All of the major denominations have undergone a transformation or a conversion away from that which is clean, righteous and holy to that which is from satan. These leaders of the denominations and of the churches are both deceived by satan and diluted by God Himself. The true followers of God will be able to see the powerful delusion that God Himself has sent to this world and it is a gift to His own children.
Worldly Leader Rewards: (Unedited): 16 March 2019:
Much worldly rewards will be given to the worldly leader who leads all of the religions, denominations and churches as one.
The population of the world will give to this man what they all can. He will become a multi billionaire. To the point that he will become the wealthiest man on the planet. Who can give such worldly rewards for his worldly obedience? Only the prince of this world. Who is the prince of this world system? satan.
Will he be the one who points to the antichrist? Even though he may know it or not? Also, be on the lookout for the satanic john the baptist like person. For he may point to both men.
All of the worldly denominations will all be willing to follow this one man and to point him out as a holy and righteous man.
The last remaining churches of God will be poor and uphold all of the words of the Holy Bible even unto their own brutal personal endings. Like Steven they all will die the first death and like Christ they will be risen as He was.
What are the last churches in Revelations? Are you personally and does your church emulate one or both of the last remaining churches. Heed the warnings of Revelations.
Deceived Worldly Rapture: (Unedited): 16 March 2019:
For all of the worldly religions, denominations and churches all believe they will be raptured away prior to the certainty of the tribulation. But, they all have been deceived. For they have all become far from God by allowing sin into Israel. For this they all will be judged.
Die Like Christ: (Unedited): 16 March 2019:
If you are to become like Christ then you are to die like Christ to the world and the world will kill you like it had killed Christ. Trust in and have faith in your Heavenly Father. Even if you have to walk in a direction without knowing where you will end up or when it will be that the world shall destroy you for His namesake. For the end of yourself is the beginning of the renewed you after the first death to come.
C.J. MacKechnie
Psalm 23:
Die Like Christ: (Unedited): 16 March 2019:
Even the evil doers look into the water for their own savior. They even use words like wave and tsunami in their anticipation of what is to come which will benefit them and to kill you. For when it is right for them to hunt you down, torture you and finally kill you as what has been done to Christ. Your reward is very near as you die like Christ had died for you.
Sin Guilt Freedom: (Unedited): 16 March 2019:
The monsters of the deep dark abyss have already symbolically risen up just above the worldly waves. These monsters will bring powerful tsunamis which will remake the whole world. They come in the guise of bringing the gift of absolute freedom from sin and the burdens of guilt.
Sinners without Sadness: (Unedited): 16 March 2019:
Being a good, nice and friendly sinner free from all guilts and judgements is good enough to live your life without sadness or heartache.
Think about how you feel about gay people. Do you not believe that they are all nice, friendly, funny, cool and fun? Are not many of them actors? Many may even be family members who actually show more love, mercy and compassion greater than any Christian. Look at how the gay people are portrayed by the media. Even when you watch the news with gay people. Are they not believable while they read the words written by someone else. Yet you believe what they speak as their words without questioning them at all.
The believed half truths and half lies shall bring a totality and finality to your judgement.
All sin leads to final judgement. ALL SIN!!! So with genuine repentance as determined by God only. You will be saved. But, remember Lot's wife. How long did it take for her to sin and she was saved? As long as it took to look over her shoulder. How long does that take to sin? So repent always even for stray thoughts and desires. Repent for your uncontrolled sinful dreams.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
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