Showing posts with label Downfall. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Downfall. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Economic Warfare +16: (Unedited): 11 March 2025:

Those who despise the idea of America have already begun their economic war on America.
The war against all that is America has already begun and actually began with former Presidents. 
The wicked evildoers who have held and do hold elected offices have their own military forces inside of America. This is evident with the fodder and useful idiots that they commonly use and who are easily seen.
The wicked evildoers own military force is that which is not easily seen and which will surprise you entirely. Their unseen military force is a mentally aligned amalgam and who have military training. There resolve is one of self sacrifice.
The wicked evildoers own professional military force are filled with some very committed, capable and knowledgeable people. Who have witnessed some very powerful things. Thus emboldening their resolve in the witnessed powerful falsehoods. 
The resolve, intention and deep belief of the wicked evildoers military force has enabled them to be able to murder every human soul they are told to kill without any negative side effects, questioning or remorse. 
Almost all of the former living Presidents today are in agreement with the downfall of the USA. Their collective organization is evidence of the truth that you witness today.
Most of the former senators and congressmen are involved with the orchestrated downfall of the USA. 
Foreigners, other nations and those with anti-American sentiment are already collectively removing their wealth from all aspects of the American market place. Their numbers should be sufficient to do their intended job. 
Financial fears shall by the enemy American news media sources shall heighten irrational financial behaviors.
Once the enemies of the United States of America discover that their economic war is going to slow, failed or needs an extra push. Expect a 9/11 type of emergency event to happen. 
Foreign nationals will begin to sell all of their physical assets thus drastically lowering the prices of all forms of real estate, automobiles and etc. Fearful Panic will be promoted.
Fear not what you see and hear. Consider stores of value as lowered good buys and good deals. Reinforce your own stores of value assets as your ancestors once understood them in the old days.
The strength of your local community and your stores of real value assets is where your safety begins. Your embracing faith in God is where your true security begins.
Do not break your promises with the local farmers who you support or begin to support. Seek out those local farmers markets and begin to buy your foods and goods directly from them and not from any corporate entity which is outside of your locality.
Fear not and panic not while keeping your focus upon the Lord. Take care of your family, friends, neighbors and church. Make the church the center of life. Pursue holiness and righteousness and love one another. 
In a world full of lies your only source of truth is in the Holy Bible and in Jesus Christ. 
Genuine Americans must stop all purchase of all goods made in any foreign country. You must also stop buying products and services from big box stores who have their corporate offices outside of your own locality. You must begin to create micro economies within your own local communities in which your church is the center point, not the bank and not financially connected.
Some quotes will not be shared because of some words. Yea, I have already been banned from Truth Social, others and about to be banned from more. Like "X".
Please help if you can. Thank You.
Cash App $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.

Sunday, August 19, 2018

Christian Denomination Downfall: (Unedited): 17-19 Aug 2018:

Christian Church Downfall: (Unedited): 17 Aug 2018:
The downfall of the Christian church is now evident to the righteous children of God.
Falling Christian Denominations: (Unedited): 17 Aug 2018:
The Christian denominations are falling on a regular basis to the point that it is now evident that very soon only a remnant of the true Christian churches will be censored or excluded and declared as an extreme Christian themed cult. Many of the worldly Christian leaders will speak out against these extreme new cults.
While most of the biggest Christian denominations have fallen. The final fate of the Christian religion is not yet complete. The entire christian religion is still falling and it may be beyond saving as those who are in authority very much like their wealth and retirement accounts. It is they who will continue to put on their big shows and give the people what they want. Which is good happy feelings without any negativity or guilty feelings associated with any sin. After all the truth is you are born in sin and you are of sin. So your sin(s) is a part of your natural self. So whatever your sin(s) is it is a part of your natural identity. To the point that if your any definition of any gay lifestyle(s). Then that is your natural identity. As is all of my own sins are a part of my natural identity. Given to me and passed down to me by all of my ancestors. Regardless of what I know or don't know. This does not count the new sins which I have brought into my own life and have passed to my children. Without them knowing.
 The problem with legalizing only sexual sin identity is what about those who believe they are something other than human? or a child predator? or a cannibal? or a rapist? or a bank robber? or a murderer of specific kinds/types of people? Do they also have the right to freely express themselves and their sin(s)? Especially, when it is proven that those specific sins or criminal tendencies have their own placemarks on specific areas of the Human Genome. After all those specific sins and criminal placings or markers should be easy to find as the individual DNA identity only makes up less than .1% of the total human Genome.  But, what about the other more than 99.9% of the total human DNA? It is all identical to everyone else. Which means the creation story of Adam and Eve are correct. Adam was the stabilized genetic creation and Eve was a clone. A clone which had the natural ability to procreate life with Adam. Then when sin was introduced. This created unnatural anomalies which has led humanity into de-evolution. It is evident within the Holy Bible that humanity has de-evolved. In Spite of our technological advances.
For instance: From Adam and Eve. They had direct physical and spiritual contact with God. Then by the time you get to Moses. God cannot fully reveal himself to humanity without causing harm. Humanity has continued to de-evolve from the time of Moses. To the point where the vast majority of humans cannot perceive anything spiritual and if humans do accidentally or intentionally have a spiritual event. Then that human can be harmed. When the event is out of context or subject matter.
-------New Cult Prophecy-----
19 Aug 2018:
The new **cults will have no name and the names in which they will be given shall be from outsiders.  These new cults will be investigated and hunted down by every investigative organization. To the point that each investigative organization will completely and freely share all data and personnel.
The key points to these cults will be as follows. The extreme pursuit of righteousness, holiness, cleanliness and other spiritual unknown words to me. The fleeing away from and the rejecting of all sins. This includes all mental, emotional, physical and spiritual sins. All sins - no matter what the laws, cultures, religions, traditions or societies dictates. Check the purple words below.
They will not have one set human leader. Because humans sin from time to time and for certain durations repeatedly. The Holy Spirit may decide to only communicate through the human person who is the most sinless at that particular time or for whatever the reason The Holy Spirit decides it.
All of the gifts of The Holy Spirit will seem to only manifest through these new cult groups.
These new cult groups will not have any footprint on the ***internet or in any media source. Yet word will spread about them. They will not have access to any worldly wealth. Yet, these new cults will be the greatest threat to the coming new world system. For no group or nation will be able to stand or resist it. Any who tries will be destroyed, erased and forgotten.
Yet, the word of their existence spreads. Especially, when silent/quiet/unassuming members of these cults just suddenly show up manifest a needed miracle and then they just leave as quietly as they arrived. One may speak profound words of Biblical wisdom. Which is specifically intended for those who witnessed the miracle. Just as the good angels refuse to accept any form of worship. So to will these new cult members refuse any form of gratitude and direct all of the expressed gratitude to The Holy Spirit, The Son and to God. For they are only the common use vessel and nothing more. (*For you do not thank the cup for the water). Especially, when a cult group is absolutely surrounded and can be seen from the air with all manner of technology and then they are just gone. A cult group is seen walking towards military units in peace and song. then they just vanish. An aggressive military action to kill/murder an entire cult group is conducted and nothing is found of their existence after the attack upon the cult. Yet, a cult group has disappeared in plain view of the military/police. Then one member (after discussion) suddenly appears to render actual healing aid to a very needy person. He is then taken - nothing follows as to his outcome. In which it matters not for his fate is already certain.
*(For you do not thank the cup for the water). Weird how that just popped into my mind after the third writing.
** I've written about these groups of people before. Except, this time I called them a cult. If this is important to you. Then you get to go hunt those words down. I have no idea where they are.
*** Censorship, deletion and expulsion from all digital technology is coming for any group which is contrary to the coming world system. Even all of the writings that I do will disappear. But, what I write does not matter. For remembering anything former is not of any importance as only that which is of God and from God is of importance. When you personally learn that it is necessary to actually become holy and righteous in the accepting eyes of God only. Then is when The Holy Spirit will flow through you. Then limitations may manifest as those little purple words below become huge blocks. For any man who becomes pridefully sinless shall not know God either. (Think about that one).
Christian Denomination Downfall: (Unedited): 17 Aug 2018:
The spiritual downfall of the Christian denominations will be raised up by worldly wealth and rewards.
This is already occurring.
Fallen Christian Religion: (Unedited): 19 Aug 2018:
Christian men and women who never have been shall lead the fallen Christian denominations into the new era of a worldly religion where anything goes and everything is accepted.
The new worldly religion which will overtake any ancient form of Christianity will embrace much pretending and superficial relationships. There will also be much hiding of any wrongdoing. Just as the wrong doing is very hidden even now. I cannot do this search any more it pains me. Seek crimes in the church or pastor caught.
Up to 400 priests and thousands of children in just one state (PA.). No one is talking about the other 49 states in the USA or the rest of the world. The darkness and evil within the Catholic Church is proof enough that it has fallen a long time ago and may have been the first to have fallen. Yet, the news is small. The outcry is minimal. Think about it. Pray about it. Fast about it. Maybe, this is why the Pope and others shall be sacrificed upon his own altar inside a destroyed and burning Vatican.
I use copy and paste for your safety and security. What you see is what you get.
Post Christian Age or Culture:
There is much more and this belief that the USA and Europe have become post Christian societies has become easily accepted by all parties, peoples and cultures. There is a simple reason why humanity has and continues to become a post Christian people. The religious leaders for the last 50 or so years have stopped teaching all aspects of sin. The religious leaders have also stopped teaching righteousness, holiness, godly character. The religious leaders have also stopped teaching about spiritual, mental and physical cleansings.
Greed within the entire Christian faith and the thirst to grow the church to huge capacities. To the point that the pastor no longer maintains personal relationships with his sheep. To the point that the pastor only has relationships with his biggest contributors and the rest of the people have become visiting strangers.
The church leaders no longer listen to the urgings of the holy spirit as the church leaders only desire wealth, growth and membership. Which means to do nothing which offends anyone for any reason.
This is not all the fault of the entire leadership within the entire Christian religion and all of the denominations. The people are at fault for it is the people who have chosen to abandon those pastors who teach the meat of the Holy Word within the Holy Bible. In favor of big bands and feel good party atmospheres. It is the people who have left God, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. This is why the Holy Spirit is not felt, seen or heard. Just because the hair sticks up on your arms or the back of your neck is not evidence of the actual Holy Spirit. It could be a fallen angel in the midst of your church service making sure your thoughts are wicked, your heart is foul, your body is unclean and your spirit darkened. So you think it is impossible that a fallen angel can be inside of your holy church building. It most certainly can be. Especially if your church and/or denomination have allowed sin to enter. Once the church or denomination allows sin to be tolerated and accepted. All that is evil can enter through the open door of sin. Your once holy church has now become desecrated and unholy. It matters not what you think or believe. When the leaders of your church and denominations make decisions to accept sin into the church and denomination. It is the whole of the participating people who shall endure those curses from God and the curses will come.
19 Aug 2018: No title.
****As Christianity falls so to shall/has Islam.
I think both were supposed to compliment one another. One leads to the other. Which should have been from one perspective soul to another. Neither human choice or human insight would be in error. As they both lead to a purity of righteousness, holiness, cleanliness in love and peace together. Then the Catholic Church began the crusades.
**** A great sadness befalls upon me. End and publish.
Left as small.
Added on 24 Aug 2018:
This has been really tough to deal with. It is tougher to deal with than research pastoral crimes and sins. It is even harder than knowing that about 400 priests allegedly sinned against thousands of children from only one state. The fall of Christianity is evident and those who profess Christianity seem to be oblivious to it all. It seems like all the people want is feel good entertainment without any guilt or other feel bad about yourself emotions. If those entertainment churches begin to teach sin, cleanliness, righteousness and holiness. The people will go elsewhere and do.
So those who can and do endure unto their own individual endings while striving to be clean, holy and righteous. They are the true remnant and children of their own Heavenly Father. How do you decide how big a remnant is? Or is God the only one who decides how big or how many is to be the remnant? So then you must know how to become accepted by your Heavenly Father. Is not God holy and righteous in the absolute? So in order to get near or nearer to your Heavenly Father. You must become clean and remain clean. You must strive to be both holy and righteous. You must remain sinless. All of it must be built on a foundation of love and not founded on your selfish desire to save your own skin. In which God will know and judge accordingly even if you have self deceived yourself for decades of church service and mission works.

Matthew 7:21-23 English Standard Version (ESV)

I Never Knew You

21 “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven.22 On that day many will say to me, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many mighty works in your name?’ 23 And then will I declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from me, you workers of lawlessness.’
Note: I am not some holier than thou. I am still a deeply flawed human being who struggles with sin(s) daily.
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
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