Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Yourself Aligned: (Unedited): 30 Sept 2012

Aligning yourself with the traditions and theology of a religion. May not be the same as aligning yourself with the divine Holiness of GOD Almighty. C.J.MacKechnie
In the Heavens of GOD's Creation. There is only oneness, One Holiness, One goodness. Here on this planet we have thousands of religions. Yet, There is commonality. This commonality may be a singular path on the righteous path of divine holiness as GOD, ALLAH, Grandfather has intended.  Maybe, those who are deemed as mystical with each of the religions. may be the only ones who can sort out the singular path. The fundamental messages of the ancestral prophets and messengers must be considered along with those knowledgeable theologians who can ascertain the commonality of all of the possible divine messages from GOD to all of us.
What am I saying? Not really sure at this point.  I do not think this is for me to understand. I may be way off even thought I feel compelled to write it.
I just know that aligning yourself with a religion and then even further alignment into a deeper theology. This action no longer is about GOD,ALLAH, Grandfather. It is about yourself and your prideful intellect. For some, may even be about their own power, authority and wealth. To be a holy people as GOD intended. We all must willingly choose to follow the laws and rules as GOD given to us. Without threats, violence or fears. 
When we each align with the one Being however we each name HIM. We each can have access. That access begins with each of our willingness to freely choose to live in accordance to the will of GOD. From the living action of our decision. Does the next step manifest. Which is the prayer process.
1) Prayer is you talking to GOD. In your own words and not in a pre written script.
2) meditation is you listening to GOD. Do you not listen to the other person in a mutual conversation? This is respectful and proper in every society and culture. So, why do we not dedicate time in the listening to GOD directly?
3) Contemplation is you digesting what GOD has reveled to you. Quietly sitting in your own space and just figuring out the wisdom, knowledge and understanding of what ever may have been revealed to you and just for you.
There are other steps.


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