Showing posts with label Believing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Believing. Show all posts

Monday, April 25, 2016

Blind Enslavement: (Unedited): 25 April 2016:

Blindly Believing another persons opinion without knowing and understanding the origins of the spoken/written content. Enslaves you to their way of thinking and believing.
There are a lot of people who offer their opinions. Including me. Know matter who you follow. You cannot take anyone's words as gospel fact. You must research their words always to insure they speak truthfully. You should not allow yourself to become deceived. In this world there is a lot of deceptions. Even the so called fact check organizations have been wrong. Not to say that whom they have reported as wrong was still wrong. But, how can that be? TO keep you thinking and believing as you are directed. To keep you angry and hateful. Think about it.
If your mind is full of lies and deceptions even though you believe them to be truths. How close can you get to Jehovah?
If your heart is full of anger and hatred? How close can you get to Jehovah?
If you pray and your spirit, heart and mind are negatively tuned? Who is listening? satan and the other fallen angels? maybe?
Are the thoughts of your mind full of sin, any sin? Like mistrust of those long haired hippy types or that certain group of people with the dark sun tans? It doesn't matter why, who, what, where or how you sin or in what degree. This is what keeps you separate from Jehovah and in tune to the fallen angels. Who are willing to listen to your thoughts and feelings and mimic them right back into your mind. Thus, influencing you into their will.
You see. Regular unscripted prayer and meditation. Teaches you how to control your thoughts for an extended period of time. Teaches you how to block and expel any unwanted thoughts and emotions. Which may not have originated within your own mind or heart or spirit.
All of the content of any entertainment show only distracts you away from Jehovah. Even Christian programming. When you are involved in listening or watching any show. Including the very produced shows at your churches. You are distracted from Jehovah. OH But... You say. I'm worshiping. Are you really? I'm not judging here. Look into your own actions which preceded the worshiping. Do you remember what each of the holy men had to do before any of them could go into the holy of the hollies? Go look in the Bible. Come as you are is out of context here. Study that one as well.
Are you actively becoming holy and righteous as only Jehovah will see it in the fruits of your life. Both inward and outward. You gotta have both ways.
Personal Note. I'm a deeply flawed human being who is making the effort.
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Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Jericho Song: (Unedited): 27 Jan 2016:

The fearful song of Jericho is what is expressed by the abrasive prophet to those with hardened hearts and walled-up minds.
A person builds a hardened heart and a walled up mind for protection against the perceived cruel outside world.
The most fundamental purpose of the abrasive prophet of God is to enable the unencumbered flow of the Holy Spirit. In order to effect change from the coming doom the abrasive prophet is expressing.
 There shall always be a great internal pressure within any person who has hardened their heart and walled-up their mind. This is evidence of the Holy Spirit having filled up their heart and mind from the inside.
Now all that is needed is for the soft spoken mentor or the abrasive prophet to crack the hardened shell of the heart and the walled-up mind. Once this is done. The Holy Spirit will do the rest until all impediments and constrictions are gone.
The Holy Spirit seems to prefer to flow from the inside to become an outward expression. This is only the ideal and not the only way.
Any person, plant or animal can be used by the Holy Spirit for whatever purpose(s) the Holy Spirit intends. It doesn't matter if they are aware, in agreement, give permission, believing or not.
Being of use/used to/by the Holy Spirit may be one time, many random times or all of the time throughout your entire life.
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
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Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Spiritual Chaff: Chaff Winds: (Edited): 26 April 2015:

Edited by RLDW
The spiritual chaff is the believing religious person who is to be considered as the worldly, accepted good seed, then used and digested by the will of the worldly, accepted cattle and ruling bulls. The righteous believing and living person shall be discarded as worldly chaff, only to be blown by the spiritual winds of the Holy Spirit.
 The spiritual chaff is of no use in anything spiritually holy, just as worldly chaff is of no use to anything worldly. Actually, everything which is considered as worldly chaff is a direct threat to everything worldly and shall be cast into those worldly fires. Everything which is spiritual chaff is of no threat to anything spiritually holy and shall be cast into the spiritual fires. Shall you lose your physical life to gain spiritual life? Or shall you lose your spiritual life to gain the physical?
There are two kinds of winds for chaff. The chaff of the world is different than the chaff of the spirit.
Chaff Winds: (Unedited): 26 April 2015:
The worldly winds blow the spiritual chaff, just as the spiritual winds blow the worldly chaff. 
Can you see the difference? Those who are merely religious shall be accepted by the worldly belief system, so as long as the world can change/alter the belief systems of the religions by political will and lawful worldly laws. We are in that era now where religions are falling like both hard rain and silent snow. When the religious leaders of those old established religions begin to bring in to their holy places sin's freedoms and sin's rightful acceptance, there is the abomination of desolation.
In time, as the exclusion out of worldly society progress against the righteous Christian or any other righteous person, there will be that tipping point where laws will be passed against the righteous ones and they shall be placed into those worldly fires. The evidence of their righteous beliefs and living shall be blown by the worldly winds into worldly non-existence.
Just as it was done to the Jews in WW2 in only a few places of worldly fires, so too shall it be again, but this time there will be worldly fires in every place. Except this time it will be against everyone who is thought of as against the established political will and political laws that shall be enforced.

Added on 26 April 2015: This blog/quote was republished on:
Edited by RLDW: 
This is prophecy.
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Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Forced Conformity: (Unedited): 15 April 2015:

The really cool words escape me this morning. redo. later

Inspired by a quote from Nikola Tesla.

"Anti social behavior is a trait of intelligence in a world full of conformists." Nikola Tesla.

 Being socially forced to conform to what everyone else is doing, thinking and believing. Will always take away from your ability to invent something new and create something never conceived of before within your own mind.
In my younger days I had the undesired opportunity to watch and feel some very intelligent men. You know those men who ARE far more superior to those who think their far more intelligent then anyone else. There is actually a big difference. The kind of people who think that Mensa is insulting.
Granted these men were incredibly smart and yet so incredibly stupid when it came to life in general. Most of them seemed to suffer addictions, divorce, disassociation from their own children. Most suffered from the same sins as everyone else. Most had a godless belief system and yet could not see the difference between being religious and righteous. With or without a god (God).
Even my adopted father who was one of those very intelligent men. He was raised deep southern Baptist and had a very protected life. He was very mischief as a youth. He would sneak away to play basketball with the coloreds, Because they were a greater challenge. He probably had to because his father had a physical disability. Despite being recognized later by a sitting president. He probably suffered much ridicule because of his father. So growing up with this kind of embarrassment. He didn't want anymore of any kind of embarrassment from anyone. So he married an insane woman and they together adopted a child who turned out to have a tested IQ of 70"me". He started smoking and drinking. He stopped believing in God and his life reflected it. With never ending physical and mental hardship. My dad suffered for about a decade with that woman.
I know what his future would have been like if he had just made the right decision early in life and attended that school which requires a senators signature. He would have never met her, His career would not have faltered and his end of life wouldn't have been alone for nearly 40 years. With two more insane women. Patterns are supposed to be easily seen by the super intelligent people. One of my earliest prophecies even before I knew what the word meant. Was a warning to my father about two more crazy women in his life to come. But, at that time he still believe I was dumb and stupid. I was just a surviving source of embarrassment for him to deal with. Someone who was not valued even in thoughts. Two more crazy women did enter his life. 
I think he was discarded by the government. Even though those things happened to him.  My dad did die with his secrets. But, because of my inherent gifts. I did learn much from him. Not that he ever outwardly revealed anything.
I still want my Snoopy Doll back. But classified is classified. Even a child's beloved soft stuffed animal with important names on it. It disappeared and most likely immediately destroyed. 
Added on 03 Aug 2023: Some minor updates, clarifications and edits.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Saturday, March 28, 2015

Demonic Car Thieves: (Unedited): 27 March 2015:

Auras are real. Auras have a purpose. Auras are both physical and spiritual in nature. In the spiritual realm the aura is very slippery. In the spiritual realm auras are the egg shell for human beings and human souls. The auras is our star trek shield barrier to all other spiritual beings. It is nearly unbreakable and cannot be punctured unless. You go through a process of weakening your aura by physical and mental means. Living a life of sin and lawlessness. Being a depraved individual of unbelief and apathy for anyone's feelings. Any mind altering substance can weaken your aura or spiritual shield enough to allow a demonic entity entry. Mind altering substances can be legal or illegal. They can even be medications. Some demonic entities are like car thieves. They go to every car to check who left it unlocked or in this case they go to every person to see if the auras is weak enough to just jump into. But usually a good strong shield will cause those demonic entities to stay back many feet. A weakened auric shield will allow an entity to get very close as close as the one videoed. Assuming the video's are real. In which at this time I am getting nothing on it.
real serious red words below.
Use your own discretion when viewing these few videos and others. Because, Just becoming a person who knows these things are true and real. WILL alter your own interactions with any kind of beings and/or entities. There is a huge difference between just believing and actually knowing. This is a warning. Especially to those ghost hunters. Because, they will follow you home and interact with everyone whom you call family and/or friend. PERIOD...
Once you transcend from fun and entertaining belief into the cold hard realization of the true nature of things -spiritual. You will no longer be able to have a simple sleeping human existence. Nor will you ever be able to responsibly involve most people in your life of knowing. It wouldn't be fair nor is it right. It is like waking someone up who is not ready to be awakened and if you do. You will be held responsible for their insanity and self destruction. PERIOD... 
These entities cannot be controlled by you nor can they be forbidden by your will to do your will. It is they those fallen ones who only want the human existence to end. These beings or entities will cause as much death and destruction to the host as they see fit. Because, the killing of the body does not kill them. 
The only for you to successfully negotiate with any of them is to become Holy truthful in your body, mind and soul. Just your mere presence will cause them to be uncomfortable and stressed. To the point that leaving the body in which they inhabit would be healthy for them. 
Because, if Peter can be influenced by satan. What makes you think you won't be? Your pride? Your ego? All weapons used by those fallen ones against you. That is in sense, a true and pure defeat. When you use all of your opponents strengths against them. The bottom line is they want all of humanity to die and they will promise everything in their short term as defined by their sense of time. Their end result is our extinction. You have to know this. You better know this fact. 
The entire Bible is filled with satan influencing humanity and the demons inhabiting human bodies.
Destructive Gifts: (Unedited): 28 March 2015:
Cool gifts from your unknown and unrealized enemy may in fact be those neat things which brings forth your own self destruction. 
This quote is primarily for those worldwide governmental entities who actually have the ability to cause the extinction of us all. It can also be applied to the individual level of persons who want to play with magic.

At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Saturday, December 27, 2014

Celebration Blocks: (Unedited): 27 Dec 2014:

Those fun celebrations of lies and deceptions of childhood. Becomes those stumbling blocks into believing those things which are most true. 
What are those things in which children grow up into believing are truths only to discover they all were lies? Santa Claus, Tooth Fairy, Easter Bunny, Jack Frost, Bogey man, Sandman and many many more. These are all lies and deceptions in which kids are convinced through deceptive actions perpetuated by their own parents. Yes, It is the parents and all of the media of entertainment which continues the lies and deceptions onto every generation.
There is so much lies and deceptions in the world today. Even the adult versions of lies and deceptions. In which virtually every adult and parent believes them to be truths. These are not their fault in the spreading of lies and deceptions. Such as the separation and division of the races of humanity. For one.
What happens is when you believe so many lies as truths. When your confronted with an absolute truth you almost automatically believe it as a lie. Which is by years and decades of psychological conditioning on what to believe and how to think. All of our minds have become so entrapped. That even those who are brilliant in all things of their chosen religion. Have they themselves become so conditioned to believe that all of the bad and sad prophecies must happen and it is necessary for all of us to become expectant of them. This is all wrong.
 Bad and sad Prophecies from all of those prophets of doom and gloom are for warning purposes only. In which upon hearing we utilize our wisdom, knowledge and understanding to either prevent and or mitigate the now foreseen event(s). The wise words of hopeful possibilities spoken by any mentor are to be those things we each are to endeavor with continuous effort. Until, all of those wishes and dreams we have ever had are manifested into our individual realities.
This is how they are supposed to work.
I for one do not want GOD or Jesus  or any of the righteous angel to return when we have screwed up so much as a singular race of humans. Do you really want an angry GOD,  an angry Messiah or angry righteous Angels to return in order to exact the judgement of discipline upon us all. Because, this is what is in store for us all. Which has all been prophesied by many religions, cultures and traditions. 

But, of course no one is gonna believe what I have written. They are all to busy living their lives how they want. Those who know the Holy Books the most are very busy causing and effecting the return of God, The Messiah and of the Righteous Angels. Celebrating and rejoicing the return of a very angry God who is going to allow our human collective extinction. And it is going to be all of our fault. We had all of the warnings. We all know the presence of the fallen angels and their influence in the entire world systems. We are deserving of this final discipline.
The headlines of the Divine Newspaper of GOD shall read. Above the fold.

"Humans celebrate and rejoice all the way to Extinction"
Be sure you are clear within your own mind and spirit what is true and righteous. The only way to do that is to spend quiet time with GOD. In which He shall reveal all to you. In accordance to your level of ability. To revel to anyone above and beyond their abilities is harmful. God does not harm the righteous soul.
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  “Musings of an American Truck Driver”:

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Journey Alone: Walks Alone: (Unedited): 11 Sept 2014:

The person who journeys alone may be self led and self empowered. 
The word alone is not a negative word or an undesired word in both of these quotes.  A person who is self empowered and self led doesn't need anyone to hold their hand or to lead the way. Their path is already chosen in their self described journey. They will not even to need to ask directions. They automatically know exactly what must be done and how to do accomplish all of those necessary tasks.
Do not wait or become helpless into thinking and believing that you can do nothing without any assistance. But, do not become so egotistical and prideful to not ask for assistance when it is justified.
The person who faithfully walks alone has been purposed by the spirit. 
The spirit will lead the willing where ever it may. The willing human spirit, the willing human mind and the willing human heart which is open to the gentlest of impressions follows those silent urgings without negative questions or whining complaints.
Every so often two or more Faithful human spirits paths will cross in their journeys. Just like two long lost brothers or sisters who haven't seen each other in a great while. Immediately know one another and expresses great love to the other. Each again may become temporarily saddened when the time comes that their own unique journey separates. Each both knowing that they will know each other in the better spiritual life to come.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Saturday, June 7, 2014

Purest Teacher 1 and 2: (Unedited): 05 June 2014:

1). The purest form of truth. Comes from an innocent believing student who then grows up to become a faithful charismatic teacher. 
2). The purest form of deception. Comes from an innocent believing student who then grows up to become a faithful charismatic teacher. 
How can you tell  the difference between the two grown teachers? One teacher will be good and the other evil. One teacher will administer compassion and mercy towards any who are deceived. The evil teacher who believes those who do not agree with his or her teaching should be ridiculed, harmed and or killed in a public format.
The differences are there for anyone who is willing to see.

A good teacher cannot preach love, peace or harmony and then encourage the youth to hate THEM, go off to war or to create chaos.

A evil teacher will mix good and evil philosophies. He or she will use one to support the other. He or she will promise wonderful benefits for all when the evil deeds are completed. The evil teacher will always have common sense responses to anyone who begins to question their authenticity.   
The good teacher who is infused with love, peace, harmony and life can easily see the evil teacher and has much compassion for the degree of unknowing deception within the evil teacher. The good teacher knows the degree of deception that is within the evil person. The good teacher even knows that the evil ones have not their freedom to do anything other then the evil they do and they no not any other way. The evil ones may not even be able to choose to alter their own belief systems or evil deeds as they may already be in reprobation as assigned by GOD.
The evil teacher who sees the good teacher will only express hate and condemnation. The evil teacher will continually profess just how stupid and ignorant the good teacher is.  The evil teacher will also continually express just how discriminatory and full of hate the good teacher is.
The young are crucially important to both the good and evil. Both know in order to perpetuate their perspective ideals. The young must be taught from an early age. Since this world is controlled by Satan so to the entire worlds educational system. Which teaches only knowledge without wisdom or understanding. Those students who desire to know more than knowledge will reach out for themselves for wisdom and understanding. It is Satan who has put into place those evil teachers who will teach contaminated wisdom and understanding.

The teaching of absolute love, peace, harmony and life is the purest form of honor at all levels. Physical honor, Family honor, national honor, Spiritual honor and humanity honor. These teaching of the purest forms of honor will result in zero wars and conflicts with one another. The rulers of the world would come together in unity instead of using world organizations for their own selfish gains of wealth, power and intelligence. This is easily seen in how the common peoples of the world live and are educated.
When a young farmer dreams a dream and wakes up knowing all they will ever be is a farmer is not freedom. When a young woman who desires to know more than she is allowed and yet knows all she will ever do and know is to have babies is not freedom. Any person who is confined to be less than anyone else is worse than being placed inside of prison walls and bars. Self empowerment is a fundamental right of humanity. Any government which denies this right is not one of God. Not speaking of the god of this world which is satan. The GOD of love, peace, harmony and of life is the one i refer to.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

True Source: (Unedited): 27 June 2010:

The disturbed rippled reflection of you in the mirrored surface. Is just a false image of your true and real beauty. Know the truth about who you are before believing any external source. C.J.MacKechnie 
 We as humans tend to believe everything that we are told. Especially, when those words are negative. Such as ADHD, Ugly, Dumb, stupid, Retarded.
Some questions become mental doubts in all that you do such as "There is something wrong with you, Your clumsy, Your slow, You always make mistakes".
Then we turn the negativity into perpetual self replicating doubts. Such as I'm bad at math, I'm not good in school, I'm not a musician, I'm not athletic, I'll never do anything good, and etc. These self doubts often times have their origin from an outside source. Such as a medical doctor proclaiming a lie such as ADHD or OCD. Even if that doctor believes his/her diagnosis is true. The child will now forever believe that there is something wrong with them. When the truth is there is something right with them.
The cool people proclaim you to be anti-cool and never shall you be. The beautiful people judge you to be less than handsome and you choose to believe you are less than pretty. All because of a false proclamation. The same with intelligence and being athletic.

Know yourself is by learning about yourself. Finding your strengths and focus upon them. Discover your weaknesses and grow them. Use your intention and attention and focus your energies into becoming a positive force for yourself. Then and only then can you become a positive force for the benefit of the world.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Positive Outlook: Raptures explained: (unedited): 03 June 2010:

The positive outlook that you have from time to time in your life. Has always been solely under your control and by your own decision. C.J.MacKechnie 
Histories Outlook:(Unedited) 03 June 2010:
Your positive outlook in life should not be tied to what is going. What has happened in your life or what will happen in your life. C.J.MacKechnie
 The positive outlook or even the negative outlook you have is all based on your own selected decision. It doesn't matter if the facts presented to you is true. This is the same premise of the glass is either half full or half empty. It is your decision in what you will believe and don't believe. Do you want to live your life with positive hope or negative despair. It is really that simple. How you think, feel and believe in your own tiny little world does have an effect/affect on the rest of those who bump into your world from time to time. Isn't it better to positively inspire others to be hopeful in life or just bash them into hopeless despair?
The world will change when you change the way you think, feel and believe. How do you want this world of planet earth to become? It is all up to you.
By you changing your belief system into something more positive. By changing the way you think into something more positive. Both of those together will have a positive effect on how you feel. Your feelings will become more positive. Then your whole life will become more positive.
If you spend all of your time thinking and believing that the prophecies you have studied will absolutely come true. Then your outlook on life may not be to positive. Especially when you have done the math in the Holy Bible end time prophecies. That approximately 5 billion people are going to die in a short period of time. You may be able to find some comfort in the pre tribulation rapture. But, still approximately 5 billion people are going to die.
Prophecy should not be thought of as something which will happen. Unless, you do not have the technology to avert a coming disaster.  Yes, this also includes those prophecies which are in the Holy Bible. Those prophecies which are in the Holy Bible are going to occur because of our collective wrong decisions. Those collective wrong decisions is what brings about the near extinction of all life on this planet Earth. Including Human Life. 
It is up to you to ascertain the truth of the information I have listed from other sources. You have to pray, meditate and contemplate on this.
For me personally, I do not believe in the Rapture. The history of the life of Early Christians is just further proof of no rapture. I'm not so rigid because I have no plans or intentions to argue or debate with GOD my Heavenly Father on HIS will. Just because, I do not believe in the rapture at which ever time it may happen. Doesn't mean I am going to reject the rapture when it happens and it may even happen all through the entire tribulation event. So, I am already prepared to be teased at my upcoming loving ridicule. I have no problem in declaring "Yep, I'm wrong, Now lets go".
:Pre Tribulation Rapture Proofs:
 :Mid Tribulation Rapture Proofs:
:Post Tribulation Rapture proofs:
:No Tribulation Rapture: