Showing posts with label Elements. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Elements. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Wolf Feast: Refreshed Wolf: (Unedited): 29 Aug 2016:

The wolf without respect, mercy or remorse devours the elements/sacraments of Christ as it was a feast to savor. 
The wolf will always be refreshed in the Baptismal pool in anticipation of receiving fried chicken, baked beans and sweet tea.
In many different cultures. A new birth of a child is celebrated. In the south a new life can be celebrated with fried chicken, baked beans and sweet tea. In other cultures it is similar except with their own preferred foods.
So to is the new child which comes up out of the water. The new child of  Christ. The new brother and sister to other believing Christians. This should always be a time of rejoicing, of accepting this new Christian as a new member of the family. The responsibility is for everyone. To teach and to correct the new Christian out of the old sinful nature and into a new clean spiritual nature.
Unfortunately, This is also how the wolves get in. The wolf will lie and deceive. The wolf will act and pretend to be what it is not. After all, All a wolf has to do is keep his /her true identity separate from their Christian character that they portray. Even a wolf needs to feel some acceptance and happiness a few hours a week. While the rest of the wolf's week is spent in the jungles of the world systems. It's a dog eat dog world. Isn't it?
The wolf also knows that if he pays a greater admission also known as tithes to his chosen church. That the church will support him and forgive him as he continues on in his evil worldly ways. It is almost like the wealth a worldly wolf brings into the church is of superior importance than the old woman with two mites.
The character of the wolf is to be as it is. While the newly birthed Christian. Needs to nurse on the Bible stories. Needs to become acquainted with the basics of an active prayer life. Needs to be directed and escorted on the Christian path. Needs to become acquainted with the concept of fasting.  Needs to learn the importance of becoming a righteous and holy person as only can be recognized by God. All without growing the weeds of pride, ego and arrogance.
As with any new baby? Who is responsible for the care of the baby? Who is responsible for the raising of the baby? Who is responsible for the education of the baby? Everyone...
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Piece Peace: Either Peace: (Unedited): 08 Sept 2015:

Peace is a piece of you. If peace is not within you. Then you shall not have any peace. No matter how much you wish or pray for Peace.
Either Peace: (Unedited): 08 Sept 2015: 
Peace can either be present within you, Absent from you or replaced with conflict into you. 
Any person who has become enraged has not a piece of peace within them. As peace becomes absent from within you. This empty space where peace logically resided may become conflict/war.
A piece called peace is just one but many psychological elements within your being. They are all arranged logically within you. Much like a mathematical formula. Even though I do not know of the exact arrangement and you may not know either. It is still so. Just like how many of us can automatically use multiple forms of math in time to run and catch a ball or to swing a bat to hit a ball or to shoot a ball into a high hoop as in basketball or to hit a tiny white ball into a little cup many hundreds of meters away. There is a lot of math involved. Even though you or I cannot and are not even aware of the complexities of moving our bodies to do a thing in a timely manor. We can still do it. Some of you may have even failed general math and yet can do some very athletic feats. How can this be? I have no idea.
This is directly related to those psychological elements within all of us. To each of us those psychological elements are in varying degrees. I've written these formulas before.
Life= Law, Love, Peace, Harmony.
Death= Lawlessness, Hate, Conflict/war, Chaos.
These are the basic and most fundamental of elements within each of us. There are many more of these elements but of lesser importance than these listed. All of the positive elements would be assigned within the Life grouping. While all of the negative elements would be assigned to the Death grouping.
Please forgive me with my improper math terminology. As I'm one of those who has failed general math in their youth. This is just the best I can do. So please forgive me. If you exactly see this. Then it may be for you to explain it better than I can. I hope you do. Then i can learn from you. Kewl.
If God can completely erase/delete the common language of all of the surviving people of the great flood. These are those same disobedient people who tried to build the Tower of babel Then God separating them all into their own groupings and put/downloaded into them new and different languages. Thus confusing them all from one to another. Thus most likely the beginning of the racism lies. (This is not about racism).
Then God caused either total insanity or actually altered the DNA of King Nebuchadnezzar in the Book of Daniel into some kind of bird type creature for 7 years. I think it was both. Not an either or.
God can also take a persons will or free choice away. This is usually a part of the individuals judgement. For instance. The man god pharaoh who refused to listen to Moses. God purposefully hardened the heart of pharaoh a couple of times. To ensure that all in Egypt would know that the Lord destroyed them all. Can you imagine that. That God can alter your mind without you ever being aware.
Those are 3 examples of how can can do his will and alter anyone as He sees fit.
If God can do all of these things and more as listed above. Then what is one way that God can take peace away from the Earth. One way is by removing the concept or the ability to choose peace within each human being. As a judgement for all of humanity who when most of us had free will and we still choose conflict or war or argument. So God sends his Red Horse to take away peace. Thus it is humanity who does all of the war, fighting, killing and murder. This is because humanity can do nothing else but to fight, war, conflict, kill, murder.
This should all begin with the worlds leaders. You shall begin to see how they all thirst for war and conquest. Peace will not be within them. This will be easy to see from their actions and through their plans. Do the research for yourself. Which leaders of which nations are preparing for war by building war machines and up grading their war machines? Eventually, They will all decide that they must fight or be destroyed themselves. The question will be who will jump the gun first. If the red horse has or is riding now. The worlds leaders will be the first to lose their ability to exercise free will in regards to peace or war. They will only see war with no option for peace. This will be a lie they tell themselves and everyone else. For peace is not within them and has been removed. So none of they can choose peace. There shall only be war, death and destruction. Until all life is about to become extinct on this planet. Up until this point of all of my writing. I have always pushed for the hope of peace. That if everyone would just follow the formula in purple by their own free will. Life= Law, Love, Peace, Harmony. Not because they have to but because it is the right and most true thing to do. Not because of any fears, threats or intimidation's. But because we all want a life worth living. Freedom is restrictive and not all encompassing. You cannot expect a positive life by always thinking negative. You cannot have any life when your whole thinking process is in the formula for death. You cannot expect a healthy life when you do drugs, drink and have an immoral sex life. You cannot expect to have a free life when your always breaking the laws. Having a happy life means you do not create drama or become entangled within it.
So what can you do? Get right with God and heed his direct instructions to you. Know that if you do become a devout follower, you become righteous and holy as seen by only God. Then you will most likely become martyred. So let your call for God be upon your last breath. This is prophecy.
Avoid any and all religions and churches who have become absent of the Laws of God. For you to even be a member of such a religion or church. Makes you in agreement of those sins in which they have brought into their holy places. What is that called in prophecy? Abomination of Desolation

 At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something. Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Nothing Line: Mixing Elements: (Unedited): 01 Nov 2014:

The line between right and wrong, good and bad, Holy and evil can never disappear into nothingness.  
The human mind is currently a weak thing even though it is considered the most marvelous thing of biological calculating machinery seen today. The human mind can change and alter it's own internal programming. By simple selfish choice or even by circumstance. Sometimes a fundamental change can happen which is beyond any explanation. No matter how much education you have and from which ever prestigious University.
Even the theologian can know so much about their own chosen religion. That the Divine Holiness of their religion knows them not. This is because they have not perceived the line even though they know all about the line.
Some theologians and even those men/women of holiness as defined and awarded by various religions and institutions may know of the line and yet are so blinded by the life of their own successes that they lead many into hatred, death, chaos and war. Which is completely against the teachings of the Holy One who is above all. Yet, they study this one being and yet they fall victim to the directives and teachings of those fallen ones. The line yet still remains. Even those fallen angels know exactly where the line is and where their own lines are. They do not cross it or them. This is not because they cannot logically do so. It is purely out of fear that they do not.
Where as for all of humanity.  We can and do cross the lines and any other line as we will it. By doing so is going to lead to our eventual extinction on a global scale. But, for the individual, extinction of the self, of family is more of a certain result. Which can be seen in the family history of each family.
God may by divine grace saves one lonely boy child and then saves another girl child. Then create many circumstance in order for the each of them to fall in love. To re-create the family in which HE intended. This is how the remnant works. It can even happen at a point when the boy child is destructive and apathetic and the girl child is worldly. Then deep within each of them begins the journey on the path to holiness. A new family is reborn out of two families which are on the ending road. They are the remnant. Their children are the new beginnings. While the parents must endure the end of it all. The end of it all in accordance to this physicality. Spiritually however is yet another story. Oh. I was talking about lines. Can you see the line between life and death and the subtlety of it? The dyeing family only exist within the sin of the world system of freedom. While not even aware of just how close they are from the ending of their family. They continue on with their lives of ever lasting drama. Until, the loss of sons, the loss of name and the loss of memory that your people ever existed.
The human being can become blinded by the obscurity of circumstance that no line is actually there. Over time forgetting that any line was ever there. It is of no matter how the line or lines of life seems to disappear. There are many more lines than in my simple quote. Such as in the logical formula in which I've written about many times.
Love Peace Harmony = Life
-------------------------------------                 (The dotted line is supposed to be a solid line.)
Hate War Chaos        = Death  

Mixing Elements: (Unedited): 01 Nov 2014:
 You cannot have what is above, mixed with any element which is below. To do so ends with the final result. Below the line. 
A typical fallen angel philosophy is out of chaos comes peace. If you can create chaos out of peace and then step in to bring forth peace. You will be looked upon as a truly great man. This philosophy of the fallen angels never gets into the reality if you get caught. But, that is the point of these kinds of philosophies. Not getting caught and if you do lie, lie and lie so more. How many lines do you have to cross? More than I can even perceive. If you get away with it, then it is good. The truth is No it isn't good and never was good. It was only good for you. Which is the point of the matter. What is good for you?
The fallen angels and all of those associated with them. Only wants you and the rest of us dead. Which the more they deceive us, confuse us. The closer to death we all get. For them a thousand years is just but a day while a hundred years is just a life time for humans. So, these fallen angels can do as they do for a very long period of time over many human generations and just sit back and watch all of their own handiwork as humanity self destructs. Which is what they all want. All of the fallen ones cannot allow humanity evolve to the point that we become superior to any of them. Do you understand? Do you understand that there are a rather large number of fallen beings on this planet as you read this. A number far larger than the military term legions and each of them is far superior to any human being. If they were allowed. They could over take the entire population of this planets entire military in minutes. Yes, Minutes. There are that many of them. They they could re-establish all of their own goddoms as they had once done before. But, they are prevented in some way. Which seems to be unknown to the entire general public of humanity.
 New word alert. (goddoms). No capital letters is ever used.
Kingdoms is the same as goddoms. Except the rulers causes everyone to believe they are gods.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
  “Musings of an American Truck Driver”:


Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Stars Picket: (Unedited): 06 Jan 2013:

When gaining control and authority over any solar system. The stars must first be captured. A complete defensive picket must completely surround the stars. While incorporating aggressive attacking elements. Which can be semi-autonomously strike for a prescribed distance, hold for a time and then return to original set positions.  C.J.MacKechnie
To observe any star system which has inter stellar intelligent life. One must look for anomaly's in the polar orbits of the central star or binary systems at various distances. Any intelligent people who has control and authority over their solar system. Will have obvious and easy to observe platforms. Declaring we are here and this is ours.
In Binary systems. The greatest source of energy to be obtained is in the middle of the two stars. Depending of distance. If the binary is a stable system. In which there is minimal energy being robbed to the dominant star.

Civilizations which have conquered planet and star creation. Odd star systems should be seen. Meaning a central star and various other stars in stable equal orbits around the central star. Perfection and equality should be easily seen in these created solar systems. In the polar orbits of these systems. You may not see any defensive platforms. As any other lesser civilizations will know the system by simple observation and not approach unless accepted by that civilization.

Any civilization which has not conquered the ability to control the programmable intelligence within atomic structures. Will have a need for resource acquisition from planetary bodies and stars. Even if they pretend to be God like. Which they will not be gods. So, when a greater civilization contacts a lesser civilization. They begin to make trades for resources or for genetic knowledge. However that occurs. They are not as superior as they make themselves out to be. Be warned of contaminated gifts. Such as medicines, sciences and technologies. Each one begins an addiction of helpless behaviors without them.
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