Showing posts with label Jobs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jobs. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 27, 2018

USA Immigration Prophecy: (Unedited): 27 March 2018:

27 May 2018: Added some minor content.
Before the end of 2030. The Latino/Hispanic illegal population inside the USA will have declined. This will be public knowledge. This illegal population decline will begin sometime around 2025. It basically will not be noticed. Except for the crime which become horrendous along the Mexican and American border. As those Mexican, Central American and South American Nationals find their way back home. They will become easy targets for all manor of crime which includes horrendous death.
By around 2022, Low end, low skilled and low education based jobs will decline in every category of the American jobs index. The American financial situation will become much worse and the availability of state and federal aid will decline and become difficult to obtain. So the illegal immigrants will go back home to their country of ancestral birth.
-----------Very Important------------
This exodus will see greater wealth going into those countries if those countries allow and protect those returning citizens. This will become a very good thing for those nations as those who return will also bring back their learned skills, education, talents and crafts. If they do not. The numbers of deaths and horrors will be apocalyptic.
Something that returning immigrants can do if possible. Is to ship your important things back to your home to be cared for by a trusted relative. This does not have to be done only once. But many times. That way when you travel back home. If possible take a cruise ship and just get off at your best Port of Call opportunity. If possible take a plane home. So yes, you have 4-12 years to prepare to return to your native home safely. Most likely closer to 12 years, maybe. it is like a bell curve. With the central peak at around the 8-9 year point. I think.
So all of you foreign nationals and nationalized Americans continue to send your families monies and goods. Visit your country of birth and invest time and energies into the land of your family. So that way when and if you return back home. You will be or should welcomed back home as blessed family. Start a missionary from your American church to your ancestral country and town. Make shipments back home. It is my intention to reveal these things in the hopes of saving lives and to ease all suffering. When and if you return. This will be a blessing and is a blessing for your native countries. For the USA will suffer gravely in the time when God exercises His righteous judgements upon all of the peoples in the land of the free. Do not forget the purple words below. 
If you choose to remain. You or your children and your grand children will have to learn new skills for the future. All of which includes college degree(s). By completely supporting your younger generations right now. The long term legacy of your family will be extended inside of the USA.
List not in any order.
1). Welding, brazing and soldering. Soldering means NASA like style. Certifications. 
2). Pneumatic's and hydraulics.
3). Electricity and electronics. High voltage as well as low voltage. Certifications.
4). Basic mechanics. Basic robotics mechanical repair.
5). Computer Science degree and necessary certifications.
6). Computer Language involving industrial and business applications. Certifications.
7). Industrial robotics management degree.(If one exists yet).
Now merge everything together. 
As with anything in life there are no guarantees. The USA could completely go into an unrecoverable financial collapse. The third WW3 begins in which the USA ends. All of this is prophetic from the Holy Bible in accordance to many who think they understand it. To go before or to remain? Question within yourself this one thing "Are you an American?". To me it doesn't matter if you have title to American citizenship or not. Well are you an American? It is OK to say either no or yes to yourself. So as long as you do not lie to yourself. If your answer is NO, then plan to go back to your country. Begin shipments of goods to your beloved and trusted family members. If your answer is Yes, then plan for the future. It is coming for all Americans regardless where their ancestors originated from. My kids already have been told those blue words and dates. We can even see automation migrate into Walmart Stores as walmart employees become fewer and fewer. No one is discussing the loss of jobs to automation.
No politician or Government agency like ICE will cause a panic rush of illegal immigrants back to their home countries. They will just return. They will see what is coming and just know. Many will stay for longer periods if they have dutiful and responsible children or grandchildren who heed their warnings to educate, educate and educate. But the advent of Robotics and AI will change the whole world. It is estimated that about 2+ billion low skilled and low education jobs will disappear by 2030 worldwide. Which I think is a low ball number. What does that mean for Americans? More than half the working population unemployed by some estimates. Here is the short list. Trucking jobs gone, Construction jobs gone. Retail jobs gone. The teachers replaced by adaptive AI for individual student learning. Lawn care jobs gone. Custodial jobs gone. Manufacturing jobs gone. Taxi driver jobs gone. Migrant worker jobs gone. Farming jobs gone. All of this because of robotics and AI. Watch the movie the Walt Disney WALL-E movie again. If you can see your career becoming automated. Then it will become automated. The list goes on. Even if your in management. How do you keep your management job if there is no one to manage.
All is not so bad with robotics, automation and AI. Somebody has to fix that new robot stuff and the person fixing it has got to get paid cash in hand - buddy. Because some super smart AI is gonna tell some dumb farm robot machine to go out in the rain. Then like the turkey it is it's gonna look up and drown. Then your gonna get paid to fix it and reprogram the super smart AI not to do stupid stuff. And if you can't do both or all of it. Then your gonna have to call someone(s) to share your paycheck with.
Personal Note: I never really passed that sharing class in school or playing nice in the sand box thing. I guess I'm still a deeply flawed human being.
Added on 17 April 2024: 
I think my 2022 comment about low end jobs decline is off. Except for the lack of cashiers in stores. Those jobs are and have been disappearing.  Although, Walmart is rethinking this change just as they have thought about their change in how they use janitorial robots. Their customers have been turning them off. So I guess they will only use cleaning robots when the store is closed. The next generation of robotics is amazing. Which includes robotics for farming, shipping, receiving, manufacturing, construction and other trades. My years are off.
Also, We have a sitting president in Joe Biden who declared that immigration was going to be expanded. He said those things before he won the election. The numbers of immigration since President Joe Biden became president is woefully under counted. Those numbers are closer to 20-30 million souls. They all will vote or votes cast on their behalf. President Joe Biden and the Democrats may win up to 36 states plus the states which often times support democrats. This is population replacement voting. Maybe, it will be this and the next election cycles in which the democrats attain a super majority at all levels of elections.
Added on 20 Sept 2024: 
There are most likely about 50 +/- million foreign nationals inside of the USA. All of them are being financially supported. There are now apparent massive problems. They will most likely all vote and their votes will most likely be managed by those who support the democrat party. The effect will be a loss of about 20 states in this election cycle and in 2026 to the democrat party. 
The 50 or so foreign national voters are already creating their own micro economies, supporting local economies as well as the national economies. Their economic impact is greater in the micro economies and becomes less of an impact up to the national level. I hope I wrote that correctly.
If the former President Donald Trump wins the election and follows through with forced deportation. There will be a negative impact in residential housing, banking, Insurance and mortgage companies. As a very large percentage who bought homes through the Federal government will simply burn them all down as they begin to fear of being deported back to their homeland. Another large percentage will begin to burn everything in their path. Another large percentage will begin to attack common American citizens as which is already being seen right now. 
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Lost Jobs: Unedited: 24 Oct 2017:

No corporate officer lost their job for saving or making the corporation money and wealth.
The ability of a common person to obtain and to hold a job until they retire is becoming ever increasingly difficult. The automation process of every entry level position is going to create a global impossibility. To the point where the products made cannot be purchased by the majority of people.
So in order for a common person to keep a step above the automation juggernaut. Each common person will have to continually educate and update their skills sets indefinitely. This will be just to remained employed throughout your working life.
As with today, Their will be some commonalities with how a person can make a living right now and in the future. For instance, Those who do work in electricity, welding, plumbing and Air-Conditioning and auto, truck mechanic work will always see continual employment. Assuming they keep a good attitude, good customer service skills and the continual improvement of their specific skill sets.
There will be an expansion in the automation skill sets. Those who can troubleshoot and repair robotic equipment will need to know hardware, software, networking and security aspects of computers. They will need to have a working knowledge of pneumatic's and hydraulics. They will need to know electrical and mechanical engineering. Know how to safely work around both high and low voltages at once safely. They will need to have welding skills as well. These are just the beginning. Those who can merge all of the skill sets into a oneness may always be employed. Then as I have written before the step above professional is fabricator.
This is what the young people need to pursue right now. Especially those who do not desire college. But, a young person who can gain degrees in electrical, mechanical and computer engineering degrees. Will be ahead of their games in the future. But, they need to know that becoming a brain trust is only useful as a college professor. They must be able to work efficiently with their hands and complete all tasks above expectations. No pressure. Always have your hope and always find the positive in every message. Then drive forward non stop.
2011: Anhueser Busch robots loading trucks:
2011: Pepsi using automated packaging robots.
2013: Frito-lay, Wynright,  puts robots into their warehouses.
2014: Automated building practices:
2016: Robot waiters.
I have only listed a few. You get the point. I can go on listing forever. Also, think about the automotive automation and how those jobs are gone. Almost all of manufacturing is automated. Even those very skilled jobs of machinists. The trucking industry is going to be automated. All aspects of logistics is to be automated. When all of this automation is done. Who will have the jobs? Those who fix the robots? What happens when robots are built to be used until they breakdown and become recycled? Who will have jobs then?
Even retail giants like Walmart have just stopped caring about their employees like Sam Walton did. In 2016. Walmart fired high end jobs inside the back offices in favor of low end jobs to assist in customer service. Which has never occurred. Because, Walmart is a dedicated self service retail establishment. What has occurred is continued automation of the cash registers. Thus, eliminating even more low end  and low pay jobs. Walmart is focused on stock help productivity. Which means no interactions with any customers. Because, any interactions with any customers means a loss in productivity. This is a trend which will trickle down to every other retail establishment in order for them all to remain competitive with Walmart. As more and more automation occurs at every level in the work place. The loss of jobs will become the necessary outcome. All for the benefit of the corporation, the corporate officers, the share holders and Board of Directors. Nothing else matters. Have a nice day. (Attitude).
By 2017: All corporations have pretty much divested themselves in the giving of additional benefits. If those benefits are given. Then it is expected that you will leave the corporation before you are eligible.
It is easy to see a pattern in low need employees losing their jobs. All the way back to the advent of business computers and the evolution of software. With every efficiency came the lay offs of employees no longer needed. Such as all of the middle managers who lost their jobs because of mainstream computers. Now all of humanity is in that advent of robotic automation in every aspect of industrial society. Which means more and more loss of jobs.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Friday, March 7, 2014

Undereducated Future: (Unedited): 07 March 2014:

The advent of 3D printing is going to alter the whole world. To such a degree that world wide unemployment could become greater than 25% and maybe even 50%. 3D printing is still in it's infancy, Eventually all manner of construction, manufacturing and industrialization will be done with this new 3D process. Which means construction, manufacturing and industrial jobs for undereducated human beings will dramatically go down and Careers will end. This should occur within 20-40 years. There will be a ramping up process. Meaning that worldwide jobs are not going to disappear over night. It will take at least a decade or two after the first 3D machines are put into place for a specific process.
Those people who are now in their twenties will witness the growth of this new technology and will also see their job disappear. Just as others will see all around the world. It is easy to see the negative ramifications in 20-40 years. There is a positive opportunity for those very bright people who are not capable of formal education. 
 By becoming self educated. You can be one of the needed who will be paid a very good wage or better yet, you can become a new self owned business person. Below will be a list of working knowledge and working skills you will need to be successful in the next 20-40 years as this new 3D printing technology develops and matures.
General Skills Needed           (Mechanic)

Functional industrial programming, troubleshooting and testing. Repair of key computer components and other related hardware. You will also need to be a skilled user and teacher to those who use the devices.

You will need to have at least a basic understanding of the various trades. Such as various construction styles, manufacturing and industrial applications.

You will need a working knowledge of industrial robotics. The 3D robotic machines which have not even been invented yet will parked along the perimeter edge of a commercial building which will soon rise from the ground. Every building will be manufactured in this new 3D process. Everything will become made via 3D robot.

The era where machines were built inside of a building is gone. Soon the entire building will become a mechanized robot.
:The New Leaders:
The person who is to be one of the new leaders of this new 3D technology. Will obtain a collection of those college degrees in the areas of business, robotics, computer science, civil engineering, industrial engineering and etc. That is about 10+ years of continuous college classes. This is the new paradigm in education. Education is now never ending. For the young person who is in middle school right now. If he or she can see the validity of this new 3D printing process and is will to put forth the energy to collect the soon to be necessary college degrees. Invest in your child. In 2014, the 4 year college degree is the high school diploma of the 1950's. A masters degree is the associates degree of the 1970's. Multiple and mutually related degrees and advanced degrees is the key to your child's future.

The advanced college educated young person will not have to obtain these skills below and could hire out the work. 
As well as other education in welding with certification. Diesel Mechanics. Electricity and electronics.
Please help if you can. Thank You.
Cash App $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.

Friday, October 12, 2012

Tiger Without: (Unedited) 14 Nov 2011:

A paper tigers roar is without authority, power and teeth. C.J.MacKechnie
No matter what you do in life. Even if you have kept all of your cheating secret. Everyone will still know you as a paper tiger. You will lose your jobs because the supervisors will soon discover all that you are lacking in training, education, intelligence, Honor and integrity.
Your only safety net is working for your own family. Even that will only last so long. Because, you will eventually cause the loss of more money than you are worth. Your own family may even want to pay to to do other things. A effective cost saving measure as defined by your own elders.
 It is crucial for those genuine leaders, who are in positions of responsibility and authority to have a direct relationship with those who are the meat and bone of your work force. You must have that free and open door to them. So, when you hire that great and wonderful your management person. You need those key personnel to let you know. Your new young manager or even the middle aged person is a paper tiger. A new manager who causes you to lose key personnel will do such great harm to your company. That you may not be able to overcome. Even if you can save many dollars in wage/benefits.