you or above you. Then those are your chosen set limits. The limits of pride and the lack of self confidence.
In robotics, you need to have a basic understanding of computer science, electronics and mechanics. With only a basic understanding of these three items will gain you an entry level position in robotics.
If you obtain a 4 year degree in computer science, electrical engineering and mechanical engineering. Then those three together would make you a more desirable robotics person then someone who only has a simple robotics degree.
To obtain future promotions of wealth and responsibility. You will have had to prove your basic skills in welding, pneumatic's, hydraulics, soldering. Plus, the gaining of masters levels degrees in Computer science, electrical and mechanical engineering.
To gain a specific range of desired employment one may need to obtain and grow degrees in aerospace engineering, civil engineering, industrial engineering, nautical engineering and etc.
My example may be excessive to you. Hopefully you get the point. Often times I see to far in the future. The evolution has begun in 2008 or in actually in the early 1980's.  It is my desire to express what I see, what the possible future has in store for humanity in regards to being and remaining employable. Since 2008, I've seen and witnessed good people lose their positions simply because they did not have a college degree. Now, their positions require a college degree and now they are unemployed. I have seen people with a number of years of continuous employment and thus pushed out. In order to minimize the expense of benefits, profit share and retirement. These corporate activities will become or is now common place. No corporation will want any employee to remain with the COMPANY long enough to gain any real use of any benefit package offered. The exception is with the corporate officers. Who will seem to negotiate a benefits package which can be post dated back to a specific year and for the current hiring date. Doesn't seem fair. But, life sucks and then when you realize that, you can endeavor to make it not suck for you or throw your hands up in surrender. Be a Dido.
It is up to you, only to make the necessary guarantees for your own future, your own growth and your own development. You from the year 2000 are no longer apart of humanity who only needed a 4 year college degree to guarantee your employment. Just like those in the medical fields who must have continual education so to must everyone else. No matter their status or placement in society. From now on the importance of a 4 year college degree is the new high school requirement of the 1940- 1960's. Thus the educational evolution begins.
Please help if you can. Thank You.
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Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.


Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Is Truth: (Unedited): 31 May 2008:

Who you choose to believe. Is your truth that you will build your life upon. When the flood waters rise, is when you discover what the real truth is and it will bring you comfort or despair. C.J.MacKechnie
Believing a truth as a truth when it is a lie or a deception. Is often time not discovered or revealed until after your trials and tribulations.