Showing posts with label Fighting. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fighting. Show all posts

Friday, May 25, 2018

Humanities Great Adversary: (Unedited): 25 May 2018:

The Roman Empire brought hell to all they were about to conquer. The Romans became the masters of dimensional warfare. The American war fighting style is many generations of evolution more advanced than what the Romans seemingly began. The modern American war fighting style has even influenced distant observers from Russia, China and every other nation who have their own war fighting capability.
The USA modern war fighting style can simultaneously attack one spot on the planet more than 12 different ways/methods and each of these *12 different ways/methods have their own unique dimensionality to them. Which is far beyond the ability of this janitor to comprehend. Yet, those 12 different ways/methods of attack are just one way to conduct an attack. There are psychological, intellectual, political, economic, resource hoarding, industrial, computer and religious forms of attacks which humanity can all conduct upon one another.
So too it is with the great adversary of humanity. His war fighting style is an unconceived number of evolutionary generations greater than the modern American war fighting style.
The great adversary only wants for all of humanity to end. He is willing to do this by causing humanity to freely decide to take those necessary actions which will result in their own extinction. All of humanity's war fighting styles are all under the subliminal control and authority of the great adversary, to the degree that all of humanity is consciously unaware of his leadership, management, plans and his final goal.
Humanity's great adversary uses all of it as well as spiritual and psychic attacks to a greater and deeper effect more than we are even aware of even in concept, even to the point that all of humanity is unaware and if humanity does become aware then they are all unbelieving in an outward expression of absolute denial.
Note: The *12 different methods of attacking one spot simultaneously is just the number that I know is available to the US Military. I'm just a janitor and I'm not in the actual know on anything. I suspect that real number is closer to 40.
Note: I find it interesting how the countries suddenly become enemies to one another and the civilian populations are not even aware of this. What happened to working for peace? Instead governments seem like they are in a digital wargame with one gamer who is controlling everything. Everyone who is capable of building their war machines are doing so for their own self-defined end game. Each nation may have their own picture of how their own end game will play out. It will not be as they see it because the great adversary of humanity is playing them all. His end game is extinction of the human species. It does not matter how you leaders of the world like him, trust him or get what you want from him. You may think you want something and are controlling him. It is he who is causing you to think what you think and to feel what you feel - he is that powerful. You will not even be aware of just how much he can actually see into all of your minds. Did I forget the great adversary has his own military forces. Their numbers are far more than all of humanities military forces combined. Each of them individually is far more advanced evolutionary than simple single generation human beings. There is no near equal comparison to us and them that we can make. They are just that much more and he is that much better than his followers. Yet, you military leaders of the world happily hold onto the secrets they teach you. Thinking that you are the special peoples and the ones who are more good than anyone else. Not know that they are also telling your perspective enemies the very same thing and they believe as deeply as you. All of humanity have been and continue to be deceived by all of them daily.
We do have a safety net. The purple words below is just one part after the initial commitment. The rejection of what the great adversary have taught you and all of humanity. Think about this and it is not to late. If every military person, warrior, soldier and combat fighter in the world. Just stopped doing what they do and just go home to pursue peace. The whole world will be at peace. If there are not anyone to fight. Then peace must result.  This is one of the choices in prophecy. That humanity converts all of their weapons into useful tool for peace. This is prophecy but then again so is extinction of all of humanity. We are all truly brother and sister to one another. We are one family. We are not supposed to be enemies. But outside sources have caused us to be what we are now and we all can choose to be different than the bad persons we are expected to be. We each have worth and value. Sir or madam it's all about the purple words.
Added on 27 May 2018:
In a secular government and a secular people how would they define any entity/angel which is encountered? Especially when all religious terms are deleted from either lack of use or of importance or from a belief of a lack of accuracy.
No matter how or who or even from where. The ones to be feared most are those who can travel from here to there instantly and in any time without any ships or technology. Think about that.
Also think about how in this specific dimension and time line. Those who are in this physical universe will either succumb or exercise their own will in relation to those who are inferior in one or more category. We humans are inferior in a lot of categories to those who require physical ships. Those who require physical ships are incredibly inferior a many categories to those who do not require ships for travel. These beings who do not require any ships or technologies to travel from here to there instantly in any time as defined by you who is way smarter than me. You need to know that these beings also have spiritual structures here on Earth and elsewhere (Whatever that means). I think one is in Dunedin Florida. Think about that spiritual beings who can create spiritual structures and tie it to ... .
Yet, all of you secret people interact with these physical beings who are and have been only using you, manipulating and controlling you without your awareness or permission. In fact they have even followed many of you home. Especially if you were deemed interesting.
Yet, over time you have become separate from the purple words below to the point they are all alien to you or just unimportant as you continue on in your little box of toys. You may think and have become singularly focused on the fact your job is incredibly important to your country and all of humanity or just your country. Guess what it is all a lie and many of those toys given to your nation all contain half truths or an absence of information. Simply because you do not know how to ask. We are like small children wanting to control the burner on the stove. We learn sometimes after we get burned. But, in your secret world. What you do not know can harm all of humanity or a percentage of it. Because, those physical beings only want you and the rest of humanity to become extinct. Think about it. If all of humanity died. There will finally be peace on earth. The extinction of humanity has nothing to do with the purple words below. Your super secret life also has nothing to do with the purple words below. The beings who are still able to travel anywhere to anytime want for all of us to think about the purple words and to live by the purple words. 
So is the Earth expanding? Can you measure down to feet or inches as the diameter increases? Has the gravity increased? Can you measure gravity in the smallest of numerals to the right of the decimal point. You probably should start doing that.
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Saturday, June 4, 2016

Disabled Inspiration: (Unedited): 04 June 2016:

The permanently disabled person/warrior automatically becomes the forever source of perpetual inspiration for the entire world with no voluntary off switch.
Need to rework:
Think about this. A disabled person who is out in the public everyday is most likely proving that they are more courageous than you normal people. Everyday, the disabled person goes out into the world. They are the instant source of attention by everyone. Even those who have the bad day and look upon them and they rudely think to themselves. I'm glad I 'm not you. Some people are even so callous as to actually say it out loud. The truth of the matter is that the disabled person is always fighting with their own bodies every single day and night. With no days off, no vacations. The disabled person is by far the bravest people on this planet.
I know a young lady full of love and always wants hugs. She has to use a squeaky roller cage like think in order to stay upright while walking. Everyone in the school can hear her coming and going. And yes, the squeaking is necessary for her medical device. Can you imagine everyone knowing and everyone looking at you always. To have a trashed body and yet have a wonderful mind and an amazing heart full of love. She always smiles. Could you do that? or would you just hide yourself in some nursing home. This young lady is a genuine warrior spirit. But, so to everyone else who is capable to go out into the public.
I know of an older woman who is confined to a motorized chair. Her physical problems were extensive. With a bag clearly visible to everyone she zipped by.  She just loved being outside. Her chair is worn out and the government agency who is to care for her. Declined a new battery as well as any other repairs needed for her chair. She will now most likely remain bed ridden or confined to her care center. The last time I saw her. I had to push her chair out of the parking lot under the hot Florida sun. They had to come and get her. That was most likely the end of that. Can you even imagine being imprisoned within your own body with a good brain and then lose your freedom because the government cannot afford to by you a battery or make repairs. What was her crime and does she now feel like she is being punished in some way? Where is the fairness in her life? Social Justice shall forget all about the disabled.
I do know she isn't the only one. A disabled woman some time ago. Got caught in her dead motorized chair in an intersection. I heard her experience wasn't very pleasant as cars just whizzed by her. She experienced the lack of compassion on that day on hwy 54, here in New Port Richey, Pasco County Florida.

At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Freedom Organization: (Unedited): 09 Dec 2015:

Disrespect, Disloyalty and dishonor of any organization in which you belong to. Is not a right of your expression or use of your freedom of speech.
If your dislike or even hate the organization in which you belong to. Then leave it.  This includes your Country or even your religion. If you hate a Country and want the people to die. Do not move there. If you do move to a country in which you hate and want it to end. Then your an enemy of the state. If you plan any kind of attacks you are an enemy combatant even if your a civilian citizen. If you implement a plan of an attack against the citizenry of that nation. You are not a terrorist you are a war fighting enemy combatant. No matter if you wear a uniform of warfare or not.
If your entire religion is at war with any particular Country or way of life and you are affiliated with that religion. Then you are an enemy combatant and not a terrorist. This is in regard to Islam against the USA and all of the western lifestyle. This is war and the Islamic refugees are a marching force of enemy combatants invading a land in which they desire to claim for their own. If Islam hates you and your way of life. If Islam is actively killing and destroying all history of former occupants who once lived there. They as an entire religion is at war with the whole human race. This is a world war and World War 3 has already begun.
Loss of Government: Government takeover by Vote: Christian Refusal to be Responsible in Government:
Added on 10 June 2019: National ID Card how to:
If your in jail or prison and have committed traitorous acts of treason. Then the government has the right to revoke your citizenship. Even if you were born in the country. I do believe the government does have this right. How is that for a slippery slope.
Because, what happens when a group of people get elected into local, state and federal offices and deem that one particular group of people are threats to society, traitors and thus undeserving of any right to participate in any aspect of society and are therefore undeserving of any kind of financial aid or resources? What happens when the end results of the Christians refusing to be the responsible persons leading this nation continues to turn their collective backs on their God given rights of responsibility? The Christians as a whole will lose their nation and become legally deemed as mentally ill, criminal, outcasts and enemies of the state. Thus, deserving to lose their right to citizenship. The only way to enforce these kinds of laws is through mandatory genetic testing and nationalized Identification cards. Including color coded ID cards which identifies a person as a Christian, traitor, threat. No card then no accepted participation in society. Which includes entry into any commercial, governmental, educational, employment and hospital buildings for any services.
By letting the deemed threats to your new government die off. You will have no need to start a civil war. Especially, after you have taken over all aspects of the government by a simple vote.
The Christians will not go for the national ID card to buy and sell. So by implementing this means no compliance by the Christian that is until they begin to starve, freeze to death, want a simple drink of water or medical care. Through attrition in less than a few years. Your Christian problem will go away or your Christian will turn away from their God in which they can be given a color coded ID card which indicates their former treasonous acts to everyone. In which those entities can refuse service.
Any person who does not have an ID card cannot participate in any aspect of society. Which means all of society must become security minded and put into place security entrances and exits.
Any person who does not have an ID card cannot become employed or own any property or participate in any financial markets. Which will include basic clothing. Underwear garments may be allowed.
Any person who does not have an ID card will not be allowed any services or any participation in any aspect of society. Actual legal and lawful citizens will not be allowed to even speak to non citizens or offer them any goods or assistance. Even if it is based on compassion, mercy and well being.
Are you scared yet Christian
How long will you watch your own children starve to death, die of thirst, freeze to death. You will become like the animals traveling in unseen places knowing every where is No Trespassing and if your caught you all will be killed and then your bodies cremated without so much as a record. Catching you Christians will become sport as the government forms hunting parties to kill the Christian traitors.
Yes, I'm trying to scare you. This is prophecy. This is prophecy for me and my family as well. All prophecies are meant to scare you into last minute righteous actions. Remember Jonah. I'm not Jonah. You Christians already refused to listen to the mentors and their wise council. The mentors are mostly gone and you Christians don't even know it. Are you going to responsibly vote in every election? Are you going to run for all elected offices and remain an actual responsible Christian. Are you going to do your own "Due Diligence" for every person you vote for. To insure that they all are Christian.
You have been warned. Time is running out. You must run for elected office and you must vote. You must bring all Christians together and only vote for those who have a real and genuine history in the church. This means that all churches in your locality, in your state and in your nation must come together as one body under the Christ Jesus.
The rainbow tsunami will over take both the red and blue waves. 
Unlike LGBT Mayor Pete Buttigieg the vast majority of those who seek elected offices at every level will hide their true intentions. Just like an approaching tsunami. A tsunami doesn't look bad until it is on top of you.
This is not just about the LGBTQ groups. This is all about the various colors of the rainbow. Each group which is offensive to the USA as it is has their own colors. Where as one color cannot ever get elected to anything. They use the rainbow which is a promise from God and turn it into a symbol of hate and destruction of all that is. Because, that is what it is. Because, together they are strong and powerful. This is why they have all of the colors from all of their various groups. They turn symbols into hidden offenses. Such as the symbols for COEXIST. The Jewish star is the X. If you get rid of the Jews. Then the rest of the religions fall apart. Like Christianity and Islam. Even though the religion of love has become a religion of apathy and hate. Even though the religion of peace has become a religion of chaos and war. 
Added on 29 June 2019: For the Presidential Candidate Pete Buttigieg and for anyone else who professes their Christianity while living in willful sin. Your profession of faith is a falsehood while proclaiming your LGBTQ lifestyle. I would highly suggest you read Hebrews 10:18 and Hebrews 10:26-27. The entire tenth chapter just below. Once saved is not always saved.
For those who do not maintain their cleanliness after being cleaned by the blood of Jesus. For those who have not pursued the path of righteousness and holiness. No matter the impossibility. The day of the Lord link just above is for you. 86 Holy Bible verses. Do not think and assume that you will not become an adversary to God when you continue to live your sinful lives simply because you have lied and conned god with your statement of faith and baptismal and LGBTQ marriage in a Christian or catholic Church. But, then while satan and all of his demons lie and deceive all of humanity. God will send a powerful delusion also to humanity. 2 Thessalonians 2:11. Entire chapter just below.
Added on 30 Dec 2015: Ted Nuggent and pig. Not sure of the facts behind this.
10 June 2019: unable to access link.
Added on 31 Dec 2015: Reported Intentions of Islam.
10 June 2019: Link has been severely edited and most of the content is deleted. Censorship.
To avert the total extinction of humanity. We all must put into practice the purple words below. Both inwardly and outwardly.
To avert all bad and sad prophecies ever written or spoken, these purple words need to be those necessary outward and internalized expressions in everyone's life they live today.

To love one another.

To live in peace.

To exist in harmony.

 To cherish/respect life. 

To obey/honor the Laws of God.

 To become the holy and righteous people as The Heavenly Father intended us all to be.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 