Showing posts with label Deception. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Deception. Show all posts

Monday, November 11, 2024

Light Of Truth, Love And Life +6: (Unedited): 10 Nov 2024:

While in the darkness of delusion you shall not discern the fog of deception within your own mind.
While in the depths of darkness you will not see the fog which surrounds you. You may feel the cold wetness upon your face and deep chill in your soul.
It is only from the purest light of truth can you perceive the fog which tries and fails to envelope you with lies and half truths. 
While in the chilling mists of an all encompassing fog which blinds you and keeps you from your safe destination. The light of truth shall guide you and burn away all uncertainty. 
The source of the lying and deceiving fog is to perpetuate your loneliness, self suffering and harm. Always, keep your focus on the light of truth.
The lying and deceiving fog in life will always try to keep you separated and isolated from the source of truth, love and life. 
Keep your focus on the light of truth. It is only the light of truth which reveals the darkness and fog in life. So in those things revealed as signs means you can avoid them. 
Please help if you can. Thank You.
Cash App $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Mega Churches I Never Knew You Prophecy: (Unedited): 16 Aug 2019:

Which is logical for God to do?
Remove the ten thousand tares/weeds to save the one good fruit bearing plant or to remove the one good fruit bearing plant from the ten thousand tares/weeds?
So be warned denominations, churches as the few children of God become knowing witnesses to your professed delusions and deceptions. All the while not knowing God has brought to you a strong delusion and satan has brought to you deceptions and half truths. 
The Church of Jesus Christ Latter day Saints has Fallen-Fallen to sin acceptance(April 2019). Next the LDS church will allow sin to stand in their holy places.
Added on 22 Aug 2019: The Church of Jesus Christ Latter Day Saints is fallen with 17 million souls  if they each decide to stay within. Next church/denomination to fall should be the Baptists and their 40 million souls that may remain within when the Baptist Churches fall.
God will gather His children. Even though they know not where they go or for what reason. Was it God who told Abraham to "GO"!!! no direction, no destination, no promise of Chick-fil-A. Check your own Holy Bible to verify story.
God will use signs to cause His children to move. Because His children will be able to see and to know what they see. Because of the spiritual gift of discernment the children of God will know that it is time to go. The Holy Spirit will cause discernment especially when the world is full of delusion and deception. God is sending the strong delusion unto the whole of the world as a gift to His children. The children of God will know the deceptions and delusions and act accordingly and as directed by the Holy Spirit. In which doors will be closed while one door will be opened. It does not matter if His children understand why the door closed and a secret door opened up. But, His children will experience sudden anger towards them. Maybe, even mocking's directed towards them from overt non Christians. God will use everyone and anyone at anytime for His purposes. Regardless if that person is aware or not.
What is mocking. As a Christian we are to just walk away from all sin and not to be entertained by any sin. All people will observe you. When you quietly walk away because they are loudly showing porn on their cell phones to many times. They will know it and figure it out. They will also make fun of you and do this overt sinful things on purpose so that they can be entertained by the power of making you move. Like "Watch Sally leave". Wanna see me make Charlie leave". "There goes Mike, who can't handle a pretty girl or specific body parts". While they are showing naked pictures and other obscene things to your eyes. Maybe, they will lie and say they are going to show you a thing that you think is cool. But, it is really a sinful image or sounds or voices or music.
From here on out. You will be bombarded by those who reject Christianity and apologize to sinful evil doers for their former Christian belief system. There have been three famous people in the last month( Ed Smart, Joshua Harris, Marty Sampson). This will continue.  You also will begin to see on the news about every Christian pastor who has ever broken the law, caught in sin, acting badly, who is in court for their evil deeds. Even if that pastor is in some unknown small town every person in the world will hear and see all about it.
You will begin to ask yourself. Then why am I still a Christian? Your Christianity is about you and your relationship with Jesus Christ. Never compare yourself to anyone else. For those who are famous they will be under huge demonic influence and require much continuous prayers. Read Daniel 10: It is a war and that war is over humanity. Just because you cannot see the war does not mean it is not actual. One side wants you and your human memory to become extinct and the other side wants you to remain clean while pursuing holiness and righteousness. Go and read about Balaam. I think Numbers 22ish. Look for Balaam's interaction with the Angel. How did Balaam begin to see and know the presence of the angel with a sword?
Remember this added tidbit. The human ear and nose is inferior to a dogs ear and nose. Humans do not have sonar like dolphins. Humans do not have RADAR like bats. Humans are not as strong or as fast as any large animal. Humans cannot smell in the water like sharks or have replaceable teeth. Humans cannot feel vibrations in the water like a large mouth bass. Humans cannot fly like birds. This can go on and on. The point is just because a human is actually less than maggots and worms in comparison to these angels and those fallen angels who proclaimed themselves as gods. Just because we are not aware of a thing does not mean it doesn't exist. They are real. It's all real. But, do not take my word for it. Just maintain your faith, your prayers, your fasting and your daily Holy Bible readings. Even if it means your death. Because, that is coming soon.
I understand there are more than one TV show about satan. These shows may cause you to think it is cool, pleasurable and beautiful to be with satan. satan only wants you separated from God and then satan can kill us all. While causing God to kill us all. satan still Mocking God continuously. satan believing he can make God do something. satan himself may not even be aware that he is on the wrong side of zero as we all are. Actually, satan does know. That would be probability thinking. Because if a dumb human janitor knows we are all on the wrong side of zero and satan is here on this side. Then satan is in a very bad way and knows his time is very short.
Added on 17 Aug 2019:
Fear not Mega churches, Mega pastors and Mega church leaders, Your wealth accumulation shall continue on. Since satan is the prince of this world. He can promise you the wealth of this world. Remember the king that was to die and the king begged and cried to God. God heard him and gave the king 15 extra years to live. So he had a party and told/showed his kingly neighbors where he stored all of his gold, jewels and wealth. But, he would keep them but his sons would die. He basically said "so". As long as I get to keep my shiny toys, gold, jewels and stuff. Go and read King Z in the Holy Bible.
Added on 19 Aug 2019:
Fear Not Mega Churches Answer: Your wealth and worldly blessings will not stop until the prince of this world is stopped. The few who are actually the children of God will quietly disappear and most will most likely be like Christ very very poor. But, not all. The wealthy ones which leave will be replaced by ten more of equal or greater wealth. So you will not have to chase after the money people.
Added on 25 April 2020: When you do the math behind Covid-19 or Coronavirus pandemic of 2020. You see a global spirit of fear. When you do the math in relation to a human population of nearly 8 billion people. The percentages are not so big. This may have even been a global psy-ops exercise against all of the civilians on this planet.
Added on 31 May 2020:
The hymns are forgotten among those who should have been my children and so to will I forget you. You false preachers, teachers and leaders. You who hold titles like apostle, bishop and prophet. Shall not be recognized, honored or revered by God. 
For God shall judge those who think and profess themselves to be sons and daughters of God. God hears the absence of genuine worship in your songs. God see your lack of Christian evidence in all aspects of your life. God sees all of your secret sins and how each of you are like the diviner prophet Balaam.
Ye, false preachers, teachers and leaders who lead and have led my flock astray. Your rewards have already been received by the self proclaimed prince of the Earth. For when I blow the first Heaven of water and air away. Your eyes will know your judgement is imminent. Just as there is an absent of hymns in your churches there will also be an absence of Heavenly blessing from ME. 
Ye, false teachers, preachers and leaders who only accumulate for yourselves and make your own places of safety and sanctuary. I will ensure that you will neither have safe harbor or a restful refuge.
Ye, false teachers, preachers and leaders. Enjoy your calm, peace and beautiful places you have made for yourselves. For your judgement's will come and even as you read these words you still will not repent or seek forgiveness as you already have been judged and I have locked you in on yourselves current state of being. Just like the human god pharaoh who came against ME and and my chosen Moses. 
Ye, false teachers, preachers and leaders. As my children suffer and die. I have seen how each of you have ignored them all and sent them away. You shall lock yourselves away in those beautiful compounds which become your prisons. You shall know more and more mental illness as I shall be far away from you. Then when you profess your lack of faith and belief. Suicide will only hasten your judgement into your final un-resting place. A place that I have not made for you but you have chosen for yourself. 
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become clean, righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Thursday, January 18, 2018

Zuma: (Unedited): 18 Jan 2018:

No matter how much you desire peace on the celestial beaches with the gods. There shall only be your complete deception to be followed by your total extinction in entirety. 
There is only one way in which we all can save ourselves. AND it is the things in which most of you will wholly reject. Probably because your too smart or too educated or just too you or just too all of it. Maybe even some of you know to much or wish you had chosen a business degree to live a regular civilian life. For as many of you know it is below yourselves to acknowledge a janitor as a real person. So as they see you except far worse. They see all of us as below the worms and less than dirt. We are not even worthy of their attention and yet we are. Like an ant under their boot. Because, they messed up and our ancestors messed up. So if they are all gonna pay then they are taking us with them. It is really that simple. You guys can change all of that. There is always a third option or the option which is not presented. This is what you must seek out. Because, just because an option is not presented doesn't mean it doesn't exist. No matter how much you may have a distaste for it. You must always remember that even a gift can contain within it a half truth and a hidden secret. Both of which may not be desirable to you but acceptable to the giver of the gift. Sort of like tobacco and liquor given to the natives on the beaches in the days of sail. Did anyone say that they were addictive back then? Yet, they did know of their addictive capabilities. This is why they were given as gifts.
The entire planet has become like Nineveh, Sodom and Gomorrah, and like the days prior to Noah completing the Ark. Unlike then as it is now. We have everything and ancient humanity had nothing. So we each should strive to become like Job. A man whose character was beyond the accusers ability to comprehend. The accuser who only saw the blessings, the wealth, the respect and did not see the character of this one man(Job). In life these are the truly important things which makes each of us wealthy. They are love, mercy, compassion, honor, integrity, patience, and many many other good words. True wealth is not in land, homes, boats, cars, planes, inventions and rocket ships. Your true wealth is directly tied to each person in your family. Who is in your family? About 7.7 billion human beings.
We should all be like Yeshua, The Messiah who had come and our direct ancestors brutalized, tortured and killed him upon a cross. Yeshua, Came to serve his fellow human beings. Yeshua asked for no payments for He was the perfect sacrifice and payment for each of us. Yeshua would say to those after He healed them. To go and sin no more. This is his message to each of us to seek and walk upon the righteous road in this life. Before any person can walk upon the righteous road. Each person must repent of all of their evil doings. Then live a life of causing no harm to anyone. Read and live the purple words below. For they are just one step.
Noah's Ark can be found in South Eastern Turkey right next to the museum.
The Ark of the Covenant can be found in a small cavern underneath where the Cross of Yeshua stood. Warning. Be sure your invited first before you try to be in it's presence. Righteous and Godly angels don't play.
Please help if you can. Thank You.
Cash App $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.

Friday, January 5, 2018

satan author master: Great Deceivers Liars: (Unedited): 04 Jan 2018:

satan is the author of lies and the master of deceptions. Those who are his children either knowingly or unknowingly all lie and deceive. 
In comparison to us lowly humans. satan and the fallen angels are incredibly more powerful. It would be easy for them to actually deceive the whole world into believing that they each are truly gods. Yes, even in this modern world. Their control and authority over the whole of the Earth is undeniable. So to are those souls that they control with a variety of belief systems which do attack the spirit, mind, heart and body. There are a hundred thousand ways in which the worldly demonic system controls each person individually. Success is measured when each person freely decides to do evil and to be self serving. While causing each person to freely decide not to pursue any aspect of righteousness or holiness. Assuming if the person is even aware of them. Does any American Christian church actually teach holiness and righteousness as something God wants us all to become? By causing people to believe that lies are truths and truths are lies. Can the deeper deceptions begin. Where entire denominations like the Methodist Church will work openly in the confines of human laws and worldly wealth over the commands of the Word/Holy Bible, of God and of The Holy Spirit.
So to has the catholic church fallen and so to many other religions and denominations.
This is all the how in prophecy.
Please remember, If you willingly participate in a fallen church. Then you may endure the coming curses from God. It is your free choice to embrace any sin. By celebrating sins of your church means that you are accepting and tolerating those sins. Thus, making those sins your own.
Added on 25 Jan 2018: This is not counting those God sent souls who are encouraging those to flee from sin and to embrace repentance and righteousness. Those sent souls may even suffer from the coming curses. But, their souls have already been preserved. They may be the remnant. Which is only known by God.
Great Deceivers Liars: (Unedited): 05 Jan 2018:
From those great deceivers and liars will the great and last war begin. Which will cause the extinction of the entire human race. satan and the fallen angels will perceive their victory. Though it will be short lived. All of humanity will be deceived and will freely choose to cause their own extinction. 
This is whole other level of warfare. One where those who hate humanity causes all of humanity to suicide themselves. What is worse is that most people know that satan and the fallen angels hate us all and wants even our memory of existence to be destroyed.
Prophecy cometh for us all.
Evil doers can appear to be likable and lovable. Which is a part of their deception. For in their own brand of evil is still within each of them to be likable and lovable. So they each must continually keep secrets in order to maintain their own charade. When the good people of this world discover who each of them actually are in reality. Then the evil doer cannot achieve their selfish dreams. So they must lie and lie and lie again. They have become the actors and pretenders in their own plays/shows all orchestrated by satan and the fallen angels.
Especially, now in between election cycles. Politicians and soon to be politicians may become excited as anyone would when they hear from a long lost friend whom they know they cannot be associated with during those election cycles. Like a friend from the Church of satan. Do not become the easily fooled audience at a magicians show. You believe that both sides hate each other. If they hate each other so much. Why do their own children associate with each other? and etc.... Chelsea Clinton is playing the game and won't be caught again with her excited tweet to a real friend. Now matter how she justifies it.
An evil doer may only do good things and be giving. Just so that they can feel good about themselves and to justify  themselves that they are good. When the truth of their actual goodness is far from them.
Have you ever been in the presence of people who are about to die? Some times the evil son or daughter will be the ones who seem to care the most for them. While the so called good kids allow their own loved ones to sickly age and die alone. I tell you the truth each of them are evil.
You do not get this much official news if the message was not real. This is a very real warning for all peoples of religious faiths.
 To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Mind Enslavement: (Edited): 21 July 2016:

"The person who only believes what they are told and has no need to ever consider seeking the truth. Is evidence of the total enslavement of their mind."
Respectfully questioning authority is mandatory for each person. By doing so, you are assured that you are not deceived. In today's modern age, a person or every person should be allowed develop the skills necessary to search for any information at its source of origination. When this can be accomplished, a new civilized world can be established based on truth and not apparent truths which turn out to be out-right lies with evil intentions such as hate, war, murder, fear, anger, rage, distrust and so on. 
In the current atmosphere of race relations, no one anywhere on this planet wants to know the truth or even seek the truth. Organizations that define words contribute to the lie and ongoing deceptions. Can we prove that the definition of the races of humanity are false by scientific standards? Yes, from 1985 human DNA profiling and again in 2000 with the Human Genome Project. The science is absolute and clear. There is only one singular race of human beings on this planet and it is human, not black, white, red or yellow species of people.
One lie proven wrong. Races!
A partial quote from then-president of the United States of America, Bill Clinton:
"The third horizon that lies before us is one that science cannot approach alone. It is the horizon that represents the ethical, moral and spiritual dimension of the power we now possess. We must not shrink from exploring that far frontier of science. But as we consider how to use new discovery, we must also not retreat from our oldest and most cherished human values. We must ensure that new genome science and its benefits will be directed toward making life better for all citizens of the world, never just a privileged few.
As we unlock the secrets of the human genome, we must work simultaneously to ensure that new discoveries never pry open the doors of privacy. And we must guarantee that genetic information cannot be used to stigmatize or discriminate against any individual or group.
Increasing knowledge of the human genome must never change the basic belief on which our ethics, our government, our society are founded. All of us are created equal, entitled to equal treatment under the law. After all, I believe one of the great truths to emerge from this triumphant expedition inside the human genome is that in genetic terms, all human beings, regardless of race, are more than 99.9 percent the same."
If you want to stop racism, you have to begin with the evidence to counter the wrong thinking of the world. You have to cause organizations like to change the definition based on thirty-year-old and again on 16-year-old scientific proofs. You have to convince people that this is a world problem and not the racial monopoly of the USA.
I have listened and heard many shows from many different sources and all of them are the same including the radio show Equipped with Chris Brooks. Every show host only wants to know opinions and feelings. No one wants to explore any evidence or to seek any kind of factual truths. Everyone is enslaved by their own way of wrongful thinking. Everyone wants to continue to believe that this lie is an absolute truth which will not or cannot change. This is why people like Chris Brooks have enslaved mind in regard to the races of humanity. I'm only picking on Mr. Brooks because I value what he does and says. I'm much more than an occasional listener.  I have not mentioned any other hosts or people because they simply are unimportant to me since I realized they offered zero real answers or solutions. 

Please study how DNA profiling is used in international courts of law. Why do they only use a small portion of the DNA panel?

Please study the human skin, how the skin is the largest organ of the body. Study how there are primary functions and secondary functions. If you lose a primary function you can die. If you lose a secondary function you will merely be uncomfortable and a possible social outcast. So since I cannot drink alcohol very well because of genetic inefficiencies of my liver organ, why am I not a different race of person from those who can drink alcohol very easily and in huge quantities? Isn't that similar to differences between a lightly pigmented person and a darker pigmented person?

What happened at the tower of Babel? The beginning of racism or the belief in the division of the human species. In modern terms, this where God deleted the one common language of humanity and downloaded up to 77 other basic languages into up to 77 different groups of people. People grew into an us-versus-them mentality.
We are all from one blood line, Noah and his sons - a total of 8 adults.
To go back even further from only one male and one female.
If humanity all the way back to Adam and Eve became a separate race of human beings on each region of this one planet, then the genetic differences would be much greater than LESS THAN .1%. Because within that less than .1% is where all of your unique identity resides. This does not include your cultural, social and educational upbringings, or even the lack of cultural, social and educational upbringings. The math is huge and very exact. 
And we have not even begun to talk about the genetic markers of sin which can reside in specific places along the DNA structure, which can be passed along to our offspring. So what did Jesus know about this when he said all you have to do is think sin and it is already done?
Added on 27 July 2016: 
Here is a fact which cannot be argued, but it can be denied and rejected. All of your DNA and my DNA is more than 99.9% identical. Can you fathom that? Here is a comparison in regard to Ethnos.
Read this and understand.

ethnos -people of the same race or nationality who share a distinctive culture.
This is the definition - people of the same nationality who share a distinctive culture. So if a person alters either his nationality or culture, that person changes his racial distinction as defined. How about that for an error with zero scientific evidence?
The traditions of man is a basis for race.
Here is another.
Race, as a social construct, is a group of people who share similar and distinct physical characteristics. Yes, it also includes wealth or the lack of wealth. It also includes intelligence or the lack of intelligence.
Are you getting this? Race is a social construct. What are the distinct physical characteristics? Ears, legs, liver, spleen, hair?
I am pointing you in a direction. That direction is toward scientific fact and away from any human social constructs. Be sure you continue reading to discover that the first use of race was with those who spoke a single common language. Can you start thinking about the Tower of Babel as the beginning source for racism and the division of humanity via language?
Since race is a social construct. It can be assumed that a person who was poor and then is rich changes their race. Likewise, a person who was rich and is now poor also changes his race.
So if a person knows many languages are they multi-racial?
Here is a good comparison:
A person bought four exact Dell computers with no operating systems installed.
On Dell computer #1, which is to be the personal computer, this person installed Windows 10, some games and other fun software.
On Dell computer #2, which is to be the work computer, this person installed Windows 7, some work specific software, and professional Office software.
On Dell computer #3, which is to be the industrial use computer, this person installed an industrial version of Linux operating system along with specific controls software.
On Dell computer #4, which is to be a French language specific computer, programs were installed that were mostly for the streaming of all French-language content. 
I know you're smart and you know where I'm going with this. The more than 99.9% of all of our DNA can be represented by the physical Dell computer machines. The less than .1% is all tied in the software. I would consider this a lose comparison. Still the point is made.
Each of the above computers are the same. Except for the operating systems and purpose of use. This is where we can get our lazy and crazy people, Bruce Lee people, Albert Einstein people, Michael Jordan people and so on and so forth.
28 Sept 2016: Before Racist: (Unedited): 23 Sept 2016:
"Before any person can become a racist he must first believe in the separation and divisions of the human species."
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.

To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy or entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Outward truth: (Unedited): 08 July 2015:

The truth of who you are should never be covered up with the lie of makeup or the deception of hair coloring. By keeping love within your heart, peace within your mind and harmony within your body. This is the outward truth of you which should be accepted by God first and then by you. This shall be enough. Have faith in truth.
Can you not see the outward expression of who you are is representative of the truth within you. A pastor who colors his hair or wears a wig. These things are outward lies seen by all who you want to know the truth. The young girl who sees herself as less than desirable because she has dark hair and then becomes a blonde. These are all lies which hide the truth of you.
You are good enough as you are. Because, all that you are is that pure truthful outward expression of the condition of what is inside of you. If you outwardly express lies and deceptions. Then this is what is inside of you.
:Needs work:
A man who does not have to see through your outer appearance to get to your inner truth. Is a man who will appreciate the beautiful flower without all of that false dusting of makeup. 
You pastors and other professional religious persons. Why do you think the pastor's kids flee religion. Because they see how you entertain, how you perform and how you lie and deceive each and every day. The truth of the Bible, The truth of God is not dependent on the condition of your wig or your hair coloring. Although it may in fact be a sign of your faith. A faith which needs hair coloring and wigs. This is something each of you really need to address within your own selves. Because the message of divine truth you deliver is more important than your hair, your clothing and even your being. The message of divine truth is even more important than your buildings you call a church, temple, mosque or synagogue. Because, long after your holy places have returned to the earth as dust and ruble. The divine word remains as it always has and as it always will be.
This is for every religion. 
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.

To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Protective Negativity: Apparent Flower: Negative Roots: Negative Leaves: Negative Shield: (Unedited): 06 May 2015:

The protective embrace of your own negativity is only the apparent self saving technique from false threats.
Apparent Flower: (Unedited): 06 May 2015:
Negativity is only an apparent and self deceiving beautiful flower. In which you grow within yourself to protect yourself from the harshness and true beauty of the universe.
Negative Roots: (unedited): 06 May 2015:
The roots of your own negativity shall grow deeper than any other reasonable thought. Until, there is nothing left which is beautiful within you.
Negative Leaves: (Unedited): 06 May 2015: 
The weeds of negativity shall stretch forth it's branches out from you. Their leaves stealing away all of the joyful sunshine from your life. 
Negative Shield: (Unedited): 06 May 2015: 
The cool shade of negativity may shield you from the sun and conceal you from the rest of the cruel world. But, in time that cool protective shade of self deception becomes a cold darkness of absolute despair and loneliness. 
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Beyond DDOS: (Unedited): 18 Jan 2015:

What may cyber war look like in the future or is already occurring today?
I know of Anonymous and the power they wield and as I understand it. All they do is DDOS attacks. Yet, when Anonymous went after a KKK group within the USA. They were able to infiltrate into their computers and obtain much if not all personal information. Then released them all. That would be a little beyond DDOS. But, groups like the KKK and other specific racist organizations should be made aware that racism can no longer be tolerated in a modern civilized world. Especially, when the actual and factual truth is absolutely counter to their false belief system. If you have read any of my previous blogs you already know I've proven that the separation and division of the races of humanity is an absolute lie and deception. This is not about racism.
Then I read a news article of Jester Actual who is a Pro-American Hacktivest. This person would be considered a very technical hacker. A state that in ignorance of what they do. Read the stories for yourself. If you need to know more.
In the world just a few weeks ago. It had it's first global cyber war. In which I viewed it all through IPViking and other related websites.
This had just occurred to me. I am in no way a script kiddie or even a formally trained software writer.
My only experience to writing software programs via instruction Manual, was basic on a commodore 64. Back in the day.
If anyone can get into your computer system then they can change your computer system at will. If you always run your computer on the administrator setting. Then your computer will be at risk of becoming a zombie computer. Which means your computer is no longer yours and any banking or any financial transactions you do is now fully in the open. Nothing is secure or private on your computer. Well, Not your computer any more. Even though your paying the electric bill on it.
If this is old information to you White Hat, Grey Hat and Black Hat types. I'm sorry. I do not know your trade.
By denying any computer system their ability to attack. You can sneak into the receiving ports and begin to change their computers. You can in theory cause much damage to any computer. By sending new destructive drivers for all of the individual components. Then over clocking and turning off the fans. Thus, cooking the computer. Any one with a Microsoft computer already knows that they have to nuke their computers at least once a year just to maintain a fresh operating computer. So it is wise for you to nuke your computer and change every pass word any and every time you suspect any oddity on your computer system. Such as 10-50 percent computer usage when nothing is going on. Your computer turning on in the middle of the night or in the middle of the day. See any odd screen flashing.
You need to understand that the owner of the zombie computer you are paying the electric and internet service bills on. Those owners absolutely do not want you to even suspect that they are the new owners of the computers in your house or office. 
The future of cyber warfare will entail causing the destructive damage of servers and computer systems everywhere. This will include nuclear power plants and other industrial sites within the attackers sights. can you imagine wind turbines with the brakes turned off and aimed into the approaching storms. Can you imagine the dams fully opening and the computer hardware controls cooking themselves. Do you even want to think about nuclear power plants or even convention fuel power plants.  It seems all industry is computer controlled and all of that industry can be hacked beyond DDOS.
 Nuking a computer means. A term possibly originated with Leo LaPorte. That you have done a format of your entire hard drive and re-installed software and drivers from known safe and secure sources. This is the only sure fire way that you will know for certain that there is absolutely no bad stuff on your computer. There is no other known way. If your computer store repair guy tells you otherwise. THEY ARE LYING!!!
:The Lies and Deceptions of RACE:
The revelation of any believed truth which has become an absolute lie and deception. Is very hard to accept. Especially, If you have lived your life under those wrong beliefs and have taught your own children those very same lie and deceptions as gospel truths. Truth can be painful.
We are all one humanity, one species and one human family. When all of the common peoples unite together to love one another, to live in peace with each other and to exist in harmony. Then we all can find a very rich life we all can live with great meaning.
If you cannot separate yourself from the lies and deceptions of the separation and division of the races. Then you, your family and your entire church will/may not be one of the elect, protected, saved or raptured. You must begin to know and believe that we are a single race of beings called humans. We are all brother and sister to one another. All created by One God. All from Adam and Eve. Then all of us saved with the family of Noah.
The DNA fingerprinting was established in 1984. Read it well. Believe the truth and reject the lies you have only known as truth.
The history of humanity told by many different traditions.
From about 8 minutes and 50 seconds to the introduction of the European leader. Listen good. This was in 26 June 2000. President Bill Clinton Library.
Research for yourself the Human skin. learn how it is the largest organ of the human body. Learn about all of the primary functions of the human skin. Then learn about the minor function of the coloring of the skin. Learn how if you lose a primary function of the skin. You can die. Where as if you lose your skin coloring. You will just be uncomfortable, but still living with possible social ridicule. Now, after you have learned all about your human skin. Ask yourself this. Why do we not compare other organs of the body with other people such as the liver, kidneys, gall bladder and etc. How come there isn't racial stereo types for those who can drink much alcohol and those who cannot drink? Why? Race or the coloring of the skin is illogical and without any actual fact.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 
  “Musings of an American Truck Driver”:


Thursday, October 2, 2014

World Made: Peaceful Revenge: Beautiful Vacations: Beautiful Creation: (Unedited):01 Oct 2014:

A beautiful world is made ugly by your obscene thoughts and actions. 
First you must ask yourself what does make a beautiful world? Love, Peace, Harmony and Life. You cannot just kill life because you perceive it as an accident or inconvenient. This is ugly and evil.
You cannot have peace without love, without harmony and without life. Though those who are the most evil will surely live in peace while hating you and killing you. If you kill all of your enemies. Then peace will result. This kind of thinking is very sick and very twisted. Yet, billions of people believe this lie and deception.
Those who create conflict, battles and wars are against peace. You cannot have peace by eliminating your enemies capability to make war. All you have done is delayed the next series of battles and conflicts. The same goes with peace treaties. If you still hate them or they still hate you. Then there is only peace via convenience and war will  begin again when another leader is raised up who believes they can defeat you.

Peaceful Revenge: (Unedited): 02 Oct 2014:
Those who seek revenge may appear to be at peace before they take those actions based on their detailed plans.

Love is the most important emotional outpouring of the soul who is at genuine peace, who lives in real harmony and who celebrates all life. Without love you must journey into other peoples worlds to experience their beauty. Without love you must journey into other lands on vacations to witness their beauty. Without love your own world as you perceive it is grey and black.

 Beautiful Vacations: (Unedited): 02 Oct 2014:
By going on these vacations to those beautiful places. Search not for their beauty but rather seek for the love which resulted in their beauty.

Beautiful Creation: (Unedited): 01 Oct 2014:
Even though your world is lesser than all of the other heavens created by God. It is still very beautiful. 
 The perceptions of your own mind can deceive you. Such as people from somewhere else may come to your locality to experience it's defined natural beauties or architectural wonders. They may even see and experience all of the love which surrounds those very same things which are truly beautiful. You can reside in close proximity to pristine beaches and yet see no beauty anywhere. It is not that where you reside is not beautiful. It is the absence of love within your own heart. Without love. A sunset or sunrise is just another event which either ends a miserable day or begins one. Without love the sunrises and sunsets all become one and the same. If you have seen one then you have seen them all. I tell you the truth, with love in your own heart every sunrise becomes a joy as a new beginning of beautiful expression happens. Every sunset becomes those moments of expressing loving gratitude. Every sunset and sunrise is different. I have seen them all over this land and they are all beautifully different. So if the sunrises and sunsets are all beautifully different. Then what makes them ugly or unimportant? The answer is "YOU". It is you and your own false perceptions of the world in which you reside in. That makes them ugly.

There you have them. Four for the price of one. Have a good and beautiful day everyone. 
Leave a dime on the sink if you like them. John
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Saturday, June 7, 2014

Purest Teacher 1 and 2: (Unedited): 05 June 2014:

1). The purest form of truth. Comes from an innocent believing student who then grows up to become a faithful charismatic teacher. 
2). The purest form of deception. Comes from an innocent believing student who then grows up to become a faithful charismatic teacher. 
How can you tell  the difference between the two grown teachers? One teacher will be good and the other evil. One teacher will administer compassion and mercy towards any who are deceived. The evil teacher who believes those who do not agree with his or her teaching should be ridiculed, harmed and or killed in a public format.
The differences are there for anyone who is willing to see.

A good teacher cannot preach love, peace or harmony and then encourage the youth to hate THEM, go off to war or to create chaos.

A evil teacher will mix good and evil philosophies. He or she will use one to support the other. He or she will promise wonderful benefits for all when the evil deeds are completed. The evil teacher will always have common sense responses to anyone who begins to question their authenticity.   
The good teacher who is infused with love, peace, harmony and life can easily see the evil teacher and has much compassion for the degree of unknowing deception within the evil teacher. The good teacher knows the degree of deception that is within the evil person. The good teacher even knows that the evil ones have not their freedom to do anything other then the evil they do and they no not any other way. The evil ones may not even be able to choose to alter their own belief systems or evil deeds as they may already be in reprobation as assigned by GOD.
The evil teacher who sees the good teacher will only express hate and condemnation. The evil teacher will continually profess just how stupid and ignorant the good teacher is.  The evil teacher will also continually express just how discriminatory and full of hate the good teacher is.
The young are crucially important to both the good and evil. Both know in order to perpetuate their perspective ideals. The young must be taught from an early age. Since this world is controlled by Satan so to the entire worlds educational system. Which teaches only knowledge without wisdom or understanding. Those students who desire to know more than knowledge will reach out for themselves for wisdom and understanding. It is Satan who has put into place those evil teachers who will teach contaminated wisdom and understanding.

The teaching of absolute love, peace, harmony and life is the purest form of honor at all levels. Physical honor, Family honor, national honor, Spiritual honor and humanity honor. These teaching of the purest forms of honor will result in zero wars and conflicts with one another. The rulers of the world would come together in unity instead of using world organizations for their own selfish gains of wealth, power and intelligence. This is easily seen in how the common peoples of the world live and are educated.
When a young farmer dreams a dream and wakes up knowing all they will ever be is a farmer is not freedom. When a young woman who desires to know more than she is allowed and yet knows all she will ever do and know is to have babies is not freedom. Any person who is confined to be less than anyone else is worse than being placed inside of prison walls and bars. Self empowerment is a fundamental right of humanity. Any government which denies this right is not one of God. Not speaking of the god of this world which is satan. The GOD of love, peace, harmony and of life is the one i refer to.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Secret Harm: (Unedited): 15 Sept 2013:

Those who  keep secrets from you. No matter their position or status. Means you harm or believes you are less than and are incapable.
Secrets. The word suggests things known for a trusted few from which which the information is withheld from the common majority. The truth of secrets kept is a lie and a deception. It may be true that a secret can be kept confidential for a time. But, the truth always will be revealed eventually. A secret in order to remain hidden for the longest amount of time must be surrounded in half truths, partial revelations and absolute deceptions. A secret which is surrounded by lies and deceptions can only harm those who the secret was kept from. Even if those secrets are predicted to be harmful to the population by the most intelligent people. To surround any potential harmful secret with lies and deceptions WILL do a greater magnitude of harm which will be greater than the original secret can do.
Many of the intellectual elites believe that you cannot handle the knowing of persons who are far more intelligent than you are. Yet those intellectual elites are already far more intelligent than most people and yet people do not go insane or act unreasonably by this knowledge. It is the same thing with professional athletes. The vast majority of people pay to view their physical greatness in person or on Pay per view. They do not go crazy by being in their presence. Military warriors or professional fighters who show themselves in public do not instantly cause the common people to act out in absolute fear. So your reasoning that all of humanity would be harmed if they/we suddenly knew that other life forms were far superior to us in many ways is absolutely flawed and illogical.

What all elites, politicians, Religious Leaders and world leaders should fear is the release of information that they have always known that societies beyond our own has always existed and may be far greater than our own. That the gods are or were real beings from other places in the heavens.

This one bit of information could become that one unifying catalyst that causes all of humanity to become one human race as they have always been. Being only separated by the continual lies and deceptions of religion, culture and politics. Just imagine one focus of all of humanity who all look up into the heavens and decides to journey among the stars with the gods.

To proclaim to all of the universe that Love, Peace and Harmony is indeed the logical approach for a quality life for all beings. No matter who they are or where they are from.

To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.
To live in peace with everyone.  
To exist in harmony with all.  
To Cherish all life.  
To be obedient to the Laws of God.  
To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.  
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Harmed Brother: (Unedited): 24 Aug 2013:

The brother who hurts their own brother in ignorance from deception. Will become more harmed when the truth is finally revealed.  
Who is your brother or your sister? I tell you the truth it is every human being in the universe. Here in our world there are many lies and deceptions which are old and perpetuated by all. There are no innocent among us. Only those who have begun to ask the questions which lead to the new truths which are as old as time itself. 

Think about how you would feel when you discover all of the men and women you have killed in war. Were in truth all of your brothers and sisters. You have killed your own brothers and sisters. It matters not If they were Asian or European or African or Middle Eastern or any other ethnic group known or unknown.
Then think about how all of the leaders, rulers, presidents and dictators for the last many thousands of years have continually lied and deceived their entire populations into believing that the enemies they are to kill are less than human, savages, barbaric and no more important than dogs. All just so you would go off into another land to kill and destroy in the name of your beloved rulers. What would you do upon realization of this truth. Would you seek angry vengeance for the all of the harm that the world leaders have caused to humanity through all of the wars won and lost. I beseech you to just go home and and live your life in peace. Follow not the blood path of war no more.  When the warriors and soldiers all make war no more. All of the worlds leaders will no longer possess the power of the common peoples. A new time for humanity will begin and be enjoyed equally by all. 
The automation and robotics technology being created can be and will be used by the power hungry controllers of the world who will no longer be able to trust the commanded human response. This will also enable them to do as they want, however they want. 
If the common person continues to to support their current governments. Then destruction and possible extinction will result. Truth shall be revealed.
This is prophecy.

To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.

To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Believing Truth: (Unedited): 17 Aug 2013:

Truth is not a lie or a deception. Lies and deceptions do not become truth when believed as truth. No matter how many times they are repeated. 
Enjoy. Love, peace, harmony are all logically required for life to perpetuate. This is a requirement for intelligent lifeforms to understand before achieving the next. If understanding is not achieved then extinction will become the next. Truth is not a lie. Lies and deceptions do not become truth when believed as truth.
What is next? a step into singularity?
Who knows maybe the next is self defined and created. Pray and meditate upon it. Contemplate on those things which require greater understanding, greater knowledge and greater wisdom. Doing so will effect a change in your current development, growth and evolution. It is OK and you will be OK.
Love one another.
Live in Peace.
Exist in Harmony.
So that all may experience a life worth living.
 May not be included in future volumes of “Musings of an American Truck Driver”: