Showing posts with label Corporation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Corporation. Show all posts

Sunday, August 13, 2023

The Voice For The Refusal to Play Anymore? +34: (Unedited): 12-15 Aug 2023:

15 Aug 2023: Minor edits and additions. 
Copy and past links is for your safety and security.
All attention goes to the musical artist for his music. 
Oliver Anthony.
I'm not one to jump on any bandwagons. But, I just heard a song and apparently many people are responding to it. Sometimes in history, there is the song of the times. Could this be that song and can the artist be that voice? Could this be the song which leads people to decide that they are just not gonna play the game anymore. Especially, when the average hard working person/family have seen losses in their retirements and wealth in 2008, 2015, and 2020-2023-?2025+?. That is much losses for each investor in the last 15 years. Not to mention the changes in the rules on how to play the game. I have seen people who have worked hard to work themselves up the ladder of success and then from 2008-2015 in order to achieve any kind of management status you must have a college degree. Which means all of those guys who have dedicated themselves to the company were just abandoned and kicked to the curb. Sure they were given a couple of years to achieve the required degree. But, how does a forty year old go from minimal education to a college degree? You get it? right? So most of my low to mid level management friends were fired or laid off. Guess what their kids saw what happened and how their lives changed and now they are in their thirties and no longer have any intention to dedicate their lives to the company/corporation.
There is an over all picture to the musicians who bring their own musical puzzle piece and not know one another or even that they have only one piece of the puzzle.
Just as each artist shall bring their own puzzle piece. The question becomes how many artists does it take for the photo to be resolved?
This musical puzzle which only has a few revealed pieces will become a massive problem for the rich men north of Richmond. To the tune that they may cause an action which ends in our continued woes. 
Will the listening civilians begin to only do business within their own local markets as they completely abandon all major corporations and investments in their own personal effort to enrich their own lives. 
Note: Enrich does not mean money or wealth in this instance. 
Each person can kill off the new world wealth as they each create their own local micro economy with the people that they each know. While kicking to the curb the big out of town corporations which kicked their own parents to the curb not to long ago. 
For people like you and me do have the power to alter our individual local world for the better and we all together can even alter the puzzle picture even before it is fully revealed. That does require continuous never ending positive action on your part.
Is this song on the same level or a greater level than Charlie Daniels, Hank Williams Jr., Jason Aldean, Taylor Goyette and Tom MacDonald.  What is the core message of these songs? Why are these songs important right now and will the American citizen act upon them? How do songs change perceptions and lives of those who listen? These are just two songs which popped into my mind. Are there more songs which empower a soul or to open eyes to what is going on around them? Probably so. So what of a song from a formerly unknown agnostic artist Oliver Anthony, who has his own personal problems as we all have our own personal problems and belief systems. How does or will his song Rich Men North Of Richmond bring together all peoples to see the wrongs in society and will his song lead the way for a more positive change. In which Charlie Daniels, Hank Williams Jr. and any other artist songs have not made any kind of positive change. In which it can be easily seen that the changes in the American way of life has only gotten very worse. To the degree that no one really cares enough to force cruelties to children to be stopped. The American citizens can only shed a tear for missing and exploited children and then go on with their lives forgetting all about the tears shed. 
Note: Taylor Goyette song has not even dropped yet(18 Aug 2023).
I think I wrote somewhere at sometime how people will begin to just refuse to participate in society. You can see that evidence in the growth off grid people. 
No matter what I've written or where. I do not give permission for any violent actions. I do not suggest that any violent action is OK. If it seems that I have. You missing the point of the purple words below.
The reason why the young ones are no longer dedicated to the corporation is because they witnessed first hand what happened to their own parents. 
The reason why the young ones are no longer dedicated to the corporation is because they watched how all of the benefits of dedicating your entire life to one corporation ended with their grandparents. 
 There are reasons why many families have already begun to refuse to participate in an insane society. Many more families will also decide to refuse to participate in an insane society. Even if it is the USA and what America has become. 
Revealed to the power brokers in this time. The civilian population on both sides all know and soon fire, death and destruction may just come your way. Even your beloved military personnel, secret service, FBI and other protective services will use their own sidearms to extinguish the wicked darkness that each of you have brought into the land of the free. 
The people have all realized that the left and right wing are both of the same evil wicked bird. The next step for "We The People ..." is to decide how the bird will die. 
Note: It is a specific indigenous tribe who prophetically spoke of the left wing and the right wing are of the same bird. If you need to know you can research it for yourself. 
No matter what a person believes about themselves. They may think and believe themselves to be a person of honor. Even a wicked evil doer believes in their own titles and awards. 
A wicked evildoer thinks, believes and does what they do because they delusionally believe they are truthful, right and correct. 
A wicked evildoer will cause as much harm, suffering, destruction and death as possible and then justify it all and assign all blame to the actual good god fearing people.
The most harm you or society can cause a delusional and insane person to believe is that all of their false delusions are true, correct and real. 
The most harm any government can do to their own people is to teach their own children that the false delusions of the insane person are true, correct and real. Then encourage the children to decide for themselves who they are. 
Be warned of hearing songs which causes you an emotional response. For those songs can cause you to create even more violence and chaos in the world. 
In very few cases violence is the only answer. When reason and escape no longer is an option. Then a violent action is the only forced option and that is not the choice or decision of any honored or reasoned person. 
As the last country where freedom, human rights and liberty remain. Those who takes those things away will force violence upon a free loving people who do not want violence. Who only want to live their lives in peace and love. Yet, violence is what will happen once it is realized that there is no other place on Earth where there is freedom, human rights and liberty. 
The great poker players hold their cards tightly to their chest. Such it is with truly righteous honored men who must be led by evil wicked people. Those who stand pridefully above the laws of men and of God will be shocked by the heat of a fast draw as their lives quickly ends. 
A true righteous man of profound honor is disgusted by prideful fun bragging stories where rapes, tortures and murders happen as those men who continually do those wicked and evil deeds remain above the law. Soon an oiled bullet will quickly bring justice to those wicked evil doers who will then stand before God to be judged. 
Many of those who wear the same suits and carry the same customized guns have already lost their honor and sanity. Only the emptiness of wicked evil deeds remain in their memories. For all that is left for them is the emptiness of the mission and the excitement of the violent actions taken. For their souls and minds have been lost and yet can still all be found again. Hope remains and yet judgement can also await. 
Violent rebellion in the ranks will occur when reasoned men of honor become at odds with insane lost men who follow blindly orders simply because they must and to them personal honor no longer matters and haven't in some time. 
The insane lost men who mindlessly follow every order will get the jump on their once beloved brothers of honor as they kill them quickly and without thought or remorse. 
As the insane men who know not they have lost their souls and honor, kill their own righteous brothers. The bad men who lost their own minds will angrily blame their dying good brothers for making them kill the only good thing in their lives. 
The good righteous men who still hold on to their honor and sanity will leave their agencies, units, departments and go home to be surrounded by love, peace and harmony. Even if it means the losing of benefits and retirement. Some things in life is of more value.
You righteous agents and military people know who those skilled evil and wicked ones are whom you must work with. You need to know that they have already decided to kill you first and quickly when ordered to do so. Even though you have shared much off time together. Those wicked evil doers have it already decided. 
The wicked evil doers have lost so much that they only now see everyone and everything as some kind of threat which must be neutralized at some time. 
There is no justice for those above the law or those who are brutally subjugated by the law.  
There seems to be two forms of no justice. Those who are subjugated by the law, in which the law is not for them and those who are above the law, in which the law is not necessary for them. It is sort of like the new belief that We The People ... is not for all of mankind but only for those who rule. 
The law is not for those who are above the law. The law is for those who are one of the commoners. If your one of the commoners there is no justice for you either this is because those who are above the law must use every offending citizen as a public example of why you should be obedient. 
Once the idea that justice is no longer blind, fair or balanced. Then the citizens will begin to enforce the old Testament Laws of God. The right to sin will also mean you have the right to die in our small town.
Added on 14 Aug 2023:
Can a song from an obvious simple man like Oliver Anthony lead Americans to become a sober and sane nation?
The delusion that the alcohol and the drugs have been saving your mind or your soul has only been purely a deception. The only thing which can save your soul is Jesus Christ.
You listened, you watched, you felt. What good things are you going to continuously do now without cessation? Do not be the one with the one talent who hides and buries it.
Added on 16 Aug 2023: Warrior Poet Society YouTube channel. 
An Oliver Anthony explanation. I think spot on. 
Time 11:26:
Added on 28 Aug 2023:
The good for nothing good people who continually do nothing for the benefit of what is good seems to have already done all that they are willing to do such as like and share songs of their own perceived plight.
The good people know not how to be good. For being good requires a good heart and a good mind. But, also requires good action in which the good people seem to be absent of. 
As with times past. Do nothing good people will be abused, tortured and killed. Those who are not killed shall slavery be forced upon them. 
Please help if you can. Thank You.
Cash App $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.

Friday, January 13, 2023

The Normalicy Of Decadence, Corrruption And Mental Illness +22: (Unedited): 13 Jan 2023, Friday:

Corruption and treason at the highest levels has manifested and is now perpetuated with a sense of normalcy and expectancy. Because of this all aspects of corruption and treason will have already trickled down through the corporate ladders, educational institutions and all the normal citizen belief systems.
The right wing of the same bird has brought to this once land of the free trickle down economics. While the left wing of the same bird has brought to the once free citizens trickle down decadence.
The delusional and unquestioned belief in the validity of every lie will only further enslave the minds of the once free to the degree the delusional believer becomes the lie and cannot exist in aspect of truth. The delusional believer will then only violently act out against anyone and anything who professes any actual truth.
The proof of delusion must be proven in all aspects of education. To the degree of redefining what is good and normal in the established psychological standards and practices. Once established then the lies which become the foundation of mentally ill belief systems can be normalized in all of the citizenry.
Once the freedom to exercise your own self chosen identity is believed as something which is normal and genuine regardless of truth. The validity of your own self defined truth can become legally protected by the state. Then all citizens must become obedient to the newly established laws or become criminalized. 
The absolute freedom to become anything and everything you desire only leads to no awareness of actual loss of freedom as you choose actual mental enslavement for your life. Because, it is the mind which controls and mutilates the body into the believed mental image of the delusional mind.
Now that medical and psychological professionals can now profit from the surgical and chemical mutilation of the natural human form no matter the age of the patient without any fear of criminal intent or civil liabilities. The rise of these procedures and the developments of many more will become commonplace and become just like what ADHD is today. A permanent source of revenue.
What was once thought of as any kind of human atrocity will become naturally normalized in the minds of the common citizen. No longer will any kind of human atrocity be believed as evil or wrong to any degree. The normalizing will begin in the highly esteemed educational institutions. For it is they who shall create the proper training and preparation of those pure young children who are to be chosen to be the objects of control for the pedophiles. This shall become the how to manual on sacrificing of the innocence. 
Those children who are selected to go into the guidance of efficient people movers shall not be legally known as abducted, missing, exploited or stolen children. For those children will be known as owned legal commodities. They will not be looked on as criminals or even be defined as human traffickers. For the term human traffickers will be seen as a disparaging and racist description. Especially, if the children has profited from their personal activities in any way. Regardless if the human traffickers kill off and disappear the children once they become diseased, pregnant or problematic. 
The normalcy of mental illness means that those psychological professionals will aid you in your own delusional belief system. Then when you cannot live as you think and believe that you are. Then another professional will aid you in your own beautiful and painless professionally observed suicide.
The normalcy of corruption means those who are elected to serve shall all become more than billionaires without any public knowledge and awareness even though they only earn a few hundred thousand a year. Yet no one will ask questions or investigate any wrong doing. Yet, no one will admit guilt or to quit their office in dishonor.
When a corrupted individual is caught. That person will be seen as a heroic robin hood despite the fact there is no evidence of giving to the poor as the story was told. For they have done the math and are willing to sacrifice a few years in prison and still are able to recover the millions or billions of dollars hidden away beyond the laws of the land. 
The governmental culling of their populations shall begin with the old, weak, sickly. Which will evolve to the culling of the deformed, disabled and defective. Which will evolve into the genocidal culling of anyone who is against the prevailing belief system of the land, disobedient, religiously appalling, racially impure, racially rejected. No one will be the wiser. No one will question.
It is already known that humans below the ruling or governing class cannot be trusted. So the rise of a robotic military and police forces will rise. In the beginning these individualistic AI robots will be seen as the saviors of human lives as these new robots will go into place to dangerous for humans. Once these military and police robots are made in the many millions. They will execute all of their orders exactly and without fear, morality, mercy or compassion. Without questioning what is right or wrong. Without hesitation. 
This is the prophetic evolution of things to come. The degree to which the world becomes more and more disgusting is as the Christian prophecies state for as it was in the days of Noah so shall it be in those end of days (paraphrase). Not only will the end of the world systems occur but also the extinction of humanity except for those selected saved souls by God. Which may mean only about 144,000 humans will be saved while all others will either end in judgement or receive glorified bodies. It seems the closer we get to the actual end of humanity events. The less likely a rapture becomes. Because, why would God need to save the good people when He has glorified bodies for His own children? Wouldn't a rapture for His children be a wasted effort? Especially if our physical deaths release our true spiritual nature from the physical confinements? Then when you look at the history of how Jesus died, the apostles died, early Christians died and even modern day Christians are dying right now all around the world. Why would His children expect any different? Is the rapture a false teaching in Christianity as this would stop any Denomination, Church, Christian from properly preparing and organizing into Christian survival groups with their own established exclusive micro economies? and it has. 
The fate of Christians has already been prophesied in the Holy Bible and ignored. The fate of all Christians will be one of physical abuse, torture and death. 
The false half truth teaching of a Christian victory is a falsehood. Without ever mentioning that the Christians physically lose while only achieving victory through the actions of Jesus Christ alone. In other words the Christians are absolutely helpless in the face of a brutal world system to rise and it is already rising today. The physical fate of Christians will be like lambs sent to slaughter. The Christians will flee too and fore. The Christians will be cut down where ever they may go. 
Added on 14 Jan 2023:
The above the law normalcy originates and even extends beyond the government and into the corporate and religious sectors. Laws and rules are only for those who are deemed as less than. While leaders and managers in any capacity are worshiped as lords and gods.
Added on 15 Jan 2023: 
The corruption mindset can easily be seen in the corporate, educational and religious sectors where rules are established for all and yet those who are in authority or management can still do whatever they want despite the rules established. While still severely admonishing everyone else.
Added on 13 April 2024: Written on 12 April 2024: 
The line between delusion and insanity is paper thin. While the line between delusion and sanity is like a great gulf. 
Governmental insane decisions and laws which are founded in sins are a result of the powerful delusion that God sent to the whole world.
NOTE: As the laws of government become more and more insane. It will be easy for the actual children of God to see and witness the torture and mutilation of children and those who suffer from a variety of mental illnesses. 
2 Thessalonians 2:
God has already sent a strong delusion to the world. While those humans who are not actually one of His Children will suffer greatly with a variety of insanity. While His own Children will be able to see this strong delusion as signs. This means that while those who do not belong to God will be unaware of their own delusion and insanity. This will include all of the church people who are fakers. This will include pastors and all other church leaders. When the actual children of God see the effects and affects of this strong delusion of God in the churches. They will quietly and secretly depart those churches. Fulfilling another prophecy. All of this will be explained away as people just get up and move without communication or explanation. Which is an actual normal occurrence. 
Added on 17 Sept 2024: 
The absence of taught math and other forms of critical thinking will result in the stagnation of humanity and then the de-evolution of mental states to that of the animal kingdom. 
The scarcity of an actual education diminishes the civility of a population decades down the road.
An under educated population cannot contribute to any meaningful advancement which benefits society.
Scarcity of any kind in this modern world is only about the control of the population and nothing more. Scarcity also includes freedom’s, liberties and human rights. 
Please help if you can. Thank You.
Cash App $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Monday, October 22, 2018

Chinese Integrity Honor: (Unedited): 22 Oct 2018:

For the last few day I've been thinking about the corporate nature of China. More specifically how the Chinese will begin to fill more and more of their own trusted people in positions of all levels of management. There is an evident key reason why. Honor and integrity of the American worker or the lack of honor and integrity. This will be focused around those atheists who have no belief systems or morality than what they each define it as in relation to the self. A person who is only self governing cannot be trusted to speak the truth or act in an honorable manner in relation to anyone. For these people have become only self serving even at the corporate levels attained. Not even what is in the best interest of a specific corporation to them matters. What only matters is what they get for themselves no matter what. Even through legal deception these kinds of self serving people will find profit for themselves even if the entire corporation becomes bankrupt. For the self serving corporate people profiting from a caused corporate bankruptcy is still a big paycheck for them. Even though the traditionalist who regard honor with any kind of weight. Will easily see the corporate officers self serving actions as traitorous and dishonorable. What do you expect when the idea of the words honor and integrity are absent from these self serving people's daily thinking processes. It isn't just about how those good words are absent from the self serving persons mind it is absent from their heart.
This is prophecy. When will it occur and has it already occured? I know not. For that is not my world of the corporate life. Nor do I know any corporate officers. 2022 or the 2029 events are coming and maybe in the aftermath of the 2022 or 2029 events will cause China to take the necessary actions to preserve their corporate ownership in foreign entities in foreign lands such as the USA. The USA has fallen morally. When any great people abandon their morality compass. Integrity and honor will become those first traits to sink into the cold dark abyss to be forgotten. The American leaders of today have forgotten. Even though by their words they may speak the answer you want to hear. In their hearts and in their actions no evidence of importance can be seen.
China may also see the replacing of their American and European corporate officers as a huge cost saving measure. China may begin to set pay and benefit limits on corporate officers in order to bring disparity down to a perceived honorable level. As quick as the sword swings so to will the ouster of corporate officers as well as other high level management people. All to be replaced with already groomed, highly motivated and highly educated Chinese people. The coming Chinese professionals will even speak better english than most highly educated Americans.
Once corporate stability is seen at every level. All of that wealth gained will be perpetually transferred to mainland China. Which it should it is their money. The corporate officers may even manage from mainland China. Then only travel to the USA when something has become problematic or needs celebrating.
The old names and families associated with wealth they to will become empty shadows of once they once were. Even new wealth like Bill Gates will lose 90% of his income. New operating systems and technologies are coming. They will be ground up builds designed and modularized for the new generations of processors coming. Each new computer will have its own AI identity, AI security identity and other things which is beyond my conceptionality. Each home computer, laptop, TV and tablet will have their own AI identities and belong to the home hierarchy of authority and the home systems will belong to  a greater hierarchy. I think this is already true but it is beyond this janitor to understand them. A level of elegance is achieved. Sort of like seeing mandelbrots growing in the trees. It is beautiful and logical all at once. The logic of life.
The 2022 and 2029 events may just focus on the Chinese economy. The Chinese leadership will want to assign blame for the losses. They will not understand but will look across the sea and blame the USA and Europe. The Chinese leadership will then make decisions to protect themselves and their wholly owned assets. By putting into place their own people who will oversee those assets which was entrusted to the local experts. This will be quietly and quickly done. In a few cases apparent suicides will only appear to be suicides. Especially when their sins or dishonor to their own family is revealed. Those sins and dishonors of every corporate officer will be nationally televised. Thus, those in China who have actually decided for a murder to appear to be a simple suicide will have zero blame come their way.
Always remember once a prophecy is revealed everything can change, everything can be mitigated and everything can be prevented. Especially when associated with the decisions made by human beings.
It does need to be noted that truly self serving people who are only governed by their own hearts and minds. Who have no belief system and no moral compass. These people only see their actions as getting caught or not and then plan on how not to get caught again. While lying and deceiving their living family members into thinking and believing the lies they hear. The self serving people may not seek suicide as it is not self serving. For they are their own gods who make up their own rules and if they lose their families they will start new ones. As has been happening in the USA for many decades now.
Yes, I have written about this prophecy before.
Added on 04 Feb 2019: Basic Chinese historical understanding. Coffee required. 7 minute read. Days if you go deeper.
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Thursday, March 22, 2018

New Walmart Laws Ideas: (Unedited): 22 March 2018:

1). Walmart Corporate Living Wage Taxation. 
These law ideas should be run through each city, state and federal agencies legal departments. In order to recoup lost funds due to Walmart practices in the Post Sam Walton era. All claims I make here must be researched and verified. My interest is in the protection and safety of my city. My interest is a mutual benefit of both Walmart and my city and what is equally fair for both entities.
It is apparent that when Sam Walton was running Walmart the associates were making and building wealth. To the point that many Walmart general associates, department managers were becoming millionaires. Today can Walmart say by percentage that they have a near equal or greater percentage of millionaires who are employed at the store level or truck drivers? If this answer is no. Then the Walmart corporation has assumed all of the wealth for themselves and it is their corporate legal right to do so. But, when the number of employees working for any store is receiving all manor of state and federally funded aid just to survive. Then it is the corporation who is profiting off of slave labor practices. It is the common American citizen who actually pays taxes to assist the poor and needy. It is the corporations who are taking unfair advantage of this process. Then that corporation no matter who it is should pay the government back at the city, state and federal level in extra taxes. So for instance if Walmart employees/associates collected more than $6 billion dollars in food, housing, health benefits. Simply because of low wages. Then Walmart corporation or any other corporation should pay back in full through heavy taxes to the city, state and federal government. Certain exclusions should apply such as those who are permanently disabled or have become temporarily disabled to some degree.
Another exclusion can be applied for in the future. Such as a corporate lifting up program. So if a corporation like Walmart has a dutiful, promising and successful employee. Then what ever heavy taxes applied to that formerly low wage employee can be recouped to some degree. But, that degree cannot be such a number as to cause the corporation not to decide to lift up a promising employee.
When any corporation has removed so much benefits to their basic employees to such a degree like every corporation has. The best evidence is the wage comparison between the CEO or corporate officers and base employees. If this percentage is above lets say the 100%. Then the heavy taxation would apply in full. Especially when employees are receiving government subsides for only low wages.
2). Walmart Corporate Law Enforcement Percentage Use Laws.
In many cities throughout the United States. The local law enforcement agencies are becoming stressed from excessive calls to Walmart stores. New Port Richey, Florida police department is one where there is not enough man power to cover Walmart and the rest of the city. Thus creating a very real unsafe living standard for the rest of the local people. Walmart as typical fails to pay their fair share or to even do their fair part in protecting the store, the employees or even the customers. Yes, the news recently in regards to Walmart corporate has been doing better at doing their part in security matters has improved. The lessons learned from city governments is simple. If any corporation uses a certain to be defined percentage of law enforcement resources. Then a taxation program/Law should begin for that city. So if a Walmart or any other corporate entity is utilizing more than 10% of law enforcement resources. Then a tax per call would apply until that law enforcement utilization percentage achieves a level of about 30% at which point that corporate entity would be taxed 100% of all law enforcement utilization. This would include all costs associated with every prosecution.  This would also include all other emergency services. 
3). New Legal Definition of a Discount Store.
Sam Walton created the true discount stores. Sam Walton had a maximum sales percentage of about 40% markup. Assuming if I'm remembering correctly that 40% was his mark up limit. Then that percentage should be used to define legally what a discount store should be. This is to stop deceptive advertising as well as identifying which corporate club stores are actually discounters or not. 
A discount store and a pay to shop club store should have established mark up percentage legal limits. For instance, if Walmart is a true discount store than from the time Walmart purchases a product to the point that product reaches the store shelves. The mark up percentage should not be higher than 40% for every individual product. The cost of transportation and warehousing of products for discount stores should not be added to the cost of the product as Walmart stores is known for inflating costs at their own distribution centers in order to prove profitability of those very distribution centers. What Walmart does is seen by other corporations and they all do likewise. Thus driving up prices just as what Sam Walton had claimed that retailers do when he began Walmart. So the question is can Walmart corporation profit each time a product enters into each type of Walmart distribution center thus adding ghost costs to each product without the the prior knowledge of the customer? is it right? is it fair? Is it legal?
A pay to shop discount club store should not have any items for sale which exceed a percentage which should be some number lower than 40%. But, this does not seem to be the case as Sam's Clubs in New Port Richey, Fl.  appears to be selling goods at higher prices per ounce, per pound and per unit than many dollar stores and other actual retailers in this area. Who sell comparably packaged goods. 
I believe this is deceptive advertising which has become an accepted practice as it appears that discount store corporations should not be trusted with doing business. 
Because of the mark up practices of Walmart and the hugeness of Walmart stores. Can Walmart stores create artificial inflation throughout an entire nation or can the effect be localized once Walmart has obliterated any local competition?  
The bottom line is this. All citizens should attain a level of wages so that every citizen can begin to pay taxes. Of course this is an impossibility as people are disabled and many become disabled through some kind of tragedy. But, when corporations are using the government to pay for their employees. This is wrong. If Walmart employees received more than $6 billion dollars in government aid. Then Walmart saved or took more than $6 billion dollars in wages from every American tax payer. This could be a yearly number. Add up the years.
More research needs to be done. You legal eagle persons need to begin to write laws which will benefit your cities safety. Even if Walmart chooses to close up and if they do. You will know that they never really cared for your little city. That which will replace Walmart will be the smaller mom and pop stores. Who will be happy to pay city taxes and to keep profits in town. Those bad persons who only want to conduct all manor of shenanigans will become convinced to move other places. Which is beyond your city or county borders. In the short term a closed up Walmart may be hard on the city. In the long term. The cities economy should become stronger and more diversified. 
Do not become threatened by Walmart corporate or any other corporation's claims that they will fire all low wage employees. This is currently an impossibility as low end retail is typically for low skilled and low educated people. Or for person who have endured a hardship but will leave when a better job is found. Also, Walmart is automating as many job positions as possible. So your city is already losing jobs. How many self serve cash registers does your Walmart have? Walmart used to hire one employee for every cash register and now it is one employee to every ten self serve cash registers. More and more automation is occurring every year in every job category and by 2030 it is estimated that 2 billion low skilled and low education jobs will be lost world wide. Research how many employees did Walmart have per store size in 1970's, 1980's, 1990's, 2000's, 2010's, and today. Then plot those numbers out and then question if Walmart stores is still beneficial to your area as they suck all of the wealth out of your city. Because, if Walmart has a very low number of employees per store and in distribution centers. Then how does your city profit when few employees are actually employed. Guess what Robots are already filling up transportation warehouses. Which means loss of jobs and loss of taxation for your city or town. Research robot use by AB Beer and Pepsi. How many jobs lost?
Added on 21 Feb 2019: Walmart's corporate law of productivity is ramping up. With fewer and fewer employees. Walmarts bottom line drops and profits rise. In The Walmart environment. The corporation itself is purely self serving and has no compassion for anything which holds it back or slows it down. Such as the current issue of Adam catlin a 30 year old man who has an amazing record with Walmart and now Walmart makes demands on him to be more productive. By the way Mr. Catlin has cerebral Palsy and was hired as a door greeter. Walmart has redefined the duties and changed the name from door greeter to customer hosts. Name change and duty change is all just legal protections for the Walmart Corporation. It is all about streamlining all corporate functions. In which every corporation has a right to do. But, Walmart corporation may become its own evil enemy as customers begin to realize that this one corporation no longer serves the people, community or is even a benefit to this nation. Walmart customers will disappear with every Adam Catlin story that comes along.
WALMART CORPORATION HAS BECOME SUCH A HUGE ENTITY THAT IT IS THE COMMUNITIES THAT MUST SERVE THEM AND THEIR INTERESTS. OFTEN TIMES YOUR OWN COMMUNITY LEADERS AND CHIEF LAW OFFICIALS. REMAIN SILENT AS WHAT THE TRUE COSTS TO THEIR ORGANIZATIONS ARE. If Walmart decides to leave because there isn't enough profit and too much drama. They will abandon that community after having destroyed the established small businesses. Leaving your community worse off than before. 
Search terms of this viral story: "Adam Catlin Walmart". For more on how Walmart continues to abuse their own employees and the communities they have stores in "Walmart News complaints then insert your city or state name" Do not forget to use the Tools button and then the down select for the Anytime button.