Showing posts with label Flee. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Flee. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Worldly Christian Characters: (Unedited): 16 Aug 2016:

Worldly media people bring worldly ideas as they promote their professional Christian characters.
Christian entertainment and Christian media can steer a persons mind away from the truth. False Christian leaders do further harm by teaching more deceptions. Such as how sin and the active lifestyle of all sin is permissible. Every government also seems to be outlawing Christian symbols and Christian churches. Other religions and politicians are either imprisoning, exterminating or both, Christians. So why is there such a world wide focus on the destruction of every aspect of Christianity? If Christianity was fake and phony. Why is Christianity such a real focus of it's destruction?
A professional Christian character is one played by a worldly professional actor. The worldly professional actor only pretends to be a Christian in order to promote the media business within a certain market. You can see and hear them on T.V., internet and on radio. Sure some may be real Christians. But many of the professional media persons may not actually be who they say they are.
So how can you not get yourself deceived. That is after all a part of Christian prophecy. To not allow yourself to be deceived. There are things that you can do to protect yourself. Here is the list.
1). Stay in the Bible.
2). Pray always.
3). Fast.
4). Meditate on the word.
5). Contemplate on the word.
6). Reject and flee from all sin.
7). Becoming a righteous and holy person as accepted by only God. Without being/becoming raised up behind a podium, rich clothing or other materials of wealth.
Be warned though. Follow no person and every word which comes out of any person mouth should be verified in the Holy Bible. Do not remain in any church which entertains any sin. For if you do. You may be judged along with them.

At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Monday, July 27, 2015

Religious Dominate: Religious Sin: Religious Curses: Righteous Admits: god's Wealth: God Pleased:(Unedited): 27 July 2015:

Those who are worldly religious shall always dominate those who are devoutly righteous.
The religious cannot abide by the righteous. The righteous are known by God. The religious pastors, preachers and teachers cannot abide to have any God above them. The righteous ones seem to lessen themselves in order for others to have a God experience. While the worldly religious pastors and preachers. Demand all of the attention for themselves and directed toward themselves. Go to church sit in a pew or a chair and then look up to the pastor. I'm not saying every church or every pastor is religious. The remnant are righteous. 
Religious Sin: (Unedited): 
While the religious hide their sins from the world view. Neither do they view the sins of those who are religious as they are.
No one seems to know anyone outside of church. They seem to put on the church going costumes and pretty faces and perfect hair. To show the other sinners how good they are. While they breed business prospect from the other church goers. The true nature of the people are not known from any other. Meaningful friendships seem to not be created as everyone seems OK to hide their ongoing sins from everyone else. Ongoing sin is now an accepted fact of life within the church. Some sin is now a legal right. Are you a Christian? Are you willing to lose your job for accepting sin as a right? It is already occurring right now. Have you already with abortion and now LGBT rights? Now the pedophiles want their rights to.
Religious Curses: (Unedited): 27 July 2015: 
The religious are blind and deaf to the curses they bring to themselves, their families and even to their churches. While they continue in their sinful ways. Justifying that their good meaning sin benefit God, Church and Family. 
There is a devout Christian. Who is active in his poor income church. He works at a place where he can sneak away with expensive equipment to maintain the church while on his paid work day. In the old testament of the Holy Bible there is a story of a gifted prophet not of God and a king who bought this prophet in order to curse Israel. The prophet could not and the king took back all that he paid him. The two got together and made a plan to cause Israel to curse themselves by bringing sin into their lives. In which Israel did. An entire country can become destroyed by allowing sin to come into it's people. The USA has not only allowed sin to enter in but has legalized it as a freedom/right. On the individual level. A person who brings in good meaning sin into the church is still cursing the church. Through his own sneaky sin he is also cursing his employer, his own family and himself.
Righteous Admits: (Unedited): 27 July 2015: 
The righteous flee from and reject any aspect of sin. The righteous do not hide their sins in secret places. The righteous cry sorrowful tears of genuine repentance. The righteous humble themselves within their easily seen sinful natures. The righteous ones readily admit their weaknesses.
Those who are deemed righteous by only God and not by any human being. Is so because of their continually active in fleeing from the sins they cannot fight and rejecting those sins in which have minimal or no effect upon them. When the righteous does sin, even in a single fleeting thought. They are sorrowful and seek genuine repentance without any intention of repeating the sin. 
 god's Wealth: (Unedited): 27 July 2015:
The gods of the world love the devoutly religious and may even bless them with great worldly wealth. 
The god's of the world or the hundreds of fallen angels who pretended to be god's. They are still in control of this world system. They will reward those whom they will. A sign of false teaching is absolute prosperity teaching for all. For worldly prosperity hoped for is worldly wealth given to you by the god's of the world. I am not saying that the God of all will not bless those whom HE chooses and HE does.
God Pleased: (Unedited): 27 July 2015: 
The God of all is pleased with the faith and steadfastness of the righteous ones who must endure unto the end. 
The religious followers look to their human religious leaders and occasionally to God. But only when God can be of use or to be used for their own purposes.
Those who are the righteous ones within the church seem to isolate themselves from the rest or belittle themselves to the point they are less than everyone else. Even though many of the righteous have great sufferings. They still pray more for everyone else than do they for themselves. The righteous seem to be satisfied and not jealous of the miracles seen in others for whom they have prayed for. 
 At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something. Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Not Enticed: (Unedited): 02 March 2015:

The righteous ones of God are not enticed by the sins of the world.
This is one of the big differences between righteous and religious people. The righteous are not enticed by the sins of the world and the religious must flee from all sin of the world.
Think about this. If Yeshua is who he was. Then He could not flee from that which he already knew about as in with the woman by the well. Even though the woman was away from her sins. Yeshua still knew of them. As a righteous man/person, they cannot flee from the sins of the world. Where as the merely religious can flee from the sins of the world and be blind, deaf and ignorant of those sins. 
So a righteous man/person can go into those sinful places of every sort and yet still remain righteous. Where as a religious person who goes into any sinful place may lose themselves therein.
This quote was written @
The Crab Shack
5430Baylea ave.
Port Richey, Fl. 34668
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Friday, October 4, 2013

Meek World: (Unedited): 04 Oct 2013:

The truth and understanding of ancient prophecies revealed to late, will not prevent your predicted demise from occurring. 
Added on 17 Aug 2022: 
Your physical demise or death is not of importance. Your knowledge and understanding of prophecy is of no importance. Your relationship to the Heavenly Father is what is of importance. Such as this is. Living your life as God has always intended for you is all you really need to know and understand. If you have any manner of unfortunate death. Celebrate that when you close your eyes for the last time. You will open your eyes in the presence of your Lord. Glory in that.
This world has become a sick and demented place? or has it always been so?
The secret truth is just now being revealed to everyone and no one really cares. As it was in the days of Noah...
All of those who apparently are in positions of power and authority have been lying and deceiving all of us. Now it may just be too late for you the common person to do anything. Except to repent, pray and meditate upon GOD. It is not enough to just repent and continue on living as you desire or as the whole of the world expects of you. You must repent and flee from all sin. Pray and meditate always. This is essentially the red river of redemption or the sacred path along the red road (as i currently understand it). 

I have studied prophecies since the mid eighties, for you young-lings that's about 1985.  It has always been known that the Holy Bible has been sealed up until the end. Tonight, I believe the Holy Bible and all of the ancient understandings associated with it and other historical documents and places is now fully open and understandable to all persons who seek to know. The lies and deceptions we all live under is nearly of totality. So much so, that when the truth of the way things truly are is openly revealed, it is not believed. Even if the truth is revealed by an embodied evil person. This may only be evident that it is just to late. In the grand scheme of things and how time revolves around the cog wheel of the universe. We can only perceive our individual part in it all. That part is very small. 

As it was in the time of Noah so it shall be. Which means the angels are about to walk amongst us or has already been doing so and that to shall be openly revealed soon. (The definition of soon may take another 40 years or 40 years from 2008, who knows.)  No one shall know the coming of the son of man. You have heard that phrased in many different ways. Do you know why it is? It is related to the laws of prophecy. If any prophet puts forth their words of things to come and they be pleasant or unpleasant. Then those who hear or read those words with knowledge and understanding. Has to choose the path which suits them best. Once those decisions are made and actions are taken. The words of prophecy spoken or written by the prophets can be made to manifest or absolutely prevented. Either way it is both your choice and our collective choices to make the prophecy happen or to prevent it. Until, that time no one can know except for GOD himself. For me personally I would like to See the coming of the Son of God. Just not when HE is angry.
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Secret Sin: (Unedited): 17 Nov 2012:

You are the sole traitor who secrets inside your secure gates, the sin which becomes your ultimate destroyer. C.J.MacKechnie
 GOD has made it possible to flee from your sin, GOD has also made it to where you cannot endure more sin than you can handle. From This. Any sin which you are experiencing and give into. It is you who has failed. It is your false belief in yourself, who believed that it was to much to handle. It is Biblical that GOD has made protections for you to successfully endure. So any failure in sin you have is all yours. Your sin is all your fault and no one else.
Secret sin can only be possible by the religious person who does not truly believe in the GOD of their religion. Ask the question.
 How can any religious person believe or act in a way of pursuing sin in secret when they have attended a church, synagogue, Mosque, or temple for decades? It must be a deep deception within that sinful person to believe that GOD cannot see their secret sin.
There is no ink or copies made.
Will be included in future volumes of “Musings of an American Truck Driver”:
Please support my Endeavors:
7143 Sr.54, Box 276
New Port Richey Fl. 34653 USA

To the above address as well as online contact information. Dreams can have a great depth of meaning and reveal an incredible amount of information about your real and true nature. All information will be kept confidential. Dream interpretations can take me several days. On going communications with questions is mandatory. There will be no verbal communication as it is not necessary and would get in the way of prayer and meditation.
Thank you, John

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Negative Options: (Unedited): 28 Dec 2011

If you have only contemplated a negative option. Maybe, it is only the surrender into the dark nothingness is what you believe will become your finality. C.J.MacKechnie
There is always other options. Which will include the positive ones. When you choose a negative option, choice, opportunity. What will be the result or reward? Of course more and better negativity, more and better suffering and misery. More losing, more failing, more defeat. 
Search and find the positive options, choices and opportunities. They are there. They always are. Their rewards are ...well... Positive... Positive logic and emotions. This is very simple logic. Even when dealing with the complexity of emotions. Search and find the positive. Reject the easy negative. Reject all negativity. In the absence of any substance, a something will naturally fill it. So, just by continuously rejecting any and all negativity, What do you think will fill and flow into that empty space? Something positive. 
Something positive will flow in. Even if you have only known the absolute negativity of life and recognize nothing positive. Positive things will eventually begin to flow into you freely. This positivity may even be alien to you and cause you some fear. Just know you will be OK and it is OK for these strange positive things to occur. Just do not chase them off and reject them. Because, something must fill in the empty space. If you flee from positivity then negativity will always want to flow in like a tsunami. Your life will always seem like a never ending war against negativity and the alien. The alien is represented here as positive, positive thoughts, positive emotions, positive actions in your favor. 
This is a positive blog. So, find that which is positive. 

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Shepherds Voice: (Unedited): 13 Nov 2011:

Even the wolves and snakes hear the Great Shepherds voice. Yet, only His sheep come. While the wolves and snakes flee into their hiding places.
 Great Shepherd is GOD, ALLAH, GRANDFATHER.
The sheep is you, if you are one of the ones who heads the Great Shepherds laws by internal choice and not by threats, through fears or actions of exclusion.
If you think you can live your life contrary to love, peace, harmony and the sanctity of life. Then you are one of the wolves or snakes. Even if you are a professed Christian and have gone off to war, Even if you are a Buddhists and have marched angrily against a thing, even if you are Islamist and have Jihad or struggle in your mind and heart.
How can a Christian love when they angrily go off to war to kill and to destroy? They cannot.
How can a Buddhists be in harmony while angrily marching for some cause against injustice? They cannot.
How can an Islamist be in peace while angrily in jihad warfare? They cannot.
How can any sane society adopt any practice of abortion as a means of population controls or convenience. When it is all about control, power, authority. Control over rules life. Then when life no longer matters to the common person, neither does the control excised by the ruling authorities.
When this planet cannot support us all. Then it is time to populate other worlds. In love, peace harmony and life.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Towards GOD: (Unedited): 12 Nov 2011:

When you turn away from sin. You turn towards GOD. C.J.MacKechnie
Seems self explanatory.
 Sometimes it is not enough for a person to only turn away from sin. One must flee from it. Not just physically, also mentally and spiritually. Then that same person who may have received pleasures and other entertaining feel good rewards. Need to also not return back to the old ways of sins life. The sinners life always leads to a lonely death and possibly an untimely death.
 GOD is the same as ALLAH, Grandfather and however you name the ONE.

Will be included in future volumes of “Musings of an American Truck Driver”:
Please support my Endeavors:
7143 Sr.54, Box 276
New Port Richey Fl. 34653 USA

To the above address as well as online contact information. Dreams can have a great depth of meaning and reveal an incredible amount of information about your real and true nature. All information will be kept confidential. Dream interpretations can take me several days. On going communications with questions is mandatory. There will be no verbal communication as it is not necessary and would get in the way of prayer and meditation.
Thank you, John

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Holy Fire: (Unedited): 15 May 2010:

Truthfully embracing Holiness and righteousness will violently burn away all of the impurities and contamination's of your entire being.
 Fleeing from sin and dirty minded thinking is always a beginning to your new beginning. Putting away all of those nasty addictions which introduce impurities and contamination's into your whole being is a first step in your healing process.
 Fleeing must precede healing. Healing precedes health. Can you continue this thought process all the way thru?
Will be included in future volumes of “Musings of an American Truck Driver”:
Please support my Endeavors:
7143 Sr.54, Box 276
New Port Richey Fl. 34653 USA

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Collective Apathy (unedited). 25 March 2012

An example of collective apathy is when people, congregation or organization is more interested in the entertainment. Than the meaning, purpose or reason of the meeting, event or church service. C.J.MacKechnie
You must confront your own thoughts and emotions when in any kind of group meeting or Church service.  What is your favorite part of the service or meeting? The food?, the song?, Leaving the parking lot before anyone else does?, Hoping the church service does not interfere with a sporting event?, 
This is really critical. Because, if you think and believe that my comments here are of no importance or not a big deal. Let me tell you this. Only 8 people were saved during the great flood. I believe that the percentage of holy people save if there is a rapture is going to be less than 10% of the total church. I think I'm exaggerating but a large number. I've already written that I do not believe a rapture will occur. But, I'm not so prideful to deny it when my invite comes.
The importance of the church service or any other religious meeting is to prepare your mind, your spirit and your body for everyday living in the world and not of the world. This is serious. You must repent and flee from your sins. You must know that your secret sins is not a secret to GOD. To further this. Your secret sins are not even a secret to the Angels-all of them. Nor to the demons or ghosts or other principalities. You must repent and acknowledge your sins. then actively flee from them. Cleave to GOD, To your HOLY BOOK, To the Holy Spirit.
Begin to have an active prayer and meditative life. Create this habit and history. 
If you belong to one of those Mega churches. Leave it. They won't miss you. Especially if your not a wealthy tithing donor. Find the church where you can be intimately involved. Preferably one with an active food bank. Probably a church which is debt free and probably in some small out building.
The brick and mortar is not of importance. You are the church and you are the temple. Become it.
Will be included in future volumes of “Musings of an American Truck Driver”:
