Showing posts with label Speech. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Speech. Show all posts

Friday, July 14, 2023

Thought Control Rises +9: (Unedited): 14 July 2023:

The sinful lives of the elites cannot be revealed by black listed people. 
This seems to be as evidenced by customer harassment of those who desire to view the documentary like movie called "Sound of Freedom". 
Even though I write this quote does not mean I'm writing from my understanding. This or these quotes seem to be from the elites own mind set as they fight to control their narrative and way of sinful life. 
The lives of the elites seem to desire the shadows and darkness of their unrevealed sins.
Darkness always hides sins. Until the light of God illuminates all and all is revealed. In which everything will be revealed.
Freedom of speech, human rights, liberties, and of thought only applies to the elites.
Why do you think the enemies of your religion and of your godly ways no longer has the right to even show your face in any professional, cultural or social setting. That you are no longer allowed to take part in any aspect of public participation. Why do you think that you're forbidden from participation in political affairs. These are false beliefs in which you remain obedient to as you quietly remain in your home. Hoping and praying no one finds out that your one of them. In which you will lose your job, your home and your life. Remember they are most diffidently coming after your children.  So it is everything that you will lose and you can only hide for so long. Because, A Christian will be easy to find as a Christian must love their fellow human beings and this is how they will eventually be caught and martyred.
Denial of rights, liberties and freedoms can only be successfully be done if those who the denial is being done to are unaware of any rights, freedoms or liberties. 
Thought control must begin during a controlled educational process at every level. Thought control must continue on during every professional, cultural, social and family interaction.
How to think logically and reasonably is no longer being taught in schools. But rather to absolutely believe every single word of your teachers is mandatory even above your parents and religious leaders. This is the essence of thought or mind control. The teacher and educational system is true, right and correct. The parents cannot and do not have the right to oppose the authorities and if a parent speaks up then they are labeled as terrorists as which has been officially revealed by the American government.  
The idea of freedoms, liberties and human rights will only be known to the coming rulers and authorities of a one world government. 
As the young commoners are not taught how to think and reason. They will not even be aware that words like freedom, liberty and any kind of human rights as well as other empowering words will even exist beyond conceptualized form. 
Words such as freedoms, liberties and rights of any kind shall be erased from the minds of the commoner peoples. Then for those commoner peoples who know of such words must be erased and exterminated. 
Though cursive writing is no longer taught in American public schools may seem innocent enough. But, when you realize that the ancient American documents were written in cursive. You can see a single process of how important words begins to disappear. Just as how teaching history began to end in the late 1970's to the degree that the younger generation knows not what the history of their own American government is and all they know is all of the atrocities ever committed. While also being taught that socialist and communist states are amazingly positive. While also at the same time the actual fascists know not they are the fascists while violently and angrily accusing the non fascists of being fascists.  Which is evidence of rampant deception and delusion. 
The individual commoner can stop the elites by refusing to give their hard earned monies to anything as related to each offensive elite person.
Bud light is only the beginning. Go woke or go broke is only a beginning. Because once the commoners see the elites and politicians as evil doing demonic entities. What and how the Russians killed their own rulers in the past will seem amateurish. 
The individual commoner will begin to leave all aspects of worldly society as their monies stop going to any worldly owned thing as governed by offensive elites. 
This does mean everything including software of any kind. 
The power of the politicians is given by the people. While the money powers the elites, which is also given to them by the commoner people. What happens when the people refuse to give their power and money to sinful evildoers like YOU?
The commoner people can stop evil doers who hold power and authority. Just as the elites are beginning to realize that their own woke agendas will bankrupt them if they continue to push. Target, Walt Disney and AB INBEV are just the beginning. The suppression of "Sounds of Freedom" is also being seen and experienced by the commoner peoples in which they see as something which is beyond evil and horrific.
The commoner people are truly awake to your own evil wokeness and they are only beginning to respond with their hard earned monies. But, once you sinful elites and evil politicians begin to mess with their own hard earned wealth. The commoner peoples will rise up as they had in the historical human past and it will be your blood which will flow into the streets along with your children, family and any who are associated with you. So as the great reset continues forth. When the people of the world all realize that your messing with all that they have worked hard for. Even a newly seated king will have his crown crushed.
Please help if you can. Thank You.
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Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Freedom Organization: (Unedited): 09 Dec 2015:

Disrespect, Disloyalty and dishonor of any organization in which you belong to. Is not a right of your expression or use of your freedom of speech.
If your dislike or even hate the organization in which you belong to. Then leave it.  This includes your Country or even your religion. If you hate a Country and want the people to die. Do not move there. If you do move to a country in which you hate and want it to end. Then your an enemy of the state. If you plan any kind of attacks you are an enemy combatant even if your a civilian citizen. If you implement a plan of an attack against the citizenry of that nation. You are not a terrorist you are a war fighting enemy combatant. No matter if you wear a uniform of warfare or not.
If your entire religion is at war with any particular Country or way of life and you are affiliated with that religion. Then you are an enemy combatant and not a terrorist. This is in regard to Islam against the USA and all of the western lifestyle. This is war and the Islamic refugees are a marching force of enemy combatants invading a land in which they desire to claim for their own. If Islam hates you and your way of life. If Islam is actively killing and destroying all history of former occupants who once lived there. They as an entire religion is at war with the whole human race. This is a world war and World War 3 has already begun.
Loss of Government: Government takeover by Vote: Christian Refusal to be Responsible in Government:
Added on 10 June 2019: National ID Card how to:
If your in jail or prison and have committed traitorous acts of treason. Then the government has the right to revoke your citizenship. Even if you were born in the country. I do believe the government does have this right. How is that for a slippery slope.
Because, what happens when a group of people get elected into local, state and federal offices and deem that one particular group of people are threats to society, traitors and thus undeserving of any right to participate in any aspect of society and are therefore undeserving of any kind of financial aid or resources? What happens when the end results of the Christians refusing to be the responsible persons leading this nation continues to turn their collective backs on their God given rights of responsibility? The Christians as a whole will lose their nation and become legally deemed as mentally ill, criminal, outcasts and enemies of the state. Thus, deserving to lose their right to citizenship. The only way to enforce these kinds of laws is through mandatory genetic testing and nationalized Identification cards. Including color coded ID cards which identifies a person as a Christian, traitor, threat. No card then no accepted participation in society. Which includes entry into any commercial, governmental, educational, employment and hospital buildings for any services.
By letting the deemed threats to your new government die off. You will have no need to start a civil war. Especially, after you have taken over all aspects of the government by a simple vote.
The Christians will not go for the national ID card to buy and sell. So by implementing this means no compliance by the Christian that is until they begin to starve, freeze to death, want a simple drink of water or medical care. Through attrition in less than a few years. Your Christian problem will go away or your Christian will turn away from their God in which they can be given a color coded ID card which indicates their former treasonous acts to everyone. In which those entities can refuse service.
Any person who does not have an ID card cannot participate in any aspect of society. Which means all of society must become security minded and put into place security entrances and exits.
Any person who does not have an ID card cannot become employed or own any property or participate in any financial markets. Which will include basic clothing. Underwear garments may be allowed.
Any person who does not have an ID card will not be allowed any services or any participation in any aspect of society. Actual legal and lawful citizens will not be allowed to even speak to non citizens or offer them any goods or assistance. Even if it is based on compassion, mercy and well being.
Are you scared yet Christian
How long will you watch your own children starve to death, die of thirst, freeze to death. You will become like the animals traveling in unseen places knowing every where is No Trespassing and if your caught you all will be killed and then your bodies cremated without so much as a record. Catching you Christians will become sport as the government forms hunting parties to kill the Christian traitors.
Yes, I'm trying to scare you. This is prophecy. This is prophecy for me and my family as well. All prophecies are meant to scare you into last minute righteous actions. Remember Jonah. I'm not Jonah. You Christians already refused to listen to the mentors and their wise council. The mentors are mostly gone and you Christians don't even know it. Are you going to responsibly vote in every election? Are you going to run for all elected offices and remain an actual responsible Christian. Are you going to do your own "Due Diligence" for every person you vote for. To insure that they all are Christian.
You have been warned. Time is running out. You must run for elected office and you must vote. You must bring all Christians together and only vote for those who have a real and genuine history in the church. This means that all churches in your locality, in your state and in your nation must come together as one body under the Christ Jesus.
The rainbow tsunami will over take both the red and blue waves. 
Unlike LGBT Mayor Pete Buttigieg the vast majority of those who seek elected offices at every level will hide their true intentions. Just like an approaching tsunami. A tsunami doesn't look bad until it is on top of you.
This is not just about the LGBTQ groups. This is all about the various colors of the rainbow. Each group which is offensive to the USA as it is has their own colors. Where as one color cannot ever get elected to anything. They use the rainbow which is a promise from God and turn it into a symbol of hate and destruction of all that is. Because, that is what it is. Because, together they are strong and powerful. This is why they have all of the colors from all of their various groups. They turn symbols into hidden offenses. Such as the symbols for COEXIST. The Jewish star is the X. If you get rid of the Jews. Then the rest of the religions fall apart. Like Christianity and Islam. Even though the religion of love has become a religion of apathy and hate. Even though the religion of peace has become a religion of chaos and war. 
Added on 29 June 2019: For the Presidential Candidate Pete Buttigieg and for anyone else who professes their Christianity while living in willful sin. Your profession of faith is a falsehood while proclaiming your LGBTQ lifestyle. I would highly suggest you read Hebrews 10:18 and Hebrews 10:26-27. The entire tenth chapter just below. Once saved is not always saved.
For those who do not maintain their cleanliness after being cleaned by the blood of Jesus. For those who have not pursued the path of righteousness and holiness. No matter the impossibility. The day of the Lord link just above is for you. 86 Holy Bible verses. Do not think and assume that you will not become an adversary to God when you continue to live your sinful lives simply because you have lied and conned god with your statement of faith and baptismal and LGBTQ marriage in a Christian or catholic Church. But, then while satan and all of his demons lie and deceive all of humanity. God will send a powerful delusion also to humanity. 2 Thessalonians 2:11. Entire chapter just below.
Added on 30 Dec 2015: Ted Nuggent and pig. Not sure of the facts behind this.
10 June 2019: unable to access link.
Added on 31 Dec 2015: Reported Intentions of Islam.
10 June 2019: Link has been severely edited and most of the content is deleted. Censorship.
To avert the total extinction of humanity. We all must put into practice the purple words below. Both inwardly and outwardly.
To avert all bad and sad prophecies ever written or spoken, these purple words need to be those necessary outward and internalized expressions in everyone's life they live today.

To love one another.

To live in peace.

To exist in harmony.

 To cherish/respect life. 

To obey/honor the Laws of God.

 To become the holy and righteous people as The Heavenly Father intended us all to be.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Duck Dynasty: (Unedited): 20 Dec 2013:

The state of the world is easily seen when a network (A&E) prefers to offer perversion over morality. In spite of the most watched cable show in history is very profitable.

To A&E it seems that perversion rules out over making a profit.
To A&E it seems that freedom of speech only matters if they agree with you and are obscene. But, if you quote a Holy Bible verse and back up your belief system with that verse. Your a hated and evil person.

I am a bit surprised at the low responders to the news over Mr. Phil Robertson's comments to GQ magazine. He should have 150 million responders in support of his anti-gay comment. Every church should be preaching these versus very soon.
 Leviticus 18:22
Romans 1:26-28
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Hidden Eloquence: (Unedited): 28 Oct 2012:

The sons and daughters of the father of lies and deceptions, will be eloquently hidden behind their speech/communications. C.J. MacKechnie
Tied to: Father's Lies: Lies Children:
Only by your command of the language can you see them.
Only by your ability logically critically think can you know their lies and deceptions. (Critical Thinking) (logical Reason).
Only by your knowledge and understanding of history can you possibly predict the evil they wish to manifest.
These children are very good illusionist and magicians. You must look through their chosen cloth. You must look beyond the evidence in their paper. You must know, all that they do, is for themselves.