Showing posts with label safety. Show all posts
Showing posts with label safety. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Economic Warfare +16: (Unedited): 11 March 2025:

Those who despise the idea of America have already begun their economic war on America.
The war against all that is America has already begun and actually began with former Presidents. 
The wicked evildoers who have held and do hold elected offices have their own military forces inside of America. This is evident with the fodder and useful idiots that they commonly use and who are easily seen.
The wicked evildoers own military force is that which is not easily seen and which will surprise you entirely. Their unseen military force is a mentally aligned amalgam and who have military training. There resolve is one of self sacrifice.
The wicked evildoers own professional military force are filled with some very committed, capable and knowledgeable people. Who have witnessed some very powerful things. Thus emboldening their resolve in the witnessed powerful falsehoods. 
The resolve, intention and deep belief of the wicked evildoers military force has enabled them to be able to murder every human soul they are told to kill without any negative side effects, questioning or remorse. 
Almost all of the former living Presidents today are in agreement with the downfall of the USA. Their collective organization is evidence of the truth that you witness today.
Most of the former senators and congressmen are involved with the orchestrated downfall of the USA. 
Foreigners, other nations and those with anti-American sentiment are already collectively removing their wealth from all aspects of the American market place. Their numbers should be sufficient to do their intended job. 
Financial fears shall by the enemy American news media sources shall heighten irrational financial behaviors.
Once the enemies of the United States of America discover that their economic war is going to slow, failed or needs an extra push. Expect a 9/11 type of emergency event to happen. 
Foreign nationals will begin to sell all of their physical assets thus drastically lowering the prices of all forms of real estate, automobiles and etc. Fearful Panic will be promoted.
Fear not what you see and hear. Consider stores of value as lowered good buys and good deals. Reinforce your own stores of value assets as your ancestors once understood them in the old days.
The strength of your local community and your stores of real value assets is where your safety begins. Your embracing faith in God is where your true security begins.
Do not break your promises with the local farmers who you support or begin to support. Seek out those local farmers markets and begin to buy your foods and goods directly from them and not from any corporate entity which is outside of your locality.
Fear not and panic not while keeping your focus upon the Lord. Take care of your family, friends, neighbors and church. Make the church the center of life. Pursue holiness and righteousness and love one another. 
In a world full of lies your only source of truth is in the Holy Bible and in Jesus Christ. 
Genuine Americans must stop all purchase of all goods made in any foreign country. You must also stop buying products and services from big box stores who have their corporate offices outside of your own locality. You must begin to create micro economies within your own local communities in which your church is the center point, not the bank and not financially connected.
Some quotes will not be shared because of some words. Yea, I have already been banned from Truth Social, others and about to be banned from more. Like "X".
Please help if you can. Thank You.
Cash App $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.

Monday, April 23, 2018

Sanctuary Place: Safe Place: (Unedited): 09 April 2018:

Sanctuaries and places of safety will not be anywhere and everywhere at the same time.
The key to a place of safety is in the righteous and holy. While the sinner, the living judged and those with lies within them will only know perpetual dangers and fears.
I suspect there will be a short period of time where those who have been judged by their Heavenly Father to be holy and righteous. They will have to travel to places of safety and sanctuary. As they seek, search and find refuge. Each of them may never even realize or even know that where ever they go will be a safe sanctuary. It will be for them to instruct those who are willing to become holy and righteous in the accepting eyes of God only. For in doing so they save another soul.
For it is they who have been sealed. Not even the fallen angels can see them. But, the fallen ones can perceive that a sealed person is present. Through half conversations and actions being made.  It sounds strange but it is like us humans who cannot see or know angels are present but if you really look. You may just perceive them yourself in that absence of information.
BUT, This does not mean that the sealed holy person is bullet proof or won't suffer from some unfortunate accident. Being sealed means your an unknown quantity. But, a sealed person may be able to simply walk through a police/military line without anyone being aware of their presence. Or if the police /military are looking for this one man who has been deemed holy and righteous by God. The righteous could stand right in front of them and they would not be aware unless he caused them to be aware. For even the sealed will eventually lose. For even the sealed must endure unto the end no matter how that plays out. Because, only God will win. No matter how the holy and righteous physically die. They still live on in promise and glory.
WAIT. Think about this and don't let it slip through your noggin. There is no human conceivable comparison that any human has experienced which can compare the difference between a human and an angel. For instance the difference between humanity and an ant is not great enough of a difference. The difference between humanity and the little tiny bugs in your gut is still not great enough. They are so much more superior than us lowly humans that we cannot even compare anything. So when God causes His holy and righteous souls to become invisible to a degree to all of the fallen angels. This is a big deal and would cause the fallen angels a great degree of anger. Especially after they have made their presence known to all of humanity. Remember as it was in those days of Noah so to will it be ... They all knew angels back then. So what will we all must know? Angels or Aliens?
Remember, Why did the angels go to war in the heavens? Go and research what are the heavens.
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

The Good Sheperd: Servants Sacrifice: (Unedited): 28-29 March 2017:

The good shepherd is always with their sheep. No matter the calm or stress, in safety he is among them in danger he is before them.
This reminds me of a lesson taught to me by a buck deer. I have no idea where it is now. I was sitting in the grass of a rest area and in the woods. Comes many doe and several bucks. I stayed motionless and continued meditations. With my eyes wide open. The deer were troubled. My simple quiet presence was the cause. Then a big buck came up to the edge of the tree line and showed me his entire flank. He was offering himself to me in order to save those who were with him. He was freely giving himself. I saw the lesson for what it was. I saw this is what men, real men are supposed to do and be. I saw this is what leaders, fathers, friends and relatives are supposed to do. To be servants of sacrifice and not masters of accumulations.
From my dark position behind a desk and computer monitor screen. This is what I have witnessed in Chase Iron Eyes and among many other leaders in the North Dakota Tribal stand against a living Black Snake prophecy. Which is coming alive very soon. Sometimes decisions have to be made to save lives. Even though, your very own life may end in some degree. Or your pride, ego, arrogance or supremacy is and has been threatened to some degree. (Not an insult). (Some tests are to keep you out of the evils of the world ways. While keeping you or directing you to be or become more spiritually grounded or re-connected). Even in one young man spiritually awakened with a dumb drone.
This is something which is very important to consider, contemplate and understand. How many old prophecy's has anyone truly witnessed which has come about in this very lifetime? The profound seriousness is not just about this one black snake which is about to flow it's blood of death and suffering. It is about all of the other black and gaseous snakes which reside in their dens deep in the Earth.
This Black Snake Prophecy is a sign which leads, points or connects to many others of different prophetic traditions, religions and cultures. I see it and yet I do not see it. I know it and yet I do not know. I am aware of the danger and yet like that buck deer. The danger is not yet real. How will you change? Will you each decide to continue on the upper world path of the Hopi prophecy? Some will even jump from the upper path and down to the lower path and up again. All in vain to the degree in which one profits them most. Will each of you ignore the Righteous path of the Christian? In-spite of the the legacy of the Christian community within the Tribal cultures. Can or will the purple words below be of value to you. Enough to change, stop, prevent and mitigate every single bad and sad prophecy ever written in any culture, religion and tradition. because, what is the sense of prophecy if you cannot stop it as did those in Nineveh and Joseph's Egypt. 
Servants sacrifice: (Unedited): 29 March 2017:
Leaders are supposed to be servants of sacrifice and not masters of accumulation.
Chase Iron Eyes Is the source of focus for this quote. It was a spontaneous write.
Added on 18 April 2017:
I'm only adding this because of the subject of sheep and Sheppard. Also the date:
01 April 2017:
Deceived sheep paying: (Unedited): 01 April 2017:
The willing sheep who must pay their chosen Sheppard for their eats and drinks are being deceived in the simulated place of holiness.
The sheep already belong to their Sheppard. So how do the sheep choose a Sheppard? Why do sheep must pay the Sheppard for any food or drink? A simulated place of holiness is a place where the Sheppard pretends to be a holy place?
In truth all land is holy, all water is holy and all air is holy.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Corporate Cameras: (Unedited): 15 May 2014:

Note Form
How can a district, regional or corporate managers become more effective and productive?
Especially when his/her personnel, teams, stores are hundreds or even thousands of miles a part. 
This is very simple. With the advent of internet based security camera systems. Any one with permissible access can view any camera anywhere at any time. So far security cameras are used to monitor sensitive ares or avenues of egress.
There will be a new added purpose for these cameras.
A). For productivity and performance monitoring.
       A manager who has received data from a well performing team and a poor performing team. Doesn't have to drive hundreds of miles to make a evaluation or inspection of either team. The drive is an instant loss in productivity as well as additional costs of vehicle use. A manager who can sit in their office and view a series of monitors of various teams and personnel is more effective and productive.
B). For safety checks.
       The security cameras can be used by the managers of the safety departments to actually view safety related apparatus out in the field or in stores all across the world.
The names of the cameras will have to be changed into something more positive.
Such as "Performance Cameras" or "Productivity Cameras".
To aid in the acceptance of these new spy cameras. One should create awards for those who have been viewed by a manger doing something awesome.
Then as the employees become accustomed to the new camera systems in place. They should feel more comfortable over time instead of a manager looking over their shoulder.
Cameras which are set and used for specific security purposes. Must remain as such. New cameras will need to be installed in those places. Which can be rotated and have zoom functions.
Upper levels of management and security managers will need to know who, when and which cameras were used and by whom. Date, time and etc.
The use of cameras is not to become the sole form of management from any executive. There will still need to be practiced (MBWA).
Management by viewing around (MBVA).
15 May 2014 @2300Hrs
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Monday, August 12, 2013

Someones Intervention: (Unedited): 12 Aug 2013:

Acts of Kindness, Mercy and compassion is positive intervention on someones behalf.
There can be hard lessons for the good hearted.  Such as devoting your time with an undeserving soul who seems to always demand help and declare that no one ever helps them. Thus, they are always in dire straights. Such as giving of yourself to the wolf in sheep's clothing. The wolf will devour you with great cruelty to you and possibly your entire family. The wolf in sheep's clothing is probably a great fear which prevents good Christian people from following the path of Christ. Most people remember the Smart family and their daughter Elizabeth. That one wolf of a person who deceived Mr. smart. The street preacher Brian David Mitchell did more harm to the Christian faith than the abuses, tortures and other cruelties suffered by that one family. Who wants to risk their families safety by going out into the world helping poor souls in a genuine fundamental way. 
This is one of the reasons why we each must still go out into the world and express love, kindness, compassion, and mercy. To serve your brother and sister just as Jesus had done. Fight your own fears and go forth into the whole world. Become the servant to all of your brothers and sisters. 
Continual Prayerful and meditative wisdom is necessary when  walking the road of Christ. There are perils as is seen with the innocent Jesus nailed to a cross.
 May not be included in future volumes of “Musings of an American Truck Driver”:

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Hung Over: (Unedited): 05 Aug 2012

For a while, The excuses and apologies come with their hung over feelings. C.J.MacKechnie
When working with an addicted person. In the beginning they are always nice and friendly. Then somewhere they figure out that they have told you to many excuses for their problems. Then they begin to react with frustrations and or apathy. You the good person are the one who gets to suffer and endure an alcoholic or a drug addict. For the drug addict it matters not if their drugs are mind altering medications. You the good person gets the extra work. Usually for free. 
When you report them and you must. It is for the safety and security of your working environment. The drunkard and druggie will blame you for all of their problems and loss of employment. They will tell everyone. Those who liked the drunk and druggie will be mean to you. There wont be much that you can do to alleviate their wrong and negative feelings towards you. Even though you indirectly saved them from possible injury from an accident caused by them. 
Will be included in future volumes of "Musings of an American Truck Driver".
Please support my Endeavors:
7143 Sr.54, Box 276
New Port Richey Fl. 34653 USA

To the above address as well as online contact information. Dreams can have a great depth of meaning and reveal an incredible amount of information about your real and true nature. All information will be kept confidential. Dream interpretations can take me several days. On going communications with questions is mandatory. There will be no verbal communication as it is not necessary and would get in the way of prayer and meditation.
Thank you, John

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Fogs Freedom (R-Edited) 25 march 2012

In the darkest times of your life, when danger's death surrounds you, keep your head and do not fear the fog as it envelopes you like a protective blanket. For the fog will confuse that which lurks for you, enabling you to find the light of freedom and safety.
As a child I was often locked in a closet. This was usually after getting beaten, sometimes knocked out. This went on for about 5 years. Then I was thrown into the small closet near the front door of our Clearwater home. I can still remember in the beginning where I would go into an absolute hysterical  panic in the darkness with those unknown things touching me everywhere. I would pass out on the floor with my face close to the door trying to breathe air. Over time, I came to realize that it was a place where no one was hurting me. I came to realize this was a safe place. Once my adoptive mother realized that there wasn't any psychological effect in locking me in the closet anymore, she stopped the practice and began other, more subtle psychological attacks. 

Any where you are or any place you are there may be fog. That fog may be easily seen with your eyes or may be from the absence of reasonable and logical thinking processes. Just stop for a moment and get your brain back in order. Start thinking reasonably, logically and objectively. Yes, those three words are similar but they are also very different. Either way, become sensibly aware of the inherent truth around you. Am I damaged? Am I still being hurt? Free yourself with proactive objective logic and get help. Immediately. As in right now. ASAP.  
I remember my tree. Yep, it's my camphor tree. I discovered it late one night. It had all of these tentacles and I knew it was a place of great danger. Well, I was the Bat-man on my black Webco bike. So, I proceeded into the darkness and fog of mind to investigate the thing. I knew I was fast and quick. After all, the mom hadn't killed me yet, really. So I protected the bike by setting it down a safe distance away and began a perimeter search to gain a safe entry through the long hairs (tall grass) of this monstrous beast, apparently sleeping. It will never know what hit him. Noiselessly I move through the tall grass and break through the hidden inside perimeter. There it is, a huge hulking creature which in that moment I knew could easily defeat the evil Godzilla-the destroyer of Japan. 
I am so close I could touch it. I stop to listen and heard absolutely nothing. Then I swiftly attack the heart of this great tentacled beast. The maw at the heart of the beast was closed. I sat quietly and fell into a rarely experienced deep sleep. The morning was old and my bike easily seen in the already warm sun. 
I visited my camphor tree often. Slept in it when it was too dangerous for me to be home. I took my last girlfriend there for our first kiss. Nothing ever happened to me at that tree. It is almost like GOD put that tree there as my personal safe place. I recently visited my tree. Many of the branches have been cut away. The cradle in the center of the tree is still there. If you ever visit please pray for my tree and thank it for keeping at least one child safe. 
:Added on 12 July 2013:
We were going to the Pinellas County fair in the early 1970's. WooHoo. Excitedly my mom said I didn't need anything to eat or drink. I was hungry and thirsty. I remember that part. I should have been suspicious. But, Dad was going too. I should have been suspicious because he never wanted to do anything with me, or was that be seen with me? Either way is true. I just wanted to be with them. To be together. Mom declared all of her threats, which were going to be real regardless. Going to the fair and riding the rides was worth it.
We got there in downtown Largo, FL. All of the rides could be easily seen. There were happy people everywhere. I remember it was a hot day. They walked and walked fast. I was telling them I wanted a Coke many times. For some odd reason I just could not keep up. Then they were in the crowd ignoring my cries. Then they were gone and I was lost.  It was the whole world who could not keep up with me. Then I could see myself grab a hold of a hand. Instant darkness.
I started to wake up inside of a tent. The nurses were there and needles were in my arm. It was foggy and blurry. My mom and dad came into the tent and the nurses were really angry. We went home and I laid down in the back seat. End of memory.
:Added on 12 July 2013:
I came home from school. Snuck into the house and found my mother passed out in her chair. Her Scotch and water was nearly empty. The ice was still intact, which meant I could watch a little T.V. Channel 44 WTOG in their bedroom. I knew I would be trapped if she woke up angry. I didn't hear her get up. The show must have been really good. Maybe it was Batman. Then there she was in the door. She lunged at me with that absolute look of evil on her face. It was time to run or just fall out of the chair. Headed toward the wrong end of the bedroom, I ran into her walk-in closet. This was not smart as I closed her folding doors behind me and dove into a back corner of the closet. She came in - in a rage. She search and yelled. Moved and kicked boxes. Then began to calm down as she could not find me. I remained perfectly still. She walked out in search of me. I could hear her get very worried. But it was a different kind of worry which did not involve me. I could hear her call for me everywhere in the house, saying all of the doors are chain locked. She made anther drink and went to her pill cabinet. I waited until it was quiet and made my escape to the outdoors. 
:Added On 12 July 2013:
On another day I was yet again in her room watching T.V. I had become so brazen that I knew I could escape her clutches and beatings. She caught me again. This time I ran toward the closet and she was close. I ran across her bed and dove like a quick cat behind the wicker framed couch in the livingroom. It was the kind of couch with four pillows tied to the frame for the back and four to sit on. There is nothing else. Just a frame and pillows a yucky brown and gold with flowery flowers of some kind. I made the quick right hand turn and dove behind the couch and into the frame. She saw me and picked up the entire couch and easily moved it to the side. All the while screaming her very real threats. She didn't see me and thrust the end of the couch forward and dropped it. Proclaiming she had me. She moved to the other wall to get me and I was not there. She got worried when she could not find me. She looked all around for me and still could not find me. I could hear her in the kitchen, making her drink and getting her pills. Then she went into her bedroom and closed the door. I waited a minute and quietly came out of the couch and outside into the daylight.
Added on 12 July 2013:
Those two escape are just a few that I remember. The majority of the time I was beaten and knocked out. in the beginning I would just come to her for the beatings, then just figured out it doesn't matter.
I remember I had set up my quick exits and opened the doors and windows. It was a beautiful day. Mom was angry for some reason and as usual dad was not around, because when dad was around she would beat on him. I was in the guest room. This was an off-limits room. We had a custom-made bar which was built by my dad and the stereo was there too. I just wanted to listen to the radio (WLCY). Well, I got myself trapped and made it to the hallway. I was at a run when I approached the sliding glass door I had opened earlier. It wasn't open. Well, I woke up in the small closet.
Added on 17 July 2013: (Not edited yet by R.)
The Birthday parties. Christmas. Easter and even a Family wedding. They were all very traumatic events for me. Why would I say that. It is because before the each event I was always threatened. Which every time was followed up with beatings and more very bad words. I always did something wrong. I could never do anything right. Ever.
I remember my last birthday party. We were all sitting around a table bout to eat tomato soup. My mom had given everyone their soup and I was last. She was telling everyone how hot it was as she accidentally spilled the hot soup onto my arm. My skin began to roll up into what looked like a bracelet. I vaguely remember some whispered choice words for my mom from the other adults.  I had a cast on my arm for a long time. Was it my fault? Was it her fault? To much time has passed for me to remember correctly. Although, the faded scar still remains on my arm to this day.
When you teach a child about Santa Claus. What is the worst thing you can tell a kid? Think for a minute about the Christmas build-up. For me it was always the threat build-up. Then the beatings prior to Christmas seemed to also ramp up a bit. After Christmas, Everything changed. It was almost like the day was unimportant. Mom and dad seemed uninterested in the openings of gifts. The only gift I got for my Birthday was my black Webco Bike. With it. I had my freedom of escape. I could always get onto my bike which I left under my bedroom window and just be gone into the darkness. Which when it was to dangerous for me to be at home. I was gone, until that fateful day when the Clearwater Police finally caught me. They were never really after me as much as they wanted to make sure I was alive and unharmed. For a kid who did not understand that. The cops were after me.
There I was watching to horrible horror movies at the old drive in theater. I had two speakers on my handle bars. Listening in stereo. Yea, It was cool. The last movie got really gross. Something about eating people with your underarm pits. So, I put up the speakers and Went zooming out of the exit as fast as possible. Across the street was sitting Clearwater police. They never paid me no mind before, But this time. His lights went on. The chase was on. I knew he had no chance in catching me. Because, If I could make it to the woods. I was gone and I made it to the woods. Got into my neighborhood. Very quiet. Made the quick stop to observe the pointed cross of Clearwater Christian Church and then glided down hill to my street. It is very late at night. As I made the silent Left hand turn onto my street. There they were. Several Police cars in my front yard. The K9 dog in one squad car barked and scared me. I began to approach the house and an officer asked if I was me. I said yes. Then he told me to put my bike away and come with him. I sat in his front seat. He showed me his light buttons and tried to impart some wisdom. That today, I wish I could remember. All I knew and was thinking. I was going to jail and all of those bad awful things my mom had told me was absolutely true. It had to be. They didn't go to jail. Only me. That was my first night in Florida Foster Care. Spending part of the night in Pinellas County Juvenile Detention Center in isolation. The isolation room was for my protection. But, no one told me. All see through glass and it was cold.
The very first shelter home was the next morning after court. No one spoke to me that I remember. I guess everyone just agreed that I was to dumb to understand and I didn't. I spent about 3 months in a shelter home. Told to always be quiet. No school. Just silent and alone with another 10 or so kids who were also being silent and alone.
They had a trampoline and we took turns in pairs. So as long as we were quiet as in silent. I received a gift from my dad. An Am/FM radio in which I could listen to WLCY radio. The radio was stolen after about a week and the shelter parents didn't seem to care about it. 
:Added on 12 July 2013:
This section is supposed to be positive and inspiring.
This will grow as I remember other stories of my childhood. They are not very pleasant. No matter what the fog is in your life, the trials and tribulations, there is an end to it all. There always is. For former foster kids, they seem to just exist or live as though all of the abuse and tortures endured are still happening or are about to. Once you are free of your abusers, you are free. Do not go back to those places where you endured all of that, not even within your own mind. Just know that all of the abuse and torture you have endured and survived was never about what you did or did not do. It was never even about you. It was about them, your parents or other family members. It was about those foster parents who did terrible things to you and then blamed it all on you. Yep, even the counselors blamed you. You were always the guilty one. All of that is done and gone. Now, just look up into the sky and know the whole of it is now yours. You are free. You are free. You are free.
Now is the time to plan your future. A good future. Not a future as statistically predicted by the FBI. A future that you plan by your own free choices. I know you probably do not have as much of an education as you should have gotten. But that is alright. Start to get your education right now. Then go to college and get your degrees. Yes, plural. Do not allow your own mind to tell you that you are too far behind and it is impossible or too hard, which is absolutely wrong. You're not going to risk dying just by going to college. Going to school for you will just be mildly difficult to tedious. The hard part is behind you. The impossible is behind you and you conquered it already. You are the victor. As the victor you get to march off in victory. Typically former foster kids become homeless, imprisoned or become a member in the unaccepted cultures of society. You do not have to be any of those things that are a part of those negative cultures. Yes, they will accept you, but you will continue to witness a great variety of negativeness and harmful living, which usually results in poor quality of life and a short life span.
Now is your time to create and make your own future of which you can be proud, a future which will further define to your tormentors just how much they failed in life. You can achieve all according to your own will and intentions. Go forth. Work hard and work smart without cessation. Then maybe you can have that home of your own with a family of your own. When you do, I bet your very own children won't become abused or tortured as you have been.
Edited by: R.: 02 July 2013: 12 July 2013:
More stories to be added as I remember them.
Will Not be included in future volumes of “Musings of an American Truck Driver”: