Showing posts with label Traditions. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Traditions. Show all posts

Sunday, October 14, 2018

Culture of God: (Unedited): 14 Oct 2018:

You must reject all of the sinful traditions and cultures of humanities **social constructs before you can truly rejoin the culture of God.
God Culture Requires: (Unedited): 14 oct 2018:
The culture of God requires love, obedience, cleanliness, righteousness and holiness.
There is most likely a hundred more positive words to add to this quote.
God is the only one who accepts or declines anything and everything at anytime. The Purple words below most likely applies to some minor degree.
Personal Note:
** All of humanities social constructs may not have any validity or truth whatsoever. Such as races of humanity. This one very idea is a human social construct which has zero supporting scientific evidence. Yet, this one perpetuated lie is believed as a truth by the vast majority of human beings even though scientific evidence has absolutely proved the idea of the races of humanity to be completely false. 1984 DNA Profiling and the 2003 Human genome project.
Holding onto any tradition and culture of humanity may be those stumbling blocks which keeps you from being in communication with God. Just remember the levite holymen wore bells and a rope around their waste in case they had a sinful thought while within the Holy of Holies. Any sinful thought was judged by God right then. Judgement was administered immediately. Then those outside of the Holy of Holies would pull the dead man out of the Holy of Holies.
Once you begin to read the Holy Bible more often on a daily basis. Once you pray and meditate more on a daily basis. Once you fast more for a specific purpose on a regular basis. Once you begin to flee from and reject all sins as already indicated by God. You will most likely will have to exclude yourself from *anything worldly.
You will begin to enter into the culture of God.
As God begins to see and accept your cleanliness, holiness and righteousness. Your prayers, meditation and worship will also be accepted and responded to.
Please do not read just the verse by habit anymore. Please read the entire topic and/or the entire chapter. To get the full value of meaning. Without getting off kelter by any other persons commentary. No matter how much you respect and admire their writings and teachings. After all they are also just like you and me. Deeply flawed human beings prone to errors, omissions and sins. If Peter was used by satan as a vessel to communicate with Jesus, Who are you? Peter walked with Jesus and even walked on water? So I say again who are you in comparison to Peter? So never think or assume that satan will not use you to communicate or do anything under any kind of false pretense. Even if you think it is righteous, true and holy. Even if you think the Holy Spirit is guiding you. Because even peter thought Jesus was wrong to be speaking about eating of my flesh and drinking of my blood. So who are you? Who am I? This is why all words must be checked by the Holy Bible. Nothing spoken or read can conflict with the Holy Bible. This includes the words of famous people and my words everywhere I have written them. They all must be judged and validated by those who are in the know. In which I have no one to validate any of my writings. So you must do your due diligence. Which includes prayer and meditation. Which includes a deep memory of injesting and digesting the whole word of God into your whole being.
John 15:19
John 17:14-16
1 John 2:15
James 1:27
James 4:4
1 Corinthians 5:9-10
Romans 12:1-2
satan rules the world.
John 12:31
John 16:11
1 John 5:19
2 Corinthians 4:4
Ephesians 2:2
Ephesians 6:12
Isaiah 14:12-15
Personal Note: *anything worldly.
To what degree? I have no idea. Everything religious? Everything popular? Everything socially related? Everything political? Everything etc.? I have no idea where it ends or begins and to what degree. We have to live in the world but not be of the world. Loving God and clinging to God in entirety seems to be key. I will admit I'm lacking in those categories and more.
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Dark Light: (Unedited): 06 March 2014:

From the darkness of their being. 
Light seems to emanate from them.
It only seems to.
It only seems that light emanates from these very powerful beings. Some of you may have already met them and are declaring them gods. There light is like that of a burning WW2 city after it has been firebombed. Darkness within and only the fires of destruction and death is it's only light. They are like beautiful black holes. Sucking in everything and again they're only light is from the destruction of stars which have collided and lost form.

You must not know or care of the end result. That by each of you following or worshiping these falsely illuminated beings. You are and what will be who gives them there light. Through all of those souls which you bring to them and then finally your own soul. Until, when such a time comes as has been prophesied by many traditions and religions. All of humanity becomes lost and destroyed. Save for the select.
Hence, through death and destruction do they the fallen angels, beings or space aliens receive there power.  Through your pains, your sufferings and miseries do they feed from you.
The birthing of a new species of humanity is a slave race and a controller race. The slave race who eats only from boxes and the controller race which lives the life of great luxury. The slave race who will mindlessly obey all commands even to go forth without fear and with great ferocity to kill and destroy all that was good and beautiful. Hell on Earth will be manifested. This too has been prophesied.  As anything which has been prophesied. It all can be averted, prevented and mitigated.
By simply, living a life with love, peace and harmony. Will all of the bad and sad prophecies become just bad stories of fiction. Though much wisdom can be learned from them as will as continued warning for generations to come.
Please help if you can. Thank You.
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Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

JerUSAlem USA: (Unedited): 03 July 2013:

Warning! Warning! Warning!
Woe to all of the inhabitants of the world.
 Woe to all of the Nations of the world.
 Woe to all of the religions of the world.
Returning to the intent of your religion of love, religion of peace, religion of harmony and religion of life. May save you from the Consequences of Disobedience. Of all of the disobedience the whole world has witnessed from the most blessed nation of JerUSAlem USA will become the first to suffer greatly. The blessings and protections that GOD has given to them and still is - is still in place. It is the ruling parties and the people who have either moved their Nation out from the Holy Umbrella or has allowed it to be moved. When their destruction is complete and the wolves rush in to devour them all. Then your next. Unless, You repent now. Flee from sin now. Freely pray in private by your own will. Freely Meditate and Listen to The Heavenly father and obey. Contemplate on the Holy wisdom, Holy Knowledge and Holy understandings given just for you. Move in the spirit and not by the orders or directives of any other man.
Watch and witness the demise of the entire hierarchy of the Roman Catholic Church. The evil that is within will be cleansed and purified with the hottest of fires. Those innocents who may survive will be forever changed. The close proximity of the Holy spirit to the innocent ones may cause those survivors permanent physical traumas.
For every sin you agree in through your action or non-action. You will endure the consequences every 3.5 years and every 7 years. Until you have either perished or have repented. There will be a time before you perish when your sins are so numerous that every day begins a new misery. There is always the covering of forgiveness until the appointed time when the mercy and grace of God ends. Then will the world intimately know the wrath of the Holy Father as their Executing God.But, Until, that appointed time in the future. We all can collectively bring all of the prophetic death and destruction to an absolute non occurrence.
Even with all of the warnings from many different sources. Ye hard of heart will not change.  It is not GOD who has hardened your hearts. You have done that from your own apathetic free choice. You won't even laugh at the messengers, unless of course you are forced into a confrontation. You will simply ignore and reject automatically. This is why you will be chosen first. JerUSAlem, JerUSAlem Return back into the good graces of your God. You must do so before the calamities bells toll.
The wholeness of prayer is.  Prayer is you talking to God. Meditating is you listening to GOD. Contemplating is you trying to understand what GOD has told to only you. Worshiping GOD is you - worshiping GOD.  This is the wholeness of prayer as I personally understand it.  Think about a respectful conversation you have with another person. You talk and listen. You think about what has been said. Then talk and listen some more. This is respectful. A somewhat equal exchange in ideas. With God there is no equal exchange of ideas. So, which is more important?
This is evidence that if persons come into contact with GOD. They will not live. So one can assume that coming in partial contact even with the other heavenly beings can cause a human harm to varying degrees. Which can include simple insanity or even death.
:Steve Weyerts:
If you want to know the probable time line of prophecy in the Holy Bible. Watch and learn from Mr. Weyerts YouTube channel.
California may become the first of 12 States economically fall beginning in 2015-2016. This would be a beginning process.  One state of the 12 may survive into its own national entity. This would be representative of the polar opposite to the 12 Disciples. Thus by 2020-2022. The whole of once was the USA as a whole may have become fundamentally transformed into something else entirely and unrecognizable. Just as those Native Indian nations were once were, so to shall you become De-populated.  Just as any other kingdom which once was is no more. All of this can still be averted. Repent and flee from all sin. Pray, meditate and contemplate those things taught to you from the Heavenly Father. Just in case, liquidate all assets and divest yourself out of California and depart that state.
2022 is 49 years past Roe V. Wade of 1973.
2015 approaches and so does another possible bad and sad event from God. The USA shall not listen as the American population has gone to far from God's grace and protections. This may be another form of discipline as was
  • August 1 – Alabama Supreme Court Chief Justice Roy Moore has a 2.5-short-ton (2,300 kg) monument of the Ten Commandments installed in the Rotunda of the Judiciary Building. He is later sued to have it removed, and eventually removed from office.
August 9 – U.S. President George W. Bush announces his limited support for federal funding of research on embryonic stem cells.
November 4United States presidential election, 2008: Barack Obama is elected the 44th President of the United States and Joe Biden is elected the 47th Vice President. Barack Obama becomes the first African-American President-elect
A national event
Many more natural events. More deadly.
Governmental anti-freedom actions declared as fixes.
See video dated 27 Oct 2015: Below
#6 or #7 see note
more than 2015
#7 or #8 see note
more than 2022

2022 and 2029 Note
The reason why I started at 1980 instead of 1973 is it looks like the USA had a reprieve with President Reagan. I do believe that 1973 is important as it marks a time within the USA that the people have become anti-life. I have not received an Email from God stating that 1973 should be the number one. Either way. I think it should be number one. Simply because the number that often comes into my realty when I need to pay attention and to take action is 22 or 222 and 2022 may be the 7th.
The anti-life comment doesn't matter what you believe or I believe. We the people are a part of a Republic and so what the government takes actions on they do on behalf and by permission of the entire population of the United States of America. Which includes all of the debt we each share a responsible burden.
A possible reprieve can come to the entire USA if the collective population makes a definite turn towards righteousness and godliness. 
It is not, nor has it ever been my intent to insult anyone for any reason. If you choose to be angry or mad. Then it is your free choice. I do all that I can to fix errors. I do like a helping hand from time to time and am grateful. I will not adhere to any human traditions that prevents any person from achieving a state of holiness with their defined God. It is for every free person to choose to achieve a state of holiness and that of a prophet/mentor as The Heavenly Father rewards that status. Which is not a status achieved from any human declaration and piety.
Prophecy is only probable, when a simple revelation can alter everything. Which must be followed with good and righteous works of prevention.
This is not like those Theological Doomsday Preachers who preach in order to cause fear amongst their congregation in order to bring in more people and more money. These events which will be coming do not care about churches or money. The only thing which will prevent any and all of the bad and sad prophecies is the change within your own heart and mind. It doesn't matter what religion you practice. It only matters the over all condition of your Being/soul.
:Added Content 04 July 2013: Added content on 09 July 2013: Added content on 13 Sept 2014:
Added on 27 Oct 2015: From the Jim Bakker show. Jonathon Kahn:
To love one another.

To live in peace.

To exist in harmony.

 To cherish life. 
To obey/honor the Laws of God.

 To become the holy and righteous people as The Heavenly Father intended us all to be.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Yourself Aligned: (Unedited): 30 Sept 2012

Aligning yourself with the traditions and theology of a religion. May not be the same as aligning yourself with the divine Holiness of GOD Almighty. C.J.MacKechnie
In the Heavens of GOD's Creation. There is only oneness, One Holiness, One goodness. Here on this planet we have thousands of religions. Yet, There is commonality. This commonality may be a singular path on the righteous path of divine holiness as GOD, ALLAH, Grandfather has intended.  Maybe, those who are deemed as mystical with each of the religions. may be the only ones who can sort out the singular path. The fundamental messages of the ancestral prophets and messengers must be considered along with those knowledgeable theologians who can ascertain the commonality of all of the possible divine messages from GOD to all of us.
What am I saying? Not really sure at this point.  I do not think this is for me to understand. I may be way off even thought I feel compelled to write it.
I just know that aligning yourself with a religion and then even further alignment into a deeper theology. This action no longer is about GOD,ALLAH, Grandfather. It is about yourself and your prideful intellect. For some, may even be about their own power, authority and wealth. To be a holy people as GOD intended. We all must willingly choose to follow the laws and rules as GOD given to us. Without threats, violence or fears. 
When we each align with the one Being however we each name HIM. We each can have access. That access begins with each of our willingness to freely choose to live in accordance to the will of GOD. From the living action of our decision. Does the next step manifest. Which is the prayer process.
1) Prayer is you talking to GOD. In your own words and not in a pre written script.
2) meditation is you listening to GOD. Do you not listen to the other person in a mutual conversation? This is respectful and proper in every society and culture. So, why do we not dedicate time in the listening to GOD directly?
3) Contemplation is you digesting what GOD has reveled to you. Quietly sitting in your own space and just figuring out the wisdom, knowledge and understanding of what ever may have been revealed to you and just for you.
There are other steps.


Monday, October 1, 2012

Yourself Aligned: (Unedited): 30 Sept 2012:

Aligning yourself with the traditions and theology of a religion. May not be the same as aligning yourself with the Divine Holiness of GOD Almighty.
 Becoming devoutly religious binds you to the teachings of that religion. Being religious only causes you to become weary and unfulfilled. While pursuing a path of holiness as defined by GOD. Keeps you energetic and filled.