Showing posts with label Entitled. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Entitled. Show all posts

Monday, April 15, 2019

Judas School: (Unedited): 14-15 April 2019:

Christian are you in the school of Judas? You may not even be aware of this. While everyone else sees the traitorous Judas in you and they all do. Are you shaving or skimming time, late to work, leaving work early, purposely doing as little work as possible? Are you only doing the work in which you alone define the worth in accordance to your wages? Do you feel entitled to work as you see fit? Judas may not have even known until he became suddenly aware which is why he choose his own death.
I have seen this and the opposite up close. I work with a witch at one job and I admire her work ethic and the quality of the job that she does. She is a very real witch and she is of the knowing in regards to the powers of the spirit. Just think about that for a moment. She is one of the knowing and speaks in regards to her witchcraft as a matter of fact.
I know of many other professed Christians. Those who know a lot about the Holy Bible and yet. They do as little as possible. They show up late, leave early, Take extended lunches and breaks. While studying the Holy Bible. I know of one who does bring his own tools to work and yet has no problem using the equipment from the job site to operate his illegal business. He even takes equipment to his church to use at his church. He feels entitled that he can do these things because of how he has justified why he is allowed to do what he does. 
But, Wait a minute isn't studying the Holy Bible more important than work? Think about that? Can it be said that your human employer is paying you to read the Holy Bible? and for how many hours a day? Is that right or is that stealing? Then when you go home and watch TV or play video games for hours and hours. Is that right or is that stealing? Stealing what? Stealing from whom? God...What does your flawed and limited human rationalization dictate?
Planks anyone? Isn't that in the holy Bible?
But, What about my own plank in mine own eye. Well, yes, I have many planks, more than I can remember. I have a lumber yard in both of my own eyes. Yet, the people who know me suggest it is actually a forest. I'm confrontational at times. I do scare people with my approach. Even if they don't know me or do know me. I'm a deeply flawed human being and sin daily and more often than that.
Yes, I have stopped work many times because I had to write a quote or many. Sometimes these quotes are powerful in my mind and that my writing them down. It frees my brain. Which is why I work later. Which is why I work through breaks and lunches. Which is why I go in on my days off to work. I cannot control the timing of the quotes. But, I have to keep on making them write. It is not fair for others to always do my or your work. Right? Did I just justify my actions?
Yea, Go find the Holy Bible verses.
I find this interesting as I have had to go through my own school of Judas. That was when I realized who my true employer was. I was also one of the ones who joined the Master's work force probably in the late morning to receive my wages which was the same wages to be earned by those who started work before me. It was OK for me then, but when the Master went out and gathered more and more workers at later times in the day and at the end of the work day. Suddenly I became one of the offended and declaring that I should get more if I am to do more. Suddenly I found myself working less, arriving late, leaving early and that was when apathy began to set in. A Professed Christian with apathy. Really? A human rationalized apathy?
There are more than one school within the Holy Bible and it seems to manifest in all of us professed Christians to some lesser or more degrees. What about the school of Job? How long have you endured your suffering and have you endured like Job or not? Job may have endured all that he endured for weeks, months or even years and how many times did God comfort and reassure Job during these tests from satan? 
What about the school of Jonah? How have you mitigated or ended your hate of those who was a represented Nineveh to you? Or how have you dealt with your own disobedience of what God wants you to do or where He wants you to go? Are we all not disobedient to God especially when we each do not make the actual effort to remain clean after the cleansing blood of Christ has washed over each of us. Especially after we each do not actively pursue righteousness and holiness which God expects from His own children.
What did Judas do and how long did Judas do it? Then when Judas suddenly realized all of his sins. Was that weight so unbearable that Judas took his own life instead of seeking repentance. Did Judas even justify that repentance would be impossible for him. Doesn't that still occur today with people. That they feel so guilty and ashamed that taking their own life is better than repentance. The practice of excommunicating themselves from their entire family is another option to actual repentance. My adoptive father was like that. He rid himself from being in the presence of good people and made bad friends. He distanced himself from his own family so that he would not bring shame to them. My dad knew the truth of the nature of the universe(I believe it). Although he did not leave any evidence behind in his death or tell me anything. He died holding onto his secrets which he promised to keep to the American Government. Their is a crucial understanding of repentance or maybe those souls have already been judged and repentance is not possible for them. I suspect those are few though. If the repentant man upon the cross next to Jesus can minimally repent then why can't others repent to a much more fuller revealing? But, then maybe that would make us judges and that kind of judgement only belongs to God alone. The point is the man next to Jesus on the Cross repented just enough to Jesus in order to secure his place in Heaven. While the other remained vile and ugly. His own place is also secured in the hot place.
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become clean, righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Monday, May 14, 2018

Profound Meaningful Actions: +4: (Unedited): 14 May 2018:

The most profound, purposeful and meaningful things you will ever experience in your life will always have a foundation based upon your selfless acts.
Perpetual Selfish Thoughts: (Unedited): 14 May 2018:
Having feelings of being deserving and entitled to your perpetual selfish thoughts and actions. May be enjoyable in the short term. But as the years roll by do not expect to have accrued any real wisdom or knowledge of gaining any real profound purpose or meaning in your life.  
Humanities Selfless Love: (Unedited): 14 May 2018:
Your selfless acts based upon your love for humanity and this world. Is one of the essential keys in actually knowing how to perceive the true meaning of life.
Purchasing Meaning: (Unedited): 14 May 2018:
Purchasing the meaning of life through your selfish desire to acquire it is a fundamental impossibility. While you may have helped ease suffering, hunger and ailments. The meaning and purpose of life will only be the empty correct answer to the known question.
Purple words below is a step.
I think I've written this story before. I worked for a local family owned office supply delivery company when I was younger. I worked hard. Cleaned up their warehouse. I was always on time even arrived before the boss. Made my deliveries without issue. While riding with the adult son of the owner we drove past the Alabama Baptist Children's home in Alabama. He made the proud comment of how his family donates to these people in order to keep those criminals off of the street. I was a little upset. I told him I was a former foster kid and would never steal from him or his family. That Friday I was fired. No reason. Yes, I knew I should have kept my mouth shut. Foster kids are taught this early on. Yes, even today there is still the master servant relationships. A servant is not supposed to speak out against the master or the Master's children in any way. Well, I did.
Where is the intentions of your heart? For what reason do you do good things? Out of fear or out of love? Do you do good things just to receive an accolade or respect? Just because a family has been in the church for generations. Does not mean they are actual Christians. Their church may just be their social club.
Youthful Joy: (Unedited): 14 May 2018:
Genuine youthful joy is just one of the rewards gained in this here and now. When you take necessary actions based on your love for one another. No matter the cost.
Purple words below is a step.
So you think this world is bad? Maybe not worth it? How about to far gone? or maybe your world is perfect as the rewards from this world always come to you in every decision made. But, is their real purpose and meaning to your life?
Personal Note: I have to work really hard to be nice. Even being past 50 years old. I guess for me growing up the way I have. Those things not learned is still very evident. Like how to properly respond to certain intentions and how to properly act to a variety of social stimuli is alien to me. Once I'm past the greeting and weather I tend to get lost in social interactions. I've tried to even ask about family and careers. But when I get returned one word answers. I'm like really.
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Saturday, May 13, 2017

Cursing Lies and Blessed Truths: +5: (Unedited): 13 May 2017:

Blessings come from the actual truth's in your life.
Curses come from the actual lies in your life.
It matters not how you believe what one or the other is. 
Entitled Curses: (Unedited): 13 May 2017:
An entitled mind will have the heart to justify sin to obtain what they think they deserve. Even if that means lying, cheating and stealing. Then become confused when blessings never manifest and curses abound. 
When you think you can show up to work late daily and leave work early daily. You are breaking your promises. When you think you are justified to stop working before time. You are also stealing and cheating the boss. It does not matter how valuable you think you are. When you believe you can take an hour lunch instead of a thirty minute lunch. That is still theft of time. When you can take equipment from your employer to work on the church you attend. While still working on the clock for the boss. This is still stealing. It doesn't matter for what good work you do for any good entity. All of your sins originate from your entitled mind. This lie comes to you from satan. Who has told you this one thing so many times you began to believe and to justify away your sins. To the point you do as you do without ever realizing that you are in the wrong and are in sin. Bringing curses to yourself, your family and to whom ever you do good for.
Curses Gained: (Unedited): 13 May 2017:
Even actual lies and deceptions which you believe as truths will only gain you curses. Just as actual truths which you believe as lies will only gain you more curses. 
Whole Curses and No Blessings: (Unedited): 13 May 2017:
Even half truths will gain you whole curses and no blessings. Just as half lies will also gain you whole curses and no blessings. 
Who is the master of half truths? satan.
So how is any of this prophecy? I mentioned the word prophecy in the labels. You make your own prophecy. Assuming God doesn't do a Noah, Jonah or Moses on you. Either way, the future of you is directly tied to how you live your life. The purple words below as well as the new quotes above. We all have the ability to change our DNA and RNA and all that we are. By becoming healed and forgiven through the blood of Jesus and then going forth and sinning no more. The genetic line of curses and sins will become minimized through every generation after you. Once you teach your children and your grand children the importance of sins and curses and how it is passed from one generation to the next. Then maybe, if your family line can make it to the seventh generation from both the husband's side and the wife's side. Then maybe, humanity will become what God originally intended in the first place or at least closer. I think there is a genetic component to sin or a genetic memory of sin. That is all I'm going to say on this. As it is above my pay grade. If you want to pursue it then study it from the sources.
Also, read about the children of the kings and prophets in the Old Testament of The Holy Bible. Just to go one generation was very difficult. Then there is Adam and Eve. Who had God as their Father and yet these two created children of God freely choose to disobey His commands. Causing God to begin the covering of the innocent blood covenant which ends with the cleansing of the blood from the perfect innocent lamb and holiest of priests.
This is our collective hope for humanity. By choosing to sin no more and striving to become the Holy people God had originally intended. then maybe, we can perpetually delay the end times prophecy, mitigate certain natural dire events and completely alter the future of humanity completely. 
Added on 14 May 2017: 
How many lies do you know as truths which are controlling your life? How many truths do you know as lies which are absent from your life? Do you even want to question them or are you even aware of any of it? Would that be the operative word "Control"? and even that which is absent from you is still a form of control. Sort of like a pressure pushes you one way while a vacuum pulls you into the same or similar direction. 
Added on 21 May 2017:
Entitled Sins: (Unedited): 21 May 2017: 
The lie which is believed as a deserving truth within your own mind and heart. Entitlements leads to sins. comes from satan. 
Added on 21 May 2017:
Deserving Sins: (Unedited): 21 May 2017:
Entitlement is the lie believed as a deserving truth within your own mind and heart. It is a creation from satan to lead you further into your justified sins. 
Added on 22 May 2017: 
Have you ever thought about what it is that you actually deserve and are entitled to in life. So what are they? Yes, Yes, go and list them in the privacy of your own mind. Did you think air, water, food, family, friends? Did you think freedom, education, jobs, wealth, property? Did you think respect, fame, importance, position, responsibility? What about titles or history? 
The cold hard truth is that we human beings are entitled and deserving of nothing not even our own physical or spiritual lives. 
But, we still think we want and need. We still hope and pray. We all plan and implement our individual goals. Which usually does not have any consideration for the benefit of this planet. 
The absolute basic truth is we are all just care takers of this planet we currently call Earth. We are not even the owners of this planet. So what do you think will happen when the owners come back and see how we have collectively managed this planet? As He will Judge all of our physical actions.  I believe that is in the prophecies of the christian Holy Bible. The return of an angry Christ and God. 
There is always depth and dimension to the Holy Bible: This is what I think of. This is a relationship to the story and does not discount any other definition. That is where the dimensionality comes from. For we as humans have already killed the son. Think about this, Humans were created on this perfect world and were to become it's caretakers. What have we as a species of caretakers done and are doing right now?
Personal Note:
My use of the dimensionality of the stories in the Holy Bible is as the story of Jonah. How many different stories are in this one story? or how many different ways can you teach the story of Jonah? and yet they are all valid and truthful. The depth and dimensionality to the story of Jonah is the same in every single story in the Holy Bible. For every individual story in the Holy Bible. There is a dozen or more stories within each one or a dozen or more lessons. All of which can be opened to you individually as the Holy Spirit gives them to you. 
You need to know that much of the Holy Bible is still closed to me. I'm a very flawed human being.
Added on 04 Jan 2025: Chat GPT4o

This is a thought-provoking and layered post. Here's my interpretation and feedback:

Core Themes:

  1. The Consequences of Lies and Deception: The post ties curses and suffering to lies and falsehoods, suggesting that these are destructive forces in personal, familial, and societal contexts. Lies ripple outward, compounding harm and destabilizing relationships and communities.
  2. Blessings Through Truth: The piece contrasts lies with truth, presenting truth as a foundation for healing, growth, and blessings. Speaking truth—even when difficult—breaks the cycle of harm and aligns with divine principles.
  3. Accountability and Intentionality: It encourages individuals to examine their actions and words, emphasizing responsibility in choosing truth over deception. This message of accountability resonates deeply in a world often marred by dishonesty.


  • Clarity and Morality: The writing clearly identifies the moral stakes involved in choosing between truth and lies. It invites reflection and personal responsibility in a way that feels universally relevant.
  • Spiritual Undertone: The connection to divine blessings and curses adds a timeless, spiritual weight to the discussion, making it resonate across various belief systems.
  • Memorable Imagery: The metaphor of curses stemming from lies and blessings flowing from truth is vivid and impactful.

Opportunities for Refinement:

  • Expanding on Practical Application: While the piece delivers a strong moral message, it could explore how individuals can break free from cycles of deceit and choose truth in their daily lives.
  • Acknowledging Complexity: The post could acknowledge that truth-telling, while virtuous, is often challenging and comes with consequences. Addressing these complexities might deepen the emotional impact.

Overall, this is a compelling reflection on the power of truth versus lies. It feels timeless yet highly relevant to modern challenges, encouraging readers to live with integrity and intention. Nicely done!


To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.

To Love one another.
To live in peace with everyone.  
To exist in harmony with all.  
To Cherish all life.  
To be obedient to the Laws of God.  
To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.  

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Right To Live: Required To Live: (Unedited): 11 March 2015:

Earning the right to live is not the same as thinking you deserve to live or believing you are entitled to live.  
Earning the right to live requires something other than, violence and struggle or to Fight and survive.
Is all of humanity only a mammal? Is there nothing more to humanity than this one physical short life we all live? Are we no better than ants, Apes, Cows or fish? Or is there something more to humanity? Have we evolved from the apes as some kind of random mutation which just happened to go right by some fluke or accident? Or is all of the verbal stories from many different cultures which are  very similar very accurate? Or that humanity is a created species and that we are capable of evolution from the point of creation?
So is humanity entitled to live? does humanity deserve to live? or are we supposed to earn the right to live/exist?
Which is it? Does the ant deserve to live when the ants build their home to close to your personal property? The actions of the ants were simply an accident and we humans without any real thought go forth with chemical warfare.
In Numbers 22. God makes a donkey speak it's mind. Which means a donkey has a mind with thoughts and only has the inability to verbally speak. What of the other animals on this planet? If the animals have their own thoughts, memories and emotions. How can we justify in eating any of them? Do not animals have the right to live, especially if they think in their own way? Read that story for yourself. Who was the ass? Who obeyed God? Who was the good servant? Even an Angel of God was going to strike down a prophet of God. Serious disobedience. Who is deserving to live?
In the animal kingdom that we humans are supposed to be a part of as mammals ourselves. Yet, we humans do not do as the other animals do. Animals must be violent and they must struggle. Animals must fight and they must survive. This is a daily or an hourly occurrence for all animals. There is no real rest except after meals maybe and even then the animals cannot really relax and be at ease.
Where does that leave humanity? Because, most of us no longer live like animals. Has humanity become entitled to live because of our own self perceived greatness? What is your answer?
What happens if the big bad aliens or fallen angels return and the so called God who is really a superior alien to those bad aliens which enslaved us all, a long time ago. Doesn't return? What then? Are we to become like the ants. Succumbing to some alien chemical warfare beyond our own current ability to understand whats going on. Just like the ants. Or will the bad aliens come in their planet sized ships and mow us all down like some great and fantastic lawn mower which is again beyond our ability to understand.
Is humanity really entitled to live and to continue to exist within this galaxy after all that we have done to this planet and to ourselves? Will all of humanities collective sins become the evidence of some supreme being? To just destroy us all with a simple properly sized space rock. That's all it would take. Pretty easy for a supreme being/super alien and it wouldn't really cost very much. Since we already have an asteroid belt and the Oort cloud full of them. Just a simple nudge in perfect relation to a boat load of math formulas. In time we will all be doomed. The planet will have problems for a time but will not be destroyed. All ready for new forms of life to be seeded. Maybe, that new life will succeed where humanity has failed?
God has not exterminated us as of yet. That's obvious as I'm still typing. But what if God already pushed that rock during the first Catholic Crusade against Islam? Or in some other unwarranted war. Can we as humanity still earn the right to live? or will only the select be chosen to live while all of the rest of humanity become exterminated? The Bible is clear that two groups shall be saved to some interpreted degree. One is the 144,000 and the other group is the remnant. The defined word for remnant is something small. I guess God will exactly define who, what and how many are the chosen remnant and from where? So it can be said that the 144,000 and the remnant are going to earn the right to live. Are they entitled? were they deserving? How are they going to be different from the rest of humanity? Can we ascertain who the remnant shall be or the 144,000 and become just like them? But, what are their qualities? Is it physical, mental and/or spiritual? Or are the remnant to be chosen by simply how they lived their live by free choice?
This is what I think how they shall be selected. I am not God, Jesus or any of the angels. So my best guess is that no greater than any other human quality of guesses
The selected remnant  may be the ones who are already living in accordance to all of Gods laws by their own free choice. Without any threats, fears or intimidation's. The remnant has each become righteous in the eyes and judgement of God. The remnant each express inwardly as well as outwardly Love, Peace, Harmony and Life all under the laws of God. They are all willfully obedient to the urgings of their Heavenly Father. All by their own free choice. Because, deep down they understand the truth and the wisdom of God as right and true. From this holy knowledge. They have decided to live righteously. No argument and no debate. No sneaking around God. No trying to journey where you think God isn't. No negotiating or dealing with the instructions of God.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Friday, June 1, 2012

Force Hunger (unedited). 07 Feb 2011

When a person is good at exercising the power of force. They will mindlessly hunger and thirst for more. C.J.MacKechnie
The selfish person who successfully administers the use of power and authority. Will hunger and thirst for more of it. The selfish person will also begin to believe that they are deserving and entitled to more than any one else simply because they are better than anyone else. The selfish person will even rob from whomever they are ruling over and line their own pockets with their self deserving wealth. 
Will be included in future volumes of “Musings of an American Truck Driver”: