Showing posts with label Belief System. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Belief System. Show all posts

Monday, October 22, 2018

Chinese Integrity Honor: (Unedited): 22 Oct 2018:

For the last few day I've been thinking about the corporate nature of China. More specifically how the Chinese will begin to fill more and more of their own trusted people in positions of all levels of management. There is an evident key reason why. Honor and integrity of the American worker or the lack of honor and integrity. This will be focused around those atheists who have no belief systems or morality than what they each define it as in relation to the self. A person who is only self governing cannot be trusted to speak the truth or act in an honorable manner in relation to anyone. For these people have become only self serving even at the corporate levels attained. Not even what is in the best interest of a specific corporation to them matters. What only matters is what they get for themselves no matter what. Even through legal deception these kinds of self serving people will find profit for themselves even if the entire corporation becomes bankrupt. For the self serving corporate people profiting from a caused corporate bankruptcy is still a big paycheck for them. Even though the traditionalist who regard honor with any kind of weight. Will easily see the corporate officers self serving actions as traitorous and dishonorable. What do you expect when the idea of the words honor and integrity are absent from these self serving people's daily thinking processes. It isn't just about how those good words are absent from the self serving persons mind it is absent from their heart.
This is prophecy. When will it occur and has it already occured? I know not. For that is not my world of the corporate life. Nor do I know any corporate officers. 2022 or the 2029 events are coming and maybe in the aftermath of the 2022 or 2029 events will cause China to take the necessary actions to preserve their corporate ownership in foreign entities in foreign lands such as the USA. The USA has fallen morally. When any great people abandon their morality compass. Integrity and honor will become those first traits to sink into the cold dark abyss to be forgotten. The American leaders of today have forgotten. Even though by their words they may speak the answer you want to hear. In their hearts and in their actions no evidence of importance can be seen.
China may also see the replacing of their American and European corporate officers as a huge cost saving measure. China may begin to set pay and benefit limits on corporate officers in order to bring disparity down to a perceived honorable level. As quick as the sword swings so to will the ouster of corporate officers as well as other high level management people. All to be replaced with already groomed, highly motivated and highly educated Chinese people. The coming Chinese professionals will even speak better english than most highly educated Americans.
Once corporate stability is seen at every level. All of that wealth gained will be perpetually transferred to mainland China. Which it should it is their money. The corporate officers may even manage from mainland China. Then only travel to the USA when something has become problematic or needs celebrating.
The old names and families associated with wealth they to will become empty shadows of once they once were. Even new wealth like Bill Gates will lose 90% of his income. New operating systems and technologies are coming. They will be ground up builds designed and modularized for the new generations of processors coming. Each new computer will have its own AI identity, AI security identity and other things which is beyond my conceptionality. Each home computer, laptop, TV and tablet will have their own AI identities and belong to the home hierarchy of authority and the home systems will belong to  a greater hierarchy. I think this is already true but it is beyond this janitor to understand them. A level of elegance is achieved. Sort of like seeing mandelbrots growing in the trees. It is beautiful and logical all at once. The logic of life.
The 2022 and 2029 events may just focus on the Chinese economy. The Chinese leadership will want to assign blame for the losses. They will not understand but will look across the sea and blame the USA and Europe. The Chinese leadership will then make decisions to protect themselves and their wholly owned assets. By putting into place their own people who will oversee those assets which was entrusted to the local experts. This will be quietly and quickly done. In a few cases apparent suicides will only appear to be suicides. Especially when their sins or dishonor to their own family is revealed. Those sins and dishonors of every corporate officer will be nationally televised. Thus, those in China who have actually decided for a murder to appear to be a simple suicide will have zero blame come their way.
Always remember once a prophecy is revealed everything can change, everything can be mitigated and everything can be prevented. Especially when associated with the decisions made by human beings.
It does need to be noted that truly self serving people who are only governed by their own hearts and minds. Who have no belief system and no moral compass. These people only see their actions as getting caught or not and then plan on how not to get caught again. While lying and deceiving their living family members into thinking and believing the lies they hear. The self serving people may not seek suicide as it is not self serving. For they are their own gods who make up their own rules and if they lose their families they will start new ones. As has been happening in the USA for many decades now.
Yes, I have written about this prophecy before.
Added on 04 Feb 2019: Basic Chinese historical understanding. Coffee required. 7 minute read. Days if you go deeper.
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Friday, December 22, 2017

Self Defined Limits: (Unedited): 20 Dec 2017:

The limits we think we have are often times those internal self deceptions which are only revealed when we have exceeded everything beyond our own belief system. Often times this happens not by a desirable choice.
If you ask people who survived horrific events in their lives and have come out of them. You may just find if you inquire or they volunteer the information. That they once thought they were never strong enough and yet they did and are now certainly stronger. These unfortunate and undesirable events are never welcomed or even asked for. As we pray in our own way to be protected from and to be saved from these crucibles in life. Yet, without them we never ever fully know exactly what we are truly capable of. Sometimes even a self fear can grow from this realization. That self fear can either be healthy or very negative for you. From now on it will always be how you govern and restrain yourself in a healthy way.
For instance. I have met and have known of some very dangerous people. They often times present themselves as the nicest people in the world (they are) and you would never know that they could kill you a four or five different ways before you even hit the ground. Literally and that fast. That efficient and there would nothing you could do to stop them or slow them down in any way. But, once they step into the ring or on the battlefield or in the hood with their badge. Their demeanor changes.

 To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Frozen Hearted Seductress: (Unedited): 27 March 2014:

There is no right or wrong for the frozen hearted seductress. 
We saw the movie frozen. The messages are alarming for me. Especially, when children view the powerful sorceress and her song of freedom from all that bound her. Even the belief of right and wrong. Which is easily confused with fear.
From one parents imposed prison cell the sorceress queen creates another prison cell of ice fractals for herself.
A person must always be aware of giving up one false belief system which imprisoned you for another false belief system which creates a different kind of prison. Even though the prisons are different. You still become caged and your freedom is all but an illusion, The new false belief system may also include those who wish to destroy you.
Love. The differences of love upon us all. The love we freely give and the love we receive without ever asking for it. There is your true belief system which is not false. Love one another. To continue to love one another even though there has been long term neglect or abuse. Christians should learn this in their personal actions of their daily lives.
-----------------------------------------------off topic-----------------
Just as there are not 500,000 good christian families who are willing to take in children who have survived abuse and torture at the hands of those they have called family. This is truth. Every year in your state. Foster kids go missing. Every year a foster kid dies and no one will remember them. In Florida the questionable death of children is called an archeological dig instead of a murder investigation.
Added on 28 March 2014:
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Friday, May 3, 2013

Truth Changes: (Unedited): 03 May 2013:

Fundamental Changes in life occur when you are a witness to an undeniable truth. In which you conclude action by you is necessary. C.J.MacKechnie
False Beliefs and false truths can bring contentment, comfort and predictability.  Once you are confronted with something which has never been a part of your core belief system. You are fundamentally forced to ascertain all of the levels of wisdom, Knowledge and understanding.
Will you take action to correct a wrong or an injustice?
Will you just declare :Not my problem" and walk away?
Will you just think "someone else will solve the problem"? after all that's why we have a government.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Ridiculous Reflection: (Unedited): 20 Oct 2012:

In the reflection of any lie and deception, can be seen the ridiculousness of  logic.
Version 2: 21 Oct 2012:
 In the reflection of any lie and deception, can be seen the ridiculousness of subjective logic.
I've been thinking about the lie of racism and the psychological effects of groupings of people in one thing or another. I would suppose that humans who decide to belong to any group based on the color of their skin or their ethnic origins. Would become offended and very protective of that particular group in which they have decided to be a part of.  Even if they think they did not have a choice in any particular racial grouping simply because of their skin tone, body shape or place of birth. The facts presented may even be absolutely rejected as heresy.
Think about it, at one time all of humanity was a singular race of humanity. Then for whatever reason GOD held back humanity by only confusing our single language of one into many. Thus, humanity was then divided by only language.
The races of humanity began to occur. I believe this is a lie and deception of those who wanted to be leaders, royals and dictators. By language the new human groupings began to separate and isolate themselves from one another.  Then the human leaders, royals and dictators began to develop more ways to separate and isolate themselves from other human groupings. I believe all of these new human groupings were based upon some old leaders selfish desires to rule, to control, to have power and to have authority. The essential fact is, the power and authority of any leader is their ability to exert their desired control over any willing population. All of the common people is the only source of real power for any man/woman who can collect it. As history is told by the victors, some leader has lied and deceived their population into blindly following. Research Nazi Germany of WW2.  The common people of each human grouping assumed wrongly that those old and today's new leaders have the correct answers. They do not now and did not then. The leaders, royals and dictators only expanded and expounded on the lies of old for their own benefit, expansion and profit. Thus, over the millennium it is assumed that the term race as it is defined in Wikipedia is true without question. What happens when the teachers and professors of higher learning believe in a lie and a deception as truth? It is still a lie.  
Here is the evidence of a lie. Within Wikipedia is a illogical reflection of the lie told and a lie which has been expanded. The lie that their are many races of humanity also includes "Culture";
Which would mean that those persons who are christian are a different race than those who are Islamic. Those who are religious are a different race than those who are not religious. A belief system is a racial difference. The farmer is a different race than the city person. The tribes and clans of family units or organization is a different race from one another. Even if they live only a few miles or Km's apart. How can this be factually true and correct?
Here is the evidence of a lie. "Language". Ive already covered that lie. A person who learns more than one language is now multiracial and thus impure by the definition of certain racial groups.
Here is the evidence of a lie. "Social Status". That's right look it up. Your social status is a race. Which means you can evolve into a better race of human or devolve into a worse race of humanity. Get mad at my wording if you like. If your fortunate enough to uprate your lifestyle into a bigger, richer and better neighborhood. You change your race as defined by those people way smarter than me. If an unfortunate circumstance occurs to you and your family. You change your race yet again into something lower and worser. (Yep, Worser is a word for someone who is uneducated, like me.).
Here is the evidence of a lie.  "Skin tone or skin color". Research this organ. That's right, your skin is only an organ. Just as is your spleen, Gall bladder and tonsils. So, why is it we do not judge the race of a man based on their ability to drink alcohol as defined by their own liver? Or a race based on any other organ in the body. For deeper research done by you. Find the percentage of importance of the color of the skin in over all importance of all of the duties of the skin organ.
Today and right now those persons who have involved themselves in the definition of human classification. Did not with absolute certainty define the human race or races. They only confused this definition with subjective and illogical thinking. A human persons belief system, cultural lifestyle, language is not factual evidence of a race. A person who has multiple ethnic parentage, who knows many languages, who has become educated, who is financially well off and who believes in a GOD is not multiracial. They are merely more human.
The human genome project was completed in 2000. Watch and listen to the Former president Bill Clinton. From about 8 minutes and 50 seconds all the way to the introduction of the European leader.
More than 99.9% of all of our DNA is identical from one another.
The absolute and logical fact is that we are all of a singular family of human beings. The Adam and Eve origin story as orally told by many cultures and peoples.
The subjective thinking as has been applied to the modern day thinking of what race and racism means is just that subjective and not based in any way on facts, logic or even systematic reason.
Morgan Freemans Through the Wormhole- " Is there a superior race?"