Showing posts with label Morality. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Morality. Show all posts

Monday, October 22, 2018

Chinese Integrity Honor: (Unedited): 22 Oct 2018:

For the last few day I've been thinking about the corporate nature of China. More specifically how the Chinese will begin to fill more and more of their own trusted people in positions of all levels of management. There is an evident key reason why. Honor and integrity of the American worker or the lack of honor and integrity. This will be focused around those atheists who have no belief systems or morality than what they each define it as in relation to the self. A person who is only self governing cannot be trusted to speak the truth or act in an honorable manner in relation to anyone. For these people have become only self serving even at the corporate levels attained. Not even what is in the best interest of a specific corporation to them matters. What only matters is what they get for themselves no matter what. Even through legal deception these kinds of self serving people will find profit for themselves even if the entire corporation becomes bankrupt. For the self serving corporate people profiting from a caused corporate bankruptcy is still a big paycheck for them. Even though the traditionalist who regard honor with any kind of weight. Will easily see the corporate officers self serving actions as traitorous and dishonorable. What do you expect when the idea of the words honor and integrity are absent from these self serving people's daily thinking processes. It isn't just about how those good words are absent from the self serving persons mind it is absent from their heart.
This is prophecy. When will it occur and has it already occured? I know not. For that is not my world of the corporate life. Nor do I know any corporate officers. 2022 or the 2029 events are coming and maybe in the aftermath of the 2022 or 2029 events will cause China to take the necessary actions to preserve their corporate ownership in foreign entities in foreign lands such as the USA. The USA has fallen morally. When any great people abandon their morality compass. Integrity and honor will become those first traits to sink into the cold dark abyss to be forgotten. The American leaders of today have forgotten. Even though by their words they may speak the answer you want to hear. In their hearts and in their actions no evidence of importance can be seen.
China may also see the replacing of their American and European corporate officers as a huge cost saving measure. China may begin to set pay and benefit limits on corporate officers in order to bring disparity down to a perceived honorable level. As quick as the sword swings so to will the ouster of corporate officers as well as other high level management people. All to be replaced with already groomed, highly motivated and highly educated Chinese people. The coming Chinese professionals will even speak better english than most highly educated Americans.
Once corporate stability is seen at every level. All of that wealth gained will be perpetually transferred to mainland China. Which it should it is their money. The corporate officers may even manage from mainland China. Then only travel to the USA when something has become problematic or needs celebrating.
The old names and families associated with wealth they to will become empty shadows of once they once were. Even new wealth like Bill Gates will lose 90% of his income. New operating systems and technologies are coming. They will be ground up builds designed and modularized for the new generations of processors coming. Each new computer will have its own AI identity, AI security identity and other things which is beyond my conceptionality. Each home computer, laptop, TV and tablet will have their own AI identities and belong to the home hierarchy of authority and the home systems will belong to  a greater hierarchy. I think this is already true but it is beyond this janitor to understand them. A level of elegance is achieved. Sort of like seeing mandelbrots growing in the trees. It is beautiful and logical all at once. The logic of life.
The 2022 and 2029 events may just focus on the Chinese economy. The Chinese leadership will want to assign blame for the losses. They will not understand but will look across the sea and blame the USA and Europe. The Chinese leadership will then make decisions to protect themselves and their wholly owned assets. By putting into place their own people who will oversee those assets which was entrusted to the local experts. This will be quietly and quickly done. In a few cases apparent suicides will only appear to be suicides. Especially when their sins or dishonor to their own family is revealed. Those sins and dishonors of every corporate officer will be nationally televised. Thus, those in China who have actually decided for a murder to appear to be a simple suicide will have zero blame come their way.
Always remember once a prophecy is revealed everything can change, everything can be mitigated and everything can be prevented. Especially when associated with the decisions made by human beings.
It does need to be noted that truly self serving people who are only governed by their own hearts and minds. Who have no belief system and no moral compass. These people only see their actions as getting caught or not and then plan on how not to get caught again. While lying and deceiving their living family members into thinking and believing the lies they hear. The self serving people may not seek suicide as it is not self serving. For they are their own gods who make up their own rules and if they lose their families they will start new ones. As has been happening in the USA for many decades now.
Yes, I have written about this prophecy before.
Added on 04 Feb 2019: Basic Chinese historical understanding. Coffee required. 7 minute read. Days if you go deeper.
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Monday, May 12, 2014

The Mission: (Unedited): 12 May 2014:

Prophecy Work in progress
A new generation of soldier. One without compassion or heart is about to be born. These new soldiers will kill at a command and murder when ordered.
These new soldiers have been raised without learning or knowing the importance of what freedom means. It is not within them to know the difference between a killed target or the murder of a human being.
There will be no confusion between completing the ordered mission and the morality of their violent actions. "Complete the mission" is their mantra and it matters not anything else. "The mission" is superior to anyone's rights. "The mission" is superior to anyone's sense of morality, honor, justice and respect.
"The mission" is superior to anyone's innocence or guilt. If the command structure has deemed you a target then you are automatically guilty and worthy of death.
The men and women who succumb to the heartbeat of "The mission" Have lost their humanity as they have become biological robots.
What does this mean? The new generation of soldier and law enforcement official will also suffer from reprobation of God. Even if an individual follows the commands of a reprobate leadership without question and with great efficiency of mission accomplished. There will come a time that even the honorable warrior or idealistic cop will no longer be able to become good. When any person freely chooses to do bad things and to be bad on a regular basis. A time will come when that persons freedom is no more and the very sad part is they won't even be aware of it. Nor even acknowledge it when confronted by it.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Duck Dynasty: (Unedited): 20 Dec 2013:

The state of the world is easily seen when a network (A&E) prefers to offer perversion over morality. In spite of the most watched cable show in history is very profitable.

To A&E it seems that perversion rules out over making a profit.
To A&E it seems that freedom of speech only matters if they agree with you and are obscene. But, if you quote a Holy Bible verse and back up your belief system with that verse. Your a hated and evil person.

I am a bit surprised at the low responders to the news over Mr. Phil Robertson's comments to GQ magazine. He should have 150 million responders in support of his anti-gay comment. Every church should be preaching these versus very soon.
 Leviticus 18:22
Romans 1:26-28
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Wisdom Transfered: (Unedited): 02 Nov 2013:

A wise person who can transfer his wisdom into righteous action. Becomes something more than people expect.  
A wise person.
 No matter their age.
Who keeps all that they have learned to themselves.
Benefits no one and becomes a source of great loss to all of humanity.

If you are wise or were born with great wisdom.  Share it with all of your human brothers and sisters. By sharing you inspire and motivate genuine change to a single person. Which changes the world in a positive manor.

It is not enough to be just a talking head. You must put your wisdom into action in your own personal life. For instance old school morality. Self respect and respect for others even if they are deemed undeserving. Honor for yourself, your family and for the world. Have and show outward integrity in all things done and agreed upon.

In doing these things you will have riches greater than any financial market can value.
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Lifestyle Curses: (Unedited): 07 July 2013:

In all things that you do and do not do. Those things may become your curses from others for a period of time. 
Ending those curses may require a genuine apology as well as your lifestyle change. 
Beginning to end the curses within your life is being proactive in the preventative measures taken by you.
How to prevent the beginning of curses.
This is easy to answer. Be honest. Be a person of Honor and Integrity. Work hard and smart. Show your heart with an outward expression of empathy, mercy and compassion. A high standard of morality and ethics will benefit you in the long term of your life.
Do not accept anything which may have a questionable source. Meaning lost or stolen. Losers weepers does not mean finders keepers.  Do not make deals which hide any possible evil outcome. 

For instance. Some people will only help those who are stranded for an expected monetary reward.
Some people will capture a lost pet and wait for the flyers on  a light pole offering a reward. Then come in as heroes. 

This is about changing attitudes within a culture. This is about curing your own diseased heart filled with the poison called apathy. 

The curse of addictions such as drugs, cigarettes and alcohol are all chemicals which enslave a population to the will of the government or authority in charge. The illegal drugs will curse you with prison, disease and maybe death. The cigarettes will cause you to no longer care to the degree that you should care. The alcohol will cause you to make immoral decisions and exercise risky behaviors. Tie them all together and you become less than human. A very real curse which affects your own humanity.


How to end the curses in your life.
Some curses may only end in your death. These curses of diseases are supposed to be a reminder to everyone on how not to act unwisely. The prolonged use of mind altering drugs may cause you to contract diseases such as HIV/AIDS. The lifestyle of illegal drug use may cause you to contract other life style related diseases. Which will only end in your death. 
You may already live in a prison cell in which you will only become free of when your body ceases. This curse may not end for your body. But for your heart, mind and spirit. You can become free of the imprisoned curse. 
The curse of being an Ex-convict may always shadow you and your children. 
Over time, you may win a victory over some curses and this will only come with a genuine change with your heart, mind and spirit. You must no longer live with a criminal or gang member mindset. You must free yourself from cultural lies and deceptions. Such as racism and the acceptance of immoralities. 
You must freely reject which is evil as defined by the old ways and live by your own free choice the good ways to a good life. Only this way will a good life will be your just reward. Then your children who witness your actions in life. Will also know the profound unshakable truth in which you live by. A choice of truth. If your professional life and your personal life matches what your own children see in you. Then they should decide to live a good life as you have done. Good parents shall they become and a good parent shall be seen in you by the evidence of your own children's lives they lead. 

If you have curses in your life right now. Seek out all of those things which have a questionable past and rid yourself of them all. Even if it means you have nothing after you rid yourself of all of the illegal stuff.  
Rid yourself of all bad friends. Those who drink and drug. Those who steal, rob and conduct all other criminal activities. Those who deal wrongly and unfairly. Yes, this includes all business affiliations of any kind. You may end up alone for a time. This empty space in your being will awaken your heart and your own heart will begin to burn away all of the poisonous apathy that is within. You will feel the urge to go back to your old bad buddies. keep them in your dirty and dusty past. Just like watching your rear view mirror as you speed away. Staying away and keeping away from your old evil deeds may be in itself a trial and tribulation. This will be necessary for you to endure as your own sincerity is what is being tested. Are you lying to yourself or do you really want to have a good life becoming a good human being? There will be other tests for you to pass and they will not stop until your own personal end of days. 
The fixing of a flat tire with only a gratitude as a reward. The new ramp for a disabled person in which you get to supply the wood and her choice of paint and out of your pocket cash. With only gratitude as your only reward. What ever your gift and skills are in that is where your expression of true compassion and mercy shall be. 
This is how you only begin to end the curses in which you have created for yourself.
Added content on 14 Oct 2013:
May add more content later. Not sure. You will see another added on date if I do.
Musings of an American Truck Driver

Monday, August 26, 2013

Heartless Soulless : (Unedited): 26 Aug 2013:

: Heartless Soulless : (Unedited): 26 Aug 2013:
 A heart which become heartless and a soul which becomes soulless, loses meaning and purpose in all things.
Very negative quote. But, very honest. Seek out the unknown positive meaning and purpose. do not just accept the negative at face value. There is a positive message within. Always find the positive message and lesson in all things which are negative in your life. You may just find that wisdom. 
On the surface of this quote the end result is everything is lost. For you the reader right now, everything is not lost. Regain your own heart and soul. Renew your own mind with the good wisdom of the ancient elders. In doing so, Your re-emergence into a beautiful butterfly shall be achieved. Even the butterfly was once a lowly caterpillar unable to control it's own eating habits. (No, this is not a permission for you to eat and eat, or to become a drunk or to become a druggy or to become a really bad person. What this means is from your own place of imprisonment and it matters not by choice or by force. You can become an enlightened butterfly). yes, it is possible and probable. No it won't be easy. For some butterfly's never escape their place of secluded darkness. If you are one of those who shall be imprisoned to death. Then become the light source within your imprisoned facility. Assist those who can have freedom in their assigned time. To be that butterfly. To become that new re-creation of self. Free from the influences of gangs life, crime life, social restraints, cultural enslavement and racial deceptions.
Morality and honor become unimportant. Self respect and respect for any other life becomes unimportant. Righteousness and holiness become a useless and wasted thought process. Pride and all selfish desires become incredibly important. Until, such a time when their importance wanes and nothing more is thrilling. Extinction by choice becomes a valid suicidal option.
This things are important in order to continue on thriving in any modern society. The adherence to the logical law of life. Life exist when love, peace and harmony exists. Of course this doesn't refer to basic life forms. This is for more advanced intelligent life forms. To continue on in life you must adhere to all of the common wisdom as taught by the wise men and women throughout the ages. So as long as their own words absolutely conform and agree with these principles of  life= love, peace, harmony. 
Morality, Integrity, Honor respect and all of the other positive commonly known word of logic and emotion which agree. This is the only way to achieve a life worth living. Any thing contrary breeds eventual death. To achieve death one must pursue Hate, War and chaos. Along with all of the other inverse words associated with the life formula. Any mixing of the logical life and death formulas diminishes life and extends death. All to varying degrees. 
To live purely within the life formula may seem rigid and strict on the surface. Especially to those who think they have been experiencing a life of thrill and adventure at the cost of suffering and misery to others. To live with a self chosen agreement of the logical life formula does offer the most personal freedom and extension of life. Joy and happiness will eventually be known to the free soul who daily freely chooses to live a life in accordance to the logical formula. 
By doing so. Evolution will be hastened. Ascension becomes probable and the meeting of God a physical reality.

 May not be included in future volumes of “Musings of an American Truck Driver”:

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Patriot Pay: (Unedited): 10 Jan 2013:

A truly unbeatable patriot is one who accepts as their only paycheck. Righteousness, Honor, Truth and integrity.  C.J.MacKechnie
You cannot defeat the person who is willing to fight by principle only. A person who fights for justice, morality, freedom and peace. Does not need a leadership or teacher who is concerned with maintaining morale, focus and the will to fight. The true patriot understands that they are not fighting for themselves or for the generation who is alive in the here and now. Their fight and ultimate sacrifice is for the generations to come.
Those who have a selfish form of justice will become imprisoned and die. Those who have an excessive definition of freedom without responsibility will discover insanity and a hopeless death.  Those who lack the resolve of character will suffer great mental and spiritual torment and then a lonely death. Those who question the meaning and purpose of their fight will lose their peace, will to fight and will die without struggle. A great suffering of never ending torment and pain will be the reward of the person who discovers they are or were the evil ones as they die by their own hand.
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Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Enslavement Comes: (Unedited): 06 Jan 2013:

The inactive witness who prefers a life full of entertainment. Will be surprised when enslavement comes upon him without bloodshed. C.J.MacKechnie
All great countries have fallen. The excessive definition of freedoms. The demise of morality and it's cousin honor. The end of integrity's right in favor of a belief of wrong doing only if you are factually caught.
It is easy to negotiate with a greedy selfish person who has no moral compass. You allow them to think they have the upper hand. Until, you have had enough and then you take it all and kill all of those who support the immoral negotiator.
Is it honorable for a man, an organization or a country of morality and integrity to conquer a man, an organization or a country who had no intentions of honoring any agreement? Especially, if there is a history of dis-honor, lies and deceptions.
 The people of the USA will lose their freedom to those politicians who have sold them out. Their lands shall be taken and divided up. Those former Americans shall either die or become enslaved. No other options if you had not already moved your wealth off shore and created legal protections abroad of your status. 
Repent and flee from sin. You Christians must take over your country from those who mean to do you harm. You Christian leaders must hold political office at all levels of government and right all of those wrongs. Which have been done for a hundred years. 
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Conquered warrior: (Unedited): 11 Dec 2011:

Before any warrior goes off into their first battle or war. The warrior must first conquer themselves, their weaknesses, their faults, their short comings, their morality issues and their sins. 
 As inspired from Babita Norang Kochar.
Updated on 18 June 2016:
A warrior or a person who conquers all of their weaknesses, faults, short comings, morality issues and their sins. Cannot be defeated. The enemy within you and the enemy who is not you will use all of your negative issues against you. In order for you to either become self defeating or become a defeated foe.
This is why you must strive to always conquer all of the weaknesses within your whole being. Weakness of the spirit, mind, body and heart.
There is a quote which many know while attending the gym of their choice.
"Pain is weakness leaving your body."
This seems like a half truth. Because some pain is not good. For instance when you over do it and cause damage to one of your joints or actually shred a muscle. It doesn't feel good to exercise and it is also stupid to excessively work out your body to the point where you actually hurt yourself. So, the brain must always be engaged in what ever strenuous activity you are doing.
Through exercising the spirit, mind, body and heart with a focus on balance. The whole you will see equal growth throughout your entire life. This is important.
I have met people who are very gifted athletes. Even one receiving invitations from colleges to play a football. And yet, he ignored them and decided to instead go play in the streets to be forever poor. What led up to this run away from a better life. The decision not to receive a free basic education. This young man is off balance. The gifted athlete who does not grow their mind cannot get to that next level.  Most likely because of the pressures of the poor black culture of the "hood". Which sees education of a black person as trying to be white. Ridicule always follows the poor black person who has been gifted with a brilliant mind. To keep their educational exploits absolutely secret. Even from their own parents and siblings.
So a young person needs balance of education and of their chosen athletics. The rest is often forgotten. Except when playing your sport you endure and conquer the difficulties which are before you. Then you shall be seen to have heart. I have seen this kind of person as well. A rich kid who has everything to easily grow their mind and to grow their athletics. Yet, does not seem to care at all.
I have seen this in a swimmer. This young man just wins, wins and wins. Yet, never had the heart to do those very necessary things to get to that next level. He always pretended injury. I even saw him with a walker once. Yet, outside of his swimming relationships. He was very OK. No more obvious injury. He could have been on par with a Phelps level of swimmer. It doesn't matter. He will go to college, have a car, have an apartment and extra money. Will he even finish college? He has the rich parents. Maybe, even generational wealth. I have no idea.
Yet, I know of a young lady who is now in college. A state winning swimmer with rich intact parents. Their awesome looking Jeep is worth more than all I have in worldly wealth. (Not a negative comment). She seems to have that balance of education, athletics, heart and spirit. In spite of racism seen at the competition pools. A lonely conquest which became a family endeavor. No matter what, go forward. Especially, when surrounded by your family. That is even a lesson for the young.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Subjective Civilization: (Unedited): 17 May 2010:

The subjective definition of all laws, intentions and morality. Will become the single greatest destructive force within any civilization. C.J.MacKechnie 

  It is basically about how right and wrong or good and evil is defined by each individual. How each is defined by the individual is the supreme law. Every other person must accept what he/she defines that which is good and right for them. If that person does not accept his/her definition. Then they are deemed anti-social or discriminatory. Thus evil themselves. It matters not if the person has dedicated themselves to a life of genuine service.
This thought process will even become a right for those actions of theft. The have not steels from those who have. Is it not right for the have not to have? The person who has no love then takes love from another person. Simply because it is right for them. Can you see the progression of this insanity? I can. I am a person who having been abused and tortured in my childhood. What would be my right as defined by me? Since, the important things were never given to me by loving and caring people. So, I have my permission to take from loving and caring people? Of course not. But, how often are those excuses used? The jails and prisons are filled with people who wrongly thought that they were somehow justified in doing their crimes. Sin is sin and is wrong as taught by GOD/ALLAH/ GRANDFATHER.
Even insanity can be progressive.
This is directly related to the Subjective Thought Blog.