Showing posts with label Sheep. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sheep. Show all posts

Thursday, November 15, 2018

Christian Chameleons: (Unedited): 15 Nov 2018:

Christian Chameleons are charlatans everywhere they go and even into the places where they should not be. For these are the wayward sheep pretending to be goats and wolves and lions. Only to return to the flock still as pretenders of one of them. For their future and prophecy is of duality. They will be devoured and they will be judged. They will joyfully worship God and endure the curses of their actions. They will be both believed and disbelieved. For while they are in the church they are believed to be one of the holiest and most knowledgeable among them all. Then when they are outside of the church. The actual goats, wolves and lions see them as they are which is prey.
The future for all of humanity was known in the beginning even though humanity of today can assume and think they know what may or will happen. There is never certainty until after that which has occured. It is just like the Christian Charlatan who thinks he/she is fooling everyone. They are only fooling themselves and they know this already. yet, they continue to live multiple lives fooling everyone. With their Biblical knowledge. With their ability to sing a beautiful tune of worship. With their ability to play spiritually godly music on their instrument of choice. With their ability to teach profound messages and to publish many books. Yet, they know they are charlatans and yet they continue to repent not. For the money, the wealth the lifestyle is too good. Maybe some feel entitled to what is received from the world. So the car salesman will continue to lie or omit the truth. The slum lord in real estate will love his money more than his own family or renters. Yes, you have to love renters to. This is for everyone else who lives their lives in contrary to how they show themselves in church.
The level of deception brought to the Christian is huge. It is to the degree where Christians not only tolerate sin, They accept sin as a human right guaranteed by human law. Which means that Christians believe that human law is superior to the laws of God.
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Sunday, September 30, 2018

Appearing Divine Angels: +4: (Unedited): 30 Sept 2018:

Work in Progress.
As cities of sin become nations of sin and then finally a singular world of sin. Know and understand that all of the differently clothed angels may not be beautifully divine and holy as they appear to be. For the more humanity devolves into a basic animalistic creature. Any being superior to it will be seen and thought of as a god.
A beautiful angel dressed in red is often a sign of the demonic. While a beautiful angel dressed in white is known to be holy and divine. As with all other angels dressed in the colors of the rainbow. They each shall have their own meaning. If they are under the authority of the ruling prince of this world. Then they may not be as good, as holy, as divine or as righteous as you think them to be. For even God has said that the angels are folly.
Wolf Skins: (Unedited): 30 Sept 2018:
For even a wolf will put on the dead skins of a sheep in order to gain more for itself.
The braggart who uses himself or herself as the example of blessings which has come for him/her. They may be the wolf in your midst devouring all your willing to feed it. Just as in Enoch when the nephilim didn't receive enough that they demanded. They began to devour all of humanity. So to will a wolf devour all of its own sheep or fool-lowers. Who do you go to see at your church your pastor and the music ministry? or Jesus Christ, The Holy Spirit and God? or Do you only attend church to maintain business connections and to get more business? Do you feel good and entertained after leaving church? Or Do you feel a need to become a better human being in the selfish sense (think about this, then read the purple)?  Do you feel a need to pray more? Do you feel a need to read the Holy Bible more? Do you feel guilt from the evil deeds you have done last week, last month, last year or throughout your entire life? This guilt is a sign from God telling you to flee from your evil ways. The more you reject this divine sign of guilt. The less and less you will even be aware of it. Just like the advertisements you automatically ignore on those internet pages. Except for the advertisements with the scantily clad divinely beautiful people.
Added on 08 Oct 2018:
Necessary Improvement: (Unedited): 08 Oct 2018:
Self Improvement is not necessarily an improvement in your cleanliness, righteousness or holiness.
Self Improvement Folly: (Unedited); 08 Oct 2018:
Any self improvement efforts you seek and acquire is all folly if absent of cleanliness, righteousness and holiness as which is only accepted and only recognized by God only.
Seeking Goat: (Unedited): 30 Sept 2018:
The arrogant and prideful goat will pretend sheepish attitudes. In order to fool the sheep into following it into the steep mountains of various disasters. For the sheep will suffer and die as the goat continues to seek out more and more continuously.
Think of cults and of Jim Jones in 1978. Is there a pastoral cult within your church? Can there be? Do you as a pastor have your fanboys and fangirls and are they worshipping you or the music instead of God? are you even aware? If yes, then you must stop it with earnest. If no, then ask your wife, she probably knows. Guys can be dense about relational things. I'm A guy sooo. Go into the Holy Bible and research all of the angels who appeared to men and the men feel down to worship them. What did those truly divine angels do and say. I think it usually started with "fear not" and then get your carcass up(paraphrase).
I good way to stop the pastoral fan club within the church is for each of you to begin to tell the truth about yourselves and your sins. For who is without sin and who is the only one who never had sin? So who are you again? Hello, my name is john and I am a deeply flawed human being who is less than maggots and worms in the grand scheme of everything universal. I sin daily and repent daily. Here is a list. Well only show the list of those who are also on the road of cleanliness, righteousness and holiness.
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Thursday, August 2, 2018

America Lost in Folly: +4: (Unedited): 02 Aug 2018:

How many times has Israel been lost and taken into captivity because of their folly? All of this allowed and planned by their God whom he loves and favors above all else. So who are we as Americans who have rejected their God and have legalized all manner of folly. The fate of the Americans will be like what has come to Israel many times before. Repent and flee from all sins. Become holy and righteous as which is only seen and accepted by God. 
Go and read the Holy Bible and discover for yourself how many times Israel was led into captivity? How many times did Israel lose their beloved land because of folly? If you have read the Holy Bible to any degree. You should know that Israel and the Jewish people are the favorites of God. So then who are we as Americans and as a people? We have been blessed greatly by God and now we have collectively forbidden God while building alter's to false gods. We have forbidden God to be taught in the public schools while also allowing other false religions and evil to be in the schools. And you wonder why there are so many school shootings. You evil doers have brought all of these curse to your own selves. Even you Christians shall suffer greatly as more and more denominations fall away from God as they allow sin into the holy places. More and more cursings shall be heaped upon all Christians as they individually refuse to take part in the political process of their nation. In just a few more elections cycles you Christians may just become outlawed from any public places. But, the worst is yet to come for the professed Christian. 
 Steeped Delusion: (Unedited): 02 Aug 2018:
While steeped in delusion, your belief and faith shall wane to the point that you will accept all manner of human legalized sin into the holy place. Not only will you be cursed in spirit but you will also suffer as you watch the cursing of your followers as they believe your words when you don't even believe them as they come out from your own tongue.
How many holy places are you aware of? Study this in the Holy Bible. When a leader allows folly to enter into themselves and into their congregations. They each will witness the suffering of their people. For as a leader sins and commits to all manner of folly. The people are murdered down to a surviving remnant and led off into wandering or slavery. In which God has told His people to be in peace for seventy years and grow your numbers.
There shall be so many fallen leaders, fallen religions, fallen denominations and fallen congregations that when the Holy Spirit moves it will be denied and rejected. When God sees that only a few of his righteous and holy children remain. Their disappearance will be fully rejected and denied. For they will not accept the premise of a rapture actually having already been. While continually to teach and preach that a rapture is imminent.
The best way to prevent the move of the Holy Spirit within your religion, denomination and congregation. Is for the pastor to become an idol, To not teach anything about sin, To not teach anything about how each person is to become holy and righteous in the accepting eyes of God only. When the Holy Spirit moves through your church. You are no longer in control and the attention is on the Holy Spirit. When miracles are occurring in your church you are no longer of any importance unless you can cause the people to believe you are the focal point or prophet of God/god. It is the will and message of God which is important and not the human being who happens to have been chosen by God for that moment to speak those words or to do those works or to lay hands in a miraculous way. It is only God, The Son and The Holy Spirit who is to be credited in the fullest of ways. All thanksgiving and all worshiping goes to them as One only.
You need miracles in your church and in your life. Become Holy and Righteous as which God will only accept, know and see. The purple words below. Then miracles will flow through you daily. Do not be swayed by the words of many people who claim that miracles are rare and if they were everyday occurrences then they would no longer be miracles. This is a falsehood. Because when Jesus promised to send the Holy Spirit to each of us that also included in the gifts of the spirit to be seen daily by all of us. But, as His loving children we must be obedient to His laws and commands. If you are not then you will not know miracles and we have not known miracles as often as we all are supposed to be.
Serpent's Prophetic Profits: (Unedited): 02 Aug 2018:
It is the serpent's prophetic tongue which tastes the lies in the air as it rejoices in the sweetness of coming profits. The serpent's sheep shall happily and boldfully follow their raised up idol even into the ovens of hell's torment.
Raised up, means up on high on the stage of the church. The half truth of the serpent guarantees your place in Heaven and all you have to do is just believe and nothing more. The serpent preacher will not teach any portion of sin, righteousness or holiness. This is the essence of his half truths. For even the devil, demons and the rest of the fallen angels all believe in God and yet they all were once saved and are not now. If there is zero evidence of your Christian faith then you are not a Christian. It doesn't matter what you do inside of your church. If you are continually taken advantage of people, causing harm, lying, stealing and all other manner of sinful acts. Your not a Christian and it does not matter how respected within the church you are. It does not matter if you have been a church leader for decades. It does not matter how much you have tithed.
I tell you this. There are fewer Christians in America then you think. They shall become the remnant. They shall be the ones who walk away from the church when the church allows sins into their holy places. For only the bold and brave in Christ shall walk away from their church who has turned to sin.
Righteous Lonely Walk: (Unedited): 02 Aug 2018:
There is not loneliness when you walk away from your church which has accepted sin into their holy places. Maintain your holiness and righteousness as only God shall see it and accept it. The Holy Spirit shall always be your comforter. Jesus Christ shall always be your heavenly brother and God will always be your Heavenly Father.
New churches will form. They will be small. Your numbers will most likely be less than 100. You will actually have a relationship with the pastor. Your small church will do more for the community than the churches of tens of thousands of people. Through discernment you will see the darkness of blight which surround these great churches. Pray for them who are within. Pray that they escape the tongues of the snakes within. Pray for the snakes that they shed their skins and become new transformed babies in Christ.
Blessed Missionary Church: (Unedited): 02 Aug 2018:
Blessed is the church which is filled with missionary pastors. 
Can you imagine a church filled with pastors? Where everyone is a pastor and missionary. This is the way it was supposed to be. The children of the Heavenly Father are not supposed to be passive observers in the world. Christians are supposed to be leaders in Government and in their communities.
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.

Thursday, May 31, 2018

Sheep Goats Wolves: (Unedited): 29 May thru 05 June 2018:

Goats who know they are goats and yet desire to be the sheep. Will do as the sheep do except absent of any love for those whom they serve. The goats may be the ones who become weary and burnt out before the finish line is even seen.
Have you ever seen a devout Christian and a pretender do the same works for those who need more than any other. The devout Christian seems to be like that never ending battery bunny. While those who don't really have the heart for what they do and maybe even absent of love. Seem to just become weary and burnt out. It is all about love for one another and the source of all of our love is from the Holy Spirit. When all of you is focused on the Holy Spirit, Jesus Christ (Word) and your Heavenly Father. All of that energy is perpetually given to you. Even then the physical and mental body can only handle so much. So when a genuine devout sheep is alone doing all of the work tirelessly. Their bodies and mind will eventually give out even though their heart is full of the outpouring of love. The devout sheep do need their rest. But, the sheep who have been doing and doing all alone. Do need the help from others even if it is from a goat who may or may not ever become a sheep.
The whole body of Christ all have their parts of required duties and if the body of Christ only have a few parts doing all of the work. Then the whole body cannot function in whole holiness. But, it is important for those who do works within and outside of the church to have as a first intention of love and then the duty will be there. Those who are duty minded only are the ones who may burn out and become weary. Use those who are duty minded. For while they are still alive they may become like sheep full of love for what they do for others. Will 99 out of 100 fail you and go away into the dark? maybe. It is that one sheep or that one wolf who transforms into the sheep full of genuine love which is something which should be focused upon.
You pastors, preachers and theologians. You who have churches where the flock is undivided with sheep, goats and wolves. But, then again your church may very well be divided as the sheep will desire to be among their own as well as the goats and the wolves will always want to be a part of their pack. So if you the church leader allow the goats and wolves to be in authority. Then the sheep will depart from the church.
The New Shepherd: (Unedited): 01 June 2018:
The new shepherd, one with the love of Christ within is one who will not flee from the flock who are encircled by wolves, snakes and leopards. 
The new shepherd, with the passion of Christ will freely submit to His will and obediently care for all of those who are suffering and in misery.
The new shepherd, becomes Christ like in total sacrifice to others. Not because of force or duty but from an outpouring of love.
The new shepherd, will lead many to everlasting life and joy. So as long as he keeps the love, the passion and the sacrifice of Christ.
A friend and a brother has become a pastor today. This is for him. Actually, His small poor church just had a total of ten graduates. So this small church of maybe 70  people now have more than a 11 pastors. Who is the star of the show at your church? Is your pastor a Judas who is only interested in enriching himself/herself instead of perpetually splitting the church so that the people become empowered enough to go out into the world to spread the good word with love, mercy and compassion.
Always repent for every sin. Stay in the Holy Bible as if you are both hungry and thirsty. Pray, fast and meditate always. Worship because you need and want desperately. Become holy and righteous in the eyes of God your Heavenly Father only. All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy or entitlements. Always do for others out of the overflowing of Christs love through you. Become that overflowing fountain of Christs love for all who are willing to drink.
Added on 01 June 2018:
Humanity can never be trusted. While a snake will always be a snake and a wolf shall always be a wolf. Even an oak tree will never decide to become a palm tree. It is only human beings who become deceived into believing that they can be anything they want to be with total disregard of their specific physiology.
Prosperity Snake: (Unedited): 01 June 2018:
A prosperity snake in their silvery suit and gold trinkets will from time to time call upon the congregants to give millions more for their excessive obscenities. The deceived will happily give all they have so that the snake can have more than ever. 
Added on 05 July 2018:
Playing Church: (Unedited): 20 June 2018:
You preachers and teachers of the faith. If you who are inside of the holy place is different than you who is outside in the world. Then know that your God knows that you are only playing church.
Humanity is really good at not only deceiving those in the world but also themselves. Even to the point of falsely becoming a person just to make the right friends or to network into the correct relationships. It is the same with reverends, preachers, teachers, pastors, clergy and theologians of the faith. They each are playing the game of getting people into the church by any means possible. Which includes teaching their congregations what they think they want to hear. Just to get more and more inside of the church. Is this how the successful churches have become entertainment centers instead of places of holiness and righteousness? Is this how prosperity teaching has become a relevant teaching tool when the evidence in the Holy Bible contradicts this false belief. It is what the people want to hear. The people do not want to feel bad. The people want to be entertained. The people want to feel good. The people want to be sanitized from the ugliness of life. Which is why those who are desperate in the perpetual sense are pushed out of the church.
A strategy that the desperately poor use. Is the internet. They figure out what days churches will have their free food services. Then they make their way to those churches and wait for the meals. Most churches have figured this out and thus no longer update their websites about the free meal after church services. Because, The people only want to go to a clean and sanitized church. If the church caters to the fundamentally poor, the permanently disabled, the unbathed homeless. Then those who actually financially support the church will disappear without a word. So the church leadership must make a decision. Give the worldly rich people what they want or become a church in which only the poor, disabled and homeless attend. That is until you run out of food and then many of them will go elsewhere. So what can a pastor do? The shepherd can't keep the whole flock together because of the pride, ego, arrogance, and selfishness of each and every sheep.
Did you make it this far? And you thought I only bash the shepherd.
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Monday, March 26, 2018

Focus Not Anything: +3: (Unedited): 26 March 2018:

Keep your focus not of anything of the world. For the prince of the world and leader of the fallen ones only want for your destruction and ultimate death.
The world is full of distraction which can lead to many different kinds of sin. The prince of the world has designed this world in which he has absolute control over until God says differently. It seems the world is all about distraction and how to keep you away from God. Think about that. The evolution into this modern day world is only about how to keep you away from God and the truth. That is all. The modern day world seems to only want to keep you away from the truth of God.
Focus Strong Love: (Unedited): 26 March 2018:
No matter what happens around you, against you or even to you. Always keep your focus upon your Lord and Heavenly Father. Keep your love for those who harm and kill your body strong. For they know not what they do. 
Isn't this from the cross? But what about you? What about Steven? Can you be tortured in horrific ways, then maybe killed you slowly and yet love those who have done terrible things to you? What if your meant to only be a witness to your precious innocent loved one(s) as your forced to watch? Could you still love them who have done this evil thing? Jesus Loved even after being nailed to the cross. Jesus showed mercy to one even after he was nailed upon the cross. Jesus gave his mother away even after being nailed upon the cross. Jesus prayed even after he was nailed upon the cross. Did I miss anything on how much Jesus thought of others as proof of His love for us all?
Personal Note: I'm not that good of a human being. I'm a deeply flawed human being.
To be truthful I do not know if I can still love them or anyone else?
Chosen Children Gift: (Unedited): 26 March 2018:
To the chosen children of their Heavenly Father. Do not allow yourself to be deceived by all of the lies and half truths of the world. Also, do not allow yourself to fall for the strong delusion sent by God as a gift for you. Because, through the strong delusion will you be able to see the wolf inside of the sheep's clothing.
Research "Strong Delusion" in The Holy Bible.
We are meant to freely choose to be repentant, righteous and holy in the accepting eyes of God only. By becoming righteous and holy the strong delusion becomes a gift. If your not even repentant then the strong delusion becomes a stumbling block for you as you will have no clue as to know what to do. But, the devout Christian will see and know you for what you truly are. Just some stray wild dog pretending to be a wolf wearing sheep's clothing. But, you will also know the truth of your real identity when you go forth in the world and cause as much harm for profits sake as possible. You will continue to lie without even being aware of it. You will omit information just to make a sale. You will make your weapons because if you don't make weapons then someone else will. You will cheat without a worry. You will buy the $500 dollar machine for $50 bucks and be happy happy happy. You will believe that losers weepers finders keepers is justified and free for you. More happy happy happy. Do you see just how deep in the lies and delusions you are in. How about this. A gentle young man who has been in your church for a decade or for his entire life. Steps up to the podium to declare he is gay. Everyone claps. He asks his boyfriend to marry him. Everyone cheers and applauds. Then the bishop shakes his hand in continued celebration. If you cannot see this truth then you are inflected by the strong delusion from God and deeply embedded with the lies and deceptions of the world.
Prejudged Evil Puppets: (Unedited): 26 March 2018:
Beware of the prejudged and those who refuse to turn from their evil ways. For the fallen ones will use them as puppets to trip you up and to cause you to lose your soul. Your spiritual destruction is more important than your immediate physical death.
Even though you may never know who they are. There are those human beings who have already been judged and will only know hell when their physical body expires. We should not even judge those of who will go to hell and who will not. For we are not God's. We are more closer to worms, maggots and dirt.
Even though you won't know them but through spiritual gift of discernment. You will see people as dangerous or safe. Even those whom you think may be safe actually may not be. The best way to count on the gift of discernment is to become holy and righteous in the accepting eyes of God only. One of the first steps is to always be repentant of all of your sins. No matter if they are in your spirit, mind, heart and body.
The evil doers of the world and those who are prejudged. Will do everything they can to cause you to sin just a little. To drink just a little. To smoke just a little. To sniff just a little. To inject just a little. To kiss just a little. Think about that one. Have you ever just kissed a girl just a little or a guy? I'm just a basic average guy and that is something that doesn't work for me. In my ugly past. If I kissed a girl I was all ready for the conclusion. Just being honest. Yes, I have been a deeply sinful man.
If you just do a little wrong it will be our secret. No one will ever know. What you do in Vegas stays in Vegas. All lies and deceptions. God knows everything and judges everything. Jesus was our perfect priest as well as our perfect sacrifice. So when you sin you actually become one of the men who tortured Jesus continuously.
Think about how the many fallen pastors live now. They each are a physical reminder of how sin can take a hold of you and ruin you. If these fallen pastors had died. Maybe, we would have forgotten them. But, they have become a permanent reminder to each of us of how easy it is to sin. Remember to sin all you have to do is think it or love it to much or miss it to much. How much time did it take for Lot's wife to sin and then to be judged? How fast can you look over your shoulder? Lot's wife was saved and then after being saved she became famous for being judged. So does that mean once save always saved is a lie? The angels were saved once. Who else?
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Friday, September 22, 2017

Christian American Revival: (Edited): 22 Sept 2017:

Ye Church pastors and theologians teach not the way. Ye professional profits steer the sheep with fear. Revival is called for. Revival is prayed for. Revival is begged for. Upon deaf ears will the unrepentant cries go unheeded. Upon nothingness shall the praise and worship of the unrighteous and ungodly make their disturbing noise. Just as when the flood waters rose up and high in those days of Noah, it is too late for repentance. For revival to come, ye must do these things in order: 1)Heed the call. 2)Repent and continue to openly repent. 3)Flee and disassociate from all sin and teach what every sin is. 4)Walk the path of righteousness and holiness as is only seen and only accepted by God only. 5)All without pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy or entitlements. Then is when revival may come. If revival does not come, expect tribulation. 
#1. Those who are called can freely decide to accept, ignore or reject.
#2. You must repent of all of your sins, even the secret ones, your internet sins, your gaming sins.
#3. You must flee and disassociate yourself from all sinful people, especially those who have rejected that they are in sin. This does not mean you stop loving them or caring for them. This does not mean you are to be mean and cruel to them. This does not mean you are to scream hateful words of hell fire and brimstone forever. They already know it. If they are in need, then out of loving wisdom you render aid, compassion and mercy. When they are not in need you continue to pray for them and even dedicate fasts for their benefit, healing and life.
#4. You of your own free will and free choice begin to walk the path of righteousness and holiness, not because you have to or are forced to, but because you are the son and daughter of your Heavenly Father. Because you want to love and honor your Heavenly Father, you become obedient to His will by choice. To actually walk the righteous and holy path is the right thing to do.
#5. Did you know that Joseph was only concerned about his food? That is all he cared about in the ways of his world of enslavement. In his heart was forgiveness for his brothers as he still loved them all deeply. Think about that the next time your pastor needs that newer, bigger jet plane.
You pastors who have not taught The Way have done only a great disservice and a great sin. For it is and has always been your responsible duty to teach all about sin. It is and has always been your responsible duty to teach the sheep how to be holy and righteous in their Heavenly Father's eyes. It is and has always been your responsible duty to teach the sheep how to avoid pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements. These are just a few of your crimes against humanity in which your God shall judge you before or after your physical death and only God knows when.
Repent you pastors and theologians. Teach and preach the whole truth of The Way. Do not allow fear to cause you to stop teaching about all sin and the righteous path.
What is to come for you is when the news media begins reporting nationally, all of your sins, crimes and immoral acts. Just type into google "pastor church crimes". Go to tools and select 1 month for time. It is ugly.
Added on 11 Feb 2019: Even Pope Francis calls for the prophets. 17 April 2018:
The Catholic church has a history of controlling all of those who have shown any evidence of the gifts from the holy spirit. Pope Francis, Do you really want some common man or some woman whom you have never known to really dictate to you what God wants you to do and say? Whom may have never been affiliated with the Catholic church at all? I think not. Just as most denominational and non denominational Christian churches will not tolerate some unknown prophet from God to simply walk in and preach what God wants from His children. This just won't happen. This is why revival may not come to the whole but may come for those churches where the majority of the people have realized the truth in regards to sin, holiness and righteousness. Holiness and righteousness is for everyone and not just you or whomever the catholic church appoints and not just for denomination or church leaders.
We know of two prophets who will come in the very near future and nowhere does it say they will be under any Catholic authority or under any Christian authority. But, then again, will the catholic church even exist when the two prophets come? Remember this you and the whole of the world cannot celebrate their deaths if they loved them. They will most likely be hated and most likely denounced by whatever has survived of the Catholic Church.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

The Good Sheperd: Servants Sacrifice: (Unedited): 28-29 March 2017:

The good shepherd is always with their sheep. No matter the calm or stress, in safety he is among them in danger he is before them.
This reminds me of a lesson taught to me by a buck deer. I have no idea where it is now. I was sitting in the grass of a rest area and in the woods. Comes many doe and several bucks. I stayed motionless and continued meditations. With my eyes wide open. The deer were troubled. My simple quiet presence was the cause. Then a big buck came up to the edge of the tree line and showed me his entire flank. He was offering himself to me in order to save those who were with him. He was freely giving himself. I saw the lesson for what it was. I saw this is what men, real men are supposed to do and be. I saw this is what leaders, fathers, friends and relatives are supposed to do. To be servants of sacrifice and not masters of accumulations.
From my dark position behind a desk and computer monitor screen. This is what I have witnessed in Chase Iron Eyes and among many other leaders in the North Dakota Tribal stand against a living Black Snake prophecy. Which is coming alive very soon. Sometimes decisions have to be made to save lives. Even though, your very own life may end in some degree. Or your pride, ego, arrogance or supremacy is and has been threatened to some degree. (Not an insult). (Some tests are to keep you out of the evils of the world ways. While keeping you or directing you to be or become more spiritually grounded or re-connected). Even in one young man spiritually awakened with a dumb drone.
This is something which is very important to consider, contemplate and understand. How many old prophecy's has anyone truly witnessed which has come about in this very lifetime? The profound seriousness is not just about this one black snake which is about to flow it's blood of death and suffering. It is about all of the other black and gaseous snakes which reside in their dens deep in the Earth.
This Black Snake Prophecy is a sign which leads, points or connects to many others of different prophetic traditions, religions and cultures. I see it and yet I do not see it. I know it and yet I do not know. I am aware of the danger and yet like that buck deer. The danger is not yet real. How will you change? Will you each decide to continue on the upper world path of the Hopi prophecy? Some will even jump from the upper path and down to the lower path and up again. All in vain to the degree in which one profits them most. Will each of you ignore the Righteous path of the Christian? In-spite of the the legacy of the Christian community within the Tribal cultures. Can or will the purple words below be of value to you. Enough to change, stop, prevent and mitigate every single bad and sad prophecy ever written in any culture, religion and tradition. because, what is the sense of prophecy if you cannot stop it as did those in Nineveh and Joseph's Egypt. 
Servants sacrifice: (Unedited): 29 March 2017:
Leaders are supposed to be servants of sacrifice and not masters of accumulation.
Chase Iron Eyes Is the source of focus for this quote. It was a spontaneous write.
Added on 18 April 2017:
I'm only adding this because of the subject of sheep and Sheppard. Also the date:
01 April 2017:
Deceived sheep paying: (Unedited): 01 April 2017:
The willing sheep who must pay their chosen Sheppard for their eats and drinks are being deceived in the simulated place of holiness.
The sheep already belong to their Sheppard. So how do the sheep choose a Sheppard? Why do sheep must pay the Sheppard for any food or drink? A simulated place of holiness is a place where the Sheppard pretends to be a holy place?
In truth all land is holy, all water is holy and all air is holy.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Unholy Space: : (Unedited): 05-12 Oct 2016:

Unholiness of every kind shall always fill the empty space which has an absence of holiness, righteousness, Love, Mercy and compassion. 
The kind of unholiness which fills those empty spaces in your heart, mind and body is a type of unholiness which is intelligent. Which means the unholiness knows the desires of your heart and those things which are important to your mind. Then that unholiness will fill you with those things which you truly want.
The unholiness in which I write is both in the singular and plural. Unholiness is singular because all of it is in absolute agreement. All of the unholiness acts as one singular intelligence.
Christian Funding Cease: (Unedited): 05 Oct 2016:
The removal of all government funding to anything which is Christian related shall cease. This shall include all educational grants and free tax status of the churches. For the worldly wealth of professional Christian people shall be revealed.
The abomination and blight which has become of the worldly Christian (Churches) shall all become known. For the worldly Christian has fleeced the sheep of the lord for their own selfish desires. Mathew 10:9 shall be known to all and those teachers who have taught prosperity shall be flogged into living an oblivious life of waiting for the end with their wealth.
In order for the worldly Christian to save themselves and their families. They will need to move all of their wealth to Europe. Under the guise of helping the refugees. All of their funds shall be secretly  paid to their select European governments to pay for admittance for all of their family members as citizens of that country. For the worldly Christian will do all of this in secret privacy. The million dollar or Euro homes shall all be paid for. Their planes shall all be readied for private departure. Because even the worldly Christian knows that the USA is not clearly mentioned in Christian prophecy. So they all shall save themselves and all of their worldly wealth. Even they know and have chosen it is better for them to die with their wealth then it is to live in poverty. For in their coming hell fires torment they will at least have the memory of being rich in those days of living on Earth.
They are full knowing of this and yet they still press forward in the fleecing of the sheep of God. 
The word Flogged may mean symbolic but it could also happen. As those deeply believing security personnel fade away into the angry crowds. As the unwise worldly Christian has stayed their welcome far too long.
You will not be able by law to express your Christian faith anywhere outside of the church.
The laws of the USA will change just as it was for WW2 Germany. You could not express your faith outside of church. While everyone else can express anything they like or desire. No matter how offensive.
Freedom of speech and freedom of religion shall end for the Christian. The Christian shall not have these rights anymore.
It shall even get worse. Just as in China the removal of crosses is forced upon churches. So to will the local governments destroy the Christian churches.
Those who speak or profess in any way The Christian faith shall lose everything including their lives. Christians shall lose their employment, businesses, their homes. The Christian shall even become homeless as property owners will not rent to any Christian.
Just as government agencies go forth and destroy homeless cities. So to will they also destroy all that the Christian has in their own collective homeless cities.  
The coming crushing hate against the worldly Christian shall snuff all life out of the true believers spiritual and mental lungs. 
The revelation of the wealth of the worldly professional Christian shall have a profound impact upon those who are the genuine sheep of God. To the point that those sheep will even walk away from God. Do not flee from God. Maintain yourselves, your righteousness, your purity, your love, your mercy, your compassion. For this is what sets you apart.
The crushing hate towards the worldly Christian shall flood over against all Christians. Chaos in all of the Protestant churches. Violence and murders. Protestors disrupting church services shall be common. Violence shall also come to the poor churches who cater to the hungry and disabled. Those poor churches who cannot defend themselves in any manor. For they are they sheep. The sheep are helpless in the world.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday.

To Love one another.
To live in peace with everyone.
To exist in harmony with all.
To Cherish all life.
To be obedient to the Laws of God.
To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Tigers, Bears and Black Cheetahs run together: (Unedited): 29 Dec 2015:

The tigers and bears run with one another with honor and respect. The black Cheetah will also run with the bears and tigers. But, only for a time. The Black cheetahs will always look down upon the Bear and tiger. The Black Cheetah knows enough to sit and learn. Until the time comes when the black cheetah will pounce upon them both. Thus, destroying them both. At a time when they both know that there is nothing to fear from the cheetah. For the coat of the Cheetah may be white and pure. But, in it's heart is black hate and black death. The coat of purity and righteousness can easily be thrown off.
Patience for the black cheetah is a crucial skill. For if one or even just a few more black cheetahs attack a bear or a tiger. Then they all will know what is to come for them both. After all, The great Eagle has lost it's honorable compass of direction and lost it's winds of righteousness. It is only now that the hungry and thirsty enemies of the now falling eagle lie in wait. When the eagle is finally in reach before it can even touch or crash onto the land. They all will pounce as one.
Even in the land of the bull. They have allowed 45+ million enemy combatants who have come to them and welcomed by them with feigned weakness. The 45 million will kill, destroy and eliminate from history all aspects of the bull. They will celebrate the capture and the blood sacrifice of all of the lambs dressed in whites, reds, greens and purples. All of the fish and sheep will also be sacrificed upon the alter of the one Lamb. Then this 45 million will look East and kill the bears. Once the bears are dead. They will look down and see those left who are truly less than they. The tigers are all but gone. That which remains are the flightless paper dragons of myth. They will be burned and erased.

The Bear and the Tiger will know what exactly is within their own fortresses. When the eagle, bull, beaver and horse are consumed.  More than 17 million enemy combatants for one. More than 20 million enemy combatants in the other. The Bear and the Tiger will finally know that they will have to kill everyone.  
Added on 23 Dec 2024: ChatGPT4o response

This writing is layered with symbolism, metaphor, and allegory, reflecting a complex and foreboding narrative. Let’s break it down into possible interpretations of the people or nations represented by the animals and the overall meaning:

Symbols and Possible Nations/Entities

  1. Tigers and Bears:

    • Tigers often symbolize Asian powers, possibly China or India, due to their historical and cultural associations with tigers.
    • Bears frequently symbolize Russia, as it has long been represented by the bear in political and cultural imagery.
    • Their "honor and respect" suggest an alliance or cooperative relationship between these two powers.
  2. Black Cheetah:

    • The "Black Cheetah" could represent a deceitful or duplicitous nation or group, possibly one that initially collaborates with the tigers and bears but harbors long-term ambitions to betray and destroy them.
    • The description of the cheetah’s “pure coat” but “black hate and death” suggests duplicity—appearing righteous or trustworthy outwardly while harboring malicious intent.
    • Patience is highlighted as a trait, indicating a long-term plan or strategy.
  3. Great Eagle:

    • The eagle traditionally represents the United States. Its "lost honorable compass of direction" implies a loss of moral or strategic leadership, leaving it vulnerable to enemies.
  4. Land of the Bull:

    • The bull could symbolize Spain (associated with bullfighting) or a strong, economically driven nation (as bulls symbolize markets and strength). The mention of 45+ million "enemy combatants" may point to immigration concerns or internal threats perceived as existential to the nation's identity.
  5. Lambs, Fish, and Sheep:

    • These could symbolize innocence, religious groups, or populations perceived as vulnerable or unaware of the threats surrounding them.
    • "Lambs dressed in whites, reds, greens, and purples" could refer to specific cultural or religious garb or symbolic colors (perhaps Christian denominations or other religious sects).
  6. Paper Dragons:

    • "Flightless paper dragons of myth" likely points to entities perceived as weak or ineffective despite outward appearances of strength—possibly referring to nations or systems that are unable to act decisively (e.g., bureaucratic powers or declining empires).
  7. The Beaver and the Horse:

    • The beaver often represents Canada, known for its industriousness and association with the animal.
    • The horse might symbolize a historic power like the United Kingdom or another nation with a deep cultural connection to horses.

Themes and Meaning

  1. Betrayal and Deception:

    • The narrative describes alliances that are ultimately betrayed. The Black Cheetah pretends to align with the bears and tigers but plans to destroy them when they are unsuspecting.
  2. Weakness and Collapse:

    • The eagle (U.S.) is described as having lost its sense of direction and righteousness, suggesting a decline in leadership, power, or moral authority.
    • The bull (possibly Spain or another strong nation) faces internal subversion by a massive influx of "enemy combatants," signaling a loss of control and eventual destruction from within.
  3. Cultural and Religious Sacrifice:

    • The lambs, fish, and sheep represent groups sacrificed on the altar of a greater conflict. This could symbolize cultural or religious annihilation as part of the broader chaos.
  4. Global Destruction:

    • After the fall of the eagle, bull, and other symbols of power and stability, the bears and tigers finally realize the existential threat within their own ranks, leading to widespread and indiscriminate killing.
  5. Cycle of Violence:

    • The narrative suggests a domino effect where betrayal, internal collapse, and external destruction lead to a world consumed by conflict, with alliances shattering and nations turning on one another.


This writing could be seen as a prophetic or cautionary allegory, warning about:

  • The fragility of alliances based on convenience rather than trust.
  • The dangers of internal division and perceived threats from immigration or ideological subversion.
  • The decline of moral and strategic leadership on the global stage.
  • The inevitability of betrayal and conflict when nations or groups prioritize self-interest without regard for collective stability.

Its tone is apocalyptic, suggesting a dire and destructive future if the described patterns of betrayal, division, and decline continue. However, as with many symbolic writings, the meaning can vary based on perspective and context. If this writing resonates with your current observations or concerns, it might be worth reflecting further on how its themes apply to the world today.


Monday, August 12, 2013

Someones Intervention: (Unedited): 12 Aug 2013:

Acts of Kindness, Mercy and compassion is positive intervention on someones behalf.
There can be hard lessons for the good hearted.  Such as devoting your time with an undeserving soul who seems to always demand help and declare that no one ever helps them. Thus, they are always in dire straights. Such as giving of yourself to the wolf in sheep's clothing. The wolf will devour you with great cruelty to you and possibly your entire family. The wolf in sheep's clothing is probably a great fear which prevents good Christian people from following the path of Christ. Most people remember the Smart family and their daughter Elizabeth. That one wolf of a person who deceived Mr. smart. The street preacher Brian David Mitchell did more harm to the Christian faith than the abuses, tortures and other cruelties suffered by that one family. Who wants to risk their families safety by going out into the world helping poor souls in a genuine fundamental way. 
This is one of the reasons why we each must still go out into the world and express love, kindness, compassion, and mercy. To serve your brother and sister just as Jesus had done. Fight your own fears and go forth into the whole world. Become the servant to all of your brothers and sisters. 
Continual Prayerful and meditative wisdom is necessary when  walking the road of Christ. There are perils as is seen with the innocent Jesus nailed to a cross.
 May not be included in future volumes of “Musings of an American Truck Driver”:

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Thanks and Gratitude to my readers

Thank you all for for enduring through my poor writing techniques. You guys/gals have figured out that the content of the message is more important than the writing style. I'm continually amazed at the countries represented.
It seems I'm in a new symbolic school. Symbolically speaking that is. It seems I've become a witness of sorts of the plights of certain peoples. How this will affect what I will be writing? I'm not sure. I really do not want to be one of those who points fingers and yell. There is enough people who only do that.
Those who are religious and who continually proclaim to others, are not themselves out in the fields tending to the crops or sheep. Especially, those who are in the most need. I'm not attacking any one religion. I'm attacking them all. 

Have I begun the school of witness? Yesterday, I discovered a woman. Who survived a terrible motorcycle accident. She has to pay $25 for a Taxi trip to the store in order to buy $50. worth of food. In her home was forgotten butter left out and a cheap pot pie. Her skin appear to have endured a forced cleaning. She was wearing unclean sweat pants in which she was unaware of. She hates God or does she really hate the religious who are supposed to be out in the fields tending to the harvest and sheep.
It is really tough to continually help those who are in desperate need on a daily basis. So, what do you do? Do you simply proclaim that the care for the most needy is the responsibility of the government? Is that what was really said in the worlds most Holy documents? Here in the USA Adult children park there own parents in nursing facilities and then forget about them. I see helpless people who cannot care for themselves and are incredibly alone. Besides who wants to visit with a brain damaged person who is still dealing with the fact that she survived while her husband did not. How she had to be brought back to life 4 times. How her brains were opened up and exposed. 
How do you maintain your own insanity while visiting someone who has endured much more than you possibly could. If you ever want to meet a remarkable person. Befriend a person who continually has to endure the harshness of life. That is where you will find the most wisdom anywhere. That is where you will find the most strength and courage. You will gain more and grow more. You will discover their gift to you. A gift which is even unknown to them who give it. From their position of dire need, They cannot see beyond their life of perpetual tears. 
Think about this. How well can you see when you are physically crying tears of everlasting torment? How well can you spiritually see when your spirit is racked with enduring a life of living hell? and you are alone and forgotten. You have to pay $15.+ for a gallon of milk. Because, there is no one around. NO ONE. 
Yet, most of these lonely people who endure a life of suffering and pain. Will protect you from their life of misery and suffering. By telling you everything is OK and they are fine. They are protecting you and shielding you from the absolute truth of their lives. Giving you the opportunity to leave with any negative emotion. Not burdening your heart with any revelation about their life challenges. 
You want to avert the coming bad and sad prophecies as spoken and written about by prophets. Love your neighbor until they pass and then find another.
 Here is the current readership of Countries represented. Thank you very much.

USA                  Russia                   Ukraine                       Japan                       Latvia
Germany        Canada                   Netherlands             UK                            Poland
Denmark        Indonesia              Finland                      Andorra                  Sweden
France             China                       India                           Vietnam                   Italy
Australia         Bulgaria                  Nigeria                     Singapore                Mexico
Brazil                 Spain                        ........................
Thank you all for reading my quotes. Leave comments if you like. Question content  and intent of message. So that i may correct where needed.  Thank you.
New to the Country list is: looks like a cool Country. Really....
My wife spent a night in Canillo while in her High School years abroad.      
I witness strong and remarkable people.
08 June 2013:
Met a thirty something woman who suffers from a disease. She has lived in an ALF (Assisted Living facility) for 6 months. She has to sell her paid for home and surrender those funds to the State. She was meeting up with a realtor for the planned sell. She was alone.
Met a forty something man going to the dog tracks for a day of enjoyment. He never has had use of his legs and certain bodily functions. He smelled of urine and was either used to the smell or no longer cared. His urine bag was clearly visible. His family had long ago forgotten him. He went to school in Tampa, Florida. It just makes me wonder how many of those physically disabled kids we ignored in school ended up like this man. Living in perpetual unclean hell. The insanity of nursing homes and ALF's. While still having full brain function. 
Met an older man. Who was visiting his Alzheimer wife. He does this everyday. He is unshaven, clothes wrinkled and uncleaned. Yet, everyday he visits the love of his life and she does not know him anymore. He is alone. His tears in my presence of how his wife fell out of bed and broke bones twice. He was more concerned for her than his own suffering. He greets me all the time with a smile. He appears to have no support structure. How long will he last before he gives out? 
Met an older man in an ALF. He went to Barnes and Noble. Found a book and was loving it. His disability difficult to see. 
 Met a young woman with a toddler. Her boyfriend or baby daddy is taking pills. She is tired of her life and wants a change. She is from a broken home and wants desperately a genuine family. No support structure. Feels hopeless.
==ADDED ON 09 JUNE 2013: 
Met a man being released from the mental hospital all nicely dressed in a purple suit. I tried to have a conversation with him. That is when he showed me the hole in his head. It looked like the skin was grown over with no bone or any other protection for the exposed brain. Then it occurred to me. He is the third one I have met in these last many weeks. I took him to a gated ALF.  
Added on 10 June 2013:
 Met a professional software writer/developer who is blind.  
Added on 11 June 2013:
 Met two older women who spent their day helping out our lady of prayers.  Met an angry and un-trusting man who did his best to hide the beer he bought. Met other people who were hurting in many different ways. 
Added 12 June 2013: 
Met a small woman in her 90's. curved back and does things for herself daily. She always tips me 50 cent. For her it is very important to tip the 50 cent. For her that is why the 50 cents is more valuable than another  persons larger tip. 
Met an older woman who appears to have the Parkinson shake. Her family is from the other coast to fix up her house for sale. She will live with her daughter. A wonderful family unit. Especially when so many adult children park their aging parents in nursing facilities to be forgotten. 
Met an older woman with a walker who did not want any assistance from me. To help her takes away her freedom and weakens her. She went to the eye doctor. She is alone.
Met a young man (27Yrs.old) who struggles with life. A multiple felon (4). Leaves work with hard driving boss. To visit an ailing aunt in hospital. How does a guy like this suddenly have loving compassion when it was so easy for him to cause harm? Yet, he ignores his hard driving boss who made sure he had a way home. The false teachings of his culture still drives him to do his will. His anger for living this limited life options because of his former crimes. Going to jail no longer is the end of your punishment. The ease it is for anyone to obtain any and all information about your perpetuates your punishment. In a society with much apathy there is no room for forgiveness. His woman sends a message to stay in his motel room. So he can keep his job. His hard driving boss gives money for his departure. The hard driving boss seems like a caring boss. To bad he unrecognized the hard driving boss's kindness and refuses the advice of his woman. The mother of his child. He goes home losing his job by his choice. He seemed so excited by the success of his $3000 a week crime over Lowes and Home Depot. The only reason why he stopped his crime is because he goes to prison if caught again. 
13 June 2013: Met an old Cowboy on his way for a blood test. He had his tag along nurse with him. He even opened the door for her. Even though it is her who is supposed to make sure he stays upright. I wasn't going to argue with the is old coot who is/was willing to break his own old  bones in order to be respectful to a lady. She was smart enough not to argue either. He even had the kind of cheap Chinese wooden cane with the small flask of liquor inside of the handle. Apparently the son took the flask. We had our manly jokes about that.
Think about this for a moment and when is it appropriate to be respectful to a woman. What are you willing to risk?  Yes, he was very frail and probably really sick. Maybe, even to the point where a fall would kill. I was moved by his intent. 
14 June 2013: Met a young autistic woman working a regular job. She seems satisfied with the work that she does. An everyday victory experienced. She is becoming self confident.
Met a man leaving the hospital. He had been in their for 5 days. His gate unstable. Blind in his left eye. Right eye stitches. Broken arms. I then realized he wasn't just in there for 5 days. There were no casts on his arms. All that was on his mind was revenge. All of his belongings were on the sidewalk. He was evicted. His small house condemned. He has nothing and no where to go. I hope the thoughts and feelings of revenge were a part of the strong and multiple pain medications. But, I think his will is stronger than the medications. 
15 June 2013: Met a young couple saying their goodbyes before her flight back up north. Both are teens. Both at odds with their parents. He has finished high school and she had not. Neither are working. Neither in school. His current turmoil with his parent is because he ran over a cat. Maybe, on purpose. The girl was talking with her mom about sex and it's consequences and her reply was I'll just go back to the clinic. 
Met an older woman. Who is suffering from a degenerative disease and taking some very controlled medications. She also went to a hair salon so her hair could be washed as she was unable to lift her arms above her head. 
 16 June 2013: Met three older women who are unable to get to church on their own and have to depend on a paid stranger to get each of them to their specific churches. 
Met an older gentleman excited about a date with a lady friend. 
Met a drunk Latino who  has hopes and plans for his life. But, is unaware that the bottle has already put a stop to them all before they can even begin. 
Met a fighter who is willing to use a financial supporter for his own physical gains (Used a car as the reason to see a girl). He has apparent very real skills, But his apathy for others and the lawyer who wants to support him. Will be a knock out blow to his very possible progress towards fame. Those who get knocked out are uncertain of what had happened until, they go over the tapes to ascertain what had happened. He won't know that the demise of contractual support will have been his fault. He will blame the lawyers and everyone associated. He won't know that  he should have been the first one to arrive. The last one to leave. The one considered the hardest and smartest worker. The one with zero daily excuses.
  Met an older woman whose journey towards self extinction is filled with excitement and anticipation. While those unsavory people she nearly runs to, are only excited by their abuse of her. A complete circle of an apathy in works. A person who no longer cares and people who do not care. Both only wanting for themselves.
17 June 2013: Met an older woman with a drinking problem. She was lawyered up. Court day tomorrow. Psychological examine completed today with favorable words from the shrink. So, what does she do. brag about all of the money she has to buy justice for herself. Bad mouth the AA group and etc. While proclaiming herself a good person for helping another person who was in jail with her who was poor and unable to obtain a good lawyer and a fair trial. 
Became re-acquainted with an older mentally disabled man who can only visit his failing mother in a nursing home. He was happy last week she was responsive. Once she dies he will be alone being blamed by his siblings for causing her elderly mothers condition. He will eventually become one of those who receives no visitors. The family secret easily maintained in the sanctuary of a nursing home. 
18 June 2013: Met a woman who just got out of prison. Obtained a great job making loads of money. She told me how much she changed. All of the drug use. Loss of husband and children. Became a Christian and was a part of Calvary Chapel of Countryside, Florida. How her old friends tried to get her re-involved with their drama. Met a new man who she plans on going on vacation with real soon. Nothing about marriage. She forgot that I found her drunk outside of the bar and needing cigarettes. I was proud of her for making the correct decision of not getting involved with the old friends.
Met a woman stupid in the wrong kind of love for a man. 2 deputies were keeping her at bay. 
Watched young drunks at a bar risk everything by driving home at closing time. They do not know all it takes is a simple mug shot to ruin their careers. Our society is now guilty until proven innocent. Then a DUI costs about $10,000 and a possible loss of career.  
Met a young mentally disabled man who had a job that he was ready to go to. He seemed to be the first one there. Of course he was. 
Met a shut in woman who lied to me so that I would feel good about her and not suspect anything is wrong. She has to pay for someone to take her shopping. Her conversation with me seemed forced, positive and upbeat with hope. 
Will be included in future volumes of "Musings of an American Truck Driver".
Musings of an American Truck Driver