Showing posts with label Corruption. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Corruption. Show all posts

Saturday, January 18, 2025

Mocking God Or A Direct Message +16: (Unedited): 18 Jan 2025:

Mocking God in any aspect of your life will create, grow and evolve your own curses in which the generations which come after you will have to endure.
Individual repentance of each person is still required to be eternally and spiritually saved. Regardless of how many generations of curses are on one person all the way back to Adam. There is always hope.
In the world which already hates God. Mocking God may gain you many worldly blessing for as long as you remain alive. Then is when you shall pay the price.
When the leaders of the world mock God it shall be those whom they lead who will suffer and die as which has been historically indicated in the Holy Bible.
That awful thing which has happened and continues to happen is because of a terrorist plan which is many years old. The signal to the most devout followers to act happened on a TV show which mocked God through a skit. 
Once the planned and implemented atrocity has run its course. Nero's finger of blame will be pointed to the actual enemies of the world systems.
Already it's known and already the promised future owners of the atrocity have sent their agents to make deals. This is only one atrocity of many which is solely based on profit motives, control and authority. 
The wicked evildoers of the world systems has it already burned into their minds that there are too many lesser common peoples who take what rightfully belongs to the superior people. So creating atrocities to kill the lesser peoples is rightful and necessary.
When the human state of a modern era has reached a high level. Massive atrocities must be created in order to further consolidate property ownership among the few. While creating more powerful centralized government controls and authority.
Once a government own everything, has full control and total authority is when the population can be forcibly culled thus making any future rebellion impossible. 
A secret global body rules over all of the nations under their non identified god. There shall be a beginning of the destructive and deadly miracles in every aspect of daily human living that no lesser person could ever explain or event understand. 
Initial accusations that the atrocities were because of poor management, incompetence or corruption will be deemed as woefully wrong.
It would be better to live life in the aftermath of an atrocity believing the ongoing hardships were from mismanagement and incompetence other than corruption and an act of treason.
The civilian cost of the civilian population being asleep and turning a blind apathetic eye will have a very high price for what must come. In which that price tag could exceed 30% of all living souls and the permanent breakup of the nation. 
You sleeping, blind, deaf and dumb people who cannot believe that all that was is already mostly gone. Ye, who refuse to see the evidence shall still suffer and die in your delusional arrogant ignorance.
You delusional people who refuse to believe anything more than your own feel good truth. You shall suffer and die in your self deceived lies.
You who still continually are obedient to your national leaders despite the mounting evidence that you're already sacrificial lambs awaiting slaughter. Remain calm and continue to do nothing. 
Chat GPT4o froze up on me while questioning the date 20 Jan.
Please help if you can. Thank You.
Cash App $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.

Friday, January 13, 2023

The Normalicy Of Decadence, Corrruption And Mental Illness +22: (Unedited): 13 Jan 2023, Friday:

Corruption and treason at the highest levels has manifested and is now perpetuated with a sense of normalcy and expectancy. Because of this all aspects of corruption and treason will have already trickled down through the corporate ladders, educational institutions and all the normal citizen belief systems.
The right wing of the same bird has brought to this once land of the free trickle down economics. While the left wing of the same bird has brought to the once free citizens trickle down decadence.
The delusional and unquestioned belief in the validity of every lie will only further enslave the minds of the once free to the degree the delusional believer becomes the lie and cannot exist in aspect of truth. The delusional believer will then only violently act out against anyone and anything who professes any actual truth.
The proof of delusion must be proven in all aspects of education. To the degree of redefining what is good and normal in the established psychological standards and practices. Once established then the lies which become the foundation of mentally ill belief systems can be normalized in all of the citizenry.
Once the freedom to exercise your own self chosen identity is believed as something which is normal and genuine regardless of truth. The validity of your own self defined truth can become legally protected by the state. Then all citizens must become obedient to the newly established laws or become criminalized. 
The absolute freedom to become anything and everything you desire only leads to no awareness of actual loss of freedom as you choose actual mental enslavement for your life. Because, it is the mind which controls and mutilates the body into the believed mental image of the delusional mind.
Now that medical and psychological professionals can now profit from the surgical and chemical mutilation of the natural human form no matter the age of the patient without any fear of criminal intent or civil liabilities. The rise of these procedures and the developments of many more will become commonplace and become just like what ADHD is today. A permanent source of revenue.
What was once thought of as any kind of human atrocity will become naturally normalized in the minds of the common citizen. No longer will any kind of human atrocity be believed as evil or wrong to any degree. The normalizing will begin in the highly esteemed educational institutions. For it is they who shall create the proper training and preparation of those pure young children who are to be chosen to be the objects of control for the pedophiles. This shall become the how to manual on sacrificing of the innocence. 
Those children who are selected to go into the guidance of efficient people movers shall not be legally known as abducted, missing, exploited or stolen children. For those children will be known as owned legal commodities. They will not be looked on as criminals or even be defined as human traffickers. For the term human traffickers will be seen as a disparaging and racist description. Especially, if the children has profited from their personal activities in any way. Regardless if the human traffickers kill off and disappear the children once they become diseased, pregnant or problematic. 
The normalcy of mental illness means that those psychological professionals will aid you in your own delusional belief system. Then when you cannot live as you think and believe that you are. Then another professional will aid you in your own beautiful and painless professionally observed suicide.
The normalcy of corruption means those who are elected to serve shall all become more than billionaires without any public knowledge and awareness even though they only earn a few hundred thousand a year. Yet no one will ask questions or investigate any wrong doing. Yet, no one will admit guilt or to quit their office in dishonor.
When a corrupted individual is caught. That person will be seen as a heroic robin hood despite the fact there is no evidence of giving to the poor as the story was told. For they have done the math and are willing to sacrifice a few years in prison and still are able to recover the millions or billions of dollars hidden away beyond the laws of the land. 
The governmental culling of their populations shall begin with the old, weak, sickly. Which will evolve to the culling of the deformed, disabled and defective. Which will evolve into the genocidal culling of anyone who is against the prevailing belief system of the land, disobedient, religiously appalling, racially impure, racially rejected. No one will be the wiser. No one will question.
It is already known that humans below the ruling or governing class cannot be trusted. So the rise of a robotic military and police forces will rise. In the beginning these individualistic AI robots will be seen as the saviors of human lives as these new robots will go into place to dangerous for humans. Once these military and police robots are made in the many millions. They will execute all of their orders exactly and without fear, morality, mercy or compassion. Without questioning what is right or wrong. Without hesitation. 
This is the prophetic evolution of things to come. The degree to which the world becomes more and more disgusting is as the Christian prophecies state for as it was in the days of Noah so shall it be in those end of days (paraphrase). Not only will the end of the world systems occur but also the extinction of humanity except for those selected saved souls by God. Which may mean only about 144,000 humans will be saved while all others will either end in judgement or receive glorified bodies. It seems the closer we get to the actual end of humanity events. The less likely a rapture becomes. Because, why would God need to save the good people when He has glorified bodies for His own children? Wouldn't a rapture for His children be a wasted effort? Especially if our physical deaths release our true spiritual nature from the physical confinements? Then when you look at the history of how Jesus died, the apostles died, early Christians died and even modern day Christians are dying right now all around the world. Why would His children expect any different? Is the rapture a false teaching in Christianity as this would stop any Denomination, Church, Christian from properly preparing and organizing into Christian survival groups with their own established exclusive micro economies? and it has. 
The fate of Christians has already been prophesied in the Holy Bible and ignored. The fate of all Christians will be one of physical abuse, torture and death. 
The false half truth teaching of a Christian victory is a falsehood. Without ever mentioning that the Christians physically lose while only achieving victory through the actions of Jesus Christ alone. In other words the Christians are absolutely helpless in the face of a brutal world system to rise and it is already rising today. The physical fate of Christians will be like lambs sent to slaughter. The Christians will flee too and fore. The Christians will be cut down where ever they may go. 
Added on 14 Jan 2023:
The above the law normalcy originates and even extends beyond the government and into the corporate and religious sectors. Laws and rules are only for those who are deemed as less than. While leaders and managers in any capacity are worshiped as lords and gods.
Added on 15 Jan 2023: 
The corruption mindset can easily be seen in the corporate, educational and religious sectors where rules are established for all and yet those who are in authority or management can still do whatever they want despite the rules established. While still severely admonishing everyone else.
Added on 13 April 2024: Written on 12 April 2024: 
The line between delusion and insanity is paper thin. While the line between delusion and sanity is like a great gulf. 
Governmental insane decisions and laws which are founded in sins are a result of the powerful delusion that God sent to the whole world.
NOTE: As the laws of government become more and more insane. It will be easy for the actual children of God to see and witness the torture and mutilation of children and those who suffer from a variety of mental illnesses. 
2 Thessalonians 2:
God has already sent a strong delusion to the world. While those humans who are not actually one of His Children will suffer greatly with a variety of insanity. While His own Children will be able to see this strong delusion as signs. This means that while those who do not belong to God will be unaware of their own delusion and insanity. This will include all of the church people who are fakers. This will include pastors and all other church leaders. When the actual children of God see the effects and affects of this strong delusion of God in the churches. They will quietly and secretly depart those churches. Fulfilling another prophecy. All of this will be explained away as people just get up and move without communication or explanation. Which is an actual normal occurrence. 
Added on 17 Sept 2024: 
The absence of taught math and other forms of critical thinking will result in the stagnation of humanity and then the de-evolution of mental states to that of the animal kingdom. 
The scarcity of an actual education diminishes the civility of a population decades down the road.
An under educated population cannot contribute to any meaningful advancement which benefits society.
Scarcity of any kind in this modern world is only about the control of the population and nothing more. Scarcity also includes freedom’s, liberties and human rights. 
Please help if you can. Thank You.
Cash App $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Thursday, August 4, 2022

Americas End of Justice Question: +8: (unedited): 04 Aug 2022:

More content to be added soon: Maybe.
???Where is the question???Americas End of Justice Question: +7:???
???Change title name???
The weights of justice in America was once blind to persons of any social or political class, culture or creed. Is there continuation or just not written well???
NOTE: Quotes were first to be written and then my unimportant and insignificant commentary as I try to understand and explain. The quotes I write are more important than any of the other words. The quotes stand alone. 
Personal Note: The intent of any of my writings is to save as many lives as possible.
Justice within a nation of God is intimately tied to it's continual existence.
Common revelation of the end of justice and law within the land of the free and home of the brave shall also precede the end of freedom, of liberty, of human rights and of national identity.
As the corruption of the justice system becomes more and more revealed to all persons in every land. The end of America shall become more and more evident. 
For as Justice ends in America so to does the existence of America on the land. 
Only in the minds and hearts shall the idea of America continue on. That is until those minds and hearts are extinguished.
Praising God even unto your demise is what all Christians should aspire to achieve. Even if you are to be labeled as a traitor of a corrupt land. A corrupt land which shall be excised from the world of Babel.
The weights of justice in the land of the free and home of the brave have become rusted and tarnished and thus when the structure of Justice crumbles. The collapse of the whole is evident. 
Even the prophets who declare the end of their own beloved nation suffer from heart break, they mourn with a great sadness all before the end comes. While looking up unto the Lord and praising Him in all His glory. For the lone sad prophet has declared and warned all that they could. The prophets have done their part in trying to save all whom they could.
When all that you have has been taken away all you have left is the lessons from Habakkuk who can still glory and praise God. While the wicked evil doers look upon you as some kind of traitor to the land. 
In the end of this life. No matter how it comes. All that you have left and all that you really ever had was God and His love for you.
Find and hold on to your joy in this regard. This is really tough for me to have joy and mourn at the same time. I'm not at the level of a Habakkuk. Let alone even think of myself as any sort of prophet. In which I still do not acknowledge in any way.
Months prior to Sept 11, 2001. I read Habakkuk and knew something was up. My paper writings were dark. Then there was no writing and a silence. Is this similar and will there be another silence before the next anti-American terrorist attack or will it be a massive military tet offensive/invasion.  
As I continue to write these unfortunate things. There is still the lessons of Jonah and Joseph. Each person is responsible to be like Joseph and Jonah for the benefit of their family, friends and church. Has the USA become Nineveh or Sodom? I guess it is for the people to decide very soon if not sooner. Unless, It is now too late as I think is indicated by the black sky visions. Yet, here we still are. Which means there is still time??? and hope??? 60 years since prayer was banned in schools. What does 60 years mean? If anything? 
Added on 05 Sept 2022: 
When the enemy of the state becomes the representative of the state. Anyone who then disagrees with the state. Suddenly becomes the enemy of the state and deserving of imprisonment and death. 
On more than one occasion has President Biden threatened the civilian population who are against him. By making suggestions that to go against the USA government. You would need nukes and F15's. When you look into this be sure to note the context. I do not think it will be President Biden who is the great evil leader of what will once has been the USA. It will be the one who comes after. This is assuming that the Americans do not actually repent from their evil ways. In which I do not see the probability in that at all. As the Americans continue on in their own evil ways. It will be the Americans who will lose everything and become scattered and dead. Even the useful idiots who support the actual evil doers will also suffer and die. This is because the idea of America, freedom, liberty and human rights is in their memory. It is the memory of American, freedom, liberty and human rights which must end.
Prophetic Note: If President Trump was right and if the midterm elections have a similar result as the 2020 elections. The democrats will have all of the power in The House, The Senate and hold the Presidency. 
The state will need to continue to replace all questionable people in government with their own faithful supporters. This also includes the military. The military will be used against the civilian populations inside of the USA. Before, the military can be used against the civilian populations within the USA. Laws must change. The entire military command structure must be replaced with those who will only obey the Commander in Chief and not the constitution. Then the basic foot soldier should all be foreign born who will have no problem killing American Christians, Conservatives, families, children and etc. In other words the new enemy of the state. I think we are still years out on this. The 2024 election year may be the year that the rainbow tsunami which has been scrubbed from the internet manifests into reality. This kind of takeover can only happen piece by piece and it takes time. So the rainbow tsunami people must build up their dedicated infrastructure first and then. You will never know that an American missile launched from an American warship destroyed the home, family of an outspoken person who is against the state. Yea, I have had those visions and a lot of them were clear. The news was also clear when it was reported that the home owner had his own illegal military explosives and blew himself, his family and friends up. I've had many visions about many different homes in rural locations and some in residential areas. Explode while watching the missile is launched and finding its target. Granted this might still be 4-8 years past the 2024 elections. The end of America is at hand. So, if your from Canada. Then sell all of your American assets and remain in Canada. This is for your own safety. If you are from Mexico, Central America or South America. You need to sell all of your assets and return while it is still safe. Look for my other writings as I still think you can wait for some time after the 2024 elections in the USA.
Cash App $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
Musings of an American Truck Driver books
========== May 2022: ========================

Sunday, June 25, 2017

Perfect Fig Tree: (Unedited): 22 June 2017:

The symbol of the fig tree was once a perfection of creation until the sin of man and the corruption which became from that sin was manifested. Eden was a place of absolute perfection even in thought of memory until man dirtied it with sin. So much so that when God in man form comes to one of His fig trees in creation and all it has is the leaves and no fruit. Could this be the origin of His uncharacteristic anger? What man had done to perfection created?
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Friday, September 30, 2016

Evil Government People: (Unedited): 30 Sept 2016:

Blind Obedience to a corrupt and self serving government. Is you perpetuating their brand of evil upon the people and maybe the world. 
Does it matter to you or are you just surviving and thriving at the expense of others. When you create your own form of evil in support of a corrupt and self serving government. You have become your own self defined evil. Even though you may not think of it as such. As soon as you cause harm and suffering upon any other living soul. You are harming yourself more. You are losing your own honor.
As you also begin to figure out how you can profit more from the corruption within the Government you wholly support. You shall eventually lose everything, your wealth, your family, your honor. You may even become so blind that you may not even be aware until all of those things which are truly important are gone.
When you receive satisfaction, happiness and even ecstasy from causing others to suffer because of some minor offense. You are evil. There is no more becoming evil for you. Beware of those living signposts of great warning which are in your life. When a person who used to be of importance to you. Speaks and tells you that you used to be a good person and had a good name. That truth becomes a dagger which shall enrage you as your blind arrogant pride has been harmed. So you think you must cause them even more harm and suffering and you do so.
The soul which is still good. Will reflect upon those words as a fresh branding from a red hot iron. Hopefully this reflection will lead to repentance which leads to a return to righteousness.
What shall be the cost when you return to goodness. A complete loss to your place in the world. A loss of your worldly wealth and respect. A loss to your worldly future. Can you see how even you have become corrupted to a world which will eventually end by fire?
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Saturday, April 30, 2016

Modern Nephilim: Chimera Transhumans: Human Corruption Code: (Unedited): 30 April 2016:

Modern Nephilim: (Unedited): 30 April 2016: 
The offspring of the modern day transhumans and posthumans shall be the near equivalent to the old days of the Nephilim.
Chimera Transhumans: (Unedited): 30 April 2016:
The chimera stylized genetics of transhumans and posthumans will begin to subjugate the inferior base human beings.
Human Corruption Code: (Unedited): 30 April 2016:
Transhumanism and Posthumanism is the corruption of the pure genetic code of humanity. 
The evolutionary time coding of the Pure Human DNA strands shall be broken with any corruption of the coding sequences.
Humans were made to evolve at a certain rate of time. With possible leaps within. The leaps maybe a design parameter to keep the whole human population in time with each other. When a percentage of humanity is in mutual sync. Then a genetic leap can happen. Thus keeping the entire human population equalized and stable.
Authors Personal Message: (Unedited): 30 April 2016: 
The information contained within the human DNA strand sequences is made just like a three dimensional book. Plus, there is a personal message coding from the Author.
Currently living human beings who have not had their DNA and RNA defiled, corrupted or contaminated. Will have locked into their sequencing a personal message to those who find the ability to read the coded message within the code. Also within the code is a genealogical history of that person. Which can be numeralized and decoded.
Those who have had their genetic coding corrupted, contaminated and defiled to any degree as only known by the Author. Any messaging of the past or present will lose perfect tense in long term functionality.
(The word numeralized may not be a word)
The use of Wikipedia is a starting point only. Some of which leads to dead ends for me. For you maybe not. Especially, if you do not see any further information to support the Wiki link. You must always pray and meditate before you you do a thing.
Before you begin to get into this. Better have your drinks on hand and snacks. This is gonna get deep. Way above my pay grade kind of stuff. Nothing in this list is in any kind of order. Pencil and paper is advised. Prepare for brain fry time.
 As it was in the days of Noah. So it will be
The military's of the world will want their super soldiers. Hollywood has already given us their versions of super soldiers and even cyborgs.  They have even answered some very important questions and posed many more. There will be some things that will be absolutely necessary when the governments of the world begin to make their soldiers. For instance. Watch the trailers below and then watch the movies with a mindset towards genetics.
1).  Absolute control and reliability. They must obey and follow through or complete their mission.
2). Short life expectancy. For instance. Once DNA enhancements have been initiated. That soldier will die quickly of natural causes in 6-20 years.
3). Unable to procreate. No politician or leader will want any super soldier to procreate with anyone. To do so will introduce uncertainty in the offspring and be outside of the controls of government. Do you really want a Nephilim walking around. Planning on taking over your country as they once did.
4). Introduced Specific psychological defect or tick or tell which will identify the enhancement program of the transhuman.  For instance a purple flash light causes laughter. Which identifies super pilots. 
After studying all of this genetic type of information. The Science aspect of the Holy Bible is revealing itself to me. All I can say is wow.
The comparison to Greek mythology and the fallen angels become more real.  The Indian gods and the Asian gods as well as all of the other gods of the world. For they are all the fallen ones whom have many names but can or should be all identified by their character traits. All of those gods of the world seem to directly leads to the histories in the Holy Bible and the Holy Bible leads everyone to Jesus Christ. For those of you who are far more talented than I am. There are many books here which should be published. If you are one of the inspired ones. No need to mention or credit me.
Added on 05 Aug 2016: DNA Corruption may be legalized in the USA.
Added on 23 Aug 2016:
Written on 19 Aug 2016:
Chinese prophecy: Will China be the first to edit their own accepted people's DNA to achieve certain desirable effects. There will be many drawbacks which will not be easily quantified. Blind Arrogance. Thirst to be beyond those who are deemed less than. A true loss of their humanity and they won't even be aware that they have lost their humanity. But, this isn't about just China.
The highest accepted class of Chinese shall have an average IQ which shall increase every few years. To an average IQ of 250+.
The highest accepted class of Chinese shall achieve a stable and healthy average height for men 6 foot and 4 inches and for women 6 foot and 0 inches.
The age of Transhumanism has begun.
Added on 02 Dec 2018: Dated late November 2018:HIT: Cats out of the bag now.
Prophecy: By the 2030's maybe sooner. Genetic editing of a nation's best athletes and intellectuals will become commonplace. In other words genetic editing of living and growing human beings outside of the womb. World records will even begin to fall at the high school level. To the degree that children born will be required to have genetic identification made. So that quick genetic comparisons can be made of any person who excels far beyond the average for every age group and educational levels. Genetic identification of all parents will also be made to ascertain genetic anomalies between parents and child.
Fallen Angel Nephilim Prophecy:
A new kind of Nephilim is or has appeared on Earth. They will be of average human height and of typical human characteristics. Except their rage and hatred will be extreme. Their physical strength, speed and stamina will be more than three times any modern day human being. The new Nephilim will also have the same regenerative capabilities. Head removal necessary as is Biblical historical.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 