Showing posts with label Father. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Father. Show all posts

Sunday, July 23, 2017

Blessings Already Available: (Unedited): 15 July 2017:

The blessings and miracles you pray to God for. Was already available to you before your mother and father knew one another. 
Version 2: Original:
The Blessings you pray to God for. Was already available to you before your mother and father knew you were coming. 
The timing is always righteous and perfect. Even if we lowly humans cannot understand the whens, hows and whys. Al of your needs and wants have already been provided. The fantasy of wishful thinking are only those superficial distractions which often times delays your interaction with God. Wishful thinking will even get in the way your purpose and mission in life. Wishful thinking can even get in the way of those profound things you need to learn in this life.
Basically, the reason why you have not received blessings is because of you. Your wrong choices to go with the flow of the cool culture. Your wrong decision to refuse education. Your wrong decision to refuse righteousness and holiness. Your wrong decision to begin drinking, smoking and drugging it up. Your wrong decision to walk the path of alternative lifestyles. Your wrong decision to have intimate relations with the wrong kinds and unworthy people. All of these activities and more wrong decisions. Never ever lead to blessings. All of your wrong decisions only lead to a never ending stream of consequences and drama. Which always leads to compounding curses. That is until your family name and memory is gone forever and your genetic lineage is unidentifiable. So where is Gods blessings for you. All of your blessings in this life is already waiting for you. To live a life full of decisions based in righteous wisdom.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.

To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy or entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Tuesday, June 13, 2017

World Prosperity: (Unedited): 13 June 2017:

World prosperity is a reward given to those worldly achievers by the owner of this world - satan.
Those lost souls who only dedicate themselves to pursuit of the rewards of this world. Will obtain those rewards for being a good worldly citizen. Although in death they will instantly know that those rewards of the world had ended upon the death of the physical body.
Divine Judge Divine Father: (Unedited): 13 June 2017:
Once the physical body ends. The owner of the world no longer has the ability to reward you or curse you for your service into his world system or against it. You will now be subjected to judgement or reward from your Heavenly God or your Heavenly Father. The free choices while you existed in the physical world will dictate whom you will encounter. Your Divine Judge or your Divine Father.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.
To live in peace with everyone.  
To exist in harmony with all.  
To Cherish all life.  
To be obedient to the Laws of God.  
To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.  
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Draw Closer 1and2: (Edited): 18 Sept 2015:

The righteous ones, knowing their days are drawing to a close, will have the natural urge to draw closer to their Father in Heaven. 
Draw Closer #2: (Edited): 20 Sept 2015:
 The righteous two who have become one soul shall know their days are short after these many years together. They celebrate and worship their Father in Heaven who is the Lord of all. Together hand-in-hand they become inseparable as they together draw closer to the Father. Together they have become one. 
 It is easy to see and know who the genuine righteous ones are. They fear not death or the coming uncertainty of it. It is beautiful to watch and elderly couple who walk hand in hand completely supporting one another. The each ensuring that the other shall not fall or falter. Both so committed to the other. That they each perpetually sacrifice their whole being to the other. Yet neither would ever proclaim that they ever sacrificed anything. because when your love is that deep and that committed. There is no sacrifice. There is no sacrifice for the other as there is only one soul in two bodies. 
Edited By: R.L.Dell
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Prides idiocy: (Unedited): 13 June 2013:

The pride of a superior minded person cannot see his own reflection being played out in the idiocy of the playful mocking bird.  
 Other works in progress.
The superior mind may not be aware of that the idiocy he sees in the mocking bird is a reflection of him.

A superior minded person may not know that the reflection he sees in the eyes of the mocking bird is the idiot he is outwardly witnessing.  C.J.MacKechnie

The pride of a superior minded person cannot see his own reflection being played out in the idiocy of the playful mocking bird.

Works in progress.
I have been very fortunate to meet some very intelligent people in my life. Such as my adopted father who could literally do any math formula faster than you could lay it down on paper or inputted into a calculator and computer.  The pride and ego of those superior minded people is rude and belittling. I've learned from my father who preferred to be around more common people. Probably because their honesty is pure. There wasn't any competition of who is smarter. Even though he was a pacifist. I saw him as that tired samurai who could not be defeated. So he hid among the commoners.
His hiding was more than that. He was lied to and deceived by those who needed his intelligence.
For you other guys:
I met a former important person many weeks ago. He was bragging how he knew this concept and that topic. So, I Figured he may have known or was just testing to see what I knew. He even had ties to other people that I know of but had not met.  Yes, I'm being vague. The point is. I did not want him to think it is OK for us to begin any kind of friendship and I did not want to know anything he might have known. So, I became a mocking bird. He even loudly thought I was the idiot.
What happens to limestone when radio-logically heated? 
Would the process of radio-logically super heating limestone cause those old standing structures crumble into dust? or cause the entire state of Florida to become like muddy quicksand which turns into a hardened concrete.
Would the out gassing or the release of CO2 by the superheated limestone cause the population of the surface suffocate and die? Would the CO2 cloud move in the general direction of the winds and suffocate and kill everyone until it is dissipated?

What would happen when many high powered radio signals are aimed into one spot?

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Lies Children: (Unedited): 28 Oct 2012:

The children will only do what they do for the sole benefit of themselves (Absolute Selfishness). Just as the father of lies and deceptions will only protect and bless his children. So as long as they are of use. When his children are no longer of use. The other siblings will destroy and devour them. The other siblings will embarrass and humiliate the children which are no longer of use both publicly and privately. 
The children of the father of lies and deceptions. May not even be aware of his claim over them. Fore knowledge by his chosen children doesn't really matter as is those who become children of the one GOD, Grandfather or however you name the ONE DIVINE.
Tied to : Hidden Eloquence, Father's Lies
Think of a persons selfish desires. A selfish person isn't going to love one another unless it profits them more. A selfish person will only befriend those who are in positions of power, wealth and authority, again in the hopes that it will profit them. A selfish person will choose only for themselves.
With this knowledge the father of lies and deceptions will protect and bless the selfish person. With these blessings the father of lies and deceptions, knows that the selfish person will do more harm to the world than any other person. The selfish person is the secret agent to Satan. Satan knows that his identity is offensive to many, even to his own chosen children. Regardless of his children's acceptance of him. So, Satan will keep his true identity, claim and purpose for them a secret. Satan will do and reveal what is in the best interest of him solely. After all, Satan's goal is the extinction of the human race. This plan of extinction has much dimension. More than just coming in on space ships or dropping great rocks out of the heavens. To cause the human race to choose to self destruct is more meaningful for Satan than a simple death or our very easy to kill bodies. Think of the logical challenge of warfare as written by Sun Tzu.
Are you getting any of this?
The act for revenge by beings (Fallen Angels) who are incredibly more powerful than us lowly humans are. Should be really easy. But, for some reason. The information about this on going act of revenge has been forgotten or withheld by us. Except for brief descriptions in the Holy Bible. Angels are very powerful beings. They can alter our natural senses and our minds. These angels can physically turn us off like a simple light switch. They are a threat, these fallen angels and we are absolutely helpless alone against them. A movie about extreme revenge is the comic book movie called "Punisher". It is about a family man whose entire family is simply murdered. The Punisher sets out to murder the man who ordered the murder of his family. It would be simple to just go up and shoot them all. But, What happens is the Punisher causes the evil man to kill his best friend and wife. The family becomes extinct as well as the evil organization. Make this over simplified comparison between those who are the fallen angels, who hate us and the actions of the Punisher.
For only reasons which is only known to these demonic fallen angels. Their plans for humanities demise/extinction is prolonged and maybe even designed to prove a point, to GOD.  Who they are still at odds with. Like I said it would be easy to send some grand super space ship and destroy all of humanity in a single ship attack from orbit or hang out in the OoRT Cloud or along the Asteroid belt. Then just throw rocks at our planet until we all are dead.
All that has been done. All that is being done and all that will be done is to cause us to cause our own extinction. All of the lies and deceptions which is believed to be absolute truth is just those collective individual things which is intelligently designed to cause us or to push us into suicide, insanity and finally into extinction.
The next time you hear any speech, communication. Assume for a moment, you are the polar opposite of your current belief system. If you can agree with the speech/communication either way. Know that the speaker is of the Devil. Know that you are being lied and deceived just as those people who are of the opposite belief system as you.
Once you figure this out, that you are just a part of those being lied to and deceived. What do you do now? Think about the extent of the lies and deceptions. Islam and Christians are at war with one another and they believe in different god's. While the Christians are led to believe they each believe in the same God.  How is this possible? Someone is being lied to and deceived. It is not someone, it is both religions and any other group of people who are polarized in their beliefs and who are being collectively lied to and deceived. Is this a new aspect of evil for you to grasp? Now incorporate a level of hate and anger with the rudimentary thoughts of Sun Tzu, plus the additional knowledge of warfare which Sun Tzu did not know, The fictional character of the Punisher and the extents of revenge in order to prove a point to someone else like the One Divine GOD. Add in incredible intelligence. Add in Great Wisdom. Add in all time is yours. Combine it all together.
Added on 01 Jan 2025: Correction's. 
Please help if you can. Thank You.
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Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.

Hidden Eloquence: (Unedited): 28 Oct 2012:

The sons and daughters of the father of lies and deceptions, will be eloquently hidden behind their speech/communications. C.J. MacKechnie
Tied to: Father's Lies: Lies Children:
Only by your command of the language can you see them.
Only by your ability logically critically think can you know their lies and deceptions. (Critical Thinking) (logical Reason).
Only by your knowledge and understanding of history can you possibly predict the evil they wish to manifest.
These children are very good illusionist and magicians. You must look through their chosen cloth. You must look beyond the evidence in their paper. You must know, all that they do, is for themselves. 

Monday, October 29, 2012

Father's Lies: (Unedited): 28 Oct 2012:

Creating generalized intelligent speech/communication in which everyone can agree. All originates with the father of lies and deceptions.  C.J.MacKechnie
 Tied To: Hidden Eloquence, Lies Children.
Everyone means all people with no assigned category or separation or division considered. Can agree with a particular generalized intelligent speech upon hearing/reading it. This means a person of honor and another of dishonor will believe that the speech was meant for them. This means a person of high morality and another of rampant immorality will believe that the speech was meant for them. This also includes any other grouping of people which are polar opposites in any way. 

Monday, July 30, 2012

Family Secret: (unedited): 30 July 2008

It is easier for a family to expel and forget one of their own than it is to accept and/or forgive them.
This is also prevalent among many Christians. Who abandon old families and children to raise new ones. It is easy to move to a new area. Start a new family and completely abandon your former children. This evil activity is not just within the Christian Faith. It is all across American society. It is but a single reason of many for the end of the USA to come.
Most of the time Children who are abandoned by their own fathers. Feel that it is their fault. That some how the child did something to cause the father to abandon them. As this child grows and begins to mentally suffer. It is absolutely the fault of the father. Including the fathers of children who commit suicide. 
Evil is the person who claims and pretends to be a righteous man. While having started a new family within the church. Never telling any of their new friends about his family he left behind.
For the pastor. It is better for the Christian religion to have church in your own home. Then it is to have a large church filled with thousands of people just like what has been described.