Showing posts with label Charismatic. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Charismatic. Show all posts

Monday, December 25, 2017

Crystallized Worldly Church: (Unedited): 25 Dec 2017:

A crystallized church which embraces a charismatic pastor may grow and prosper as can easily be seen and defined by the world view of success. But, Once the charismatic pastor retires or dies. The truth shall be revealed as no church cannot stand upon the foundations of any mortal man. The fall of the worldly and wealthy church shall become publicly evident.
This is a warning for the other Mega Churches of the world. As your lead pastor ages and then seeks retirement or dies. What will be the condition of your debt load once He or she is gone. Because, I do know of a former pastor of a Mega church and he retired in his fifties. He now resides within an exclusive gated community. Enjoying life. How did the pastors of old retire. Usually upon death. My Grandfather in law was a church planter in the days when the Methodist Church was not a fallen church. He was completely dependent upon the Methodist Church. He died with no worldly wealth as do we all. He was often paid in chickens and he did not like chicken but was always thankful.
If your Mega Church does not teach repentance, righteousness, holiness or sin. If your Mega Church is accepting, celebrating and tolerating of any sin. Then your most likely a world church who teaches a variety of false teachings. You each, who are involved with mega Churches and fallen churches are very much at risk hearing God tell you that He never knew you. 
Added on 19 March 2018:
It would be better for the mega churches to fracture into millions of smaller churches of repentance who all have personal relationships with their Heavenly Father and each other (Especially with the pastor) and who actually go out into the world expressing love to all. Because all Christians are missionaries even into their own communities. All Christians are supposed to go forth into the world to cause no harm and to sin no more. All Christians are supposed to repent of every sin in their body, mind, heart and spirit. All Christians are supposed to become righteous and holy in the accepting eyes of their Heavenly Father only. All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements. Especially entitlements because what did Jesus give up to be here with us human worms and maggots? Really what is Jesus entitled to and what did Jesus receive?  In the early church how did Christians end their lives? With any kind of prosperity or with horrible death?
 To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Monday, October 6, 2014

unHOLY Reflection: (Unedited): 05 Oct 2014:

The darkest and most charismatic of souls may surround themselves with those deceived righteous persons who are illuminated from within. In order to become the reflection of their internal holy light.  
Can you imagine a dark soul, one who is absent of any divinity. They knowing their darkness and knowing they cannot become enlightened. So they surround themselves with those who are enlightened. Those who are illuminated from within and yet still can be deceived.

Imagine a human person who is like a flawless mirror. They can never absorb any light and are completely full of darkness. All light no matter it's source can only be reflected by them. To those who gaze upon their reflected illumination may be deceived into thinking that this persons light originates from within them. When the truth is they are pure darkness to such a degree that they can only reflect all light. 
Do not become deceived by the fabulous church, temple, synagogue, mosque. Do not become deceived by the men who when they speak everyone applauds and worships the speaker. Do not become deceived at their outward show of status, clothing or personal wealth. These things are all rewards from their worldly teachings.
Run and flee from their speech because they mix in just enough righteous truth to cause their lies and deceptions to become believable.
When the God of love teaches that we should all love our brothers and yet these deceivers also teach it is OK to hate.
When the God of peace teaches that we all should live in peace with all of our brothers and yet these deceivers teach that the enemy they define for you is less than humans or dogs. Go and make war with those dogs. Know that they are deceiving everyone.
When the God of Harmony teaches that we all should exist in harmony with everyone and with all things. The deceiver teaches it is OK to make chaos for freedom and for your rights.
When the God of life teaches that we should all respect and honor all life. The deceiver who stand upon those high places proclaims it is OK to kill them, to kill accidents, to kill those who are less than you.
Yet for some reason they beguile us all. All over the world there are many great human deceivers and they are very knowledgeable of the ancient holy texts. Their words have much convincing power. So much so it bypasses your own human reason and common sense. This is the power of the fallen angels and demonic powers at work. I the writer of these quotes am not immune to their powers. One of the best methods any angel which is greater than any human is to implant false thought and false beliefs by mimicking your own thought patterns. They listen to how you think and just impersonate you.
Yep, Impersonations of famous people in a comedy shows is funny, funny, funny. But, when it is done in the most secretive way in order for you to conform to the fallen angels will. It is no longer funny anymore. Especially, when you know the difference between what is right and what is wrong. Then over time you slowly or quickly relent to the steady flow of impersonating thoughts that you wrongly consider to be your own. For some people who become so disturb by wrong or inappropriate thoughts seek psychological help and end up on mind altering medications. Either way it is a win-win for all of the fallen and imprisoned.
Constant and continuous prayers, meditations and contemplations of/by your own free will. To the God of love, peace, harmony and of life is necessary for you to no longer be deceived. By staying with the very basic core principles within your own being. You shall not be deceived. This four core principles is absolute on there logical content. No words written or spoken can go against these four words. If they do. Then the speaker or writer is deceiving you.
The deceiver leader will proclaim to go make war with His/Her defined enemy so that we all can have peace. There is some truth mixed with lies.
The deceiver leader will teach to love one another while their defined enemy can be hated because of their differences and to go destroy them and cause them all to die.
The deceiver leader even confuses who their God is. The God of love is the same as the God of peace or the God of harmony or the God of life. While at the same time the great deceiver will mix in their gods of war, of hate, of chaos, of death, of destruction, of lies, of pride, of ego, of wealth, of power, of intellect and etc. All for a singular end result which is unknown to the darkened human puppet.  That which is the extinction of humanity.
For me personally. The how all of humanity or the absolute majority of humanity will become extinct. The majority of the activities is all below or far above the human forms ability to naturally perceive these beings.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Saturday, June 7, 2014

Purest Teacher 1 and 2: (Unedited): 05 June 2014:

1). The purest form of truth. Comes from an innocent believing student who then grows up to become a faithful charismatic teacher. 
2). The purest form of deception. Comes from an innocent believing student who then grows up to become a faithful charismatic teacher. 
How can you tell  the difference between the two grown teachers? One teacher will be good and the other evil. One teacher will administer compassion and mercy towards any who are deceived. The evil teacher who believes those who do not agree with his or her teaching should be ridiculed, harmed and or killed in a public format.
The differences are there for anyone who is willing to see.

A good teacher cannot preach love, peace or harmony and then encourage the youth to hate THEM, go off to war or to create chaos.

A evil teacher will mix good and evil philosophies. He or she will use one to support the other. He or she will promise wonderful benefits for all when the evil deeds are completed. The evil teacher will always have common sense responses to anyone who begins to question their authenticity.   
The good teacher who is infused with love, peace, harmony and life can easily see the evil teacher and has much compassion for the degree of unknowing deception within the evil teacher. The good teacher knows the degree of deception that is within the evil person. The good teacher even knows that the evil ones have not their freedom to do anything other then the evil they do and they no not any other way. The evil ones may not even be able to choose to alter their own belief systems or evil deeds as they may already be in reprobation as assigned by GOD.
The evil teacher who sees the good teacher will only express hate and condemnation. The evil teacher will continually profess just how stupid and ignorant the good teacher is.  The evil teacher will also continually express just how discriminatory and full of hate the good teacher is.
The young are crucially important to both the good and evil. Both know in order to perpetuate their perspective ideals. The young must be taught from an early age. Since this world is controlled by Satan so to the entire worlds educational system. Which teaches only knowledge without wisdom or understanding. Those students who desire to know more than knowledge will reach out for themselves for wisdom and understanding. It is Satan who has put into place those evil teachers who will teach contaminated wisdom and understanding.

The teaching of absolute love, peace, harmony and life is the purest form of honor at all levels. Physical honor, Family honor, national honor, Spiritual honor and humanity honor. These teaching of the purest forms of honor will result in zero wars and conflicts with one another. The rulers of the world would come together in unity instead of using world organizations for their own selfish gains of wealth, power and intelligence. This is easily seen in how the common peoples of the world live and are educated.
When a young farmer dreams a dream and wakes up knowing all they will ever be is a farmer is not freedom. When a young woman who desires to know more than she is allowed and yet knows all she will ever do and know is to have babies is not freedom. Any person who is confined to be less than anyone else is worse than being placed inside of prison walls and bars. Self empowerment is a fundamental right of humanity. Any government which denies this right is not one of God. Not speaking of the god of this world which is satan. The GOD of love, peace, harmony and of life is the one i refer to.

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Unwanted People: (Unedited): 24 May 2013:

The hidden and unwanted peoples in society. Find their own joys and pleasures as they find them. Often without judgement or prejudice.
When a large group of people become rejected from the whole of mainstream society. They will create their own culture and society. They will reside outside the awareness of the so called good civilized people.
Within this group of rejected persons. Comes the recruiters of revolution. Offering them the gift of acceptance, sense of importance, an opportunity for change. When the hidden truth of the new amazing invitation. Is for the unwanted people to become the military force of those who desire to rule over all. They will become the useful idiots. Those who easily believe the spoken words of any charismatic person without knowing how to critically or logically question another mans words.
For a short time they will be lifted up, built up and trained how the rulers want them to think and react. A  mindless and perpetually angry force of unwanted societal rejects. Another truth is those rulers of revolution don't even think of their recruited rejects as people with conscious. They are just tools like any other to be used. This is another form of slavery.  Slavery by coercion.
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Do Something: (Unedited): 03 April 2008:

All of the words that you speak within your entire life can fit inside of a small jewelry box. If you do one great thing in your entire life every person on this planet may learn of it and remember it for generations.
C.J. MacKechnie
This is about the comparison of speaking and doing. You can speak great things throughout your entire life and all of the contents of your voice will fit inside of a small spiritual jewelry box. Where as if you do one great thing. People will remember that for generations. 
When you open up the little jewelry box to discover the brilliant golden metal and the stunning stones within. All that you have ever spoke will have the appearance of empty air, but your actual deeds will appear as something either very precious or very ugly. The ugliness within your spiritual jewelry box are those things which you had done which caused harm, torment, death and suffering.
This is also the same for those very charismatic preachers, speakers and teachers. it matters not which or what religion. This is also the same for you.
When you speak the words of a wise righteous person. Then your spiritual jewelry box shall be illuminated and clear when opened. When you speak with evil or harsh intentions. Then when you open your spiritual jewelry box. There shall be a cloudy, cold darkness within.  To a such a degree. that you want to hide it and forget it forever. But, you cannot because your spirit is the jewelry box.

Updated on: 26 March 2016:
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 