This is most likely more predictive than prophetic in the spooky sense. But, here is what I have been seeing today. Note Form. Future Investment opportunities.
New homes being built with engineering from clean room technologies built into whole homes. With air control systems hybridized for use in the residential settings. The incorporation of antiviral and anti bacterial systems into the home. The incorporation of air exchanging to keep the in home air clean. Homes and commercial buildings becoming hyperbaric chamber like.
I see UV systems in air handlers.
I see Ozone generators in the system as well. Controls to attain high levels of ozone when living beings are not present. These settings can be scheduled.
Air over pressure systems maintained.
Ionizers also in use.
O2 concentrations maintained.
There are many more systems that I'm not aware of.
A fully installed for home use hybrid systems which is also computer controlled can even be added to existing homes and commercial properties.
These hybrid systems will be available in the coming future for Government, home and commercial uses. New laws shall be passed for clean air standards as well as sanitized air standards.
These new merged technologies and new ones shall be used when and if humanity actually travel to other celestial bodies.
These are the things that are contained within my own mind. That I'm unable to verbally express. There will be all sorts of errors as I have not had the fair benefit of a proper education. If you leave a comment. Please be nice and clean. You are welcomed.
Showing posts with label Engineering. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Engineering. Show all posts
Sunday, July 12, 2020
Wednesday, October 25, 2017
Lost Jobs: Unedited: 24 Oct 2017:
No corporate officer lost their job for saving or making the corporation money and wealth.
=============The ability of a common person to obtain and to hold a job until they retire is becoming ever increasingly difficult. The automation process of every entry level position is going to create a global impossibility. To the point where the products made cannot be purchased by the majority of people.
So in order for a common person to keep a step above the automation juggernaut. Each common person will have to continually educate and update their skills sets indefinitely. This will be just to remained employed throughout your working life.
As with today, Their will be some commonalities with how a person can make a living right now and in the future. For instance, Those who do work in electricity, welding, plumbing and Air-Conditioning and auto, truck mechanic work will always see continual employment. Assuming they keep a good attitude, good customer service skills and the continual improvement of their specific skill sets.
There will be an expansion in the automation skill sets. Those who can troubleshoot and repair robotic equipment will need to know hardware, software, networking and security aspects of computers. They will need to have a working knowledge of pneumatic's and hydraulics. They will need to know electrical and mechanical engineering. Know how to safely work around both high and low voltages at once safely. They will need to have welding skills as well. These are just the beginning. Those who can merge all of the skill sets into a oneness may always be employed. Then as I have written before the step above professional is fabricator.
This is what the young people need to pursue right now. Especially those who do not desire college. But, a young person who can gain degrees in electrical, mechanical and computer engineering degrees. Will be ahead of their games in the future. But, they need to know that becoming a brain trust is only useful as a college professor. They must be able to work efficiently with their hands and complete all tasks above expectations. No pressure. Always have your hope and always find the positive in every message. Then drive forward non stop.
2011: Anhueser Busch robots loading trucks:
2011: Pepsi using automated packaging robots.
2013: Frito-lay, Wynright, puts robots into their warehouses.
2014: Automated building practices:
2016: Robot waiters.
I have only listed a few. You get the point. I can go on listing forever. Also, think about the automotive automation and how those jobs are gone. Almost all of manufacturing is automated. Even those very skilled jobs of machinists. The trucking industry is going to be automated. All aspects of logistics is to be automated. When all of this automation is done. Who will have the jobs? Those who fix the robots? What happens when robots are built to be used until they breakdown and become recycled? Who will have jobs then?
Even retail giants like Walmart have just stopped caring about their employees like Sam Walton did. In 2016. Walmart fired high end jobs inside the back offices in favor of low end jobs to assist in customer service. Which has never occurred. Because, Walmart is a dedicated self service retail establishment. What has occurred is continued automation of the cash registers. Thus, eliminating even more low end and low pay jobs. Walmart is focused on stock help productivity. Which means no interactions with any customers. Because, any interactions with any customers means a loss in productivity. This is a trend which will trickle down to every other retail establishment in order for them all to remain competitive with Walmart. As more and more automation occurs at every level in the work place. The loss of jobs will become the necessary outcome. All for the benefit of the corporation, the corporate officers, the share holders and Board of Directors. Nothing else matters. Have a nice day. (Attitude).
By 2017: All corporations have pretty much divested themselves in the giving of additional benefits. If those benefits are given. Then it is expected that you will leave the corporation before you are eligible.
It is easy to see a pattern in low need employees losing their jobs. All the way back to the advent of business computers and the evolution of software. With every efficiency came the lay offs of employees no longer needed. Such as all of the middle managers who lost their jobs because of mainstream computers. Now all of humanity is in that advent of robotic automation in every aspect of industrial society. Which means more and more loss of jobs.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.
To live in peace with everyone.
To exist in harmony with all.
To Cherish all life.
To be obedient to the Laws of God.
To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.==============
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something. Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.
Musings of an American Truck Driver books
Brain Trust,
Skill Sets,
Port Richey, FL, USA
Thursday, May 25, 2017
Tabby's Stratagem: (Unedited): 25 May 2017:
Tabby's Stratagem
When at war with a foe for many millennia and there is no hope to live or even coexist in any kind of mutual understanding and peace. It will be necessary to develop plans to insure not only that your people survive but to thrive. Without continuously running and hiding. While at the same time causing the enemy who only wants you and everyone else to become extinct to all die first. When there is nothing else to hope for. Then you must do as you must. For your survival as well as the survival for all other life forms. Even the lesser ones.
Beings and species which cannot be reasoned with or negotiated with. They must end especially if they have already repeatedly drawn first blood. This must be done in order to save the lives of those who only desire peace.
Beings and species which cannot be reasoned with or negotiated with. They must end especially if they have already repeatedly drawn first blood. This must be done in order to save the lives of those who only desire peace.
One aspect is the creation of secure homes or fortresses within the galaxy and in other galaxies. Then cause them to be mobile at the fastest possible of speeds. But, how to do this and where to begin. That has already been thought of and coined by people more smarter than I. It is called a Dyson Sphere. The strategy also involves other minor actions as well.
The best idea is to find remote locations within a galaxy. Which is limited of any energy resources. Also, which causes long travel and the exhausting of stored energies within any known class of ship. Assuming the technology is at such a level that free energy creation is still improbable and that absorbing energy from stars is the preferred method. Maybe even a technologically stagnant preferred method.
1). Create, build and manage your own star or star's. Or by locating a stable binary or triple star system. Would prove beneficial as one could be used as a energy source while building and energizing the Dyson Sphere.
A). Begin by building literally trillions of automated mining and construction drones.
B). Start by clearing out all debris from the closest to the furthest objects. This includes all planets, moons, asteroids, comets and any other natural object.
C). Weapons and sensor platforms should be created first and automated. They all should be in the outer perimeter of the exterior shell which is to be built. All of which obtains
their energy directly from their star. So limitless energy.
D). Begin building in dozens of places. Use a design specification which is unlike any
design that you have. Or use a dozen different design formats.
2). Then beginning in the habitable zone. Begin building the inner perimeter of the Dyson Sphere. Consider our own star and Earth. The inner perimeter would begin somewhere between the orbits of Venus and Mars. From the inner perimeter to the exterior perimeter of the actual Dyson Sphere can be many tens of thousands of miles thick. This must support both the interior and exterior mass.
3). Begin collecting preferred natural minerals. Even if you have to travel many hundreds of light years in all directions. Then place them inside along the inner perimeter. Creating a habitable area for all life you choose to inhabit the inner all light area. This is more about strategy than technology to create or program your own minerals and compounds. The planet like minerals can be up to or more than many thousands of miles thick.
4). Once the inner portion of the Dyson sphere is complete. Begin adding life into the inner zones. From smallest to largest. All life which can thrive in an always light environment.
5). The outer portion or exterior perimeter of the Dyson Sphere should be lined with a variety of major offensive and defensive weapons systems. I'm a believer that you cannot have to many guns. Especially, when your at war with those who cannot be reasoned with or just refuse to consider any other course of action.
6). The outer portion of the Dyson Sphere should contain many thousands of miles deep with salt water ocean ice. The weapons platforms should extend beyond the ice.
7). The whole engineering process is completed when the entire Dyson Sphere acts as a gyroscope. When all life within is self sustaining. All weapons platforms can store their individual energies and be able to quickly repeat fire many hundreds of times.
8). The programming of atoms and aligning of atoms must be a technology which is easy for those to use however they desire or decide. Which means the robotic machines used to create the actual structure of the Dyson Sphere can be made of a metal whose atomic structures are aligned and in close proximity to one another.
9). The creation of robotic systems to build, maintain and defend the entire aspect of the sphere. The robotic systems should be capable of networking and team work. This should already be happening for some time. There should be many hundreds of trillions of these robotic machines in the creation process. Then once their service is complete or there is a problem. They are energetically assimilated back into the system and re-created into something which is needed. Or recreated into offensive and defensive robotic machines which goes forth to ascertain an enemy and allow passage or destroy them all.
10). The amount of life which can be sustained could measure in the many hundreds of trillions. Including human life. That would be only on the inner surface of the Dyson Sphere. This does not include the population of the Dyson Sphere machine itself.
11). Then it can move. Thus, not being able to be located or found. It should also have the ability to absorb energy from any star it interacts with. Thus, capable of removing all of its own fuel. Their enemy will be able to extrapolate when stars just blink out and planets begin to roam free.
12). Used as an offensive weapon. By hoping into the central portions of any solar system and absorbing the energy from those stars. Or causing those stars to become destabilized to the point of explosion. You will deny energy for the enemies warships. Then abide your time and destroy them all. There is also energies within every planet. So any planet inhabited by the enemy. Those energies should also be absorbed. Just like the great Nazi WW2 Battleship which left port alone and suffered it's final fate at the hands of lesser warships and planes. There should be more than one of these huge Dyson spheres. To work, support and fight together. To go it alone. Is not a wise strategy.
13). Locating lesser species who have the determined capability to make a leap from their current state of lesser technology to your state of technology would be a wise find. Especially, if their population has become numerous. Thus, guiding willing souls to achieve more than they were would go a long way to save you all. Any reasonable lesser species who learn of a coming threat. Should make the wise decisions on their own to some degree. assuming there is time and if there is no time. Then those lesser species should be invited into your great ship.
14). Rotational engineering of the Dyson Sphere. The mechanical structure of the Dyson sphere should be able to self rotate as part of an uncertain and ongoing strategy. The internal and life supporting part of the structure should have it's own rotation. The exterior of the mechanical structure of the Dyson should also be able to independently rotate in any particular direction not associated with the internal perimeter of the structure.
===Throwing Rocks is just rude.===
Even today in modern US Military practice. When they build a fortress. They love to clear out a lot of land. So as to prevent hiding places for snipers and other bad guys. This is why you would need to clear out everything within 100+ light years(estimate). Which includes anything which emits any sort of energy or resource. So that when an armada of ships comes within range. They will have no opportunity to absorb any energy from a star. To energy means no use of weapons systems or the ability to maneuver. One of the aspects of the defeat of WW2 Germany was their inability to procure fuel. Thus their tanks and planes could not be used.
Back to clearing out everything. Which also means all asteroids, rocks and planets. Even down to minute particles. Once a species has the ability to absorb energy from every star. Then it would make sense that they can also create stars and planets. Which you could also assume that they can also move those objects into their pre-planned orbits. Which means they could begin throwing asteroids at your ships or planets.
Think about our solar system. Us human beings on this one little planet is literally surrounded by an asteroid belt as well as the Oort cloud. We are basically in a very bad situation as any species who can and have their own ability to travel from one star to the next star with a very high probability of not experiencing any accidents. Then they would have the ability to throw asteroids and comets at Earth at any time. Even sending them on long orbits to strike a specific place at an exact time on the Earth sometime in the future of their own choosing.
The best idea is to find remote locations within a galaxy. Which is limited of any energy resources. Also, which causes long travel and the exhausting of stored energies within any known class of ship. Assuming the technology is at such a level that free energy creation is still improbable and that absorbing energy from stars is the preferred method. Maybe even a technologically stagnant preferred method.
1). Create, build and manage your own star or star's. Or by locating a stable binary or triple star system. Would prove beneficial as one could be used as a energy source while building and energizing the Dyson Sphere.
A). Begin by building literally trillions of automated mining and construction drones.
B). Start by clearing out all debris from the closest to the furthest objects. This includes all planets, moons, asteroids, comets and any other natural object.
C). Weapons and sensor platforms should be created first and automated. They all should be in the outer perimeter of the exterior shell which is to be built. All of which obtains
their energy directly from their star. So limitless energy.
D). Begin building in dozens of places. Use a design specification which is unlike any
design that you have. Or use a dozen different design formats.
2). Then beginning in the habitable zone. Begin building the inner perimeter of the Dyson Sphere. Consider our own star and Earth. The inner perimeter would begin somewhere between the orbits of Venus and Mars. From the inner perimeter to the exterior perimeter of the actual Dyson Sphere can be many tens of thousands of miles thick. This must support both the interior and exterior mass.
3). Begin collecting preferred natural minerals. Even if you have to travel many hundreds of light years in all directions. Then place them inside along the inner perimeter. Creating a habitable area for all life you choose to inhabit the inner all light area. This is more about strategy than technology to create or program your own minerals and compounds. The planet like minerals can be up to or more than many thousands of miles thick.
4). Once the inner portion of the Dyson sphere is complete. Begin adding life into the inner zones. From smallest to largest. All life which can thrive in an always light environment.
5). The outer portion or exterior perimeter of the Dyson Sphere should be lined with a variety of major offensive and defensive weapons systems. I'm a believer that you cannot have to many guns. Especially, when your at war with those who cannot be reasoned with or just refuse to consider any other course of action.
6). The outer portion of the Dyson Sphere should contain many thousands of miles deep with salt water ocean ice. The weapons platforms should extend beyond the ice.
7). The whole engineering process is completed when the entire Dyson Sphere acts as a gyroscope. When all life within is self sustaining. All weapons platforms can store their individual energies and be able to quickly repeat fire many hundreds of times.
8). The programming of atoms and aligning of atoms must be a technology which is easy for those to use however they desire or decide. Which means the robotic machines used to create the actual structure of the Dyson Sphere can be made of a metal whose atomic structures are aligned and in close proximity to one another.
9). The creation of robotic systems to build, maintain and defend the entire aspect of the sphere. The robotic systems should be capable of networking and team work. This should already be happening for some time. There should be many hundreds of trillions of these robotic machines in the creation process. Then once their service is complete or there is a problem. They are energetically assimilated back into the system and re-created into something which is needed. Or recreated into offensive and defensive robotic machines which goes forth to ascertain an enemy and allow passage or destroy them all.
10). The amount of life which can be sustained could measure in the many hundreds of trillions. Including human life. That would be only on the inner surface of the Dyson Sphere. This does not include the population of the Dyson Sphere machine itself.
11). Then it can move. Thus, not being able to be located or found. It should also have the ability to absorb energy from any star it interacts with. Thus, capable of removing all of its own fuel. Their enemy will be able to extrapolate when stars just blink out and planets begin to roam free.
12). Used as an offensive weapon. By hoping into the central portions of any solar system and absorbing the energy from those stars. Or causing those stars to become destabilized to the point of explosion. You will deny energy for the enemies warships. Then abide your time and destroy them all. There is also energies within every planet. So any planet inhabited by the enemy. Those energies should also be absorbed. Just like the great Nazi WW2 Battleship which left port alone and suffered it's final fate at the hands of lesser warships and planes. There should be more than one of these huge Dyson spheres. To work, support and fight together. To go it alone. Is not a wise strategy.
13). Locating lesser species who have the determined capability to make a leap from their current state of lesser technology to your state of technology would be a wise find. Especially, if their population has become numerous. Thus, guiding willing souls to achieve more than they were would go a long way to save you all. Any reasonable lesser species who learn of a coming threat. Should make the wise decisions on their own to some degree. assuming there is time and if there is no time. Then those lesser species should be invited into your great ship.
14). Rotational engineering of the Dyson Sphere. The mechanical structure of the Dyson sphere should be able to self rotate as part of an uncertain and ongoing strategy. The internal and life supporting part of the structure should have it's own rotation. The exterior of the mechanical structure of the Dyson should also be able to independently rotate in any particular direction not associated with the internal perimeter of the structure.
===Throwing Rocks is just rude.===
Even today in modern US Military practice. When they build a fortress. They love to clear out a lot of land. So as to prevent hiding places for snipers and other bad guys. This is why you would need to clear out everything within 100+ light years(estimate). Which includes anything which emits any sort of energy or resource. So that when an armada of ships comes within range. They will have no opportunity to absorb any energy from a star. To energy means no use of weapons systems or the ability to maneuver. One of the aspects of the defeat of WW2 Germany was their inability to procure fuel. Thus their tanks and planes could not be used.
Back to clearing out everything. Which also means all asteroids, rocks and planets. Even down to minute particles. Once a species has the ability to absorb energy from every star. Then it would make sense that they can also create stars and planets. Which you could also assume that they can also move those objects into their pre-planned orbits. Which means they could begin throwing asteroids at your ships or planets.
Think about our solar system. Us human beings on this one little planet is literally surrounded by an asteroid belt as well as the Oort cloud. We are basically in a very bad situation as any species who can and have their own ability to travel from one star to the next star with a very high probability of not experiencing any accidents. Then they would have the ability to throw asteroids and comets at Earth at any time. Even sending them on long orbits to strike a specific place at an exact time on the Earth sometime in the future of their own choosing.
Possible Reality: (Unedited): 26 May 2017:
The impossibility of any building project is evidence that you are not ready for that level of possible reality.
===================Added on 27 May 2017:
No matter how advanced or superior you seem to be to the majority of life forms. Surviving a threat from an unreasonable and unnumbered foe which is seemingly superior to you. Will require you to take those impossible leaps into the realms of probability and possibility. Yes, to cause you to choose to step away from certainty. Which as of yet not even conceived by any of your own people as of yet. You may even need to suck on that sour pill of forgotten humility and seek guidance and education from those insignificant species whom you may have abused many many millennia ago. Which may even now have been forgotten by them all. I would bet they would even accept your return.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.
To live in peace with everyone.
To exist in harmony with all.
To Cherish all life.
To be obedient to the Laws of God.
To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
==============At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something. Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.
Musings of an American Truck Driver books
Dyson's Sphere,
Solar System,
Port Richey, FL, USA
Saturday, April 30, 2016
Modern Nephilim: Chimera Transhumans: Human Corruption Code: (Unedited): 30 April 2016:
Modern Nephilim: (Unedited): 30 April 2016:
The offspring of the modern day transhumans and posthumans shall be the near equivalent to the old days of the Nephilim.
===============Chimera Transhumans: (Unedited): 30 April 2016:
The chimera stylized genetics of transhumans and posthumans will begin to subjugate the inferior base human beings.
------------------------------Human Corruption Code: (Unedited): 30 April 2016:
Transhumanism and Posthumanism is the corruption of the pure genetic code of humanity.
The evolutionary time coding of the Pure Human DNA strands shall be broken with any corruption of the coding sequences.
-----------------------Humans were made to evolve at a certain rate of time. With possible leaps within. The leaps maybe a design parameter to keep the whole human population in time with each other. When a percentage of humanity is in mutual sync. Then a genetic leap can happen. Thus keeping the entire human population equalized and stable.
Authors Personal Message: (Unedited): 30 April 2016:
The information contained within the human DNA strand sequences is made just like a three dimensional book. Plus, there is a personal message coding from the Author.
---------------------Currently living human beings who have not had their DNA and RNA defiled, corrupted or contaminated. Will have locked into their sequencing a personal message to those who find the ability to read the coded message within the code. Also within the code is a genealogical history of that person. Which can be numeralized and decoded.
Those who have had their genetic coding corrupted, contaminated and defiled to any degree as only known by the Author. Any messaging of the past or present will lose perfect tense in long term functionality.
(The word numeralized may not be a word)
The use of Wikipedia is a starting point only. Some of which leads to dead ends for me. For you maybe not. Especially, if you do not see any further information to support the Wiki link. You must always pray and meditate before you you do a thing.
Before you begin to get into this. Better have your drinks on hand and snacks. This is gonna get deep. Way above my pay grade kind of stuff. Nothing in this list is in any kind of order. Pencil and paper is advised. Prepare for brain fry time.
As it was in the days of Noah. So it will be
The military's of the world will want their super soldiers. Hollywood has already given us their versions of super soldiers and even cyborgs. They have even answered some very important questions and posed many more. There will be some things that will be absolutely necessary when the governments of the world begin to make their soldiers. For instance. Watch the trailers below and then watch the movies with a mindset towards genetics.
1). Absolute control and reliability. They must obey and follow through or complete their mission.
2). Short life expectancy. For instance. Once DNA enhancements have been initiated. That soldier will die quickly of natural causes in 6-20 years.
3). Unable to procreate. No politician or leader will want any super soldier to procreate with anyone. To do so will introduce uncertainty in the offspring and be outside of the controls of government. Do you really want a Nephilim walking around. Planning on taking over your country as they once did.
4). Introduced Specific psychological defect or tick or tell which will identify the enhancement program of the transhuman. For instance a purple flash light causes laughter. Which identifies super pilots.
After studying all of this genetic type of information. The Science aspect of the Holy Bible is revealing itself to me. All I can say is wow.
The comparison to Greek mythology and the fallen angels become more real. The Indian gods and the Asian gods as well as all of the other gods of the world. For they are all the fallen ones whom have many names but can or should be all identified by their character traits. All of those gods of the world seem to directly leads to the histories in the Holy Bible and the Holy Bible leads everyone to Jesus Christ. For those of you who are far more talented than I am. There are many books here which should be published. If you are one of the inspired ones. No need to mention or credit me.
Added on 05 Aug 2016: DNA Corruption may be legalized in the USA.
Added on 23 Aug 2016:
Written on 19 Aug 2016:
Chinese prophecy: Will China be the first to edit their own accepted people's DNA to achieve certain desirable effects. There will be many drawbacks which will not be easily quantified. Blind Arrogance. Thirst to be beyond those who are deemed less than. A true loss of their humanity and they won't even be aware that they have lost their humanity. But, this isn't about just China.
The highest accepted class of Chinese shall have an average IQ which shall increase every few years. To an average IQ of 250+.
The highest accepted class of Chinese shall achieve a stable and healthy average height for men 6 foot and 4 inches and for women 6 foot and 0 inches.
The age of Transhumanism has begun.
Added on 02 Dec 2018: Dated late November 2018:HIT: Cats out of the bag now.
Prophecy: By the 2030's maybe sooner. Genetic editing of a nation's best athletes and intellectuals will become commonplace. In other words genetic editing of living and growing human beings outside of the womb. World records will even begin to fall at the high school level. To the degree that children born will be required to have genetic identification made. So that quick genetic comparisons can be made of any person who excels far beyond the average for every age group and educational levels. Genetic identification of all parents will also be made to ascertain genetic anomalies between parents and child.
Fallen Angel Nephilim Prophecy:
A new kind of Nephilim is or has appeared on Earth. They will be of average human height and of typical human characteristics. Except their rage and hatred will be extreme. Their physical strength, speed and stamina will be more than three times any modern day human being. The new Nephilim will also have the same regenerative capabilities. Head removal necessary as is Biblical historical.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something. Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.
Musings of an American Truck Driver
Port Richey, FL, USA
Monday, June 18, 2012
Building opportunity (unedited). 17 June 2012
Great opportunities are like great buildings which must be built. Great buildings require great engineering and great builders. Just as opportunities require great management and great leadership.
New Port Richey, FL 34655, USA
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