Showing posts with label Fears. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fears. Show all posts

Sunday, October 14, 2018

Erasers: (Unedited): 14 Oct 2018:

A home with worn erasers is a home which fears not mistakes. A home with all unused erasers tries nothing unknown. A home with no erasers does nothing at all.
Do you have any idea how hard it is to find an eraser in my home? Yep, this was a spontaneous quote out of my plight for an actual eraser.
Mistakes Made: (Unedited): 16 Oct 2018:
You only need an eraser, only after mistakes have been made.
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Monday, April 23, 2018

Sanctuary Place: Safe Place: (Unedited): 09 April 2018:

Sanctuaries and places of safety will not be anywhere and everywhere at the same time.
The key to a place of safety is in the righteous and holy. While the sinner, the living judged and those with lies within them will only know perpetual dangers and fears.
I suspect there will be a short period of time where those who have been judged by their Heavenly Father to be holy and righteous. They will have to travel to places of safety and sanctuary. As they seek, search and find refuge. Each of them may never even realize or even know that where ever they go will be a safe sanctuary. It will be for them to instruct those who are willing to become holy and righteous in the accepting eyes of God only. For in doing so they save another soul.
For it is they who have been sealed. Not even the fallen angels can see them. But, the fallen ones can perceive that a sealed person is present. Through half conversations and actions being made.  It sounds strange but it is like us humans who cannot see or know angels are present but if you really look. You may just perceive them yourself in that absence of information.
BUT, This does not mean that the sealed holy person is bullet proof or won't suffer from some unfortunate accident. Being sealed means your an unknown quantity. But, a sealed person may be able to simply walk through a police/military line without anyone being aware of their presence. Or if the police /military are looking for this one man who has been deemed holy and righteous by God. The righteous could stand right in front of them and they would not be aware unless he caused them to be aware. For even the sealed will eventually lose. For even the sealed must endure unto the end no matter how that plays out. Because, only God will win. No matter how the holy and righteous physically die. They still live on in promise and glory.
WAIT. Think about this and don't let it slip through your noggin. There is no human conceivable comparison that any human has experienced which can compare the difference between a human and an angel. For instance the difference between humanity and an ant is not great enough of a difference. The difference between humanity and the little tiny bugs in your gut is still not great enough. They are so much more superior than us lowly humans that we cannot even compare anything. So when God causes His holy and righteous souls to become invisible to a degree to all of the fallen angels. This is a big deal and would cause the fallen angels a great degree of anger. Especially after they have made their presence known to all of humanity. Remember as it was in those days of Noah so to will it be ... They all knew angels back then. So what will we all must know? Angels or Aliens?
Remember, Why did the angels go to war in the heavens? Go and research what are the heavens.
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Monday, January 15, 2018

Chinese Profound Accomplishments: (Unedited): 15 Jan 2018:

The most profound of all accomplishments also comes with the greatest risks and bone chilling fears.
The leadership of China eyes their friendly foe far across the great water with distrust. Yet, they stare in disbelief as that once great nation falters and tries to regain it's own stability. Yet, they know they must leapfrog over this still very powerful nation militarily. Sometime prior to 2050, China will leap frog all of the world's military's in every category. Just as how the USA once owned every military category ever written.
The biggest question is. Is China the trigger to the extinction of all human beings on this planet? Yes, I still believe so. The evidence is clear. China is still building their war machines faster than ever. China's modernization of every weapon system is never ending.
There is an out. There is a way to stop being the trigger. Because, a trigger is not ever in control. It is the one squeezing the trigger who is in control.
How to stop being the trigger. This means stop being the threat. If the USA sees that you are no longer a threat. Then the USA will stop building their own war machines and sending them into your claimed waters. I know you Chinese have read my writings and you know what I will write next. NOT.
I had another Chinese vision. I saw a large force of to many to count Chinese soldiers and much equipment marching into North Korea. Not a shot was fired as they crossed. But, if any North Korean soldier fired. It would have been an absolute blood bath. In which North Korea would lose badly and totally. The US/South Korean forces would wait for the North Korean commitment towards China's forces and then take out all of the "C's". Russian forces held off their line as well as transgressed into North Korea many miles.
 The how to it all is unknown to me. But, it happened peacefully or in our here and now. It is possible. NO COMMENT. The civilian news proclaimed it the worlds largest humanitarian effort led by China. Then days later the USA joined in as well as many other nations to lead North Korean under Chinese rule into world acceptance. This needs to happen. Because, apparently the top level of the USA and South Korea knew as they were prepared to do their responsible part. Russia also knew and did their part. This can happen without a shot fired. I think the key is to flood North Korea with Chinese troops. So that the North Korean police, military and spies can be all neutralized quickly. By protecting the civilian population. The North Korean soldiers will not have the fear of their entire family being killed. So the individual North Korean soldier may capitulate to the Chinese and may even escort the Chinese regulars.
Once the North Korean threat is neutralized to the American satisfaction and a reunified Korea is established in time. The Americans will see no need to maintain a presence or maintain their scary weapons systems. The Americans will leave a unified Korea.
Now comes the old vision of China. If China stops being the trigger to the world. The whole of humanity lives. So China, stop building your war machines and begin to look up. Then plan to go up there. You people of China will eventually take all of humanity to the edge of the solar system. All in peace. Now you know the meaning of this quote. So do and lead humanity. By you China doing peaceful things. You lead all of humanity into great accomplishments. You should have made those islands into resorts. The longer you(China) Travel down the road to war. The more likely war will be in your future. You will always reap what you sow. There will be no honor or glory in the next world war. Only extinction.
 To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Prophecies Fears: +6: (Unedited): 04 Jan 2017:

Your fears of coming prophecies shall always lead your unrighteous and ungodly state of being.
Normal Fears: (Unedited): 04 Jan 2017:
It is normal to have a healthy fear of prophecy. For it is this that causes a righteous and godly person to have a deeper resolve in their faith. 
Did not Habakkuk pray through his fears at what he saw and understood. Then God responded back saying what and whom He is raising up. Most likely not the answer Habakkuk wanted and yet Habakkuk still praised Him.
Prophetic Calamities celebrated: (Unedited): 04 Jan 2017: 
It has always been the ungodly and unrighteous who have celebrated and welcomed the coming prophetic calamities coming for them all. For the evil ones all knew that billions shall perish at the hands of Gods doings. 
God shall be blamed for all of the deaths and murders and humanities suicide. When the truth may just be that we are at fault for all of the evil ever done on this planet. We as a species of humanity collectively refused to become holy and righteous as God wanted us to all become. So what is the end result? Prophecy. What is prophecy and how is it supposed to be dealt with? Prophecy is like the road sign "Dead End Ahead". It doesn't mean go faster and plow straight through the last sign which states "Dead End".
Prophecy Encouraged: (Unedited): 04 Jan 2017: 
It is wrong to encourage the coming of any bad and sad prophecy. To do so is the same as glorifying murder and sacrifices. 
Warning Sign Prophecies: (Unedited): 04 Jan 2017:
All prophecies are meant to be those warning signs for a wayward people who still have their own truth, reason and sanity. The sane and reasoned people shall always endeavor to mitigate or prevent any unfortunate prophecy written or spoken. 
God Worshiped: (Unedited): 04 Jan 2017:
Gods greater good is what is rejoiced and worshiped. Even if it is to be that your the one who suffers the most without failing of spirit and of faith. Yet ye can still rejoice from within all of the continuous sufferings come unto you.
Righteous Rejoice: (Unedited): 04 Jan 2017:
The godly, holy and righteous in the accepting eyes of God only, shall rejoice all answers to all prayers and meditations. Even if those answers are unexpected, undesirable and unknown. 
Personal Note:
I do not think I'm at that point in my faith. To rejoice in all that God does or doesn't do or apparently doesn't do because of our lack of awareness and understanding. For many of those in the Bible do rejoice. Even as they directly suffered horrendous things. The spirit is more important and valuable than the physical body. It is easy to know that truth but to apply it to your own life is very different. Because, we all do not want to die or to feel continuous pain. But, those prophets, apostles and followers. Did just that and prayed to forgive them for they know not what they do. Can you, will you or have you evolved your own state of being to no longer care about your own physical personal safety in favor of saving another soul? That question is for me as well it is for you the reader.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Assured Apparent Powers: (Unedited): 03 Jan 2016:

When presented with immense apparent powers. The good within will offer all manner of assurances. While evil within will enjoy their supremacy over you and the sweet taste of your fears.
Any greater being who is obviously greater than any human, by billions and billions of years. If they being of Love, Peace, Harmony, Life and of those laws which perpetuate all of it. Then they will not desire to cause any being any manor of distress.  No matter if they are less than worms or maggots.
While the greater evil. Will thirst with your propensity to experience a variety of fears. The evil will use all of your fears that they create with you in order to establish total authority over you and everyone else. 
So if you feel fear when an obvious superior being presents them self to you in any manor. Then that being and those who it represents are most likely evil. It will not matter how you perceive these angels or how you identify them in any modern day understanding or by any modern day definition.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Saturday, April 11, 2015

Fearless Introvert: Personal Starvation: (Unedited): 10 April 2015:

To be an introvert without any fears. Is an exercise of courage from a brave soul. 
Are you shy or are you just an introvert?
While one may indicate fears and traumas.  The other may be just a a part of your normal psychological being. Which would be OK. So as long as you are healthy and are capable of surviving in this world. In other words being responsible for your state of being.
Being shy may be more related to abuse by those who are outside of your person. Fears and threats from the outside world can cause a person to become shy. While the introvert is just naturally self absorbed in whatever thinking they prefer to think about.  The continuous mean and rude things which may have been done to you or you have simply witnessed. Then if this is the case you should seek assistance in dealing with your own problems. So as long as there are no mind altering medications involved. They do not help, they only delay your healing and make you a drug addict. I state this assuming you have no conclusive brain injuries or brain defects in any test scans of your brain. If you do have absolutely provable tests via advanced medical technologies. Then you must absolutely take which ever medications prescribed by your medical professional. 

To be automatically be prescribed mind altering medications by just simply professing a problem. Is absolutely wrong. Especially if no medical tests have been conducted. If any doctor no matter what field of specialty they are in. Just prescribes mind altering medications without any medical evidence. Then walk out, refuse to pay and report them to their monitoring state agency. They are no different then the illegal drug dealers who stand on street corners. 
Without pride or ego. Without puffing you up. Without you becoming haughty.
To be an introvert is a necessary part of your being. You may very well need to be an introvert. Just so that you can do whatever it is you must do in this life. Self defined greatness comes from those who can dwell within themselves for long periods of time. Then from there they outwardly express themselves within their creations.
There is nothing wrong with you. There is something wrong with the outside world who demands for you to conform to it's will and defined state of healthy.
AHHH But, If you are not eating right/healthy and regular, maintaining employment in order for you to take care of yourself and family, If your not bathing/grooming as you should for skin/hair/nail health, Obtaining the required education and continuing education so that you can be continuously employed throughout your entire life. Then there you go Skippy. You had better start being responsible for yourself and for those who you are supposed to be taking care of. This also, includes spending proper amount of time with the spouse and children. As defined by them and not by you. I do fail in this regard. But do deeply feel that my time is short or that this writing I do is urgent. Do not do as I have done. Become well educated and achieve that proper level of employment so that you can take care of your family. It is just really hard to raise a family and have gifted children and then not be able to feed their inborn gifts. Because, you simply do not have the financial resources to do so. It is very hard and not very fair. But, there is nothing fair in this world.
Personal Starvation: (Unedited): 11 April 2015:
A person can have much healthy food and water and still yet starve in other ways.
You can have physical starvation which is in regard to physical weakness and endurance. You can have mental starvation which is in regard to education, psychology and critical thinking. You can have spiritual starvation. In regards to awareness and wisdom.
*NOTE* A person can be highly educated and still does not have the critical thinking skills necessary to avoid becoming enslaved.  Where once being enslaved was only for the uneducated. Now that premise has evolved. Or the understanding to comprehend all of their learned knowledge. As is with bio-mechanical robots who are politically/worldly thought controlled.
Added on 19 April 2015: This blog Quote was published on :
Many thanks to the team at cacofony.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Saturday, January 3, 2015

Shy Introvert: (Unedited): 03 Jan 2015:

The empathic introvert needs that quiet time to process the information received everyday. While the shy person becomes helpless while in the grips of their self created fears. 
Both the shy person and the empathic introvert can become a helpless victim of their own self generated fears. The empathic introvert may not even know or is even aware that they are even empathic in any way. Thus, the self created fears of being around groups of people become created. The empathic gifts becomes a bipolar curse.
The psychological powers to be have professionally defined every related word. So that when you read all of the definitions. There is only problems within your being. With every description of your own base psychology. There is a pill to help you. Thus, when you take those pills. You begin a psychological roller coaster ride. that you will never get off of. Unless, you commit suicide. Then those psycho doctors. proclaim. Told you they were crazy. It is of my opinion. That every doctor, nurse, counselor who prescribes any mind altering medication to any person who does not have any provable brain defect or injury. Is directly responsible for that patients well being and directly responsible for their suicide. All psychological personnel should be graded on how many patients have committed suicide.  If those personnel obtains a certain level. They lose substantial income and assets. Which is to be given to surviving family members. If they reach a higher level jail, for a long time. 
Please read the wiki below. First. 
I suppose you have just read the definition of the wiki briefs below. Those are just short summaries of a lot of information to be discovered.
As you can see there really is no difference between shyness and being introverted. Both seem to be assigned negative aspects of a persons psychology such as low self esteem, low self confidence.
I do believe there is a fundamental distinction between being shy and being introverted. I do also believe that an introvert person can become shy and never even know there is a difference between the two.

It is crucially important for the empathic person to be introverted. I do think if you are a genuine empath in the spiritual sense. Then you would have to be introverted to a degree which does not degrade interactions and participation's within society. It seems all of humanities famous artist, writers and musical talents all have had their own places of seclusion. Research that for yourself. They all seemed to have that basement or attic that they hid themselves in. Some lived in Missouri or in the keys of Florida. There are so many others.

For an spiritually or emotionally empathic person to keep and maintain a healthy well being. They do need their down time or quiet time. The empathic person can take in so much information at one time or in the course of the day. That it does take time for their brains to process all of that information. It does seem that the empathic person needs to know the wisdom, knowledge and have understanding in all that that have internally taken in. Even though in this modern day world. Wisdom and understanding doesn't seem all that important. It should be and is to the empath.

The very first thing I often tell the young ones is. It is OK to be an Introvert. But, it isn't OK to be shy. Shyness seems to be centered in fear. Living your life based in fear is not healthy for anyone and will subdue your essential purpose and mission here on this planet. Study the ancient religious texts on who is the god of fear. This is an enemy to you, the empath. You must internalize within yourself. Which aspects of your own psychology is based in your introvertedness and which is based from your own fears. As a young person. This can be very difficult to quantify. Because, They do not typically have enough life experience, Wisdom, Knowledge or understanding. So they do need a teacher. Like an understanding and teaching parent who will lead their child into a spiritual journey of discovery. My use of the word discovery is important. I did not use the phrase spiritual journey. Because, it is up to each person to decide freely for themselves. What and which spiritual journey to be on. If they want to be on any kind of spiritual journey at all.
The next crucial things that a young empath needs to do daily. Is pray and meditate. The most basic definition of prayer down to one word is Prayer is you talking. Meditation is you listening. Contemplation is your introvertedness having healthy control in that moment. There you have it. Prayer, meditation and contemplation.This is very important for the young one to be self led in this area. You cannot and should not force anyone to pray or meditate. You should not cause any person to feel any kind of negative emotion if they do not pray or meditate.
Contemplation time can manifest itself in one of the arts or in some form of inspirational expression.
One of the first things that continual and daily prayer and meditations does teach to the beginner. Is self control and self discipline. Which are essential skills to any empathic person. Being a realized empathic person. This is only the first step in anyone's spiritual develop, growth and evolution. 
Please help if you can. Thank You.
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Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Gratitude Glory: (Unedited): 14 Oct 2014:

Give all glory and gratitude for the breaking of the storm of demonic darkness for it is through your cleanliness, righteousness and holiness that God has protected and saved you. 
C.J. MacKechnie
You of and by your own free will have chosen to live your life in holiness and righteousness as God has defined it. All without any threats, fears or intimidation's. By your own reasoning you live a free life of goodness. Because, you live your life in love, in peace, in harmony God shall protect and save your essence.
Fear not anything and stand firm at the coming storm of demonic darkness. It shall not touch you. It shall pass around you. Remain in prayer and meditation to your Lord on High. Continue to love one another as you have learned even during the storms of life.
 Holiness and Righteousness does not come from any award given by man or even recognized by man. Having holiness and righteousness is not in the fine clothing you wear, the job you have, the cars you own or even a home to live in.
Holiness and righteousness comes only from God and to you through your divine connection to Him. This divine connection is based on the condition of your heart, mind and how you have freely chosen to live this life in which you were given. You automatically accept all that which is good and pure. While rejecting everything which is sinful and questionable.
There is much more to being righteous and holy. My note here only touches on the basic aspect.
Here in Florida bats are not bad. In this description I am using bats are bad. I like bats. They eat those pesky pests. There should be bat houses everywhere. Instead of yucky chemical spraying.
In your life there will always be those who desperately want to be righteous and holy. They even go as far as becoming members of your church or religion. Holiness and righteousness seems to always elude them for some unknown reason.
There is a great divine light within the righteous. Is light attracts everyone. Even the dark demonic entities which swoop in from time to time like bats. They do and shall pluck away those who are not divinely protected as you are. They shall be devoured.
You can see this from any wilderness camp fire. the insects and blood suckers are attracted to the light. Then out of nowhere the bats swoop in and their gone. Just know that while you attract the many. Only a few may respond and become divine lights themselves. The many you shall watch become stolen away.
Be sure you can discern the difference between those being stolen away, those who walk away and those who have been destined to continue on in missions. Mourn not the stolen for they have chosen their fate. Pray for those who walk away that they may heed their calling. Celebrate those who continue on in the missions with abundant joy.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Religion Death1 and 2: (Unedited): 21 Sept 2014:

The death of religion within your own heart begins with the spiritual spark of righteousness. 
The death of religion happens three ways. By forgetting, Living a righteous and holy life, and by the sword. 
Once you begin to conceptualize the importance of righteousness and holiness. Free from threats, fears, intimidation's, imprisonment and death. You can now begin to come to know the essence of God. The God of love, peace, harmony and life. Wisdom and understanding of the true nature of things becomes like an illuminated light deep within you. A light so deeply hidden and yet your own unknown awareness of it becomes an awe experienced.
Have you ever watched those wilderness types create a fragile spark and then cradle it to the place where the fuel resides. Then the fire is ignited from that little spark of ember. Such it is with you.

By forgetting about religion is a sign of your own action that religion is not worthy of any importance with the world controlled by false god's. Becoming so entrapped within the confines of the world system's of wealth assimilation will cause you to no longer have time for wisdom or understanding. In this world controlled by those false god's. You have only been taught the worldly knowledge from the education system of the world. All that you have learned in the worlds formal educational system has only been about how to follow the rules, To question not and to obey. Think about that for a moment. You have been conditioned to be who you have become now. All without any teaching of wisdom or understanding. To be successful within the world. You do not need to know any wisdom or understanding. Only how to be a team player for the coach or the false god's. Your efforts in your professional life is all about what benefits the team. Never even questioning the fact that you are actually a slave to the social structure of the team. Which is owned by those agents of the false god's.
To take up the sword or any other weapon of violence. Does more than destroy the religion in which you have been taught to hate. You have been taught to hate by those leaders who want you to go forth and gather to them much property and wealth. Religion in which there is only knowledge given. Removes and binds the follower into following the human teachers unto their ends. To obey the will of their human teachers because they are the proclaimed spoke persons for god. Which god? The God of love does not desire you to hate. The God of peace does not want you to go into battle. The God of harmony does not want for you to create chaos. The God of life does not want you to cause death. So any human who wants you to hate, to war, to chaos and to death is a false agent of the false god's. Pretending to be the voice of the God you want to know. They are liars and deceivers.
When you take up the sword or gun because you have been deceived. You are still responsible for all of your actions you are about to take or have already taken. All of the religious followers who have been declared your enemy. You kill and murder them. Yes, you actions will end their personal understanding of what their religion means to them but also you kill the religion within yourself.
Living a righteous and holy life frees you from the chains of religion.  Living a righteous and holy life opens your mind, your eyes and your ears to false teaching of those who proclaim they are the voice of god and it will be true. their god is the god of lies, deceptions, hate, war, chaos and death. You will know the truth.
Be free from all sins and evil ways. Always love one another as you have been taught. Always live in peace as you have been taught. Always exist in harmony as you have been taught. Cherish all life as something of great importance. Whosoever desires you to become contrary to these basic teachings. Know that they are not from the source God of your teachings. They are of the fallen ones who came here to become our god's. False god's. 
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Monday, May 26, 2014

Christian Prepper Bugout Bag: (Unedited): 26 May 2014:

The time is set to come. When it will be time for you to depart. In that time. You cannot even think "wait". Just the thought of thinking of those worldly things needed may cause to you miss the opportunity. Yes, there will be an opportunity but, that opportunity can be missed when you witness the Abomination of desolation as it occurs. The abomination of desolation will only be known by those who already know to look out for it. In that very moment God Himself will take an immediate action. Whatever "It" may be and what ever the "Action" may be. You must be now aware that if you have been following prophecy for the last 30 years as I have. You have come to know that humanities understand and knowledge of the prophecies is based in ignorance of everything. The interpretations are woefully single sided and all inclusive to everyone with that particular faith, culture, society or religion. Even though the Hopi Prophecy is unaccepted by just about everyone who isn't a Hopi or a spiritualist. I believe their message is correct. The extinction of all life on this earth is mans fault and it is because that man has collectively departed from the righteous ways of living.

You have to be able to trust in and to exercise your faith in knowing that your family and friends will also do as you do. In that immediate time of action without thinking. But, you may already know and not fully want to understand that only a remnant will be selected for removal and that these chosen persons may have been chosen because of their purity of DNA and their willingness to live a righteous life without any external threats or fears. What does this mean? It means that the remnant to be taken. Have already chosen to live their life with physical, mental and spiritual purity. Have done so without threats of hell fire damnation or physical threats upon their lives.
There will be those who will be spiritually saved as well. They will be the ones who are genetically contaminated as defined by GOD and not by any human. They also have chosen without threat or fears to live their life in righteousness. They will be the ones who must endure to their physical end. Once their physical bodies expire. This will free their spirit. I do think that quitting and giving up would be a problem for those persons in the here after. What kind of problem? That would be for God to decide.
The Christian prepper bug out bag, Your mental tool box and your spiritual tool box. 
Your mental toolbox is essentially you the physical person. All of the tools in your mental toolbox is everything you have learned and trained for. All of it! The good, the bad and the ugly. Have you ever looked at a real and disciplined professional auto mechanics tool box? or any kind of genuinely successful technicians toolbox? Those tool boxes are clean and very well maintained. Have you ever seen some shade tree mechanics tool box? You know the guys who work in dirty oily filth. When you get your car back. There is oil and dirt everywhere.
The question is what kind of a tool box are you? Well maintained? well used? well abused? or like new condition with internal tools you never use or may not know how to use in a real world situation?

Those tools you have inside of your toolbox include and are not limited to. Your intellectual education, social education, political education, religious education, cultural education, racial education, real world life skills, athletic training, professional training, military training, criminal training, family training, friendship training, network training.
Yes, all of it and more. The good, the bad and the ugly. Within the whole of each grouping also includes not only truths but also lies and deceptions. There is one grouping based entirely on a lie. Can you guess what it is. Read the absolute bottom for the answer.  

Inside of your mental toolbox can be good tools and bad tools. Research for yourself positive thinking versus negative thinking. These are your tools inside of you. Do you have more positive tools than negative ones? be honest with yourself. Self lying and self deceiving yourself is also an entire set of tools within yourself. Absent mindlessly agreeing with some charismatic person simply because they speak well, are handsome or is in some position of authority can and will be a detriment to you than a positive one. Such as attending any religious service where the consequence of sin is not taught. Such as attending any religious service where sin has been accepted and embraced. Such as attending a religious service where false hopes like wealth for everyone is taught. It is important for each of you to gather the good tools and rid yourself of the bad tools.

A mental tool set are those sets of tools which have a specific mutual purpose in life. Such as leadership, management and teaching skills/tools. They each have a specific purpose and area of use and can be exclusively used solely in one very specific area. Yet, when you can use all three together, amazing things can happen. Another tool set is lying, cheating and stealing. They can also be in your tool box. In the short term lying, cheating and stealing may be exciting. That is until you get caught and lose much more than you illegally obtained.
The skill level tool set is something like this. Achieving a proficient skill level in martial arts, weapons use, strategy and tactics will make you a good soldier. Achieving a proficient skill level in street fighting, drug dealing, illegal business ventures will make you a good criminal.

Now you have learned about your mental tool box, individual tools and tool sets. So, what kind of a tool box do you want to be? What kinds of individual tools and tools sets do you want inside of your mental tool box?

Now, your thinking to yourself as I have had to do. I have and have had so many bad tools, tool sets and my mental tool box is not only abused but dirty. Then I had those other tools which I was naturally born with. That I knew nothing about. Those shiny unknown tools and tool sets are inside of your mental tool box as they are in mine. Yours will be different than mine.
Here is one of my recently discovered tools and guess what. Your reading it or them. Would you ever had known that I don't even know what a verb is. Really.

Once you find those secret mental tools within you. You will have a choice to obtain proper formal training in their use or not. I did say proper formal training. Because, some mental tools that you were born with may be forbidden or not believed in. The training for some of those secret mental tools may be exploited by others who only want to use you for their own selfish gains. Some of those secret mental skill/tool sets may be discovered as your latent athleticism, musical gifts or teaching gifts or something else entirely. To seek them out and to obtain a level of proficient skill is something that can bring you continuing joy and an ability to effect positive change around you.

There is also another tool box within your mental tool box. Your mental tool box is very small compared to this one and it fits inside of an obscure pocket within your own mental tool box. Really. It is called your spiritual toolbox.  Contained within your spiritual toolbox is all of the wisdom, knowledge and understanding of the universe. All of the spiritual gifts as has been written about by all of the religions, prophets and philosophers of all time. That is a very big wow of impossibility and how can something so vast fit inside of a little unknown and unseen side pocket inside of your own mental tool box? I have no idea. I just know it does and I know we all have one. Except for those persons and beings who are under divine judgement. Which can be related to reprobation.

Before, you can go and find that little spiritual gold nugget inside of your own mental tool box. Can you guess what you have to do first? Ask any person with a tool box to go and find a specific tool of a specific size. If he curses you and is gone for more than an hour. Then returns dirty and smelly. You know what their tool box is like.
Finding that gold nugget in your spiritual tool box may require you to clean your mind, organize your mind and to retrain your mind. It does seem the older you are the more you may also have to unlearn. Such as those who have dedicated their entire lives as some sort of racist. Can you imagine that one. To believe so strongly that your skin color is more important than another other part of yourself also dehumanizes you. To unlearn the lies and deceptions of race can be very difficult to accept. Then there are the lies and deceptions of politics, cultures, religions, sciences, freedoms, self and etc. When you put them all together. Humanity as a whole is subject to incalculable lies and deceptions. All because someone somewhere wants to manipulate the masses for their own selfish benefit and personal glory.

To learn more about your spiritual toolbox. Just Google it and find those more knowledgeable persons than I. Look for those proper educational materials. I just did a quick look and found some weird ones.

So, for your physical self. You will need one of those dooms day prepper bug out bags on or near your person at all times. Re-evaluate, clean, organize and add new skills to your mental tool box. Look for that obscure side pocket and pull out your little spiritual tool box. Those are the three things you will need to endure to the end, unless of course you are a selected remnant. Either way it is important for you to freely choose to live your life righteously. This must be an exercise in logic and reason. To live righteously because it is the right way to live and not because you will go to hell and suffer hellfire forever and ever. This is an important distinction in thinking and believing. One should not live righteously based in fear. God should not be feared. Just as you should not fear your mother or father. This is healthy.

Possible abomination of desolation.
Yes, it is real. Go there if you must. Your warned.
Added on 05 June 2014: Steve Weyerts new video.
Just a note to the reader. You are tasked to pray and verify that what you see on any video I put into any of my blogs is true. This is not just for the videos but also every word that I write. You are to pray and inquire if they are in truth or error. So bring your Bible and be on guard to use it. I know I make errors in my writing and correct as those find them. Steve Weyerts is onto something and I think He is the soul rider of this wave of this particular revelation. Through Steve, you should be able to see whom the sharks are. Even if he may not even be aware of it. I do not know of anyone else who is teaching this.
The great deceiver must deceive the world before the truth comes out in it's own time as defined by God The Heavenly father. When everyone (Common Peoples) believes the deceptions are true. I think this is what has happened with Christian Prophecy of the 80's, 90's and 00's. What shall happen when the truth is revealed? It shall be argued, debated, and the reveal-er shall be accused bitterly.
No one likes what they have known as truth  to become false. Watch this video because Mr. Steve says it better than I can.
2024? 10 years or less to go. Are you gonna party like a Prince in 1999? (Steve's fault for the 1999 comment) or are you gonna make yourself ready and become prepared like Noah and his family? because the gods of old are gonna come or are they the fallen angels who were present in Noah's time? Remember the verse that says so it was in the time of Noah...
20 June 2014: Added general comments throughout this whole blog.
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Musings of an American Truck Driver 

:Answer Below here:
The lie and deception is racism. In it's entirety.

:The Lies and Deceptions of RACE:

We are all one humanity, one species and one family. When all of the common peoples unite together to love one another, to live in peace with each other and to exist in harmony. Then we all can find a very rich life we all can live with great meaning.
If you cannot separate yourself from the lies and deceptions of the separation and division of the races. Then you, your family and your entire church will/may not be one of the elect, protected, saved or raptured. You must begin to know and believe that we are a single race of beings called humans. We are all brother and sister to one another.

The DNA fingerprinting was established in 1984. Read it well. Believe the truth and reject the lies you have only known as truth. This is about the small number difference within all of our DNA. While omitting the really big number of commonality in all of our DNA. This is international law standard. Once you grasp this information. Then go to the Human DNA project and discover how more than 99.9 % of all of our DNA is identical.
The history of humanity told by many different traditions.
From about 8 minutes and 50 seconds to the introduction of the European leader. Listen good. This was in 26 June 2000. President Bill Clinton Library.
Research for yourself the Human skin. learn how it is the largest organ of the human body. Learn about all of the primary functions of the human skin. Then learn about the minor function of the coloring of the skin. Learn how if you lose a primary function of the skin. You can die. Where as if you lose your skin coloring. You will just be uncomfortable, but still living with possible social ridicule. Now, after you have learned all about your human skin. Ask yourself this. Why do we not compare other organs of the body with other people such as the liver, kidneys, gall bladder and etc. How come there isn't racial stereo types for those who can drink much alcohol and those who cannot drink? Why? Race or the coloring of the skin is illogical and without any actual fact. 

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

In-spite Of: (Unedited): 31 March 2014:

In-spite of all of your pains and torments. Actively, seek out all that is beautiful. Because, all that is beautiful, is as it is, In-spite of all of your pains and torments. 
It is very easy for those who have become depressed or have been depressed for some time. To remain in those dark secluded places or to either seek out those dark secluded places. By remaining or or going into those dark secluded places. You merely reinforce those false notions that you are truly alone and that the whole of the world is a very ugly and dangerous place. It is your own false fears which causes you to seek out the dark solitude. 

The truth is, The birds shall sing. The sun shall shine, The moon shall reflect it's beauty within the beautiful heavenly stars. The oceans shall crash along the shores. Children will scream, laugh and run around the playground. Lovers shall hold hands and steal away their kisses. Games will be played on their fields of green. All of this shall happen in-spite of your own perceived self misery, pains, torments, injustice, unfairness. You have to actively free yourself from those forms of bondage. No one is going to free you. Especially, when it is you who have freely decided to remain in bondage.
Become an inspiration of those around you. Over come and over power all that which pains you. Actively achieve everything which is beyond you today. Even if victory always seems to elude you. You will become the inspiration in which many others will find their own victory through their witness of your daily routine. 
Even if all you can do is hold down a job. Then go to it, always be present and on-time.
For it was you who has inspired this write.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Monday, March 18, 2013

Letting Go Empath: (Unedited): 18 March 2013:

Let go of those emotions which has no logical content, before you create them from memory. Let go of those emotions which were never yours to begin with. Let go of the memories of other peoples hurts and torments. Let go of those fears and anxieties which may grow within you and cause you to avoid human contact. Let go of those internal uncontrolled feelings of being cursed by this great empathic blessing. Let go of your own history of faults and failures. Let go of those feelings of being overwhelmed and over powered. Let go of being owned and controlled by your empathic gift. Letting go of the negativity has always been your choice. Just as embracing the positive feelings of others is a very relevant side to being an empath. Letting go of the undesirable will leave an empty space within you, which is to be filled with that which you deem desirable. C.J.MacKechnie

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Shepherds Voice: (Unedited): 13 Nov 2011:

Even the wolves and snakes hear the Great Shepherds voice. Yet, only His sheep come. While the wolves and snakes flee into their hiding places.
 Great Shepherd is GOD, ALLAH, GRANDFATHER.
The sheep is you, if you are one of the ones who heads the Great Shepherds laws by internal choice and not by threats, through fears or actions of exclusion.
If you think you can live your life contrary to love, peace, harmony and the sanctity of life. Then you are one of the wolves or snakes. Even if you are a professed Christian and have gone off to war, Even if you are a Buddhists and have marched angrily against a thing, even if you are Islamist and have Jihad or struggle in your mind and heart.
How can a Christian love when they angrily go off to war to kill and to destroy? They cannot.
How can a Buddhists be in harmony while angrily marching for some cause against injustice? They cannot.
How can an Islamist be in peace while angrily in jihad warfare? They cannot.
How can any sane society adopt any practice of abortion as a means of population controls or convenience. When it is all about control, power, authority. Control over rules life. Then when life no longer matters to the common person, neither does the control excised by the ruling authorities.
When this planet cannot support us all. Then it is time to populate other worlds. In love, peace harmony and life.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Spiritual Stagnancy: (Unedited). 21 July 2012

Spiritual stagnancy can begin when the origin of faith was begun in an atmosphere of threats and fear.

Note: I think this can occur amongst the body of any Church, Temple, Mosque and synagogue. Some Christian Churches uses fear and threats to bring in the new faithful. It is difficult to know love when the heart is in fear. It is like tithing in order for GOD to give you more money. If you only tithe to get more money. Then you won't get any.

Teaching the new believer with threats and fears. Is like lighting an unknown bottle rocket. The new believer is full of speed and fire until it runs out of threats and fears fuel. There may or may not be a glorious and tragic conclusion. In the end. There is the quiet fall of all that remains of the former believer.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 


Sunday, May 27, 2012

Fears Righteous

Any government, religious or political authority, which must police a righteous man. Fears that man. 
Any Righteous person from any religion who passionately speaks with a great conviction of the importance of Love, Peace, Harmony and the sanctity of life. Is in fact a genuine threat to all of the powers and authorities of all governments, Religions and political thoughts.
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Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.