Showing posts with label Christ. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Christ. Show all posts

Saturday, March 16, 2019

Denominations Churches Fall and Rise: +8: (Unedited): 16 March 2019:

The fall of Godly Christian denominations and Churches also means the rise of the worldly church under one world church ruler. Yet, to be identified.
All of the major denominations have undergone a transformation or a conversion away from that which is clean, righteous and holy to that which is from satan. These leaders of the denominations and of the churches are both deceived by satan and diluted by God Himself. The true followers of God will be able to see the powerful delusion that God Himself has sent to this world and it is a gift to His own children.
Worldly Leader Rewards: (Unedited): 16 March 2019:
Much worldly rewards will be given to the worldly leader who leads all of the religions, denominations and churches as one.
The population of the world will give to this man what they all can. He will become a multi billionaire. To the point that he will become the wealthiest man on the planet. Who can give such worldly rewards for his worldly obedience? Only the prince of this world. Who is the prince of this world system? satan.
Will he be the one who points to the antichrist? Even though he may know it or not? Also, be on the lookout for the satanic john the baptist like person. For he may point to both men.
All of the worldly denominations will all be willing to follow this one man and to point him out as a holy and righteous man.
The last remaining churches of God will be poor and uphold all of the words of the Holy Bible even unto their own brutal personal endings. Like Steven they all will die the first death and like Christ they will be risen as He was.
What are the last churches in Revelations? Are you personally and does your church emulate one or both of the last remaining churches. Heed the warnings of Revelations.
Deceived Worldly Rapture: (Unedited): 16 March 2019:
For all of the worldly religions, denominations and churches all believe they will be raptured away prior to the certainty of the tribulation. But, they all have been deceived. For they have all become far from God by allowing sin into Israel. For this they all will be judged.
Die Like Christ: (Unedited): 16 March 2019:
If you are to become like Christ then you are to die like Christ to the world and the world will kill you like it had killed Christ. Trust in and have faith in your Heavenly Father. Even if you have to walk in a direction without knowing where you will end up or when it will be that the world shall destroy you for His namesake. For the end of yourself is the beginning of the renewed you after the first death to come.
C.J. MacKechnie
Psalm 23:
Die Like Christ: (Unedited): 16 March 2019:
Even the evil doers look into the water for their own savior. They even use words like wave and tsunami in their anticipation of what is to come which will benefit them and to kill you. For when it is right for them to hunt you down, torture you and finally kill you as what has been done to Christ. Your reward is very near as you die like Christ had died for you.
Sin Guilt Freedom: (Unedited): 16 March 2019:
The monsters of the deep dark abyss have already symbolically risen up just above the worldly waves. These monsters will bring powerful tsunamis which will remake the whole world. They come in the guise of bringing the gift of absolute freedom from sin and the burdens of guilt.
Sinners without Sadness: (Unedited): 16 March 2019:
Being a good, nice and friendly sinner free from all guilts and judgements is good enough to live your life without sadness or heartache.
Think about how you feel about gay people. Do you not believe that they are all nice, friendly, funny, cool and fun? Are not many of them actors? Many may even be family members who actually show more love, mercy and compassion greater than any Christian. Look at how the gay people are portrayed by the media. Even when you watch the news with gay people. Are they not believable while they read the words written by someone else. Yet you believe what they speak as their words without questioning them at all.
The believed half truths and half lies shall bring a totality and finality to your judgement.
All sin leads to final judgement. ALL SIN!!! So with genuine repentance as determined by God only. You will be saved. But, remember Lot's wife. How long did it take for her to sin and she was saved? As long as it took to look over her shoulder. How long does that take to sin? So repent always even for stray thoughts and desires. Repent for your uncontrolled sinful dreams.
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become clean, righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Thursday, May 31, 2018

Sheep Goats Wolves: (Unedited): 29 May thru 05 June 2018:

Goats who know they are goats and yet desire to be the sheep. Will do as the sheep do except absent of any love for those whom they serve. The goats may be the ones who become weary and burnt out before the finish line is even seen.
Have you ever seen a devout Christian and a pretender do the same works for those who need more than any other. The devout Christian seems to be like that never ending battery bunny. While those who don't really have the heart for what they do and maybe even absent of love. Seem to just become weary and burnt out. It is all about love for one another and the source of all of our love is from the Holy Spirit. When all of you is focused on the Holy Spirit, Jesus Christ (Word) and your Heavenly Father. All of that energy is perpetually given to you. Even then the physical and mental body can only handle so much. So when a genuine devout sheep is alone doing all of the work tirelessly. Their bodies and mind will eventually give out even though their heart is full of the outpouring of love. The devout sheep do need their rest. But, the sheep who have been doing and doing all alone. Do need the help from others even if it is from a goat who may or may not ever become a sheep.
The whole body of Christ all have their parts of required duties and if the body of Christ only have a few parts doing all of the work. Then the whole body cannot function in whole holiness. But, it is important for those who do works within and outside of the church to have as a first intention of love and then the duty will be there. Those who are duty minded only are the ones who may burn out and become weary. Use those who are duty minded. For while they are still alive they may become like sheep full of love for what they do for others. Will 99 out of 100 fail you and go away into the dark? maybe. It is that one sheep or that one wolf who transforms into the sheep full of genuine love which is something which should be focused upon.
You pastors, preachers and theologians. You who have churches where the flock is undivided with sheep, goats and wolves. But, then again your church may very well be divided as the sheep will desire to be among their own as well as the goats and the wolves will always want to be a part of their pack. So if you the church leader allow the goats and wolves to be in authority. Then the sheep will depart from the church.
The New Shepherd: (Unedited): 01 June 2018:
The new shepherd, one with the love of Christ within is one who will not flee from the flock who are encircled by wolves, snakes and leopards. 
The new shepherd, with the passion of Christ will freely submit to His will and obediently care for all of those who are suffering and in misery.
The new shepherd, becomes Christ like in total sacrifice to others. Not because of force or duty but from an outpouring of love.
The new shepherd, will lead many to everlasting life and joy. So as long as he keeps the love, the passion and the sacrifice of Christ.
A friend and a brother has become a pastor today. This is for him. Actually, His small poor church just had a total of ten graduates. So this small church of maybe 70  people now have more than a 11 pastors. Who is the star of the show at your church? Is your pastor a Judas who is only interested in enriching himself/herself instead of perpetually splitting the church so that the people become empowered enough to go out into the world to spread the good word with love, mercy and compassion.
Always repent for every sin. Stay in the Holy Bible as if you are both hungry and thirsty. Pray, fast and meditate always. Worship because you need and want desperately. Become holy and righteous in the eyes of God your Heavenly Father only. All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy or entitlements. Always do for others out of the overflowing of Christs love through you. Become that overflowing fountain of Christs love for all who are willing to drink.
Added on 01 June 2018:
Humanity can never be trusted. While a snake will always be a snake and a wolf shall always be a wolf. Even an oak tree will never decide to become a palm tree. It is only human beings who become deceived into believing that they can be anything they want to be with total disregard of their specific physiology.
Prosperity Snake: (Unedited): 01 June 2018:
A prosperity snake in their silvery suit and gold trinkets will from time to time call upon the congregants to give millions more for their excessive obscenities. The deceived will happily give all they have so that the snake can have more than ever. 
Added on 05 July 2018:
Playing Church: (Unedited): 20 June 2018:
You preachers and teachers of the faith. If you who are inside of the holy place is different than you who is outside in the world. Then know that your God knows that you are only playing church.
Humanity is really good at not only deceiving those in the world but also themselves. Even to the point of falsely becoming a person just to make the right friends or to network into the correct relationships. It is the same with reverends, preachers, teachers, pastors, clergy and theologians of the faith. They each are playing the game of getting people into the church by any means possible. Which includes teaching their congregations what they think they want to hear. Just to get more and more inside of the church. Is this how the successful churches have become entertainment centers instead of places of holiness and righteousness? Is this how prosperity teaching has become a relevant teaching tool when the evidence in the Holy Bible contradicts this false belief. It is what the people want to hear. The people do not want to feel bad. The people want to be entertained. The people want to feel good. The people want to be sanitized from the ugliness of life. Which is why those who are desperate in the perpetual sense are pushed out of the church.
A strategy that the desperately poor use. Is the internet. They figure out what days churches will have their free food services. Then they make their way to those churches and wait for the meals. Most churches have figured this out and thus no longer update their websites about the free meal after church services. Because, The people only want to go to a clean and sanitized church. If the church caters to the fundamentally poor, the permanently disabled, the unbathed homeless. Then those who actually financially support the church will disappear without a word. So the church leadership must make a decision. Give the worldly rich people what they want or become a church in which only the poor, disabled and homeless attend. That is until you run out of food and then many of them will go elsewhere. So what can a pastor do? The shepherd can't keep the whole flock together because of the pride, ego, arrogance, and selfishness of each and every sheep.
Did you make it this far? And you thought I only bash the shepherd.
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Monday, December 25, 2017

Truth of Delusion: (Edited): 22 Dec 2017:

A powerful delusion is like a thick, wet, cold fog which chills you to the core. You may not be able to see through the fog, but you know the stars remain in the heavens. So too is the truth of all things, the love and thirst for all of the truths, even if they do not feel so good.
The fog of any powerful delusion in your life is burned away when you are repentant, pursue righteousness and seek the face of God.
Added on 17 June 2024: 
There is great power in delusion believed and expressed. So much so that those who believe the lie will become hardened like Lot's wife. For the people of this world has already been saved. Just don't look back in sin like Lot's wife or you too shall become a pillar of salt.
The powerful delusions in life have been sent to us all by God. God himself forewarned us all not to allow ourselves to become deceived, yet most of us have been, like the lie of the races of humanity and the idea that we are alone in the universe, plus the piling on of millions upon billions or trillions of lies. All of the lies and deceptions suffocate us from the truth and blind us to what is truthful.
It is simple to know. If you're unrepentant, unrighteous, unholy as only which is defined by God, then you are not actively expressing love, mercy and compassion of Christ wherever you encounter the opportunity. If you do these things or even if you do because you have to in order to save your own skin, then you may actually be one of the lawless.

 To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.

To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Saturday, May 13, 2017

Cursing Lies and Blessed Truths: +5: (Unedited): 13 May 2017:

Blessings come from the actual truth's in your life.
Curses come from the actual lies in your life.
It matters not how you believe what one or the other is. 
Entitled Curses: (Unedited): 13 May 2017:
An entitled mind will have the heart to justify sin to obtain what they think they deserve. Even if that means lying, cheating and stealing. Then become confused when blessings never manifest and curses abound. 
When you think you can show up to work late daily and leave work early daily. You are breaking your promises. When you think you are justified to stop working before time. You are also stealing and cheating the boss. It does not matter how valuable you think you are. When you believe you can take an hour lunch instead of a thirty minute lunch. That is still theft of time. When you can take equipment from your employer to work on the church you attend. While still working on the clock for the boss. This is still stealing. It doesn't matter for what good work you do for any good entity. All of your sins originate from your entitled mind. This lie comes to you from satan. Who has told you this one thing so many times you began to believe and to justify away your sins. To the point you do as you do without ever realizing that you are in the wrong and are in sin. Bringing curses to yourself, your family and to whom ever you do good for.
Curses Gained: (Unedited): 13 May 2017:
Even actual lies and deceptions which you believe as truths will only gain you curses. Just as actual truths which you believe as lies will only gain you more curses. 
Whole Curses and No Blessings: (Unedited): 13 May 2017:
Even half truths will gain you whole curses and no blessings. Just as half lies will also gain you whole curses and no blessings. 
Who is the master of half truths? satan.
So how is any of this prophecy? I mentioned the word prophecy in the labels. You make your own prophecy. Assuming God doesn't do a Noah, Jonah or Moses on you. Either way, the future of you is directly tied to how you live your life. The purple words below as well as the new quotes above. We all have the ability to change our DNA and RNA and all that we are. By becoming healed and forgiven through the blood of Jesus and then going forth and sinning no more. The genetic line of curses and sins will become minimized through every generation after you. Once you teach your children and your grand children the importance of sins and curses and how it is passed from one generation to the next. Then maybe, if your family line can make it to the seventh generation from both the husband's side and the wife's side. Then maybe, humanity will become what God originally intended in the first place or at least closer. I think there is a genetic component to sin or a genetic memory of sin. That is all I'm going to say on this. As it is above my pay grade. If you want to pursue it then study it from the sources.
Also, read about the children of the kings and prophets in the Old Testament of The Holy Bible. Just to go one generation was very difficult. Then there is Adam and Eve. Who had God as their Father and yet these two created children of God freely choose to disobey His commands. Causing God to begin the covering of the innocent blood covenant which ends with the cleansing of the blood from the perfect innocent lamb and holiest of priests.
This is our collective hope for humanity. By choosing to sin no more and striving to become the Holy people God had originally intended. then maybe, we can perpetually delay the end times prophecy, mitigate certain natural dire events and completely alter the future of humanity completely. 
Added on 14 May 2017: 
How many lies do you know as truths which are controlling your life? How many truths do you know as lies which are absent from your life? Do you even want to question them or are you even aware of any of it? Would that be the operative word "Control"? and even that which is absent from you is still a form of control. Sort of like a pressure pushes you one way while a vacuum pulls you into the same or similar direction. 
Added on 21 May 2017:
Entitled Sins: (Unedited): 21 May 2017: 
The lie which is believed as a deserving truth within your own mind and heart. Entitlements leads to sins. comes from satan. 
Added on 21 May 2017:
Deserving Sins: (Unedited): 21 May 2017:
Entitlement is the lie believed as a deserving truth within your own mind and heart. It is a creation from satan to lead you further into your justified sins. 
Added on 22 May 2017: 
Have you ever thought about what it is that you actually deserve and are entitled to in life. So what are they? Yes, Yes, go and list them in the privacy of your own mind. Did you think air, water, food, family, friends? Did you think freedom, education, jobs, wealth, property? Did you think respect, fame, importance, position, responsibility? What about titles or history? 
The cold hard truth is that we human beings are entitled and deserving of nothing not even our own physical or spiritual lives. 
But, we still think we want and need. We still hope and pray. We all plan and implement our individual goals. Which usually does not have any consideration for the benefit of this planet. 
The absolute basic truth is we are all just care takers of this planet we currently call Earth. We are not even the owners of this planet. So what do you think will happen when the owners come back and see how we have collectively managed this planet? As He will Judge all of our physical actions.  I believe that is in the prophecies of the christian Holy Bible. The return of an angry Christ and God. 
There is always depth and dimension to the Holy Bible: This is what I think of. This is a relationship to the story and does not discount any other definition. That is where the dimensionality comes from. For we as humans have already killed the son. Think about this, Humans were created on this perfect world and were to become it's caretakers. What have we as a species of caretakers done and are doing right now?
Personal Note:
My use of the dimensionality of the stories in the Holy Bible is as the story of Jonah. How many different stories are in this one story? or how many different ways can you teach the story of Jonah? and yet they are all valid and truthful. The depth and dimensionality to the story of Jonah is the same in every single story in the Holy Bible. For every individual story in the Holy Bible. There is a dozen or more stories within each one or a dozen or more lessons. All of which can be opened to you individually as the Holy Spirit gives them to you. 
You need to know that much of the Holy Bible is still closed to me. I'm a very flawed human being.
Added on 04 Jan 2025: Chat GPT4o

This is a thought-provoking and layered post. Here's my interpretation and feedback:

Core Themes:

  1. The Consequences of Lies and Deception: The post ties curses and suffering to lies and falsehoods, suggesting that these are destructive forces in personal, familial, and societal contexts. Lies ripple outward, compounding harm and destabilizing relationships and communities.
  2. Blessings Through Truth: The piece contrasts lies with truth, presenting truth as a foundation for healing, growth, and blessings. Speaking truth—even when difficult—breaks the cycle of harm and aligns with divine principles.
  3. Accountability and Intentionality: It encourages individuals to examine their actions and words, emphasizing responsibility in choosing truth over deception. This message of accountability resonates deeply in a world often marred by dishonesty.


  • Clarity and Morality: The writing clearly identifies the moral stakes involved in choosing between truth and lies. It invites reflection and personal responsibility in a way that feels universally relevant.
  • Spiritual Undertone: The connection to divine blessings and curses adds a timeless, spiritual weight to the discussion, making it resonate across various belief systems.
  • Memorable Imagery: The metaphor of curses stemming from lies and blessings flowing from truth is vivid and impactful.

Opportunities for Refinement:

  • Expanding on Practical Application: While the piece delivers a strong moral message, it could explore how individuals can break free from cycles of deceit and choose truth in their daily lives.
  • Acknowledging Complexity: The post could acknowledge that truth-telling, while virtuous, is often challenging and comes with consequences. Addressing these complexities might deepen the emotional impact.

Overall, this is a compelling reflection on the power of truth versus lies. It feels timeless yet highly relevant to modern challenges, encouraging readers to live with integrity and intention. Nicely done!


To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.

To Love one another.
To live in peace with everyone.  
To exist in harmony with all.  
To Cherish all life.  
To be obedient to the Laws of God.  
To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.  

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Wolf Feast: Refreshed Wolf: (Unedited): 29 Aug 2016:

The wolf without respect, mercy or remorse devours the elements/sacraments of Christ as it was a feast to savor. 
The wolf will always be refreshed in the Baptismal pool in anticipation of receiving fried chicken, baked beans and sweet tea.
In many different cultures. A new birth of a child is celebrated. In the south a new life can be celebrated with fried chicken, baked beans and sweet tea. In other cultures it is similar except with their own preferred foods.
So to is the new child which comes up out of the water. The new child of  Christ. The new brother and sister to other believing Christians. This should always be a time of rejoicing, of accepting this new Christian as a new member of the family. The responsibility is for everyone. To teach and to correct the new Christian out of the old sinful nature and into a new clean spiritual nature.
Unfortunately, This is also how the wolves get in. The wolf will lie and deceive. The wolf will act and pretend to be what it is not. After all, All a wolf has to do is keep his /her true identity separate from their Christian character that they portray. Even a wolf needs to feel some acceptance and happiness a few hours a week. While the rest of the wolf's week is spent in the jungles of the world systems. It's a dog eat dog world. Isn't it?
The wolf also knows that if he pays a greater admission also known as tithes to his chosen church. That the church will support him and forgive him as he continues on in his evil worldly ways. It is almost like the wealth a worldly wolf brings into the church is of superior importance than the old woman with two mites.
The character of the wolf is to be as it is. While the newly birthed Christian. Needs to nurse on the Bible stories. Needs to become acquainted with the basics of an active prayer life. Needs to be directed and escorted on the Christian path. Needs to become acquainted with the concept of fasting.  Needs to learn the importance of becoming a righteous and holy person as only can be recognized by God. All without growing the weeds of pride, ego and arrogance.
As with any new baby? Who is responsible for the care of the baby? Who is responsible for the raising of the baby? Who is responsible for the education of the baby? Everyone...
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Sad Shadow: Christ Wash: (Unedited): 02 Aug 2016:

Sad and alone even your own shadow becomes when the light of Christ does not illuminate you from within.
The illumination of Christ permeates through the darkest shadows of your soul. Washing away the dirtiness that is within your own darkness
The loneliness you may feel in life isn't from not have a loving and ever present spouse who supports you and is on your team. The loneliness you have is from not genuinely knowing God. By thirsting for any love by any human being. Is you through your own independent action.  That the love from God or from Christ is not enough to quench your thirst for more. It is really that simple. All things come from God including life and love.
You may feel like your missing out and are starving for a loving human relationship and those feelings are very real. They are also a sign about you and your spiritual condition with God. You can joins all of the clubs and groups you want to. It won't matter if they are operated by the church or by the world systems. The end result will be as it will be.
Go and find your love in Christ and in your Heavenly Father first. Learn how to become a good righteous son and daughter first. Learn how to become clean. Ho do you do this?
1) Be willing and wanting to read the word. The word is Jesus and the word is the Holy Bible.
2) Always be in prayer. prayer is usually where you are talking to your Heavenly Father.
3) Always be in Meditation. Meditation is usually where you are listening to your Heavenly Father.
4) Fast and create a very real history of fasting on a regular basis.
5) Always Reject and Always flee from all manor of sin.
6) Spend quiet time in contemplation on the word of God.
7) Go out into the world and show yourself to be a humble son and daughter of God. 

At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Friday, January 11, 2013

Invading Empath: (Unedited): 11 Jan 2013:

The wolf in sheep's clothing can easily hide amongst the good sheep. The undisciplined mind of the empath can become clouded by the quantity of good thoughts and emotions, which surrounds the empath. So much so the one or few bad minds can be dismissed as some kind of back ground residual clutter. C.J.MacKechnie
Being an Empath is one of the Christs gifts from GOD. God doesn't hand out instruction manuals with any of the gifts. So, one must learn as you pray, as you meditate and  as you go. Learning as you go is the real world lessons to be learned. Learning these real world lessons should be all that it is supposed to be and without any negative emotional tags applied. The logical approach is to ask those questions of where you are lacking and where your were accurate. Then apply the necessary actions to achieve whole development.
:Warning: Actively Invading and trespassing into other peoples minds is wrong. At this point in time just focusing upon an individuals mind in a passive receptive mode is probably the best. Because the individual is actively transmitting their own thoughts and emotions constantly out in the open. This is not trespassing.
But focusing upon another persons mind to actively retrieve thoughts, emotions and intentions is wrong.
But, what about looking into the minds of a suspected bad person?
What if the suspected bad person turns out to be good? Then you became the bad person who trespassed.

Transmitting is just like receiving any signal from any source.
Receiving is just like listening to any radio signal from any transmitted source.
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Friday, January 4, 2013

Lifting Up:(Unedited): 28 May 2010:

Uplifting another spirit is the love and compassion we should all share with one another. C.J.MacKechnie 
The Christ servitude. Is all about lifting up a poor soul. So that they can see the true light of GOD for themselves. Then empowering that former poor soul to do as Jesus had done for them. Outwardly expressing  love, compassion, mercy and kindness. That is and always will be the only true sign of a real Christian.
Mercy and kindness we should all share with one another. This is just some of the essential foundations to any civilization. To be civil towards one another even if they are different in some minor way or even live in a far away land or on a different celestial body. Greetings of friendship should always begin, maintain or even conclude a relationship.
To be cynical of everything breeds distrust of others for you. To be rude, mean and cruel will just cause people to flee from your presence at all times. Leaving you alone with your mean cynicism.  Wars are always started with selfish greed by the rulers of that described evil lands of evil people. Who seem to always proclaim peace for all at the conclusion of the wars started.
Long lasting peace can only come when the common people base their life in love, harmony and have a deep respect for the importance of all life. Then it will matter not what the selfish rulers want. Wars can only happen if the common people are willing to fight and die for the lies and deceptions of the rulers words. Peace cannot come from warfare ever. Unless absolute extinction of all life occurs. Then there will be absolute peace. If there is one survivor or even one fearful observer then revenge and war preparations will be made. So, peace will never last long by the tip of the sword.
Christianity and Islam are still fighting the crusades today. Or is it the unholy rulers of both sides who are just using the religions as their tools to motivate the common peoples to go to war on their behalf?
It's always about the money, the lands, the power, the control, the resources, The authority, The total wealth. War is always about the few who want the most. Even in negotiated peace treaties. The few on both sides will profit in some way. While the common people on the declared winning side have fought and died receive nothing but a minute pay check. While the common people on the declared losing side have fought and died receive nothing but maybe a minute paycheck. The wives and mothers of the common soldier who has fallen. Each equally mourn their losses. No matter which side they are on.
Repent and flee from all of your sin. Pray and meditate often and daily.  You the common man who is a warrior or soldier. lay down your weapons and Go home and live your life in peace with your family and people.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Passions Feel: (Unedited): 15 April 2010:

Intense passion is the reaction from the love you feel. C.J.MacKechnie 
From the love you feel. Causes any good person to give it back. Through outward expressions of compassion and passion. Passion is not just intimacy. It is the passion you have in your own daily work and duties.
To take this a step forward. To unconditionally give your love, your compassion and your passion without any expectation of it's return is the Christ's level of love giving. Just by giving your love away, does indeed open up that person who receives it. No matter their internal intent of how and why they receive your free gift of love. The change to them shall come. In the time of their destined awakening.
Even if you receive rudeness, anger, claims of your foolishness or other accusations in return. just know that by them simply receiving your gift of love. Is like a seed placed within them to grow in it's own time.  Eventually, that one seed of love you have given freely, may spring forth in a lovely outward expression.