Showing posts with label 2022. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 2022. Show all posts

Sunday, June 6, 2021

More Than One Deadline Approaches:

 This is primarily for the American Christians. I was just reminded about the logic and reason as associated with mathematical statistics. So, I'm struggling and not really wanting to write these things below. While knowing that humanity or America may actually be in the negative and undesirable of certainty as defined my own deeply flawed brain. So here it is from obedience. 
I also, know and understand if the Christians won't even read their Bibles, pray or actually live Christians lives more than 1 day a week. Then how are Christians going to do anything else? The Christians will continue to be pushed out of society, culture, out of the work place, out of the mindset. The Christians will lose everything which will also include their own freedom, liberties and rights. Christians will even lose their right to personhood. Christians will go to jail for simply being Christians. Christians will be hunted and killed and no law enforcement agency will desire to investigate those killings which will not make any news source. But, every crime done by any Christian/pastor will be televised for weeks at a time. This is what is coming for Christians In America. 
Yes, The underground church in Canada is a birthing sign. It will only get worse from here. 
The evil doers have won, but. I'm writing this. They think themselves as the good guys and you as the enemy evil doer who must be eliminated. There will be an evolution of their thinking processes.
Denominations and independent churches must come together locally. Put forth one single candidate that will represent Christianity. Then come together in one unified voice. 
How to verify vote counts per voting area? Then having one hundred percent Christian turnout before and after the election. Quietly and peacefully force all electorates, officials to see and know the truth. What happens before must also have every voter making continuous digital communication to each elected official personally. These activities must happen and must happen today, not sooner and not later. All Christians must begin all manner of digital communications with every elected official on a daily, weekly, monthly and even for each specific mentioning news event. These things must happen right now. 
Christians must come to terms that this world has left them behind and do not want any Christian communication, acknowledgement, participation or involvement. 
All Christian mass gatherings must be silent and everyone cleans up after themselves and each other. All must be polite. 
The organization of any mass gatherings can be for a single day with one group of people and then replaced with a new group of people. 
Deadline dates can change without your knowledge.
Added on 07 June 2021: 
The days of plenty are waxing thin. 
This one little statement, you know to be true and yet you speak of it to no one. Yet, each church is not prepared to even care for a handful of people, let alone the many thousands who will come to each church begging for help and assistance. What have you done to become an empty building devoid of any love, mercy and compassion? Maybe, this/you are a reason why the Lord returns like an angry lion. Maybe this/you are a reason why the coming of the Lord is a great and terrible day. For the many of you have hidden away inside of your empty buildings siphoning away the wealth for your own selfish purposes. Then sending those desperate church members and needy strangers to other entities for help and assistance. Then feeling good that you have done your godly part. 
You cannot feed the hungry if you have not food. You cannot store up food if you have not grown it. You can not replenish or expand the process if you have done nothing. For the wise prepares and are prepared. The foolish depends on the wise virgins. Get it. 
Where is your new seed? Where is your stored up foods? Where are your crops? Where is your new wine skins? Where is your extra oil?  The days of plenty are waxing thin. How do you love one another? Is it really loving one another when you send a needy person to another church, food bank or government entity? Go and sin no more. 
The great and terrible/dreadful day of the the Lord comes ...
Yet, you do not even describe the words terrible or dreadful. Why? Why does the Lord coming be a dreadful or terrible day? Why can't the coming of the Lord be a great and wonderful day? 

Tuesday, March 27, 2018

USA Immigration Prophecy: (Unedited): 27 March 2018:

27 May 2018: Added some minor content.
Before the end of 2030. The Latino/Hispanic illegal population inside the USA will have declined. This will be public knowledge. This illegal population decline will begin sometime around 2025. It basically will not be noticed. Except for the crime which become horrendous along the Mexican and American border. As those Mexican, Central American and South American Nationals find their way back home. They will become easy targets for all manor of crime which includes horrendous death.
By around 2022, Low end, low skilled and low education based jobs will decline in every category of the American jobs index. The American financial situation will become much worse and the availability of state and federal aid will decline and become difficult to obtain. So the illegal immigrants will go back home to their country of ancestral birth.
-----------Very Important------------
This exodus will see greater wealth going into those countries if those countries allow and protect those returning citizens. This will become a very good thing for those nations as those who return will also bring back their learned skills, education, talents and crafts. If they do not. The numbers of deaths and horrors will be apocalyptic.
Something that returning immigrants can do if possible. Is to ship your important things back to your home to be cared for by a trusted relative. This does not have to be done only once. But many times. That way when you travel back home. If possible take a cruise ship and just get off at your best Port of Call opportunity. If possible take a plane home. So yes, you have 4-12 years to prepare to return to your native home safely. Most likely closer to 12 years, maybe. it is like a bell curve. With the central peak at around the 8-9 year point. I think.
So all of you foreign nationals and nationalized Americans continue to send your families monies and goods. Visit your country of birth and invest time and energies into the land of your family. So that way when and if you return back home. You will be or should welcomed back home as blessed family. Start a missionary from your American church to your ancestral country and town. Make shipments back home. It is my intention to reveal these things in the hopes of saving lives and to ease all suffering. When and if you return. This will be a blessing and is a blessing for your native countries. For the USA will suffer gravely in the time when God exercises His righteous judgements upon all of the peoples in the land of the free. Do not forget the purple words below. 
If you choose to remain. You or your children and your grand children will have to learn new skills for the future. All of which includes college degree(s). By completely supporting your younger generations right now. The long term legacy of your family will be extended inside of the USA.
List not in any order.
1). Welding, brazing and soldering. Soldering means NASA like style. Certifications. 
2). Pneumatic's and hydraulics.
3). Electricity and electronics. High voltage as well as low voltage. Certifications.
4). Basic mechanics. Basic robotics mechanical repair.
5). Computer Science degree and necessary certifications.
6). Computer Language involving industrial and business applications. Certifications.
7). Industrial robotics management degree.(If one exists yet).
Now merge everything together. 
As with anything in life there are no guarantees. The USA could completely go into an unrecoverable financial collapse. The third WW3 begins in which the USA ends. All of this is prophetic from the Holy Bible in accordance to many who think they understand it. To go before or to remain? Question within yourself this one thing "Are you an American?". To me it doesn't matter if you have title to American citizenship or not. Well are you an American? It is OK to say either no or yes to yourself. So as long as you do not lie to yourself. If your answer is NO, then plan to go back to your country. Begin shipments of goods to your beloved and trusted family members. If your answer is Yes, then plan for the future. It is coming for all Americans regardless where their ancestors originated from. My kids already have been told those blue words and dates. We can even see automation migrate into Walmart Stores as walmart employees become fewer and fewer. No one is discussing the loss of jobs to automation.
No politician or Government agency like ICE will cause a panic rush of illegal immigrants back to their home countries. They will just return. They will see what is coming and just know. Many will stay for longer periods if they have dutiful and responsible children or grandchildren who heed their warnings to educate, educate and educate. But the advent of Robotics and AI will change the whole world. It is estimated that about 2+ billion low skilled and low education jobs will disappear by 2030 worldwide. Which I think is a low ball number. What does that mean for Americans? More than half the working population unemployed by some estimates. Here is the short list. Trucking jobs gone, Construction jobs gone. Retail jobs gone. The teachers replaced by adaptive AI for individual student learning. Lawn care jobs gone. Custodial jobs gone. Manufacturing jobs gone. Taxi driver jobs gone. Migrant worker jobs gone. Farming jobs gone. All of this because of robotics and AI. Watch the movie the Walt Disney WALL-E movie again. If you can see your career becoming automated. Then it will become automated. The list goes on. Even if your in management. How do you keep your management job if there is no one to manage.
All is not so bad with robotics, automation and AI. Somebody has to fix that new robot stuff and the person fixing it has got to get paid cash in hand - buddy. Because some super smart AI is gonna tell some dumb farm robot machine to go out in the rain. Then like the turkey it is it's gonna look up and drown. Then your gonna get paid to fix it and reprogram the super smart AI not to do stupid stuff. And if you can't do both or all of it. Then your gonna have to call someone(s) to share your paycheck with.
Personal Note: I never really passed that sharing class in school or playing nice in the sand box thing. I guess I'm still a deeply flawed human being.
Added on 17 April 2024: 
I think my 2022 comment about low end jobs decline is off. Except for the lack of cashiers in stores. Those jobs are and have been disappearing.  Although, Walmart is rethinking this change just as they have thought about their change in how they use janitorial robots. Their customers have been turning them off. So I guess they will only use cleaning robots when the store is closed. The next generation of robotics is amazing. Which includes robotics for farming, shipping, receiving, manufacturing, construction and other trades. My years are off.
Also, We have a sitting president in Joe Biden who declared that immigration was going to be expanded. He said those things before he won the election. The numbers of immigration since President Joe Biden became president is woefully under counted. Those numbers are closer to 20-30 million souls. They all will vote or votes cast on their behalf. President Joe Biden and the Democrats may win up to 36 states plus the states which often times support democrats. This is population replacement voting. Maybe, it will be this and the next election cycles in which the democrats attain a super majority at all levels of elections.
Added on 20 Sept 2024: 
There are most likely about 50 +/- million foreign nationals inside of the USA. All of them are being financially supported. There are now apparent massive problems. They will most likely all vote and their votes will most likely be managed by those who support the democrat party. The effect will be a loss of about 20 states in this election cycle and in 2026 to the democrat party. 
The 50 or so foreign national voters are already creating their own micro economies, supporting local economies as well as the national economies. Their economic impact is greater in the micro economies and becomes less of an impact up to the national level. I hope I wrote that correctly.
If the former President Donald Trump wins the election and follows through with forced deportation. There will be a negative impact in residential housing, banking, Insurance and mortgage companies. As a very large percentage who bought homes through the Federal government will simply burn them all down as they begin to fear of being deported back to their homeland. Another large percentage will begin to burn everything in their path. Another large percentage will begin to attack common American citizens as which is already being seen right now. 
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

JerUSAlem USA: (Unedited): 03 July 2013:

Warning! Warning! Warning!
Woe to all of the inhabitants of the world.
 Woe to all of the Nations of the world.
 Woe to all of the religions of the world.
Returning to the intent of your religion of love, religion of peace, religion of harmony and religion of life. May save you from the Consequences of Disobedience. Of all of the disobedience the whole world has witnessed from the most blessed nation of JerUSAlem USA will become the first to suffer greatly. The blessings and protections that GOD has given to them and still is - is still in place. It is the ruling parties and the people who have either moved their Nation out from the Holy Umbrella or has allowed it to be moved. When their destruction is complete and the wolves rush in to devour them all. Then your next. Unless, You repent now. Flee from sin now. Freely pray in private by your own will. Freely Meditate and Listen to The Heavenly father and obey. Contemplate on the Holy wisdom, Holy Knowledge and Holy understandings given just for you. Move in the spirit and not by the orders or directives of any other man.
Watch and witness the demise of the entire hierarchy of the Roman Catholic Church. The evil that is within will be cleansed and purified with the hottest of fires. Those innocents who may survive will be forever changed. The close proximity of the Holy spirit to the innocent ones may cause those survivors permanent physical traumas.
For every sin you agree in through your action or non-action. You will endure the consequences every 3.5 years and every 7 years. Until you have either perished or have repented. There will be a time before you perish when your sins are so numerous that every day begins a new misery. There is always the covering of forgiveness until the appointed time when the mercy and grace of God ends. Then will the world intimately know the wrath of the Holy Father as their Executing God.But, Until, that appointed time in the future. We all can collectively bring all of the prophetic death and destruction to an absolute non occurrence.
Even with all of the warnings from many different sources. Ye hard of heart will not change.  It is not GOD who has hardened your hearts. You have done that from your own apathetic free choice. You won't even laugh at the messengers, unless of course you are forced into a confrontation. You will simply ignore and reject automatically. This is why you will be chosen first. JerUSAlem, JerUSAlem Return back into the good graces of your God. You must do so before the calamities bells toll.
The wholeness of prayer is.  Prayer is you talking to God. Meditating is you listening to GOD. Contemplating is you trying to understand what GOD has told to only you. Worshiping GOD is you - worshiping GOD.  This is the wholeness of prayer as I personally understand it.  Think about a respectful conversation you have with another person. You talk and listen. You think about what has been said. Then talk and listen some more. This is respectful. A somewhat equal exchange in ideas. With God there is no equal exchange of ideas. So, which is more important?
This is evidence that if persons come into contact with GOD. They will not live. So one can assume that coming in partial contact even with the other heavenly beings can cause a human harm to varying degrees. Which can include simple insanity or even death.
:Steve Weyerts:
If you want to know the probable time line of prophecy in the Holy Bible. Watch and learn from Mr. Weyerts YouTube channel.
California may become the first of 12 States economically fall beginning in 2015-2016. This would be a beginning process.  One state of the 12 may survive into its own national entity. This would be representative of the polar opposite to the 12 Disciples. Thus by 2020-2022. The whole of once was the USA as a whole may have become fundamentally transformed into something else entirely and unrecognizable. Just as those Native Indian nations were once were, so to shall you become De-populated.  Just as any other kingdom which once was is no more. All of this can still be averted. Repent and flee from all sin. Pray, meditate and contemplate those things taught to you from the Heavenly Father. Just in case, liquidate all assets and divest yourself out of California and depart that state.
2022 is 49 years past Roe V. Wade of 1973.
2015 approaches and so does another possible bad and sad event from God. The USA shall not listen as the American population has gone to far from God's grace and protections. This may be another form of discipline as was
  • August 1 – Alabama Supreme Court Chief Justice Roy Moore has a 2.5-short-ton (2,300 kg) monument of the Ten Commandments installed in the Rotunda of the Judiciary Building. He is later sued to have it removed, and eventually removed from office.
August 9 – U.S. President George W. Bush announces his limited support for federal funding of research on embryonic stem cells.
November 4United States presidential election, 2008: Barack Obama is elected the 44th President of the United States and Joe Biden is elected the 47th Vice President. Barack Obama becomes the first African-American President-elect
A national event
Many more natural events. More deadly.
Governmental anti-freedom actions declared as fixes.
See video dated 27 Oct 2015: Below
#6 or #7 see note
more than 2015
#7 or #8 see note
more than 2022

2022 and 2029 Note
The reason why I started at 1980 instead of 1973 is it looks like the USA had a reprieve with President Reagan. I do believe that 1973 is important as it marks a time within the USA that the people have become anti-life. I have not received an Email from God stating that 1973 should be the number one. Either way. I think it should be number one. Simply because the number that often comes into my realty when I need to pay attention and to take action is 22 or 222 and 2022 may be the 7th.
The anti-life comment doesn't matter what you believe or I believe. We the people are a part of a Republic and so what the government takes actions on they do on behalf and by permission of the entire population of the United States of America. Which includes all of the debt we each share a responsible burden.
A possible reprieve can come to the entire USA if the collective population makes a definite turn towards righteousness and godliness. 
It is not, nor has it ever been my intent to insult anyone for any reason. If you choose to be angry or mad. Then it is your free choice. I do all that I can to fix errors. I do like a helping hand from time to time and am grateful. I will not adhere to any human traditions that prevents any person from achieving a state of holiness with their defined God. It is for every free person to choose to achieve a state of holiness and that of a prophet/mentor as The Heavenly Father rewards that status. Which is not a status achieved from any human declaration and piety.
Prophecy is only probable, when a simple revelation can alter everything. Which must be followed with good and righteous works of prevention.
This is not like those Theological Doomsday Preachers who preach in order to cause fear amongst their congregation in order to bring in more people and more money. These events which will be coming do not care about churches or money. The only thing which will prevent any and all of the bad and sad prophecies is the change within your own heart and mind. It doesn't matter what religion you practice. It only matters the over all condition of your Being/soul.
:Added Content 04 July 2013: Added content on 09 July 2013: Added content on 13 Sept 2014:
Added on 27 Oct 2015: From the Jim Bakker show. Jonathon Kahn:
To love one another.

To live in peace.

To exist in harmony.

 To cherish life. 
To obey/honor the Laws of God.

 To become the holy and righteous people as The Heavenly Father intended us all to be.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 