Showing posts with label Internal. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Internal. Show all posts

Friday, December 22, 2017

Self Defined Limits: (Unedited): 20 Dec 2017:

The limits we think we have are often times those internal self deceptions which are only revealed when we have exceeded everything beyond our own belief system. Often times this happens not by a desirable choice.
If you ask people who survived horrific events in their lives and have come out of them. You may just find if you inquire or they volunteer the information. That they once thought they were never strong enough and yet they did and are now certainly stronger. These unfortunate and undesirable events are never welcomed or even asked for. As we pray in our own way to be protected from and to be saved from these crucibles in life. Yet, without them we never ever fully know exactly what we are truly capable of. Sometimes even a self fear can grow from this realization. That self fear can either be healthy or very negative for you. From now on it will always be how you govern and restrain yourself in a healthy way.
For instance. I have met and have known of some very dangerous people. They often times present themselves as the nicest people in the world (they are) and you would never know that they could kill you a four or five different ways before you even hit the ground. Literally and that fast. That efficient and there would nothing you could do to stop them or slow them down in any way. But, once they step into the ring or on the battlefield or in the hood with their badge. Their demeanor changes.

 To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Sunday, January 8, 2017

Focused Decision Heart: (Unedited): 06 January 2017:

When your focus of decision and of emotion is that of expressing as a physical act mercy, kindness, compassion. Providing for a person who is thirsty or cold or hungry or sick or some other need. These things are good and should come from the depths of your love for your brother and sister and who is your brother and sister. All of humanity. or your inner focus can be based on distrust and hatred for them and those who do not appear as you do. from this distrust and hatred leads to anger, accusations, taunting and violence and then to destruction, death and suffering. The good and bad thinking and the good and bad emotions. Do lead to actions which will have corresponding outcomes.
The internal battle of love and hate, peace and conflict, harmony and chaos, law and lawlessness, life and death. All of these choices are within each of us every second of everyday for as long as we can breathe the clean air, drink the clear water and eat wholesome food as it was all intended for us from the beginning. If that which we take into our bodies is pure, clean and un-corrupted. We all shall have a continuous opportunity to be healthy and strong to do what is right and true. For what is right and true is always right and true.
These two were written for Shiye Bidziil. 
To his posting of a quote: Beware of perpetrators in disguise... Some people set fires wherever they go, and have mastered the art of the burn victim. Steve maraboli. 
It is important for each of us to know that we each can be a positive influence or mentor to anyone else. If only we each of 7+ billion inhabitants of this one little blue marble floating in the heavens of this universe, would just freely do so. All aspects of life on this planet would improve for the benefit of everyone. If all of the common people would just refuse to go to war and to refuse all manor of violent acts. The entire world would become a peaceful place. There would be no one to shoot a gun in anger or defense. There would be no one to man the war ships and boats of the world. There would be no one to pilot any war plane to fire missiles or drop bombs. War horses would be used to plow fields and swords reforged into peaceful machines or tools. 
For I tell you the truth. There will be that last drop of blood spilled in anger against that last chosen innocent soul onto the soil and that will begin the extinction process on this entire planet. No one will be saved. Not even those in their deep underground bomb shelters. For they to will not survive. For their shelters for their own personal safety built off of the backs whom they would sacrifice as worthless citizens. Those places shall become their coffins. 
Ripple Awareness:(Unedited): 04 Sept 2017:
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Monday, January 18, 2016

Spiritual Love @ 6: (Unedited): 15 Jan 2016:

It is not impossible to love God whom we naturally perceive as absent and yet who is ever present.
C.J. MacKechnie
We are tied into our physical and mental worlds. All that we naturally think we are is wrapped in the incoming information of our external senses from our eyes, ears, skin and nose. Then through the creativity of our own minds. We can create whole new worlds, universes, existences and even new identities.
To further our separation from knowing our true selves (Spirit) and from God. We delve into external fantasies through media. Such as books, music, shows, internet, Television and etc. This continued separation is far worse than the minutes our hours spent engaged in the media of our choosing. Because, our minds are very susceptible to reprogramming or brain washing. Most of humanity isn't even aware of just how easy it is to alter their own way of thinking. So when you listen to that awful music which is deemed ultra cool by the culture you live in. You automatically assume there is no harm to you. But, there is and it is very subtle. The key to the severity of the harm is in the repetition and it your active participation in the content.
Other subtle ways to transform a mind away from your internal spirit and from reconnecting with God. Is to really like music, shows, characters and to only find out that they are very offensive people in their real truthful lives. Then deciding it is OK because you like the character or show they are acting in.
Even to the degree. Where your pastor of a religious church comes out as gay. Yet you remain present in that church and or religion. Yet you continue to attend your religion even though they have decided to accept all into their clergy even those actively engaged in sinful lifestyles.
You cannot ever approach God when there is sin in your life accepted and addicted sins of any kind.
It doesn't matter if the government has legalized sin. in which if your religion and government has legalized and accepted any kind of sin. Then it is they who has separated themselves from God. If you continue to participate within their accepted sin. Then you shall also be separated from God. No matter how much you want the connection. Through your continued participation. You shall share in the consequences of allowing the abomination of desolation into your holy place(s).  You shall become like one of the fallen angels, religions, churches and countries and human beings.
Through quietening of our own external world and our own internal mind. Can we then reacquaint our physical self with our true spiritual being. Then from there reach out to touch God. 
To disconnect yourself from both the outside world and the running's of your own out of control internal thinking processes. Has to be a choice of yours. Do you really want to disconnect from all of those entertaining outside influences? Do you really want to have control over the absolute free flow of thoughts? Do you want to acquaint yourself with your true self? Do you want to reacquaint yourself with God? These two things are your first choices to make? The simple or not so simple method of meditating helps and assists you to gain control over your own mind. Turning off the media devices and spending some very quiet alone time is the other.
For many humans beings they have already been self conditioned to automatically turn on the cell phone, computer device, television, radio. To be ever surrounded with noise. All of these sounds only distract you away from the truth. The truth of who you are supposed to be. A child of God with full awareness of your own true state of being. As defined by God and not by the rulers of the world. The rulers cannot control you or have any real authority over you if you are governed directly by God. You become a free being who loves everyone, who lives in peace with all, who exists in harmony with all that surrounds them and who cherishes all life.
But before you can reconnect with God. You must first begin to live your life in righteousness and holiness as directly seen and known by God.
When you are finally are able to truly reach out to God. Do not be surprised to discover. That you have always been in His loving hand.
After much time praying, meditating and contemplating those things of God and of quietness. After, you have eliminated all of the sins from your life. After, you have begun to live your outward life with love, Peace and harmony. This is not by duty or because you have to in order to prove it. This is an out expression of who you are and what you have become. This is the evidence of your life's journey so far. Which can only be seen and judged by God. Then is when wonderful things shall happen in it's time.
From your love for God can you begin to discover the true nature of God and just how overwhelmingly wonderful God truly is.
For you to discover. I find that these things are defined by the individual person. Which cannot be proven by any physical means or even expressed by any human means. To express the wonders of God is impossible for the human mind and physical body to fathom. let alone express. This is something in which you have to seek out for yourself. This is your journey which is only for you as we all are individual living beings who cannot share directly with any other. We are just not made that way. We can communicate to the best we can. But, that will always be lacking to some degree. 
The true outward expression of love is absent of pride, ego and arrogance.
The person who has made contact with their true self and have made contact into the spirit. Maybe, even contact with God. These people will be humbled of actions, drives and thoughts. Both inward and outwardly. Pride, ego and arrogance is evidence of the worlds control over their mind and body. 
Compassion and mercy coupled with pride and ego is evidence of heartlessness. No matter the degree of do-gooding. 
 How many corporate officers or corporate employees do you know of who have much pride and ego. I have met many who walk as if you approach them they automatically know you are not worthy of their presence or time. Even in those organizations where doing good is the business of daily life. Yes, in deed they do good daily and help other they do daily.
Even a heartless person or even a team of heartless people can do the business of doing good for the community. But, in the end for these heartless souls. it only matter what they can get out of it. While at the same time keeping those below them from gaining in any way.
In the corporate business of doing good. Your payroll is set at a certain percentage of cash flow. The only way to gain more for yourself is to control all aspects of total expenses. This also includes payroll. So by keeping your employees so poor that they must depend on government welfare in order to survive. All in the name of more money for you. Well, that is just heartless and inhumane.
To love one another.
To live in peace.
To exist in harmony.
To cherish/respect life. 
To obey/honor the Laws of God.
To become the holy and righteous people as The Heavenly Father intended us all to be.
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Manifested Curses: Eliminate Curses: (Unedited): 29 Oct 2015:

Curses are very real in your reality. They are all of those bad and sad things in which you have wholly agreed with. Which means all of your internal negativity has expressed themselves into all of your outward manifestations of actual curses. 
Eliminate Curses: (Unedited): 29 Oct 2015: 
Absolute rejection of all negativity and of all sin, Is the best way to eliminate the curses which have manifested into your daily life.  
By having negative people in or near your life has an affect of increasing the negative burdens of whole life upon you.
All of the curses you think you have will also manifest themselves into your reality. It is you who has given the power of curses over your life. 
Godly Curses
Outside influence curses.
Sinful curses applies to everyone. It matters not if you believe or not in the curses of sin.
You do not need a psychic for curse removal.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Friday, June 19, 2015

Divine Connections: (Unedited): 19 June 2015:

Obtaining physical connections to the Divine is not the same as creating within yourself internal spiritual connections with the Divine.
 There is power in those divine and holy things in which we have in our possession/ownership. There is power in those divine and holy places all over the world.
All of these divine and holy things and places should be revered/respected/honored. But, only to a point. The point should be where one or many cross a line and become hateful, angry, chaotic, murderous and destructive. As well as any other describing word which ends in any harm or suffering or even perpetuates all negative thinking and feelings.
In the physical sense they are only important to the physical person. In regards to their physical, emotional and logical aspect of their being.
But more importantly. Those holy things and places are not important at all. Because, they are all only made up of physical properties and that is all they shall ever be. Is there some kind of special or spiritual energy which has been given to these holy relics and places? Absolutely. But, again. They are only made up of those physical things which shall always be physical. Is there some kind of spiritual energy in various forms of rocks and crystals? Yes there is. Are they important?  Yes they are. But, again I must tell you they are all made up of physical properties and shall never become anything more than they are now.
Here is what is truly important. All of the holy things come from very select holy places in which there are no holy borders or holy property lines. national interests or a waters edge does not create a limitation to a holy site. For I tell you the truth. The ancient holy sites of the Hopi, Christian, Islam, Hindu, and every other place all belongs to one single holy place. This entire planet is a holy place and so to this entire solar system and so to this entire galaxy and so on. Because, It was all created by the Holy Hands of The Most Divine Creator. So all that The Creator has made is Holy. Including you. Which brings me to the next and most important of all of these points.
None of those places or things are important at all. You are what is important. Your own self created spiritual connection to the Holy Creator. This begins with with genuine repentance of every sin. Not just asking for forgiveness but declaring that you are sorry for doing such things and then praying for those whom you have harmed. This is followed closely by reverence to those things in which the creator wants each of us to learn and how to live our lives by His Laws. All with our free will and by our free choice. All without fears, intimidation's and/or threat's. Make it your mission to become sinless by your own free choice and then go forth and sin no more.
Through these things that we each genuinely do and practice daily. Shall we each be able to achieve a state of righteousness and holiness as defined and accepted by the Divine Creator.
In this way we all shall become a singular family of human beings who have become holy in the eyes of God.
Love, Peace and Harmony shall all be freely expressed not because they are absolute laws but because it is right and that our creator desires that we all love one another, Live in peace with everyone and exist in harmony with all.
 At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Nothing Line: Mixing Elements: (Unedited): 01 Nov 2014:

The line between right and wrong, good and bad, Holy and evil can never disappear into nothingness.  
The human mind is currently a weak thing even though it is considered the most marvelous thing of biological calculating machinery seen today. The human mind can change and alter it's own internal programming. By simple selfish choice or even by circumstance. Sometimes a fundamental change can happen which is beyond any explanation. No matter how much education you have and from which ever prestigious University.
Even the theologian can know so much about their own chosen religion. That the Divine Holiness of their religion knows them not. This is because they have not perceived the line even though they know all about the line.
Some theologians and even those men/women of holiness as defined and awarded by various religions and institutions may know of the line and yet are so blinded by the life of their own successes that they lead many into hatred, death, chaos and war. Which is completely against the teachings of the Holy One who is above all. Yet, they study this one being and yet they fall victim to the directives and teachings of those fallen ones. The line yet still remains. Even those fallen angels know exactly where the line is and where their own lines are. They do not cross it or them. This is not because they cannot logically do so. It is purely out of fear that they do not.
Where as for all of humanity.  We can and do cross the lines and any other line as we will it. By doing so is going to lead to our eventual extinction on a global scale. But, for the individual, extinction of the self, of family is more of a certain result. Which can be seen in the family history of each family.
God may by divine grace saves one lonely boy child and then saves another girl child. Then create many circumstance in order for the each of them to fall in love. To re-create the family in which HE intended. This is how the remnant works. It can even happen at a point when the boy child is destructive and apathetic and the girl child is worldly. Then deep within each of them begins the journey on the path to holiness. A new family is reborn out of two families which are on the ending road. They are the remnant. Their children are the new beginnings. While the parents must endure the end of it all. The end of it all in accordance to this physicality. Spiritually however is yet another story. Oh. I was talking about lines. Can you see the line between life and death and the subtlety of it? The dyeing family only exist within the sin of the world system of freedom. While not even aware of just how close they are from the ending of their family. They continue on with their lives of ever lasting drama. Until, the loss of sons, the loss of name and the loss of memory that your people ever existed.
The human being can become blinded by the obscurity of circumstance that no line is actually there. Over time forgetting that any line was ever there. It is of no matter how the line or lines of life seems to disappear. There are many more lines than in my simple quote. Such as in the logical formula in which I've written about many times.
Love Peace Harmony = Life
-------------------------------------                 (The dotted line is supposed to be a solid line.)
Hate War Chaos        = Death  

Mixing Elements: (Unedited): 01 Nov 2014:
 You cannot have what is above, mixed with any element which is below. To do so ends with the final result. Below the line. 
A typical fallen angel philosophy is out of chaos comes peace. If you can create chaos out of peace and then step in to bring forth peace. You will be looked upon as a truly great man. This philosophy of the fallen angels never gets into the reality if you get caught. But, that is the point of these kinds of philosophies. Not getting caught and if you do lie, lie and lie so more. How many lines do you have to cross? More than I can even perceive. If you get away with it, then it is good. The truth is No it isn't good and never was good. It was only good for you. Which is the point of the matter. What is good for you?
The fallen angels and all of those associated with them. Only wants you and the rest of us dead. Which the more they deceive us, confuse us. The closer to death we all get. For them a thousand years is just but a day while a hundred years is just a life time for humans. So, these fallen angels can do as they do for a very long period of time over many human generations and just sit back and watch all of their own handiwork as humanity self destructs. Which is what they all want. All of the fallen ones cannot allow humanity evolve to the point that we become superior to any of them. Do you understand? Do you understand that there are a rather large number of fallen beings on this planet as you read this. A number far larger than the military term legions and each of them is far superior to any human being. If they were allowed. They could over take the entire population of this planets entire military in minutes. Yes, Minutes. There are that many of them. They they could re-establish all of their own goddoms as they had once done before. But, they are prevented in some way. Which seems to be unknown to the entire general public of humanity.
 New word alert. (goddoms). No capital letters is ever used.
Kingdoms is the same as goddoms. Except the rulers causes everyone to believe they are gods.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
  “Musings of an American Truck Driver”:


Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Love Essence: Love Happiness: Love Movement: Butterfly Love: (Unedited): 02 Sept 2014:

Love essence
Love freely given is the true essence of love expressed.  C.J.MacKechnie

Love Happiness
Love freely Expressed leads to internal happiness realized. C.J.MacKechnie

Where is your love and happiness? is it over there or under here? Can it be in this city or that? Maybe someone has taken your love and happiness. Maybe your love and happiness is lost within the sands of time.
Your love and happiness is no where to be found. You have searched, you have wanted, you have prayed and yet love and happiness has always been so elusive for you. Why, Why I cannot be loved or happy as you have cried many nights alone? Because, the deepest love and happiness you need and deserve is and always has been deep within your own heart.

Love and Happiness has a cost to it. To love without any expectancy of loves returned. Love freely given is the true essence of love expressed.
If you always say and think that Love can't, Love won't, Love hasn't and Love don't. This is and has become your truth and you become your final and most essential reason as to why your love and you happiness has been experienced. It won't matter how many tears you have shed in the loneliness of your lonely places.
For you to taste or to even know happiness, You should express love without any movement of your lips. 
You already know the liars and their movements of their lips. Often times if not many more than that the spoken words of loves promises has always been absent of substance. Love expressed has much substance while love spoken into the air is most times lighter than the air and floats away.
Butterfly Love
Love freely expressed stretches out the butterfly wings of your heart. The joy of loves free flight becomes experienced. Happiness truly begins. 
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Monday, March 18, 2013

Letting Go Empath: (Unedited): 18 March 2013:

Let go of those emotions which has no logical content, before you create them from memory. Let go of those emotions which were never yours to begin with. Let go of the memories of other peoples hurts and torments. Let go of those fears and anxieties which may grow within you and cause you to avoid human contact. Let go of those internal uncontrolled feelings of being cursed by this great empathic blessing. Let go of your own history of faults and failures. Let go of those feelings of being overwhelmed and over powered. Let go of being owned and controlled by your empathic gift. Letting go of the negativity has always been your choice. Just as embracing the positive feelings of others is a very relevant side to being an empath. Letting go of the undesirable will leave an empty space within you, which is to be filled with that which you deem desirable. C.J.MacKechnie