Showing posts with label Mega Church. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mega Church. Show all posts

Friday, August 16, 2019

Mega Churches I Never Knew You Prophecy: (Unedited): 16 Aug 2019:

Which is logical for God to do?
Remove the ten thousand tares/weeds to save the one good fruit bearing plant or to remove the one good fruit bearing plant from the ten thousand tares/weeds?
So be warned denominations, churches as the few children of God become knowing witnesses to your professed delusions and deceptions. All the while not knowing God has brought to you a strong delusion and satan has brought to you deceptions and half truths. 
The Church of Jesus Christ Latter day Saints has Fallen-Fallen to sin acceptance(April 2019). Next the LDS church will allow sin to stand in their holy places.
Added on 22 Aug 2019: The Church of Jesus Christ Latter Day Saints is fallen with 17 million souls  if they each decide to stay within. Next church/denomination to fall should be the Baptists and their 40 million souls that may remain within when the Baptist Churches fall.
God will gather His children. Even though they know not where they go or for what reason. Was it God who told Abraham to "GO"!!! no direction, no destination, no promise of Chick-fil-A. Check your own Holy Bible to verify story.
God will use signs to cause His children to move. Because His children will be able to see and to know what they see. Because of the spiritual gift of discernment the children of God will know that it is time to go. The Holy Spirit will cause discernment especially when the world is full of delusion and deception. God is sending the strong delusion unto the whole of the world as a gift to His children. The children of God will know the deceptions and delusions and act accordingly and as directed by the Holy Spirit. In which doors will be closed while one door will be opened. It does not matter if His children understand why the door closed and a secret door opened up. But, His children will experience sudden anger towards them. Maybe, even mocking's directed towards them from overt non Christians. God will use everyone and anyone at anytime for His purposes. Regardless if that person is aware or not.
What is mocking. As a Christian we are to just walk away from all sin and not to be entertained by any sin. All people will observe you. When you quietly walk away because they are loudly showing porn on their cell phones to many times. They will know it and figure it out. They will also make fun of you and do this overt sinful things on purpose so that they can be entertained by the power of making you move. Like "Watch Sally leave". Wanna see me make Charlie leave". "There goes Mike, who can't handle a pretty girl or specific body parts". While they are showing naked pictures and other obscene things to your eyes. Maybe, they will lie and say they are going to show you a thing that you think is cool. But, it is really a sinful image or sounds or voices or music.
From here on out. You will be bombarded by those who reject Christianity and apologize to sinful evil doers for their former Christian belief system. There have been three famous people in the last month( Ed Smart, Joshua Harris, Marty Sampson). This will continue.  You also will begin to see on the news about every Christian pastor who has ever broken the law, caught in sin, acting badly, who is in court for their evil deeds. Even if that pastor is in some unknown small town every person in the world will hear and see all about it.
You will begin to ask yourself. Then why am I still a Christian? Your Christianity is about you and your relationship with Jesus Christ. Never compare yourself to anyone else. For those who are famous they will be under huge demonic influence and require much continuous prayers. Read Daniel 10: It is a war and that war is over humanity. Just because you cannot see the war does not mean it is not actual. One side wants you and your human memory to become extinct and the other side wants you to remain clean while pursuing holiness and righteousness. Go and read about Balaam. I think Numbers 22ish. Look for Balaam's interaction with the Angel. How did Balaam begin to see and know the presence of the angel with a sword?
Remember this added tidbit. The human ear and nose is inferior to a dogs ear and nose. Humans do not have sonar like dolphins. Humans do not have RADAR like bats. Humans are not as strong or as fast as any large animal. Humans cannot smell in the water like sharks or have replaceable teeth. Humans cannot feel vibrations in the water like a large mouth bass. Humans cannot fly like birds. This can go on and on. The point is just because a human is actually less than maggots and worms in comparison to these angels and those fallen angels who proclaimed themselves as gods. Just because we are not aware of a thing does not mean it doesn't exist. They are real. It's all real. But, do not take my word for it. Just maintain your faith, your prayers, your fasting and your daily Holy Bible readings. Even if it means your death. Because, that is coming soon.
I understand there are more than one TV show about satan. These shows may cause you to think it is cool, pleasurable and beautiful to be with satan. satan only wants you separated from God and then satan can kill us all. While causing God to kill us all. satan still Mocking God continuously. satan believing he can make God do something. satan himself may not even be aware that he is on the wrong side of zero as we all are. Actually, satan does know. That would be probability thinking. Because if a dumb human janitor knows we are all on the wrong side of zero and satan is here on this side. Then satan is in a very bad way and knows his time is very short.
Added on 17 Aug 2019:
Fear not Mega churches, Mega pastors and Mega church leaders, Your wealth accumulation shall continue on. Since satan is the prince of this world. He can promise you the wealth of this world. Remember the king that was to die and the king begged and cried to God. God heard him and gave the king 15 extra years to live. So he had a party and told/showed his kingly neighbors where he stored all of his gold, jewels and wealth. But, he would keep them but his sons would die. He basically said "so". As long as I get to keep my shiny toys, gold, jewels and stuff. Go and read King Z in the Holy Bible.
Added on 19 Aug 2019:
Fear Not Mega Churches Answer: Your wealth and worldly blessings will not stop until the prince of this world is stopped. The few who are actually the children of God will quietly disappear and most will most likely be like Christ very very poor. But, not all. The wealthy ones which leave will be replaced by ten more of equal or greater wealth. So you will not have to chase after the money people.
Added on 25 April 2020: When you do the math behind Covid-19 or Coronavirus pandemic of 2020. You see a global spirit of fear. When you do the math in relation to a human population of nearly 8 billion people. The percentages are not so big. This may have even been a global psy-ops exercise against all of the civilians on this planet.
Added on 31 May 2020:
The hymns are forgotten among those who should have been my children and so to will I forget you. You false preachers, teachers and leaders. You who hold titles like apostle, bishop and prophet. Shall not be recognized, honored or revered by God. 
For God shall judge those who think and profess themselves to be sons and daughters of God. God hears the absence of genuine worship in your songs. God see your lack of Christian evidence in all aspects of your life. God sees all of your secret sins and how each of you are like the diviner prophet Balaam.
Ye, false preachers, teachers and leaders who lead and have led my flock astray. Your rewards have already been received by the self proclaimed prince of the Earth. For when I blow the first Heaven of water and air away. Your eyes will know your judgement is imminent. Just as there is an absent of hymns in your churches there will also be an absence of Heavenly blessing from ME. 
Ye, false teachers, preachers and leaders who only accumulate for yourselves and make your own places of safety and sanctuary. I will ensure that you will neither have safe harbor or a restful refuge.
Ye, false teachers, preachers and leaders. Enjoy your calm, peace and beautiful places you have made for yourselves. For your judgement's will come and even as you read these words you still will not repent or seek forgiveness as you already have been judged and I have locked you in on yourselves current state of being. Just like the human god pharaoh who came against ME and and my chosen Moses. 
Ye, false teachers, preachers and leaders. As my children suffer and die. I have seen how each of you have ignored them all and sent them away. You shall lock yourselves away in those beautiful compounds which become your prisons. You shall know more and more mental illness as I shall be far away from you. Then when you profess your lack of faith and belief. Suicide will only hasten your judgement into your final un-resting place. A place that I have not made for you but you have chosen for yourself. 
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become clean, righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Saturday, April 7, 2018

Contrary Church Life : +8: (Unedited): 03 April 2018:

Incomplete will add more content. 
If your worldly life is contrary to how you present yourself within the mega church or any other church. Then your dedicated tithe may be like Cain's sacrificial offering to God.

When you offer/dedicate yourself to God. Everything you do or is done around you has a much deeper and profound meaning, which may have nothing to do with you or may not be about you at all.
The brother/sister of Cain may believe their offerings and tithes to God within the church or mega church are accepted. But, the unaccepted truth is they are only paying admission for the happy entertainment they are about to experience. 
When you as a being of divine light lift up the wonders of darkness to above all else. All light within you shall become separated from you as the heavy blanket of darkness smothers all that is good from you. 
The leaders of the evil doers shall be saved and protected from the misery and suffering they cause. That is until they are one of the last or about to be taken. Then is when they decide how their own end shall come.
Before the leaders of the evil doers are allowed to die. They each  must inspire all of their followers to hate and to seek violent change by any means necessary.
Satan watches those who have begun the righteous and holy way of living. To them satan will send all manner of temptation to each of them specifically.
Satan desires to discredit and destroy what the true followers of God create for the glory of the highest heavens.
It is more embarrassing for the church as a whole to discredit and destroy a follower of Jesus Christ then it is to kill him/her.
Personal Note:
I know I do not write this very often. I'm a deeply flawed human being. I still sin daily and am repentant of those sins. You the reader have noticed two parts, the quotes and my own limited ability to understand the quotes. In which sometimes I fail, off the mark or some other error of my understanding. The quotes which are written should be considered by you as stand alone and the other writing is completely separate to the quotes, unless your led by the Holy Spirit to consider clues. You the reader should always pray first and check/verify all that is written to the Holy Bible. I'm just a janitor and am really good at making mistakes. I'm not an educated person. So I make even more errors. Besides if Peter who walked with Jesus can fail him three times with forewarning. Who am I? I am not more important than worms and maggots. The how I have written is not important. The message contained in the words is what is important. If your one of those important people then I suspect that what I have written is for you to pass along to the many who will have an ear to hear. As I've already heard or read my words spoken or written better than I ever could. Please continue to not acknowledge me in any manor. Soon very soon everyone will no longer doubt or debate that we are in the end times. So enjoy your coffee and donuts. Enjoy the company of friends without immediate fears or threats. Think about that when you see the coming signs and the signs which have passed on like The Great Reverend Billy Graham. The signs reveal what is coming ahead, not what is now. It is like a dead end sign 3 miles ahead. Do you slow down, speed up or change course. There is only one true answer of the three choices. The right and correct answer is the righteous and holy ones every time.
No I'm not a prophet I'm a guesser of probabilities and possibilities. Be warned as with those who speak an actual language of tongues. There is always someone to interpret. Prophecy is always the same way. If someone speaks a prophecy and there is not someone who can offer a plan of mitigation or prevention. Then it should be questioned. The two important lessons is Joseph and Nineveh. Joseph mitigated while Jonah offered a prevention until they all forgot.
Believe in Yeshua, Faith in Yeshua, Repentance, Sin no more, Righteousness and Holiness.
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Monday, December 25, 2017

Crystallized Worldly Church: (Unedited): 25 Dec 2017:

A crystallized church which embraces a charismatic pastor may grow and prosper as can easily be seen and defined by the world view of success. But, Once the charismatic pastor retires or dies. The truth shall be revealed as no church cannot stand upon the foundations of any mortal man. The fall of the worldly and wealthy church shall become publicly evident.
This is a warning for the other Mega Churches of the world. As your lead pastor ages and then seeks retirement or dies. What will be the condition of your debt load once He or she is gone. Because, I do know of a former pastor of a Mega church and he retired in his fifties. He now resides within an exclusive gated community. Enjoying life. How did the pastors of old retire. Usually upon death. My Grandfather in law was a church planter in the days when the Methodist Church was not a fallen church. He was completely dependent upon the Methodist Church. He died with no worldly wealth as do we all. He was often paid in chickens and he did not like chicken but was always thankful.
If your Mega Church does not teach repentance, righteousness, holiness or sin. If your Mega Church is accepting, celebrating and tolerating of any sin. Then your most likely a world church who teaches a variety of false teachings. You each, who are involved with mega Churches and fallen churches are very much at risk hearing God tell you that He never knew you. 
Added on 19 March 2018:
It would be better for the mega churches to fracture into millions of smaller churches of repentance who all have personal relationships with their Heavenly Father and each other (Especially with the pastor) and who actually go out into the world expressing love to all. Because all Christians are missionaries even into their own communities. All Christians are supposed to go forth into the world to cause no harm and to sin no more. All Christians are supposed to repent of every sin in their body, mind, heart and spirit. All Christians are supposed to become righteous and holy in the accepting eyes of their Heavenly Father only. All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements. Especially entitlements because what did Jesus give up to be here with us human worms and maggots? Really what is Jesus entitled to and what did Jesus receive?  In the early church how did Christians end their lives? With any kind of prosperity or with horrible death?
 To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Collective Apathy (unedited). 25 March 2012

An example of collective apathy is when people, congregation or organization is more interested in the entertainment. Than the meaning, purpose or reason of the meeting, event or church service. C.J.MacKechnie
You must confront your own thoughts and emotions when in any kind of group meeting or Church service.  What is your favorite part of the service or meeting? The food?, the song?, Leaving the parking lot before anyone else does?, Hoping the church service does not interfere with a sporting event?, 
This is really critical. Because, if you think and believe that my comments here are of no importance or not a big deal. Let me tell you this. Only 8 people were saved during the great flood. I believe that the percentage of holy people save if there is a rapture is going to be less than 10% of the total church. I think I'm exaggerating but a large number. I've already written that I do not believe a rapture will occur. But, I'm not so prideful to deny it when my invite comes.
The importance of the church service or any other religious meeting is to prepare your mind, your spirit and your body for everyday living in the world and not of the world. This is serious. You must repent and flee from your sins. You must know that your secret sins is not a secret to GOD. To further this. Your secret sins are not even a secret to the Angels-all of them. Nor to the demons or ghosts or other principalities. You must repent and acknowledge your sins. then actively flee from them. Cleave to GOD, To your HOLY BOOK, To the Holy Spirit.
Begin to have an active prayer and meditative life. Create this habit and history. 
If you belong to one of those Mega churches. Leave it. They won't miss you. Especially if your not a wealthy tithing donor. Find the church where you can be intimately involved. Preferably one with an active food bank. Probably a church which is debt free and probably in some small out building.
The brick and mortar is not of importance. You are the church and you are the temple. Become it.
Will be included in future volumes of “Musings of an American Truck Driver”:
